What is UIN in receipts and payment orders? What is UIN in payment?

Fulfillment of financial obligations in relation to government agencies, for example the Federal Tax Service and the State Traffic Inspectorate, is the responsibility of any person (individual or legal) located in Russian jurisdiction. Fortunately, with the development of information technology, it has become easier to pay off debts and transfer fines, taxes or fees to the budget: now you can not only, but also speed up the processing of a payment by indicating the UIN code, or universal accrual identifier. Thanks to this innovation, the operation takes little time, and the likelihood of an error when making a payment is minimized.

There are several misconceptions regarding the UIN and its double requisite (UIP), which will be discussed below. We will also tell you where exactly in the document you should put the UIN and what to do if an error does occur. And the description of the code structure given at the end of the material will help to avoid misunderstandings.

UIN - what is it and why is it needed?

UIN, or universal accrual identifier (sometimes designated in Latin letters UIN), - a detail used in payment documents and representing a 20-digit unique code. It is assigned in accordance with the accepted algorithm and cannot be adjusted or changed at the will of the payer. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between UIN and KBK, or budget classification code: these details are not interchangeable.

Important: The UIN code is assigned not to the state structure as a whole and not even to the payer (there is a taxpayer identification number for this), but to a specific accrual. Unlike most other responsibilities associated with transferring money to government agencies, obtaining a UIN is not an application: a citizen or organization does not have to request a code from the payee. Even if the details are not issued, this will not prevent the funds from being credited - at worst, it will slow it down.

UIN as a requisite is used only for payments to the federal or municipal budget; in other cases, the UIP, or universal payment identifier, is used. Although these codes are fundamentally similar, it is impossible to confuse them for an obvious reason: they are assigned by the recipient of the money, but the payer only needs to enter the digital combination into the required field without errors - this is no more difficult than.

Important: the use of UIN and UIP codes is not necessary, even if they are assigned to the payment by the recipient. The payer has the right to use other details, in particular TIN. In this case, as in the absence of a UIN, the speed and accuracy of processing the application may suffer, but now the problem has been almost completely eliminated, and the person making the transfer may not be afraid of ending up on the list of debtors or willful defaulters.

In order to simplify and automate payments, the Federal Tax Service, on whose website you can find a form, provides the user with the opportunity to request a payment form and even fill it out for further printing. Then the UIN is assigned to the financial transaction online, and neither the payer nor the recipient needs to make any additional movements.

Since UIN is a payment (accrual) code, and not the person making it, ordinary citizens, companies or enterprises can receive it.

For individuals, there is the following procedure for working with payments::

  1. The recipient of the transfer (land, transport, housing tax, duty, fee, fine, etc.) assigns it a universal accrual identifier and reflects it in the form of an index in the corresponding notification sent to the payer.
  2. Upon receipt of the document, the payer fills out its fields, in particular those intended for UIN, and then makes the payment at the nearest bank branch. If a government agency sends a receipt form to a citizen, it usually already contains the recipient’s details, including the universal accrual identifier.
  3. If payment is made online, the UIN code should be entered in the required field of the electronic form in the same order as when using a paper document. In general, the operation takes a minimum of time and is less complicated than receiving.
  4. Payment with or without UIN must be made in full and within the time frame specified by the recipient (or established by the legislator). Otherwise, the payer will have to part with an additional amount - accrued penalties or fines.

For legal entities, the following algorithm for working with payments is used::

  1. If a transfer to the budget is carried out by a company or organization independently, and this usually happens, the UIN code is not assigned to the payment for obvious reasons, and the payer only needs to indicate the details available to him or received previously: KBK, INN, KPP, and so on. Such a transaction is carried out as usual - in accordance with the regulations of a particular bank and the instructions of government and supervisory authorities.
  2. If a payment to the budget is a consequence of the fulfillment of a one-time obligation to the state (for example, for a fine issued during an audit), the transfer of funds is initiated by the relevant body - it is they who assign the UIN indicated in the field of the payment intended for this.

Important: You can find out the latest information about the procedure for assigning a UIN directly from the payee by asking a question by calling the hotline or using other communication channels. In the same way, you can clarify the universal accrual identifier if the numbers in the payment are unreadable, not printed, or the document is damaged.

What documents contain the UIN?

The universal accrual identifier is assigned to transactions related to the transfer of money to the state budget, and therefore is found only in the corresponding payment documents. In others, for example, in a receipt for payment for the services of an Internet provider, the code is either not used at all or is replaced with a UIP.

UIN code is indicated:

  • in receipts;
  • in requirements;
  • in applications for cash payments.

In the latter case, the budget organization that generates the application assigns a universal accrual identifier to it, and the treasury subsequently generates a payment order based on the document.

Where in the document is the UIN indicated?

The Universal Accrual Identifier (UIN), as well as the Universal Payment Identifier (UPI), is indicated in the designated column under number 22, usually designated by the word “Code”.

In this column, depending on the circumstances, you should indicate:

  • UIN code in full, without errors and irrelevant information - if it was designated as the payee;
  • value “0”, if the details have not been assigned or the payer does not want to use them - then the transfer of funds will be carried out in the standard manner.

Important: if the universal accrual identifier was specified incorrectly by the sender, the GIS “State and Municipal Payments” will either not be able to recognize it, or will classify it as other payments, as a result of which the debt for a specific obligation will not be considered repaid. Then the payer, in order to avoid the accrual of penalties and fines, will have to transfer the money again - with or without using the correct code, putting a zero value in field 22. This will most likely increase the request processing time, but will allow you to avoid another error and, consequently, new penalties.

Although the payer who incorrectly indicated the UIN in the document may try to get his money back by contacting the operating bank, the likelihood of a positive outcome is low: recalling the transfer is unprofitable for both the financial structure and the government agency, to whose address it was received. In such a situation, we can only advise you to fill out column 22 of the payment more carefully in the future and, if in doubt, do not neglect the opportunity to clarify the universal accrual identifier with the relevant government organization.

Advice: a big plus is the ability to generate a payment document form in automatic mode using official electronic services. The risk of making a mistake is minimized, as is the time it takes to fill out a receipt: the user just needs to enter the initial data, wait for the request to be processed and print the finished document with the details already entered into it.

Identifier decryption

Currently, the universal accrual identifier as a combination of numbers, for example 11122223333444444445, consists of five blocks:

  • Characters one through three(in the example - 111). They serve to designate the government institution or structure to which funds are accrued, that is, the chief administrator of budget revenues. For example, the Federal Tax Service code used in the UIN is -183, Fund social insurance- 393 and so on.
  • Characters four through seven(in the example - 2222). These are the first four digits of the reason for registration code (RPC) of the payment recipient. It is not allowed to use a taxpayer identification number or other details instead of a checkpoint, since an incorrectly formed UIN will either not be processed by the operating bank or will lead to funds being credited to the wrong account.
  • Characters eight through eleven(in the example - 3333). In the current system for assigning UIN, these are the last two digits of the year and the month of payment. For example, if a receipt is generated based on a resolution issued in July 2018, the third block will look like 1807.
  • Characters twelfth to nineteenth(in the example - 44444444). The number of the resolution or other document that is the basis for generating a receipt or claim. Unique within the limits established by the legislator; An error occurring when transferring funds is prevented by specifying other details listed above in the universal accrual identifier.
  • Twentieth character. A check digit calculated for each UIN. Serves to verify the authenticity of a document, which can be carried out either by the payer himself or government agency based on a written request.

Important: You can verify the correctness of the assigned UIN or calculate the control character automatically on the Rostekhnadzor website. To do this, in the form available at the link gosnadzor.ru, you need to enter the first nineteen digits in the order indicated above, and then click on the “Calculate” button. It should be taken into account that the form does not make it possible to verify the correctness of the source data and serves only to calculate the twentieth digit of the universal accrual identifier.

Let's sum it up

The universal accrual identifier, or UIN, is a twenty-digit code used in payment documents related to the transfer of money to the budget. The code is assigned by the payee and is indicated in the request (notification) sent to the payer. If the person making the transfer has not received such a combination, for some reason does not want to use it, or carries out the transaction on his own initiative, the UIN is replaced with the symbol “0”. Reluctance or inability to use a unique accrual identifier cannot be grounds for refusal to make or accept a payment by the operating bank or government agency.

The payer using the universal identifier can be an individual, including individual entrepreneur, and legal. The UIN is indicated in column 22 of the payment document, usually designated by the word “Code”. The universal identifier consists of five blocks, the last of which is a control block, which serves to verify the correctness of the code assignment.

Today, upon receiving any receipt or payment order to pay fines, taxes, insurance, etc. you can see the UIN number. We will discuss this and the rules for filling out documents further.

What is UIN?

UIN stands for “unique accrual identifier.” It is a 20-digit code that determines where the payment is assigned. The UIN is established by the budgetary authority itself to determine the path transferred money to the Russian budget. The uniqueness of the code means that it cannot be duplicated.

UIN reports on payments made by legal entities and individuals forcertain services:

  • for state and municipal(according to Part 1 of Article 1 Federal Law No. 210-FZ);
  • for the necessary services to provide public and municipal services (according to Part 1 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 210-FZ).

The code is also needed to determine other payments that participate in the formation of the country’s budget at different levels.

UIN in the payment order

The obligation to enter UIN data was established by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 107 dated November 12, 2013. This order is effective after official publication on January 24, 2014. Later, changes were made in the writing of the code, so from February 4, 2014 it was required to write it in the “Purpose of payment” field, and from March 31, 2014, the UIN is entered in the “22” field.

1. UIN of tax authorities.

The UIN code of the tax authorities corresponds to the index indicated on the document, that is, the Federal Tax Service and the UIN are one and the same. When tax authorities generate a payment order, it is automatically assigned the index of this document.

2. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

As a rule, the UIN code of the traffic police is formed from such numerical components as the number of the resolution (protocol) and the date of approval of this document. UIN The traffic police often uses Russian and Latin letters when writing UIN.

3. UIN of other budgetary authorities.

It often happens that the UIN code is not determined automatically or is simply unknown, then in field “22” budget authorities enter a zero value.

Where can I get the UIN code?

For payers, the value of the UIN code can be viewed directly on the received receipt or on the resolution sheet. Most often, the receipt is sent by the budget authorities themselves to pay a tax, penalty, fine or state duty.

The UIN code can be generated by a special online program, for example, when filling out a tax return. This code will be unique and will change each time a receipt is generated. If the enterprise itself or individual entrepreneur, as well as individuals, are the initiators of the payment, then in field “22” there will be a zero UIN.

Most common questions

Is there a table of UIN codes?

The UIN code is unique and no tables or lists have been developed for it. Each UIN code can be used only once on one specific payment document, so it is impossible to find a similar UIN code in two even identical payment documents.

Can I enter the UIN code myself?

You should only enter the code if you know it for sure, otherwise the payment may not reach its destination and will not be considered completed. The code is generated only automatically, so you cannot invent it. If the payer does not know the exact code, a zero UIN should be entered.

When can you not indicate the UIN code?

If a payment order is issued to transfer funds to an account commercial organization, then the UIN code does not need to be specified. The UIN serves as an identification code only for funds intended for transfer to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Can letters be used in the UIN code?

Indeed, the UIN can contain letters of both the Russian and Latin alphabet.

For example, in payment documents of the traffic police about fines contained in the code english letters are underlined or highlighted so as not to confuse them with similar letters of the Russian alphabet.

Changes and features in the instructions

The UIN code was first introduced by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n dated November 24, 2004 “On approval of the Rules for indicating in the fields of payment documents the transfer of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation.”

Previously, UIN stood for universal accrual identifier, and indicating it on payment forms and documents was optional. Now, starting from March 31, 2014, the code has been renamed and is unique; it must be indicated in the “22” field.

Explanations on the procedure for indicating the UIN when filling out

Payments on receipts can be voluntary accrued or upon specific request. It can be issued by individuals, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and budgetary authorities.

1. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs

In the current year 2015, payment receipts for the transfer of taxes accrued legal entities and entrepreneurs on their own, do not contain a UIN code.

The payer's identifier will be the TIN and KPP of the organization. All payments will be made according to the budget classification code (BCC) established in the region, and “0” must be indicated in field “22”.

2. Individuals

In the case when an individual fills out a receipt or declaration to make payments to the tax authority, the UIN value should be indicated; for this, you can contact the tax service or fill out a document in the online program on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which will automatically enter the UIN code.

And also to pay taxes and state duties, you can contact credit organizations, where it is enough to indicate your full name, registration address and place of residence individual, and put “0” in field “22”.

4. Budget authorities

In many cases, payment documents are generated by the budget authority itself, automatically assigning it a UIN code and document index.

For any detailed information and clarification of questions of interest regarding details, filling rules, including UIN code, you can contact the tax service or call the Federal Tax Service helpline. There you can always find out about changes and additions to this issue that have entered into force.

Unique identifier accrual (UIN) is a code that must be placed in field “22” of the payment order for the transfer of taxes and fees. This detail makes it easier for fiscal authorities to recognize payers.

In order to understand whether your organization specifically needs to use this code in a payment order, we consider 2 types of payment to the budget system:

  • When you transfer funds based on independent calculations to pay current taxes.

Then there is no need to specify . All important information the payer will be reported with a mandatory detail - individual tax number (TIN), and the payment will be reported with the budget classification code ().

This also includes a payment option when you pay the arrears (fine, fine), calculated independently, not based on the requirements of the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund.

Field "22" cannot be left blank. Order Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No.107n dated November 12, 2013 approves the basic rules for indicating data in the details, according to which all data must be filled out. If it is not possible to use the UIN code, you must enter 0 (zero) in the field. An empty cell gives the bank grounds to refuse to transfer funds and return the payment order.

  • When you transfer funds to fulfill the requirements of the fiscal authorities to pay fines and arrears.

In this case, the tax authority assigns a UIN to the payment in the request. And you will need to accurately transfer it to the payment order.

Where can I get the UIN?

The basis for transferring funds in quality, fees and arrears is the receipt of an official request. In it, the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund or Social Insurance Fund independently indicates a code consisting of 20 - 25 characters, which you will then need to transfer to the payment order in field “22”.

This code will be different each time, because it important characteristic is uniqueness. Accordingly, it is impossible to find this value in any place other than in the payment request.

UIN and individuals

If the basis for payment of taxes by individuals is notifications and payment documents attached to them, then the necessary fields are filled in exclusively by the tax authorities.

The taxpayer must generate a payment order himself using the electronic services of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia if he wishes to make it without notification. In this case, the service automatically assigns a UIN to the document.

When paying taxes using the organization “UIN”, the UIN is not assigned or indicated to the payment, which means that field “22” is set to zero. When issuing a payment order in another organization that has the right to do so, either zero or the value of the code, if available, is indicated.

According to the rules approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, when individuals transfer funds to the budget system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to indicate the TIN or UIN, therefore, there is no need to have these two details at the same time. However, indicating the UIN will allow the tax authority to identify and account for the payment as quickly as possible.

Did you enter your UIN incorrectly?

UIN allows the GIS GMP system ( State Information System about State and Municipal Payments) automatically take payments into account. If an error is made in it, then the payment is not correctly identified, and, accordingly, the organization will remain obligated to pay a fine, and a penalty may also be charged.

To resolve this error you will need:

  1. Contact the fiscal authority to clarify payment.
  2. It is possible to re-execute the payment order to eliminate the debt and accrue penalties.

Thus, actions with the UIN index are quite simple. If you pay any tax deductions as a result of independently calculating their amounts, then you simply have nowhere to get this code.

Therefore, put a zero in field “22”, do not leave it empty, otherwise the operation will be refused. If payment occurs at the request of the fiscal authorities, then they are obliged to provide you with a UIN.

Sometimes, to pay taxes, fines and penalties, the payment order or receipt contains the details UIN (Unique Accrual Identifier), which is not yet clear to us. I propose to consider the details of the description and use of this prop.

For whom is a UIN required?

It is not possible for entrepreneurs or legal entities to independently enter UIN data into a payment order, because this identifier is the prerogative of government agencies. Its number simplifies the distribution of funds received from individuals and legal entities.

The function of the UIN is as follows:

  • In reducing unclear payments that are transferred to the state treasury;
  • Reducing the risk of unknown payments.

Types and methods of payments with UIN

For legal entities and entrepreneurs, indicating the UIN in a payment order is possible only upon a request from government agencies (IFTS, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund), indicating the identifier number. These may be requirements for the following payments:

  • Payment of penalties. If you do not provide a code number, the tax office will identify the payment using other details. But in the payment document you still need to put “0” in field 22;
  • When paying state duty;
  • Payment of taxes, penalties on demands made by government agencies;
  • Since 2017, the payment of insurance premiums has been supervised by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which means the rules for filling out field 22 are identical to filling out other taxes.

Payment methods:

  • If you prepare a payment through the State Services portal, the system itself will automatically provide the identification number, but if you put “0”, this will not be considered an error;
  • When paying through a payment terminal, the taxpayer has no place to find out the identifier code, so you can put “0” in the code field;
  • Bank employees will not accept a payment document or receipt if field 22 is left empty; you must enter either the code itself or “0”.

Some payment receipts for individuals already contain an identification number. This number identifies the following payments:

  • Payment for real estate registration;
  • Payment to pay for administrative violations;
  • To pay traffic police fines and state fees;
  • When paying for the issuance of certificates;
  • To receive an extract from the state register.

It is important to know that if a government agency indicates the payment UIN, then it must be included in the payment order, otherwise the transferred funds will end up in undetermined payments.

Situations where a UIN is not needed

If legal entities and individual entrepreneurs comply with the deadlines for paying taxes, fees and charges, then when filling out payment documents, an accrual identifier is not needed, because government institutions did not provide demands for payment of arrears and penalties. The Federal Tax Service system recognizes the taxpayer by INN, KPP, and KBK. And in field 22 you need to put “0” for the payment ID.

If individuals make payments on their own without submitting requirements from the tax office, the UIN is not included.

Payment order field for UIN

When filling out a payment order, field 22, intended for the identifier code, must be filled in. What to put in this field depends on the following situations:

  1. If we are filling out a payment order at the request of government agencies, then we put in field 22 the identifier number that appears in the document;
  2. If we fill out the payment document ourselves, then in field 22 we put the number 0.

An example of completed field 22 indicating the UIN:

Please note that the unique payment identifier code 22 must not be empty, otherwise the banking institution may not accept this payment.

Example of using UIN

Zorka LLC did not pay on time insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund, in turn, the Social Insurance Fund sent the debtor a demand for payment of contributions indicating the UIN. When filling out the payment document, the accountant of Zorka LLC entered the identifier number in field 22.

Consequences of incorrectly filling out 22 fields

When funds are received into the state treasury from taxpayers, the code number makes it possible to automatically determine payments, contributions and fees. If the ID is incorrect, this payment will be considered in default. This leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • Formation of debt obligations of organizations and individuals to the budget and funds;
  • For each day of delay, penalties are charged;
  • The need to clarify the details of the payment order;
  • The receipt of funds into the state treasury is late, resulting in the imposition of penalties.

From the above, we must conclude that making an error in filling out field 22 (UIN) can lead to big troubles and wasted time.

UIN for an individual

Individuals don’t have to worry about where to get UIN code for a payment document. When paying any taxes (land, property) according to the notification provided, the code is already automatically included in the receipt.

The taxpayer can independently generate a payment document. You can create and print it in personal account official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru, having first completed registration. When generating a receipt for payment, the system will automatically assign a UIN code.

You need to know that if an individual does not have an identifier number in the “payment”, then you need to enter your TIN.

If a taxpayer finds it difficult to remember his TIN, then it can be found on the Federal Tax Service website through the “Find out TIN” service. You must fill out the form with your data: full name, passport details, date and place of birth. Next, enter the code from the picture and click “Send request”, and you will immediately receive a response to your request.

Many people think that the bank will always tell you the meaning of the UIN in a payment order. However, this is only possible in a situation where the recipient of the money/administrator of the corresponding payment has an agreement with this credit institution.

Sometimes the identifier number in a payment order can be clarified through the authority that acts as the payment administrator. That is, you need to visit his website or call, come in person.

Does the bank have the right to demand a UIN?

It is important to know that you need to fill out field 22 UIN in a payment order only when the transfer of payments is subject to government agencies; for other companies this detail does not need to be specified.

Cases have become more frequent when bank employees require individuals and legal entities to indicate TIN and UIN in payment documents. Due to changes in legislation, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, heads of peasant farms must indicate the TIN in the “Payer’s INN” field or a UIN of 20-25 digits in the “Code” field.

If the TIN is specified, then 0 is entered in the “Code” field. In this case, banks can indicate the identifier number, but not fill in the TIN, which leads to a violation of the taxpayer’s identification.

Like many credit institutions, Sberbank payers are required to indicate a unique identifier in a number of documents. In this regard, many, when making payments to kindergarten or paying fines at the traffic police, are puzzled, what is UIN in Sberbank online, what number should be indicated on the receipt? You should know this before making the transfer, as if there is an error, the refund amount will not be credited to your account.

What is UIN when paying in Sberbank Online

The concept was introduced by the Ministry of Finance on February 4, 2014 as a unique accrual identifier for the correct determination of budget revenues and to simplify the accrual system. When making a transfer to budgetary authorities using the Sberbank Online service, for example, a fine according to a resolution, the service requires mandatory completion of a code in a separate field, without which the payment cannot be processed by the bank. The credit institution itself will help you explain what a UIN is in Sberbank Online with a consultation on the hotline.

Charge ID value

According to the new rules for issuing payment orders, from 02/04/2014, for transfers to the Russian budget, the attribute “unique accrual identifier” was introduced, which looks like a 20-digit sequence of numbers ending with the symbols “///”. The identifier must be indicated in the “Code” field of the payment document when making a payment to the budget system to ensure that the accruals correspond to the actual payment. Due to the unique number, the information is reflected to the authority calculating the payment and to the recipient, with a specific transfer being recorded.

Each digital position of the code has a meaning and a specific decoding:

  • the first three are the manager’s code (for example, for the tax office it is 182, for the traffic police – 188);
  • the fourth digit is the organization accepting the payment;
  • the remaining positions are the purpose of the transfer, indicating other necessary specific information for its identification.

Why do you need a UIN code?

A unique payment identifier is generated budgetary institution on one's own. It is necessary to carry out correct accounting of each transfer to a state budgetary authority, including: tax, customs authorities, preschool children's institutions, etc. What is a UIN in Sberbank Online in this case is the index of the document required to indicate when paying:

  • mandatory taxes, state duties, fees administered by tax authorities;
  • fines according to regulations government agencies;
  • services of municipal and government institutions.

Unique accrual identifier in a payment order

When generating a payment document, the code must be indicated at the beginning of the “Payment Purpose” field with the word “UIN” and then, without spaces, the very value of the identifier, consisting of 20 characters, that is, 23 characters are indicated along with keyword props. If it is necessary to specify other information, the procedure is carried out using a triple slash. Any credit institution provides samples of filling out documents using an identifier.

UIN on the receipt

When paying for services for a child’s education or for visiting kindergarten The requirement to fill in the identifier details on the receipt is also mandatory. What is the UIN on the receipt? This information should be obtained from the accountants of the establishment. The bank will not provide you with such a number and, in addition, without it, the document will most likely not be accepted or it will be returned. The twenty-digit code received once is used for each payment, it allows you to take into account funds specifically for your child and there is no need to return to the question of what is a UIN in Sberbank Online to pay for kindergarten or school services.

Payment according to UIN tax payments

Upon payment of taxes (transport, land, property tax), a unique number is assigned to the recipient of the income - tax office. If taxes are paid by individuals based on a notification sent by the tax authorities themselves, then, as a rule, an already completed payment document with mandatory details is attached to it.

Its index is assigned as the document identifier. It is recommended that before payment you make sure that the code is included in the received request from the tax authorities. If a taxpayer plans to make a tax payment without a tax notification, then a document for transferring amounts can be generated independently on the website of the tax service, where the service automatically assigns an index.

UIN when paying a traffic fine

The established identifier is present in a specific document issued to the payer as confirmation of its receipt from the traffic police. The UIN is determined from the receipt, where the protocol number is the identifier. All banks accepting such payments must provide identification of the parameters when transferring: the date of the decision and its number. In addition, the bank must generate a UIN for the transfer regardless of whether there is a fine in the unified treasury database, that is, both the traffic police and the banking institution can determine the code.

To pay fines, you can use certain formulas to calculate a unique traffic police accrual number via the Internet (for old fines before February 2014), which will be assigned after entering the data:

  • series and number of the resolution;
  • date of resolution.

How to find out UIN in Sberbank Online

When making budget payments through Sberbank online services, to make a transfer you will need to determine what the UIP is in Sberbank Online. To do this, the user needs to do the following:

  1. In your personal account, enter payment information.
  2. Activate the "Information" field.
  3. Receive a check with a 20-digit “Payer Identifier” indicated.
  4. In Sberbank Online, when filling out payment data in the “UIN” field, indicate the payer’s ID from the check.
  5. For each payment you need to get your code by going through the whole process again.

Explanations from the Federal Tax Service on the procedure for indicating the identifier when filling out

In order to understand the use of the identifier and the correct indication of information, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation explained the new regime for indicating the UIN in the details of orders when transferring funds for budgetary organizations. Taxpayers, individuals, pay taxes based on the notification tax authority and the attached payment notice. On the Federal Tax Service website using electronic service Rosreestr allows you to draw up a document for tax payment yourself, while automatically assigning a UIN.

The clarification states that taxes can be paid in cash through a bank. When filling out a document at a Sberbank branch, the code is not indicated, and the payment notice must necessarily contain the payer’s INN, the full name of the person, his place of residence or address of his place of stay. When paying through another credit institution, a full payment order is issued with the “Code” field filled in, where a zero or an index is indicated if the individual has one.

In what cases is the UIN not generated?

The identifier is used today not by every organization, but by institutions with a large flow of payments, so it is important to know the situations when the identification code is not specified. This is, first of all, independent transfer of taxes by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs tax returns: here the identifier is the budget classification code. Find out about the online reporting service for the Federal Tax Service. Another case is when an individual pays the amount of property taxes based on a notification from the tax service, where the document index is used as a payment identifier.

When paying for medical services, the receipt also has a “Unique Identifier” field, but often when making payments there is no code for covered medical services. Then you need to enter “0” in the appropriate column. Medical institutions publish information about the code on official websites, or information about what a UIN is in Sberbank Online when paying for such services is available at the center where the receipt for medical care was issued.
