Photos of birch trees in summer and spring. Beautiful birch (Krasnoyarsk Territory): photos and reviews

The natural monument is located 20 km from the village of Aban in the area of ​​the Morozovka tract.

The birch tree is no longer young; for more than 70 years it has stood alone among the fields and attracts tourists and travelers. Its strong trunk with a diameter of about 30 cm has roots deep into the ground. Tall - almost 18 meters - she is not called a local beauty for nothing!

This birch tree has a completely unique unusual crown- lush, dense, woven from many tiny leaves, at the base it is similar to the crowns of many other birches, but the higher you go, the more intricately its branches intertwine. Curving, they rush to the top of the tree in a completely snake-like manner. The branches seem to be arranged in tiers, like the steps of a pyramid.

This beauty was noticed and appreciated only in 1991, when Berezka and the surrounding area with a radius of 7 m were declared a natural monument. From then to this day, the local beauty has been carefully guarded.

The Legend of the “Beautiful Birch Tree”, author Belskaya V.Z.
In ancient times, hardworking people settled among the remote taiga and swamps, on the banks of the Pochet River, beautiful people. They named their village Morozovka - without fear of Siberian frosts, snows, or blizzards.
In the same places from which they came, slender cypress trees grew, chestnut trees bloomed, and roses fragrant.
These people then generously watered the Siberian soil, uprooted hundred-year-old trees, and plowed up more and more new areas. The grateful land began to produce good harvests. The Morozovites lived happily and freely.
And one peasant had a daughter of indescribable beauty: for this beauty and in memory of his ancient village, he named his daughter Rose.
And then different times came - terrible ones: storms and fires darkened the sky, an angry abyss swallowed up the fertile fields. Overwork killed his father, and then Rosa’s mother died. Residents began to leave the village, looking for a better life. Only Rose did not want to go anywhere from the graves of her father and mother, and lived alone in the wilderness, in the kingdom of Tsar Berendey.
She married his son: playful and mischievous, cheerful musician, forester Lel. Tsar Berendey turned Rose into a beautiful birch tree, with which Lel sang his songs and played with her strands long hair, braided and unbraided her braids. The beautiful birch tree has become similar to the southern cypress, and also to the pyramidal poplar, also its relative in the southern homeland of its ancestors.
One day, trouble loomed over the birch tree: people flew in on large rotary-winged birds, having heard about the extraordinary beauty, they wanted to tear it out of their native land and take it to their kingdom. But that was not the case: neither Tsar Berendey nor the faithful brave Lel allowed such madness: they firmly held the roots of Berezka by the native land, fed her lungs with the air of endless expanses. The aliens flew away with nothing.
Lel and Berezka gave birth to many, many branch children, who stretch their white hands upward, looking at their mother’s curly head, with strands of long hair. The Birch stands firmly on its feet among the wide fields, living amicably with its neighbors - trees and shrubs, letting migratory birds under the cover of its branches. No storms, blizzards, lightning or thunder strikes can break this friendly family.
Gray, dry curls have already appeared in the strands of the beautiful Berezka, but still nowhere in our region is there more beautiful than her. And now she stands with all the children, raising her hands to the sky, still praying - praying so that cruel troubles will not strike Mother Earth, so that evil will not overshadow human souls.
It’s not so easy to find Berezonka in this taiga wilderness, but whoever finds her, comes and comes to her, will gain strength and wisdom to sow eternal good!

For a long time, the birch tree has been considered a symbol of Russia. Poets wrote poems about her, praising her simplicity and beauty. It perfectly decorates any area and at any time of the year.

On Holy Trinity, the house is decorated with branches of this tree. Birch is used in the production of yellow paint. In ancient times, huts were illuminated with it, as it burned for a long time and brightly. At the same time, it did not leave soot on the ceiling.

It belongs to the genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Birch family. This plant is one of the most common in the area Russian Federation. There are more than a hundred species.

Birch is widely used in households. It makes a delicious birch sap. The bark is used to create boxes. The buds and leaves of the tree are used in medicine.

Birch pollen has miraculous properties, which is why it is used in medicine. Some types of birch are used to create landscape design.

Basically, various types of trees can be found in mixed forests in Eurasia, as well as in the northern part of America.

In Siberia you can find birch - a shrub. Its name is dwarf birch, it is no more than one meter high.

Characteristics of wood

In most cases, its height is 35-45 m, the radius of the trunk is 125-145 cm. All types of tree are considered:

  • dioecious;
  • monoecious;
  • anemophilous.

The roots of a tree most often go deep into the ground, but it happens that they lie on the surface. The central rod does not grow for a long time, but the lateral roots actively grow and have many fibrous roots.

In the early years young tree grows slowly, and then grows with lightning speed into a large and beautiful tree.

Birch bark depends on the type of species. Primary colors:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • reddish.

The bark has a resin that gives it a white color. Birch bark, as a rule, peels off from the trunk in ribbons. Old birch trees have bark that already has large cracks in the lower part.

The leaves of the tree are 7 cm long and 4 cm wide. The shape is triangular-ovate. Birch trees bloom in early spring. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Young breeds have a sticky layer on the leaves.

Birch buds are transverse and arranged in a spiral pattern.


Birch can be planted in almost any area. However, do not forget that she loves water very much. Therefore, planting birch trees should be done in an area with high humidity.

Of course it survives in any soil. However, he prefers loose, wet soil. The composition is preferably light loamy.

If you are planting a tree in your local area, it is important to remember that such a plant absorbs about 250 liters of water per day in the summer.

Large seedlings with bare roots take root rather poorly. Therefore, you should choose seedlings with soil. This increases the chances that the plant will take root. Birch can be planted in cold weather.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a hole. It is covered with a mixture of peat, sand, humus and ordinary garden soil. In a ratio of 1:1:1:2.

Characteristics of cultivation

Watering. After planting, be sure to water, and also for 4 days. In dry summers it is necessary to water; it grows based on the need for 1 bucket of water per 1 sq.m.

Feeding. It is required in spring and autumn, in the first case with a nitrogen-containing solution, and in the other - nitroammophoska.

Loosening. Perhaps not deep loosening of 3 cm to get rid of weeds.

Trimming. You can only trim a tree early spring when the juice has not yet begun to move.

Pests and diseases. For preventive purposes, fungicide and insecticide are used. It is necessary to process every year.

Types of wood

Birch has many types and forms. It can be found in completely different climatic latitudes.

Hanging. It has drooping branches and white bark. With age, it darkens and crackles. It reaches a height of up to 30 meters.

Fluffy. It is also called omitted. Common in cold climates because it is very resistant to negative temperatures. Its crown is elongated, and its trunk is completely white.

Yellow. Far Eastern birch with a yellow crown. The surface may be smooth or flaky. Can do without the sun.

Birch Schmidt. It grows on mountain slopes and has a gray crown.

Daurskaya. Distributed in the territory East Asia. It has a relatively dark crown, brown in color. Birch bark is a little flaky. Woolly. It has a gray crown and grows well in the shade.

Manchurian. She has bark brown. Grows in East Asia.

Trees of this type are planted in the landscape in various ways. For example, in the photo, birches are planted in mixed picturesque groups. However, they can be used to create dense tracts or through groves. They are also planted along roads.

Photo of birch

There are many beautiful trees growing in Russia, pleasing the eye with their gorgeous foliage. But only one is mentioned in films and songs more often than the rest. White birch is an inspiration for many poets, screenwriters, musicians and artists. The latter convey it especially accurately appearance on canvas, depicting beautiful landscapes with her different times year. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the picture looks unique, original and interesting in its own way. Of course, it is unlikely that a beginner or a child will be able to redraw a masterpiece, but it is quite possible to create your own drawing of a birch tree with a pencil if you have a master class with step by step instructions and visual photos. So why not try to depict your vision of this tree, using a selection of ideas collected in today’s article?! At the right approach, a drawing with a birch tree made in pencil will turn out no worse than the original in the pictures below.

So, what is a birch tree drawing in pencil? Let's find out today!

Pencil drawing of a birch in summer, MK + photo

During the summer season, nature is fragrant, delighting those around with its beauty. Loose green leaves combined with zebroid bark form a harmonious tandem that complements sunny weather and blue skies with soft snow-white clouds. You can look at this nature endlessly, the only pity is that summer lasts only three months. However, you can capture this beauty on an album sheet by inserting the finished work into a frame and hanging it on the wall.

To start drawing, prepare everything you need in advance. Gather together the stationery supplies without which it will be impossible to start and finish the painting. It's about about a landscape sheet or A4 paper, a simple pencil, preferably with a soft lead, an eraser and colored pencils or watercolors to complete the work.

  • Step #1 - initial sketch

The first thing you need to think about is the initial sketch. On it you need to depict 4 tree trunks and one seedling. Three birch trees should be located on the left side in a row, and on the right there should be only one mature tree and a small seedling. You can draw a path as a divider, highlight the foreground with the tops of trees sticking out in the distance, and the near one with a block of stones.

  • Step No. 2 - next drawing

Strokes on a birch tree, branches and green grass growing around tree trunks are next part compositions.

  • Step No. 3 - long and close-up

The foreground should be highlighted by the tops of trees protruding in the distance, and the near one by a block of stones.

  • Step #4 - foliage

Draw the crown of the trees, as if falling from the branches of each birch.

  • Step No. 5 - final

It remains a matter of little things - shading, highlighting contours and coloring the finished sketch in black and white.

Drawing a birch tree in pencil for children in spring, master class + photo

This MK is designed for children school age who decided to get creative by depicting a birch tree in spring. Unlike the first option, this one involves an image of one curved tree with branches leaning down and bright green leaves growing on them, which have not yet become saturated.

The meaning of step-by-step work is to carry out all the instructions step by step. The diagram with a photo includes drawing a tree and leaves, as well as coloring it.

Birch tree in winter pencil drawing

Draw a tree in winter time year is easier than in spring, autumn and summer. A bare crown without leaves with snow lying on the branches and falling snowflakes looks best at night, when the dark sky with stars is set off by a white snowball that slightly merges with a white sheet of paper.

Pencil drawing of a birch tree in autumn, photo

Autumn allows you to bring your drawing to life. Falling leaves different colors allow you to transport your author into the whirlpool of autumn leaf fall. With the right approach, you can get beautiful picture won't be difficult.

Beautiful pencil drawings of birch, photo ideas: