How many grams of a raw chicken egg? Chicken egg: how much does it weigh in different ratios

The raw weight of a chicken egg is important in determining the cost of the product. It depends on the breed of bird, the conditions of its keeping and feeding, the season, etc.

The weight of a cooked chicken egg (boiled, fried, etc.) depends on the type of processing.

Average weight of one chicken egg

According to statistics, the average chicken egg weighs 50–55 g.

Its size is influenced by a number of factors:

  • age;
  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;
  • quality and frequency of feeding, etc.

Testicular weight is important in poultry farming. This indicator is fundamental in determining the variety.

Why in retail trade Eggs are not sold by weight:

  1. The egg loses weight over time as the liquid through the shell evaporates.
  2. The fragility of the product implies the presence of a separate worker weighing the product.
  3. Current sanitary standards require a separate room for product scales.

All this increases the cost of the finished product.

According to the degree of freshness, eggs are divided into:

  • dietary– no more than 7 days have passed since the day of demolition, marked with the letter “D”;
  • canteens– more than 8 days have passed since the demolition, are marked with the letter “C”.

Important! The table variety is stored at room temperature 25 days from the date of demolition, in the refrigerator - 90 days.

Eggs are usually sold in packs of 12, but the quantity may be smaller (6 or 10).

Without shell

The weight of the shell is 10% of the weight of the entire egg, therefore, by looking at the labeling in the store, you can use simple arithmetic calculations to determine the weight of the product without the shell.

Weight of white and yolk

It is impossible to name the exact weight of the white and yolk. Much depends on the product category.

Every chicken egg producer is interested in the productivity of the enterprise and high quality the products they produce. The weight of each egg produced must be taken into account. Improving this indicator directly affects profits.


In accordance with the law Russian Federation The sector's products are supposed to be sold not by mass, but by piece. On poultry farms, eggs are sorted by weight, labeled and packaged. The approximate weight is determined by the stamps applied to the shell, or the information is indicated on the outside of the package.

Why are products not sold by weight?

The reasons that goods are not sold by weight lie in the structural features of chicken eggs.

  1. The shell is quite fragile. Selling eggs individually is inconvenient for both sellers and buyers. This is unsafe, because any mechanical impact on the egg can damage the shell.
  2. Percentage. A thin layer of shell constantly allows moisture to pass through, which makes the egg lighter. If the egg will be stored for a long time, it is not profitable to sell it by weight.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for this point due to many objective factors.

  • When the finished package contains a certain number of eggs, it is convenient to count them and the likelihood of shell damage is reduced;
  • The weight of eggs decreases over time as moisture evaporates through the shell layer. Practice has shown that selling by weight is unprofitable. You can give the following example: a store buys 1 ton of product by weight from a poultry farm, but will be able to sell half a centner less due to moisture loss through the shell. Accordingly, the store will be forced to add these losses in the form of added value, which will affect the price increase.
  • This product is quite fragile and the more mechanical stress it is exposed to, the greater the percentage of it that will become unusable - the egg is easy to break during transportation, it can easily crack.

Important! A cracked raw egg cannot be used! You should definitely inspect the shell in the store.

Before cooking an egg, it is recommended to wash it using regular detergent. The protein part is the largest and the most big losses moisture. Sometimes weight loss is compensated by adding clean water, but this is allowed if the recipe requires shaking.

Marking by weight and categories

Eggs imported from abroad are marked by weight as shown in the table:

Eggs imported from abroad are labeled by category as shown in the table:

Determining the weight of an egg without weighing

chicken egg is one of the most popular products. The wide scope of its application is due to its many beneficial properties.

The product is divided into:

  1. dietary (fresh, stored no longer than a week);
  2. tableware (stored up to 3.5 weeks at room temperature and 3 months in refrigerators);

They are marked accordingly - a stamp is placed on each one containing the first letters of the class, or of the form: “C0”, “C1”, “SV”, “DV”. Average weight one 1st class egg - from 55 to 64 grams. The cheapest and smallest eggs are produced by young laying hens, and the larger ones are produced by older hens. For an average egg, the most common weight is from 40 to 60 grams. This is the approximate size and weight recommended in most recipes.

In general, the fresher the product, the heavier it is, since moisture loss is still insignificant.

How much can only the white and yolk weigh, if the shell is not taken into account? This weight is approximately 55 grams. This is very important for a cook or pastry chef (for example, when preparing a dish called “melange”).

The exact weight of eggs is determined by the percentage:

  • The shell accounts for 12% of the weight;
  • For yolks – 32%;
  • For proteins – 56%;

That is, removing the shell gives about 88% of the total weight, which does not depend on its class.

It happens that in the same class there are eggs with differences in weight. This situation is provided for by the current standard in Russia. Although for wholesale quantities a deviation in weight is acceptable. Abroad, weight markings are slightly different: the smallest imported egg weighs 30 grams, the largest – 73 grams.

Imported packages, which are marked with weight and dimensions, also have “eco” indications. It is placed on packages and boxes in which products laid by chickens that have free space for movement. Many give great value this fact, since in today’s conditions it is not always possible to ensure freedom of movement of chickens on a poultry farm. If in the village, in a private chicken coop, laying hens are not exposed to stress, then on modern poultry farms they are crowded into cages and hardly move, and this negatively affects the quality of the product.

Additionally, each egg has a stamp indicating the country of origin. Today, products from 4 main manufacturers are used:

  1. Belgium - designation “1”;
  2. Germany - designation “2”;
  3. France - designation “3”;
  4. Netherlands - designation “6”;

Interestingly, the weight of a hard-boiled egg does not change due to the protective function of the shell (regulating the amount of moisture and the ability to leave the composition of the protein and yolk unchanged). If it is fried (for example, a fried egg is being prepared), it is significantly reduced in weight, since the integrity of the shell is broken - it is removed (you need to subtract 12% of the weight of the egg with the shell), and the moisture freely leaves the white and yolk.

Amazing facts

Interesting information:

  • if the eggs are packed in boxes, each of them does not need to be marked - a general packaging stamp is sufficient;
  • most recipes indicate the estimated weight of one egg equal to 40 grams;
  • Dietary eggs have a red marking, table eggs have a blue marking;
  • “fitness” label, which can occasionally be found in retail networks, means that these eggs are not quite ordinary - they are enriched with vitamins;
  • a shell on which something foreign has stuck (a feather, particles of manure, etc.) has nothing to do with domestic chickens - the manufacturer simply does not monitor cleanliness and hygiene in production;
  • the concept of “large egg” and “small egg” can vary greatly in countries;

  • in the Book of World Records there are records that the largest recorded egg weighed 136 grams, and the smallest weighed less than 10 grams;
  • among the British, the traditions of breeding chickens go back to the distant past: a specimen weighing 450 grams was noted with dimensions reaching 23 cm in diameter and 32 cm in length;
  • Laying hens of decorative breeds lay both medium and small clutches of eggs (for example, hens of the Malaysian Serama breed lay eggs weighing just over 10 grams, and are 5 times smaller than usual);

Chicken eggs are a universal product that is indispensable in the kitchen of any housewife. You can easily and quickly prepare breakfast from them; they are boiled, fried, made into snacks, salads, and added to baked goods. It's hard to imagine a kitchen without them. But if you are preparing any complex dish, with a large set of ingredients, where you need to know a lot of products used, then it would be useful to know how much a chicken egg weighs. This will make it much easier to figure out how much product you will need to add in the end.

Finding out the mass of one chicken egg is not so difficult. To do this, first of all, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the packaging. Usually it uses special markings, which determine the category of the product and, accordingly, the weight. Thus, the following categories are distinguished:

  1. The third category - in weight they reach approximately 40 grams and are considered the smallest. They are most often designated as C3.
  2. The second category is slightly larger and their weight ranges from approximately 45 to 55 grams. The marking is C2.
  3. The weight range from 55 to 65 grams is the first category and is designated C1.
  4. There is also a select category, the weight of which can vary from 65 to 75 grams - designated as C0;
  5. Well, the largest category is the highest (B). Typically weighs from 75 to 80 grams.

Interesting! Since during the cooking process the contents of the shell have nowhere to go, and no moisture loss is observed, we can say with confidence how much a boiled egg weighs, the product will weigh the same as when raw. In both cases, the shell is not taken into account. But fried egg. the mass will decrease slightly.

Without shell

To determine weight, experts use a percentage that helps them accurately calculate the required amount.

Converted to percentages, the result is:

  • shell weight – 12%;
  • yolk – 32%;
  • protein – 56%.

To determine weight raw egg percentages are used.

By removing the shell, we get 88% of total mass eggs, regardless of labeling.

Interesting fact! No matter how hard the egg is boiled, crumpled in a bag, it weighs the same as a raw egg.

Weight of white and yolk

A whole egg weighs 50g. The yolk makes up 1/3 of the egg and weighs 17g. The white makes up the remaining 2/3 of the egg and weighs approx. 33 g. And accordingly, 21 whole eggs = 1 kg 36 whites = 1 kg 53 yolks = 1 kg.

Important! We're talking about a medium, standard egg here (usually sold by the dozen in supermarkets). If you prefer to buy eggs at the market, then there are often XXL size eggs - they weigh more!

The average size, or rather weight, of a raw yolk is 25 grams for the largest egg.

As shown scientific experiments, minimum yolk weight, starts from 18 grams. At its highest potential, it can reach as much as 27 grams, of course this is for extremely large eggs, which many consumers are afraid of, because I think that the chickens that lay them are stuffed with something.

A typical average chicken egg weighs only 60 grams, the weight of the yolk in the egg is 32-35% and this is about 21 grams for the raw yolk. The weight of the boiled yolk is similar, about 20 grams. Let's take the weight of one chicken egg as 100%, the weight of the shell as 12%, the weight of the white as 56% and 32% as the weight of the yolk.

Accordingly, the larger the egg, the larger the yolk. In this case, there are double yolks.

Chicken eggs are one of the consumed products in the food market. This product has many positive properties, both nutritional and cosmetic. It is often used by summer residents and many others. The egg has many characteristics that can be listed without thinking. But every second person still thinks about one indicator - weight.

For unknown reasons, few people ask the question “how much does a chicken egg weigh?” And this is interesting and useful information. It is the weight that determines which category the result of the chicken’s efforts will be classified into.

Chicken eggs are divided into table and dietary.

All eggs can be divided into two groups:

  • Dietary.
  • Dining rooms.

The first group includes fresh eggs, which are stored for no more than seven days. The second group - dining room - includes eggs with a shelf life of up to 25 days at room temperature and 90 in the refrigerator.

Eggs are also divided into smaller categories:

  • higher;
  • selected;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

There are several categories of chicken eggs.
  • Highest - 75 or more.
  • Selective - 65-74.
  • The first one is 55-64.
  • The second one is 45-54.
  • Third - 35-45.

Depending on whether the egg is table or dietary, a stamp is placed with the initial letters of the category and group: SV, DV, etc.

Interesting: in the famous book with world records there are several entries regarding eggs: the largest recorded size is 136 grams, and the smallest is just under 10 grams.

The average weight of a first category chicken egg is 55-64 grams.

Usually the cheapest small eggs are laid by hens young. Accordingly, the larger ones, which primarily attract attention, are the more mature individuals.

If you take average weight all eggs, then we can confidently say that one average egg will weigh from 40 to 60 grams. This is one of the commonly found types and recommended in culinary recipes.

Well, what will experts answer on this question if you ask them: how much will an egg weigh if it is without a shell? It is possible that someone will be confused, someone will pretend that they are not talking to him, but the true gurus of the egg business will answer.

Egg weight without shell is important when making melange.

Their answer will be from one numeral: 55 grams. But this figure is approximate, since each egg has its own weight, which can fluctuate even within one category. Egg weight without shell is important for confectioners who make melange.

Reference. Melange is a white and yolk dried using a special technology.

To determine weight, experts use a percentage that helps them accurately calculate the required amount.

Converted to percentages, the result is:

  • shell – 12%;
  • yolk – 32%;
  • protein – 56%.

A percentage is used to determine the weight of a raw egg.

By removing the shell, we get 88% of the total mass of the egg, regardless of labeling.

How much does a raw egg weigh?

Interestingly, a raw egg may differ from the stated weight. When buying eggs, the weight is approximately known by the marking. But when you come home, you may find that the weight of a dozen eggs is less than stated.

The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​deception. But that's not true. The fact is that when lying through the shell, moisture gradually evaporates, and accordingly, the weight of a raw egg can fluctuate not only by category, but also by freshness.

Important. The fresher the egg, the more it weighs.

Another interesting fact is that the weight of the eggs remains unchanged during cooking.

A boiled egg does not change its mass.

This happens for a very simple reason: the shell is a protective shell that does not let moisture in or out, leaving all components in place. And for this reason boiled egg the same weight as raw.

But a fried egg will weigh less. With this cooking method, the moisture evaporates and the weight becomes less. It is also worth considering the very 12% of the shell that is removed during the preparation of products for fried eggs.

If you break an egg into its components: white, yolk, shell, it turns out that the heaviest part is the white, and the lightest part is the shell. It is not surprising that the testicle can be damaged so easily.

The heaviest part of an egg is the white, and the lightest part is the shell.

If you translate into numbers, then on average you get the following result:

  • Protein - 33 grams.
  • Yolk – 22 grams.
  • Shell – 7 grams.

Abroad, they say, life is different. Maybe in general it is no different from the domestic one, but there are many differences in small details. This also applies to egg marking. It is interesting that imported eggs are divided into different groups by weight than ours: from the smallest of 30 grams to 73 grams.

On imported packages of eggs, in addition to markings indicating weight and size, you can also find other marks. The “eco” icon is placed on the boxes in which products from chickens with freedom of movement were placed. For many, this fact is important.

Imported eggs are divided into other groups by weight: from the smallest of 30 grams to 73 grams.

The eggs of European laying hens are divided by size, and according to the size, they are stamped with a certain marking:

  • Small (S) - 40-53 grams.
  • Medium (M) - 53.90-63.
  • Large (L) - 63.90-73.
  • Very large (VL) - 73 and above.

Reference. European quality eggs, unlike ours, are divided into 4 groups: categories 2 and 3 are combined into one.

In addition, each egg contains a number by which you can determine in which country the hens did their best.

European laying hen eggs are divided into sizes: S, M, L, VL.

Usually eggs are brought from only 4 countries:

  • Belgium - 1.
  • Germany - 2.
  • France - 3.
  • Holland - 6.

Here are two reasons why eggs are sold individually:

  • Fragility. If you think logically, then the piece form of sale is not only convenient for both the seller and the buyer, but also safe. Suffice it to remember what percentage the shell is of the total mass of the egg and it becomes clear that unnecessary manipulations can lead to disastrous results.
  • Percentage. When lying for a long time, the thin shell begins to let moisture through and the egg decreases in weight. Given this factor, selling by weight would become unprofitable.

Selling eggs by weight is unprofitable: over time, the egg loses moisture and, accordingly, weight.

Here are a few facts you might not know:

  • Eggs may not be labeled if they are packaged in a carton.
  • In recipes, the calculation is usually for one egg per forty grams.
  • Diet eggs have a red stamp, table eggs have a blue stamp.
  • On modern market You can find both just chicken eggs and those enriched with vitamins. These are sold with the “fitness” mark.
  • Stuck feathers and manure on the shell do not indicate the environmental friendliness of eggs, but a lack of hygiene at the poultry farm
  • Each country has its own idea of ​​large and small eggs

A dirty chicken egg shell indicates unsanitary conditions at a poultry farm.

The weight of eggs helps not only to save money, but also to calculate the correct quantity for preparing a particular dish. When purchasing eggs, it is important to pay attention to the absence of cracks, dirt and other unfavorable factors that may indicate unsanitary conditions, and therefore possible infections.

The weight of chicken eggs clearly reflects the health of the hen and the nutritional value of the product itself. The weight of the product depends on the age of the chicken, its breed and health status. This indicator is very important for farmers who sell eggs.

According to the labeling table, the average weight of 1 chicken egg is 60 g. This is the CO/DO category.

Useful weight

Useful mass is the weight of chicken eggs without shells. An egg consists of a shell, white and yolk. The volume of the yolk is approximately 34% of the total, the white - 55%, the shell - 11%.

Weight of an average chicken egg in grams in parts:

  • General – 60;
  • Yolk – 20.4;
  • Protein – 33;
  • Shell – 6.6.

If you need to determine the useful mass, but there are no scales at hand, it can be calculated.

It is different for each individual category:

  • DM - 71.2 g;
  • CO – 62.3 g;
  • C1 – 53.4 g;
  • C2 – 44.5 g;
  • C3 – 35.6 g.

Weight of cooked product

At heat treatment products lose weight. But a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg will remain the same as a raw one.

Marking and weight

The marking consists of a letter and a number, where the letter is the category and the number is the grade. Apply directly to the shell or container. Size affects the grade, and grade affects the price.

Category Variety Sign Weight, g
Dining room Higher NE 75–80
Selected CO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45
Dietary Higher Far East 75–80
Selected TO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45

Dietary food is stored for up to 7 days. If it is not sold within its expiration date, it goes into the canteen category.

At room temperature and air humidity of 85%, dietary eggs can be stored for up to 25 days; in the refrigerator - up to 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sorting, not production.

Imported products

The designation of foreign products differs from that adopted in the CIS countries. European weight standards have been shifted downwards.

Table of designations for imported eggs.

The stamp contains the manufacturer's country code. Germany – 2, for Holland – 6.

This is indicated when marking:

  • 0 – agricultural production;
  • 1 – free content;
  • 2 – the bird is kept on a perch;
  • 3 – the chicken lives in a cage.

If the eco-friendly icon is present, then the laying hen's diet did not contain genetically modified grains. She was kept on open pasture and fed chlorophyll-rich feed.

Strict restrictions are imposed on the use of various veterinary drugs: fertilizers, antibiotics, growth stimulants.


Some useful facts:

  1. Recipes usually indicate the C3 grade.
  2. The color of the yolk depends on the chicken's diet. Unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes to food to increase saturation.
  3. The older and larger the chicken, the larger the product. There is also a dependence on the breed. A meat or ornamental breed will not live up to expectations.
  4. The shell is impermeable to bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. It has a porous structure and allows air, moisture and ultraviolet rays. Its color does not affect nutritional value and a set of microelements.

Piece sales

One careless move and instead of a neat egg you get an unappetizing mixture. Therefore, the fewer manipulations are carried out, the fewer losses the manufacturer will incur.

Selling in kilograms is not economically profitable, since the price will have to include defects and weight loss during long-term storage. This will lead to a decrease in demand.

Important information

What you should pay attention to:

  • Cracked testicles should not be eaten. Through damage to the protective cover, the causative agent of salmonellosis, the bacterium Salmonella, can enter there;
  • Dirt, droppings, stuck feathers do not indicate “organicity”, but non-compliance sanitary standards poultry farm workers;
  • Storage: in a cool, damp place, away from foods with strong odors, raw meat, fish;
  • The manufacturer may put the wrong stamp, so you need to open the opaque container.