How to quickly get rid of herpes: tips

Anyone who has had to deal with herpes first-hand knows what a nuisance it really is. Viral rashes always appear at the wrong time. Horrible, depressing blisters affect the lips, facial skin around the mouth, nose, and chin. In addition to external ugliness, they bring with them painful and uncomfortable sensations, they constantly itch and do not allow you to forget about their presence even for a minute.

Causes of the disease

Millions of people would like to know how to quickly get rid of herpes. It’s worth saying right away: if a viral infection has entered the body, it will not be easy to cope with it once and for all, but it is precisely this that causes sudden rashes. Many people mistakenly call herpes on the face a “cold”, considering it the same symptom of a respiratory disease as, say, a runny nose, cough or fever. This is not entirely true. The herpes virus, having once entered the human body, remains in it, but with normal functioning of the immune system it may not manifest itself in any way for several months or even years. For external occurrence of the disease, even a slight decrease in the protective functions of the body is sufficient. Thus, against the background of a weakened immune system, a person may get colds more often, and the virus, taking advantage of the opportunity, manifests its activity and joins the respiratory symptoms.

How to quickly get rid of herpes? There are a lot of different ways. As already mentioned, the presence of blisters and bubbles on the face brings a lot of problems, and primarily from an aesthetic point of view. To treat rashes, many medications are produced and sold in pharmacies. However, no less popular are home methods that users share in their reviews.

How to quickly get rid of herpes? There are a lot of options, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with each of them briefly.

Ointments for herpes

The first and easiest way is to purchase over-the-counter drugs for external use, which have a local antiviral, drying and cauterizing effect on rashes. To quickly get rid of herpes on the face, you need to start treatment as early as possible. Ointments and creams used for exacerbation of a viral disease are applied pointwise, exclusively to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes, at the first signs of an infection:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • swelling;
  • pain when touched;
  • a slight increase in the temperature of this area of ​​the epidermis.

Antiviral ointments are also applied to blisters that have already appeared several times a day until the tissues are completely healed. Among the medicinal components on the basis of which drugs for the medicinal treatment of viral rashes are made, it is worth noting the most effective.

Antiviral drugs for topical use

Acyclovir-based ointments are designed to help patients get rid of herpes as quickly as possible. This component is the basis of such drugs as Zovirax, Gerpevir, Virolex, Herperax, Acyclovir. After the first application to the inflamed area of ​​the skin, the active substance begins to prevent the proliferation of viral infection and prevents the appearance of new rashes.

The advantage of drugs in this group is a minimum of side effects and easy tolerability. The duration of therapy with ointments containing acyclovir is on average 5-7 days. After opening the blisters, the product is not applied.

Other ointments for herpes

Another drug that is applied at the first symptoms of herpetiform rashes is Viru-Merz. The active substance is tromantadine. If using Veru-Merz for two days does not show any improvement, further application of the ointment is pointless.

An alternative to this remedy can be Fenistil Pencivir, a drug based on penciclovir with an antiallergic component. The ointment gives a good effect, but has a number of contraindications and side effects, which is why it is not used in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. To quickly get rid of herpes on the face, both adults and children are prescribed Panavir Gel, the main substance of which is the herbal component of the same name. It has an antiviral effect and strengthens local immunity. In addition, the drug can be used not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes.

A separate group of ointments includes “Zinc ointment”, “Panthenol”, “Radevit”. Unlike previous medications, these are used during the healing stage to speed up scarring and tissue regeneration. In addition, the use of these drugs helps prevent bleeding, which often occurs due to cracking of the crusts covering the ulcers.

Do tablets help with facial blisters?

The next way to quickly get rid of herpes on the nose or lips is to take tablet medications. Most often, internal treatment is prescribed by a doctor in case of recurrence of rashes that are practically resistant to local therapy. Unlike ointments, which act only on the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane, tablets act comprehensively:

However, treatment with tablets cannot be called an absolutely safe method of therapy. Most drugs that act on the herpes virus from the inside can cause a number of adverse reactions in the body, so you should consult a specialist before taking medications. In addition, patients may have individual intolerance to the antiviral component present in such tablets - in this case, the use of the drug is unacceptable. The maximum result of the medicine will be shown in the early stages of the disease. Thanks to the tablets, it is possible not only to quickly get rid of the sore (herpes). As a rule, after a course of these drugs, the likelihood of external manifestations of herpes in the form of blisters becomes minimal.

The most effective oral medications for herpes

  • "Acyclovir" - tablets based on the substance of the same name. Suppress the activity of the virus and prevent its reproduction. The drug is used mainly at the first symptoms of herpes for five days.
  • Famvir is a medicine that inhibits all types of the virus. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by a specialist.
  • "Valtrex" is a new generation drug with excellent digestibility. The main active ingredient, valacyclovir, increases the concentration of antiviral antibodies in the blood and promotes a speedy recovery.
  • “Isoprinosine” is a combined immunomodulator to combat rashes and painful manifestations of herpes at any stage. The disadvantage of the drug is side effects.

No doctor will give a definite answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes blisters. However, with an integrated approach to treatment (external and internal effects on the virus), real results can be achieved. Ointments prevent the addition of a secondary infection in the foci of herpetiform lesions, and tablets fight the disease by connecting the immune system. In addition, during the period of antiviral therapy, it is important to ensure that the body receives all necessary microelements (vitamins C, A, B and E, as well as magnesium, zinc, potassium).

Alternative therapy

Traditional recipes in most cases are used as aids that can help quickly get rid of herpes. Be that as it may, alternative medicine is still widely used to treat many infectious diseases. That is why you should pay attention to the most common and patient-tested home remedies for combating blisters on the face.

Cold treatment for herpes

Applying ice is the easiest and most effective way to quickly get rid of herpes at home. As soon as the first signs of inflammation on the lip are felt or slight swelling occurs, you need to apply a cold compress. Ice will help eliminate redness and stop the infection from spreading. To use this method, you will need several ice cubes wrapped in a napkin.

Pressing tightly to the place of possible manifestation of herpes, you need to keep the cold for 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.

How to use aloe?

It's no secret that agave leaves have powerful antibacterial and antiviral effects, and therefore their proper use will help you quickly get rid of herpes. In 1 day, of course, aloe vera will not cope with the blisters, but in any case, the healing plant can speed up healing, minimizing the discomfort associated with the disease.

Thanks to its moisturizing properties, agave juice softens the crust covering herpetic sores, but at the same time prevents secondary infections from penetrating into the wounds. The use of such a tool does not require special skills and knowledge:

  1. You need to select a fresh leaf of the plant and cut it lengthwise.
  2. The released juice, which is more like a gel in consistency, should be applied to the skin or mucous membrane affected by herpes.
  3. Leave the liquid on the inflamed area until completely dry, then rinse with warm water and dry with a cotton pad.
  4. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times during the day.

Antimicrobial properties of garlic

To quickly get rid of herpes using folk remedies, it is important to choose natural ingredients that produce a powerful antibacterial effect. One of them is garlic. This simple component can be found in every home. Garlic is used externally to treat rashes.

You will need 2-3 cloves passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is simply applied to the affected area and left for 15 minutes. You cannot keep garlic on your skin for longer, as its juice can cause a burn. Slight irritation or redness after use is a minor side effect, which, in fact, is a normal protective reaction of the epidermis.

Milk compresses for blisters

Cow's milk is not fully absorbed by the adult human body. However, its external use in the treatment of herpes along with prescribed drug therapy gives good results. The fact is that the chemical composition of whole milk contains monocapcin, a type of animal fat that has an antiviral effect, and the immunoglobulin and calcium it contains trigger regeneration processes in tissues affected by the virus.

Is it possible to quickly get rid of herpes using milk? In a day, as practice and patient reviews show, achieving a complete recovery is simply unrealistic. But it is important that milk has a soothing effect on the skin, relieves pain and burning, eliminates itching and tingling in places where blisters form. To do this, just soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the blisters, leaving for 10-15 minutes.


Another simple way to overcome herpes is to use toothpaste. Yes, regular oral hygiene product dries out sores and minimizes discomfort. The only thing that is important to note is that only white toothpaste can be used to treat rashes, without dyes and specific herbal components. You just need to apply a little product to the bubbles and leave to dry completely for an hour. After the specified time, the toothpaste should be washed off, and then lubricate the affected areas with Vaseline - this will help prevent the appearance of cracks and peeling.

How to properly treat a herpes rash?

Regardless of which treatment option you choose, in order to quickly get rid of herpes on the nose, lips or mucous membranes, it is advisable to take a comprehensive approach to combating the virus. In addition, the rules for external treatment of rashes deserve special attention:

  • Before applying the herpes medicine to the affected area of ​​the skin, you must wash it thoroughly with a mild soap solution.
  • It is advisable to wipe yourself with a lint-free handkerchief or paper napkin. In order not to spread the infection throughout the healthy epithelium, the moisture from the surface of the bubbles must be carefully blotted.
  • Treatment with a medicinal composition, be it a pharmaceutical ointment or a home remedy, should not be done with your fingers. To do this, use a cotton swab or gauze swab.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

What else do you need to know about the virus?

It is worth considering that during therapy it is not advisable to touch herpetiform rashes with your hands. After all, we are talking about a viral, and therefore contagious, disease. Following simple hygiene measures will help prevent the spread of infection.

At the first symptoms of herpes on the body, the patient must be given separate dishes, bed linen, and other personal items. During the period of treatment of the disease, you should avoid using cosmetics. For example, lipstick or lip gloss, with which girls try to disguise bubbles, can seriously aggravate the situation by triggering allergies. During the disease, the local immunity of the skin and mucous membranes is weakened, which makes them especially vulnerable. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how the epidermis will react to the chemical composition of cosmetic products.

Advice on how to quickly get rid of herpes will become truly valuable if the patient, showing persistence and patience, approaches treatment issues responsibly. Recovery will not take long to arrive. The main thing is not to waste time and take appropriate measures at the first signs of illness.