Icon of Saint Anastasia. Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Holy Great Martyr Anastasia great saint and she is celebrated as Orthodox ChurchJanuary 4, so Catholic Church December 25th.

Holy great martyr who suffered in the 4th century in Serbia, in the city Sremska Mitrovica is the same city that we remembered that St. Ambrose of Milan studied in it.

In the Russian tradition, she is known as Anastasia the Pattern Maker, because she alleviated, or “resolved,” the suffering of Christian prisoners; in the Western tradition, she is called Anastasia Sirmiyskaya. This is because in Christianity there is another very famous Saint Anastasia, this is Anastasia of Rome.

Reliable historical information the martyrdom of Anastasia has not survived.

According to the life of the 6th century, Anastasia was a noble Roman woman, a student Saint Chrysogonus. Her mother is a secret Christian and raised her daughter in the Christian faith. Saint Anastasia secretly visited Christian prisoners languishing in Roman dungeons and looked after them. After the execution of her teacher Saint Chrysogonus, she began to travel, where possible, to help Christians who were subjected to severe persecution. She passed through Greece, Macedonia; upon her arrival in Sirmium, as it was called in ancient times Sremska Mitrovica, she was captured and, after suffering, burned at the stake.

catholic icon

The veneration of Anastasia in the West in the 4th century was widespread, as confirmed by the Church of St. Anastasia, erected in the 4th century in Rome at the foot of the Palatine and preserved to this day. In this temple, traditionally, the Pope celebrated the second Christmas mass following the night after evening service from Rome to the main afternoon mass in the Vatican and 2 of the three Christmas solemn masses he served in honor of St. Anastasia, whose memory is celebrated by Catholics on Christmas Day, later transformed into the so-called “Dawn Mass”.. This Basilica of St. Anastasia in Rome is called TITULAR, that is, main Church the rector of which is the cardinal. In the old days, the papal night mass for the Nativity of Christ was celebrated in this church.

Relics of St. Anastasia were transferred from Sirmium to Constantinople (Istanbul) at the end of the 5th century. From there, her relics spread throughout Europe. At the beginning of the 9th century, Emperor Nikephoros I donated most of the relics (ashes from St. Anastasia) to Bishop Donatus of the city of Zadar in Croatia, who placed them in the Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Croatian city of Zadar. Reliquaries with the relics of St. Anastasia is also stored on Mount Athos, in Rome, in the monastery of the Bavarian city of Benediktbeuern .

To Benediktbourn pilgrims are attracted by the Christian shrines stored there,and among them is a reliquary with the relics of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, located in the famous chapel of St. Anastasia, located in the northern part of the main monastery church. According to legend, its construction was preceded by the so-called Kochelseer miracle. This miracle is connected with the military events of 1704. Monastic records indicate that, through the prayers of Bavarian monks and villagers, the monastery and its buildings miraculously survived at the relics of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, as well as several Bavarian villages located in the area of ​​Lake Kochelsee, where the fighting took place.
Since then, the inhabitants of Bavaria began to call the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker their patroness and protector, and in gratitude for her intercession before God, they erected a beautiful chapel in her name and made a new precious reliquary for her relics. The chapel was built (in 1751-1755) by the architect I.-M. Fischer in the shape of an ellipse, its interior is richly decorated with stucco molding and picturesque panels. European art historians consider the chapel, for its graceful proportions and decorative sculptures and paintings, “the pearl of the Rococo style.”

Many Russian Orthodox migrants come to this Catholic monastery on January 4 to pray at the relics of St. Anastasia.

The reliquary with the relics (a small fragment of the frontal part) of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker is kept in the altar part of the chapel. Monastic records written in Latin indicate that the relics were donated by an unknown monk who brought them to Benediktbourne in 1035 from Italy. The monastery is reluctant to remember that these relics were secretly stolen from the Church of St. Mary in Organo, in Verona. The reliquary, in which the relics are stored, is skillfully crafted and made in the form of a bust. It was made by Munich craftsmen in 1725 from silver and gold and decorated with precious stones. This is a kind of sculptural image of a saint, whose head is decorated with a golden crown with pearls. The reliquary bust is a unique example of German jewelry art from the mid-18th century.

It is also known that a particle of the relics of Anastasia the Pattern Maker has long been in Russia - in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

But main part The relics are located in Zadar, Croatia in the Cathedral of St. Anastasia, a city on the Adriatic coast.

As of 2004, there were 158,344 Catholics (96.5% of the population), 103 priests and 117 parishes in the Archdiocese of Zadar. Cathedral diocese is the Cathedral of St. Anastasia, one of seven Croatian cathedrals with the honorary status of “minor basilica”. Head of the diocese since March 15, 2010 Archbishop Zelimir Pulic .

The honest head was in the monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker in the mountains on the Chalkidiki peninsula, near the city of Thessaloniki. On the night of April 22-23, 2012, the relics were stolen.

On the night of April 22-23, 2012, from founded in the 9th century. monastery of St. of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker on the Chalkidiki peninsula, the relics (head and leg) of this saint were stolen.

The stolen relics are one of the most revered shrines in Greece.

The Amen news agency has already distributed an appeal from the Metropolitan Apostle of Miletus, in which he asks the kidnappers to return the relics by any means.

To enter the monastery cathedral, where the venerable head and foot of the Great Martyr Anastasia were kept in precious arks, robbers broke open 5 doors.

The saint was considered the patroness of pregnant women. Traditionally, in the old days in Rus', on the day of veneration of Anastasia the Pattern Maker on January 4, with prayers to this Saint, women embroidered a special towel,which was supposed to help them safely resolve the burden.


Oh, long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your Soul in Heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of sins ours, healing for the sick, the mourning and the distressed ambulance: pray to the Lord, may He give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Many funds are given to help Orthodox Christians. Thus, an important part of spiritual life is the veneration of icons. An icon is an image that relates our mind to the prototype, to the saint, the Lord, the Mother of God. Prayers in front of miraculous icons truly work miracles, as there is plenty of evidence from Christian believers. Thus, one of the very revered icons is the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Who does she help and when should you pray to her?

Help to Saint Anastasia

Saint Anastasia is a martyr of the first centuries of Christianity, who suffered from cruel persecution by the pagan emperor Diocletian. She was born in Rome, in the family of a pagan father and a mother who was a secret Christian. It was the mother who planted the seed of true faith in her daughter’s soul, which eventually bore fruit.

Having received good education, Anastasia was known as an intelligent and pious girl. She had spiritual guide, the righteous man Chrysogon, who supported his student’s desire for Christian piety. However, the father of the righteous woman decided to marry her to a pagan. But the martyr managed to maintain purity even in marriage, citing an incurable illness that prevented married life.

During the time of Emperor Diocletian, Roman prisons were overcrowded with Christians as true faith in God was brutally persecuted. Anastasia chose high service for herself - she secretly made her way into prisons, where she helped and supported prisoners to the best of her ability. She fed them, treated them, treated their wounds after torture and torture. But most importantly, she supported the prisoners in standing up for the faith and Christ. Thanks to her, many martyrs of that time received relief from their imprisonment.

Interesting! Saint Anastasia also died as a martyr, having been executed for her faith and help to other followers of the faith of Christ. Since then, she has stood before the Throne of God and raised our prayers to Him, helping all believers, just as she did during her earthly life.

Prayer before the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker helps:

  • to endure the hardships of imprisonment for convicts in prison;
  • gain confidence and strength before the court;
  • avoid unfair condemnation;
  • do not lose faith in the most difficult life situations.

Since in her earthly life the saint of God helped prisoners a lot, it is customary to pray in front of her icon for those who are serving sentences in prison. Her image is especially revered by religious prisoners; prayer services are held for her in every prison church.

How to pray correctly in front of the icon of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Perhaps the most important point, which is worth understanding - it is not the icon that helps. It is not a board with paint or paper with printing that works miracles, heals and brings help. All this is given to us only by the Lord God in his own way. great love to every sinful person.

An icon is an image of a righteous person to whom we pray. This is a help to our mind, which is scattered over everything earthly, even in prayer. Looking at the image, it is easier for a person to concentrate on the main thing and not be distracted. Therefore, you should not give orthodox icons some magical magical properties. We reverence the image of the saint in our church, but precisely because he bears the image of a person who abides with God in better world. It is the personality of the glorified righteous man that matters, and not the fact of applying the image to paper or wood.

In addition, it is completely pointless to pray in front of an icon without faith in God. Saint Anastasia will not be able to help a person who turns to her for help in worldly matters, completely forgetting about the Heavenly Father. This often happens in today's life - people run to God's saints, as if they were some kind of wizards who can fulfill this or that desire.

You need to approach the image of Anastasia the Pattern Maker with firm trust in God’s Providence and with a pure heart. Then she will definitely hear and help. If a person is imprisoned justly and is being punished for truly committing evil, one must repent and ask holy help in atonement for sin.

Important! It is completely unacceptable to stand in front of an icon and ask for help in some unholy matter, for example, in hiding one’s guilt and the desire to escape a well-deserved punishment.

If a person seeks God's help dishonestly, deceiving other people, causing them harm, such help will never come. Moreover, such a person will burden his soul even more with sin, since asking God to help in an evil deed is blasphemy.

Where is it better to pray in front of the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker - at home or in a temple?

There is no big difference where one approaches the image, as long as a person does it with faith. Another question is that for a Christian believer, visiting church is an integral part of spiritual life. And if life circumstances have developed in such a way that Saint Anastasia’s help is needed, then, of course, you cannot do without visiting the temple.

Having found an icon of Anastasia in the temple, you can buy a candle and place it on a candlestick. You can also venerate the shrine and pray in your own words, tell your misfortune and ask for help and consolation. In addition, you can order a prayer service for this particular saint, which it is advisable to attend in person.

In addition to visiting the temple, you can ask for help from the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and at home. To do this, you need to stand in front of the home iconostasis, where there is an image of your favorite saint, and ask her for help. It should not be forgotten that Anastasia the Patternmaker helps not by herself, but only by interceding for each person before God. Therefore it is important that home iconostasis In addition to the icons of the beloved righteous, in the first place were the icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother the Virgin Mary.

In addition, you can always take a small icon with the face of God’s saint with you on the road, or when going, for example, to court. If a person is ready to endure difficulties, putting himself in the hands of God and completely surrendering to His will, then the help of the saint will definitely be there, and the person will feel it.

How does Anastasia Pattern Maker help?

Anastasia the Pattern Maker was born in Rome into a family in which her father was a pagan and her mother was a secret Christian. The saint took her mother’s side and dedicated her life to God. Before we find out how prayer to Saint Anastasia the Patternmaker helps, we suggest recalling some facts from her life.

The girl was taught about God from childhood, and she joyfully learned the laws of Christianity. Anastasia was beautiful girl, but not a single groom could woo her, since she took a vow of virginity. At one point, the pagans learned that Anastasia was preaching Christianity and gave her the choice of either renouncing the faith or death. The girl, without hesitation, chose torment, but before that the executioner decided to abuse her. As a result, he went blind and died, unable to even touch Anastasia. After this, the girl was tortured for a long time, and then burned alive over a fire, but her body remained incorrupt.

How does Anastasia Pattern Maker help?

During her lifetime, the saint became famous for helping Christians who suffered for their faith and ended up behind bars. She helped people not only in deed, but also in word, since many were losing their inner strength. Anastasia found words of support for everyone, helping to get rid of existing worries, fears and despair. That is why she was later called the “Pattern Maker.”

In front of the image of the saint, prisoners can pray for liberation, but only if they have not committed a mortal sin. Not only prisoners, but also relatives who want to achieve release can contact Anastasia loved one. Speaking about how the icon Anastasia the Patternmaker helps, it is worth noting that people who want to strengthen their faith or gain peace of mind. The saint helps to find the right way in life and solve many problems. You can also offer petitions before the face of the saint for healing from various ailments.

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Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icon and prayers of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

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The Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker had a difficult lot - to protect prisoners in prison dungeons from the bonds of melancholy and grief, from which she herself suffered. Saint Anastasia appeared to the world in ordinary family. Washing was a secret Christian, which is what her daughter taught. She was the most capable student of Chrysogonus of Aquileia. She was famous for her kindness and ability to sympathize and her great desire to help people.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Around the 3rd century AD, in the dungeons of Rome there was large number imprisoned Christians. Anastasia secretly made her way into the prison rooms and fed the prisoners, bandaged their wounds, washed them, and looked after the completely infirm. When the husband found out about his wife’s deeds, he severely beat her and locked her in the room, placing guards at the door.

A lot of bad things befell the Great Martyr, but she was able to overcome all adversity and began to wander around the world to serve people who were imprisoned. Then the Almighty gave her the gift of healing. With her work and kind words, the Saint made life easier for many prisoners, helped them get rid of the bonds of despair and helplessness, which is why she was called the Pattern Maker.

Anastasia helped people and considered this her calling in life, but she herself suffered torment as punishment for her help. She was stretched between four pillars and burned. The fire could not damage the Saint's body. Soon the woman Appolinaria took her and buried her with all honors in her vineyard. This is how Anastasia’s suffering feat is noted in history.

The image of the Great Martyr Anastasia is the face of a woman holding a cross in right hand, and on the left is a small vessel with holy oil. As you know, holy oil is the best medicine for those who are sick. In Greece, the Saint is called the Healer, since she actually healed:

  • mental wounds,
  • removed the bonds of fear,
  • relieved melancholy and sorrow,
  • treated for bodily illnesses.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, what helps

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker, how her image helps people can go on and on. They address the righteous Great Martyr:

  • those who thirst for help to get rid of the bonds of sin;
  • for deliverance from fear and from mental heaviness;
  • Eastern Slavs pray to Anastasia during childbirth, as they consider her the patroness of pregnancy;
  • illegally convicted in order to be acquitted;
  • prisoners pray before her icon for a speedy release.

To this day, in many prison cells around the world there are icons with the face of the Saint: the condemned bow before her and ask forgiveness for their worldly sins, begging for the Lord’s forgiveness through her.

Prayer from prison to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The strongest Orthodox prayer from prison gives moral strength and gives faith in a speedy release. They address prayerful words specifically to Anastasia, because at one time she herself was a prisoner in her own house.

To call on Anastasia for help, you need to ask Her Holiness with pure thoughts, so that she turns to Jesus and begs for his will for the illegally detained.

Prayer to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

“Thou art truly named after the Victorious Resurrection, the martyr of Christ; thou hast brought victory to the torments of patience over the enemies, for the sake of Christ, thy Bridegroom, Whom thou hast loved. Pray to him to save our souls".

Also, Orthodox Christians who are already in prison resort to the image of the Savior and pray to her for liberation with these words:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand in soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, but on earth you performed various healings by the grace given to you; look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, help in merciful works, strengthening of the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, healing for the sick, for the grieving , in the bonds of those who are present, quick help and intercession, beg the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker for release from prison

“Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments, and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Days of veneration of the image

The Holiness is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. Orthodox Christians hold prayer services in memory of the Savior on December 22 in the new style (January 4 in the old style). Catholics venerate Anastasia on December 25th.

Saint Anastasia is one of seven women, besides the Virgin Mary, who is included in the canon of the Mass.

Where are the relics of Her Holiness located?

Initially, the relics of the Saint were kept in Sirmium, where she was buried, then they were transferred to Constantinople. After a while, the relics of the Savior scattered throughout Europe. The most revered places with relics:

  • Benediktbeuern Monastery;
  • monastery on Holy Mount Athos;
  • Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Hovatia.

Remember, when you are overcome by all kinds of illnesses: be it mental or physical, there is no shame in turning to the Saints for help. To those who believe in the help of the Lord, His grace will descend.

God bless you!

Watch also the video about the Great Martyr Anastasia:

Life of Anastasia the Pattern Maker and prayer to her

As often happens in life, an unexpected misfortune can overtake a person “out of the blue.” The world is unfair, and they can condemn an ​​innocent person for a crime he has not committed. There are frequent cases when someone became a victim of an unjust trial due to an absurd accident, a slander, or unwittingly turned from a witness into an accused.

Who should you look to for help if you can’t find truth on earth? One way is to turn to Anastasia the Pattern Maker in prayer, asking her for support and intercession.

Who is she?

The father of the future saint, a rich and noble Roman, was a pagan, and his mother secretly professed Christianity. Therefore, under her influence, Anastasia mastered the basics of the Christian faith from childhood, and in her youth she became a student of the pious and highly educated Christian Chrysogon.

When the girl’s mother died, her father married her to a certain Pomplius, who was also a pagan. Not wanting to be desecrated, Anastasia referred to a fictitious illness and retained her virginity.

She decided to devote her entire life to serving the prisoners languishing in prison, among whom were many Christians. This was the beginning of the 4th century - the time of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, a persecutor of adherents of the Christian faith.

The girl changed into beggar's rags and, accompanied by one maid, went to the dungeons, where brought food and drink, bandaged wounds, and sometimes freed fellow believers with the help of a ransom.

It is unknown for what reasons, but the maid told Pomplius about these visits, and he Having severely beaten Anastasia, he locked her in the house. Secret correspondence with the teacher served as spiritual support for the captive. Chrysogon taught her patience, thoughts about the Cross of Christ, preparing her for fearless service to Him.

In one of his letters, he predicted that Anastasia’s husband would soon die at sea. After some time, this is what happened: Pomplius, who was sailing on a ship as part of an embassy to Persia, actually drowned.

This freed the hands of the young widow, and Anastasia generously helped those in need, especially Christian prisoners.

Pagans have always been amazed at how steadfastly Christians endure all torture and torment.. Diocletian was informed about this, who, in a rage, ordered the execution of all followers in one night. Christian teaching, who are in Roman prisons, and Chrysogonus should be sent to him. And Anastasia followed her spiritual mentor.

During a personal interrogation, the emperor demanded that Chrysogonus renounce the faith of Christ, but, not achieving what he wanted, he ordered him to be beheaded and his remains thrown into the depths of the sea. However, the waves carried them to the shore, where they were found by the pious presbyter Zoilus. Having placed the remains of the martyr in the ark, he hid them in his home.

Chrysogonus prophesied even after his death. So, he appeared to Zoilus and warned that danger threatened three young Christian girls who lived nearby, and ordered Anastasia to be sent to them so that she would spiritually strengthen them before the coming trials. And at the same time Saint Anastasia was shown in a vision the path to Zoilus.

After the death of three girls, having buried them in fulfillment of the teacher’s will, Anastasia went on a journey. During these years, she mastered the art of medicine, which helped her serve those in prison even more selflessly. It was this daily feat of hers that gave the saint the name Pattern Maker, i.e. “lightening bonds” - shackles, shackles.

The young pious widow Theodotia became Anastasia’s faithful assistant. They visited prisons together and were then persecuted together.

When in once again By order of Diocletian, in one night all the prisoners professing Christ were destroyed in the dungeons. Anastasia, arriving at the prison and not finding anyone there, burst into tears, mourning them. The prison officials realized that she was also a Christian, and, seizing her, they took her to the ruler of this region..

The scenario for all interrogations of the pagans was the same: first they tried to persuade them to renounce with threats or, conversely, promises, and then resorted to torture. So it was with Anastasia. Having failed to achieve a result, the ruler handed it over to Ulpian, the Capitoline priest.

The insidious priest decided to “play on contrasts”: on the one hand, he placed jewelry, gold, luxurious clothes, and on the other, terrifying instruments of torture, offering the Christian this choice.

Steadfast in her faith, Anastasia did not set her sights on wealth and chose torture. However, her time had not yet come, and the Lord was pleased to prolong her selfless service to the suffering. The girl’s beauty did not go unnoticed by the priest, and he desired her. But, before he even had time to touch her, the tormentor was immediately deprived of his sight.

Overcome by despair and pain, the Capitoline priest rushed to run to the pagan sanctuary, begging the idols for help, but did not have time to reach him - he fell on the road and died.

Having been released, Anastasia, together with her faithful ally Theodotia, continued their ascetic activity. But soon Theodotia, along with her three sons, were captured and, after much torture, which they endured with courage, they were thrown into a red-hot furnace.

Anastasia was also arrested for the second time. She was sentenced to starvation. She spent two months in prison without food.. Every night the spiritual strength of the prisoner was strengthened by Theodotia appearing to her. Seeing that this execution did not bring harm to Anastasia, the judge pronounced a new sentence: to drown the saint along with 120 real criminals. Among those condemned was the persecuted Christian Eutychian.

The execution took place in this way: the ship with those sentenced to death was taken out to the open sea. The guard soldiers, having previously drilled holes in its bottom and sides, moved into the boat. However, this sentence was not destined to be fulfilled: Theodotia appeared to the condemned and sent the ship to the shore, which it safely reached.

Amazed by this miracle, all the prisoners believed in the truth of Christianity, and Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them. But they still had to glorify themselves with new tests. After some time, all the converts were captured, tortured and sentenced to death. martyrdom.

Saint Anastasia was stretched out in the form of a cross between four pillars, and a fire was laid below. However, her body was not damaged by the fire, and it was buried in the garden by a pious woman named Apollinaria.

In the 5th century, the incorruptible relics of the Great Martyr Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople. A temple was built here in her name. Later, not far from Holy Mount Athos, the monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker was created, and her head and right hand were transferred there.

What do they pray to her for?

Already based on the facts of the saint’s life, it can be assumed that They pray to her in situations where help is needed related to permission from bonds:

  • Those in custody are asking for relief from these very bonds.
  • Pious Christians are about turning to the Savior those who have committed a serious crime, as well as the lost.
  • Those who have realized their actions and repent of them can ask for speedy release.
  • About a fair trial - before trial to avoid imprisonment.

Pregnant women can also ask for a safe “permission from bonds”, since expectant mothers are also under the patronage of the saint. They pray to her during pregnancy and childbirth.

They turn to the Great Martyr Anastasia in every need, praying for family and friends, for physical and mental health.

Icon and prayers

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! With your soul you stand in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth you perform various healings by the grace given to you. Look mercifully at us, unworthy (names), asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy; pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

If the trial has already taken place, the sentence has been announced or the person is already serving a sentence, it is useful for prisoners to read the following prayer:

Saint Anastasia, Pattern Maker! Help me in my sorrow, do not leave me with your mercy. The soul standing on the heavenly throne, tasting the Lord's mercy! Repose your holy face on the walls of the gloomy prison and let me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), taste the pleasure of the glory of God. Look with your eye at the one standing in front of you, extend my prayers to the Lord and ask my soul for forgiveness of sins. For my iniquity, I do not dare to raise my eyes to the heights of heaven, to disturb the Almighty with my prayer. Be my intercessor, I call on you as a prayer book for my past sins. You have received grace from the Mother of God to heal passions and drive away sorrows, so bend over the prisoner, be his comforter in sorrows, a healer in severe ailments, and a protector in attacks. Do not despise me, unworthy, intercede with God for grace for him who loved you. In the name of the one God in the Holy Trinity, the Glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

and others who suffered with her.

Saint Anastasia was born in famous city Rome. She was distinguished by her nobility, spiritual and physical beauty, good disposition and meekness. Her father, named Praetextatus, was a senator and professed the Hellenic pagan faith. And her mother, named Favsta, believed in Christ. At a young age, Anastasia was entrusted by her mother to study to a worthy husband, known for his learning, and even more so for his piety. His name was Chrysogonus. He was a Christian, knew the Divine teachings of Christ well, and subsequently became a martyr. From this holy husband, Anastasia learned not only to read and write; she also learned to know the One who is the beginning of everything visible and invisible, the goal of all heartfelt pious desires, the One true God, the Creator and Performer of everything.

And she began to diligently read Christian books, studying the law of the Lord day and night and strengthening her heart in love for God. When Anastasia completed her studies with Chrysogonus, they began to secretly glorify her as a wise and beautiful maiden. Meanwhile, Anastasia’s blessed mother, Favsta, departed from this life. The holy father, against her wishes, married her to a certain Pompius, who also came from a senatorial family and professed the Hellenic faith; and Anastasia was taken to the house of the groom, faithful to the unfaithful, the lamb of Christ to the wolf. But God, to Whom her sobs ascended, before Whom she prayed day and night, preserved her. The saint did not lose her virginity, and the unclean husband did not defile her pure body. Anastasia pretended that she had a constant and incurable female disease, and said that she could not be a wife to her husband. Sometimes the husband forcibly, through struggle, wanted to get her to satisfy his lust; but Anastasia, with the invisible help of a guardian angel, escaped from his hands - and so she remained an immaculate virgin.

Often, taking off her luxurious clothes and precious jewelry and secretly putting on beggar's rags, Anastasia left the house, unknown to everyone except one slave who inseparably accompanied her. With this slave, Anastasia went around all the dungeons, buying entrance into them with gold from the guards, visiting those suffering for the sake of Christ, serving them with reverence and zeal as much as she could. She washed the hands and feet of the prisoners, cleaned their tangled hair, full of dirt, wiped away their blood, tied their wounds with clean linen, and served everyone food and drink. Then, having served them enough, she returned home. In these activities she often had to leave the house and this did not hide from her husband. He learned that Anastasia was visiting prisoners, and became even more angry with her, especially since he had previously been annoyed with the saint for her refusal to lead a married life with him, and annoyed her a lot for that. And he learned about Anastasia’s affairs from the slave who accompanied her; this treacherous woman told him everything.

Having brutally beaten Anastasia, her lawless husband imprisoned the saint in a separate room, placing guards on her so that she could not leave the room. And the saint grieved in spirit over the prisoners for Christ, who did not visit them, did not serve them, did not supply them with everything they needed. Anastasia’s heart especially ached for her teacher, Saint Chrysogon, that she did not see him. For two years now Saint Chrysogonus endured many different torments while in prison. While free, Anastasia often came to see him. Now, being imprisoned and under watchful supervision, she could not visit her teacher. Anastasia’s husband especially began to oppress Anastasia when the father of this pious wife, Pretextatus, died; the entire significant estate of Pretextatus was inherited by Anastasia, as his only daughter, for he had no more children or relatives. And then Pomplius, taking advantage of the death of his father-in-law, out of hatred for Anastasia for her disagreement with his carnal desires, planned to kill her in order to inherit all her property and live with another wife on other people’s money. Treating the saint as a captive and slave, he tortured and tormented her daily. This is known from her letter, secretly written by her to Chrysogonus and sent through one old woman. Here is the letter:

“To the Holy Confessor of Christ Chrysogonus from Anastasia.

My father was an idolater; but my mother Fausta always lived a pure and pious Christian life. And she made me a Christian from the very swaddling clothes of infancy. After her death, I took upon myself the heavy yoke of marriage to a pagan. But, by the mercy of God towards me, I successfully avoided his bed, pretending to be sick, and now day and night I embrace the feet of my Lord Jesus Christ. My husband, with unworthy, nasty idolaters, is wasting my inheritance, boasting of my wealth as if it were his own; and he languishes me, as a sorceress and an opponent of his pagan faith, in such a grave imprisonment that I have no choice but to surrender my spirit to the Lord and fall dead. Of course, I should rejoice that, having suffered for the Lord, I will die confessing Him; but I deeply grieve that I see how all my riches promised to God are being squandered by the hands of wicked and godless people. Therefore, I ask you, man of God, pray diligently to the Lord Christ, so that He either leaves my husband alive if he knows that he will ever believe, or, if he continues to remain in unbelief, then command him to come out from among the living and give a place for those who honor God. It is better for him to die than not to confess the Son of God and to hinder those who confess Him. I call Christ to witness that if I am free, I will spend my life serving the saints and will diligently take care of them, as I have already begun to do... Save yourself, man of God, and have mercy on me.”

The following answer came to this letter to Saint Anastasia:

“Chrysogon - Anastasia.

Christ, walking on the waters, will soon come to you, confused by the storm and unrest of this World, and with one word will calm the winds of the enemy’s slander that are blowing against you. Being in the midst of the troubled sea, patiently wait for Christ, who will come to you, and tirelessly cry out in the words of the prophet: “Why are you discouraged, my soul, and why are you troubled?” trust in God; for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God (Psalm 41, v. 6.). Expect double reward from God. For the temporal inheritance will be returned to you and the heavenly will be given to you: the Lord then from time to time allows evil and slows down His good deeds so that we do not sleep in safety. Do not be embarrassed when you see evil befalling people who live in godliness. The Lord does not reject you, but tests you. Know also that the protection given by the hand of man is not strong, according to the word of Scripture: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord (Book of the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 17, Art. 6). Firmly and cheerfully guard yourself from all sins and seek consolation from the One God, keeping His holy commandments. He will soon return to you. peacetime. Just as a luminous day shines after the darkness of the night, and just as a warm spring comes after a cruel winter, so golden and clear days, and then you will give temporary consolation to all those who suffer for the sake of the name of Christ, and you yourself will undoubtedly be worthy of eternal bliss... Save yourself in the Lord and pray for me.”

Soon Anastasia was destined to experience new mortal insults from her ruthless, wicked husband, and she again wrote a letter to Saint Chrysogon. This is what was written in it: “To the Confessor of Christ Chrysogonus from Anastasia. Remember me and pray for me, so that the Lord, out of love for Whom I endure the torments that the old woman sent to you will tell you about, will accept my soul.” The saint answered her:


Light is always preceded by darkness, and after illness health often returns, and after death we are promised life. The same end for everyone, both for the happy and for the suffering, so that those who mourn are not overcome by despair, and so that in joy people do not indulge in self-conception. One sea on which the boats of our lives set off, and with a single Pilot our souls make their voyage. Some ships are stronger and pass through waves without harm, while others have fragile boats that are close to sinking even in calm conditions. The time of death is near for those who do not think to come to the saving haven. And you, immaculate servant of Christ, cleave with all your thoughts to the Cross of Christ and prepare yourself for the work of the Lord; and when you serve Christ according to your own desire, you will triumphantly pass from torment into a blessed life with Christ.”

With this letter, Saint Chrysogonus prophesied about the imminent death of her cruel husband Pomplius. And indeed, the latter was soon sent to Persia as an ambassador to the Persian king. Setting out on a journey, he had to sail on the sea; the ship on which he was sailing sank and drowned during a sudden storm. This is how this damned man died. Saint Anastasia, having preserved her virginity, like a bird got rid of the catcher’s net. Along with her freedom, she received the entire inheritance left to her from her parents. And she began, without interference from anyone, to go around the prisoners in the dungeons. She served the holy passion-bearers of Christ not only with her property. Along with this, she consoled them, with her prudent speeches she aroused them to courageous patience and to fearless death for Christ.

At that time, King Diocletian was in Aquileia and directed all his concerns to ensure that not a single Christian could secretly escape from his hands. He was informed from Rome that the prisons were filled with a great multitude of Christians, that, despite various torments, they did not deny their Christ, and that in all this they were supported by the Christian teacher Chrysogon, to whom they were submissive, following his instructions in everything. The king ordered all Christians to be put to torture and death, and Chrysogon to be sent to him. He thought that if his stubbornness overcomes him, he can easily overcome other Christians. When Chrysogon was led to the king for testing, Anastasia followed her teacher from afar. Seeing the holy man, the king first began to talk with him, meekly admonishing him to renounce Christ.

“Take, Chrysogon, my good advice,” said the lawless ruler, “join our faith, do what is pleasing to the gods and choose for yourself the pleasant instead of the sorrowful, the useful instead of the useless. Know that not only will you get rid of torment and receive the much-desired freedom, but in addition you will become the ruler of the great city of Rome.”

The saint answered this:

- “I have come to know the One God, and He is dearer to me than any light and more desirable than any freedom. He is dearer to me than my whole life, more useful than all treasures. In Him alone I believe with my heart, I confess Him with my lips, I honor Him with my soul, and before the eyes of all I bow my knees to Him. I will not honor many of your gods, in whom demons live; I think about them the same way as Socrates), who says about them: “you need to avoid them in every possible way, because they seduce people and are well-known murderers.” The gifts and honor that you offer me, I value no more than sleep and darkness.”

The king could no longer hear such free speeches of Chrysogon, and ordered the soldiers to take him and, leading him to a deserted place, cut off his head. The body of the saint was thrown on the seashore, not far from the dwellings of one presbyter Zoilus, a man of holy life, and three maiden sisters in body and spirit, Agapia, Chionia and Irina. This presbyter, by revelation from God, learned about the body of Saint Chrysogon, took it along with the truncated head, and, putting it in the ark, hid it at home. After thirty days, Saint Chrysogonus appeared to him in a vision and said:

- “Know that over the next nine days the three virgins of Christ living near you will be taken to torture. You tell the Lord’s pa6e Anastasia to take care of them, inciting them to the feat of courage until they are crowned with martyrdom. May you also have good hope that you will receive the sweet fruits of your labors. Soon you too will be freed from this life and will be led to Christ with those who suffered for Him.”

Saint Anastasia had the same revelation. And so, inspired by the Spirit of God, she came to the house of a presbyter whom she had never known, and asked him:

- “Where are those girls whose martyrdom was revealed to him in a vision.”

Then, having learned where they lived, she went to them and spent the night with them, talking with them about the love of God and the salvation of the soul. And with her speech she exhorted them to stand courageously, even to the point of bleeding, for Christ, their Bridegroom. At the presbyter Zoilus, she saw the relics of the holy martyr of Christ Chrysogon, her dear teacher, and cried a lot over them with warm tears, entrusting herself to his prayers. She then returned to Aquileia. Soon after this, the prediction of Saint Chrysogon to the presbyter Zoilus was fulfilled. This presbyter, after nine days, passed over to the Lord, and the holy virgins Agapia, Chionia and Irina were taken and brought for questioning to King Diocletian. For a long time he exhorted them to sacrifice to idols, resorting now to caresses, now to threats, but he did not succeed in doing so and finally imprisoned them. Saint Anastasia, visiting prisoners according to her custom, came to those holy virgins and consoled them, arousing in them hope in the constant help of Christ and hope for a glorious victory over the enemies of the Lord. Meanwhile, the king had to do state affairs; go to Macedonia; Therefore, the holy virgins were entrusted to the tormentor Dulcetius, who tortured and tormented them, and then handed them over to one committee, Sisinius, for torture. The latter threw Saint Agapia and Chionia into the fire. Here they gave up their spirit to God, leaving their bodies intact and undamaged. And Saint Irene was wounded by one of Sisinius’s soldiers with an arrow from a tight bow, after which the saint died. Saint Anastasia took their clean bodies, wrapped them in white shrouds with aromas and reverently laid them in a chosen place, appeasing their suffering.

Then Anastasia began to move from city to city and from country to country; The saint everywhere served Christians held in prison, delivered food and drink, clothing and everything necessary to the prisoners at her own expense, and provided medical care to the sick. She was a joy for all people who were seriously tested and exhausted in body, and with gold she bought them relief from long-term, difficult bonds. That is why Anastasia was called the Pattern Maker, since with her secret care she resolved the bonds of many. For some it brought relief; others, healing with her own hands, she cured from incurable wounds, others who were half-dead, she revived with her care, giving them health and strength for the new torment that awaited them. Wanting to help the sick and unfortunate, she learned the art of medicine and treated the wounded herself. She did not disdain to carry in her arms those who could not control either their hands or their legs, broken or sacrificed for Christ, and she herself put food into their mouths, gave them something to drink, cleaned out their pus, and tied up the scabs. And her only joy and joy was to serve Christ Himself in the person of those who suffer for the confession of the sweetest name of Christ. She cared about this with all her might, strove for this in every way, and, working in this matter with all her soul, she overcame her natural weakness, distinguished by generosity and courage, love for God and neighbors and concern for the holy sufferers, who are always close to God and about whom she spoke with David: “How exalted are your thoughts for me, O God, and how great are their number! (Psalm 138, v. 17.)

While in Macedonia and doing her usual business there, Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker met one very young widow, Theodotia, who was from the country of Bithynia, from the city of Nicaea). After the death of her husband, she was left with three infant sons and lived in Macedonia, spending the days of her widowhood in the zealous profession of Christianity and in pious deeds. Blessed Anastasia often lived with that widow, loved her as a faithful servant of Christ, and was consoled by sweet conversation with her about the sweetest love of God, for which so many saints laid down their souls. Over time, they learned about Theodotia that she was a Christian, and the honest widow was captured and brought to the king for interrogation. When she stood at this wicked trial, one of those surrounding the king, named Leucadius, was seduced by her beauty, since she was beautiful and splendid. He asked the king not to kill Theodotia, but to give her to him so that he could marry her. The king agreed, hoping that her husband would soon convert her to idolatry. Leucadius took Theodotia and the children to her house, and did and said everything he could, begging her, exhorting her, caressing her and threatening her so that she would reject Christ and become his wife. Theodotia answered him:

- “If you are trying to have me be your wife because you want my wealth and estates, then I voluntarily give you everything; leave me to work for Christ, so that instead of all riches I may inherit Christ alone. If you desire me out of attraction to my beauty, and think to turn me away from my Christ, then know that you are striving for the impossible. For it is easier for you to turn my beauty into ugliness and life into death than for you to tear my mind away from Christ and force me to agree to marry you.”

At that time, Leucadius needed to accompany the king, who was going somewhere. And he left, leaving Theodotia in his house, and did not return for a long time. Theodotia, somewhat relieved, served, together with Saint Anastasia, the prisoners, healed the sick, buried the dead, strengthened the living for great feats. And so Diocletian is again informed that the dungeons in the cities are filled with Christians, and that there is no place to put other prisoners. Then the wicked torturer ordered to kill all the prisoners with various executions so that the dungeons, once freed, could accommodate other Christians. One night was appointed for this, during which a great number of martyrs were called to the unflickering Day - Christ the Lord. Some died from the sword, others were drowned by water, some were burned in fiery furnaces, and others were taken alive by the bowels of the earth: deep ditches and pits were filled with people and covered with earth and stones. In the morning, the Christ-loving and blessed Anastasia, according to her custom, came to one of the dungeons and, not finding any of the honest sufferers, filled the air with pitiful cries and sobs. When the soldiers who happened there asked her why she was crying so much, she answered:

- “I am looking for the servants of my God, who yesterday were in this prison, but now I do not know where they are.”

The soldiers, seeing that she was a Christian, immediately took her and took her to the head of the Illyrian region, Flora. When the saint was brought to the hegemon, he asked her:

- “You are a Christian”

Saint Anastasia answered:

“Truly, I am a Christian. What seems abominable to you is dear to me. And the name of a Christian, which is considered a disgrace among you, is honorable and glorious to me.”

Then the hegemon began to ask Anastasia about her origin and, learning that she was from a famous Roman family, asked with surprise:

- “What prompted you to come here, leaving Rome, your glorious fatherland?”

The saint answered him:

- “Nothing other than the voice of my Lord, calling me to Himself. Listening to this voice, I left my fatherland and friends, took the Cross of my Christ and cheerfully and joyfully followed Christ.”

The hegemon said to this:

- “Where is the Christ whom you confess?”

Anastasia answered:

- “There is no place in which Christ would not be. He is in heaven, in the sea, and on earth, He dwells in all those who call and fear Him, enlightening their minds and always being with them.”

Hegemon asked:

- “Where are the people who fear your Christ that you speak of? Tell us so that we can recognize them.”

The saint answered:

- “Until now they were with us on earth, living in the body, but now, having left the earthly world, they are in heaven and look at us from above. This bliss was brought to them by death, accepted for Christ. And I want to be among them and go the same way they did."

The hegemon could not do anything with the noble Roman woman before the king knew about her, and therefore he, having described everything concerning Anastasia, sent it in a special report to Diocletian. Diocletian knew Anastasia's parents and her husband, as well as her. Realizing that she was spending her estate, which she had received from her parents, on poor Christians, he ordered the saint to be brought to him and, seeing her, began to ask about her condition, since he loved wealth more than his gods.

- “Where are your riches left to you after your father?”

The saint courageously answered:

- “If I still had any of the treasures and property with which I could still serve the servants of my Christ, then I would not have given myself into the hands of people seeking Christian blood. But now I have already exhausted all my property that I brought as a sacrifice to Christ, and I have only my body left; therefore I strive to offer it as a gift to my God.”

Seeing how the saint spoke freely, and foreseeing her courage, the king lost hope of defeating her with words and getting anything from her wealth, the depletion of which he had just heard. He was afraid to enter into further conversation with her, lest she shame him with her wise words, and ordered her to be taken to the regional commander, saying:

- “It is not proper for the Tsar’s Majesty to talk with a mad woman.”

The regional commander kindly asked Saint Anastasia:

Why don’t you want to make sacrifices to the gods, as your father made them; Why did you leave them and honor Christ? After all, you do not know Him: He was born among the Jews and was killed by them as a villain."

Anastasia answered:

- “And in my house there were gods and goddesses, gold, silver and copper. I saw how they stood idly, serving only as a seat for birds, a home for spiders and flies. So I threw the gods and goddesses into the fire, freeing them from the dishonor that birds, spiders and flies inflicted on them. And from the fire they came out of me in gold, silver and copper coins. With their money I fed many hungry people, clothed the naked, helped the weak, satisfied the needy, and so from those gods who stood. without doing anything and without benefit, I have benefited many."

Hearing these words, the regional commander exclaimed with rage:

- “I don’t want to hear about your godless act.”

Then the saint answered with a grin:

- “I’m amazed at your intelligence, judge. How can you call my act a godless act. If there was at least one feeling or one kind of force in those soulless idols, what would prevent them from freeing themselves from the hands of their destroyers, or taking revenge on the destroyers, or, finally scream and ask for help from you? And they don’t even know about themselves, they don’t know what’s happening to them.”

Interrupting the saint’s speech, the judge said:

- “Our Divine King commanded you, putting aside all unnecessary conversations, to do one of two things: either agree to sacrifice to the gods or die an evil death.”

The saint responded to this that to die for Christ does not mean to perish, but to enter into eternal life.

Seeing, after a long conversation, that the saint was adamant, the regional commander reported this to the king. Diocletian, in great anger, began to think about what to do with Saint Anastasia. One of those close to him advised the king to hand her over to Ulshan, the priest of the Capitol, so that he would persuade her to renounce Christ, or force her through torture, or, if she did not submit, he would execute her mortally, and if any property remained after her, he would take it for himself. Capitol. The king liked this advice, and he handed over Saint Anastasia to Ulshan, the high priest of all the gods. Ulshan honorably brought her to his house, hoping to catch her with flattery rather than threats. After much gentle persuasion, he offered her a choice of opposing objects, containing all the splendor of the world and all kinds of instruments of torment, placing all this opposite each other: on the one hand, precious stones, and on the other, double-edged swords; here is a golden bed, decorated with precious crystal trim, and there are red-hot iron beds filled with burning coals; here are monists, earrings, various gold and pearl jewelry, and there are shackles, chains and iron bonds. Here are bright mirrors and all kinds of women's clothes, and there are iron combs and spears, intended for tearing the body. On one side are precious garments, on the other are fragments and sawdust, with which the torturers usually irritated the wounds inflicted on the martyrs.

Why did this treacherous and crafty man do this? Why did he put against luxury items - objects of torture and torment, against those that please - those that cause despondency, and against those that caress - terrible objects? In order to deceive with some or frighten with others the bride of Christ. But she didn’t pay attention to anything: she didn’t want anything that would amuse her, she wasn’t afraid and didn’t want to run away from objects that brought sorrow and despondency, and looked with more eagerness at the instrument of torture than at women’s attire. Thus, what happened to the accursed one was what the prophet said: a lie is not true to oneself (Ps. 36.12), - and the insidious priest, without a presentiment, arranged everything for his own disgrace and shame; for Anastasia then showed even greater courage and love for Christ, so that all the vanity of the cunning intent of the pagan priest, and the futility of his guile, were revealed. When he said to the saint: “Choose for yourself what you want on both sides,” she, looking at the luxury items and jewelry laid out in front of her, said:

- “All this, devil, is yours and those who work for you, with whom you will be given over to eternal destruction.”

Looking at the chains and instruments of torment, Saint Anastasia said:

- “Surrounded by these objects, I will become more beautiful and more pleasing to my longed-for Bridegroom, Christ. This I choose, and this I reject, I love this for the sake of my beloved Lord, and this I hate.”

Then the priest, sparing her and not losing hope that she would change her desire, gave her three days to think. But the martyr, saddened, said:

- “Why put it off? Why don’t you want to torment me now? You won’t hear anything else from me except what I say now: I will not make a sacrifice to your gods, I will not fulfill the will of you and your king; but I will bring a sacrifice of praise to the King.” centuries. To my only immortal God, for whom I lay down my soul. But I despise the torment with which you threaten, since I desire to gain nothing but Christ alone, in whom is eternal life.”

The priest asked her:

- “Are you really choosing for yourself a death similar to Christ’s?”

The martyr, hearing about the death of Christ, was filled with joy and said:

- “Amen, amen!” May it be so with me, Christ my King!“

The priest asked:

- “What does this word “amen” mean?

The saint answered:

- “You are not worthy to understand or pronounce this word. None of reasonable people does not pour precious myrrh into a rotten vessel.”

Then Ulshan ordered that Saint Anastasia be taken for three days to the women she knew, who had once been her neighbors and friends, so that they would persuade her to return to the gods of her fathers. What did those crafty and wicked women do! What advice, what affectionate and pleasant words for women did they not whisper to Anastasia, reminding her of the beauty and sweetness of the world! But the saint was like a deaf woman who does not hear, and like a dumb woman who does not open her mouth. In those three days she did not take any food or drink in her mouth, but she constantly cried out in her heart to her Bridegroom, Christ.

Three days later, the high priest Ulshan, seeing that Saint Anastasia was firm in her confession of faith, like an unshakable pillar and a motionless mountain, condemned her to torment. But at first this accursed man, wounded by her beauty, wanted to defile the pure dove of Christ with his uncleanness. However, when this wicked man wanted to touch her, he suddenly went blind, a terrible pain squeezed his head and, like a madman, he screamed and called out to his gods, asking for help. He ordered himself to be carried to the idol temple, hoping to receive help from those whom he served, but, instead of help, he received greater harm, and instead of life - death; for he cast out his evil soul and moved to his gods - to hell.

The rumor about this miracle spread among many, and the holy martyr Anastasia remained free. Coming out of there, she went to the aforementioned spiritual sister of her Theodotia, who was still staying in the house of the mayor Leucadius, and told her in detail about everything that she had endured, and about the miracle that God had performed through her, showing His mercy over her.

Soon after this, Levkady also returned from Vieinsh. He again took up the old ways and, as before, tried, either with caresses or threats, to persuade Theodotia to two iniquities - to worship his wicked gods and enter into a shameful and hateful marriage with him. Finally, having exhausted all his efforts and seeing that he could not succeed in anything because of Anastasia’s presence here, the cruel one flared up with even greater anger: he chained and brought Anastasia to trial, and sent Theodotia and her children tied up in Vieisha to the anoipath Nikitius, telling him The letter contains everything concerning Theodotia. When blessed Theodotia was brought to this proconsul, the latter, during interrogation, began to threaten her with torture. To this the eldest son of Theodotia, named Evod, a small boy, said to the proconsul:

- “We, judge, are not afraid of torment, which gives the body incorruptibility and the soul immortality. “We fear God, who can destroy both soul and body in fiery hell.”

The judge, having heard such speeches, ordered immediately, in front of his mother, to beat the boy with rods until he bled. The mother, looking at this, rejoiced and strengthened her son with Divine words, convincing him to courageously endure all suffering. After this torture, Theodotia was given to one shameless man named Girtaku, so that he could desecrate her. But as soon as he approached the chaste servant of God, he wanted to touch her, when he saw a bright young man standing next to her, who, looking at him menacingly, hit him in the face so hard that he was bleeding. The anoipath also saw this miracle clearly; but instead of knowing God, who preserves the purity of the chaste, he became even more mad, attributing this to the spell of sorcery. He ordered the stove to be lit as hot as possible and a mother and three children were thrown into it. And Saint Theodotia, with the blessed fruits of her womb, became a sacrifice acceptable to God: she died in fire.

At this time, Saint Anastasia was kept in chains by the Illirish hegemon. This man was selfish, and having heard that Anastasia owned great wealth, he ordered her to be secretly brought to him and told her:

- “I know that you are rich and have a lot of money and estates. At the same time, you adhere to the Christian faith, which you yourself do not hide. Fulfill the commandment of your Christ, who commands you to despise all riches and to be poor. Give me your wealth and make me heir to your estate. By doing this, you will receive a double benefit: you will fulfill the commandment of Christ and, freed from our hands, you will fearlessly and without restraint serve your God.”

The wise Anastasia wisely answered this:

- “In the Gospel there is the word of my Lord: sell what you have and give to the poor, and have treasure in heaven (Matthew 19.21). Who would be so crazy as to give you, a rich man, what belongs to the poor? Who would be so unreasonable as to give you, drowning in luxury and living in sweets and self-indulgence, the food of the poor? If I see you hungry and thirsty, naked and sick and thrown into prison, then I will do for you, as necessary, everything that Christ commanded us: I will feed you, give you something to drink, clothe you, visit you, serve you, help you, giving you everything you need.”

The hegemon was angry at these words and in a rage ordered to imprison the saint in a dark prison and starve her for thirty days. But she was nourished by her hope - Christ the Lord: He was to her sweet food and consolation in sorrow. Every night the holy martyr Theodotia appeared to her, filled her heart with joy and strengthened her. Anastasia talked about many things with the blessed one, asked her about many things. By the way, she asked her:

- “How do you come to me after death?”

Theodotia explained to her that the souls of the martyrs were given special grace from God, so that even after their departure from the earth, they could come to whomever they wanted, talk with them and console them. After thirty days, the hegemon, seeing that Anastasia was not exhausted from hunger and remained healthy and fair in complexion, became furious against the guards, thinking that they were delivering her food. Finally, he ordered her to be put in a stronger prison, sealed the entrance to it with his seal and, having assigned the most faithful guards, starved Saint Anastasia with hunger and thirst for another thirty days. And during this time the holy martyr, day and night, fed only with tears and fervently prayed to God. After another thirty days, the hegemon took Anastasia out of prison and, seeing that she again had not changed her face, condemned her to death along with others sentenced to death for various atrocities. All of them were determined to be drowned in the sea.

Among those condemned there was one pious man named Eutychian; deprived of all his property for the sake of Christ, he was condemned to the same death. And so they all put them on a ship and sailed with them to the sea. Having reached the depth, the warriors drilled several holes in the ship, and they themselves moved into a boat, specially prepared for this purpose, and sailed to the shore. And when the ship was about to dive, suddenly those on it saw the holy martyr Theodotia, steering the sails and leading the ship to the shore, which it soon reached. All the condemned, seeing their salvation from drowning, were amazed and, falling at the feet of two Christians, Eutychian and Anastasia, begged to enlighten them into the faith of Christ. Coming ashore unharmed, they accepted the teaching of faith from Eutychian and Anastasia and were baptized. All the souls who were saved from drowning and believed in Christ were one hundred and twenty.

The hegemon, soon learning about this, became angry and issued an order to seize them and execute them with all kinds of executions, and to stretch the martyr Anastasia between four pillars and burn them. So the blessed Pattern Maker accomplished her suffering feat: she freed herself from the bonds of the flesh and departed to the heavenly desired freedom. Her honorable body, undamaged by the fire, was begged from the hegemon's wife by one pious wife, Apollinaria, who buried him with honor in her vineyard. Over time, when the persecution of the Church ceased, she erected a church over the grave of the martyr. Many more years passed, and the honest relics of Saint Anastasia became glorified. Then, with great honor, they were transferred to the reigning city of Constantinople, for the protection and salvation of the city, for the glory of Christ our God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, glorified in one Godhead forever.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia lived during the time of Emperor Diocletian (284-305). She was the daughter of the Roman senator Praetextatus, who professed a pagan faith. Her mother Fausta secretly believed in Christ.

Anastasia was distinguished by her nobility, spiritual and physical beauty, good character and meekness. As a girl, Anastasia was entrusted by her mother to teach the Christian Chrysogonus, known for his learning and piety. Chrysogon taught Anastasia the Holy Scriptures and the fulfillment of God's law. At the end of the teaching, Anastasia was spoken of as a wise and beautiful maiden.

After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius, who also came from a senatorial family. But under the pretext of a fictitious illness, she retained her virginity. Sometimes, the husband tried to use violence, but Anastasia, with the invisible help of a guardian angel, escaped from his hands.

There were many Christian prisoners in the prisons of Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners - she washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Her teacher and mentor languished in prison for two years. Meeting with him, she was edified by his long-suffering and devotion to the Savior. Saint Anastasia’s husband, Pomplius, having learned about this, severely beat her, placed her in a separate room and placed guards at the door. The saint grieved that she had lost the opportunity to help Christians. After the death of Anastasia’s father, Pomplius decided to kill his wife in order to inherit all her property and live with another wife using other people’s money. Treating her as a captive and slave, he tortured and tormented her daily. The saint wrote to her teacher: “ My husband... torments me as an opponent of his pagan faith in such a grave conclusion that I have no choice but to surrender my spirit to the Lord and fall dead" In his reply letter, Saint Chrysogon consoled the martyr: “ Light is always preceded by darkness, and after illness health often returns, and after death we are promised life." And predicted imminent death her husband. After some time, Pomplius was appointed ambassador to the Persian king. On the way to Persia, he drowned during a sudden storm.

Now the saint could again visit Christians languishing in prison. Along with freedom, she received the entire parental inheritance, which she used for clothing, food and medicine for the sick.

At that time, King Diocletian was informed from Rome that the prisons were filled with a great multitude of Christians, that, despite various torments, they did not deny their Christ, and that in all this they were supported by the Christian teacher Chrysogon.

At Roman Emperor Diocletians The most severe persecution of Christians broke out in the empire. The first 19 years of his reign were marked only by martyrdom among the soldiers, because the soldiers continually refused to make the required sacrifices to the gods, and for this they were executed. Christians felt so calm that even opposite the emperor's palace in Nicomedia a large Christian church stood.

But at the end of his reign, Diocletian undertook a widespread persecution of Christians. Within one year, one after another, he issues as many as four edicts (decrees) against Christians, and these edicts predetermine the ever-increasing scale of persecution. First there was confiscation of church property. After the confiscation of shrines and church property, arrests and executions of the clergy followed. Every single clergy person was subject to persecution: not only bishops, but also all lower clergy, of whom there were very many at that time, because there was no firm boundary between clergy and ordinary church employees: for example, gatekeepers in churches or orderlies who served church hospitals and almshouses were also considered clergy. All Christians were forced to return to paganism, and protesters were tortured.

"The Last Prayer of the Christian Martyrs." J.-L. Jerome.

Having learned about Chrysogon, Diocletian ordered him to be sent to him in Aquileia (a city in upper Italy) for trial, and to execute all Christians. Anastasia followed her teacher. Diocletian hoped to convince Chrysogonus to renounce Christ, but he could not withstand the free speeches of the saint and ordered his head to be cut off. The body of Saint Chrysogonus, after his martyrdom, according to Divine revelation, was placed in an ark and hidden in the house of the presbyter Zoilus. 30 days after his death, Saint Chrysogonus appeared to Zoilus and predicted the imminent death of three young Christian women who lived nearby - Agapia, Chionia and Irina (†304; Comm. April 16). And he ordered Saint Anastasia to be sent to them. Saint Anastasia had such a vision. She went to the presbyter, prayed at the relics of Saint Chrysogon, then, in a spiritual conversation, strengthened the courage of the three virgins before the torture ahead of them. Saints Agapia and Chionia were thrown into the fire. Here they died, but their bodies remained intact. And one of the soldiers wounded Saint Irene with an arrow from a tight bow, after which the saint died. After the death of the martyrs, Anastasia herself buried their bodies.

Saint Anastasia began to wander. Having mastered the art of medicine by that time, she zealously served Christians imprisoned everywhere. Anastasia spent all her funds to help those in need, and poured gold, silver and copper figurines into money and fed many hungry people, clothed the naked, and helped the weak.

In Macedonia, the saint met a young Christian widow, Theodotia, who, after the death of her husband, was left with three infant sons. Blessed Anastasia often lived with the widow and she helped her in pious labors.

Soon Anastasia was captured as a Christian and handed over to Diocletian (since Anastasia was from a noble Roman family, only the emperor could decide her fate). However, frightened by her wise speeches, with the words “ It is not proper for the Tsar's Majesty to talk to a mad woman.", Diocletian handed her over to the high priest Ulpian so that he could persuade her to sacrifice pagan gods or subjected to cruel execution. The priest invited Saint Anastasia to make a choice between rich gifts and instruments of torture, placed on both sides near her. The saint, without hesitation, pointed to the instruments of torture: “ Surrounded by these objects, I will become more beautiful and more pleasing to my longed-for Bridegroom - Christ..." Before subjecting Saint Anastasia to torture, Ulpian decided to desecrate her. But as soon as he touched her, he became blind, a terrible pain gripped his head, and after a while he died.

Saint Anastasia was freed and, together with Theodotia, continued to serve the prisoners. Soon Saint Theodotia and her three infant sons were martyred (they were thrown into a fiery furnace) in their hometown of Nicaea (c. 304; commemorated July 29 and December 22).

Execution of Saint Anastasia

Meanwhile, Saint Anastasia was put on trial in Illyria. The selfish ruler secretly invited her to cede all her wealth to him: “ Fulfill the commandment of your Christ, who commands you to despise all riches and to be poor" To which the wise Anastasia wisely replied: “ Who would be so crazy as to give you, a rich man, what belongs to the poor?»

Saint Anastasia was imprisoned for the second time and tortured by hunger for 60 days. Every night Saint Theodotia appeared to the martyr, approved and strengthened her in patience. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, the hegemon of Illyria ordered her to be drowned along with the convicted criminals, among whom was Eutychian, persecuted for his Christian faith (December 22).

The soldiers put the prisoners on the ship and went out to the open sea. Having reached the depth, the warriors drilled several holes in the ship, and they themselves got into a boat and sailed to the shore. The ship began to sink into the water, but the prisoners saw the martyr Theodotia, controlling the sails and guiding the ship to the shore. 120 people, amazed by the miracle, believed in Christ - Saints Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them.

Having learned about what had happened, the hegemon ordered the execution of all the newly baptized. Saint Anastasia was stretched over a fire between four pillars. This is how Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker completed her martyrdom. Her body, undamaged by the fire, was buried in the garden by a certain pious woman, Apollinaria. At the end of the persecution, she built a church over the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia.

Relics of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

In the 5th century, the relics of Saint Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople, where a temple was built in her name. Later, the head and right hand of the great martyr were transferred to the monastery of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker, which was created near the city of Thessaloniki.

Monastery of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker


The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia is depicted on icons with a cross in her right hand and a small vessel in her left. The cross is the path to salvation; in the vessel there is holy oil, healing wounds.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia is called "Pattern maker", since the Lord has given her the power to heal bodily and spiritual illnesses, to loosen the bonds of those unjustly condemned, and to give consolation to those in prison. They also ask the saint for protection from witchcraft.

Troparion, tone 4:
On the occasion of the victorious Resurrection / you were called truly eminent, / the martyr of Christ, / you brought victory to your enemies through torments with patience, / for the sake of Christ, your Bridegroom, / whom you loved. / Pray to him to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:
In the temptations and sorrows that exist,/ those who flow to your temple, / receive honest gifts/ from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia: / for you are ever the source of healing for the world.

The feat of martyrdom. St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Church calendar. January 4 (December 22, Old Style).

Christmas post.

Today the memory is being celebrated: VMC. Anastasia the Pattern Maker, martyr. Chrysogon, MC. Theodotia, martyr. Evoda, Eutychiana and other victims at the very beginning of the 4th century.

Sschmchch. Dimitry Kiranov and Feodor Poroikov, presbyters killed in 1938.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel's Day.

Brothers and sisters, today we will remember the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Many people associate her name with prison ministry, but in reality her feat was much broader. Let me remind you that martyrs from the upper class were called great martyrs.

Saint Anastasia the Patternmaker suffered during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, between 284 and 305. She was born in Rome, in the family of Senator Praetextatus. The father was a pagan, Favsta's mother was a secret Christian, who entrusted the upbringing of the little girl to Saint Chrysogonus, famous for his learning. Chrysogon taught Anastasia the Holy Scriptures and the fulfillment of the Law of God. At the end of the teaching, Anastasia was spoken of as a wise and beautiful maiden. After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius. In order not to break the vow of virginity and avoid the marital bed, Anastasia constantly referred to an incurable illness and remained pure.

There were many Christian prisoners in the prisons of Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners, washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Her teacher and mentor languished in prison for two years. Meeting with him, she was edified by his long-suffering and devotion to the Savior. Saint Anastasia’s husband, Pomplius, having learned about this, severely beat her, placed her in a separate room and placed guards at the door. The saint grieved that she had lost the opportunity to help Christians. After the death of Anastasia's father, Pomplius, in order to take possession of a rich inheritance, constantly tortured his wife. After some time, Pomplius was appointed ambassador to the Persian king. On the way to Persia, he drowned during a sudden storm. Now the saint could again visit Christians languishing in prison; she used the inheritance she received for clothing, food and medicine for the sick.

Saint Anastasia began to wander in order to serve Christians imprisoned wherever possible. So she received the gift of healing, and the Greeks called it Pharmacolytria, that is, “healing from poisons or diseases.” With her works and words of consolation, Saint Anastasia eased the imprisonment of many people; by caring for the bodies and souls of the suffering, she freed them from the bonds of despair, fear and helplessness, which is why in Rus' she is called the Pattern Maker. In Macedonia, the saint met a young Christian widow, Theodotia, who helped her in her pious labors. Inevitably, it became known that Anastasia was a Christian, and she was eventually taken into custody and taken to Emperor Diocletian. Having questioned Anastasia, Diocletian learned that she spent all her money on helping those in need, and poured gold, silver and copper figurines into money and fed many hungry people, clothed the naked, and helped the weak. The emperor ordered the saint to be taken to the high priest Ulpian, so that he could persuade her to sacrifice to the pagan gods or put her to cruel execution. The priest invited Saint Anastasia to make a choice between rich gifts and instruments of torture, placed on both sides near her. The saint did not hesitate to point to the instruments of torture. The threat was false, and Saint Anastasia found herself free for some time and, together with Theodotia, continued to serve the prisoners.

Soon, Saint Theodotia and her three sons were martyred by the head of the region, Nikitios, in their hometown of Nicaea, and Saint Anastasia was imprisoned a second time and tortured by hunger. Every night Saint Theodotia appeared to the martyr, approved and strengthened her in patience. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, the hegemon of Illyria ordered her to be drowned along with the convicted criminals, among whom was Eutychian, persecuted for his Christian faith. The soldiers put the prisoners on the ship and went out to the open sea. Far from the shore, they got into a boat, and made several holes in the ship so that it sank. The ship began to sink into the water, but the prisoners saw the martyr Theodotia, controlling the sails and guiding the ship to the shore. 120 people, amazed by the miracle, believed in Christ - Saints Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them. Having learned about what had happened, the hegemon ordered the execution of all the newly baptized. Saint Anastasia was stretched over the fire between four pillars. This is how Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker completed her martyrdom. The saint's body was buried by the pious Christian Apollinaria. At the end of the persecution, she built a church over the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia.

Brothers and sisters, you may sometimes hear in church circles that there is very little room for women in church ministry. Looking at the life of Saint Anastasia, all such judgments are dispelled. Social service open to anyone and everyone. We simply avoid such types of service that confront us with the most unpleasant aspects of the life of human society. Prisons, hospitals, hospices - these are the places whose existence we want to forget while none of our loved ones are there. But the Lord calls us to do just the opposite. And in almost every church, if you ask, there is one of the clergy or laity engaged in one or another service in places not so remote. But not so long ago, less than a century ago, almost everyone in their family had someone in prison. Most often under political charges, but even if under criminal charges, don’t these people need care and consolation? Brothers and sisters, let us open our hearts to new service, if we have the strength for it.

Holy Martyr Anastasia, pray to God for us.

Deacon Mikhail Kudryavtsev