Yandex speed testing. How can you measure the speed of a Wi-Fi connection on a computer?

It would seem that there are no problems on your computer or laptop, you paid for the use of Internet services a couple of months in advance, but the page with the necessary information periodically refuses to work, or downloading a movie is like moving a snail.

Most likely your computer has problems with the speed of your Internet connection.

The problem is that most Internet providers slightly embellish the actual numbers during connection. For example, if your contract specifies Internet speeds of 100 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s, then most likely the true speed will be significantly lower. But don't despair, today you will learn how to check serves in minutes.

What is speedtest

So it's time to find out real speed using a special test called speedtest.

Speedtest– a special test designed to check data transmission.

There are a number of sites that allow you to measure Internet connection indicators, incoming and outgoing, and determine the so-called Ping (the time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer until it is received by another computer). Below, we will talk in more detail about several examples of such services.

But, in addition to online services for checking, there is also a built-in method. It lets you know necessary information by using the settings on your PC (personal computer).

For example, the Windows 10 operating system is used. There are 2 methods for checking in different operating systems.

Method 1

So, to measure the Internet using basic operating system tools you will need:

Right-click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the window that appears, select “Open network and Internet settings.”

Then you need to open the “Configure adapter settings” item.

In the window that opens, select the Internet connection and double-click with the left mouse button.

We are looking for Internet connection speed.

Important! In some versions of Windows 10, as well as in Windows 7.8 operating systems, this path may look slightly different. But the actions are basically the same.

Right-click the Internet icon and click Network and Hardware Center

In the “Connections” column, select your Internet connection.

And what we need is revealed window with speed graph.

Important! This method has a significant drawback. No matter what the computer shows, in reality it can still be significantly lower.

Online services

Some options on your computer may slow down the process of checking your Internet connection speed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended:

  • close all possible programs and all tabs in the browser (except for the required speedtest tab for testing).
  • disable antivirus on your computer
  • right-click on the taskbar to launch “Task Manager” and check the downloads (if any, disable them)
  • check 3 times (this will increase the accuracy of the results)

So, the leader of the nomination is the Speedtest website. net

As soon as you visit the site, the program immediately determines your exact location and indicates your Internet provider.

You can also create here account, which allows you to have access to check histories and their results.

Using the page is not difficult - you just need to click the “Start” button in the very center of the screen. Here we must pay tribute to the site’s interface - it is very simple and easy to use, as they say, nothing superfluous.

Once you click the desired button the service immediately begins scanning and calculates all the necessary data.

And literally in a minute you get the expected result: ping – signal transmission time, receiving time (data about how you receive information from the server to your computer), sending time (sending data to the server).

You can find out more about what Ping is here:

Advice! This site should be used with ad blockers enabled (for example, Adblock). Because without auxiliary utilities, working with this site is not very pleasant, due to the large and annoying amount of advertising.

By the way, speedtest from the same developer exists as an application on the phone, which is installed by the in a simple way- by using Play Market. This application allows you to check the Internet on your smartphone.

  • nice site interface
  • quick check
  • possibility of creating a personal account
  • ability to track inspection history
  • there is a phone app
  • annoying advertising

Ukrtelecom Speedtest

One of the simplest assistants for checking your Internet connection. Simple and tasteful - no unnecessary information.

One of the advantages is that there is nothing superfluous on the screen. Absolutely White background and clear numbers. All you need to do is click the Start button at the top of the screen.

The check is carried out quickly and more or less accurately.

In a matter of seconds, all the necessary numbers are in front of you: download- download from server to computer, upload- speed of sending from computer to server, ping- time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer to the signal is received on a second computer, jitter- unwanted random deviations of the transmitted signal.

  • user-friendly interface
  • no advertising
  • ease of use
  • high efficiency
  • no registration option
  • there is no way to track previous scan histories

Website from German developers. In my opinion, the interface is not very user-friendly. Despite the fact that it won’t be difficult to complete the check, we see the “Forward” button at the top of the screen. And the verification itself, in fact, happens right here.

But below is the text in full German, which contains information about this speedtest.

This may be confusing, but the site does its main task well - everything you need to check is provided in Russian.

  • high verification speed
  • true numbers
  • the site does not always accurately show your location (it may confuse the city). But this does not affect the IP address, it is reliable
  • most of the information is in German
  • inconvenient interface

Voip Test

This site is entirely English language, which may cause some difficulties. But at the same time, it perfectly performs its key task - checking your Internet connection.

If on previous sites only a special verification page opened before us, then In addition to speedtest, there is a number of other information here.

But this does not affect the verification in any way.. Moreover, using this site you can observe how the indicator arrow moves during the test. Allows you to brighten up the waiting time, although it already takes very little time.

To start working you need to click the “Start” button.

The necessary results appear on the screen at lightning speed.

  • high tempo
  • the date and time of the inspection is indicated


  • the site is entirely in English

Ukrainian Speedtest

A site from Ukrainian developers with convenient and simple functions. But, again, there is unnecessary information.

To start testing, click the “Test” button.


  • ability to track Internet changes during the verification process
  • high tempo


  • extra information on the site
  • advertising (without blocker)

So, we have reviewed some of the most popular internet testing sites and listed their advantages and disadvantages. Now I propose to remember the most important indicators these resources in the table:

Computer utility

In addition to the built-in method for checking the Internet and online resources, there are also special programs for the computer.

One such program is speed-o-meter.

Speed-o-meter shows the current network load. Indicators are updated every second. Using this program, you can determine what speed is used at specific moments when using the Internet.

The program measures the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection. The utility provides information in graphs where the necessary incoming and outgoing data are marked different colors. After installation, the program will start automatically when you turn on the PC (personal computer).

To install this program, you need to follow the link below and select the “Download” button.


  • quick installation
  • small consumption resources
  • no advertising
  • ease of use


  • high probability of downloading an infected file

Conclusions and video instructions

So, today we took a look at some of the most popular and high-quality sites for checking the Internet. Now you know that checking the Internet will not be difficult.

There are many other specialized resources that can help you get the information you need. But in general, they are very similar, and use the same methods to check the Internet connection. This article lists the most simple services.

And in addition to online services, there are also special programs for checking the Internet. Such programs can be easily installed on a PC (personal computer).

Before we figure out how to check Wi-Fi speed, let's decide on a couple of details. These nuances are important to understanding what is being measured. To measure Wi-Fi speed, it is enough to measure the exchange speed within the network. However, it will not be possible to work with the Internet at the same speed. Therefore, existing tools work with the global network.

A common mistake is trying to look at network speed through connection status. This error lies in the fact that the user sees the inscription “Speed ​​100 Mbit/s” and considers this to be the network speed. In practice, this is the speed of the network, and not the connection to the global network. This window will show the same speed if you turn off the Internet.

The speed indicated in the “Network Status” only shows that this network cannot have a higher speed. It happens less often. For example, when a speed limit is set on the provider’s equipment. The window shown above will show 100Mbps. In fact, the data transfer rate will be equal to the specified limit.

The second nuance follows from the first. If WiFi is connected to the Internet, then it shows the speed that it can support itself. So, 100 Mbit/s can turn into 56 if the router is not capable of “distributing” at a higher speed. Wireless connections can take a bite out of the speed themselves. If the test is carried out over a wired connection, it will show one value. If via wireless, then it will show what part of the speed the router “pinched off”.

Everyone loves freebies, but no one loves freeloaders! If you have a suspicion that someone is stealing your wi-fi traffic, you cannot hesitate, you urgently need to find out who has connected to your wi-fi network. It’s good to see all connected devices to yours wi-fi router quite simple if you have the right knowledge. Let's find the wrong connections and punish lovers of free Internet!

Today, Internet routers are used everywhere in offices, apartments, in public places, since they allow multiple devices to quickly access the network at the same time. The operating principle of these devices is to use WI-FI technology via a server-client protocol. The router has a special connector for connecting an Internet cable, after which it distributes the received speed between clients.

However, not all users need their Internet to be accessed by strangers, for example, neighbors in the hallway or dorm room. Sometimes there is a desire to distribute wireless access only within the apartment if there are several units of such devices as:

  • Laptops;
  • Tablets;
  • Smartphones.

In addition, thanks to WI-FI you can create local networks in office environments, if the gadgets in use are equipped with an adapter. The main symptoms that someone is using your Internet without permission are:

  • Significant drop in access speed;
  • Changing router configurations and settings;
  • The list of connected clients contains unknown devices;
  • Increased activity of the WAN indicator on the router when you are not using the Internet.

Typically, the key indicator of an unauthorized connection to your access point is a significant reduction in speed, since any router distributes it among all clients.

We look at the connected devices in the router admin panel

On various forums, novice users quite often ask the question of how to find out who connected to my WIFI, but in order to give an accurate answer, you need to determine the model of the router you are using. Since the most common routers are TP-LINK, it is most advisable to consider this using its example. The most effective, fast and convenient method is viewing connected clients in the device admin panel, but first you need to log in to it. So, you need:

  1. Connect to an access point via WI-FI or connect a twisted pair cable (crimped on both sides) from the LAN port of the router to the laptop/computer;
  2. Open a browser and enter in the address bar: or or;
  3. In the window that opens, specify the authorization data (by default, Login is admin, Password is admin).

That's all, after these simple manipulations the client has the opportunity to configure the router as desired. Regarding the second point, we need to clarify, since the address you enter directly depends on the model of your device, but in most cases one of the above will definitely do. In addition, you can see the exact IP of the router on the sticker located at the bottom of the case.

In the future, viewing connected clients will not be difficult and to do this you need to do the following:

  1. Login to the admin panel using the method indicated above;
  2. Go to the Wireless tab;
  3. Select Wireless Statistic.

This section contains all connected to the access point on this moment clients, but they can also be viewed in the menu of the DHCP item - DHCP Clients List. This method is advantageous in that it displays more detailed information about the connected gadget, including the MAC address network card and assigned internal IP.

Programs for viewing a list of devices connected to WI-FI

Developers of software for controlling the network environment today are actively working for the benefit of users. At the moment there are several quality programs, allowing you to view the clients of your access point, but the most popular and functional is WiFi Guard. If other applications have a general focus on all sorts of interactions with network connections, then this one is intended for specific purposes. Thanks to it, any administrator will be able to control the number of connected users and, if necessary, block their access. In addition, special green and red markers opposite each connection give an idea of ​​whether the client is consuming traffic legally.

NETGEAR Genie is a very good analogue of the WiFi Guard program with a friendly interface and a wide arsenal of tools. Almost immediately after installing this software, you will be able to obtain comprehensive information about connected users through a network status map. Acrylic WiFi Professional is a program primarily intended for administrators and developers, but it can also be very useful at home. Its functional set provides not only a list of clients, but also the ability to fine-tune your access point. A program with the unambiguous name Who’s Is On My WiFi can also help you get information about who is connected to my WIFI. Despite the fact that it is only available in English, it does its job perfectly. The following applications for Windows can be considered no less effective analogues of this software:

  1. Wireless Network Watcher;
  2. NCS Network Scanner;
  3. NetBScanner.

Disabling foreign devices from Wi-Fi

The best way to disconnect a user from your access point is to simply change the password and set the WPA2-PSK encryption protocol. To perform this procedure you need:

  1. Login to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the Wireless section - Wireless Security;
  3. Select the encryption type WPA2-PSK;
  4. Set a password of 8 or more characters, it is better to use different case and numbers;
  5. Click the Save button.

In addition, in the same settings menu you can set maximum amount simultaneous clients. This will help if a strictly defined number of devices are always connected to your access point, for example, a laptop, computer and smartphone, so you can set this parameter to 3.

You can protect your WI-FI network from hacking using different methods.
Firstly, it is recommended to change your password to a new one at least once a month, which is a generally accepted security measure for every Internet user.
Secondly, in no case should you use the same password on all sites and, in addition, it must be unique. For example, it is very short-sighted to display your date of birth, the name of an animal, or the middle name of your spouse. It is better to specify a multi-digit code and write it down in a notepad. Among other things, you should always use only the WPA2-PSK encryption type, since other types of protection are easily hackable, but this one guarantees almost 100% security.

How to punish freebie lovers who connect to your WIFI

If you find a “rogue” client on your access point, then you need to take all measures to ensure that this does not happen again. An excellent way to punish a negligent neighbor is to permanently block access from his device to your network. To do this you need:

  1. Log in to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the Wireless Statistic or DHCP List section and write down the MAC address of the client’s network card;
  3. Select Wireless MAC Filtering in the router settings;
  4. Activate it and enter the previously recorded MAC;
  5. Save settings.

Thus, an attacker will never be able to connect to the router again. However, you can not disconnect the user, but set a speed limit for him in the same settings menu, for example, no more than 10 kilobytes per second. After all, what could be worse for modern people, accustomed to broadband internet people than the main page of Odnoklassniki, which takes a minute to load. Moreover, you will not lose anything from this. And always try to change the password on the router after someone else has used your laptop or computer, because once you have access to one of the clients, extracting the security key takes a few minutes.

The active proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops and other types of smart devices makes the use of wireless Wi-Fi Internet connections in demand. Checking WiFi speed in 2019 allows you to find out the current data transfer characteristics and does not require the installation of additional software. Users have identified a number of relevant ways that we will pay attention to in this material. You can also find out the characteristics of your network using a special widget on our website.

Let's pay attention:

  1. testing network performance on our website;
  2. working with the “Speed ​​Test” service;
  3. how to find out the speed of data exchange between a computer and a router via WiFi;
  4. recommendations for obtaining correct results.

How to check Wi-Fi speed

Checking WiFi speed on our resource is quite simple. To do this, connect to the World Wide Web via a wireless connection and go to the appropriate page of the site. The simple interface contains several settings:

  • specify the server with which the connection will be made. This way you can find out reliable information about the delay (Ping) in a given direction;
  • select the unit of measurement in which the resulting speed will be displayed (default is Mbit/s).

After completing the preliminary settings, click on the item " Start testing».

This process will not take much time and will display up-to-date information about your connection:

  • downloading packages. The parameter completely affects the speed of downloading files and loading WEB pages;
  • Upload of packages. The characteristic is responsible for uploading files from your computer to the World Wide Web;
  • delay (Ping). Displays the time the response was received from the server to which the request was addressed.

Checking the speed using the connection status (instructions)

Taking advantage operating system Windows, you can use basic functionality to obtain information about the status of your local connection. This parameter is not similar to the Internet connection speed, but displays the maximum possibility for data exchange between the receiver and the computer. Internet speed cannot exceed this parameter for obvious reasons.

This parameter is affected by:

  • technical capabilities of the router, which are installed by the manufacturer;
  • device distance (signal level).

To measure your local data transfer speed, follow these steps:

  1. Press the basic key combination Win+R;
  2. In the window that appears, enter “ncpa.cpl” and send the request;
  3. In the list that appears network connections find a valid Wi-Fi connection and right-click on it;
  4. Select “Status” and find the “Speed” parameter in the window that appears. That's what it is maximum speed data exchange between the receiver and the computer.

Checking through the service –

Most effective method check Wi-Fi speed online - use the functionality of the SpeedTest service. You can access the project by going to the main page of the official website, or by installing the appropriate software for computer and mobile devices.

The project offers its users a number of advantages:

  • multilingual. Over more than 12 years of existence, the project has been translated into most common world languages, making it easier to work with functionality;
  • ease of use. The intuitive interface will not cause difficulties even for novice users;
  • Availability mobile version. From your smartphone you can check the characteristics of your mobile network or Wi-Fi;
  • possibility of registration. By creating a personal profile, you are given the opportunity to save test results for later comparison.

How does the Wi-Fi speed test work?

WiFi speed test works well enough simple principle: to the user-selected server with high frequency Certain data packets are sent, processed and sent back. So the system is for a short time can determine the speed of data reception and transmission, including the delay to receive the final response. This algorithm is used in all similar services, which makes the testing results identical.

How to check Internet speed correctly

Obtaining an accurate speedtest result for wifi internet speed requires preliminary preparation of your computer:

  • close all unnecessary tabs and make sure there are no downloaded files;
  • turn off programs that may use a connection to the World Wide Web (this also applies to background processes);
  • scan your computer with antivirus software;
  • Make sure that no third-party equipment is connected to the router.

If your speed has dropped and is producing poor results, the above factors can directly affect your bottom line.

In order to determine the speed of your Internet connection, you need to find out in what units it is measured. Surely everyone knows such concepts as Megabits, Megabytes, Kilobits and Kilobytes. However, it is very important to understand that Internet speed is measured in Kilobits and Megabits. They can be designated as Kb/s, Kbps, Kb/s, Kbps, Mb/s, Mbps, Mb/s, Mbps. It is in them that the bandwidth of ports, devices, communication channels, and interfaces is measured.

Many users confuse these units of measurement with others (Kilobytes and Megabytes), which are usually displayed when downloading files through user programs, for example, via torrent. They are displayed as KB/s, KB/s, MB/s, MB/s, KB/s, KBps, MB/s, MBps. As you can see, the difference in spelling is that in both the Russian and English versions it is used for Megabytes and Kilobytes capital letter"B". The difference between these units of measurement is their size. One Megabyte contains 8 Megabits. Exactly the same ratio in size exists between Kilobyte and Kilobit. In other words, to determine the speed of the Internet connection based on the data obtained when downloading a file through a user program, it is enough to divide the numbers displayed in Megabytes by 8. Similarly, to convert MB/s to MB/s, you need to multiply the value of the first ones by 8.

How to properly check the operation of a Wi-Fi network?

  1. To get the most accurate results from the scan, you should close all programs and applications running on your computer.
  2. Obtaining accurate data on the speed of the forward and reverse channel directly depends on the chosen method of connecting to the network. So, in the best possible way this is what connection is for network cable to the computer. Otherwise, significant errors may occur.
  3. In addition, to obtain more reliable data, you need to go to Safe mode with loading network drivers in Windows. To do this, when turning on the computer, press the F8 key until additional options reboot.
  4. It is very important, when connecting via Wi-Fi, to use the 5GHz frequency to ensure more stable operation. This should be done, since when using the 2.4 GHz frequency, the risk of receiving incorrect information about data transmission over the network increases significantly, due to the influence of third-party (neighboring) routers located nearby on the result. This ability to switch to different frequencies is not available in all routers, however, in most modern models she is present.
  5. To get the best results, it is recommended to use the Wi-Fi 802.11 N standard, which must be supported not only by the router, but also by the existing Internet equipment.

Online services and programs ( - is the most common service for measuring Internet connection speed. After completing network testing, the service provides the user with a brief report on the analysis performed. The service toolkit contains many additional functions, such as the ability to compare the results obtained with the indicators of other users, providing statistics on all tests carried out by the user, the ability to find out which Internet provider in the city has the best network performance indicators.

The service measures the bandwidth from the server (optional) to the user’s computer. Due to the fact that the length of the communication channel can have significant distances, it is advisable to choose a server that is closest geographically. It is better to take measurements in the morning or at night, since at this time the activity of the provider’s network clients is the lowest. Despite the large number of factors influencing the accuracy of the testing results, network analysis can give more or less real ideas about its condition. The testing process itself is not complicated and takes little time.

Let's see how it's done:

Other services and programs

DOMains Whois ( - is a Russian-language network testing service that very quickly makes all the necessary measurements and provides the user with all technical information, including those related to Internet channel bandwidth.
speakeasy Speed ​​Test( is a less complex network testing tool. Doesn't have any complex functionality.
You should take into account the fact that none of the existing servers can determine the maximum possible indicators for an Internet connection. In addition, different services and programs may produce different scan results. This happens due to large quantity factors influencing the performance of the analysis. Therefore, you can only rely on approximate data. You can also use a torrent tracker to measure Wi-Fi speed. You just need to upload a file and monitor its performance. In this way, it will be possible to determine the maximum connection speed values. However, we should not forget that in this case, the data will be given in Megabytes, which will need to be converted to Megabits by multiplying the resulting value by 8.