New office dream book. Why do you dream about the Office? What does Cabinet mean in a dream?

To the disclosure of personal matters. Working in a separate office means illness of your spouse, or unexpected grief. The terrible mess you made in your office is a warning about a possible danger for one of the family members.

Doctor's office - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sit or lie down doctor's office- in three weeks you will get sick and will be sick for three weeks in a row.

Dreaming about "Doctor's office" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself at a doctor's office is a sign of illness.

Seeing an Office in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about him means troubles and quarrels with management.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Office?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Personal affairs, decisions, mind, secret plans and intrigues.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Office?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be very busy in the coming days.

Dreaming of an Office - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The boss's office with all its attributes means that in connection with the solution of some issue you will have to go through the authorities for a long time. An office in the house - to the illness of the owner or hostess. A mess in your office means danger for one of your family members.

Dreaming of “Office” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will have to answer for someone else's mistake. Doctor's office - incorrectly prescribed treatment will lead to a protracted form of the disease. The Cabinet of Ministers - the authorities will shift the burden of responsibility onto your shoulders. Boss's office - your actions will make enemies. The chaos created in the office -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Office?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A disagreement with a loved one will upset you and force you to compromise.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Cabinet

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The boss's office with all its attributes means that in connection with the solution of some issue you will have to go through the authorities for a long time. An office in the house - to the illness of the owner or hostess. Disorder in your office means danger for one of the members...

Why do you dream about the Office?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Finding yourself in a huge office of almost the minister himself in the presence of many strangers asking you numerous questions that you cannot answer - such a dream suggests that you will find yourself in an unfamiliar team, where you will feel out of place.

Office (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were walking along a long corridor, looking into all the offices, and did not find a single living soul, then in real life You can count on the support of close friends. If in a dream you see one of the rooms in your apartment...

Dream book online - Cabinet

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were walking along a long corridor, looking into all the offices and not finding anyone there, then in real life you can count on the support of close friends. If one of the rooms in your apartment has been designated as an office, then in reality...

Interpretation of sleep Cabinet

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Quarrel, separate troubles - love adventures.

What does the dream portend: Office

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being in the boss's office means intense and boring work, which is impossible to get rid of. Being in your own office means creative success and popularity.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Office?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The office of a boss or official in a dream is a reminder of some problem that is gradually bothering you, but which in reality you lost sight of or are unable to solve on your own. Your own office is also a reminder of unresolved issues. ...

Every day early in the morning we go to work to sit in the office for the prescribed number of hours at the computer. Constant fatigue and rush jobs can lead to the office walls starting to haunt you even in your sleep.

However, as the City Dream Book explains, an office seen in a dream can have several meanings - more often positive than negative. In general, this symbol predicts advancement in career ladder, change of place of work, news, routine work or measured, quiet life.

More often such a dream comes true if it was dreamed from Monday to or from Thursday to. In the first case, seeing yourself sitting in an office at a table means a quick advantageous offer about a job that you should agree to without hesitation.

In the second, changes await you related to your personal life: perhaps you will get married or acquire a new admirer, significantly older and wealthier than you. Dreams seen from Saturday to Sunday rarely come true - as a rule, they predict material benefits from doing something that will give you great pleasure.

Features of dream interpretation

Dream books say: in order to correctly interpret such dreams, you should carefully remember all the details of what you saw, and also take into account the gender of the dreamer.

For a woman to see an office in a dream means an unexpected marriage proposal from a colleague whom she never paid attention to, or a change of job. For a man, the dream predicts routine work that will bring a good income. Also, the interpretation will depend on what kind of office you dreamed of:

  • Why do you dream about a school office where you receive people? Most likely, you will have to undergo additional training or advanced training courses. If in a dream the dreamer successfully completed the test, in reality he will be respected by his colleagues and superiors.
  • Doctor's office - you will feel awkward for some of your actions, but those around you are absolutely not inclined to judge you. If a married lady had a dream, she has to find out good news about your health, and most likely about your pregnancy.
  • Dental office - the dream advises you to be careful with your wishes, because they can come true.
  • Dreaming new office at work - most likely you will have to perform duties that you have not encountered before. For a man, a dream predicts the appearance of a lady who will radically change his life. A woman’s dreams promise an unexpected promotion, an increase in salary, or good relationship with the authorities.
  • An office inside a building - you will have to show miracles of ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid the consequences of an imprudent act, however, you will get away with it.

A dream where the dreamer is within the walls of his own office and rearranges papers or types something on a computer will have a special interpretation. Dreams warn: you have to work hard and hard to achieve your goal, in the end you will achieve not only material well-being, but also a serious position.

To see your office destroyed, without windows or doors - to feel tired from routine work and everyday life, dreams advise you to relax and have a little fun with friends fun party. Standing in front of a new mirrored office building - despite all the obstacles, you can achieve changes for the better both in your personal life and in your career.

Interpretation of sleep by different dream books

Modern dream book. Looking for an office while walking along a long road - in reality the dream speaks of the dreamer’s dissatisfaction; he will have to begin a long search for his calling, which will ultimately lead to a happy future.

Why do you dream of an office with glass partitions? The boss is looking closely at you, assessing whether you can become his deputy. See how your workplace is occupied by another person - in reality you will experience unreasonable fear associated with dismissal or layoff; in fact, all this does not threaten you at all. Fighting for the table in the office - you crave promotion at any cost, and dreams just reflect your desire to take a place in the sun.

Women's dream book. Moving to another office promises troubles associated with buying a home or moving to a new place - perhaps to another country. If you see yourself sitting in a dental office, your work colleagues will criticize your method of solving problems, but your boss will fully support you.

Seeing yourself inside a new, ultra-modern office building - you will be visited by creative inspiration, you will be able to complete even the simplest work in a way that will arouse the admiration and envy of your colleagues. Office in - you will have to reprimand for misconduct close friend, however, remember that you are doing this with good intentions and care about his well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. If you dreamed that you were entering an office full of strangers, you have serious trouble ahead about an important matter on which your well-being in the coming year will depend. Sitting in the corner at a tiny table in a huge office - in reality you will have such a dream reciprocal value: You will be offered a significant promotion or transfer to another job with a higher salary.

Sitting right on the floor in the middle of an empty office - a dream predicts that you will decide to make a radical change in your life. Seeing a press conference and answering questions from journalists means finding yourself in an awkward situation; you will have to steadfastly take the entire blow upon yourself; fate will certainly reward you with a pleasant surprise for your courage and honesty.

Vanga's dream book. If during your dreams you rushed around trying to find the right office, in reality you will be able to successfully resolve a very difficult problem related to paperwork. Seeing it right in the office is a very favorable symbol: in the near future, luck will not turn away from you, and all issues will be resolved by themselves. To see a round table at which people are sitting - in reality you will settle down very good job. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Be in the boss's office- to intense and boring work, from which it is impossible to get rid of.
Be in your own office- to creative success, popularity.
Newest dream book

If you walk along a long corridor, looking into all the offices, and do not find a single living soul- this means you can count on the support of close friends in everything.
A dream in which you are in a doctor's office- promises good health.
Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were called into the boss’s office- You are afraid of responsibility for your actions and doubt the correctness of your actions.
If a woman had such a dream- this portends her the possibility of career advancement with the help of female charms.
See yourself in the office as a boss- is a warning for a man that by his actions he is making enemies for himself.
A woman has such a dream- promises her dominance in family relationships.
If you dreamed of a rich, tastefully furnished office- this indicates that your long term plans will not come true in the near future. Seeing yourself in a doctor's office foretells a quick recovery for the patient.
Modern dream book

Cabinet- the need for creativity and/or intellectual work.
Dream Interpretation 2012

The office of a boss or official in a dream- this is a reminder of some problem that gradually bothers you, but which in reality you lost sight of or are unable to solve on your own.
Own office- this is also a reminder of unresolved issues.
In any case, the office environment- is often able to provide an additional clue. For example, if you saw a sofa or bed in your office, such a dream indicates that you have relaxed and started your business.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

To find yourself in a dream in the huge office of almost the minister himself in the presence of many strangers asking you numerous questions that you cannot answer - such a dream suggests that you will find yourself in an unfamiliar team where you will feel out of place.
Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Cabinet- quarrel, troubles; separate- love adventures.
Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Find yourself in an office in a dream- to an unpleasant conversation with your superiors.
If you dreamed that you had your own office- you may be demoted or fired from your job.
Renovate the office- to great trouble.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Cabinet- disclosure of personal matters.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Chief's office- mark in his place. You are consumed by ambition.
Your own, a worker if he exists in reality- then you have overworked, it’s time to rest, if not, it’s time to get down to serious business.
"Separate" in a restaurant- loneliness awaits you if you do not reconsider your behavior in time. You are considered selfish.
Esoteric dream book

See the hospital room- to trouble, to real illness. Be careful in your sexual contacts, and also pay attention to the behavior of your regular partner. It is he who will cause the difficulties that arise.
Office, luxuriously furnished- you dream about beauty and fairy-tale passion, while in real life you are forced to put up with a gray reality a partner who tends to reason rather than act, and his own unfulfilled dreams and desires.
Erotic dream book

Dreamed office- to the disclosure of personal matters.
Work in a separate office- to illness of a spouse, to unexpected grief.
A terrible mess you made in your office in a dream- a warning about possible danger for one of the family members.
Dream book of the 21st century

Cabinet- you will be very busy in the coming days.
Russian dream book

Cabinet- a disagreement with a loved one will upset you and force you to compromise.
Dream book for a bitch

Cabinet- quarrels, troubles.
Solomon's Dream Book

Cabinet- personal affairs, decisions, mind, secret plans and intrigues.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cabinet- quarrel and troubles.
Dream book of the future

Cabinet - new secret will be disclosed.
Lunar dream book

Cabinet of Ministers- secret meeting not for publicity.
Idiomatic dream book

If you dream that you are in some doctor’s office, the dream suggests that in reality you do not have any diseases.
If you dreamed about the office of some minister, some kind of secret meeting awaits you, which you cannot tell anyone about.
If this is your boss’s room, and you are in it, then you have to work a lot, something that will make you bored, and the whole course of work will be very tense and you will not be able to avoid this.
According to the dream book, if it is yours personally, creative triumph and fame await you.
If a person sees himself as a boss, then what is located in his personal account - the dream promises any living conditions, because of which you will have new enemies.
Online dream book

The office, according to Felomena’s dream book, is evidence of extreme busyness. Your future will present a lot of urgent matters; there will be practically no time left for individual personal issues. Try to get together in order to fulfill your obligations efficiently.

Did you dream about your office? The vision identifies an upcoming business meeting that could be key, launching a career successful person. Be extremely collected when conducting, remember the need to think about what was said, eliminate unnecessary ones, facial expressions should correspond to the situation.

If on the way to the door of a closed room you did not meet anyone, this in a waking dream, on the contrary, promises relatives in life circumstances. Relatives will share the endeavors and provide all they can. Know that you can always count on them. Hope for a favorable outcome, then everything will work out easily.

If you dream about looking for an office▼

If you had to look for the right office in a dream, the plot reflects the ambitions of the dreamers. Most likely, your work is disappointing; you dream of a high one. It is recommended to sensibly assess the situation: if you are underestimated, look for something new or gain experience and knowledge first.

Interpretation of a dream in which the office was changed▼

The meaning of a dream about a change in the workplace is invariably associated with the work area, and the vision can predict both positive and negative events. Remember your associations that arose in connection with the new room in order to interpret what you dreamed as accurately as possible.

Did you like your newly purchased office? Was it particularly comfortable, beautifully furnished, and did its appearance evoke a positive impression? Things will go uphill, you can safely start any risky project, it will definitely succeed.

Whose office did you dream about?

Seeing the boss's office in a dream▼

A dream about an office draws your attention to the need to become more responsible. Particular attention must be paid to the work sphere; the near future will bring many different work assignments, the successful implementation of which will ensure a comfortable existence. Be patient, the results will please you.

Why do you dream about your office ▼

A mid-level manager who dreamed of himself as the owner of his own separate office should critically evaluate the sphere of personal relationships. Most likely, you have an issue with a friend or have appeared. Dedicate at least one weekend to your loved ones so that the same harmony reigns in the circle.

The plot is of particular importance for males. In their vision, their own office is a symbol warning of adversity. A person will appear ahead, dreaming of taking cruel revenge in view of what she received. Remember everyone who was hurt, apologize to prevent anger and hostility.

I dreamed about something that already existed in real life personal account? Those who are creative will find a positive outcome. Do you dream of expressing yourself in a new role as an art critic? Forward to achievements! promise dizzying success and fame for creative individuals.

What kind of office did you dream about?

Dream about a new office▼

A new office to replace the previous one is usually dreamed of as a sign of the length of the journey that must be overcome while moving towards a cherished goal. Anything is feasible - but you need to wait a little. Stock up, get ready to overcome adversity, then everything will certainly work out. close, wait for him.

If you dream of an empty office▼

If you saw in a dream empty office- It's time to start a career. Your workplace is shrouded in chaos: papers are scattered, you spend a lot of time searching every day necessary documents, as a result - complete absence career prospects. Put things in order, the results will be quick.

How are other dream books interpreted?


Did you dream about the Office, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of an Office in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    On the 3rd I had a dream: it was as if I was going into some aunt’s office (then after the dream I thought for a long time - I looked like the aunt from my former university, a very long time ago) But in general, such a representative, beautiful woman. about 40 years old. In a dream, she is sitting in her office, working in some kind of “authority”. I go to see her on business, she has a request for me - they didn’t put enough food on her plate in the dining room (there’s some meat and a green salad ), asks me “please run, if it’s not too much trouble, report to me)” And she completes the piece of paper: that it’s true that she asked her for more in the dining room - “Here, now I’ll write that it’s from me.”
    Of course, I will quickly fulfill this request (as the boss asked at work),
    I run down to the floor - our school canteen is there, I come up with this piece of paper (A-4 format as a document - I gave her such a sheet), they report to her something even better than what she asked for (and she asked for a little salad) and she seems to have meat and salad..))
    I sit down at the table in the dining room to put it all away more carefully, and I lingered for about 5 minutes while I was putting it away.
    Before going to her for food, I came to her on business and asked: to find out important information for me, where is my friend and how is he doing now, etc. etc. Because there is no news and she can learn a lot from her position.
    It’s as if she has no time for this - according to her position, maybe she can learn something, but not out of malice, she’s just lazy and indifferent to such ordinary people like me. So; she didn’t show me or find anything, either before or after my trip to the dining room. Maybe she couldn’t, maybe she didn’t want to. She rummaged through papers and disks - that is, in all storage media. And he says: “You see, I have nothing here. And I'll look here now. And not here either.” And when I lingered in the dining room, everything had already cooled down, and it was inconvenient for me to ask again, well, was anything found. (Although she didn’t even notice that the food was cold, it wasn’t that important to her) With a smile, she said goodbye to me, without telling me anything. Thanks in advance for your interpretation.

    • This dream most likely indicates that you will soon need to contact some official authorities.

      I forgot to add: and then she (this woman in the office) showed me a video about the friend I asked for
      This is all she could find) She showed on the phone: It’s like my friend, I (there with them), friends, we’re all walking along the railway bridge - and it’s like a view from above, I’m walking on top of the bridge, he’s crawling up onto the bridge so that he’s also on the bridge pass, Summer, sun, blue sky, I see his hands, he’s in a black T-shirt, clinging, doing very well, climbing masterfully)) Blue sky, summer.

      Hello Tatyana! Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I walked into an office that was furnished in the old way, that is, an old desk, an old closet behind the table, everything was clean, neat, but still from the 70s-80s, and my husband was sitting at the table, as diligently as a schoolboy. The table is completely empty. That's all, but maybe it means something that we are already more than a year We don’t live together, and he used to hold a big position, and then he was fired. Thank you.

      • I saw a new office, with a new environment, and I speak in front of an audience, I’m very worried. I understand that I forgot some information, but within 10 minutes I restore it. I know that this may affect your reputation, but only slightly. I also focus on the curtains, they are short by 50 centimeters. The furnishings of the office are restrained without frills, even modest. There are many desks, standing like school desks. And it seems like this should be a lesson in 6th grade.

    • At the company's office, I was given a personal office to work. Based on the previous owner's belongings, it was determined that he was the former director. Every time I entered the office, I found two workers who were looking for something in my documents.

      I go into my office and it has black wallpaper. I want to cry but I don’t cry. I begin to open the windows and the office becomes brighter. White tulle appears. I’m thinking about what kind of paintings I can hang in my office so that it won’t be so dark.

      I dreamed that I was returning to my old office and that I would now have to work in it. The walls are painted in some strange color pink color, there are stains on the walls where the furniture stood. I have such an acute feeling of annoyance and regret that it has not left me to this day.

      I saw myself today at my old job, in my old office, talking with colleagues about something, I saw a boss with long hair. blond hair(in fact, she has medium hair), and she had something on her hair and we hid it - either some kind of lump, or a tumor…. The offices are the same as they were, have not changed, it was a bit empty as it was, men came in, one with former job, the other was just an acquaintance, talking affably. It's like I actually work there.....

      This dream is prophetic, part of which has already come true. I’ll describe the dream itself: I’m in a three-story house, it has two entrances on the first floor. In the dream, first I came out of one house and walked on the ground, then I came out of another door and also walked on the ground, then I stand on the first floor of the house and want to go up to the second but there is no ladder, my colleague, who works as a chief accountant, put up a portable ladder to the second floor and says to climb, I'm afraid, but nevertheless I climbed, on the second floor I went into one flight, where there are many rooms, then I went to the second flight and walked around a little, then I decided to go up to the third floor, and I also doubted there was a staircase like in a hotel, I go up to the third floor, open the room, and it is all green and new. Then I go down the ordinary stairs that came out of nowhere and I think why there is a chandelier on the floor, like in big houses, three floors. and in front of all the floors there is one stained glass window, and I start lifting the chandelier and changing the shades, and at the same time someone helps me, and I think that now I will put things in order in my house. This dream partially came true, it is related to work, I used to work in subsidiaries that were related to agriculture— the first floor of the house on two sides means two jobs. The third job is the second floor and a colleague with whom I worked and at the same time a promotion, and the third floor and a new room in which I know that I will stay until the end is a job that I will change again, but finally. The chandelier, I think this is my personal life, which was broken and after I will restore it, the person who helps can future husband, I'm not completely sure. Interpret my dream. By the way, I had a dream when I changed my third job and went up to the second floor.

      I had a dream during the day. First, I bought a certificate for the child, I saw how I gave money (first 300 rubles to one, then the second), they gave me a paper in return (I think certificates). Then I went out into the corridor, but for some reason I ended up at work. I see my door the office is open, I I went in, it was empty, there was nothing, only two young girls. I went out and casually looked into the director’s office, there she was sitting with flowers, there were people around her. I didn’t open or close the office door.

      mne prisnilsia moi kabinet, tam staial antikvarni stol s mramarnimi dekorativnimi ukrasheniami, mai knigi bili krasivo rastavlini v knijnix polkax, adnim slovom eto bil kabinet moei michti

      I’m in some office, a man hands over a sheet of paper, something is printed on it up to half of the sheet, then a small space and a signature at the bottom, I asked where this sheet of paper was, and the answer said that they were handing over material for the collapse of the case

Similar: X-ray room, agricultural room, method room, physio room, physical room, special room, zoo room, composition, Room, set, mints room, office, Toilet, toilet, Stall, hypnotarium

Office in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Office (separate) - Love adventures.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Cabinet:

    Office - quarrel, troubles (separate) - love affairs

    Why do you dream about the Office? Esoteric dream book?

  • The boss - aim for his place. You are consumed by ambition.
  • “Separate” in a restaurant - loneliness awaits you if you do not reconsider your behavior in time. You are considered selfish.
  • Yours, a worker - if he is in reality, then you have overworked, it’s time to rest, if not, it’s time to get down to serious business.
  • IN Modern dream book if you dream about the Office:

  • If you dreamed that you were walking along a long corridor, looking into all the offices, and not finding a single living soul, then in real life you can count on the support of close friends. If in a dream you dedicated one of the rooms of your apartment or your house to an office, then in reality intellectual pursuits bring you much more satisfaction than physical labor. A dream in which you are in a doctor’s office is favorable, since such a dream promises good health.
  • If you dream about the Office? IN Lunar dream book:

  • Office - a new secret will be revealed.
  • Interpretation of the dream Office in The newest dream book:

  • Being in the boss’s K sign means intense and boring work, which is impossible to get rid of. Being in K. own means creative success and popularity.
  • Seeing the Office in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • If you walk along a long corridor, looking into all the offices, and do not find a single living soul, it means that you can count on the support of close friends in everything. A dream in which you are in a doctor's office promises good health.
  • What does it mean to see an office in a dream? Tsvetkov's Dream Book?

  • disclosure of personal matters.
  • What does an office mean in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • quarrel and troubles.
  • Office in a dream Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • Cabinet - personal affairs, decisions, reason, secret plans and intrigues.