What does a wild boar eat in nature? What do animals eat? What do wild animals eat in nature?

The nutrition of animals differs significantly from the nutrition of plants. Depending on the method of feeding, different groups of animals are distinguished.

Digestive system

According to the method of nutrition, all animals are heterotrophs - organisms that consume ready-made organic substances for food. Animal nutrition begins with the capture and ingestion of food. Most multicellular animals have a digestive system. It looks like a tube called the digestive tract. The digestive tract is divided into sections: oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines. Stepki digestive tract lined with epithelial tissue, which contains many glands that secrete mucus, digestive juices and special enzymes. They enter the intestines and participate in the digestion of food. TO digestive system also include the liver and pancreas.

The process of digestion in animals occurs in the stomach and the initial part of the intestine. Digested food is absorbed through epithelial cells by the inner surface of the intestine, which forms many folds. The folds are covered with countless outgrowths - microvilli. Thanks to this structure, the internal surface of the intestine increases and nutrients are absorbed faster. Each microvillus contains a network of tiny blood vessels - capillaries, through which nutrients from the intestine penetrate into the blood. Circulatory system provides transfer nutrients to all organs and tissues of animals.


Many animals feed only on plant foods (shoots, seeds, fruits, nectar); they are called herbivores. For example, silver carp fish, grass carp, mice, chipmunks, squirrels. Animal teeth are adapted for cutting and grinding plant foods. So, in rodents, the front teeth have sharp cutting edges that never wear down because they grow throughout their lives. Herbivores have long intestines because plant foods take a long time to digest.

Predators are animals that use other animals for food. Examples of predators include dragonflies and beetles among insects, perches and sharks among fish, and hawks and owls among birds. Strong limbs help predatory animals catch and hold prey. good eyesight, powerful fangs. Carnivore food is digested faster than plant food, which is why their intestines are shorter.

Scavengers are animals that eat animal carcasses. For example, vultures and hyenas, carrion beetles.

Omnivores eat both plants and animals. These are monkeys, hedgehogs, brown bears, wild boars and many others.

The forest kingdom is the real decoration of our planet. It has a wide variety of rivers, lakes, varieties of trees, a large number of animals, birds and insects. The forest is a separate state with its own laws and inhabitants. There are several types of forests, depending on the plantings: mixed, coniferous, deciduous and taiga. In them, life goes on as usual.

Each of us, for various reasons, has been in the forest at least once in our lives. Some people simply went to take a break from the bustle of the city, take a walk, pick spring flowers, some went hunting, and some went to pick mushrooms and berries. All this time we are accompanied by the singing of birds, although we cannot always see them; somewhere in the distance an animal will run.

Most often found in forests are: hares, foxes, martens, wild boars, wolves, bears, squirrels, chipmunks forest mice, hedgehogs, beavers, moles, etc. A huge variety of birds: woodpecker, oriole, thrush, tit, sparrow, cuckoo, magpie, jay and many others.

The life of animals, no matter what forest they live in, depends on their nutrition. The diet is very varied, considering all seasons. Some inhabitants need to stockpile food for the winter.

Wood mice collect nuts and acorns and hide them in empty hollows, holes, and even under tree roots. Squirrels hide nuts behind the bark of trees, acorns in the forest floor of leaves, and stack mushrooms between tree branches. Among the valuable fur-bearing animals is the marten. She makes her nests at high altitudes in hollows. It feeds on voles, partridges, black grouse and hazel grouse. It poses a great danger to squirrels.

Bears, on the contrary, fall into hibernation, they don't need food or water. Sufficient reserves of fat accumulated during the warm period of the year.

Hares feed from spring to autumn on lush grass, shoots, winter period tree bark.

Predators are a special type of animal. They are dangerous if they feel threatened by humans, but it is better to stay away. Boars are omnivores; they can eat roots, plant bulbs, berries, acorns, worms, insects, carrion and even rodents. Foxes and wolves get their food by hunting weaker animals. They feed on meat, rodents, carrion and poultry.

Beavers live in quiet forest rivers and feed on bark, young shoots, and branches. They build their homes and make dams from trees and branches.

Insectivores bring great benefits to the forest. Jerzy is no exception. They eat high-calorie foods - mice, insects, various larvae, worms. Among plant foods, preference is given to mushrooms, fruits, berries and grains. Hedgehogs, like bears, also hibernate during the winter.

Moles also feed on insects and earthworms. They improve air and water regime soil thanks to its underground passages. What kind of animal is this, what kind of life it leads, what benefits or harm it brings, what a mole eats in the forest and how to fight it can be found out in more detail.

Birds live most in mixed and deciduous forests. They feed frequently throughout the day; the main diet consists of insects, grain and berries.

Humans are a great helper for the inhabitants of the forest. Foresters are making feeders for both birds and animals, trying to refine and improve their habitat. They do their best to facilitate their survival in difficult conditions, because everything in our lives is natural. Now we know what they eat and how animals survive in the forests. Each of the representatives of forest flora and fauna forms an integral part of our life

Animals surround us everywhere we go. They live everywhere: in forests and deserts, in mountains and oceans, in the ground and in the air, and even among eternal snow. Animals make up more than three-quarters of all species of living creatures on globe, and they are all so different! Animals differ from each other in size, body shape, color. Thanks to this, the bear is not at all like a grasshopper, although they are representatives of the same animal world. Like all living organisms (including plants), animals breathe, eat, grow, reproduce and die. Main feature What distinguishes animals from all other living beings is their ability to move: they run, jump, crawl, fly, swim. This is how they find food, escape from enemies, and look for a place and partners for reproduction. About two million species of animals are known on the globe. What do animals eat? Let's take a closer look.
For example, for a bee the best treat there will be pollen and nectar. Hares eat succulent shoots of plants, grass, and tree bark. All kinds of algae serve as food for tench. All these animals are called herbivores because they feed on plants.
But wolves are indifferent to plants, because their diet consists of hares, roe deer, and wild pigs. The owl exterminates mice in huge numbers, and ladybug eats other insects, such as aphids. All these animals feed on other animals and are called carnivores. However, in nature there are also omnivores that feed on both plants and other animals. These include ants, bears, sparrows, crucian carp and many others. Food is necessary for all living things, so animals have to depend on each other to survive. The sun provides vital energy to plants that serve as food for herbivores. Herbivores, in turn, become prey for predators. If herbivores die from lack of food (or for another reason), then the predators that feed on them die or move to where they can find food. Such food connections are called a food chain. For example, a sweet, fragrant strawberry ripened in the forest, and a slug crawling past decided to feast on it. Before he had time to eat, he himself became the prey of a hungry toad. Having eaten, the toad decided to rest in the shade, but was immediately attacked by a viper, which after some time was caught and eaten by the hedgehog. Thus, strawberries, slugs, toads, vipers and hedgehogs are links in this food chain.Such food connections can be observed everywhere in nature, and the important thing is that the first link of the food chain is always a plant, the second is a herbivore, and the remaining links are carnivorous animals. Here is an example of another food chain:
A whole field of rye had ripened, the vole mouse began to stock up for the winter, filled its cheeks with grains, ran into a hole, and on the way it was caught by a snake. Before the snake had time to swallow the mouse, an eagle landed on it from the air and carried it off to its nest. Here's another food chain.

Many people keep pets at home, providing them with care and food. Our pets live in peace, because they do not have to look for food. But the same cannot be said about those who exist in wildlife where there is no caring owner. Now you can find out what animals eat.

What do animals eat?

Diet of wild animals that live in nature depends on the time of year. Animals that live in the mountains eat grass in summer months. IN winter time they need to go down into the forests to have a snack branches, leaves or moss.

Many wild animals hibernate with the onset of cold weather. Bears eat berries, mushrooms, nuts or acorns.

Some animals spend part of their lives sleeping, which saves them when there is not enough food. Bat or a groundhog can sleep for 8 months. Squirrels They don’t sleep for that long, so they eat the supplies they made on warm days. For example, berries, seeds or nuts.

Hare loves to eat fresh weed. In winter it is not there, so they begin to eat tree bark, small twigs or seeds. Some hares catch field mice to eat them later.

Wolf and fox eating small and weak animals. The fox loves to eat rodents, birds and berries. The wolf prefers larger animals. He's happy to dine on deer, wild boar or antelope.

What do pets eat?

Animals that live with humans are always provided with food and water in the required quantities. They don’t have to adjust to a certain time of year to make supplies, because a person decides such issues for them. Very common farm animals, such as:

  • cow;
  • chicken;
  • pig;
  • sheep;
  • goat.

They are raised to produce meat, milk, eggs or fur in the future. Most often they eat balanced food, which people feed them. At home people keep:

  • hamsters;
  • parrots;
  • cats;
  • dogs.

Parrots are given food mixtures, which contain all the necessary useful substances. Feeding the birds vegetables and fruits so that the body receives essential vitamins.

Cats buy fish, meat or ready-made food, which can be purchased at any pet store or supermarket.

The dog is fed meat, sometimes mixed with porridge. You can also buy food for this animal at a pet store.