Vera Glagoleva died after a long illness. Ex-husband told about Vera Glagoleva's cancer Vera Glagoleva has cancer condition

Moscow, August 16. People's Artist of Russia, actress, director, screenwriter and producer Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 61. Her relatives spoke about Glagoleva’s death. Colleagues, fans and top officials of the country expressed their condolences to loved ones.

The death of the artist became known on Wednesday afternoon. It was initially reported that Glagoleva died in the USA from progressive cancer. However, later her husband Kirill Shubsky said that this happened after long illness in Germany. According to the Federal News Agency, she was treated at a clinic near Baden-Baden. The actress’s brother Boris lives in Germany, and he helped look for the clinic.

According to Shubsky, in last minutes During her life, Glagoleva had relatives nearby. “This happened... after a long illness, a long one. She did not die in the USA,” Shubsky told the Zvezda TV channel. The artist’s body will be delivered to Russia, and Glagoleva will be buried in her homeland, he added.

Russian film producer Natalya Ivanova said that a few days ago Glagoleva and her family went to Germany for a consultation. She added that no one expected the tragedy - together with Glagoleva, they were going to go to Kazakhstan in September to work on a new project. A little earlier, Glagoleva finished filming the social drama “ Clay pit».

Glagoleva herself said in her last interview that she felt great and could not complain about her health. “I’m doing great,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. She also talked about her last job, mentioning that The Clay Pit "deliberately relied on unknown actors." The premiere of the film was supposed to take place in the spring of 2018.

Glagoleva’s eldest daughter, ballerina Anna Nakhapetova, commented on the incident on social networks. She confirmed media reports about her mother's death and asked reporters not to disturb her family.

“We ask all media representatives during this tragic period of our lives to refrain from any comments and leave our family alone. If you really loved our mother, just pray for the newly deceased servant of God Vera,” Nakhapetova wrote on Instagram.

The actress’s youngest daughter Anastasia Ovechkina said that she had neither words nor strength left after her mother’s death, and her husband, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, wrote on social networks: “We love you and will always love you.”

Her friends and colleagues expressed their condolences to loved ones in connection with Glagoleva’s death. People's Artist Russia's Mikhail Boyarsky said that her death shocked everyone.

“This is a very sad event that will shock all actors, all cinema lovers, because she was a bright hero in our cinema,” Boyarsky told TASS. He spoke of Glagoleva as soft and thin man, who had the core of a great professional.

Member of the Union of Cinematographers Tatyana Nemchinskaya called Glagoleva a unique person.

“She was a completely unique figure. She became a director, which is extremely rare. She is an extraordinary person,” recalls the artist Nemchinskaya.

Theater and film actress Vera Vasilyeva remembers Glagoleva as unusually talented woman. “When the film “Two Women” based on Turgenev appeared, I also saw that she was a wonderful, subtle director. This is a huge loss, because she had a great soul, a very great culture. There are very few such people,” Vasilyeva said.

According to Joseph Kobzon, Russian art has become impoverished due to the departure of the People's Artist. And actor Dmitry Pevtsov called Glagoleva a bright soul and expressed condolences on her death.

Russian President Vladimir Putin considers Glagoleva’s death an irreparable loss. He noted her talent and recalled that her colleagues saw in her “a real Master, endlessly devoted to high art and her work.”

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in turn, emphasized that Glagoleva’s death seems even more bitter and unfair, since she passed away in the prime of her talent and strength.

Vera Glagoleva was born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow. She got her first big role by accident. Immediately after school, she was noticed by the cameraman of the film “To the End of the World...”. At the audition of an actor who was applying for main role, Glagoleva, who agreed to play along with him, were invited to play the main role by the film's director Rodion Nakhapetov.

Later Glagoleva married the director. After “To the End of the World...” followed by roles in his other films - “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “About You”. She also starred in Anatoly Efros’s film “Thursday and Never Again.”

Glagoleva's debut as a director took place in 1990. She directed the film “Broken Light” based on the script by Svetlana Grudovich. It was followed by other directorial works - the films “Order”, “Ferris Wheel”, “Casual Acquaintances”, “Two Women” and “One War”, for which she received the “Golden Nymph” prize at the Monte Carlo Television Film Festival, Grand Prix at the Moscow Premiere and Golden Phoenix film festivals, Grand Prix at the Viva Cinema of Russia! in St. Petersburg, Grand Prix and Audience Award at the Russian Film Festival in Honfleur and other awards.

In 2011, for her services in the field of cinematic art, Glagoleva received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

It was proposed to perpetuate the memory of the actress in the Moscow City Duma. Chairman of the Commission on Culture and Mass Communications Evgeny Gerasimov believes that memorial plaques should be installed in Glagoleva’s places of residence.

As it became known Federal agency news, the Actors Guild and the Union of Cinematographers took part in organizing the farewell to the artist. They contacted her relatives to resolve all related issues. The actress's relatives must decide how to deliver her body to her homeland. According to preliminary data, this will be done on August 17-18. The Russian Embassy in Germany also offered its help and support to the relatives.

In the early spring of 2017, the media sounded the alarm: Vera Glagoleva was terminally ill. They wrote about emergency hospitalization, intensive care, and regular blood transfusions, but the star remained silent, and her relatives categorically denied the presence of health problems.


the site also tried to achieve the truth, but Glagoleva just waved it off: “I don’t know anything about this at all. Fortunately, I feel great.”

In one of the interviews, the actress spoke very harshly about the fact that these rumors are based on the media’s desire to increase ratings. “For some reason, until today, no one cared that I was making a movie. Just to grab some fictitious sensation! Disgusting!” – Glagoleva was indignant.

Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she went to the clinic, but only in order to gain strength after filming, which sometimes lasted 14 hours: “I was filming in the city of Aleksin Tula region and on my day off I came to Moscow for one day to get IVs to restore my strength. We were making a movie feature film. It was supposed to be completed in two weeks. The main thing is that they report: “She was in intensive care, and the doctors sent her home.” I immediately went to filming, on the 4th I was already on set, where I worked for 1.5 weeks! Well, what is this?” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist.

Posted by Nastasiya Ovechkina (@nastyashubskaya) Aug 16, 2017 at 6:25 PDT

It was impossible not to believe these arguments. In addition, a month ago, at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya, the 61-year-old star had fun along with the young people. The second day of the festival was celebrated in one of the Moscow restaurants, the toastmaster was showman Vyacheslav Manucharov. The guests danced until they dropped. Vera Glagoleva started dancing along with the soloists of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Video fiery dances with the caption “New soloist” Manucharov posted on Instagram. Numerous fans of the actor approved of the movements of Alexander Ovechkin’s mother-in-law: “The soloist is fire!”, “ Wonderful actress, I like it very much!”, “Vera is super!”

Even her colleagues had no idea about her diagnosis. “No one knew about the disease, because out of a sense of tact she did not want to burden anyone with her problems. Unfortunately, such serious illnesses They take away our most precious people. Of course, this is a loss for Russian cinema. Alla and I were at all of her last film premieres, when she was already acting as a director,” TV presenter Maxim Galkin told reporters.

Let us remind you that Russian actress Vera Glagoleva died in Germany at the age of 62. Moskovsky Komsomolets reported this on August 16, citing a source close to her family. According to the insider, the cause of the artist’s death was cancer.

The cause of death of the Honored Artist of Russia could be stomach cancer

“Even to transport a body from Russia, you must have in your hands large number documents before sending the body across the border. In such a bureaucratic country as Germany - and even more so, says an employee of one of the Moscow funeral homes. “First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors can confirm death due to the disease. This document will need to be signed by law enforcement agencies“that they have no questions about the death of a citizen, even from another country.”

After this procedure, the main question is resolved - how to transport? In the case of Germany, there are two options - an airplane or a car. The funeral agency noted that in 90 percent of cases, relatives choose the second option. This is primarily due to the serious difference in price. On average in Moscow, they charge from 2,500 to 4,000 thousand euros for just one transportation from Germany. Transferring a body by plane is much more expensive - from 6,000 euros. In addition, to this we must add the employee’s services, as well as his travel allowances and flight tickets. The difference between the two methods is one - time. By car, transporting the body will take about three days, and by air no more than three hours, but there is practically no significant difference in the transportation itself.

“In both cases, the body of the deceased is placed in a special zinc container called a Euro-module. For additional safety of the body, it is not only treated with formaldehyde, but also covered on all sides with special formaldehyde pads. Such security measures guarantee the safety of the body for several days,” said the interlocutor at the funeral home.

The death of Vera Glagoleva turned out to be a merciless blow not only for the actress’s family and friends, but also for fans. The Russian cinema star hid her cancer for a long time.

In the early spring of 2017, the media sounded the alarm: Vera Glagoleva was terminally ill. They wrote about emergency hospitalization, intensive care, and regular blood transfusions, but the star remained silent, and her relatives categorically denied the presence of health problems.

Dni.Ru also tried to achieve the truth, but Glagoleva just waved it off: “I don’t know anything about this at all. Fortunately, I feel great.”

In one of the interviews, the actress spoke very harshly about the fact that these rumors are based on the media’s desire to increase ratings. “For some reason, until today, no one cared that I was making a movie. Just to grab some fictitious sensation! Disgusting!” – Glagoleva was indignant.

Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she went to the clinic, but only in order to gain strength after filming, which sometimes lasted 14 hours: “I was filming in the city of Aleksin, Tula region, and on my day off I came to Moscow for one day to get IVs to regain strength. We were shooting a movie, a feature film. The main thing was that they said: “She was in intensive care, and the doctors sent her home right away, I was already on the set on the 4th.” where I worked for 1.5 weeks! What’s this?” – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist.

It was impossible not to believe these arguments. In addition, a month ago, at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya, the 61-year-old star had fun along with the young people. The second day of the festival was celebrated in one of the Moscow restaurants, the toastmaster was showman Vyacheslav Manucharov. The guests danced until they dropped. Vera Glagoleva started dancing along with the soloists of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Manucharov published a video of fiery dances with the caption “New soloist” on Instagram. Numerous fans of the actor approved of the movements of Alexander Ovechkin’s mother-in-law: “The soloist is fire!”, “Wonderful actress, I really like it!”, “Vera is super!”

Even her colleagues had no idea about her diagnosis. “No one knew about the illness, because out of a sense of tact she did not want to burden anyone with her problems. Unfortunately, such serious illnesses take away our dearest people. Of course, this is a loss for Russian cinema. Alla and I were at all of her last film premieres, when she was already acting as a director,” TV presenter Maxim Galkin told RT reporters.

Let us remind you that the Russian actress Vera Glagoleva died in Germany at the age of 62. Moskovsky Komsomolets reported this on August 16, citing a source close to her family. According to the insider, the cause of the artist’s death was cancer.

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva is a Soviet and Russian actress, remembered by millions of viewers for the films “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours”, “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12” and many others to others.


Vera was born on January 31, 1956 in a family of Moscow teachers. Father, Vitaly Glagolev, taught physics and biology at school, mother, Galina Glagoleva, was a teacher in the lower grades. The family's son Boris was already growing up. The family lived in the Patriarch's Ponds area, on Alexei Tolstoy Street. When the girl turned 6, the Glagolevs received new apartment in Izmailovo. For the next 4 years, Vera lived and studied in the GDR, then returned to Moscow.

As a child, Glagoleva was seriously involved in archery; subsequently received the title of master of sports and joined the Moscow junior team. About acting career she didn't even think about it; her film debut took place completely by accident.

First roles

In 1974, having barely graduated from school, she and her friend came to the Mosfilm studio, where she, a girl with huge eyes and delicate features, was noticed in the buffet by the assistant director of the film “To the End of the World.” The director of the film was Rodion Nakhapetov, future husband Faith. She was offered to try to play a scene with the leading actor Vadim Mikheenko. Having no acting education behind her or even classes in a school drama club, she played as organically as possible young Sima, traveling along the railroad tracks with her distant relative Volodya.

In 1977, Vera Glagoleva was invited to play the role of Varya in the film “On Thursday and Never Again” directed by Anatoly Efros. The play impressed Efros so much that he invited Glagoleva to work at his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. However, under the influence of Nakhapetov, Glagoleva refused this offer, which she later regretted all her life.

The secret of the young actress, who charmed the audience at first sight, was simple - she had not just an amazingly cinematic appearance, but also a unique acting type: a fragile girl who has hidden strength and integrity, brittle plasticity, and the accuracy of a “psychological gesture.”

The next success is the teacher Nonna Yuryevna in the drama “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, Zhenya from “Starfall”, the singing girl from “About You”, Shura from “Torpedo Bombers”. All her heroines had one thing in common - they were, as they say, out of this world, mysterious and poetic.

"About you." Vera Glagoleva

Career blossoming

Glagoleva’s popularity came in 1983, after filming Vitaly Melnikov’s melodrama “Marry the Captain,” where she played the emancipated and feminine journalist Lena.

The most interesting thing is that this role went to Vera Glagoleva completely by accident. At first, the film was shot by one director, and they shot a completely different story - about a border guard officer who is looking for a wife, choosing from a teacher, a milkmaid and a photojournalist. However, filming was stopped. After Melnikov and screenwriter Valery Chernykh rewrote the script, only one woman remained - Lena. According to a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen", Vera Glagoleva was recognized as the best actress of 1986 for her role in the film "Marry the Captain".

Throughout her career, Glagoleva has not played a single negative role, with the exception of her early work in the crime drama “Preference on Fridays” (1984). Not a single director saw her as a bitch, but the actress was happy with her image.

In the 1990s, Glagoleva was still very popular. The actress developed a certain role: she played independent and strong in spirit women. Thus, in the film “I Myself,” directed by Maksimchuk, she appeared in the role of a woman who takes revenge on her husband’s killers.

Since the late 90s, Vera Glagoleva has starred mainly in the TV series: “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Heiress”, “Island Without Love”, “ Wedding ring", "A woman wants to know...". In 1997 she played Mom main character in the drama “Poor Sasha” and, in 2000, the main role in the film “It is not recommended to offend women.”

In 1996, Glagoleva received the title of Honored Artist, and in 2011 she was recognized as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Director's experience

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva decided to try herself as a director. Her debut was the psychological melodrama “Broken Light,” which told viewers about the dramatic fates of unemployed actors at the turn of a new era. Glagoleva herself also starred in this film in the central role of Olga. Due to the fault of the producers, this professional film did not get a wide release, and it was presented to viewers only 11 years later.

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva returned to the director’s chair, presenting to the public the drama “Order” with Alexander Baluev. In 2007, Glagoleva filmed the melodrama “Ferris Wheel”, in which Alena Babenko was invited to play the main role. In 2010, Glagoleva’s new film “One War” about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War was released. Patriotic War. Glagoleva called this film her most serious directorial work.


Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

In 1974, on the set of “To the End of the World,” Glagoleva met the director of the film, Rodion Nakhapetov. She had already seen him in the films “Lovers” and “Tenderness,” and, although she tried hard to hide it, she was a little in love with him, despite the 12-year difference. A year later they got married. In her marriage to Nakhapetov, Vera gave birth to two daughters - Anna (1978) and Maria (1980).

Anna connected her life with the art of dance and became a ballerina. At the age of 8, she made her debut on the big screen in the film “Sunday Dad” and starred in the film “One War” by Glagoleva Sr. In 2006 she married Yegor Simachev, the son of ballet soloists Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina, and in the same year gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Maria got married and moved to the States, where she studied to be a computer designer. After the divorce, she returned to Russia and began raising her son Kirill (b. 2007).

In 1989, the American film company FOX bought Rodion Nakhapetov’s film “At the End of the Night.” This picture ultimately broke up their marriage. The director moved to the States, and in 1991 he officially filed for divorce from Glagoleva. He got new family– daughter of Russian emigrants Natalya Shlyapnikoff.

Vera Glagoleva. Love story

In the early 90s, Vera Glagoleva married shipbuilder businessman Kirill Shubsky. They met in 1991 at the Golden Duke film festival. Two years later, Vera gave birth to Kirill’s daughter Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth to a girl in Switzerland, in Geneva, where the family lived for a whole year. Having grown up,