Best mortgage rate. Where is the best place to get a mortgage?

The economic situation of recent decades leaves much to be desired. Due to the lack of well-paid jobs, many families are unable to purchase their own housing. Some decide to save for an apartment for years, while renting a house, while others turn to the bank for help. How to benefit from getting a mortgage? First of all, it is worth studying the offers of popular financial institutions.

What is a mortgage

Many construction companies today cooperate with commercial banks and other popular financial institutions. Such interaction is beneficial for both parties. Housing on credit is an opportunity to conclude a deal for both the developer and the bank. The client himself also wins, who, without having large sum, can move into housing purchased on a loan.

Mortgage is the main condition for this is the registration of real estate, which is purchased under an agreement, on collateral. This is additional insurance for all parties to the transaction. If the client cannot repay the loan for a number of reasons, the property becomes the property of the bank. In the end, no one owes anyone anything. What is more profitable, taking out a mortgage or a loan? The last option is more acceptable if we're talking about about purchasing an apartment or house.

What nuances do you need to know?

Any loan is a debt obligation. Therefore, before concluding an agreement with a financial institution, it is worth studying its terms. First of all, you should pay attention to the interest rate and study the issue of the presence of hidden fees. These indicators will primarily affect the amount of overpayment on the loan. Which mortgage is better to take? It is worth paying attention to those offers that involve the possibility of early repayment of the debt without penalties.

WITH special attention it is worth considering the choice of the bank with which the transaction will subsequently be concluded. It is profitable to take out a mortgage for a young family at Sberbank. The conditions will be described below. In general, it is not advisable to enter into an agreement with a financial institution that has been operating on the market for less than 5 years.

Another important point, which is worth paying attention to is the total family income. It will not be possible to take out a secured loan if the expected minimum payment under the agreement exceeds 40% of this figure.


This financial institution is today a leader in mortgage lending. According to the bank's terms, you can purchase real estate, both in a finished house and at the construction stage. How to benefit from getting a mortgage? It is worth paying attention to offers from state support. The positive thing is that the transaction is concluded in rubles. Therefore, the overpayment on the loan will not be tied to the foreign currency exchange rate.

Any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 21 can become a client of the bank. The contract can be concluded for a period from 1 to 30 years. It is worth considering that the longer the client owes the bank, the greater the final overpayment will be. At the same time, with a short loan term, the minimum monthly payment will be higher. The annual interest rate on the loan is 11.4%. A prerequisite is a down payment of at least 20% of the total cost of the property. How profitable is it to take out a mortgage from Sberbank? Increase the amount of the advance payment!

Tinkoff Bank

Those who are interested in which mortgage is more profitable to take should pay attention to the offer of this financial institution. The fact is that Tinkoff Bank offers an annual interest rate on the loan of 10.5%. The loan term is the same as in the previous case - 30 years. There are no hidden fees. An adult client can conclude a deal to purchase housing not only on the primary market, but also on the secondary market.

Tinkoff Bank has convenient online support. Everyone can register their data at home and submit an application for a loan. If the financial institution approves the request, all that remains is to collect the necessary package of documents and go to the nearest bank office to sign the agreement. In addition, the official website has a convenient loan calculator that allows you to pre-calculate how profitable it is to take out a mortgage.


The financial institution is relatively young. Despite this, the number of clients is only increasing due to favorable lending conditions. The overpayment under the contract will directly depend on down payment. Which mortgage is more profitable for a young family to take out? The most attractive deals are for apartments in new buildings. The financial institution offers a rate of 11.3%. The advance amount must be at least 20%. The cost of housing cannot exceed 8 million rubles.

Those who want to purchase an apartment on the secondary market will be able to conclude an agreement with a rate of 12.75%. In this case, the down payment should already be at the level of 30%. The maximum loan term is 30 years. Maternity capital can be used as a down payment.

"Trans Capital Bank"

If you study the question, reviews from Muscovites show that Trans Capital Bank offers the most attractive conditions. Anyone can purchase real estate in the Uspensky Kvartal residential complex at only 8% per annum. The only downside is short term lending. The mortgage can be issued for only 8 years. This offer will be convenient for people with high salaries.

Trans Capital Bank offers to purchase real estate on the secondary market at 11.9% per annum. The loan term is 25 years. The maximum transaction amount is 20 million rubles. The down payment should not be less than 20% of the collateral value of the property. Reviews show that it is possible at any stage early repayment debt without penalties.

The financial institution provides for the use maternity capital as a down payment. In this case, the advance payment must be made within 3 months from the date of conclusion of the transaction.


This financial institution today offers the most favorable lending conditions, according to reviews. To conclude a deal, the client must provide information about his official place of work, the duration of which cannot be less than 4 months. How profitable is it to take out a mortgage for an apartment? All you need to do is apply with your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as your identification code, to the nearest bank branch. The lowest rate (5.99%) will be offered to those who want to purchase housing in a new building. A prerequisite is that the borrower must be 21 years old at the time of signing the contract. Such a low interest rate is offered only to those clients who have been served by Promsvyazbank for more than a year.

Clients who seek help from a financial institution for the first time will be offered a rate of 11.4% per annum if purchasing an apartment on the primary market and 12% if purchasing housing on the secondary market. The maximum loan term is 25 years.

Rosselkhoz Bank

The conditions of this credit institution cannot be called the most favorable. At the same time, the bank ranks fourth in terms of reliability, according to data provided by the Central Bank. The mortgage rate depends on the advance payment made by the client. So, if you pay more than 50% of the original cost of the property, the annual percentage will be 11.5. The minimum advance according to the bank's conditions is 10%. In this case, the annual rate will be at 12.9%. The maximum loan term is 30 years. The deal can be concluded for a total amount of 20 million rubles.

How to benefit from getting a mortgage? Reviews show that, in addition to paying an impressive advance, you will also need to confirm your income. The bank carefully evaluates the solvency of clients. A financial institution can consider an application for a mortgage transaction for up to 5 business days.

Where and how to profitably get a mortgage: step-by-step instructions

Those who decide to purchase housing on credit will have to act according to the following scenario:

  1. Study the offers of popular financial institutions and choose the most suitable option.
  2. Send a preliminary online request to the selected bank.
  3. If the answer is positive, collect the necessary package of documents. Mandatory items include: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identification code, military ID if available (if there are children), certificate of income for the last 6 months.
  4. Come to the bank at the appointed time with a package of documents and sign a mortgage agreement.

Additionally, the financial institution will require documents relating to the real estate object that is the collateral. In addition, the bank may request information about the income of other family members. The higher the number, the more likely it is that the bank will give a positive answer.

A mortgage can be profitable for those who are confident in the future. If there is no stability, you should not enter into an agreement with a financial institution.

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Which bank is better to get a mortgage from? In 2018, this issue became relevant again, as Russian economy is gradually emerging from the crisis, household incomes are increasing, and the real estate market is reviving.

Since 2015, the Russian government has been pursuing a policy of creating favorable mortgage conditions. To begin with, the Central Bank lowered the base rate, which resulted in a reduction in overpayments on mortgage loans.

Another measure is the creation of special government programs, thanks to which you can take out a housing loan on favorable terms.

You just need to find out which bank is better to take out a mortgage from, familiarize yourself with the banks’ requirements and terms and conditions.

Which bank is better to take out a home loan? What should you pay attention to?

When wondering which bank is better to get a mortgage from, you need to pay attention not only to the bank’s reputation, but also to the lending parameters.

These include:

1. Interest rate;
2. Amount of down payment;
3. Deadline;
4. Payment type.

The average overpayment on a housing loan varies from 9.5 to 15%. It is logical that a rate of 9.5% looks more attractive. And it seems clear which bank is better to take out a loan from.

However, in practice, costs for servicing the loan or for its registration, as well as insurance payments, are added to it.

To find out the final amount of the overpayment, you need to take into account all expenses. Ideally, the mortgage rate should be in the range of 11-13% per annum.

A down payment is a mandatory condition for obtaining a mortgage in many banks. Its minimum size is 20%.

Under a special program from Sberbank, conditions are better for families with children - the down payment amount is 10%.

It seems that it is already clear which bank is better to take out a loan from. But often the amount of the down payment affects the size of the rate. How more money was deposited into the account, the lower the rate will be.

When considering which bank is best to apply for a loan to purchase real estate, take into account all of the listed parameters.

A mortgage is a loan that is issued for a long period of 30-50 years. At the same time, experts say that it is better to take out a mortgage for 10-12 years. This will reduce the amount of overpayment.

In Russia, the common practice of paying off mortgages in equal payments is the annuity scheme. It is beneficial for both the bank and the borrower.

Which bank is better to take out a home loan? TOP 5

1. Sberbank;
2. "VTB 24";
3. Tinkoff;
4. "Binbank";
5. Rosselkhozbank


According to statistics, when asked which bank is better to take out a mortgage, every third Russian firmly says - Sberbank.

The country's largest bank is indeed considered a leader in issuing housing loans. At the end of March 2017, the total volume of loans issued for the purchase of apartments and houses amounted to 167,000,000 rubles.

It’s not for nothing that when people answer the question of which bank is better to take out a loan, they name Sberbank. It offers a variety of programs. The line includes 6 programs. Two of them can be taken by special clients: young families and military personnel.

General mortgage terms from Sberbank:

Amount – 60-80% of the cost of housing;
Term – 30 years (20 years for NIS participants);
Rate – 9.5% (minimum).

Mortgages for the purchase of finished housing are in demand among citizens. This loan can be taken out at a base rate of 10.5%. A rate of 9.5% is valid as part of the promotion for young families.

If the client does not receive wages at Sberbank, 0.5% is added to the base rate. If you refuse voluntary life insurance, the amount of overpayment increases by another 1%.

The minimum loan amount under the program is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum is 80% of the cost of housing. You can take out a mortgage for 1-30 years. The down payment is 20%.

"VTB 24"

VTB 24 Bank also offers Russians 6 mortgage lending programs. Here you can take out a loan for a new home, a secondary one, or refinance an existing home loan.

Among the 6 existing programs, experts highlight a mortgage for the purchase of primary real estate.

The conditions for it are as follows:

Rate – from 10.7%;
Size – 60,000,000 rubles;
Duration – 30 years.

Unlike Sberbank, at VTB 24 the down payment is only 10%. To take out a loan, just leave an online application on the website.

It will be reviewed within 4-5 days. If the decision on it is positive, all you have to do is visit the bank branch to present the documents and sign the agreement.


To the question of which bank is better to take out a mortgage online, you can answer – “Tinkoff”. He became famous for working with clients remotely.

The bank issues dozens of credit cards every day. Moreover, his portfolio includes 4 mortgage programs at once.


For the purchase of primary real estate;
For the purchase of secondary housing;
To purchase a house or townhouse;
To purchase a room or share on the secondary market.

General conditions assume an amount of 99,000,000 rubles, a loan term of 30 years, a rate of 8.75% and a down payment of 10%. Statistics show that the majority of Russians turn to Tinkoff for a loan to purchase primary real estate. They believe that this bank has better conditions.

This is due to a minimum down payment of 15% and a rate of 8.75%.


Binbank, a large Russian bank, also offers several types of mortgages. Here you can take out a loan to buy a new or secondary home, a house or a room.

This is the bank in which citizens most often apply for a loan for housing under construction.

It can be taken under the following conditions:

Duration – 3-30 years;

Down payment – ​​20% (if maternity capital is used when applying for a mortgage, the amount of the down payment is reduced to 10%);

Amount – 20,000,000 for Moscow and St. Petersburg and 10,000,000 for other regions;

Rate – 9.5%.

If the down payment is 50%, the rate is 9.5%, for 30-49% - 9.75%, for 20-29% - 10%. When confirming income using a certificate in the form of a financial institution, the rate increases by 0.5 percentage points. and by 0.7 p.p. when canceling life insurance.

If you have already decided which bank is better to get a mortgage from, then submit an application at the bank’s office. This increases the chances of her approval.


Rosselkhozbank offers general program mortgage lending. The funds borrowed can be used to purchase secondary and primary housing, land plot or at home.

A mortgage can be taken out in the amount of 20,000,000 rubles for a period of up to 30 years. The size of the down payment varies from 15 to 30%.

The rate is determined individually. It depends on the purpose of the loan and the client’s status. The minimum rate is 9.5%, and the maximum is 12%.

When applying for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank, real estate insurance is mandatory. Client life insurance is taken out voluntarily. If necessary, insurance costs are covered from the loan.

Based on the conditions listed above, you can determine which bank is better to take out a housing loan.

What is better: mortgage or installment plan?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer which is better. For some citizens, it is more profitable to take out a long-term loan and gradually pay off the debt on it. Others consider the installment option as the most economical.

Mortgages are best suited for those who have a down payment and confidence in a stable income. The installment plan is intended for citizens who will be able to fully repay the cost of housing in 1-2 years.

Installment plans are offered by developers of residential complexes. They use a similar payment format in order to sell out apartments faster.

When buying a home in installments, you do not need to trust the words of the developer. The transaction should be registered by a notary, specifying all rights and obligations. This will eliminate misunderstandings in the future.

If you are looking for which bank is best to take out a home loan from, you should not rely only on the rate. You should pay attention to commissions and allowances. Then you can objectively say which bank is better for lending.

Having found out which bank is better to take out a mortgage from, once again analyze all the pros and cons of the loan, assess your financial capabilities, and only then apply.

A mortgage is a serious issue that requires a competent approach. You cannot come to the first convenient bank and hope for a successful outcome. Before choosing a financial institution, you need to conduct a comparative analysis between them, study the offers of all lenders and review compliance with the criteria.

What criteria are we talking about, and which bank occupies the first positions in the national rating - you can find out after reading the article. So, which bank and where is it better to take out a mortgage for secondary and primary housing?

Before you take mortgage loan, the borrower needs to make a list of banks that are famous for favorable loans.

Each bank must be considered according to the following criteria:

  1. Down payment;
  2. Real estate requirements;
  3. Speed ​​of mortgage processing;
  4. Interest rate;
  5. List of special programs;
  6. Loan amount;
  7. Deadline for loan repayment.

Lender terms:

  • Rate 12% -13.5%;
  • Loan repayment period from 15 to 30 years;
  • Loan in the amount of 300,000 rubles and above;
  • Down payment from 20%.

You can see a sample of filling out a mortgage application form at Sberbank


The bank is famous for its reliability. Clients thank him for the speed of confirmation for issuing mortgages. The bank has programs for obtaining housing in new buildings; for a mortgage loan and the purchase of real estate from the secondary market; for the construction of a residential building.

Bank conditions:

  • Fixed rate - 12% per year.
  • Primary payment from 20%.
  • The loan term is no more than 30 years.
  • The loan limit is up to 90 million rubles.


Offers to its client purchase real estate from the primary or secondary market; buy the mortgaged property from the bank; take out a loan to build your own home; military mortgage.

Conditions under which the loan is issued:

  • Contribution - from 20%.
  • The minimum rate is 13%.
  • The loan term is up to 30 years.
  • Loan of at least 500,000 rubles.
  • The maximum amount is 45,000,000 rubles.
  • The loan application is reviewed within 10 working days.
  • One-time loan.
  • Mandatory insurance.


The bank offers a program for young families. You can purchase real estate both on the primary market and on the secondary market.

Credit terms:

  • Cash contribution from 15 to 20%.
  • The maximum payment period is up to 30 years.
  • Cash loan from 100,000 to 20,000,000 rubles.
  • The application is accepted within 5 days.
  • The application approval period is 90 days.

How to block bank card Sberbank, you can read

Where is the best place to get a mortgage - URALSIB Bank program.


The bank promises to provide its clients with a preferential rate, but clients are not satisfied with everything.

Credit terms:

  • Contribution - 20%
  • Interest rate - 14.5%.
  • The maximum loan is 15,000,000 rubles.

The application form for obtaining a mortgage is located at URALSIB Bank

For many of our readers it is topical issue about which bank offers the most profitable and cheapest mortgage in 2019? In this article we will tell you what parameters you should pay attention to and where you can go for the most attractive interest rates.

Where is the best mortgage interest rate?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which banking company offers the best home loan, because each person has his own concept of “profitability”. For some, the maximum amount is important, for others - the smallest amount of the effective %, still others pay attention exclusively to the amount, etc.

To decide which company you need to contact to receive the minimum%, you need to choose for yourself the type of housing that you want to purchase. This is done for the reason that lending programs for and the market are radically different in their conditions.

Pay attention not only to the amount of interest offered, but also general conditions, for example, how much insurance will cost, is it possible to repay early, are there any fees for issuing and servicing the loan.

Mortgage programs with government support

The most popular government-subsidized mortgage lending program now is the so-called “Family Mortgage.” It is provided exclusively to those families where a second or third baby was born since January 1, 2018.

Such families have the opportunity to get a loan to purchase housing on the primary market under , and the subsidy will be short-term: if the first child is born - 3 years, if the second child is born - 5 years. Subsidies can be received sequentially.

What you need to know about mortgages? Taking out a mortgage is not as difficult as it seems. For many citizens, this is a completely acceptable way to purchase housing with a minimal investment. But taking out a loan must take into account a huge number of nuances. In this case, this will be a real cost savings.

What should you pay attention to first when taking out a mortgage?

First of all, it is recommended to study Federal law, which regulates the relationship when taking out a mortgage loan. This is the law “On Mortgage”. Lending is carried out both in the secondary market and in new buildings. When is the best time to take out a home mortgage depends on the specific solvency conditions and economic situation of the borrower.

The borrower also needs to distribute the family budget in such a way that there is enough money for monthly payments. Experts advise distributing budget finances in such a way that no more than 40% of the total family income is spent on monthly payments. Among other things, you need to soberly assess your capabilities and decide how much the down payment will be. How large amount is paid initially, the lower the monthly payment will become.

Each credit institution offers its own lending conditions. To figure out how to profitably take out and apply for a mortgage, you will need to review large number information on credit institutions. Before submitting documents for the provision of credit services, it is necessary to study the conditions of many lenders. These may include age requirements for secondary housing, technical condition, as well as liquidity. This is why banks often refuse to lend to Khrushchev-era buildings, basements, basements and communal apartments. Such housing cannot be used as collateral, and therefore credit institutions do not consider it.

Instructions on how to profitably take out a mortgage

Deposits are more readily issued for new buildings, especially from trusted developers who cooperate with a specific bank. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The down payment amount should be as large as possible. The larger the down payment, the less you pay each month and you won’t have to overpay.
  • Minimize the period of time required to apply for a loan so that the overpayment is a minimum amount.
  • Buy an apartment according to your real possibilities without expecting top-class housing. Of course, such properties are also given a mortgage, but the conditions there are completely different.

If you take your time and analyze everything, then it is quite possible to take a property that will cost less than renting a house.

Mortgage term

What's the best way to get a mortgage?

The benefit of a mortgage depends on what property is being borrowed. How to choose a property for a mortgage depends on the availability of funds and the value of the property. Many people believe that an apartment should be purchased at the construction stage. Most often, housing becomes more expensive since construction and at the foundation pit level you can buy a property at a minimum price.

How to take out a mortgage for a secondary home

Resale housing usually costs more than new housing. Especially if it has undergone high-quality repairs or legal, convenient redevelopment with an expansion of area. The cost of a resale depends on the area of ​​the city, the quality of repairs, the number of owners who have changed the apartment and the presence of encumbrances. There are a number of advantages when taking out a mortgage on a secondary property:

  • Banks are more loyal to this real estate market. There are credit institutions that issue mortgages only for the purchase of secondary real estate.
  • Lower interest rates.
  • The down payment becomes smaller.
  • A competent borrower can use his home immediately after applying for a loan, and not after a while, as in the case of new buildings.
  • The infrastructure already exists, not just promises to build it.

All these advantages point to the obvious benefits of purchasing housing on the secondary market, especially since credit institutions are more loyal to such apartments and houses. It is easier and less risky to approve a loan for a secondary home from a credit institution. Therefore, experienced specialists give advice on mortgages in the secondary market. Step-by-step loan processing contains fewer documents than when applying for a new building.

New building

To complete the transaction, you need to request the following documents from the developer:

  • Project declaration.
  • Project declaration with state examination.
  • Investment contract.
  • Constituent documents of the developer.
  • Insurance contract.
  • Construction permit.
  • Documents ownership of the land plot.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

A huge advantage in registering a new building is that employees of the credit institution who are involved in the examination will be able to check the housing being financed and the developer. This will protect the borrower from the subsequent resale of the property or other fraudulent activities construction organizations. But in any case, the borrower must understand that he will have to pay a mortgage for an apartment in a new building even if the buyer is deceived by contractors or the construction company turns out to be fraudulent. This main feature new housing market.

Preferential mortgage

Brokers who provide advice on mortgages claim that the most favorable conditions are available to those who qualify for preferential mortgages. There are several such groups:

  • Young teachers and successful scientists.
  • Military personnel and their families.
  • Large and young families.
  • Persons who received maternity capital.

Young family

Each group has its own conditions, but in any case it is necessary to find banks that provide mortgages for preferential terms and participate in this program. The following are considered preferential conditions:

  • The state provides a subsidy for the down payment.
  • The mortgage is issued against low percentage, it is important to decide which banks provide such a mortgage.
  • Monthly payment of a certain amount within the framework of a state certificate (free mortgage).
  • Using maternity capital to repay the down payment or part of the loan.

It is important to understand that a reduced interest rate does not cancel the bank’s requirements for the borrower’s solvency. The monthly payment should not exceed 45% of the borrower’s total budget; many make a mistake and hope for a future increase in wages, income and standard of living.

Where is the best place to get a mortgage for an apartment?

To find out where it’s best to get a mortgage, you need to run around more than one bank. If there is time and the future borrower understands this, then he can act independently, but in most cases it is better to hire a mortgage broker. The overpayment will be minimal, but a real specialist will be able to advise and offer a profitable mortgage offer for a specific client.

In order to determine which bank is better to take out a loan for real estate, it is better to focus on the following simple conditions:

  • Down payment amount.
  • Interest rate.
  • Loan term.
  • Requirements for borrowers.

It would also be nice to use online calculator, which is now provided by any bank. It is also better to control the situation by special offers. For example, Gazprom Bank has a “New Building” offer. It provides favorable conditions for purchasing real estate in housing under construction.

If there are conditions for receiving a preferential loan, then you need to refer to the list of banks that participate in government programs. There is an opportunity to get approval for a mortgage under a state program with subsidies or a reduced interest rate.

When concluding an agreement and approving a loan, you should carefully read all the papers that you have to sign so as not to take on unnecessary obligations. Experienced brokers advise taking out life and disability insurance to reduce your mortgage interest rate. The bank will thus have guarantees that in the event of force majeure, the money will be returned in full.

  • Currency. You only need to take out a loan in the currency in which you receive income. This way you can protect yourself from surges in the foreign exchange market.
  • The less money the monthly payment takes from the family's income, the better. You shouldn’t take risks and hope for a bright future, you are guaranteed to eat what you have now and the payment should not eat up more than 40% of the budget, and ideally 30%.
  • It is better to take more money than you need directly to purchase a home, since you will also need repairs, furniture and other expenses, and a consumer loan is more expensive.
  • Carefully evaluate the cost of housing so as not to overpay.
  • Buy a home so that it can be sold. This is just in case, the property must be liquid, then the borrower will have less risk.

These are not many tips on how to take out a mortgage correctly. But they are the ones who will help you purchase treasured items on credit as profitably as possible. square meters. Even 1 percent per annum for a 10-15 year mortgage can cost half a million rubles.

Buying real estate with a mortgage is a serious step that should be taken only after weighing and calculating everything. The first step is to decide on a bank, and then specifically choose the terms and amount of the loan. Only in this case is there a guarantee that the mortgage loan will not result in many problems.