Intellectual games in the camp. Scenario of the game in the summer camp "What? Where? When?"

Mind games for children in summer camp


The counselor hides several objects in the room, then lets the players into the room and, using Morse code or one of the ciphers, tells them the names of the objects and the places where they are hidden.

The players' task is to find as many hidden objects as possible. For each item found, the participant in the game receives one point.


Each player cuts out two sets of cards, one of which he signs with the letters of the alphabet (for example: A, B, C, etc.), and the other with the letters of Morse code (for example: –, – · · · , · – –). Then both sets are mixed and placed in one pile, empty side up. On command, each player tries to find cards from two sets with the same content as soon as possible and put the entire alphabet together again (for example, A +, –).

Strange message

Morse code is used to write a message in which some letters are deliberately left out, but still in a way that can be deciphered. Participants in the game transmit the decrypted message to the counselor in writing. Then the winner is determined.

Mysterious envelope

Using Morse code or cipher, the same letter is written for each participant in the game. Then, at the command of the counselor, the players open the envelopes, decipher the contents and hand it over to the counselor in writing. Of those who decipher the letter correctly, the one who does it first wins.

Squad letter

The units participating in the game are designated certain letters alphabet. The letters are then written onto the cards using Morse code. The cards are shuffled and placed with the blank side up, after which the counselor turns them over one by one and quickly shows them to the participants in the game. The first person to guess the letter that represents his squad gets one point in a multi-day game.

Remember the letter

The counselor stands in front of the squad and, using a whistle, names any letter of his own choice. Within ten seconds, all participants in the game whose name contains this letter must raise their hand. The one who raises his hand later, does not raise it at all, or guesses the letter incorrectly, leaves the game. The winner receives three points in squad competitions.

Morse code with ball

Members of the two teams sit opposite each other. The player of the first team throws the ball to the player of the second, while using a whistle to name a letter of the alphabet. The player on the second team must quickly guess the letter and throw the ball to the next player on the first team. A quick answer is awarded two points, a slower answer is awarded one. The team with the most points wins.

Encrypt the message

The counselor dictates the text of the message and determines the code. The winner is the one who can encrypt the text correctly and pass it on to the counselor the fastest. He receives three points in squad competitions.

Sending a message

The participants in the game are divided into pairs consisting of members of two squads, and are positioned so that each pair sees only one pair in front of them and one behind them. The counselor signals the message to the first couple, who turn and pass it on. The winner is the team whose last member quickly brings the correctly deciphered message to the counselor.

Intelligentgames in the camp.

Intelligent games for children

Progress of the game:

Progress of the game:

- They are looking for him
- Ivan is looking for him
- This is the hero of a fairy tale.
- They want to defeat him.
- His life is not about him.
- His life is on the end of a needle

Game "Write the word".

Progress of the game:

Game "Cities".

Progress of the game:

Progress of the game:

from the game.

Game "Journey".

Progress of the game:

Game "Crocodile".

acting skills. Two teams play.
Progress of the game:

Progress of the game:

Mind game with a hall

Progress of the game:

Game "Forbidden Three"

A game of attention.

Progress of the game:

Progress of the game:

Game "Hat"

They play in pairs. One by one.

Progress of the game:

Game "Telegram"

Progress of the game:

Game "Twin words"

Progress of the game:

Game "Finish the Word"

Progress of the game:

Game "Story"

Progress of the game:

Game "New Application"

Progress of the game:

Game "Burim"

Progress of the game:

Each participant is given a set of pre-prepared rhymes. The participant’s task is to compose a poem (quatrain) using the given rhymes. For example: cat - spoon - window - a little; glass - banana - pocket - deception, etc.

Intelligentgames in the camp.

Proper organization of children's summer holiday is of great importance. In conditions children's camp we must provide children with the opportunity comprehensive development and manifestation of their interests. Therefore, it is necessary to think not only about the physical and psychological development children, but also about the intellectual. In this matter, such a category of games as intellectual games comes to our aid.

Intelligent games for children develop not only mental abilities and ingenuity, but also memory, attention, imagination, give children knowledge and the necessary mental load.

Below are intellectual games that can be used to work with children at camp.

Intellectual game "Confused".

This game must involve at least 5 people. Two of them: one entangling, the other unraveling.

Progress of the game:

The unraveler goes into another room so that he can see what the other children playing are doing. The participants in the game join hands, after which the “entangler” begins to do his job - to confuse all the guys: who got under the arm, who stepped over the other’s arm, who wrapped his arm around the neck, but you cannot open your arms. Overall it turned out to be “abracadabra”. Now the way out of the “unraveling” is a simple task - to unravel without opening your hands.

Intellectual game "Guess".

Progress of the game:

The presenter asks questions, taking turns gradually bringing the playing children closer to the correct answer. For example.
- They are looking for him
- Ivan is looking for him
- This is the hero of a fairy tale.
- He lives in the distant kingdom
- They want to defeat him.
- His life is not about him.
- His life is on the end of a needle
Then the presenter invites the children to compose a similar series of questions.

Game "Write the word".

Progress of the game:

On school board or draw a square on paper. Then we draw out the cells - 5 by 5 (this is minimum quantity small cells, maybe more - 6 by 6, etc.). In the central part we write the word. For example: TRAP. Then, one by one, we write one letter into the adjacent cells so that we get another word. If under the word TRAP below the first letter A you write the letter P, you get the word FOLDER, and in a separate column lined up for each participant we write the number 5 - since the word FOLDER contains 5 letters. And so on in turn. The winner of the game is the participant who gets greatest number points.

Game "Cities".

Progress of the game:

The first participant says the name of the city. The next participant must name the city starting with the letter that the first city ends with. For example: Moscow. The next one says: Astrakhan. Next is Novosibirsk. You can choose any topic: animals, countries, movie titles, etc.

Game "Air, water, earth, fire."

This game requires a ball and several participants.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. The leader with the ball stands inside the circle. He throws the ball to the participants one by one and at the same time says one word out of four proposed: “air” - you need to catch the ball and say the name of the bird, “water” - catch the ball and name the fish, “earth” - name the animal, but if you catch the ball on the word “fire” - you are out of the game. After one of the participants has caught the ball, the presenter begins to count to “three” and if the person who caught it does not say anything, he is eliminated from the game. If he names a fish instead of a bird, he is eliminated from the game.
The winner becomes the host.

Game "Journey".

Progress of the game:

The presenter throws the ball in a circle to the participants in the game in turn. The one who catches the ball says the following phrase: “I will go to... for example: Delhi.” The participant standing to his right asks the question: “Why?”, and the next one standing to his right must quickly answer: why did he need to go to Delhi. For example: “counting elephants or studying India.”
Anyone who could not quickly answer the question leaves the game.

Game "Crocodile".

This game develops imaginative thinking and acting skills. Two teams play.
Progress of the game:

Representatives of one team call a participant from another. They whisper the name of the animal in his ear, and then whatever comes to mind. The task of the rival party is to guess what the summoned participant will depict without words.

Game " Catchphrase cartoon character"

Progress of the game:

Fragments of statements from famous cartoon characters are heard: the Hare from “Well, wait a minute!”, Brownie Kuzya, Frekenbock, The Bremen Town Musicians, Alice from Through the Looking Glass, etc. Children who named the hero correctly receive a token - a smile, and appears on the screen image of this hero.

Mind game with a hall

Progress of the game:

The presenter pronounces various words in singular, for example: sea, window, pie, heart, cocoa, grapes, flower, ocean, blanket, kiss, look, love. The audience’s task is to answer him by calling these words in the plural.

Game "Forbidden Three"

A game of attention.

Progress of the game:

In a circle, the participants count to themselves and clap their hands for each “allowed” number; but when the number contains the number three or is divisible by three - the “forbidden three”, then the participants do not clap, but spread their arms to the sides.

Progress of the game:

Selected in advance about 20 various categories(For example, city, movie, song, etc.). One or more are selected from them. The presenter names any letter of the alphabet. The participants' task is to write as many words as possible starting with this letter.

Game "Hat"

They play in pairs. One by one.

Progress of the game:

Everyone first thinks of a few words, folds the piece of paper and throws it into the hat. The one who owns the clock and keeps track of time is chosen. Each pair is given 30 seconds. One of the partners pulls a piece of paper out of a hat and tries to explain the word to the other without using the same root words. It worked out - he keeps the piece of paper for himself. And so on until time runs out. The hat is then passed to the next couple in the circle. The pair with the most pieces of paper at the end of the game wins. In addition, if the drawn word turned out to be too “intellectual”, you can throw it back into the hat once during the entire game.

Game "Telegram"

Progress of the game:

Any word of 4-6 letters is selected. Using it, teams must “encrypt” the telegram. The task is to compose a telegram text so that each word in it begins with the next letter of a pre-selected word. Naturally, the more complex the text, the more fun everyone has.

Game "Twin words"

Progress of the game:

Words of 3 - 5 letters are selected. Each time, participants need to change one letter in the word and, thus, move from the first word to the last. For example, a pair of words “cloud - puddle” is given. That is, children need to move from the word “cloud” to the word “puddle,” changing it gradually one letter at a time. Words must be nouns in the initial form.

Game "Finish the Word"

A stopwatch or hourglass is required.

Progress of the game:

Participants are given the first syllable, they need to come up with as many words starting with it as possible, while time is limited.

Game "Story"

Progress of the game:

Any letter of the alphabet is selected. Participants must come up with a story in which all words begin with this letter. The more words in the story, the more interesting it is.

Game "New Application"

Progress of the game:

It is proposed to come up with several new uses for familiar objects. For example: spoon, handkerchief, newspaper. The more creative the guys' idea, the better.

Game "Burim"

Progress of the game:

Each participant is given a set of pre-prepared rhymes. The participant’s task is to compose a poem (quatrain) using the given rhymes. For example: cat - spoon - window - a little; glass - banana - pocket - deception, etc.

This is an intellectual game during which the most erudite, smart and resourceful guys are identified. The competitions for it are selected in such a way that any number of people from the squad can participate in them. It may be that in one squad there will be five people who want to test themselves and their knowledge, and in another there will be only one. One winner is determined in each competition. He receives a star, which can then be exchanged at the Bank for a “scholarship” (camp money).

Competitions are won by those who:

Gave more correct answers faster than his competitors;

More precisely, he completed the task;

Completed the task correctly faster than his opponents.

It happens that by the end of a competition, 2-3 people come out with the same result. In this case, it is necessary to leave the main contenders on stage and continue the competition with them for precise definition winner.

Description of competitions

1. "Auction". As a warm-up, offer the kids a fairly simple competition: name nouns that start with the letter A and end with the letter Z.

2. “Yes - no.” Invite the children to raise their hands up if they think the statement you read is true and not to make any movement if they think it is false.

Attention! Or, to evaluate this competition, you must have very attentive assistants who mark the correct answers of all children, and this must be done very quickly so that the competition does not drag on.

Or you can send off the stage the guys who gave the wrong answers after each question.

1.1. Scissors can be sharpened by cutting sandpaper. (Yes)

1.2. Is it possible to give a Japanese man white flowers when meeting? (No. This is the color of mourning.)

1.3. A veil on a lady's hat provides warmth. (Yes)

1.4. It is easier to pull a wheelbarrow with vegetables behind you than to push it in front. (Yes)

1.5. Ships get stuck in the Sargasso Sea, becoming entangled in seaweed. (No)

1.6. The whale lets out fountains of water. (No. He is blowing air.)

1.7. There is enough gold in the sea to make every person on Earth a millionaire. (Yes)

1.8. The octopus turns almost black from fear. (No. White.)

1.9. Camels, while traveling through deserts, store water reserves in their humps. (No. The humps are filled with lard. Due to this, camels live at complete absence food.)

1.10. Every seventh wave is higher than the previous six. (No)

1.11. Ladybugs bite when they are angry. (No. But when they are harassed, a blood-like fluid oozes from their joints, which is caustic and irritates the skin.)

1.12. Owls hear a cockroach crawling on the ground. (Yes)

1.13. During mating fights, male vipers beat their opponent to death. (No)

1.14. Bats can run on the ground. (Yes)

1.15. The grammastola (hairy) spider eats young rattlesnakes. (Yes)

1.16. Albino grasses grow in caves. (Yes)

1.17. Giant squid, in pursuit of the victim, reaches speeds of over fifty kilometers per hour. (Yes)

1.18. Islam is the oldest of the world's religions. (No. The youngest.)

1.19. Is the film “Black Tulip” based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas? (No)

1.20. Novel " Mysterious island" wrote Stevenson? (No. Jules Berne)

1.21. The cobra has a poisonous sting. (No. The cobra does not sting like insects, but bites with its teeth. Venom enters the victim through the holes.)

1.22. The heaviest vegetable is cabbage. (No. Pumpkin.)

1.23. The Arabs believe that the hundredth Name of Allah is known only to the donkey. (No. The camel. That's why he is so proud and arrogant.)

3. “Both this and that.” The presenter reads out adjectives that can become definitions for the same word. We need to name this word faster than our opponents.

3.1. And sea, and beer, and soap... (Foam)

3.2. And snowy, and rum, and stone, and grumpy... (Baba)

3.3. And German, and postal, and excise... (Stamp)

3.4. And Finnish, and table, and dull, and sharp... (Knife)

3.5. And water, and air, and financial, and stormy... (Flow)

3.6. And square, and cubic, and linear... (Meter)

3.7. And verbal, and fencing, and bloody... (Duel)

3.8. And underwear, and bedding, and thin... (Lingerie)

3.9. And spreading, and rotten, and fruity... (Tree)

3.10. And joyful, and sad, and mocking... (Smile)

3.11. And active, and gambling, and ancient... (Game)

3.12. And machine gun, and satin, and adhesive... (Tape)

3.13. And hidden, and gas, and single... (Camera)

3.14. And fake, and gold, and small, and rare... (Coin)

3.15. And healthy, and milky, and rotten... (Tooth)

3.16. And broken, and tinted, and magnifying... (Glass)

3.17. And aristocratic, and bad, and pleasant... (Manners)

3.18. And satin, and quilted, and terry... (Robe)

3.19. Both oil and key... (Well)

3.20. Both cardiac and safety... (Valve)

3.21. O crown, and empty, and hotel, and ordinal... (Number)

3.22. And English, and coded, and barn... (Castle)

3.23. And the dead one, and the rope, and the door... (Loop)

3.24. And yellow, and white, and student, and travel, and entrance... (Ticket)

3.25. And gaming, and geographical, and topographical, and political, and large-scale... (Map)

3.26. And new, and maple, and lattice... (Canopy)

3.27. And smoke, and cold, and spicy, and Cossack... (Cheshka)

3.28. Both hockey and tennis... (Court)

3.29. And Olympic, and plush, and clubfoot... (Bear)

3.30. And high, and steep, and copper... (Mountain)

4. “Warm-up for the mind.” You must answer the questions written on the tickets. If you answered, you continue to play; if you didn’t answer, you’re out.

4.1. Name something that any person has, but the biblical Adam could not have. (Navel)

4.2. What can a good singer lose, but a bad singer still won’t get it? (Voice)

4.3. Name glasses that allow you to control yourself. (Lorgnette)

4.4. Which master has selfish interests? (Furrier)

4.5. A man is sitting, and you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting? (On your lap.)

4.6. Whoever does not have it does not want to have it, whoever has it cannot give it away. What is this? (bald)

4.7. She has not done a single stupid thing, but is considered a symbol of stupidity. What is this? (Cork)

4.8. What masculine word means queen? (Queen)

4.9. How can you fill a bucket to the brim three times without emptying it? (First pour stones, then sand, then pour water.)

4.10. Which doctor often has to extract the root? (To the dentist)

4.11. What kind of architectural structure contains large number mind? (Ward)

4.12. What eggs have never been laid by anyone? (Kinder surprise)

4.13. What kind of thing, despite its small size, is allocated a separate room in the apartment? (Toilet)

4.14. What atavism puts you at risk of going under the knife? (Appendicitis)

4.15. What kind of person talks about the same thing for the thousandth time with visible pleasure? (Guide, tour guide, art critic)

4.16. What kind of guard does a person create in his own image and likeness? (Scarecrow)

4.17. Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)

4.18. There is one word in the Russian language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is this word? (Wrong)

4.19. Why can't a man living in Kyiv be buried east of the Volga River? (Because he's still alive.)

4.20. How many animals did Moses take into his Ark? (Not at all. Noah had the ark, not Moses.)

4.21. Is it allowed in Turkmenistan to marry your widow's sister? (If a man's wife is a widow, then he is already dead.)

4.22. What becomes easier when it is filled? (Balloon)

4.23. You are competing and have passed the runner in second position. What position do you take now? (Second)

4.24. You have passed the last runner. What position do you take now? (This is impossible. If you are running after him, then he is not the last.)

4.25. Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha. 2. Cheche. 3. Chichi. 4. Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter? (Mary)

4.26. Two Americans are standing at the entrance to the British Museum. One of them is the father of the other's son. How is this possible? (They were husband and wife.)

5. “What and how much?” The children are given cards according to the number of questions and markers. Having solved the problem, they must write the answer with a marker and raise the card above their head.

5.1. How many nines are there in numbers from 1 to 100? (Twenty)

5.3. What sign must be placed between 2 and 3 to make a number greater than two but less than three? (Comma)

5.4. How many times is the larger single-digit number smaller than the larger two-digit number? (99:9 = 11 times)

5.5. How much will you get if you subtract the number expressed by five units of the first digit from a number expressed by three units of the second digit? (30 - 5 = 25)

5.6. How many units is the largest single digit number less than the largest? two-digit number? (99 — 9 = 90)

5.7. Name two numbers such that their sum and difference equal three. (3 and 0)

5.8. How much do you get if you subtract the largest six-digit number from the smallest seven-digit number? (1)

5.9. How much do you get if you add the smallest two-digit number to the largest four-digit number? (9999 + 10 = 10,009)

5.10. The guys probably know how to write Roman numerals within ten. Here are the numbers that indicate large values, you will need to draw on the poster: L 50, S 100, D 500, M 1,000.

The presenter shows cards on which Roman numerals are written, the guys write the same values ​​​​on their cards, in Arabic numerals that are familiar to us:

5.11. Old Slavonic numbering is based on almost the same rule as the Roman one: several letters under the title (this is a dash on top of the letter), written next to each other, indicate the number, equal to the sum numbers indicated by letters. At the same time, numbers less than a thousand, but more than twenty, are written in the order in which they are pronounced, that is, from left to right. Hang a poster with a picture in front of the children. (See below.)

The presenter dictates the number in Old Church Slavonic. Children must write it in Arabic (modern) numerals:

5.12. When denoting numbers less than 20 and greater than 10, the letter denoting one is placed in front of the letter denoting ten. Dictate the following numbers to the children:

5.13. Written on the poster Chinese numbers. The presenter pronounces the numbers in Russian, one for each player, and the children call them in Chinese. (See picture below.)

6. “Equivalents of proverbs.” It is necessary to name a Russian proverb, which in meaning coincides with the foreign one.

6.1. English proverbs:

6.1.1. Good thoughts come later. (A good thought comes later.)

6.1.2. Wealth makes friends; need tests them. (A friend is a friend in need.)

6.1.3. Stand in the mud. (Sit in a puddle, galosh.)

6.1.4. Silent as the grave. (Mute like a fish.)

6.2. Armenian proverbs:

6.2.1. Every failure is an edification. (You learn from mistakes.)

6.2.2. Anyone who is friends with a crow will also dig in the dung. (Whoever you get along with, that’s how you’ll gain. To live with wolves, howl like a wolf.)

6.2.3. No matter what you tell him, he still drives his donkey. (At least there’s a stake on your head.)

6.3. Bashkir proverb:

6.3.1. Where they don’t know you, they respect your fur coat. (They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their intelligence.)

6.4. Belarusian proverb:

6.4.1. In its time, the pine is red. (Every vegetable has its time.)

6.5. Buryat proverb:

6.5.1. The first pig is blind. (The first pancake is lumpy.)

6.6. Indonesian proverb:

6.6.1. The squirrel jumps very quickly, but sometimes it breaks down. (The horse has four legs, and then stumbles.)

6.7. Chinese proverbs:

6.7.1. If you save a handful a day, in ten years you will buy a horse. (Fluff to feather - there will be a feather. A penny saves the ruble.)

6.7.2. If he meets a person, he speaks like a human, if he meets a devil, he speaks like a devil. (Both ours and yours.)

6.7.3. Eyes can see a thousand miles, but cannot see their own eyelashes. (Can’t see beyond his own nose.)

6.7.4. If there is no tiger in the mountains, then the monkey is the prince. (In the absence of fish, cancer is a fish. Between the blind and the crooked, there is honor.)

6.8. Lithuanian proverb:

6.8.1. If you don't crack the nut, you won't eat the kernel. (If you don't drown, you won't burst.)

6.9. Mari proverb:

6.9.1. I haven't tried salt yet. (The milk on the lips has not yet dried.)

6.10. Mordovian proverb:

6.10.1. And there is rubbish in the wheat. (Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.)

6.11. German proverb:

6.11.1. Foxes are caught by foxes. (They knock out a wedge with a wedge.)

6.12. Persian proverbs:

6.12.1. The grass in the goat's mouth is sweet. (Tastes differ.)

6.12.2. The sour curdled milk can be seen in the pot. (You can see the bird in flight.)

6.13. Polish proverb:

6.13.1. Small rain from a big cloud. (The mountain gave birth to a mouse.)

6.14. Turkmen proverb:

6.14.1. To the one who knows - it is light, to the one who does not know - it is dark.) Teaching is light, ignorance is darkness.)

6.15. Uzbek proverb:

6.15.1. It is better to be a shepherd at home than to be a padishah in a foreign land. (It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city.)

6.16. Finnish proverbs:

6.16.1. And the old fox's head may get stuck in the jug. (And the old woman gets screwed.)

6.16.2. For livestock and bedding. (After Senka’s hat.)

6.16.3. If the father drinks the horse, the son will drink the cart. (Like father like son.)

6.16.4. In its field the plow is not heavy. (He doesn’t carry his own burden.)

6.17. French proverb:

6.17.1. Separation is the death of love. (Out of sight, out of mind.)

6.18. Japanese proverb:

6.18.1. With a sparrow's tear. (With a gulkin nose. The cat cried.)


In addition, competitions “Auction”, “This and that”, “Warm-up for the mind”, “Say by...”, “Equivalent of proverbs” - can be held with the entire audience and stars can be awarded to everyone who gave the first answer.

If the children want, they can determine the most gifted child by inviting those who have the largest (and most importantly!) equal number of stars to play the game “The Most-Most.” The presenter reads out the definition - you need to name what is being discussed faster than your opponent:

7. “The very best.”

7.1. The deepest ocean. (Quiet)

7.2. The saltiest sea. (Dead)

7.3. The shallowest ocean. (Atlantic)

7.4. The biggest musical instrument. (Organ)

7.5. The largest stringed instrument. (Double bass)

7.8. The largest island belonging to Russia. (Sakhalin)

7.9. The largest island on Lake Baikal. (Alder)

7.10. Most big volcano in Russia. ( Klyuchevskaya Sopka)

7.11. The smallest state in the world. (Vatican)

7.13. Largest river world flowing from West to East. (Amazon)

7.14. Most cold pole on Earth. (Southern)

7.20. Most large city V Western Europe. (Paris)

7.21. The largest city in the USA. (New York)

7.22. The most prickly flower. (Cactus)

7.27. Most major influx Yenisei River. (Angara)

7.28. The largest land mammal. (Elephant)

7.31. The most famous hero of the books by Ilf and Petrov. (Ostap Bender)

7.32. The largest state by area Latin America. (Brazil)

7.33. The most common lighting device in fifteenth-century Russia. (Luchina)

7.34. The most famous composer of organ works. (Johann Sebastian Bach)

7.35. The longest sleep a person can fall into. (Lethargic)

7.36. The biggest seed. (Coconut)

7.37. The most common word coined by the Czech writer Karel Capek. (Robot)

7.38. The most common in the Universe chemical element. (Hydrogen)

7.39. The worst thing is destructive force, natural phenomenon. (Earthquake)

7.40. The most populous city in Europe. (Moscow)

7.41. The most domesticated insect in Europe. (Bee)

7.42. The greatest English playwright. (William Shakespeare)

7.43. The best diver among mammals. (Sperm whale)

7.44. Our tree that scatters the most seeds per year. (Poplar)

7.46. The largest reptile living on Earth today. (Crocodile)

7.47. The most fusible metal. (Mercury)

7.48. Who among the inhabitants of the animal world develops the highest speed (Falcon. Three hundred kilometers per hour.)

7.49. The biggest circus Ancient Rome. (Coliseum)

7.50. The most numerous class of the animal world, by number of species. (Insects)

7.51. Largest known modern science speed in nature. (Light. Three hundred thousand kilometers per second.)

7.52. Name the founder of the very first Russian university. (Mikhailo Vasilievich Lomonosov)

7.54. The largest rodent in Russia. (Beaver)

7.56. Which animal has the most longer duration life? (Giant, or Elephant, tortoise - 180 years.)

7.57. The most ancient (first) book on the history and geography of the Russian Land. (“The Tale of Bygone Years.”)

7.58. Name the sea that washes the largest number of states. (The Caribbean Sea washes 22 states.)

7.59. Name the most frost-resistant bird. (Domestic goose can withstand temperatures of 110 degrees)

7.60. The most famous Italian opera house. (La Scala)

7.61 The smallest mammal on Earth. (Shrew)

7.62. Tallest building in Washington. (Capitol)

7.63. The most refractory metal. (Tungsten)

7.64. The most populous city in the world. (Mexico City)

7.67. Tallest building in Paris. (Eiffel Tower)

7.68. The bird has the largest beak. (Pelican)

7.69. A mammal that has adapted to live at the highest altitude above sea level. (Yak)

7.71. Animal with the most big ears. (Elephant)

7.72. The most tall mammal. (Giraffe)

7.73. The most large mammal, living today on our Planet. (Blue whale)

7.74. Which animals gather in the largest herds? (Gazelles. A herd can cover an area of ​​24 kilometers x 150 kilometers.)

7.75. Which bird dives the deepest? (Penguin)

7.76. The smallest continent in area. (Australia)

7.77. The fastest sea animal. (Orca dolphin)

7.79. Which animal has the longest tongue? (At the anteater.)

7.81. Which sea animal has the most long horn? (At the narwhal unicorn.)

7.82. Which insects have the largest nests? (In termitlv.)

7.83. The most deep lake in the world. (Baikal)

Intellectual casino in summer camp. Scenario

Two or three teams can take part in the game. Each of them is assigned a number by drawing lots. Unlike a real casino, where people come with their money and exchange it for game chips, in a smart casino, game chips are redeemed for knowledge. The host gives each team equal chances to buy back chips.

First task. In 30 seconds, come up with a word that would contain as much as possible more letters. It can be a noun, adjective, adverb or verb. After completing the task, each team receives as many chips as the number of letters in the word they came up with.

Second task. In 3 minutes, come up with a more or less coherent story, all words of which (except prepositions) begin with the same letter. (The letters: O, P, S are suitable for completing this task.) Then the guys read their stories and receive as many chips as there are words in their story for a given letter.

Third task. Within one minute, each team names objects, creatures or concepts on the topic that the leader suggested to them. (You can write themes on leaves or chamomile petals.)

Here's what the guys can call:

1. Car brands.

2. Constellations.

3. Male and female names starting with the letter “A”.

6. Representatives of the cat family.

7. Hats.

8. Celestial bodies.

9. Minerals.

10. Chemical elements.

11. European countries (Asia, Africa, America).

12. Capitals of states.

13. Flour products.

14. Meat dishes.

15. Types of weapons.

17. Trees.

18. Literary heroes men (women).

19. Drinks.

20. Furniture.

23. Russian (foreign) writers.

24. Types of ships.

25. Dog breeds.

26. Ungulates.

Each team will receive as many chips as the number of concepts they name.

Now each team has, so to speak, “capital”, which it can dispose of at its own discretion and place as many chips on the playing field as it sees fit.

The very first bet on the playing field is made by the team that was drawn No. 1. It can place its chips on sector A, B, C, or on “Yes - No”, or on the outer circle, where the cards with questions are located text down.

After the first team, the second team makes its bet. She cannot place her chips in a sector that has already been chosen by the first team.

The third team places its chips on the sector that neither the first nor the second team chose.

The facilitator asks each team a question from the sector in which they placed their chips. If the team answers the question correctly, then the presenter returns the chips at stake to them and also gives the same amount of his own. If the team gives the wrong answer, the presenter (dealer) takes the chips that the team placed on the playing field.

When each team has answered its question, the presenter offers to make another bet, but now the second team gets the right to be the first to put chips on the field; The third one follows her, then the first one. After this round, the third team will be the first to bet, followed by the first, then the second.

The presenter carefully ensures that the order of the first bet in each round of questions is not violated.

The game continues until: either one of the teams runs out of chips, or for a while (40-60 minutes). In the latter case, a gong is heard. The presenter (dealer) asks to count the chips (winnings).

The team that collects more chips during the game than its opponents wins. (The second and third places are determined by the number of chips the teams have.)

1. Sector “Yes - No”

1.1. The year of foundation of Moscow was 1652? (No. 1147)

1.2. The birthplace of kefir is Georgia? (No. Russia)

1.3. Does the surname Schwarzenegger translate to "Black Negro"? (Yes)

1.4. A mule's dad is a donkey and his mom is a mare? (Yes)

1.5. The Pleiades and Stozhary are one and the same object. (Yes)

1.6. Between Scorpio and Capricorn is the Sign Libra. (No. Sagittarius)

1.7. The largest peninsula in Europe is the Apennine Peninsula? (No. Scandinavian.)

1.8. Batu Khan is a descendant of Genghis Khan. (Yes)

1.9. Poisonous boas are found in nature. (No)

1.10. In America, football is played with a round ball. (No. Oval)

1.11. All coniferous trees- evergreen. (No)

1.12. Neva flows from Lake Onega. (No. From Ladoga.)

1.13. Is there at least one painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Hermitage? (Yes)

1.14. The highest peak of Kamchatka is Klyuchevskaya Sopka. (Yes)

1.15. The largest ostrich is the Emu. (No. African)

1.16. There are cobras that reach five or more meters in length. (Yes)

1.17. Are chickens raised in Australia? (Yes)

1.18. Mikhail Gorbachev was a Laureate Nobel Prize peace. (Yes)

1.19. Are Japanese cherry blossoms edible? (No)

1.20. The anarchist Nestor Makhno was a Knight of the Order of the Red Banner. (Yes)

1.21. A tarantula is a spider. (Yes)

1.22. A bazooka is a machine gun. (No. Grenade launcher)

1.23. The Wright brothers were the first to fly across Atlantic Ocean. (No)

1.24. Did Cyrano de Bergerac, the hero of Edmond Rostand's play, really exist? (Yes)

1.25. Is succinic acid vitamin? (No)

1.26. The iris flower has a middle name of “kasatik”. (Yes)

1.27. The echo can last up to 15 seconds. (Yes)

1.28. Is it true that the leader of the rock band Aquarium, Boris Grebenshchikov, professes Buddhism? (No)

1.29. The stonecutter is a lizard. (No. Bird)

1.30. Sonar and sonar are the same thing. (Yes)

1.31. Is it true that calico cats are all female? (Yes)

1.32. The hummingbird bird makes up to two hundred wing beats per second. (Yes)

1.33. Are targets for skeet shooting called “saucers”?

(No. Plates)

1.34. The obverse side of the coin is officially called the obverse. (Yes)

1.35. A castrated rooster is called a capon. (Yes)

1.36. The largest left tributary of the Volga is called Oka. (No. Kama)

2. Sector “A B C”

2.1. What color is the submarine from the famous Beatles song?

a) Yellow *;

b) green;

2.2. What is the name of an English penny?

b) penny * (can be: pence);

c) shilling.

2.3. What is the most common tree in Russia?

a) Birch;

b) larch *;

2.4. In what branch of the army did he participate? Crimean War officer Leo Tolstoy?

a) Artillery *;

b) cavalry;

c) infantry.

2.5. What is a helicopter?

a) Helicopter *;

c) parachute.

2.6. How many kopecks were there in a five-altyn piece?

2.7. On what river is the city of Krasnoyarsk located?

a) Angara;

b) Yenisei *;

2.8. What do you use to hit the ball when playing croquet?

a) Wooden hammer *

c) with a stick

2.9. Which continent is the birthplace of cocoa?

b) America *;

c) Africa.

2.10. What number is denoted as D in Roman numerals?

2.11. Which country's flag was called the Union Jack?

a) Great Britain *;

2.12. Which Goddess was born from the head of Zeus?

a) Artemis;

b) Athena *;

c) Aphrodite.

2.13. In which country did the first paper money appear?

a) Germany;

b) China *;

c) France.

2.14. Where was Sanskrit spoken?

a) In Egypt;

b) in India *;

c) in Persia.

2.15. What name did she have? ancient greek muse Dance?

a) Melpomene;

c) Terpsichore *.

2.16. How many players of one team can be on the court at the same time when playing bandy?

b) eight;

c) eleven *.

2.17. How many ballerinas are usually involved in the dance of the little swans from the ballet Swan Lake?

a) Four *;

c) ten.

2.18. B) in which country did the Rumba dance originate?

a) Spain;

b) Italy;

2.19. B) in which country did the first steamship appear?

a) Great Britain;

c) France.

2.20. What was the name of the ancient Greek God of the Underworld?

a) Pluto *;

b) Saturn;

2.21. Which prehistoric monster Did the heroes of Arthur Conan Doyle's story "The Lost World" bring them to London from an expedition?

a) Dinosaur;

b) ichthyosaur;

c) pterodactyl *.

2.22. How many Empresses were in power in Russia in the eighteenth century?

c) four *.

2.23. What kind of God is in Slavic mythology was the patron saint of animals (especially livestock)?

a) Veles * (or Volos);

c) Svarog.

2.24. Which bird species are called whooper or mute bird?

b) swan *;

c) nightjar.

2.25. Name the third largest land animal (after African and Indian elephants).

a) Hippopotamus * (or hippopotamus);

b) grizzly bear;

c) rhinoceros.

2.26. What was the world's first alphabet?

a) Arabic;

b) Greek *;

c) Latin.

2.27. In which country did rhythmic gymnastics originate?

a) England;

c) France.

2.28. What disease killed the leader of the Queens group, Fred Mercury, and Rudolf Nureyev, the great Soviet ballet dancer.

a) Malaria;

c) tuberculosis.

2.29. Who was Mary Shelley, who invented Frankenstein in 1818, related to the great English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley?

a) Wife *;

b) mother;

c) sister.

2.30. What is the name of the ancient robber weapon in the form of a short stick with a metal ball suspended on a chain?

a) Mace;

b) flail *;

c) club.

2.31. On which continent do the most live? poisonous snakes on Earth?

a) Australia *;

c) America.

2.32. In which country was sunflower oil first produced?

a) Greece;

b) Spain;

c) Russia *.

2.33. What material is the clarinet primarily made of?

a) Tree *;

2.34. Which nation's epic was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the greatest?

a) Indian (called “Ramayana”);

b) Kyrgyz * (called “manas”);

c) Finnish (called “Kalevala”),

2.35. Which metal is the lightest?

a) Aluminum;

b) lithium *;

2.36. What did Russian engineer and inventor Vladimir Kuzmich Zworykin come up with in America in 1931?

b) television *;

c) telegraph.

3. Questions in a circle.

3.1. What is the name of the signature dance of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro? (Samba)

3.2. What is the official name of the gymnastic horizontal bar? (crossbar)

3.3. Which legendary King turned everything he touched into gold? (Midas)

3.4. What is the scientific name for the embryo of animals and humans? (Embryo)

3.5. What plant is believed to repel vampires? (Garlic)

3.6. What, according to Russian beliefs, is the name of Domovoy's wife? (Kikimora)

3.7. What is the name of the greatest in length? mountain system Globe? (Cordillera in North America and their continuation of the Andes in South America)

3.9. What was the name of the rat that almost killed Pinocchio? (Shushara)

3.10. What is the American name? coyote? (Coyote)

3.11. Who is Yeti? (Bigfoot)

3.12. Who is the last People's Artist of the USSR? (Alla Borisovna Pugacheva)

3.13. What is another name for the plant? sweet potato? (Sweet potato)

3.14. Who sang the song “And I recognize a sweetheart by his gait” in the TV show “Old Songs about the Main Thing”? (Garik Sukachev)

3.15. According to the Bible, in how many days did God create the World, including man? (For six)

3.16. Who was first Russian Emperor? (Peter the Great)

3.17. Name the world's largest city beyond the Arctic Circle. (Murmansk - Russia.)

3.18. What plant, found in our gardens, is also called earthen pear? (Jerusalem artichoke)

The children's world is unique. He has his own vocabulary, his own norms, his own codes of honor and fun. These are signs of a magical land called “The Game”. This country is incredibly pleasing, captivates children, fills all their time and is a very important thing. Kids live and develop through play. And not just kids. The game captivates everyone with its attractive romance, magic and uniqueness. There is an opinion that every generation is addicted to its own games. And it's true. Time changes, culture changes, the game changes. Today, a new direction has been formed, called “Intellectual Game for Children”.

These games help talented, unusually erudite children, for whom science, new knowledge, and diversity of creativity are of paramount importance, to open up. Unlike scientific conferences, various Olympiads and electives, intellectual play for children turns serious activity into a colorful spectacle, into an exciting competition, into a bright holiday. Therefore, such games are liked not only by children. Teenagers and students take part in them with pleasure. And even adults, interested in the game, join in with pleasure.

Proper organization of rest has great value. Mental stress and the cold season greatly deplete the physical and psychological state child. Therefore, in the summer you simply need to relax. Only intellectual play in the camp can competently organize the process of creative self-realization and enrichment with additional knowledge. Such games - creative activity, in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, reveal thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

Examples of games

"Complicated answer"

One of the children (the chosen leader) asks very simple questions, implying the answers “Yes”, “No”. The remaining participants in the game must give an answer, while using the words “Yes” and “No” is strictly prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. The counselor or teacher reveals a certain topic to the children. The first team must assert, trying to prove known facts, and the second, on the contrary, must find facts to prove the opposite side.

"Make a proverb"

Children are given pieces of paper with two words written on them. From these words you need to make a proverb. For example, the words: light - darkness. The child who is the first to correctly voice the well-known proverb wins.

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet era All camps held a competition for the best theatrical presentation of famous fairy tales. Today's children do not really like to participate in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children, including many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

Scenario of the game "World of Fairy Tales"

In such a game, there are supposed to be four teams-squads.

Competition 1

Any fairy tale is called. You need to name a new one for the last letter of this fairy tale. The action takes place in a circle. The team that does not select the required fairy tale name within 5 seconds is eliminated from participation.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with an ode of praise to anyone. All teams are given prepared rhymes:

jackdaw - stick,
sock - sand.

Competition 3

Think through and dramatize the meeting of three completely different characters. For example, such as:

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • The Little Mermaid, Old Man Hottabych, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Serpent Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Little Red Riding Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4

The captains draw lots. Each team gets its own fairy tale. Without using words, using only pantomime, the team must demonstrate a fairy tale so that the audience can guess its name. Fairy tale options:

  • “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”.

Competition 5

Think over and dramatize a short fairy tale in which three magical objects will be used: a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, and a magic mirror.

Competition 6

To dramatize the famous fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in the national style. You can use African style, Indian, English. This action takes into account the selection of appropriate animals, the transfer of color, imitation of style and even accent.

This scenario of intellectual play can be supplemented with competitions if the children get excited. To do this, you need to prepare several additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the results are summed up and the winners are awarded as the best storytellers.

There is some annoying stereotype in the world - creative development aimed at the development of young children or primary schoolchildren. Often, schools and camps carefully select intellectual games for primary schoolchildren. But teenagers and high school students also need to develop creative and creative potential. That is why invite older children to create an intellectual games club. Get them interested not only in the games themselves, but also in planning work with younger children.

Several games that high school students will enjoy are brought to your attention.

Games for older children

"Theater of Abbreviations"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players goes out the door. The rest come up with a word. The letters of this word are distributed among the playing children. Each letter characterizes a type of behavior. For example, “z” is envy, “o” is mischief. When the host enters the room, the players must show him pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what character trait is being demonstrated to him, and form the correct word from the resulting letters.

"The sea is agitated"

All players come up with one word and call them out loud in turn. The player who concludes this chain says his word and takes on the role of narrator. He begins to tell a fictitious story, in which it is necessary to coherently include all the words named by the players. The player whose word was spoken must leave the chain and move away from his place. The storyteller needs to confuse the players with his narrative. For example, not saying any of the players’ words for a long time, and then saying several words at once. The story should end with the phrase “the sea is agitated.” This phrase is a signal by which all players strive to return to their places. The one who did not have time becomes the storyteller.