What should you drink before conceiving a child? Preparing a man to conceive a child: what you need to know? Proper nutrition when planning pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to conceive a child right away, but after several unsuccessful sexual intercourses you should not sound the alarm and diagnose yourself with “infertility”. Perhaps your “stork” who will bring you the baby just needs active help.

1 rule

Everyone knows that the male reproductive cell is the basis of conception, therefore a certain energy is required from the sperm to ensure its mobility, because an energetic sperm is able to go further, and one should not expect conception from a weak one. That is why, two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse, you need to start preparing the man. To do this, you need to start feeding him properly: include more meat, nuts, and vitamin E in the diet. Such nutrition will help increase sperm motility. It is worth noting that excessive activity of partners for conception is not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, before the decisive sexual intercourse, a man should abstain for 2-3 days in order to accumulate energy. One couple went to the doctor because they were unable to conceive a child. During the conversation, it turned out that the couple wants a child so much that they have sex 2-3 times a day. After this, the doctor advised me to abstain from sex for several days. Having followed the doctor’s recommendation, the couple managed to conceive a child.

Rule 2

The first intercourse is decisive for conception. All further acts during the evening or night are just for pleasure. The fact is that after the first sexual intercourse, the concentration of sperm decreases almost by half, so subsequent ejaculations, as experts joke, are nothing but water.

Rule 3

Immediately after ejaculation, a man should remove his penis from the vagina to help the sperm penetrate further unhindered, which significantly increases the likelihood of conception.

Rule 4

Female orgasm can prevent conception. This happens for the reason that during orgasm, the cervix rises a little, so the sperm have to climb to this top, which significantly reduces the chance of one of them reaching the egg.

Rule 5

The correct timing for conception plays a significant role in conception. A woman is more fertile in the middle of her cycle, when the egg matures (ovulation period). Also considered favorable are 5-6 days before ovulation: that’s how long a sperm can live, waiting for an egg and remaining capable. The period within 6 days after ovulation is also considered favorable, since the female egg remains viable during this period of time.

Rule 6

The procedure of douching with a soda solution before intercourse can significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is known that a woman may have hidden inflammation, which she is not even aware of. As a result of inflammation, an acidic environment arises, which is extremely harmful to sperm and can not only significantly reduce their activity, but even completely destroy it. If there is no inflammation, then douching still won’t hurt.

Rule 7

A woman’s actions after sexual intercourse are of great importance. Little depends on the man and he can safely go to the shower, but the woman should lie down for a while. If the uterus and cervix are in a normal position, it is best to lie on your back, with your knees pressed to your chest. If a woman has a bent uterus, it is better to lie on her stomach. These positions allow the cervix to sink freely into the pool of sperm, which increases the chance of sperm penetration. There are also specific cases, for example, when there is inflammation of the appendages. In this situation, the uterus can turn to the side, but which one can only be determined. Then the doctor can tell you exactly which side is best to lie on.

Rule 8

Choosing the right position can significantly increase your chances of conceiving a child. Unfortunately, the choice of correct positions is not large - this is the classic missionary position. But if you try to get pregnant, for example while standing, the liquid will simply pour out. There is indeed an exception. If a woman has a curved uterus, then the rear pose is suitable.

Rule 9

After sexual intercourse, you need to relax and preferably be in an excellent state of mind over the next few days. Meditation, walks in nature, can help with this. active recreation etc. Waiting and worrying are not the best conditions for this period. Contractile activity is impaired under stress fallopian tubes, which propel sperm to the egg.

Probably most of you know how to behave during pregnancy, what to eat, what to avoid, etc.

But have you ever thought about what you need to know before conceiving a child?

Most likely, this question will cause puzzled looks. But in vain!

After all, you should take care of your baby’s health from the day you decide to get pregnant.

Let's discuss what expectant parents need to think about.

Of course, health is a relative concept and one of the parents may be terminally ill, and this disease can be inherited.

This is very difficult and bitter, but now we are talking about something else.

I want to talk to you about diseases that can be successfully cured and only then begin the process of conception.

Women should special attention pay attention to the condition of the reproductive organs. Check to see if your uterus and fallopian tubes are healthy and that there are no narrowings, lumps or other strange obstructions.

What can I say! It will be best if you undergo a full medical examination before conceiving a child.

By the way, this applies to both spouses, since there are many infectious diseases, which have not manifested themselves in your body, but can harm the health of the unborn child.

If you are too thin, then this should also be corrected.

Remember! Are too fat or too thin women the production of specific hormones that affect your ovulation is greatly impaired.

In addition, if you are taking contraceptives, you will have to stop taking them.

For some time (about two months), protect yourself with your husband using regular condoms. For what? I'll explain now.

As you know, any oral contraceptives are designed to prevent the egg from maturing, that is, not being capable of fertilization.

Therefore, after stopping taking these drugs, it is necessary to give time to your reproductive organs so that they remember their immediate purpose.

I think everything has become clear.

And you need to give up not the day after conception, but two to three months before that.

Alternatively, you can purchase folic acid at pharmacies.

It will be best if you start taking this vitamin about three months before you plan to conceive.

  • Lastly. Try to relieve yourself of stress.

A constant nervous state is not the best in the best possible way affects the body of a woman preparing for pregnancy.

Certainly, stressful situations sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid, but remember, as Carnegie said: “If you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it.” That's the whole recipe.

Some couples fail to conceive a child in their first attempts, and they begin to intensively search for the reason for this, without even thinking that their diet may be to blame. In this situation, not only the woman should think about her menu - it is also important what a man needs to eat in order to conceive a child.

About men's nutrition

In order for a woman to become pregnant, her partner must provide her with high-quality sperm. Some people mistakenly believe that the chances increase with the number of sexual acts, so they perform them several times a day. But this only impoverishes and weakens biological material. In order for sperm to be sufficiently active, they should be well “fed”, saturating the body with important elements.

What does conception depend on:

  1. Silene deficiency is often the cause of male infertility;
  2. increases the vitality, activity and productivity of sperm zinc;
  3. folic acid promotes normal sperm production and regulates proper ejaculation;
  4. vitamins not only improve a man’s well-being, but also have a positive effect on sperm motility and quality.

The doctor whom the couple contacts to be examined and find the cause of infertility will definitely inquire about the diet of the spouses. One of the recommendations would be to select a menu separately for each partner. It is important that the list includes products for men containing the elements described above.

You need to start restructuring in advance - a diet for men when planning a pregnancy is introduced 3-4 months before the expected conception.

This will cleanse the body of sludge and toxins. One quarter is enough to saturate your body with useful minerals and vitamins, if your partner eats right all this time.

Sample menu

Diet for men before conception is an important element of the pregnancy planning program. The more responsible the partner approaches this issue, the faster he will become the father of a healthy toddler. The menu is based on balanced diet where harmful products are excluded.

What a man should eat before conceiving a child:

  • Selenium is present in lean meats, beef liver, fish and millet;
  • Seafood (especially oysters and mussels), as well as fish, legumes, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, eggs, will provide zinc;
  • folic acid V large quantities present in vegetables - beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, legumes, as well as greens and nuts;
  • sources of vitamins– fruits, berries and vegetables (particular attention should be paid to vitamin C, which is rich in citrus fruits, strawberries, currants, peaches).

A man's diet should also include dairy products, vegetable oils. The amount of fluid consumed is important.

Particular attention is paid to the method of cooking. It is healthy to eat boiled or steamed foods, excluding fried foods from the menu. At the same time, the rule is to take the principle of not overeating - everything is good in moderation. In order for food to be properly digested and beneficial elements to achieve their goals, it is recommended to eat 5 times a day at the same hours.

Nutrition and gender of the child

There is an opinion among scientists that you can regulate the sex of a child with a special diet - foods affect the ratio of X and Y chromosomes. If a couple begins planning to conceive a child with a specific gender, they should increase the consumption of a number of foods in their menu.

Nutrition for men before conceiving a boy includes meat and fish in unlimited quantities, potatoes, apricots, bananas, and cherries. Olives and pickles will play their role. All kinds of drinks are consumed fruit juices and teas are allowed even in small quantities coffee. All of these foods are rich in potassium and sodium and guarantee the appearance of the Y chromosome in the gene code.

In order to get a girl, a man introduces foods high in calcium into his diet to conceive a child and reduces the consumption of those listed in the previous paragraph.

Products for conceiving a girl:

  • dairy products in unlimited quantities (except for fatty cheeses and ice cream);
  • a variety of fruits and berries (except bananas, plums, melons);
  • potatoes are excluded from vegetables, everything else is in great variety;
  • Cereals are desirable in side dishes (especially oatmeal and rice);
  • meat should be present in a man’s diet, but only low-fat varieties and in small quantities;
  • from sweets - honey, jam, jelly.

The menu also includes eggs and nuts (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts) in moderation. To conceive, girls limit their fluid intake to only green teas and still mineral water.

Unhealthy diet

To conceive a baby, future father must switch completely to natural food, excluding from the diet foods with all kinds of additives - flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes, GMOs. Canned food, smoked meats, and semi-finished products contain harmful carcinogens that have a prolonged negative impact on cells - they can lead to the development of cancer.

What foods should be excluded:

  • fatty meat and fish will make sperm inactive, which reduces the chances of a quick conception;
  • mayonnaise will have the same effect (even homemade), which is better to refuse;
  • hot seasonings with an abundance of spices negatively affect the quality of sperm and its production;
  • sweet carbonated drinks are far from natural product– these are all dyes and flavoring additives;
  • coffee and black tea contain caffeine and have a stimulating effect on a man, but do not in any way accelerate sperm production;
  • Before conceiving a child, alcohol is completely eliminated, which suppresses sperm production and negatively affects the gene code.

A great desire to become a father will help a man to easily refuse bad habits in food.

Having set up your healthy eating and by limiting lovemaking to 1 time in 3 days, a man will be able to prepare his body for the sacrament. But then wives should not rush to make up for lost hours of intimacy. Pregnant women can have sex with their husband only in agreement with the supervising doctor, in order to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to conceive a child right away, but after several unsuccessful sexual intercourses you should not sound the alarm and diagnose yourself with “infertility”. Perhaps your “stork” who will bring you the baby just needs active help.

1 rule

Everyone knows that the male reproductive cell is the basis of conception, therefore a certain energy is required from the sperm to ensure its mobility, because an energetic sperm is able to go further, and one should not expect conception from a weak one. That is why, two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse, you need to start preparing the man. To do this, you need to start feeding him properly: include more meat, nuts, and vitamin E in the diet. Such nutrition will help increase sperm motility. It is worth noting that excessive activity of partners for conception is not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, before the decisive sexual intercourse, a man should abstain for 2-3 days in order to accumulate energy. One couple went to the doctor because they were unable to conceive a child. During the conversation, it turned out that the couple wants a child so much that they have sex 2-3 times a day. After this, the doctor advised me to abstain from sex for several days. Having followed the doctor’s recommendation, the couple managed to conceive a child.

Rule 2

The first intercourse is decisive for conception. All further acts during the evening or night are just for pleasure. The fact is that after the first sexual intercourse, the concentration of sperm decreases almost by half, so subsequent ejaculations, as experts joke, are nothing but water.

Rule 3

Immediately after ejaculation, a man should remove his penis from the vagina to help the sperm penetrate further unhindered, which significantly increases the likelihood of conception.

Rule 4

Female orgasm can prevent conception. This happens for the reason that during orgasm, the cervix rises a little, so the sperm have to climb to this top, which significantly reduces the chance of one of them reaching the egg.

Rule 5

The correct timing for conception plays a significant role in conception. A woman is more fertile in the middle of her cycle, when the egg matures (ovulation period). Also considered favorable are 5-6 days before ovulation: that’s how long a sperm can live, waiting for an egg and remaining capable. The period within 6 days after ovulation is also considered favorable, since the female egg remains viable during this period of time.

Rule 6

The procedure of douching with a soda solution before intercourse can significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is known that a woman may have hidden inflammation, which she is not even aware of. As a result of inflammation, an acidic environment arises, which is extremely harmful to sperm and can not only significantly reduce their activity, but even completely destroy it. If there is no inflammation, then douching still won’t hurt.

Rule 7

A woman’s actions after sexual intercourse are of great importance. Little depends on the man and he can safely go to the shower, but the woman should lie down for a while. If the uterus and cervix are in a normal position, it is best to lie on your back, with your knees pressed to your chest. If a woman has a bent uterus, it is better to lie on her stomach. These positions allow the cervix to sink freely into the pool of sperm, which increases the chance of sperm penetration. There are also specific cases, for example, when there is inflammation of the appendages. In this situation, the uterus can turn to the side, but which one can only be determined. Then the doctor can tell you exactly which side is best to lie on.

Rule 8

Choosing the right position can significantly increase your chances of conceiving a child. Unfortunately, the choice of correct positions is not large - this is the classic missionary position. But if you try to get pregnant, for example while standing, the liquid will simply pour out. There is indeed an exception. If a woman has a curved uterus, then the rear pose is suitable.

Rule 9

After sexual intercourse, you need to relax and preferably be in an excellent state of mind over the next few days. Meditation, walks in nature, active recreation, etc. can help with this. Waiting and worrying are not the best conditions for this period. In a state of stress, the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes, which propel sperm to the egg, is disrupted.

A guarantee of the birth of a healthy and strong baby is mandatory planning for the upcoming pregnancy. Parental health is a fundamental factor in successful pregnancy and successful birth. Therefore, future father and mother must undergo preliminary training. A woman must undergo a full examination, take tests, treat detected infections, etc. What is the preparation of a man for conceiving a child, how important and necessary it is.

Not all future fathers are able to realize the importance of their preparation for conception. They simply don’t understand that planning determines how quickly they can get pregnant, how healthy the baby will be, etc.

  • If a man has hidden sexually transmitted infections, he can easily infect his wife, which in the process of bearing a baby leads to unforeseen complications and even the threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • The future father may not be sick, but be a carrier of hidden hereditary genetic pathologies. Moreover, sometimes a man has no idea about their existence. And at this time, the risk of inheriting these pathologies from the father only increases. That is why it is important for a man to undergo a thorough screening examination before conceiving a child.
  • In some cases, due to ignoring the rules of preparation and planning, the couple waits for a very long time, but fails to get pregnant. Just sperm because of not rational nutrition and unhealthy habits, they lose mobility, become lethargic and cannot reach the egg. The couple has been trying for months to conceive a baby, however, there are no results.

A man just needs to admit that he may be the reason for such a delay in pregnancy, consult an andrologist and undergo a spermogram to assess the condition of male sperm.

Preparation stages

Men's preparation for conception involves a lot of activities such as medical examination, procedures to increase fertility, healthy image life and balanced nutrition, harmonious relationships in the family. It is recommended to begin preparation three months in advance, so that if any infectious processes are detected, the body has time to recover after treatment. It is recommended to start the examination with a urologist, then a therapist. At the same time, you need to give up alcohol and cigarettes, and the woman too. The health of the fetus will depend entirely on the lifestyle of the future parents. Smoking alone can cause erection problems and menstrual irregularities.

Get tested

Men also need to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to have a picture of their own health and soberly assess the degree of risk of the unborn child developing possible anomalies and hereditary pathologies. If a woman or spouse happens to have children with pathological disorders in their family, then they must definitely visit a geneticist, gynecologist and andrologist, as well as highly specialized doctors, which will allow them to avoid unhealthy offspring.

A detailed examination in such a situation will be a guarantee successful conception. Necessary treatment of identified pathologies should take place before pregnancy. It is imperative to do tests for sexually transmitted pathologies, hepatitis B and C types, human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis, as well as fluorographic examination. If one of the spouses is diagnosed with HIV or some kind of hepatitis, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. And the presence of sexually transmitted infections often becomes the cause of fetal pathologies. If parents take care of their health in advance, they will lay the foundation for the safe development of their baby.

Increase fertility

How else can men prepare for conceiving a child? Increasing fertility, which involves improving sperm quality, also doesn't hurt.

Nutrition Basics

A man preparing to become a father will have to reconsider his taste preferences, giving up colored soda, fast food or fried food. Correct menu The future father's meal should consist of fish and dishes made exclusively from lean meat. It is better to replace pasta and potatoes with porridge, and mayonnaise with sunflower seed oil. Also, preparing for conceiving a child requires the mandatory inclusion of fresh fruit and vegetable juices in the diet or simply vegetable salads and fruits.

If a man is not used to getting vitamins from food, then he needs to take special complex preparations. It is necessary to ensure that enough folic acid is supplied with food, because if it is insufficient, the number of active sperm decreases. If a man preparing to become a father is faced with a similar problem, then he needs to take special vitamins that increase fertility.

Strong enough male body depends on the zinc content. If it is not enough, then it is recommended to take a vitamin course with zinc, which will normalize testosterone and increase the volume of ejaculate. A man should definitely eat vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and asparagus, broccoli and peppers, melon and kiwi, tangerines and grapefruit.

healthy lifestyle

If the family has decided that it is necessary to have a child, then the man will have to give up parties and friendly gatherings in dubious establishments. After all, the quality of sperm rapidly deteriorates due to the use of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. According to research, when you abuse these substances, not only does the number of sperm decrease, but the motility of those that you still have decreases. Therefore, it is worth making it a rule that you need to give up smoking, drinking alcohol and using light drugs.

With frequent exposure to smoky rooms, fertility begins to suffer from passive smoking. Moreover, sperm deficiency is not the only problem from such addictions as smoking and alcohol. If a man drinks alcohol every day for about a month before conception, even if it’s just a bottle of beer or a shot of vodka with dinner, then the children born from him will almost inevitably suffer from underweight, which will immediately affect the baby’s health.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels actively dilate, slowing blood flow and causing hyperedema. Vascular permeability is impaired, destruction and atrophy occurs in prostatic tissues. Ethanol leads to shrinkage of the testicles, causes disruption of the spermatogenic epithelial layer in the testicular tubules, and reduces the concentration of sperm in the seminal fluid. Therefore, advice regarding a healthy lifestyle in planning is quite reasonable.

Protecting the body from external aggressors

Quite often environment represents hidden threat for male seed material. What is this connected with? If a man works in hazardous work, then chemical exposure can't be avoided. Such aggressive substances include:

  1. Paint and varnish pairs;
  2. X-rays;
  3. Exhaust gases;
  4. Pesticides;
  5. Heavy metals;
  6. Ionizing radiation;
  7. Organic solvents that men come into contact with in car dealerships and dry cleaners.

These toxic substances change the sperm composition, which often results in premature birth and various fetal defects. How to conceive a child correctly? Full maturation of a healthy generation of sperm takes about 3 months, so it is during this period before the intended conception that the toxic effects of chemicals must be eliminated.

Of course, the best guarantee of a successful pregnancy will be a harmonious relationship between spouses. How can a man properly prepare for conceiving a child? A tender attitude and expressions of love will prepare a strong foundation for further joint concerns related to childbirth and caring for the newborn in the first postpartum months.

All existing disagreements and tension in the relationship must be resolved by the spouses before pregnancy, otherwise nervous overexcitation, stress and depressive states can easily cause a miscarriage. Bearing and giving birth to a joint child is a wonderful, but difficult moment in the life of spouses. Only with mutual understanding and harmony in the relationship will a couple easily survive any difficulties.

The right approach to choosing underwear

According to scientists, wearing the wrong underwear affects a man's fertilizing abilities. If a man constantly wears tight swimming trunks, the testicles overheat, which has a suppressive effect on spermatogenesis. In addition, tight underwear impairs blood circulation in the genital structures, which also negatively affects the formation and quality of sperm.

Therefore, more is required from a man serious attitude to the choice of panties. It is better to prefer boxers, wearing which significantly increases the couple’s chances of conceiving. Therefore, changing underwear can be considered as a stage of preparation for proper conception.

Bicycles and saunas are prohibited

Preparation also includes avoiding procedures that cause overheating of the testicles. These include a bathhouse, sauna, hydromassage or just a hot bath. The reason for the refusal is that high temperatures kill sperm. Therefore, after the next bath with a good park in the next three months, the seed material will be renewed and restored. Therefore, one of the points on how a man can prepare for conception is protection from overheating and avoidance of such bath procedures. The testicular glands function best in cool conditions, which is why the temperature in the scrotum is a couple of degrees lower than the normal temperature of the male body.

It is also recommended that men avoid frequent cycling, because the pressure of the seat on the perineum causes a decrease in motor activity and sperm count, and also reduces sperm volume. The personal participation of a man in planning and compliance with the standards of preparation for conception will allow the couple to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a strong baby.