IQ test which line is thicker. Eysenck test - brief information

Intelligence gives a person the ability to think in any situation. And the higher the IQ, the faster man finds a way out of a difficult situation for him. It is thanks to intelligence that we can think abstractly and perceive complex ideas around us. Definition of IQ- this is one of the most interesting directions in the test genre. IQ is an abbreviation for the words "Intelligence Quotient", which translates as "Intelligence Quotient".

This is a standard set of riddles for attentiveness, forcing you to look for patterns in tasks. As a result, we have an indicator of a person’s mental abilities. Of course, these abilities can be developed, and tests like these can serve as a good simulator for this.

In total, one test contains 40 diverse tasks. You have 90 minutes to solve them. Of course, you are not faced with the task of determining your abilities right now and here. You can get distracted and return to your chosen tasks. The main thing is to train your brain, make it move and find extraordinary connections between seemingly completely different objects.

For each correctly solved task, 5 points are awarded. Therefore, the maximum score for this test is 200 points. This is exactly the indicator that Albert Einstein had. For example, Garry Kasparov stopped at 190, and Leonardo da Vinci, as they say, is even lower - 180. But you shouldn’t look up to them - these are exceptional people, although who knows, maybe among the readers of this article there are also unique personalities about whom we We'll find out soon. The answers can be found at the end of the article, but I ask you, do not rush to look at them, give yourself the task to solve greatest number problems, believe me, finding the right answers is so pleasant.

Remember that tasks not only help determine the level of intelligence, but also develop it. Truly smart and creative people will always be able to find themselves interesting work, work in a luxurious office and earn decent money.

Approximately your results can be assessed according to this scale:

180-200 - Exceptional results.

155-175 - Excellent results.

125-150 - Very good results.

95-120 - Good results.

70-90 - Satisfactory results.

0-65 - Bad result.

IQ test #1

Moving clockwise around the circle, read a sixteen-letter word. The letters are written one after another, so you have to fill in the blanks and find a starting point.

IQ test #2

What number should be in place of the question mark?

IQ test #3

Only one of these sets of letters can be turned into meaningful word. Which?





IQ test #4

IQ test #5

What three-letter word forms two new, unrelated to each other in meaning words with the prefixes FOR and PR (for example - TAKE: TAKE AWAY, CLEAN UP).

Hint: Lawlessness in the river bay.

IQ test #6

Which number is the odd one out?

Get ready, now you have to take the world's shortest intelligence test! It's called the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), that is, a test of cognitive reflection. It was invented by Yale University professor Shane Frederick to assess how much a person is able to perceive complex things that at first glance seem simple.

So, let's go!

Question 1

A baseball bat and ball together cost $1.10. The bat is $1 more expensive than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Question 2

5 machines produce 5 gizmos in 5 minutes. How long will it take 100 machines to produce 100 gizmos?

Question 3

The pond is overgrown with water lilies. Every day their area doubles. The entire lake will be overgrown in 48 days. In how many days will the flowers absorb half of its surface?

And now the correct answers

Answer 1

How much did you get - 10 cents? Like most people in a hurry, who considered themselves too smart for such a thing. simple question. Think about it for yourself: if the ball really cost 10 cents, and the bat was a dollar more expensive, then it alone would cost a dollar ten, and this is the total cost of the items. In fact, the price of the ball is 5 cents.

Answer 2

Did you give in to temptation and automatically answer “100”? In vain, the question was a trick one. In fact, a hundred machines to produce a hundred gizmos will take the same amount of time as it would take five machines to create five gizmos. That is 5 minutes. Changing the number of machines does not change the time it takes to make things!

Answer 3

Oh, how many of them - those who answered “24 days” - have sunk into oblivion! You too? Don't be sad, this question is the pinnacle of the test. Let's think logically: if the area of ​​the thickets doubles every day, then they will occupy half the surface of the pond one day before the expiration of the 48-day period required for the flowers to completely cover the pond. That is, in 47 days.

IQ test

The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, ability to complete geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorize facts, manipulate letters in words, memorize technical drawings. After passing the test, you will see a graph with average values ​​for different ages and a note about your IQ value, and you will also be able to find out the correct answers.

General Verbal Test

Verbal giftedness - mastery of lexicographic skills - understanding the meaning of words and the ability to use them effectively. People with high level Those with verbal skills often achieve success in professional fields related to the written word (writer, journalist, editor, critic), in teaching, in the legal industry, and this also includes actors, psychologists, translators and interviewers.

Eysenck test No. 1

Dr. Eysenck developed an intelligence quotient (IQ) test in the mid-20th century. His tests provide the most accurate IQ measurement. When tested on a typical modern intelligence test, about 50% of the population has an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% below 90. (A score of 100 is the sample average). And only 14.5% of people have an IQ from 110 to 120, 7% - from 120 to 130, 3% - from 130 to 140. And no more than 0.5% of the population have an IQ of more than 140.

Think logically! Can you?

The concept of “logical”, i.e. analytical, or deductive, can be used in relation to a person who is characterized by the ability to make inferences or the ability to build an orderly and convincing argument.

IQ test No. 1 (brain explosion)

IQ (translation from English intelligence quotient) - amount of intelligence (CI), intellectual art, mental alertness, work of thought. In Russia, the term IQ has taken root - a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence relative to the average person of the same age. IQ tests measure thinking ability, not knowledge (“sophistication”). The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorizing facts, manipulating letters in words, memorizing technical drawings. Tests not only show your CI, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and increase your CI.

IQ test No. 5 (the simplest)

IQ test assesses the level of mental development. The tasks are distributed according to difficulty level, each of which is standardized. Tests not only show your IQ, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, imaginative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and raise your IQ.

Spatial perception

Spatial awareness refers to the perceptual and cognitive ability that enables activities involving three-dimensional space. People who score high on the spatial awareness test often excel in professional fields such as architecture, photography, technical design and decoration; In addition, such people can be good artists, carpenters, landscape designers, animators, tour guides, fashion designers and engineers.

The purpose of every IQ test is to determine a person's intelligence level. What does IQ even mean? By IQ we mean intelligence quotient, which determines a person's level of intelligence. But it is not 100% possible to determine this level using IQ tests. The results are often fraught with errors. In addition, no IQ test can test all skills and knowledge. When conducting IQ tests, you should carefully consider what skills will be tested.

IQ Test for free

There are a lot of free IQ tests on the Internet. Anyone who wants to find out their IQ can easily do it online. Some tests are very long, some are short. Our IQ test is fast and free and can be completed within minutes. The purpose of the test is to test the level of intelligence in the areas general knowledge, mathematics and logic.

Myths and facts about IQ

According to some experts, IQ is hereditary. But intelligence levels are also influenced by others external factors. These include, for example, the social environment and education. There are many myths and facts about IQ and intelligence:

  • Intelligence level can be trained! - No, it is impossible to improve the level of intelligence. Brain training and other exercises that are supposed to improve brain activity can only lead to increased activity in certain areas. This will not affect IQ in any way.
  • Humanity is getting stupid! - No, the intelligence of people grew steadily in the 20th century.
  • Thirst impairs mental abilities! - This is right. If the body does not have enough fluid, thought processes will be inhibited.
  • Diet affects intelligence! - This is right! Children who eat mostly fast food, consume a lot of sugar and fat feel negative influence on your intellect. A healthy diet consisting of large quantity fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts can be beneficial for the development of intelligence.

Erudition is self-education and regular assimilation of information. Higher education does not provide the knowledge of an erudite. People who independently engage in their education have extraordinary intelligence and almost always understand exact sciences and speak foreign languages.

IQ level is not the only indicator of a person's intelligence. judge mental abilities personality needs a combination of parameters. One of the most important components is verbal intelligence, which denotes the ability to speak, semantic, and pragmatic components.

People love riddles and answers too. Observing the movements and flow of thoughts at the gaming table “What? Where? When?" on TV, viewers also wiggle their brains, trying to get ahead of the experts. Useful gymnastics, but it’s difficult to surpass pro-erudites.

Your dog can be a genius or lazy and slow-witted - that won't make you love him any less. When completing tasks, do not even think about getting angry and punishing the dog - according to intellectual development it is equal to a child aged 2-2.5 years. Try to remember yourself at this age.

Can you exchange knowing glances with your cat? How often do you talk? What, you think there’s nothing to talk about with a cat?! Yes, you are simply not able to understand her language and say thank you that they continue to love you! After all, cats have an angelic character.

Erudition is knowledge in various fields, a voluntary and conscious desire to obtain and assimilate new information. Even training in the best educational institutions does not make a person erudite, it gives professional knowledge and the foundations of science.

Solving problems with digital sequences requires logical thinking. The relationship between numbers must be analyzed and applied to determine the algorithm. Such puzzles seem childishly simple to some, but become unsolvable to others.

The imagery of the Russian language is amazing - words in it often express more than they directly mean. With such wealth, many suffer from tongue-tiedness, cannot put their thoughts into a worthy form and fill in the gaps, at best, with gestures.

Logic is a capricious and confusing science, but this does not apply to basic knowledge. To master the basics, you don’t need to cram textbooks and experiment, just take note, for example, that a cause is always followed by an effect, a larger one will interfere with a smaller one, etc.

IQ (intelligence quotient) - intelligence quotient. The first test was developed at the beginning of the last century by the French psychologist Alfred Bonnet. The French government commissioned the creation of such a test to assess the intellectual abilities of children. The test became very popular in the United States and in 1917, the armed forces classified 2 million military personnel using IQ tests. Then university applicants and job applicants began to be tested - private companies and universities quickly assessed the effectiveness of the test.

After numerous studies, experts received the following results:

  • 50% of people showed an IQ level of 90 to 110;
  • 25% - above 110;
  • 25% - below 90;
  • The most common score is 100 points;
  • 14.5% of those tested had an IQ ranging from 110 to 120;
  • 7% of those tested scored 120-130 points;
  • 3% - 130-140;
  • Only 0.5% of people were able to demonstrate a level above 140 points;
  • An IQ level below 70 can be considered mental retardation;
  • Most American high school students score 115, with honors students having the most common score of 135–140;
  • The lowest results are among young people under 19 years of age and older people over 60 years of age.

Since one of the main conditions for passing the test is a time limit, we can say that the IQ level does not indicate the ability to think original or logically, but the speed of thought processes.