What does a narwhal look like? Whale narwhal - unicorn of the ocean depths

Narwhal or aquatic unicorn- inhabitant of the North Arctic Ocean, close relative Beluga whales belong to the family of cetacean mammals.

The average body length is 4 - 4.5 m, the maximum recorded length is 6 m for the male and 4.5 m for the female. Baby narwhals are born with a length of 1.5 m. Weight ranges from 900 to 1500 kg on average.

Their body structure is similar to beluga whales, but there are significant differences. Firstly, narwhals have dark spots in the upper body different sizes and forms that appear with age. Secondly, unique dental system. Females have only two teeth that do not erupt. And in males, the left tooth (tusk, horn) reaches a length of 2.5 - 3 m, has high strength and flexibility. During growth, the tusk twists in a spiral, resembling a corkscrew. The second tooth does not erupt. The purpose of such a huge tooth has not been revealed by scientists. There is an assumption that it serves as a tool to attract females during the mating season. It is also suspected that this is an antenna that allows one to determine the temperature of the water or its composition and depth. In any case, narwhals never use their tusk for attack and rarely for piercing ice.

IN winter time Every year, narwhals dive to depths of up to 1.5 km to protect themselves from the cold Arctic waters. After some time, they return to the surface for air and again go deeper. They make about 15 such dives per day. Also, from cold water these representatives water world protected by a layer of subcutaneous fat of 10 cm. In the summer season, the depth of stay is from 30 to 300 m.

The food source of these creatures are cephalopods and different types bottom fish. And the main enemies are killer whales and polar bears. Babies can sometimes be attacked by sharks.

Animals live in small groups and very rarely alone. The mating season is spring, and pregnancy lasts 14 months. Most often, one baby is born.

Aquatic unicorns practically do not tolerate captivity. This is evidenced by the fact that in captivity they can live no more than six months, but in the wild they can live up to 55 years. The exact number of narwhal representatives is not known, but they are considered a rare, small species listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Video: Narwhals (lat. Monodon monoceros)

The only species of the narwhal genus.

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    ✪ Monodontidae: Beluga whale, Narwhal / Narwhals: Beluga whale, Narwhal



The body length of an adult narwhal usually reaches 3.8-4.5 m (in the old days there were specimens 6 m long), newborns - 1-1.5 m. The weight of males reaches 2-3 tons, of which about a third of the weight is fat; females weigh about 900 kg. The head is round, with an overhanging frontal tubercle; dorsal fin No. The mouth is small, located below.

The size and shape of the body, pectoral fins and the dark coloring of their suckers, narwhals are similar to beluga whales, however, adult individuals are distinguished by spotting - grayish-brown spots on a light background, which sometimes merge - and the presence of only 2 upper teeth. Of these, the left one develops in males into a tusk up to 2-3 m long and weighing up to 10 kg, twisted in a left-hand spiral, while the right one usually does not erupt. The right tusk in males and both tusks in females are hidden in the gums and develop rarely, in about one case out of 500. However, there are females with tusks, including two. Broken off tusks do not grow back, but the dental canal of such a tusk is closed with a bone filling. Narwhal tusks are characterized by high strength and flexibility; their ends can bend at least 31 cm in any direction without breaking.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Narwhals live in cold waters along the edge of the Arctic ice, making seasonal migrations based on movement floating ice- in the winter in a southerly direction, and in the summer - in a northerly direction. Beyond polar waters, below 70° N. sh., they come out rarely and only in winter. Unlike beluga whales, narwhals stay in the air while flying. deep waters. In winter they live in clearings among the ice; if the ice holes freeze, the males from below break the ice (up to 5 cm thick), striking with their backs and tusks.

Social structure and reproduction

Narwhals live alone or in small groups, usually of 6-10 heads, which consist of adult males or females with cubs; Previously they formed large aggregations of several hundred and thousands of heads. In a herd, like beluga whales, narwhals are very talkative. Most often they produce sharp sounds reminiscent of a whistle; They also make moans (or sighs), mooing, clicking, squeaking, gurgling.

Peak mating occurs in spring. Pregnancy lasts 14-15 months, the full reproductive cycle covers 2-3 years. 1, very rarely 2 cubs are born. Puberty in males it occurs at a body length of 4 m, in females - 3.4 m, which corresponds to 4-7 years. Life expectancy in nature is up to 55 years; in captivity - up to 4 months. There are no known cases of breeding in captivity.

Economic importance

Narwhal meat is consumed by northern peoples, in particular the Eskimos; narwhal fat is used as oil for lamps, and intestines are used to make ropes; The tusks from which crafts are carved are especially prized. The skin of narwhals contains a lot of vitamin C. Canadian. Unlike beluga whales, narwhals do not tolerate captivity well.

There are no exact data on the number.

An inhabitant of the Arctic seas with the scientific name Monodon Linnaeus - Unicorn. This is the rarest whale in the world - mysterious creature ocean.

The narwhal has a large horn, a tusk, which makes the whale unique and special. In the male, the tooth turns into a spiral-twisted tusk (2-3 m long and weighing up to 10 kg).

The narwhal tusk is strong and flexible (can bend in any direction without breaking).

The remaining teeth in males and females do not develop into tusks (they are hidden in the gums). Broken tusks do not grow back, and the tooth canal of the lost tusk is closed with a bone filling.

None of the cetaceans (or mammals in the whole world) have anything like this.

Narwhal facts

The Narwhal population worldwide is only 45,000 - 30,000 individuals. There are no exact data. The animals are rare (monotypic species), their numbers are very small.

Narwhal loves to eat cephalopods, squid, shrimp, bottom fish (usually cod, stingrays, halibut, flounder, gobies).

A similar animal with a similar diet is Humpback Whales.

To meet a narwhal, you need to go to the waters of the Russian Arctic or to Atlantic Ocean. The animals have a habit of traveling around eastern Russia and off the coast of Greenland.

Narwhal is a slow animal. Most scientists agree that narwhals are slow-moving animals. But they can sail on high speed if they feel threatened by predators. The animals can dive to depths of 1.5 km (5,000 ft).

IN winter months Narwhals live under thick ice. When the summer season comes, they move towards the shore.

A group of narwhals is usually 6-10 individuals with cubs. Narwhals gather in large herds of 100-150 animals during the migration period.

Narwhals are social animals. They do not like loneliness: they travel in groups and are very talkative.

They communicate using sounds, just as beluga whales do.

When narwhals communicate with other group members, they will use various types sounds. It can be whistling, trills, sighs, mooing, clicks, squeaks, gurgling.

The narwhal cleans its tusk by crossing with the tusks of other members of the group. This is a sign of teeth cleaning, friendly contact or a duel.

The mating season starts from March to May. The gestation period is 16 months. A female Narwhal produces 1 calf per litter. When a calf is born, it has brown bodies. The female gives birth to a calf every three years.

Lifespan of a narwhal whale natural nature- 55 years old; and in captivity - 4 months. There are no known cases of narwhal breeding in captivity. This indicates that the narwhal does not accept restrictions on its freedom (it dies in captivity). It cannot be kept or bred in an aquarium or a marine farm.

The main hunters of the narwhal whale are killer whales and polar bears. Arctic sharks prey on baby narwhals. Man also loves to hunt narwhal.

The narwhal population is declining not only due to predators, but also due to climate change and pollution environment. They are vulnerable because food becomes limited.

The main mystery of narwhals remains their horn, their tusk. It has not been possible to establish exactly what its main function is.

One of the most latest versions that it is a sensory organ, a kind of locator. Perhaps, with its help, the animal evaluates the characteristics of water - temperature, flow speed, presence of suspended particles.

Sea unicorns keep their secrets well. And artists all over the world never tire of being inspired by their mysterious and unusual appearance.

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Lifestyle and nutrition

Narwhals live in cold waters along the edge of the Arctic ice, making seasonal migrations depending on the movement of floating ice - in the winter to the south, and in the summer - to the north. Beyond polar waters, below 70° N. sh., they come out rarely and only in winter. Unlike beluga whales, narwhals stay in deep waters while flying. In winter they live in clearings among the ice; if the ice holes freeze, the males from below break the ice (up to 5 cm thick), striking with their backs and tusks.

Social structure and reproduction

Narwhals live alone or in small groups, usually of 6-10 heads, which consist of adult males or females with cubs; Previously they formed large aggregations of several hundred and thousands of heads. In a herd, like beluga whales, narwhals are very talkative. Most often they produce sharp sounds reminiscent of a whistle; They also make moans (or sighs), mooing, clicking, squeaking, gurgling.

Peak mating occurs in spring. Pregnancy lasts 14-15 months, the full reproductive cycle covers 2-3 years. 1, very rarely 2 cubs are born. Sexual maturity in males occurs at a body length of 4 m, in females - 3.4 m, which corresponds to 4-7 years. Life expectancy in nature is up to 55 years; in captivity - up to 4 months. There are no known cases of breeding in captivity.

Economic importance

Meat rich in fat - important source nutrients for the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic who have hunted narwhals for thousands of years. Fat is also used as oil for lamps, and intestines are used to make ropes; tusks, from which crafts are cut, are especially valued. The skin of narwhals contains a lot of vitamin C. Since the summer, the Canadian government has introduced restrictive measures for the fishery: it has banned the slaughter of females accompanied by cubs, it has required the complete disposal of hunted animals and introduced an annual quota for production in the main hunting areas.

Population status and conservation

Guarded rare species; listed in the Red Book of Russia (rarity category: 3 - rare small species, representative of a monotypic genus), as well as in Appendix I of CITES. Unlike beluga whales, narwhals do not tolerate captivity well.

Today, the world population of narwhals numbers 23 thousand animals, which gives reason to consider them an endangered species.

Release 11.04 operating system Linux Ubuntu is called Natty Narwhal - “graceful narwhal”.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • : information on the IUCN Red List website (English)
  • Wozencraft, W.C./ Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (eds). - 3rd edition. - Johns Hopkins University Press, November 16, 2005. - ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC
  • Species in the World Register marine species (World Register of Marine Species) (English)

Excerpt characterizing Narwhal

He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was with the Rostovs, it was until twelve o’clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and accept his stick and hat. Pierre, as was his club habit, left his stick and hat in the hall.
The first face he saw from the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfege in the hall. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, which she had worn at mass, walking around the room and singing. She walked backwards towards him when he opened the door, but when she turned sharply and saw his fat, surprised face, she blushed and quickly approached him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It’s still a job,” she added, as if apologizing.
- And wonderful.
– I’m so glad you came! I'm so happy today! - she said with the same animation that Pierre had not seen in her for a long time. – You know, Nicolas received the St. George Cross. I'm so proud of him.
- Well, I sent an order. Well, I don’t want to disturb you,” he added and wanted to go into the living room.
Natasha stopped him.
- Count, is it bad that I sing? - she said, blushing, but without taking her eyes off, looking questioningly at Pierre.
- No... Why? On the contrary... But why are you asking me?
“I don’t know myself,” Natasha quickly answered, “but I wouldn’t want to do anything that you wouldn’t like.” I believe you in everything. You don’t know how important you are to me and how much you have done for me!..” She spoke quickly and not noticing how Pierre blushed at these words. “I saw in the same order, he, Bolkonsky (she said this word quickly, in a whisper), he is in Russia and is serving again. “What do you think,” she said quickly, apparently in a hurry to speak because she was afraid for her strength, “will he ever forgive me?” Will he have any ill feelings against me? How do you think? How do you think?
“I think...” said Pierre. “He has nothing to forgive... If I were in his place...” Through the connection of memories, Pierre’s imagination instantly transported him to the time when he, comforting her, told her that if he were not he, but best man in peace and free, then he would be on his knees asking for her hand, and the same feeling of pity, tenderness, love would overcome him, and the same words would be on his lips. But she didn't give him time to say them.
“Yes, you are,” she said, pronouncing this word “you” with delight, “another matter.” I don’t know a kinder, more generous, better person than you, and there cannot be one. If you had not been there then, and even now, I don’t know what would have happened to me, because... - Tears suddenly poured into her eyes; she turned, raised the notes to her eyes, began to sing and began to walk around the hall again.
At the same time, Petya ran out of the living room.
Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, similar to Natasha. He was preparing for university, but lately, with his comrade Obolensky, secretly decided that he would join the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the matter.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked through the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to attract his attention.
- Well, what’s my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! There is only hope for you,” said Petya.
- Oh yes, it's your business. To the hussars? I'll tell you, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything today.
- Well, mon cher, have you got the manifesto? – asked the old count. - And the countess was at mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, he says.
“Got it,” answered Pierre. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be... An extraordinary meeting of the nobility and, they say, ten out of a thousand. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
“Our people retreated again.” They say it’s already near Smolensk,” Pierre answered.
- My God, my God! - said the count. -Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! - Pierre began to look in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to pat his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around restlessly, apparently waiting for Natasha, who was no longer singing, but also did not come into the living room.
“By God, I don’t know where I put him,” he said.
“Well, he’ll always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha came in with a softened, excited face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously gloomy, lit up, and he, continuing to look for papers, glanced at her several times.
- By God, I’ll move out, I forgot at home. Definitely...
- Well, you'll be late for lunch.
- Oh, and the coachman left.
But Sonya, who went into the hallway to look for the papers, found them in Pierre’s hat, where he carefully placed them in the lining. Pierre wanted to read.
“No, after dinner,” said the old count, apparently anticipating great pleasure in this reading.
At dinner, during which they drank champagne to the health of the new Cavalier of St. George, Shinshin told city news about the illness of the old Georgian princess, that Metivier had disappeared from Moscow, and that some German had been brought to Rostopchin and told him that it was champignon (as Count Rastopchin himself told), and how Count Rastopchin ordered the champignon to be released, telling the people that it was not a champignon, but just an old German mushroom.
“They’re grabbing, they’re grabbing,” said the count, “I tell the countess to speak less French.” Now is not the time.
-Have you heard? - said Shinshin. - Prince Golitsyn took a Russian teacher, he studies in Russian - il commence a devenir dangereux de parler francais dans les rues. [It becomes dangerous to speak French on the streets.]
- Well, Count Pyotr Kirilych, how will they gather the militia, and you will have to mount a horse? - said the old count, turning to Pierre.
Pierre was silent and thoughtful throughout this dinner. He looked at the count as if not understanding at this address.
“Yes, yes, to war,” he said, “no!” What a warrior I am! But everything is so strange, so strange! Yes, I don’t understand it myself. I don’t know, I’m so far from military tastes, but in modern times no one can answer for themselves.
After dinner, the count sat quietly in a chair and with a serious face asked Sonya, famous for her reading skills, to read.
– “To our mother-throne capital, Moscow.
The enemy entered Russia with great forces. He is coming to ruin our dear fatherland,” Sonya diligently read in her thin voice. The Count, closing his eyes, listened, sighing impulsively in some places.

Narwhals (unicorns) live in the Arctic. When winter comes, they migrate south (the coasts of Norway, Holland and England), and with the onset of summer they return back north to the regions of Novaya Zemlya.

They belong to the order of cetaceans and have impressive body sizes from 3.5 m to 4.5 m. The weight of the animal is from 900 kg to 1500 kg.

He has a small, round and foreheaded head, with small eyes on the sides. The giant's mouth is small, and there are no teeth at all.

On the upper jaw there are two tooth buds, which grow only in males, and even then only on the left. The tooth penetrates the lip and grows forward, twisting into a spiral counterclockwise.

The left tooth grows up to 3 meters in length and is fraught with many mysteries. No one still knows exactly why it is needed. But the fact that the tusk adorns this unusual inhabitant cold waters we are sure.

Recently, scientists discovered many nerve endings in the tusk, and there are more versions about the presence of a miracle tusk. Someone thinks that it attracts, someone thinks that it is for hunting and making holes harsh winter, or maybe it is necessary to regulate processes in the body (for example, maintaining the desired body temperature).

The tusk is strong and flexible, and if it breaks, it does not grow back. Females do not have such exotic growths. The body color is calm tones, the upper part is dark, the lower part is lighter. On a yellow-gray background there are dark brown spots all over the body. There is no dorsal fin, the ventral fins are oval and small. Hearing and vision are well developed.

The narwhal feeds on cephalopods, crustaceans and fish swimming near the bottom. The animal dives to a depth of 500 meters and swims for a long time in search of food. Narwhals live in small groups or alone.

In the group, as a rule, there are females with cubs, or they are young bachelors. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds - clicks, whistles, sighs. In winter, these amazing animals live among the ice, but if the ice holes are covered with ice, the males break through it with their powerful backs so that all individuals can breathe.

The worst enemies are and. Especially in winter, he keeps watch near the holes polar bear narwhals who cluster around them out of despair, to breathe. Stuns the prey with its paw and pulls it out of the water.

The rut begins in the spring. Pregnancy lasts 14 months. One cub is born, 1.5 meters long. Its weight is about 75 kg. There is a strong bond between mother and calf. Feeds on mother's milk.