Take the test for your body type and find out how to lose weight

Hello dear ladies. Well, are you ready to learn everything about your figure? We are very different - as are our ideas about Our Ideal Figure. Some people want narrower hips, others a less full bust... Why do we choose universal weight loss products and how to determine our figure type?

Doctors say: different body types mean different and different mechanisms for the formation of excess weight. This means that in order to achieve an Ideal Figure you need to influence strategic reserves in different ways!

Do you want to lose weight? Take the test and determine what type of figure you have and choose recommendations designed specifically for you.

I wonder, do you have an idea of ​​what an ideal female figure should be? Look and compare with your ideals.

Body type test

Your body shape:

1. Undress and look at yourself in the mirror from the front.

a) shoulders and hips are the same width, the waist is slightly noticeable or not at all - B
b) shoulders and hips of the same width, the waist is clearly marked - B
c) shoulders narrower than hips, waist thin - A
d) broad shoulders, cone-shaped hips and waist - G

Now look at your profile. Let's start with the buttocks:
a) they are flat, retracted - B and D
b) more rounded, curved - A and B

2. Stay facing the mirror in profile. Where is the weight concentrated?

a) front: bust, belly, “spare tire” (fat belt above the waist) - C and D
b) behind, in the gluteal region - A
c) evenly: front and back, bust and buttocks - B

3. Stand with your back to the mirror and look around. Do you have noticeable saddlebags (deposits of fat in the upper thighs)?

a) no - C and D
b) yes - A and B

4. Measure your waist and hips with a tape measure at the widest part. Your hips:

a) more than 25 cm wider than the waist - A and B
b) less than 25 cm wider than the waist - C and D

Weight distribution

5. Stay in front of the mirror. Look at yourself from the front, then in profile. When you gain weight, it's most noticeable:

a) when you stand facing the mirror? So you are getting wider - A and B
b) when you stand sideways to the mirror? This means that you are increasing, so to speak, “in depth” - C and D

6. At first you were very graceful, but then for the first time you gained 3 kg of excess weight. Where was this most noticeable?

a) in the lower thighs, slightly in the abdominal area - B
b) in the abdomen and “spare tire” area - B
c) in the lower part of the thighs - A
d) stomach, shoulder girdle, face - G

7. When your excess weight exceeds 3 kg, where is it most noticeable?

a) stomach, shoulder girdle, arms above the elbow, upper thighs, i.e. under the waist, inside the thighs; however, the waist remains - G
b) mostly in the lower thighs, less in the upper torso - A
c) everywhere: chest, hips (more there), but the waist still remains - B
d) stomach, “spare tire”, chest, back, upper thighs; from the waist, already barely noticeable, there is nothing left - B

8. If you gained another 3 kg, would your face look noticeably fuller?

a) yes - C and D
b) no - A and B

9. If you gained another 3 kg, would your arms and legs look noticeably fuller?

a) yes - B and C
b) no - A and D

Energy and nutrition

10. Regardless of children, work, etc., when you have the most mental energy:

a) I slowly disperse, the greatest creative energy overcomes me in the evening - B
b) physically I am equally energetic all day, but creatively - in the afternoon - A
c) insights come to me in the morning, I go to bed early - D
d) the ebb and flow of creative energy throughout the day - B

11. Regardless of the environment and work (and when you are not on a diet), how to better determine your eating habits:

a) I intercept something all day - B
b) I eat irregularly, as needed, I don’t eat heavily in the evening - D
c) brutal appetite: once I start eating, I can’t stop-B
d) I can go for a long time without eating, I rarely overeat - A

Physical training

12. How athletic were you during your school years?

a) did not like gymnastics and fierce team games. Preferred tennis and quiet games to competitions - A
b) was a big sports enthusiast, loved gymnastics, team
games, at sports and athletics competitions I tried to participate in all types - B
c) was athletic, loved competition, but not in team games, but in
individual events, points tennis, gymnastics, dancing - G
d) succeeded in everything, but more in team events; I was more attracted not by the competition, but by the camaraderie in the team - B

13. If you want to lose weight, then you:

a) go on a diet without increasing physical activity - A
b) go on a diet and wouldn’t mind increasing your physical activity, but you don’t show the proper enthusiasm for it - B
c) maintain a diet, exercise regularly and do not intend to give it up - B
d) you were athletic before, but now you supplement sports with diet and increased exercise - D

14. If you actively engage in sports, will you become depressed? Do you start to gain weight if you stop working out?

a) yes - C and D
b) no - A and B

Test results

Now count which letter you typed more than others.

When predominant in answers:

“A” - you belong to the Pear category;
“B” - Hourglass;
“B” - Rectangles;
"G" - Triangles.

If you do not have a dominant letter, then limit yourself to summing up the letters in the “Figure Shape” and “Weight Distribution” sections as the most indicative.

These explanations will tell you where fat deposits are usually concentrated in a woman of one type or another.

Body type Pear, Pyramid, type “A”


The shoulders are narrower than the hips;
- there is less fat on the waist than on the sides;
- the waist is always present, the stomach is flat;
- hips are curved.

As you gain weight, you gain weight mainly in the lower thighs and buttocks;
- have a small bust compared to your hips;
- you have narrow shoulders and a thin neck;
- if you get plump, you rarely gain weight in your shoulders and face, then you belong to the Pear category.

According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type A, pyramid.

External impression: narrow shoulders, slightly wider pelvis; impression of a “heavy” lower body – full legs and buttocks.

How one gets fat: a tendency to deposit fat below the waist (the upper body may even appear thin; the face rarely gets fat); low metabolic rate (if you don’t specifically follow your diet, weight gains quickly).

The Pear woman is distinguished by her own energy dynamics: her energy is weakest in the morning and stronger in the evening.

She doesn’t really like to exercise intensely, but she is ready to do exercises that help lose weight and give her a slim figure: yoga, recreational swimming, etc.

If a woman with a pear-shaped figure works while sitting, does not do exercises and is happy with life, then her metabolic processes slow down. However, with an emotional outburst - falling in love, an unusual acceleration of the work rhythm or an unpleasant situation at work - her metabolic processes can accelerate so much that she will lose three or four kilograms in just a week.

Greater physical activity, walking, swimming, and exercise help to intensify metabolic processes.

Pears are best at losing weight and feeling alert and energetic (and therefore more willing to adhere to a strict regime) if they follow their natural metabolic rhythm and food preferences.

Sluggish in the morning, Pears are content with a nominal breakfast (at most some fruit), the main meal of the day is at lunch, and again they eat little at dinner.

The best diet for them is low-fat proteins (cottage cheese, light fish), unrefined carbohydrates (boiled potatoes, wholemeal bread, dark rice), a lot of lettuce, vegetables, and fruits.

Even without being natural athletes and not feeling the need for physical exercise to maintain shape and good mood (unlike Rectangles and Triangles), Pears should not forget that physical education will help any woman lose weight and feel better.

For example, a half-hour brisk walk burns up to 180 calories; then metabolic processes accelerate for another few hours, and calories continue to be intensively burned. Exercise improves muscle tone, body flexibility and strength.

Physical exercise also performs an undeniable function of improving general condition.

If a Pear woman performs exercises that suit her physique, then this necessarily lifts her mood, reconciles her with herself, with her own body; such a woman is unlikely to give up on herself and devour speed-cooked street sandwiches and indulge in other excesses.

Swimming twice a week, a daily walk to the store or, if possible, to work, climbing the stairs not in the elevator, but by running - all this will help Grusha maintain health, good mood and slimness.

To speed up metabolic processes, improve the health of the body and lose weight, women of this type are recommended to use the “Morning-Day” Duet of phytogels for weight loss, and if they are overweight, TRIO-EFFECT will help them gain slimness. Noticeable effect in just 3 weeks!

Hourglass figure type - shoulders and hips of the same width;
- fat is equally distributed in the chest and hips;
- with any fullness, the waist is preserved;
- Your hips remain curved no matter how much weight you lose.

You gain weight everywhere evenly, but especially in the lower thighs and buttocks;
- have a rounded bust and equally rounded buttocks;
- never lose your waist;
- you have more or less rounded arms and legs, then you belong to the Hourglass category.

According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type X.

External impression: Medium bones; The width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the width of the hips; slim waist; full breasts.

How to gain weight: fat deposits form on the buttocks and thighs; average metabolic rate (you only gain weight if you start eating too much).

Hourglass women who plump up their sides and hips rather than their waists have some advantages. They are not as susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, so intense aerobic exercise is not necessary for them.

This is very useful for them, since for all their natural sportiness, the Hourglass prefers tennis, walking, swimming and dancing, rather than serious work in the gym.

Yoga is also good for this body type as it keeps you graceful and strengthens your back.

It is extremely beneficial for Hourglasses to eat regularly, three times a day, giving up snacking, which they are very prone to, and sharply limiting themselves in stimulants such as coffee and alcohol.

You can lose excess weight thanks to the regime. The optimal diet for the Hourglass should be rich in fruits and raw vegetables, the main sources of protein are fish, poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy products.

A breakfast of fruit with muesli or another grain dish is a good start to the new day.

The weakness of women of this physique is an addiction to snacking throughout the day; in fact, after breakfast, any food should be avoided until lunch, which consists of a large green salad or cooked vegetables, with some protein to maintain energy, as well as fruit pudding.

Hourglass is often a good cook; They will quickly find ways to prepare delicious dishes from these basic products that are not dangerous to their figure.

Exercise is another area where balance and moderation pay dividends. However, Hourglass women are not destined to succeed in sports such as running, swimming competitions, rhythmic gymnastics or aerobics until they sweat.

Out of desperation, they can try their hand there too, deciding on extreme measures, but they prefer dancing, yoga, etc. Such a woman is destined to forever remain steep-hipped, so attempts to make herself an athlete with a narrow pelvis will only lead to pangs of hunger and loss of natural attractiveness.

Imagine Botticelli's Venus rising from the waves: there you have the Hourglass, a woman with a classic figure.

Body type H, rectangle - shoulders and hips of the same width;
- the waist is poorly defined, even if you lose weight;
- strong, stocky body, often slender legs; —
- straight hips, flat buttocks.

You are distinguished by thin legs and flat buttocks, acquiring some fullness below;
- as you gain weight, you gain weight in your torso, mainly in the abdomen, “spare tire” area, chest, back and upper thighs;
- as you get fatter, you lose even a hint of the waist that existed before (from a Rectangle you turn, rather, into a cube);
- become “deeper”, i.e. gain weight in the front;
- have straight limbs, then you belong to the Rectangle category.

According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type H.
Appearance: wide or medium boned; small breasts; full legs; visual impression of approximately equal width of shoulders, waist and pelvis.

How to gain weight: tendency to form fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs; moderate metabolic rate.

Rectangles are naturally endowed with a strong body, but it requires constant intense exercise. Many women of this type experience depression and feel lethargic if they neglect regular exercise.

The physique and temperament of women with this physique are most suitable for aerobics, running, swimming, squash, and tennis. Rectangles act wisely by devoting half an hour or more to physical education three times a week.

In case of severe obesity or long-term neglect of physical education, a woman should first consult a doctor, and then increase the load gradually, starting with fast walking and swimming and only after a few weeks moving on to more intense exercises.

The powerful bodily constitution of the Rectangle is accompanied by a powerful appetite. These women find it difficult to stop when they binge on food, so they require a restrictive diet. There is enough evidence of how beneficial it is for health and weight loss: do not consume concentrated carbohydrates and concentrated proteins at the same time: meat with salad and vegetables is good, but meat with bread and potatoes is bad.

In a condensed form, the best diet for the Rectangle, who has set the goal of regaining the slimness that distinguished him in his youth, is one full meal a day, so as not to suffer from hunger. Not only is a woman unable to follow a “rabbit” low-protein diet, it exhausts her and makes her pale and sickly in appearance. Rectangle women are night owls by nature: if children or work do not force them to get up early, they tend to start work late, but do not go to bed for a long time. This means that the main meal should be in the evening.

And lunch should be light, low protein; for breakfast - fruit and muesli, for lunch - salad, boiled potatoes, pitta bread with lettuce, tomato and a couple of pieces of avocado. Snacking throughout the day should be avoided, but dinner can include a sufficient amount of protein (fried fish, steak or chicken), vegetables and something low-carb and low-fat for third (yogurt, fresh fruit).

However, the key to maintaining a slim, youthful figure for a Rectangle is. The Rectangle, like the Triangle, needs intense aerobic exercise at least three times a week. The rectangle should make it a rule to intensively swim, run, play tennis or aerobics twice, or preferably three times a week for at least half an hour.

Body type V, triangle - shoulders wider than hips;
- tapering waist and hips;
- narrow pelvis and flat buttocks;
- thin legs below the knees.

As you gain weight, you gain weight in the shoulder girdle area;
- you gain weight mainly above the pelvis, i.e. on the stomach, chest, face, “spare tire”, arms above the elbow, above the buttocks and on the inner thighs;
- have straight hips that become square when overweight;
- if you acquire a fleshy, square back and chest, then you belong to the category

According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type T.

External impression: broad shoulders, wider than the pelvis.

How to gain weight: fat is deposited mainly on the torso (back, chest, sides); average metabolic rate (you only gain weight if you start eating too much).

The best diet for Triangle women is low-fat. Less fat, less sugar, more fiber - this is the formula, supported by the latest discoveries in the field of healthy eating. Based on the results of the test, it turned out that Triangle women require more protein than women of other body types, and less dairy products.

The Triangle woman is usually a “lark”: she is most energetic in the morning. Consequently, the metabolic process is such that she requires a hearty breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light dinner. With a busy lifestyle, it may be difficult to have a large breakfast, but it will maintain energy throughout the day.
A hearty lunch for a woman working outside the home can also turn into a problem that can be successfully solved by food taken from home or prepared in a store: for example, a piece of cold chicken, a bun, raw carrots or other salad vegetables.

The triangle feels great when it regularly engages in physical exercise: aerobics, speed swimming, running, cycling. She needs exercises that increase her heart rate at least three times a week.

Triangle is characterized by good coordination, so she likes energetic dances: jazz, tap dance. During the most active activities, up to 10 calories are burned per minute, that is, 300 calories in half an hour.

However, exercise doesn't just eliminate excess calories; What’s more important is that they speed up metabolic processes in the body for several hours. Physical education also helps Triangles feel fit and fit.

Women of this type are characterized by perseverance and energy, but they tend to get carried away, so they can overdo it in exercises. If symptoms of fatigue and pain in muscles and joints appear, you need to rest. Intense physical training with rest breaks is the key to long-term health and good mood.

I hope that after this test you know how to determine your figure type and what you need to do so that this same figure does not blur and is always in shape.