Lawyer Zheleznyak Mikhail Dmitrievich. Alexander Zheleznyak: biography, family and photos

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Detailed information

There are many people who want to become successful people, in particular bankers. But not everyone understands that behind prosperity lies a lot of work. One of these successful people is the Chairman of the Board of the Life banking group, Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak. The biography of this person will serve as the subject of our conversation.

Early years

Alexander Zheleznyak was born on May 31, 1966 in Moscow, into the family of a lawyer. Sasha’s parents were quite responsible and respected. In 1973 he went to first grade local school.

After receiving secondary education, in 1983, young Alexander entered the Moscow State Law Academy, from which he successfully graduated five years later, thus receiving the profession of lawyer.

Legal activity

The next three years of Alexander Zheleznyak’s life are associated with legal practice. Until 1991 inclusive, he was a member of the capital's bar association. Zheleznyak himself claims that he loved his work very much. And I could not even think that I would be professionally engaged in activities not related to jurisprudence. But fate decided otherwise.

First steps in business

In the early 90s, a radical regime change occurred in the country. It is no wonder that many people decided to try their hand at a new field for themselves - entrepreneurship, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeded in realizing themselves in this field.

Alexander Zheleznyak also decided to go this route. In 1990, Sergei Leontiev, with whom the hero of our story had maintained friendly ties since childhood, approached him with an offer to go into business and become a partner. A year before, Sergei Leonidovich opened his own business, organizing a foreign economic center called “Probusiness”. Now Alexander Zheleznyak was invited to cooperate in the business sphere. The biography of Alexander Dmitrievich says that his life in the future was connected precisely with business.

The main activity of the Probusiness group at that time was foreign economic consulting and trade intermediation. But to expand the center’s capabilities, it was necessary to create a strong financial base. Sergei Leontyev believed that such a foundation could be his own bank. It is for the purpose of creating similar organization and Alexander Zheleznyak was invited to cooperate, who, after thinking a little, accepted the offer of partnership.

Opening of Probusinessbank

So, Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak became the chairman of the board of the newly created banking structure. “Probusinessbank” - this is how this financial institution began to be called. It was officially opened on July 7, 1993.

In the same year, Alexander Dmitrievich, wanting to get a comprehensive education in order to be able to solve complex professional problems, began studying at the Government Financial Academy at the Faculty of Banking, which he successfully graduated from in 1995.

During the time that Zheleznyak Alexander Dmitrievich devoted to his studies, Probusinessbank received the status commercial bank and state license. So exactly 1995 can be considered the starting point for the beginning of active financial activities of this banking institution.

Bank development

Already in 1996, Probusinessbank entered the top ten most actively developing banks in the country and the TOP 40 largest financial institutions in Russia. This fact itself spoke of the correct development strategy that Alexander Zheleznyak chose. Reviews from experts about the work of this banking structure were entirely positive from the very beginning.

In 1997, Probusinessbank entered the new level development, since it was assigned an international credit rating. The bank was increasingly gaining momentum in its activities, and its potential capabilities no longer fit into the format of a limited liability company, which it was originally. Therefore, in 1998, it was decided to reformat the bank into an OJSC to attract more investors' funds.

Thanks to the wise policy of the management, Probusinessbank survived the time of default relatively painlessly Russian government and began 1999 in a leading position, ranking first in the country in terms of car lending. In subsequent years, the bank only increased its financial strength.

And Alexander Zheleznyak himself in the early 2000s, in addition to managing a financial institution, was also involved in writing quite interesting scientific works in finance, and also defended his dissertation in 2003, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

Creation of the Life Financial Group

At the same time, in the early 2000s, Probusinessbank began an active campaign to purchase controlling stakes in regional banks, including VUZ-Bank, Express-Volga, and a number of others. This state of affairs required the introduction of uniform standards for all controlled financial structures. This is how the idea of ​​creating a single banking group arose.

It received its real embodiment in 2003, when the Life financial group was created. Sergei Leontyev became its president, and Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak became the chairman of the board.

Further professional achievements

The creation of the Life group was a significant step in career ladder Alexander Zheleznyak. This was the management of not just one bank, but a whole group of financial institutions.

With the start of work of this holding, a number of new opportunities for self-realization opened up for its leader. For example, it was Alexander Dmitrievich who developed a unique program of its kind to assess customer loyalty to the bank, which was carried out using a survey. The banking group also conducts a wide charitable activities.

The Life financial group has fundamentally abandoned the use of credit committees, which are widely used in other similar institutions in the country. Firstly, this is explained by the fact that consideration of a case by a credit committee takes quite a long time, which is a kind of bureaucratic obstacle to quickly obtaining a loan. And secondly, a committee is a collective body that does not provide for personal responsibility for incorrect decision made. If the decision is made by a specific person, then you can ask him later. On at the moment, as practice shows, the abandonment of credit committees in the structures of the Life financial group has fully justified itself.

In addition, Alexander Dmitrievich defended his doctoral dissertation in 2007 and became a Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In the service of the Fatherland

However, Alexander Zheleznyak was not only involved in purely banking activities - he worked hard for the benefit of Russia as a whole. So, he is a member of the council of experts State Duma He is the author of the famous bill to prevent money laundering. cash, which was adopted by parliament and signed by the president. In addition, Zheleznyak is a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, holding a position in the commission on banking.

Alexander Dmitrievich accepts active participation in the rehabilitation of problem banks as an expert, cooperating in this regard with the Central Bank of Russia.

The activities of Alexander Zheleznyak, naturally, were noticed government agencies, and in 2014 he deservedly received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. He was also awarded the title “Honored Banker of Russia” and the corresponding badge.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the Life financial group sometimes likes to attend cool parties of the elite, not much is known about the details of his personal life. What is Alexander Zheleznyak hiding? His family consists of four people. In addition to the head of the family, it includes a rather young wife, whose marriage took place on September 7, 2002, and two daughters, born in 2004 and 2007.

With his beautiful young wife, Alexander Dmitrievich sometimes appears at various events, such as in 2013 at the tenth annual Flower Ball, which took place at Villa Ephrussi in France, but, nevertheless, he does not even disclose the name of his chosen one to the general public.

In addition, it is known that the famous banker is interested in cars and skiing. But his main hobby is work. It was to her that Alexander Zheleznyak dedicated his life. “Probusinessbank” is a family for him and a professional field of activity at the same time.

There is another one in Russia famous person with the name Alexander Zheleznyak is a photographer by profession. Due to the complete coincidence of names, confusion sometimes arises when information concerning one of them is perceived as information about the second. Meanwhile, they are not even relatives, but simply namesakes.

Alexander Zheleznyak, who is engaged in photography, is much younger than the financier - he was born in 1978. He gained wide fame as a travel photographer and traveler, who sailed almost the entire water area of ​​the world on his yacht. Alexander Zheleznyak tries to capture all corners of the Earth on camera. The photos he took are truly admirable. But that, as they say, is a completely different story.

General characteristics of Alexander Zheleznyak

So, let’s return to Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak, who is the chairman of the board of the Life financial group. Throughout his life he showed himself to be responsible, purposeful and smart person, capable of taking on any job, even if it seems overwhelming at first glance. Alexander Dmitrievich succeeded both in jurisprudence, which he practiced relatively short time and in financial activities. He did what he considered necessary and correct, both in the commercial sphere and in the service of the state. Whatever this man undertook was a success, even if at first the plans seemed fantastic.

The main human qualities of Alexander Dmitrievich are determination, willingness to go all the way towards the goal and the desire to learn again and again. That's why he has two higher education(legal and financial), doctoral degree, and also constantly adopts work experience from foreign banking structures.

The achievements of Alexander Zheleznyak were noticed and celebrated at the highest level.

Despite his significant workload, Alexander Dmitrievich also finds time for his family, which is his reliable support.

Let's hope that in the future even higher heights await Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak.

Arbitration disputes arbitration disputes representation in arbitration court drafting procedural documents pre-trial settlement of arbitration disputes arbitration court Enforcement proceedings enforcement proceedings(execution of court decisions) appealing the actions of bailiffs Intellectual · legal protection of citizens in any court; · analysis, examination and preparation of transactions (agreements); · development of credit, security and other financial and economic schemes; · protection and recognition of ownership of land and other real estate (enterprises, residential and non-residential premises), as well as other property rights, including lease; · preparation of documents for maintaining the register of shareholders in joint stock companies, as well as resolution conflict situations between shareholders, participants of limited liability companies; · consultations on any issues of Russian legislation.

Lawyer Zheleznyak Moscow

At this time, Mikhail Dmitrievich worked at the Danilov, Shokin and Partners Law Office. The bureau's most famous client during this period was International Foundation Roerichov, fighting in the courts with the active support of Mayor Luzhkov against the claims of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to the premises of the Foundation - the Lopukhins' estate. This struggle was accompanied by an anti-Roerich campaign in the newspapers Segodnya and Argumenty i Fakty, which was interrupted in 1996 by the Danilov, Shokin and Partners bureau.

Avdey Ter-Oganyan finally refused the services of Mikhail Dmitrievich only in the second half of April 1999. But, on the advice of human rights activists, who noted the illogicality in the actions and assessment of the legal situation on the part of Zheleznyak, he introduced a second lawyer into the case already in the first half of February 1999. - Official statement against Ter-Oganyan by the Committee “For the Moral Revival of the Fatherland”, an active campaign in the church and para-church press, as well as the collection of statements to the prosecutor’s office in Moscow churches - an investigation carried out by an investigator for special important matters Department for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Security Laws and interethnic relations Moscow prosecutor's office by Yuri Krylov, including the preparation of examinations of A.I. Morozov and E.S. Smirnova and interrogations of witnesses for the prosecution.

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Lawyer Zheleznyak Moscow

How a diplomat and a lawyer built a bank with “ human face" At the same time, Zheleznyak left his promising law practice for the sake of the newly formed bank.

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Moscow Bar Association Empire of Law Moscow Bar Association.

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Alexander Zheleznyak: biography, family and photos

There are many people who want to become successful people, in particular bankers.

“They got the cast for a glamorous party! The bourgeoisie are still desperately brainless,” this is how writer Eduard Limonov assessed the selection of personnel.

But not everyone understands that behind prosperity lies a lot of work. One of these successful people is the chairman of the board of the Life banking group, Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak. The biography of this person will serve as the subject of our conversation. Alexander Zheleznyak was born on May 31, 1966 in Moscow, in the family of lawyer Dmitry Zheleznyak. Sasha's parents were quite responsible and respected.

In 1973, he entered first grade at a local school. After receiving secondary education, in 1983, young Alexander entered the Moscow State Law Academy, from which he successfully graduated five years later, thus receiving the profession of lawyer. The next three years of Alexander Zheleznyak’s life are associated with legal practice.

Zheleznyak Mikhail Dmitrievich

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Lawyer Zheleznyakov Vladislav Konstantinovich provides consultations and provides legal services in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region for citizens on criminal charges, civil cases, and on other legal issues. Lawyer Vladislav Konstantinovich Zheleznyakov is a member of the Bar Association of the Sverdlovsk Region and has a number of publications in various media.

Education Career Arbitration disputes arbitration disputes representation in an arbitration court drafting procedural documents pre-trial settlement of arbitration disputes arbitration court Enforcement proceedings enforcement proceedings (enforcement of court decisions) appealing the actions of bailiffs Intellectual established: By the Resolution of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow dated February 9, 2012, the complaint of lawyer Zotova E.S.

Lawyer Zheleznyak Moscow

This lecture reveals the legal nature of cassation review as a stage of the arbitration process, within which the decisions and rulings of the court of first instance that have entered into legal force are challenged.

Taking into account the emergence in 2014 of the institution of “second cassation” in the arbitration process, as well as taking into account significant changes in the procedural form of simplified proceedings and the emergence of writ proceedings in the arbitration process, the lecture is divided into four parts.

The fourth part is devoted to the extraordinary “second” and “third” cassation in the arbitration process, i.e.

Full name Romanova Tatyana Iosifovna
Surname Romanova
Name Tatiana
Surname Iosifovna
Registration number 77/11529
Certificate number 12832
State Russian Federation
District Central Federal District
Region Moscow
Ward Moscow Bar Association
Lawyer education
Place of work