Timur Eremeev what the test showed. Spartak Mishulin DNA test

For several months, television viewers in Russia and neighboring countries continue to anxiously follow the fate of Spartak Mishulin’s son Timur Eremeev, who agreed to take a DNA test.

Remember where it all started. The young artist gave an interview open source information that he is the illegitimate son of a famous people's artist. Spartak Mishulin was remembered by the older generation for the film “White Sun of the Desert” and a play about the adventures of a fictional fairy tale character Carlson.

Spartak Mishulin

In response to Timur’s revelations, the only daughter of the famous artist, actress Karina Mishulina, filed a lawsuit for libel and moral damages against the so-called son of Spartak Mishulin. In the first episodes of the program “Let Them Talk,” a young woman accused Eremeev of adventurism, a desire to become famous, and other insidious intentions.

At the same time, all viewers and experts were divided into two opposite camps - some reproached Timur for unprincipledness and arrogance, others supported young man, wanting to tell the truth after 35 years of silence.

PHOTO: Son of Spartak Mishulin - Timur Eremeev in the “Let Them Talk” program

There was an impressive pause in the program for a long time, heating up the situation and causing concern not only for the participants in the conflict, but also for the viewers. Before the results of the DNA test were announced, the mother of Spartak Mishulin’s son Timur Eremeeva agreed to talk in the studio about her feelings for the late artist.

According to the woman, she was unusually happy with the great artist, despite the fact that he never left his legal wife and did not offer her his hand and heart. To questions from experts regarding the official paternity of Mishulin’s illegitimate child, Tatyana Eremeeva replied that she simply did not want to create problems for the person she adored.

Tatyana Eremeeva (Timur's mother)

Before announcing the results of the DNA analysis, the specialist explained to all viewers how the materials for the study were taken. Biological traces deceased celebrity were able to extract it from Carlson’s wig and identified it with the blood of Karina Mishulina herself, so that the country and the courts would have no doubts about the integrity of the research. It was she who insisted on conducting the analysis at the most famous Russian forensic clinic, fearing manipulation of facts and materials.

The actress herself behaved quite aggressively, indignant at Eremeev’s behavior and insulting him in live transfers. She stated that she would not allow anyone to discredit the name of her father or cause pain to her mother, who faithfully gave 35 years of her life to Spartak Mishulin.

PHOTO: Karina Mishulina and Timur Eremeev

According to the young woman, the widow of the popular artist is so worried about the revealed facts from the life of her late husband that she lost all her teeth and turned gray overnight.

Experts in the studio also asked Spartak Mishulin’s son, Timur, who did a DNA test with Karina, why he started this whole story with the restoration of paternity.

The young man explained that he has a little daughter growing up and sooner or later “ good people“In pursuit of sensation, they can hurt her. Therefore, it is better to understand everything now. This became the main argument in a conversation with my mother, for whom all the fuss with the scandalous clarification of the details of her personal life turned out to be wildly unpleasant.

As the woman said, she never claimed a special place in the biography of a people’s artist and a married man.

As a result, the DNA test showed that everything told by Timur Eremeev and his mother Tatyana Eremeeva turned out to be true - the young man really is the son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of 99.9999...percent! A huge cake was rolled into the studio amid applause and cheers, and the presenter congratulated the guest on winning the case in the trial.

The young man refused to celebrate the victory alone and tried to explain himself to his sister, who refused him in unflattering terms. She didn't even go into the studio and said backstage that she didn't believe the test results.

Facts from the biography of the young artist

The future artist was born in 1983 in Korolev, Moscow Region. After graduating from school, he was admitted to Shchepka, from there he was able to transfer, with the help of his dad, to IGUMO on the course of Vladimir Korenev. The wife of the late Mishulin also remembered this, saying in an interview that the young man was too annoying and did not give way to Spartak Vasilyevich.

DNA showed that Timur is the son of Spartak Mishulin

Now, after the scandal with paternity clarification, these words sound somewhat unfair, since Eremeev does not give the impression of an arrogant adventurer.

After graduation, Timur was enrolled in the theater troupe Russian Army, where he still serves, periodically participating in various television projects. The sitcom “This Is Love!” brought him popularity. which he came across completely by accident. As the actor says, he was invited to audition for “Kitchen,” but the authors of the situational comedy about 6 friends who are in love with each other paid attention to the artist’s photograph even when selecting actors.

A little later, when work on the ups and downs in the lives of three couples came to an end, Timur was approved for the role of receptionist at the Ellion Hotel, which became very symbolic - the artist’s mother for a long time She worked as a watchman in a small cooperative house where Mishulin’s family lived and in the theater where her chosen one served. Therefore, as Eremeev himself admits, he often asked about funny cases from the practice of Tatyana Anatolyevna.

In 2018, he starred in the comedy series " New man"together with Tatyana Arntgolts, Maxim Vitorgan and Vladimr Epifantsev. It was the growing popularity that forced young artist talk about family ties with a famous Soviet artist.

Personal life of Timur Eremeev

The actor is happily married to a girl named Olga, and they are raising their daughter Nika together. After a scandalous investigation on the air of the program “Let Them Talk,” it turned out that he now has a paternal sister, Karina Mishulina, who was born in the marriage of Spartak Mishulin with Valentina Kazakova.

As the actor wrote on social networks, he never pursued the goal of becoming famous due to the celebrity of his late father and is not going to gloat over his sister, who filed a lawsuit for libel. He hopes that his new relatives will forgive him and they will communicate normally, maintaining friendly relations.

Timur with his wife and daughter

Karina did not react to this post in any way, saying at the end of the program that she would insist on satisfaction lawsuit and on repeating the examination in another independent laboratory. According to her, it turns out that as a result of research it turned out that not all chromosomes in the DNA chain are the same in the male line. She remains aggressive towards the Eremeev family.

The artist himself is not angry with his late father for the fact that he participated so little in his life. For Eremeev’s mother, Spartak Mishulin turned out to be only love for life.

Father and son met when Timur was barely 10 years old and then, upon meeting, he felt nothing for the inconspicuous middle-aged man with sly dark eyes. But when the late artist began to tell various stories from his life, he listened to him with bated breath. And he was always proud of his relationship with the famous Carlson, who lives on the roof...

A program where the results of a DNA paternity test were announced:

Timur Eremeev - the son of Spartak Mishulin - the result of the DNA test was made public. “Let them talk” from December 4, 2017. VIDEO

Timur’s statement that he kept an authentic copy turned out to be contradictory, last scenario Spartacus, which he supposedly got just before the actor’s death. Karina’s husband brought to the show the same document with notes and phone numbers of the artists who were involved in the production.

To put an end to this dispute, Timur passed a DNA test, results which were announced in the finale of the broadcast..

The scandal surrounding the name of People's Artist Spartak Mishulin is flaring up more and more: actor Timur Eremeev, who said that he considers himself the illegitimate son of Mishulin, is not going to give up his words.
In the “Let them talk” studio, all participants in this complicated story met to finally find out if it was true says Timur Eremeev. What will a DNA test show? Did his relatives know Spartak Mishulin so well?

The alleged son of actor Spartak Mishulin, Timur Eremeev, received the results of a DNA test, which shocked viewers of the TV show “Let Them Talk,” who had been waiting for the outcome of the story for the third month.

The series of programs “Let them talk” about Spartak Mishulin ended with a denouement in which the presenter announced. They were not news to anyone. Karina Mishulina is 99.999% the daughter of her father Spartak Mishulina.

Show host Dmitry Borisov opened the envelope in which the examination results were stored. The guests in the studio were very excited. The lawyer said that there were two appeals - from Timur and Karina. Dmitry read that the study took more than a month.

Spartak Mishulin is an illegitimate son. All the latest information.

The most mysterious story this year has finally come to an end. The time has come to find out whether the young actor Timur Eremeev is the illegitimate son of People's Artist Spartak Mishulin. We are waiting for the result of a DNA test for kinship with the unforgettable actor.

For several months, interviews with Timur Eremeev have been published in all media, where he talks about how Spartak Mishulin called him son from childhood. According to the guy, he often went backstage at the theater, and his father gave him gifts. Timur's mother says that Mishulin was the only man in her life. She literally idolized him, and also appeared right hand in theatrical matters. As a result, Eremeev was sued by Karina Mishulina, a People's Artist. She accused the guy of slandering and denigrating the memory of her father. The time has come in Dmitry Borisov's program Let They Say Put an End to this Matter.
So, according to the DNA test, Timur Eremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of ninety-nine point nine percent!!!
We congratulate Timur from the bottom of our hearts for proving that he is the son of a great artist!
Friends, Write your comments, what you think about it and don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel.
Bye bye!

Mishulin's daughter doubts the transparency of the examination. According to her, the coincidence in the study of the y-chromosome corresponds to only 95%. Dmitry Borisov said that viewers will receive an answer to this question in the next program. Timur Eremeev stood up for his sister Karina Mishulina

Read show business news here, on the pages of Free Press, and in social networks: , It’s a small world, and also Telegram.

After much persuasion, Mishulina agreed to undergo a DNA test. For this purpose, a hat was taken - a theatrical prop from Spartak and Eremeev’s saliva. The result of the DNA study showed inaccurate information; the coincidence of the biological material was 50%. For Timur, this answer was encouraging, but Karina was furious.

We took Carlson’s father’s suit to the laboratory so that the specialists could find out whether the biomaterial necessary for genetic examination was still there. Despite the fact that we have the necessary evidence that Timur Eremeev is not the son of Spartak Mishulin, we wanted there to be even more of it - so that this person could never make such statements. During a forensic medical examination, the suit was found to contain the material necessary for analysis. biological material. Moreover, they found my father's Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines male sex). The Y chromosome is passed on through the male line. Father and son must have the same chromosome. In addition, I donated blood, and geneticists confirmed the relationship between me and Spartak Mishulin,” Karina Mishulina told teleprogramma.pro.

Another sensation shook up the Russian media space, after the program “Let Them Talk” with a new presenter - Dmitry Borisov. The topic of the special issue was the statement young actor Timur Eremeev that his biological father is a legend Soviet cinema Spartak Mishulin.

However, today everything fell into place. Timur agreed to carrying out DNA analysis, its results were announced today on Dmitry Borisov’s show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. By the way, this was not a normal procedure. Karina and Timur donated blood, and the analysis was carried out by world-renowned expert Pavel Ivanov. In addition, biological traces preserved on the costume of Spartak Mishulin were taken. Previously, an analysis was made that the person who wore this suit is definitely the biological father of Karina Mishulina.

Spartak Mishulin's father. Latest events.

Story about illegitimate son People's Artist of the USSR Spartak Mishulin excited both TV viewers and Internet users. The young man is 100% sure that he is the son famous actor. With the same confidence, the artist’s own daughter declares that her father has no other children.

We continue to closely monitor everything latest news about a dispute between the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin and his legitimate daughter.

Yesterday it became known why Karina Mishulina is so sure that Timur Eremeev is not her brother. The daughter of the legendary artist stated that two years after her birth, Spartak Mishulin was diagnosed with infertility.

According to Karina, the problems began due to complications associated with inflammation of appendicitis. You can read more about this on the website Allwomens.ru.

Karina Mishulina took a DNA test to confirm her relationship with her father

After the airing of the very first episode of “Let Them Talk,” in which the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin first appeared before television viewers, the behavior of the artist’s own daughter was heatedly discussed on the Internet. Viewers often suggested that Karina herself might turn out to be Mishulin’s adopted daughter - the woman does not look too much like her famous dad.

To dispel all doubts, Karina Mishulina did a DNA analysis using the preserved DNA material of her father. The examination established that the woman is my own daughter artist.

Now Timur Eremeev has to undergo a DNA test.

The illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin demands a DNA test in three laboratories

Karina Mishulina offered a state laboratory for DNA analysis, but Timur Eremeev refused to undergo testing there. The young actor wants three independent laboratories to conduct a paternity test. Karina believes that the laboratory where they worked on her analyzes has quite competent specialists:

If he finds medical luminaries of a higher level than the professor in forensic medicine, then we are ready to discuss their candidacies. We will not donate saliva to a girl in some private LLC. If someone thinks that DNA testing is like spitting into a test tube in the office, then this is a delusion. Serious analyzes that the court accepts are not done this way. The Y-chromosome analysis took 4 weeks, only my blood test, confirming my relationship with my dad, took a week!

The choice of laboratories and a DNA sample from the undisputed relatives of Spartak Mishulin became a stumbling block in this dispute. Timur Eremeev’s lawyer told reporters how the DNA examination should be carried out:

Timur declares everywhere that he agrees to absolutely any examination. At least tie your feet to the ceiling, upside down, take any tests. But he asks that this be an objective examination done in three different institutions. And not only with Karina, but also with the personal belongings of Spartak Vasilyevich (experts have already isolated the DNA chromosome), and with Mishulin’s relatives, whose relationship with him cannot be questioned. Let there be three independent laboratories. As a lawyer, I support this. If we conduct several reliable and objective studies, we will have accurate answers to all the questions posed and will exclude any accidents!

We celebrate this material in Zen and stay up to date with all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

Between the family of Spartak Mishulin, who died 12 years ago, and the young actor Timur Eremeev. The guy seriously assures that he is the illegitimate son of the People's Artist of the USSR Spartak Vasilyevich. And finally the day has come when it will become clear: is Timur really the son of Spartak Mishulin? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Mishulin’s Legacy: Son or Not Son? DNA test result 12/04/2017

“Mom is very worried about me and about this whole situation. And this really hit her,” says Spartak Vasilyevich’s daughter Karina Mishulina. The actress and her mother still insist on their version: Timur Eremeev is an impostor. Today in “Let them talk to Dmitry Borisov” the whole country will learn the truth. “I have never refused meetings or DNA tests,” says the young Army theater artist. Eremeev passed the DNA test and today - the long-awaited answers to the questions! How will Timur justify himself if the DNA result turns out to be negative?

Let them say - Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? DNA test result

Even before the broadcast of the Let Them Talk program (the episode “Mishulin’s Legacy: Son or Not a Son? Result of DNA Test”), the daughter of People’s Artist of the USSR Karina Mishulina said the following: “Even if he turns out to be my brother, why did he allow this scandal, why Now I'm being bullied online? I’m starting to think he’s out of his mind.”

The main secret of this season of “Let Them Talk” will finally be revealed. Everyone cares about only one thing: is Timur Eremeev the son of Spartak Mishulin or a self-confident adventurer?

Timur is the first to enter the studio:

“For me, nothing will change in this studio today. It turns out that I am the son and I will take this very calmly. This question was not needed by me at all, but by those people who asked this question. I did everything to make this happen and this is where my mission ends. I will continue to live and work.

— I am absolutely sure of what I said in previous broadcasts. And if it suddenly turns out that the DNA result is negative, then, most likely, I will look for a mistake. The situation is quite difficult now, but, oddly enough, I see positive reviews about myself on the Internet.

— Some skeptics who believe that I am an impostor and a deceiver apparently underestimate or, conversely, overestimate this situation. Am I pursuing some kind of material gain in all this? No. Moral satisfaction? Probably yes.

Timur Eremeev: son of Spartak Mishulin? DNA results in the Let Them Talk program

Timur Eremeeva’s mother Tatyana Anatolyevna plucked up the courage to come to the talk show “Let Them Talk” for the first time. The woman is backstage waiting to enter the studio. In the meantime, the floor is given to the expert and the doctor biological sciences Pavel Ivanov:

“During the study, we were able to extract not only the y chromosome. We were also able to extract all the features that may be needed for any analysis. Therefore, I can assure you that the DNA examination was complete, and its results will help answer questions regarding the relationship with Spartak Mishulin.

— Speaking in simple language, we created the genetic passport of Spartak Vasilyevich with the help of Karina, who, as we already know, is really his daughter.

Tatyana Eremeeva, Timur’s mother, comes into the hall:

— Spartak was not my favorite actor, but I loved him. It captivated me with its simplicity. Spartak was not a star, I perceived him as an interesting and cheerful man. I can’t say now whether the love was mutual, but we were together for 35 years and I was happy, everything suited me.

“His family most likely knew about me.” And the fact that today Valentina Konstantinovna and Karina say the opposite...probably they decided so. About a week before his death, he called me and I came to see him at the hospital. Spartak even came out to the elevator to meet me. I honestly admit: he never asked me to marry, but he did not refuse his son.

Results of DNA testing in Let them say: Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev. Son or not son?

Spoiler alert! Below you will find out the long-awaited answer to the question: is Timur Eremeev the son of Spartak Mishulin:

Yes! Timur is the son of People's Artist of the USSR Spartak Vasilyevich Mishulin. Probability: 99.9999…%

Guests on the program: Alexander Seregin (considers himself), producer Leonid Dzyunik, academician Russian Academy artists Sergei Zagraevsky, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, actor Nikolai Perminov, singer and businessman Vlad Stashevsky, etc. Watch the free episode of Let Them Talk - Mishulin’s Legacy: son or not son? The result of the DNA examination, broadcast on December 4, 2017 (12/04/2017).

Like( 34 ) Dislike(13 )


    Well, Karina, are you finally convinced?? It was not Timur who had to come to you and quietly declare himself: who are you for him to ask you for permission to be a son, if he is already a son, and you and your mother did not have to splash saliva so as not to attract such attention. In general, you yourself overdid it... We must not forget that a man’s polygamy is inherent in nature itself, there is no need to cultivate someone’s owner in yourself..

    Like( 73 ) I don't like it( 8 )

    I believe that no one has the right to disturb the peace of a legitimate family. How can they live now and know that their beloved father cheated on them? How many more will there be who want to prove their relationship, and each such story cuts painfully in the heart. You would like to know that your father has someone else on his side.

    Like( 18 ) Dislike(89 )

    Why are the children to blame for the fact that their father led double life. Now such a blow to the soul of his legitimate wife and daughter. Spartak needed to solve this problem during his lifetime, and not leave the children to deal with paternity. Timur is worthy of respect and his children should know their grandfather. Karina needs to understand that life is sometimes built on lies and deception.

    Like( 64 ) I don't like it( 4 )


    And without DNA it was clear that Timur was the son of his great Father!!! Modesty, non-protrusion, openness, simplicity - these are common features with Spartak. And he said a thousand times that he did not need any material or other benefits from the famous pope. The most important thing is that he can now say “my father,” and he can say “your grandfather” to his daughter. And his mother is a very modest woman, I admire her. And this family, Karina and...., are just hubbies. They shit themselves all over the country. It cut “with a horse’s smile” (from Timur), but he has your father’s smile, dear, just as wide, attractive, and you said so. A very unpleasant family. I am very happy for Timur and his mother!!!

    Like( 118 ) I don't like it( 5 )

  1. HOW we were worried about Timur, HOW glad we are that he is Timur’s son YAY Happiness to you Timur

    Like( 60 ) I don't like it( 4 )


    And why make a show out of this? Who is whose son or daughter? I think that this is a private matter of the family and there is no need to put it on public display. Put yourself in the shoes of your parents. How will you feel if it’s about you, all over Russia. will they say that you have children out of wedlock?

    Intangible benefits and their protection, Civil Code (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), part one

    Like( 6 ) Dislike(15 )

  3. Anastasia:

    Responsibility for this situation lies solely with Spartak. Nobody blames Karina and her mother, and they have nothing to be ashamed of! Why worry so much and waste your health?! Everything has already happened, and a very long time ago. All that remains is to accept the fact and move on. Karina should be grateful to her father for the fact that he did not divorce her mother and she was raised in a full-fledged family. Although, if Timur’s mother had insisted, Spartak might have married her. And this is how Karina’s life went - far from it worst case scenario script. Why then be so angry!? Timur had the right from birth to declare who his father is, publicly too! And there is nothing to blame him for either! I wish Karina to calm down, try to forgive her father, and if she loved him, still start communicating with her brother.
    P.S.: remember people that your husband/wife is not your property! And they can fulfill not only your desires

    Like( 28 ) I don't like it( 2 )

  4. Dimitri:

    There was a terrible impression that the Queen of the Ball was Valentina Mishulina! Lie all your life, and even pretend to be a dying swan! But how she shut everyone’s mouths on the last show! like a gargoyle swooped down on everyone, and not to say that it was a bad heart! The correct saying is “The best defense is an attack”, the hat burned or burned, everything secret always becomes obvious, good or bad, this is life.
    Karina is hysterical, she’s somehow unfair, although blaming her for the fact that Timur wanted to be recognized, to have a sister, but you don’t deserve this family of ghouls like Karina Timur!!! I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants more examinations! From the first day I was convinced that Timur was the son! about the dignity of the Mishulin family we're talking about??? if Karina accused Timur of killing her mother! The delirium of a failed hysterical woman. and the fact that everyone refuses her is SHE PUT HERSELF LIKE THIS! NOT TIMUR, neither Timur’s mother, nor anyone else, she showed herself to be a close-minded, stupid “intellectual” Some stars nervously smoke on the sidelines while watching this game ala Santa Barbara

    Like( 23 ) I don't like it( 3 )

In October it became known that the late actor Spartak Mishulin had an illegitimate son. The young actor Timur Eremeev introduced himself to them. The young man told the media tragic story about how he grew up without a father. The fact is that the actor’s dad is supposedly Spartak Mishulin.

Timur was told about this by his mother. The woman told viewers exactly what kind of relationship she had with Mishulin and how it happened that she had a child with a famous artist.

The only daughter and heiress of Spartak Mishulin, Karina, is in shock. She is not ready to recognize Timur Eremeev as her brother. The young man himself suggested doing a DNA test. Find out what results the procedure showed in our article.

The young man spoke about his father himself in the “Let Them Talk” program. Dmitry Borisov is trying to understand the complicated history of the family of the late Mishulin. Timur decided to shed light on the truth only after the death of his father, which is quite strange. Karina Mishulina believes that Eremeev is a real impostor. The actress is not ready to recognize Timur as her brother.

Karina decided to sue Eremeev immediately after she read a publication in the media on behalf of the aspiring actor, which states that he is the heir of Spartak Mishulin. The woman wants the impostor to pay her financial compensation, since Karina is convinced that Timur is lying. After this, the young man was invited to take part in the filming of the program “Let Them Talk”; the topic of the illegitimate son of the legendary actor is now being discussed by the whole country.

That episode of the program was called “Son or Impostor?” Even the name itself offended Karina Mishulina. The woman believes that no one has the right to even assume that Timur is really the son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

Arriving at the program, Eremeev apologized to Karina and her mother. The young man said that he did not want to offend his “relatives.” Moreover, the young actor does not lay claim to the inheritance. He just wanted to become part of the Mishulin family. It is important for Timur that Karina and her mother recognize him as the son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

The “imposter” is convinced that Karina and Mishulin’s wife knew something about the artist’s affair with another woman. Timur suggests that now the woman is simply ashamed to admit the fact that her father was not an ideal man.

Evidence of paternity of Spartak Mishulin

Eremeev’s lawyer provided the “Let Them Talk” host with telegrams that Spartak Mishulin sent to Timur’s mother while in prison. different cities on the set. The dates actually coincide with the time when Spartak Vasilyevich went somewhere to film.

Timur said that he often communicated with his father. The young man boasted about his successes at school and told his dad how he spent his free time.

Karina Mishulina is sure that all these stories are lies and provocation. The actress is ready to provide evidence that Spartak Mishulin could not have children for medical reasons. The actor became infertile just at the moment when Timur was “born” to him.

The DNA test story

The administration of the “Let Them Talk” program conducted a DNA test, armed with the help of specialists. The hat of Spartak Mishulin, which was kept by Timur Eremeev’s mother, was used as a sample of the material.

The results of the study were quite contradictory. Experts are confident that it is necessary to conduct another DNA test. To do this, you will need to take a sample of Karina Mishulina’s material. Only in this case should you count on accurate results.

Karina refuses to give her biomaterial for a repeat test. The actress believes that she is the only daughter of Spartak Mishulin, and the late actor does not and never had any other children. The daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich emphasized that she agrees to undergo a DNA test only if the court directs her to do so.

TV viewers noted that Karina Mishulina behaves unworthily. During the filming of the program, the woman repeatedly insulted Timur and his mother. Viewers believe that Karina has no right to verbally humiliate her sworn brother. To avoid further conversations on the topic of Spartak Mishulin’s illegitimate children, Karina just needs to agree to take a test.

The other side of the personal life of Spartak Mishulin

A certain Alexey Markov came to the Let Them Talk studio. He also claims to be the son of Spartak Mishulin. For some reason, Karina reacted more calmly to this young man than to Timur Eremeev. Alexey is familiar to the actress. But Timur causes hostility.

Eduard Sorokin also appeared in the studio, claiming that he was the grandson of Spartak Mishulin. The man says his family still has receipts for money transfers, allegedly received from Spartak Mishulin.

Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky was also present at the filming of the program. He said that he received a letter from a friend of his late mother, which says that Mishulin has illegitimate daughter. This girl is younger than Timur. Alexander decided to investigate this case, since it seemed quite interesting to him.

Fans of Spartak Mishulin are confident that the story with his illegitimate children is only gaining momentum. Most likely, the scriptwriters of the “Let Them Talk” program specifically searched for potential children of the actor throughout the country in order to get fresh topics for discussion.

Let us remind you that the hearing on Karina Mishulina’s claim was supposed to take place on December 24. The actress accuses Timur Eremeev of public insult and slander in the media.