Presentation "natural areas of Eurasia". Natural areas of Eurasia

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Natural zones of Eurasia Eurasia is not only a museum of climates, but also a museum of natural zones

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Arctic deserts typical for many islands Arctic Ocean(Franz Josef Land, northern island of Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, northern of the New Siberian Islands and partly Wrangel Island). On the mainland they are found only in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. The climate in this area is very harsh, with perpetual snow and glaciers widespread. Most animals are sea ​​creatures(seals, walruses, polar bears, arctic foxes). Arctic desert

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The tundra stretches in a continuous strip from west to east of the continent in the northern part. It is in many ways similar to the tundra of North America, but there is no musk ox here, because he died out. On the Taimyr Peninsula they are re-bred (from Canada). The most numerous inhabitants are reindeer, lemming, arctic fox, wolf, many birds. Tundra

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Zone coniferous forests(taiga) stretches from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. Climatic conditions in the zone change from west to east, therefore different species composition trees. In the west, pine and spruce predominate on podzolic soils, in Western Siberia in conditions of severe swampiness, fir and Siberian cedar grow, in Eastern Siberia Larch is common on frozen-taiga soils, and on the Pacific coast there is dark coniferous taiga of Daurian larch, fir, and Korean cedar. In the taiga there are many valuable fur-bearing animals (sable, ermine, marten); large animals include moose, brown bears, lynxes, and many birds. Taiga

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Mixed and deciduous forests located only in the west and east of the temperate zone, it does not form a continuous strip. The most typical types of European broad-leaved forests are oak and beech, maple and linden, hornbeam and elm. The animal world of forests is in many ways similar to the taiga. The main decoration is the mighty forest bull bison. In the east in conditions monsoon climate there is a process of mixing northern and southern species. Birch and bamboo coexist here, vines and wild grapes climb through the pines, brown bear may meet a tiger, and in Japan there are monkeys. Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet, oak, and linden grow. Mixed and broad-leaved forests

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They are located in the central parts of the continent, where the amount of precipitation decreases and evaporation increases. Steppes are treeless spaces with herbaceous vegetation, under which fertile chernozem soils are formed. They are almost completely plowed, and only in nature reserves are their natural landscapes represented. The predominant animals are rodents (gophers, voles, mice). In the past there were wild horses– tarpans, and wild bulls– tours. Forest-steppe and steppe

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Semi-deserts and temperate deserts Semi-deserts and temperate deserts lie in the central parts of the continent, where there is very little rainfall, hot summers and cold winter. The vegetation (wormwood, solyanka, sandy sedge) is sparse, and there are desert areas with shifting sand. The only woody plant is saxaul. It has no leaves, instead there are scales, so saxaul looks like a dry, dead tree. The predominant animals are reptiles and rodents, which hibernate during the winter. Previously, there were wild kulan donkeys, Przewalski's horses, and wild camels.

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Located in the western part subtropical zone. Thanks to the mild and wet winter, plants grow here all year round, however, lack of moisture during the most intense period solar radiation led to the emergence of adaptations in plants that reduce evaporation. The vegetation is represented by forests of evergreen holm oak, wild olives, noble laurel, pine, cypress, myrtle, strawberry tree. The zone is characterized by brown and red soils, which are fertile and suitable for cultivating subtropical crops. Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs

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Deserts and semi-deserts of the subtropical zone Subtropical deserts and semi-deserts are located east of the Caspian Sea, on the highlands of Western Asia. Nature of the zone tropical deserts reminiscent of desert nature North Africa. Among the vegetation, there are especially many ephemerals, which during the period of short spring rains manage to go through the entire development cycle. Among the animals that live here are antelopes, hyenas, fennec foxes, etc.

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Evergreens monsoon forests In the east of the subtropical zone there is a zone of evergreen variable-humid forests. The forests consist of laurel trees, camphor trees, magnolias, tung trees, and bamboo thickets (a giant grass up to 10 m high) growing on yellow earth and red earth soils. There are almost no wild animals left. There are deer, wild buffalo, tigers, leopards, himalayan bear, a lot of monkeys, incl. gibbons. The most famous animal is giant panda– emblem of the World Fund wildlife(WWF).

Broad-leaved forests The zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests is located only in the west and east of the mainland. Broadleaf trees more thermophilic, they are not found in the taiga. The soils are more fertile compared to podzols. The most typical trees are oak and beech. Mixed and especially broad-leaved forests have been heavily cut down. Many plants and animals are listed in the Red Book.

FOREST-STEPPE AND STEPPE. In the steppes, the main obstacle to the development of trees is the lack of water, the low level groundwater and salinity of steppe soils. Therefore, forests are found in river floodplains; they are called urens. You can now see the steppe only in nature reserves. In unplowed areas of the steppes, their natural cover is greatly disturbed, main reason– long-term grazing of livestock.

Camel. ephemera Desert - a group of biomes common in areas with extremely arid climate. Key Feature desert conditions - a sharp predominance of evaporation over precipitation. Deserts cover a third of the Earth's land mass and are formed in temperate, subtropical and tropical conditions. natural zones, which determines significant differences in their thermal mode. The amount of precipitation in different desert regions varies from to mm per year.

LET'S REMEMBER! Determine which of these plants and animals are found in North America, which are in Eurasia, and which are both there and there? 1. Grizzly bear 2. Dwarf willow 3. Siberian pine 4. Coyote 5. Beavers 6. Muskox 7. Larch 8. Skunk 9. Polar bear 10. Wolverine 11. Hickory 12. Ussuri tiger 13. Bison 14. Tulip tree 15. Caribou

Main natural areas: Arctic deserts. Arctic deserts. Tunedra.Tunedra. Lesotunedra.Lesotunedra. Taiga.Taiga. Mixed and broad-leaved forests. Mixed and broad-leaved forests. Forest-steppe and steppe.Forest-steppe and steppe. Semi-deserts and deserts. Semi-deserts and deserts.

Tunedra and forest-tunedra Tunedra in Siberia Tunedra is a type of natural zones lying beyond the northern limits of forest vegetation, spaces with permafrost soil that is not flooded by sea or river waters. Tunedra is located north of the zone taiga The nature of the surface of the tundra is swampy, peaty, rocky.

Taiga Taiga biome dominated by coniferous forests, formed as a rule by boreal species of spruce, fir, larch and, of course, pine. And the taiga is one of the geographical subzones of the northern zone. The area of ​​the taiga is 15 million km2. In the Russian Federation, the greatest landscape zone is the taiga. About 300 species of birds nest here. Among them: capercaillie, nutcracker, crossbills, common hazel grouse and a few species of owls and woodpeckers. Taiga is divided into 2 types: light-coniferous and dark-coniferous.

Broadleaf and mixed forests The zone of mixed and deciduous forests is located only in the west and east of the mainland. Broad-leaved trees are more thermophilic; they are not found in the taiga. The soils are more fertile compared to podzols. The most typical trees are oak and beech. Mixed and especially broad-leaved forests have been heavily cut down. Many plants and animals are listed in the Red Book.

Steppe and forest-steppe There are no trees in the steppes. The main obstacle to the development of trees is the lack of water, low groundwater levels and salinity of steppe soils. Therefore, forests are found in river floodplains; they are called urens. You can now see the steppe only in nature reserves. In unplowed areas of the steppes, their natural cover is severely disturbed, the main reason being long-term grazing.

Deserts and semi-deserts Deserts are natural zones characterized by a flat surface, sparseness or absence of flora and specific fauna. There are sandy, rocky, clayey, and saline deserts. Snowy deserts are distinguished separately. The most famous sandy desert is the Sahara, which occupies the entire northern part of the African continent. Close to deserts are semi-deserts, also related to extreme landscapes