What is the root of a number? How to quickly extract square roots

It is necessary to know what the root of a word is in order to do it correctly morpheme parsing. In addition, from this concept The Russian language also depends on the correct spelling of many spellings, because the rules state that it is necessary to select words with the same root. What it is? We'll tell you in this article.

Root word: definition of concept

Any word in the Russian language can be divided into morphemes - significant parts. Some of them contain grammatical content, others - lexical. The latter is the root. It is in this part that the lexical meaning is contained.

The root of a word is its main part. Indeed, a lexeme can exist without a prefix, suffix, and have zero inflection. But without a root, it will be a meaningless set of letters or symbols.

Let's give an example: in the words “backwater” and “water” there is a prefix and a suffix, respectively. If we remove them, the meaning "something related to water" remains. But if you remove the root -water-, then they will cease to be such. Thus, we have proven that it is the root that is the bearer of the main meaning.

This morpheme can be free (exist without other parts) and bound (make no sense without prefixes, endings and suffixes). Thus, the root of the lexeme “run” is free (run - the meaning of the word can be determined), but the root of the lexeme “twist” is bound -in-, because without inflection and suffix it is simply a meaningless syllable.

Word without root

There is one unique word in the Russian language that does not contain a root: “take out”. Knowing what the root of a word is, it’s hard to imagine such a thing! However, this was not always the case.

Etymologically, this word has a root, however, it was lost in the process of language evolution. It used to be written differently - “take out”. Over time, the language developed, and verbs such as “stick”, “blow”, “touch” began to appear. By analogy with them, “take out” also changed - it began to be written and pronounced as “take out.” So now formally this lexeme consists only of the prefix you-, the suffix -nu- and the inflection -т. The root is distinguished only etymologically.

What words have the same root

Cognate words are those that have the same root and their lexical meaning is also similar. The lexemes “trouble” - “poor” - “poverty” - “become impoverished” are the same root, because they have the same root -bed-, denoting misfortune, deprivation.

Let's give another example: the root of the word “search” coincides with the morphemes in the words “search”, “search”, “search engine”, “ingratiate”. Thus, all these lexemes are of the same root.

Cognate words are fraught with the threat of making a mistake when identifying them. It should be clearly understood that in addition to the same common part, they must also have a similar meaning. For example, in the words “to drive” and “submariner” the root is the same, -vod-. However, the meaning of these words varies: drive - manage vehicle, and a submariner is one who works under water. Thus, these homonymous roots do not form a pair of cognate words.

It would also be a mistake to single out forms of the same word as cognate words: “nurse” - “nanny” - “nursed”. This is just the verb to nurse, used in the singular or plural and feminine.

How to look for the root of a word

In order to correctly identify the main morphemes, it is not enough just to know what the root of a word is. Here you need to competently be able to select words of the same root and related words.

Such words do not necessarily belong to a specific part of speech; they can be all significant. Thus, the lexemes will have the same root: “light” - “light” - “shine” - “light”; "green" - "green" - "green" - "green"; "peace" - "global" - "to reconcile" - "peacefully."

How to highlight the root of a word? The rule says that you should delve into its lexical meaning, select related words and observe which parts are repeated. This way you can easily understand where the main morpheme is. Sometimes it helps to initially “cut off” the prefix, inflection and suffix, especially if they have one option.

For example, in the word “plantain” there is a prefix po- (it has no other variants and is easily visualized) and a suffix nik-, which is also very characteristic of nouns. The root -road- remains. Let's prove this by selecting words with the same root: path, road.

The last example also shows that alternation occurs in the roots. This is dictated by historical changes in language. Both consonant and vowel sounds can vary.

The road is a path.

Dry - dry.

Hand - pen.

Collect - collect - collect.

To die is to die.

Brilliant - to shine.

Knowing what the root of a word is and how to look for it correctly, you can safely do a morphemic analysis of such words without fear of making mistakes.

Quite often, when solving problems, we are faced with large numbers from which we need to extract Square root. Many students decide that this is a mistake and begin to re-solve the entire example. Under no circumstances should you do this! There are two reasons for this:

  1. Roots from large numbers actually occur in problems. Especially in text ones;
  2. There is an algorithm by which these roots are calculated almost orally.

We will consider this algorithm today. Perhaps some things will seem incomprehensible to you. But if you pay attention to this lesson, you will get most powerful weapon against square roots.

So, the algorithm:

  1. Limit the required root above and below to numbers that are multiples of 10. Thus, we will reduce the search range to 10 numbers;
  2. From these 10 numbers, weed out those that definitely cannot be roots. As a result, 1-2 numbers will remain;
  3. Square these 1-2 numbers. The one whose square is equal to the original number will be the root.

Before putting this algorithm into practice, let's look at each individual step.

Root limitation

First of all, we need to find out between which numbers our root is located. It is highly desirable that the numbers be multiples of ten:

10 2 = 100;
20 2 = 400;
30 2 = 900;
40 2 = 1600;
90 2 = 8100;
100 2 = 10 000.

We get a series of numbers:

100; 400; 900; 1600; 2500; 3600; 4900; 6400; 8100; 10 000.

What do these numbers tell us? It's simple: we get boundaries. Take, for example, the number 1296. It lies between 900 and 1600. Therefore, its root cannot be less than 30 and greater than 40:

[Caption for the picture]

The same thing applies to any other number from which you can find the square root. For example, 3364:

[Caption for the picture]

Thus, instead of an incomprehensible number, we get a very specific range in which the original root lies. To further narrow the search area, move on to the second step.

Eliminating obviously unnecessary numbers

So, we have 10 numbers - candidates for the root. We got them very quickly, without complex thinking and multiplication in a column. It's time to move on.

Believe it or not, we'll now reduce the number of candidate numbers to two - again without any complicated calculations! It is enough to know the special rule. Here it is:

The last digit of the square depends only on the last digit original number.

In other words, just look at the last digit of the square and we will immediately understand where the original number ends.

There are only 10 digits that can appear on last place. Let's try to find out what they turn into when squared. Take a look at the table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0

This table is another step towards calculating the root. As you can see, the numbers in the second line turned out to be symmetrical relative to the five. For example:

2 2 = 4;
8 2 = 64 → 4.

As you can see, the last digit is the same in both cases. This means that, for example, the root of 3364 must end in 2 or 8. On the other hand, we remember the restriction from the previous paragraph. We get:

[Caption for the picture]

Red squares indicate that we do not yet know this figure. But the root lies in the range from 50 to 60, on which there are only two numbers ending in 2 and 8:

[Caption for the picture]

That's all! Of all the possible roots, we left only two options! And this is in the most difficult case, because the last digit can be 5 or 0. And then there will be only one candidate for the roots!

Final calculations

So, we have 2 candidate numbers left. How do you know which one is the root? The answer is obvious: square both numbers. The one that squared gives the original number will be the root.

For example, for the number 3364 we found two candidate numbers: 52 and 58. Let's square them:

52 2 = (50 +2) 2 = 2500 + 2 50 2 + 4 = 2704;
58 2 = (60 − 2) 2 = 3600 − 2 60 2 + 4 = 3364.

That's all! It turned out that the root is 58! At the same time, to simplify the calculations, I used the formula for the squares of the sum and difference. Thanks to this, I didn’t even have to multiply the numbers into a column! This is another level of calculation optimization, but, of course, it is completely optional :)

Examples of calculating roots

Theory is, of course, good. But let's check it in practice.

[Caption for the picture]

First, let's find out between which numbers the number 576 lies:

400 < 576 < 900
20 2 < 576 < 30 2

Now let's look at the last number. It is equal to 6. When does this happen? Only if the root ends in 4 or 6. We get two numbers:

All that remains is to square each number and compare it with the original:

24 2 = (20 + 4) 2 = 576

Great! The first square turned out to be equal to the original number. So this is the root.

Task. Calculate the square root:

[Caption for the picture]

900 < 1369 < 1600;
30 2 < 1369 < 40 2;

Let's look at the last digit:

1369 → 9;
33; 37.

Square it:

33 2 = (30 + 3) 2 = 900 + 2 30 3 + 9 = 1089 ≠ 1369;
37 2 = (40 − 3) 2 = 1600 − 2 40 3 + 9 = 1369.

Here is the answer: 37.

Task. Calculate the square root:

[Caption for the picture]

We limit the number:

2500 < 2704 < 3600;
50 2 < 2704 < 60 2;

Let's look at the last digit:

2704 → 4;
52; 58.

Square it:

52 2 = (50 + 2) 2 = 2500 + 2 50 2 + 4 = 2704;

We received the answer: 52. The second number will no longer need to be squared.

Task. Calculate the square root:

[Caption for the picture]

We limit the number:

3600 < 4225 < 4900;
60 2 < 4225 < 70 2;

Let's look at the last digit:

4225 → 5;

As you can see, after the second step there is only one option left: 65. This is the desired root. But let’s still square it and check:

65 2 = (60 + 5) 2 = 3600 + 2 60 5 + 25 = 4225;

Everything is correct. We write down the answer.


Alas, no better. Let's look at the reasons. There are two of them:

  • In any normal mathematics exam, be it the State Examination or the Unified State Exam, the use of calculators is prohibited. And if you bring a calculator into class, you can easily be kicked out of the exam.
  • Don't be like stupid Americans. Which are not just roots - they are two prime numbers They can’t fold it. And when they see fractions, they generally become hysterical.

In this article we will introduce concept of a root of a number. We will proceed sequentially: let's start with square root, from it we move on to the description of the cube root, after which we generalize the concept of a root by defining the root of the nth degree. At the same time, we will introduce definitions, notations, give examples of roots and give the necessary explanations and comments.

Square root, arithmetic square root

To understand the definition of the root of a number, and the square root in particular, you need to have . At this point we will often encounter the second power of a number - the square of a number.

Let's start with square root definitions.


Square root of a is a number whose square is equal to a.

In order to bring examples of square roots, take several numbers, for example, 5, −0.3, 0.3, 0, and square them, we get the numbers 25, 0.09, 0.09 and 0, respectively (5 2 =5·5=25, (−0.3) 2 =(−0.3)·(−0.3)=0.09, (0.3) 2 =0.3·0.3=0.09 and 0 2 =0·0=0 ). Then, by the definition given above, the number 5 is the square root of the number 25, the numbers −0.3 and 0.3 are the square roots of 0.09, and 0 is the square root of zero.

It should be noted that not for any number a there exists a whose square is equal to a. Namely, for any negative number a there is no real number b whose square is equal to a. In fact, the equality a=b 2 is impossible for any negative a, since b 2 is not a negative number for any b. Thus, there is no square root of a negative number on the set of real numbers. In other words, on the set of real numbers the square root of a negative number is not defined and has no meaning.

This leads to a logical question: “Is there a square root of a for any non-negative a”? The answer is yes. This fact can be justified by the constructive method used to find the value of the square root.

Then the next logical question arises: “What is the number of all square roots of a given non-negative number a - one, two, three, or even more”? Here's the answer: if a is zero, then the only square root of zero is zero; if a is some positive number, then the number of square roots of the number a is two, and the roots are . Let's justify this.

Let's start with the case a=0 . First, let's show that zero is indeed the square root of zero. This follows from the obvious equality 0 2 =0·0=0 and the definition of the square root.

Now let's prove that 0 is the only square root of zero. Let's use the opposite method. Suppose there is some nonzero number b that is the square root of zero. Then the condition b 2 =0 must be satisfied, which is impossible, since for any non-zero b the value of the expression b 2 is positive. We have arrived at a contradiction. This proves that 0 is the only square root of zero.

Let's move on to cases where a is a positive number. We said above that there is always a square root of any non-negative number, let the square root of a be the number b. Let's say that there is a number c, which is also the square root of a. Then, by the definition of a square root, the equalities b 2 =a and c 2 =a are true, from which it follows that b 2 −c 2 =a−a=0, but since b 2 −c 2 =(b−c)·( b+c) , then (b−c)·(b+c)=0 . The resulting equality is valid properties of operations with real numbers possible only when b−c=0 or b+c=0 . Thus, the numbers b and c are equal or opposite.

If we assume that there is a number d, which is another square root of the number a, then by reasoning similar to those already given, it is proved that d is equal to the number b or the number c. So, the number of square roots of a positive number is two, and the square roots are opposite numbers.

For the convenience of working with square roots, the negative root is “separated” from the positive one. For this purpose, it is introduced definition of arithmetic square root.


Arithmetic square root of a non-negative number a is a non-negative number whose square is equal to a.

The notation for the arithmetic square root of a is . The sign is called the arithmetic square root sign. It is also called the radical sign. Therefore, you can sometimes hear both “root” and “radical”, which means the same object.

The number under the arithmetic square root sign is called radical number, and the expression under the root sign is radical expression, while the term “radical number” is often replaced by “radical expression”. For example, in the notation the number 151 is a radical number, and in the notation the expression a is a radical expression.

When reading, the word "arithmetic" is often omitted, for example, the entry is read as "the square root of seven point twenty-nine." The word “arithmetic” is used only when they want to emphasize that we're talking about specifically about the positive square root of a number.

In light of the introduced notation, it follows from the definition of an arithmetic square root that for any non-negative number a .

Square roots of a positive number a are written using the arithmetic square root sign as and . For example, the square roots of 13 are and . The arithmetic square root of zero is zero, that is, . For negative numbers a, we will not attach meaning to the notation until we study complex numbers . For example, the expressions and are meaningless.

Based on the definition of the square root, the properties of square roots are proved, which are often used in practice.

In conclusion of this paragraph, we note that the square roots of the number a are solutions of the form x 2 =a with respect to the variable x.

Cube root of a number

Definition of cube root of the number a is given similarly to the definition of the square root. Only it is based on the concept of a cube of a number, not a square.


Cube root of a is a number whose cube is equal to a.

Let's give examples of cube roots. To do this, take several numbers, for example, 7, 0, −2/3, and cube them: 7 3 =7·7·7=343, 0 3 =0·0·0=0, . Then, based on the definition of a cube root, we can say that the number 7 is the cube root of 343, 0 is the cube root of zero, and −2/3 is the cube root of −8/27.

It can be shown that the cube root of a number, unlike the square root, always exists, not only for non-negative a, but also for any real number a. To do this, you can use the same method that we mentioned when studying square roots.

Moreover, there is only a single cube root of a given number a. Let us prove the last statement. To do this, consider three cases separately: a is a positive number, a=0 and a is a negative number.

It is easy to show that if a is positive, the cube root of a can be neither a negative number nor zero. Indeed, let b be the cube root of a, then by definition we can write the equality b 3 =a. It is clear that this equality cannot be true for negative b and for b=0, since in these cases b 3 =b·b·b will be a negative number or zero, respectively. So the cube root of a positive number a is a positive number.

Now suppose that in addition to the number b there is another cube root of the number a, let's denote it c. Then c 3 =a. Therefore, b 3 −c 3 =a−a=0, but b 3 −c 3 =(b−c)·(b 2 +b·c+c 2)(this is the abbreviated multiplication formula difference of cubes), whence (b−c)·(b 2 +b·c+c 2)=0. The resulting equality is possible only when b−c=0 or b 2 +b·c+c 2 =0. From the first equality we have b=c, and the second equality has no solutions, since its left side is a positive number for any positive numbers b and c as the sum of three positive terms b 2, b·c and c 2. This proves the uniqueness of the cube root of a positive number a.

When a=0, the cube root of the number a is only the number zero. Indeed, if we assume that there is a number b, which is a non-zero cube root of zero, then the equality b 3 =0 must hold, which is possible only when b=0.

For negative a, arguments similar to the case for positive a can be given. First, we show that the cube root of a negative number cannot be equal to either a positive number or zero. Secondly, we assume that there is a second cube root of a negative number and show that it will necessarily coincide with the first.

So, there is always a cube root of any given real number a, and a unique one.

Let's give definition of arithmetic cube root.


Arithmetic cube root of a non-negative number a is a non-negative number whose cube is equal to a.

The arithmetic cube root of a non-negative number a is denoted as , the sign is called the sign of the arithmetic cube root, the number 3 in this notation is called root index. The number under the root sign is radical number, the expression under the root sign is radical expression.

Although the arithmetic cube root is defined only for non-negative numbers a, it is also convenient to use notations in which negative numbers are found under the arithmetic cube root sign. We will understand them as follows: , where a is a positive number. For example, .

We will talk about the properties of cube roots in the general article properties of roots.

Calculating the value of a cube root is called extracting a cube root; this action is discussed in the article extracting roots: methods, examples, solutions.

To conclude this point, let's say that the cube root of the number a is a solution of the form x 3 =a.

nth root, arithmetic root of degree n

Let us generalize the concept of a root of a number - we introduce definition of nth root for n.


nth root of a is a number whose nth power is equal to a.

From this definition it is clear that the first degree root of the number a is the number a itself, since when studying the degree with a natural exponent we took a 1 =a.

Above we looked at special cases of the nth root for n=2 and n=3 - square root and cube root. That is, a square root is a root of the second degree, and a cube root is a root of the third degree. To study roots of the nth degree for n=4, 5, 6, ..., it is convenient to divide them into two groups: the first group - roots of even degrees (that is, for n = 4, 6, 8, ...), the second group - roots odd degrees (that is, with n=5, 7, 9, ...). This is due to the fact that roots of even powers are similar to square roots, and roots of odd powers are similar to cubic roots. Let's deal with them one by one.

Let's start with the roots, the powers of which are even numbers 4, 6, 8, ... As we said, they are similar to the square root of the number a. That is, the root of any even degree of the number a exists only for non-negative a. Moreover, if a=0, then the root of a is unique and equal to zero, and if a>0, then there are two roots of even degree of the number a, and they are opposite numbers.

Let us substantiate the last statement. Let b be an even root (we denote it as 2·m, where m is some natural number) of the number a. Suppose that there is a number c - another root of degree 2·m from the number a. Then b 2·m −c 2·m =a−a=0 . But we know the form b 2 m −c 2 m = (b−c) (b+c) (b 2 m−2 +b 2 m−4 c 2 +b 2 m−6 c 4 +…+c 2 m−2), then (b−c)·(b+c)· (b 2 m−2 +b 2 m−4 c 2 +b 2 m−6 c 4 +…+c 2 m−2)=0. From this equality it follows that b−c=0, or b+c=0, or b 2 m−2 +b 2 m−4 c 2 +b 2 m−6 c 4 +…+c 2 m−2 =0. The first two equalities mean that the numbers b and c are equal or b and c are opposite. And the last equality is valid only for b=c=0, since on its left side there is an expression that is non-negative for any b and c as the sum of non-negative numbers.

As for the roots of the nth degree for odd n, they are similar to the cube root. That is, the root of any odd degree of the number a exists for any real number a, and for a given number a it is unique.

The uniqueness of a root of odd degree 2·m+1 of the number a is proved by analogy with the proof of the uniqueness of the cube root of a. Only here instead of equality a 3 −b 3 =(a−b)·(a 2 +a·b+c 2) an equality of the form b 2 m+1 −c 2 m+1 = is used (b−c)·(b 2·m +b 2·m−1 ·c+b 2·m−2 ·c 2 +… +c 2·m). The expression in the last bracket can be rewritten as b 2 m +c 2 m +b c (b 2 m−2 +c 2 m−2 + b c (b 2 m−4 +c 2 m−4 +b c (…+(b 2 +c 2 +b c)))). For example, with m=2 we have b 5 −c 5 =(b−c)·(b 4 +b 3 ·c+b 2 ·c 2 +b·c 3 +c 4)= (b−c)·(b 4 +c 4 +b·c·(b 2 +c 2 +b·c)). When a and b are both positive or both negative, their product is a positive number, then the expression b 2 +c 2 +b·c in the highest nested parentheses is positive as the sum of the positive numbers. Now, moving sequentially to the expressions in brackets of the previous degrees of nesting, we are convinced that they are also positive as the sum of positive numbers. As a result, we obtain that the equality b 2 m+1 −c 2 m+1 = (b−c)·(b 2·m +b 2·m−1 ·c+b 2·m−2 ·c 2 +… +c 2·m)=0 possible only when b−c=0, that is, when the number b is equal to the number c.

It's time to understand the notation of nth roots. For this purpose it is given definition of arithmetic root of the nth degree.


Arithmetic root of the nth degree of a non-negative number a is a non-negative number whose nth power is equal to a.

Words are necessary not only for correct execution morpheme analysis, but also for the correct spelling of most words, since it is often necessary to know the correct spelling of a specific morpheme.

Morphemics, its subject and goals

In Russian linguistics there is a section devoted to the study of the system of morphemes and the morphemic structure of words and word forms, called morphemics. The main task of morphemics is the study and classification of morphemes, as well as an algorithm for dividing words into morphemes.

The morpheme, being the basic unit of morphemics, is the smallest. At the same time, it is the minimum unit of language that has meaning. It is worth noting that the morpheme has differences with units of all other language levels. Thus, it differs from a sound in the presence of meaning, from a word - in the absence of a grammatically formalized name, from a sentence - in that it does not represent a communicative unit.

Root of the word

Every word in the Russian language can be divided into morphemes. All morphemes are divided into root (the root itself) and non-root (prefix, suffix, ending). And if non-root morphemes carry grammatical meaning words, then the root expresses the lexical meaning. For example, in the words “underwater” and “water,” the root “water-” carries the meaning “something related to water.” However, there are words whose meaning is not contained precisely in the root or in another morpheme. For example, the word "matinee" in the meaning children's party does not express its meaning in any of the morphemes.

The root is the main part of the word, without which it cannot exist. There are many words that can be used without a prefix, suffix or ending (forester, chair, taxi, etc.), but without a root the word becomes a simple set of letters that has no meaning. The exception is the only word in Russian, which has no root. This is the word “take out”, which consists of the prefix you-, the suffix -well and the inflection -t. The absence of a root in this word can be explained by studying its etymology. The fact is that in the process of language development given word changed its appearance, and instead of the original version “take out”, where the root -n- could be distinguished, the form “take out” came into use, where the root can only be distinguished etymologically.

All roots can be divided into free and connected. The former can be used either independently or in combination with various inflections (firefighter, underwater, run, etc.). The latter are used only in combination with inflections (na-d-et, o-d-et, raz-d-et, etc.).

The root of a word is also defined as the common part of related words. But here, too, you need to remember that there are quite a lot of roots that can occur in only one word. For example, "alas", "cockatoo", some geographical names.


Words that have the same part (root) and are similar in meaning are called cognate. For example: rain, rainy, raincoat; shoot, shot, shot down.

To correctly identify the root in a word, you need to select as many words with the same root as possible. That part of the word that is repeated in all words with the same root will be the root. However, there are nuances that should be taken into account when selecting words with the same root.

Firstly, you should not confuse words of the same root with related ones. All cognates are related, that is, they have something in common in their meaning, but not all cognates are cognate. This is due to the fact that some words in the process of their development have lost their original meaning. For example, the words “black” and “ink” are related, but have different roots, although the etymological connection between the meanings of these words can be traced. IN modern language the word "ink" in the meaning of "paste put into a writing rod" has lost its connection with the meaning of "black", since ink can be of any color. Therefore, in order to correctly identify the root in related words, it is often necessary to trace their etymology.

Secondly, when selecting words with the same root, you cannot use forms of one word. Thus, the words “cook”, “cooking”, “cooking” are the same root. And the words “boiled”, “boiled”, “boiled” are only forms of one word.

Thirdly, we must not forget that there are homonymous roots. These roots sound and look the same, but have different meanings. For example, the roots are in the words "to drive" and "water".

Difficult words

It can be difficult to identify a root in a word even when it contains several roots. Such words are called compound words. They are formed by adding two or even three words and combining their meanings. To correctly identify the roots in a word that is complex, you need to correctly determine its meaning. For example, a pedestrian (walks), a steel worker (pouring steel), a concrete mixer (mixing concrete). Typically, to form words by addition, the connecting vowels -o- (gas-o-wire) and -e- (oil-e-wire) are used.

Roots with alternation

In the Russian language, there are roots that allow several options for writing a vowel or consonant letter in the root, depending on the form of the word. Such roots are called alternating roots. In such cases, knowledge will help to identify the root in a word possible options alternations. So, among the vowels these are:

O/a (burn - tan);

O/e/i (burn - ignite - burn);

O/s (s) (howl - howls, beaten - fight);

O/s/u (dried up - dry out - dry);

O/zero sound (sleep - dreams);

E/zero sound (day - daytime).

The spelling of such roots may depend on stress, subsequent letters, location and lexical meaning and is determined by rules.

Among the consonants, the following alternations are distinguished:

G/f/z (friend - to be friends - friends);

K/h (hands - manual);

Railway train (driver - counselor - escort);

H/sh (quiet - quieter);

P/pl (blind - blinded);

M/ml (feeds - feeding);

B/bl (to love - in love);

V/vl (catch - catch).

Spellings at the root of a word

A spelling is the place in a word where a mistake can be made. Such places can be in any part of the word, including the root. Having identified the spelling at the root of a word, you first need to determine whether it is verifiable or unverifiable. The spelling of unchecked spellings must be checked in a dictionary and must be memorized. Among the tested spellings there are: unstressed paired voiced and voiceless consonants, spelling of unpronounceable consonants. To choose the correct spelling, you need to put the letter in doubt in a strong position. This position for a vowel will be stressed (fly - pilot), and for a consonant - before a vowel or sonorant (oak - oaks, hello - health, tooth - tooth). For quick and correct selection test words, it is necessary to accurately identify the root in words with the same root, which are test words.

Thus, the ability to correctly identify the root in a word is one of the keys to competent writing. In addition to memorizing the rules, reading can undoubtedly help in developing this skill. After all, what more people reads, the richer his vocabulary.

Fact 1.
\(\bullet\) Let's take some non-negative number \(a\) (that is, \(a\geqslant 0\) ). Then (arithmetic) square root from the number \(a\) is called such a non-negative number \(b\) , when squared we get the number \(a\) : \[\sqrt a=b\quad \text(same as )\quad a=b^2\] From the definition it follows that \(a\geqslant 0, b\geqslant 0\). These restrictions are an important condition for the existence of a square root and should be remembered!
Recall that any number when squared gives a non-negative result. That is, \(100^2=10000\geqslant 0\) and \((-100)^2=10000\geqslant 0\) .
\(\bullet\) What is \(\sqrt(25)\) equal to? We know that \(5^2=25\) and \((-5)^2=25\) . Since by definition we must find a non-negative number, then \(-5\) is not suitable, therefore, \(\sqrt(25)=5\) (since \(25=5^2\) ).
Finding the value of \(\sqrt a\) is called taking the square root of the number \(a\) , and the number \(a\) is called the radical expression.
\(\bullet\) Based on the definition, expression \(\sqrt(-25)\), \(\sqrt(-4)\), etc. don't make sense.

Fact 2.
For quick calculations it will be useful to learn the table of squares natural numbers from \(1\) to \(20\) : \[\begin(array)(|ll|) \hline 1^2=1 & \quad11^2=121 \\ 2^2=4 & \quad12^2=144\\ 3^2=9 & \quad13 ^2=169\\ 4^2=16 & \quad14^2=196\\ 5^2=25 & \quad15^2=225\\ 6^2=36 & \quad16^2=256\\ 7^ 2=49 & \quad17^2=289\\ 8^2=64 & \quad18^2=324\\ 9^2=81 & \quad19^2=361\\ 10^2=100& \quad20^2= 400\\ \hline \end(array)\]

Fact 3.
What operations can you do with square roots?
\(\bullet\) The sum or difference of square roots IS NOT EQUAL to the square root of the sum or difference, that is \[\sqrt a\pm\sqrt b\ne \sqrt(a\pm b)\] Thus, if you need to calculate, for example, \(\sqrt(25)+\sqrt(49)\) , then initially you must find the values ​​of \(\sqrt(25)\) and \(\sqrt(49)\ ) and then fold them. Hence, \[\sqrt(25)+\sqrt(49)=5+7=12\] If the values ​​\(\sqrt a\) or \(\sqrt b\) cannot be found when adding \(\sqrt a+\sqrt b\), then such an expression is not transformed further and remains as it is. For example, in the sum \(\sqrt 2+ \sqrt (49)\) we can find \(\sqrt(49)\) is \(7\) , but \(\sqrt 2\) cannot be transformed in any way, That's why \(\sqrt 2+\sqrt(49)=\sqrt 2+7\). Unfortunately, this expression cannot be simplified further\(\bullet\) The product/quotient of square roots is equal to the square root of the product/quotient, that is \[\sqrt a\cdot \sqrt b=\sqrt(ab)\quad \text(s)\quad \sqrt a:\sqrt b=\sqrt(a:b)\] (provided that both sides of the equalities make sense)
Example: \(\sqrt(32)\cdot \sqrt 2=\sqrt(32\cdot 2)=\sqrt(64)=8\); \(\sqrt(768):\sqrt3=\sqrt(768:3)=\sqrt(256)=16\); \(\sqrt((-25)\cdot (-64))=\sqrt(25\cdot 64)=\sqrt(25)\cdot \sqrt(64)= 5\cdot 8=40\).
\(\bullet\) Using these properties, it is convenient to find square roots of large numbers by factoring them.
Let's look at an example. Let's find \(\sqrt(44100)\) . Since \(44100:100=441\) , then \(44100=100\cdot 441\) . According to the criterion of divisibility, the number \(441\) is divisible by \(9\) (since the sum of its digits is 9 and is divisible by 9), therefore, \(441:9=49\), that is, \(441=9\ cdot 49\) . Thus we got:\[\sqrt(44100)=\sqrt(9\cdot 49\cdot 100)= \sqrt9\cdot \sqrt(49)\cdot \sqrt(100)=3\cdot 7\cdot 10=210\] \[\sqrt(\dfrac(32\cdot 294)(27))= \sqrt(\dfrac(16\cdot 2\cdot 3\cdot 49\cdot 2)(9\cdot 3))= \sqrt( \ dfrac(16\cdot4\cdot49)(9))=\dfrac(\sqrt(16)\cdot \sqrt4 \cdot \sqrt(49))(\sqrt9)=\dfrac(4\cdot 2\cdot 7)3 =\dfrac(56)3\]
\(\bullet\) Let's show how to enter numbers under the square root sign using the example of the expression \(5\sqrt2\) (short notation for the expression \(5\cdot \sqrt2\)). Since \(5=\sqrt(25)\) , then \ Note also that, for example,
1) \(\sqrt2+3\sqrt2=4\sqrt2\) ,
2) \(5\sqrt3-\sqrt3=4\sqrt3\)
3) \(\sqrt a+\sqrt a=2\sqrt a\) .

Why is that? Let's explain using example 1). As you already understand, we cannot somehow transform the number \(\sqrt2\). Let's imagine that \(\sqrt2\) is some number \(a\) . Accordingly, the expression \(\sqrt2+3\sqrt2\) is nothing more than \(a+3a\) (one number \(a\) plus three more of the same numbers \(a\)). And we know that this is equal to four such numbers \(a\) , that is, \(4\sqrt2\) .

Fact 4.
\(\bullet\) They often say “you can’t extract the root” when you can’t get rid of the sign \(\sqrt () \ \) of the root (radical) when finding the value of a number. For example, you can take the root of the number \(16\) because \(16=4^2\) , therefore \(\sqrt(16)=4\) . But it is impossible to extract the root of the number \(3\), that is, to find \(\sqrt3\), because there is no number that squared will give \(3\) .
Such numbers (or expressions with such numbers) are irrational. For example, numbers \(\sqrt3, \ 1+\sqrt2, \ \sqrt(15)\) and so on. are irrational.
Also irrational are the numbers \(\pi\) (the number “pi”, approximately equal to \(3.14\)), \(e\) (this number is called the Euler number, it is approximately equal to \(2.7\)) etc.
\(\bullet\) Please note that any number will be either rational or irrational. And together all rational and all irrational numbers form a set called a set of real numbers. This set is denoted by the letter \(\mathbb(R)\) .
This means that all the numbers that are on this moment we know are called real numbers.

Fact 5.
\(\bullet\) The modulus of a real number \(a\) is a non-negative number \(|a|\) , equal to distance from the point \(a\) to \(0\) on the real line. For example, \(|3|\) and \(|-3|\) are equal to 3, since the distances from the points \(3\) and \(-3\) to \(0\) are the same and equal to \(3 \) .
\(\bullet\) If \(a\) is a non-negative number, then \(|a|=a\) .
Example: \(|5|=5\) ; \(\qquad |\sqrt2|=\sqrt2\) .
Example: \(|-5|=-(-5)=5\) ; \(\qquad |-\sqrt3|=-(-\sqrt3)=\sqrt3\).
They say that for negative numbers the modulus “eats” the minus, while positive numbers, as well as the number \(0\), are left unchanged by the modulus.
BUT This rule only applies to numbers. If under your modulus sign there is an unknown \(x\) (or some other unknown), for example, \(|x|\) , about which we do not know whether it is positive, zero or negative, then get rid of the modulus we can not. In this case, this expression remains the same: \(|x|\) . \(\bullet\) The following formulas hold: \[(\large(\sqrt(a^2)=|a|))\]\[(\large((\sqrt(a))^2=a)), \text( provided ) a\geqslant 0\]
Very often the following mistake is made: they say that \(\sqrt(a^2)\) and \((\sqrt a)^2\) are one and the same. This is only true if \(a\) is a positive number or zero. But if \(a\) is a negative number, then this is false. It is enough to consider this example. Let's take instead of \(a\) the number \(-1\) . Then \(\sqrt((-1)^2)=\sqrt(1)=1\) , but the expression \((\sqrt (-1))^2\) does not exist at all (after all, it is impossible to use the root sign put negative numbers!). Therefore, we draw your attention to the fact that \(\sqrt(a^2)\) is not equal to \((\sqrt a)^2\) ! Example: 1)\(\sqrt(\left(-\sqrt2\right)^2)=|-\sqrt2|=\sqrt2\)<0\) ;

, because \(-\sqrt2 \(\phantom(00000)\) 2) \((\sqrt(2))^2=2\) .
\(\bullet\) Since \(\sqrt(a^2)=|a|\) , then \[\sqrt(a^(2n))=|a^n|\]
(the expression \(2n\) denotes an even number)
That is, when taking the root of a number that is to some degree, this degree is halved.
1) \(\sqrt(4^6)=|4^3|=4^3=64\)

2) \(\sqrt((-25)^2)=|-25|=25\) (note that if the module is not supplied, it turns out that the root of the number is equal to \(-25\) ; but we remember , that by definition of a root this cannot happen: when extracting a root, we should always get a positive number or zero)
3) \(\sqrt(x^(16))=|x^8|=x^8\) (since any number to an even power is non-negative)
Fact 6.<\sqrt b\) , то \(a(the expression \(2n\) denotes an even number)
How to compare two square roots? \(\bullet\) For square roots it is true: if \(\sqrt a 1) compare \(\sqrt(50)\) and \(6\sqrt2\) . First, let's transform the second expression into<72\) , то и \(\sqrt{50}<\sqrt{72}\) . Следовательно, \(\sqrt{50}<6\sqrt2\) .
\(\sqrt(36)\cdot \sqrt2=\sqrt(36\cdot 2)=\sqrt(72)\)
. Thus, since \(50<50<64\) , то \(7<\sqrt{50}<8\) , то есть число \(\sqrt{50}\) находится между числами \(7\) и \(8\) .
2) Between what integers is \(\sqrt(50)\) located? \[\begin(aligned) &\sqrt 2-1>0.5 \ \big| +1\quad \text((add one to both sides))\\ &\sqrt2>0.5+1 \ \big| \ ^2 \quad\text((squaring both sides))\\ &2>1.5^2\\ &2>2.25 \end(aligned)\] We see that we have obtained an incorrect inequality. Therefore, our assumption was incorrect and \(\sqrt 2-1<0,5\) .
Note that adding a certain number to both sides of the inequality does not affect its sign. Multiplying/dividing both sides of an inequality by a positive number also does not affect its sign, but multiplying/dividing by a negative number reverses the sign of the inequality!
You can square both sides of an equation/inequality ONLY IF both sides are non-negative. For example, in the inequality from the previous example you can square both sides, in the inequality \(-3<\sqrt2\) нельзя (убедитесь в этом сами)! \(\bullet\) It should be remembered that \[\begin(aligned) &\sqrt 2\approx 1.4\\ &\sqrt 3\approx 1.7 \end(aligned)\] Knowing the approximate meaning of these numbers will help you when comparing numbers!
\(\bullet\) In order to extract the root (if it can be extracted) from some large number that is not in the table of squares, you must first determine between which “hundreds” it is located, then – between which “tens”, and then determine the last digit of this number. Let's show how this works with an example.
Let's take \(\sqrt(28224)\) . We know that \(100^2=10\,000\), \(200^2=40\,000\), etc. Note that \(28224\) is between \(10\,000\) and \(40\,000\) . Therefore, \(\sqrt(28224)\) is between \(100\) and \(200\) .
Now let’s determine between which “tens” our number is located (that is, for example, between \(120\) and \(130\)). Also from the table of squares we know that \(11^2=121\) , \(12^2=144\) etc., then \(110^2=12100\) , \(120^2=14400 \) , \(130^2=16900\) , \(140^2=19600\) , \(150^2=22500\) , \(160^2=25600\) , \(170^2=28900 \) . So we see that \(28224\) is between \(160^2\) and \(170^2\) . Therefore, the number \(\sqrt(28224)\) is between \(160\) and \(170\) .
Let's try to determine the last digit. Let's remember what single-digit numbers, when squared, give \(4\) at the end? These are \(2^2\) and \(8^2\) . Therefore, \(\sqrt(28224)\) will end in either 2 or 8. Let's check this. Let's find \(162^2\) and \(168^2\) :
\(162^2=162\cdot 162=26224\)
\(168^2=168\cdot 168=28224\) .

In order to adequately solve the Unified State Exam in mathematics, you first need to study theoretical material, which introduces you to numerous theorems, formulas, algorithms, etc. At first glance, it may seem that this is quite simple. However, finding a source in which the theory for the Unified State Exam in mathematics is presented in an easy and understandable way for students with any level of training is in fact a rather difficult task. School textbooks cannot always be kept at hand. And finding basic formulas for the Unified State Exam in mathematics can be difficult even on the Internet.

Why is it so important to study theory in mathematics not only for those taking the Unified State Exam?

  1. Because it broadens your horizons. Studying theoretical material in mathematics is useful for anyone who wants to get answers to a wide range of questions related to knowledge of the world around them. Everything in nature is ordered and has a clear logic. This is precisely what is reflected in science, through which it is possible to understand the world.
  2. Because it develops intelligence. By studying reference materials for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, as well as solving various problems, a person learns to think and reason logically, to formulate thoughts competently and clearly. He develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.

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