Completely blue parrot fish. Who do parrot fish get along with? Red Parrot Cichlid Contents

Red parrot fish ( Red Blood Parrot Fish) belongs to a family of cichlids that is very famous among aquarium breeders. This fish is a hybrid bred by Taiwanese breeders. In 1991, after many attempts, the Chinese received the long-awaited offspring from Cichlazoma sinspilum and, which marked the beginning of a growing hybrid group called Red Blood Parrot Fish.

Tell me exactly how you got it out this type it is impossible, since all data is a trade secret, jealously guarded by the creators. But it is logical to assume that the red parrot hybrid was obtained by crossing three species of South American cichlids.

Specialists in the selection of these aquarium fish are striving with all their might to be a monopoly, since from Southeast Asia parrot fish with great success are distributed all over the world. If you create a favorable environment for parrots, they will not only be ready to reproduce, but also possibly lay eggs. But not a single “stranger” breeder has yet managed to obtain offspring from this species.

Parrots have such bright and amazing colors that they are a huge success among aquarists, and this in turn brings considerable income to breeders who secretly breed them and supply them to world markets. Parrotfish began to be imported into the CIS and Russia back in the 90s and immediately won everyone’s love.

Appearance and gender differences

Red parrot fish can be called one of the most peaceful of all cichlids. These fish began to be called parrots because the shape of their head resembles the beak of the bird of the same name, and the bright color of its body is its plumage. But, despite the fact that parrots are very interesting for their appearance, they have certain deviations in their anatomical part, which can even be fatal.

In addition to the fact that red parrots cannot have offspring, these fish have a very unusual mouth that opens only vertically and at a very small angle. As a result, feeding the parrot becomes very difficult, and sometimes it ends in starvation.

The body of the red parrot fish has an oblong shape. The female differs from the male by some fullness and red ventral fins, which may have dark spots and a golden border. Its abdomen can be green, red, blue or yellow. During spawning it turns cherry red. Border of anal and dorsal fin the male has a brown tint, the ventral fin is greenish, and 6 dark oval spots can be seen above his tail.

The variety of colors of these individuals is determined by artificiality, which the supplying companies do not hide at all. But how fish are colored is a big secret. Many Western animal defenders, calling for humane treatment of all our smaller brothers, demand a ban on the breeding and sale of parrot fish.

Red parrot fish are not picky and very interesting aquarium inhabitants. For those who have only recently become interested in aquariums, parrots, due to their unpretentiousness, will become favorite pets. Many hybrids and red parrots are no exception; they have great vitality, excellent immunity and endurance. They can grow up to 15 centimeters in length, which is very convenient for aquariums with a volume of 150-200 liters. As we have already said, parrots can be very brightly colored: purple, red, green, yellow, cream, etc. But, unfortunately, the older the fish gets, the paler its colors will be. To prevent this, pets need to be fed special food that is enriched with carotene, this will allow them to delight you with their iridescence for as long as possible.

Conditions of detention

The red parrot fish is very active, he loves to frolic and play, so he simply needs as much free space as possible. A 200 liter aquarium with an artificially created current is ideal for it. Why does he need it, some will quite logically ask, but the fact is that in natural conditions, the ancestors of cichlids live in running waters. Therefore, remembering such conditions at the genetic level, the parrot will be more comfortable.

For individuals to be healthy, the water temperature in the aquarium must be at least 26-25 degrees. Aeration and weekly water changes are essential. If you are planning to get a parrot fish, you should know that if the aquarium is small, it will need a lid, as the pet can easily jump out. With proper care and proper maintenance, parrots live safely in an aquarium for almost ten years, which undoubtedly makes their owners very happy.

Many cichlids are not indifferent to them; they constantly dig them up and bite them. But the red parrot is practically not interested in bottom plantings, so the landscape will not suffer at all from its presence. This handsome guy has only one drawback: he loves to build nests all over the aquarium.

By its nature, the red parrot fish is very peaceful. He easily gets along with all aquarium inhabitants and even with predators. But, despite the “ease of communication,” red parrots should still not be housed with small fish, such as gracilis or gracilis, as they can swallow them. The most suitable partners for parrots are considered to be characin fish, large-sized barbs, catfish, both large and medium-sized, black knives and small cichlids.

This species can be fed with both live and dry food; they are not at all picky about food. But still, from time to time, you can pamper them with bloodworms or floating granules. Make sure that the fish eat the food within a maximum of five minutes, since the particles that fall to the bottom and lie there for some time can poison the parrots. It is necessary to siphon the soil as often as possible to remove organic debris from it. If you still notice signs of poisoning, do a 35% water change in the aquarium.

The parrots soon begin to recognize someone who actively participates in feeding and often approaches the aquarium and even flirts with him: hovering around the glass, as if inviting him to communicate.


The red parrot fish reaches its sexual development by 7-8 months, but males are almost always sterile. Meanwhile, if the water temperature in the aquarium is above 25 degrees, then the desire to reproduce awakens in these individuals, and they begin to actively make nests. It is very interesting to watch how these fish experience their mating season. During the “construction” process, the male can make quite large holes at the bottom of the aquarium, thereby “correcting” the entire landscape.

Before laying eggs, the female hides in a constructed shelter-cave. Her litter can contain up to 60 eggs, which, unfortunately, remain unfertilized.

Wanting to have their own aquarium, many users pay attention to the bright and beautiful inhabitants of the waters - these are parrot fish. Incredibly, the individuals were bred just over 20 years ago in Taiwan, and today they are already considered one of the most popular and unpretentious pets.

Parrot fish: what are they?

Before getting new inhabitants of the aquarium, you need to understand their types, types, maintenance features and other nuances. Of course, the parrot is one of the best representatives of the aquatic home world. This is a unique pet with a bright color, lively character and very funny manners. It is noteworthy that to develop the species, it took breeders several years and cross-breeding of fish from the order of South American type cichlids. It was from them that the “sea elf” received its bright color and funny characteristic “beak”.

There are 10 genera and more than 100 species in the parrotfish family. But in our country only a few of them are known and more widespread:

  • Red parrot. The individual grows up to 25 cm, the color is predominantly red in combination with yellow, distinctive feature- a beak, sometimes supplemented with sharp incisors and fangs protruding outward. It is important that this fish changes color several times as it grows. Natural loneliness in coral reefs does not in any way affect good neighborly relations in the aquarium. By the way, the red parrot is the most favorite inhabitant of novice aquarists, and photos of the fish can often be seen on websites. The pet's night rest is especially interesting - at night the fish creates a cocoon for itself in the form of a cover of mucus and prefers to sleep protected from all external influences.
  • Scar. Small representatives of the species, growing up to 19 cm and having more than 50 varieties. The most famous are: dark, striped-bellied, Red Sea and guacamaya. Natural habitat habitat - a coral reef, where fish feed on shellfish and some types of coral. But don’t worry, aquarium parrots - scaras - respond well to a variety of traditional foods.
  • Green cone-faced is amazing representative family of fish. To begin with, this “Petrovsky grenadier” grows up to 100 cm or more, and the weight is also considerable - from 40 kg, such photos are often found on websites. But this all relates to natural existence; aquarium representatives are much smaller, although even here he will look like a “Gulliver” among all the other inhabitants. And don’t forget that any quarrel between a green parrot and another pet can end badly: using its forehead as a battering ram, the big-faced parrot literally knocks the enemy “off his feet”, attacking very skillfully.

Of course, there are parrot fish of other colors and colors: red, pearl, with a purple tint. There are also representatives with various types of beaks. And if you come up with the idea of ​​having a couple of individuals in your aquarium, you should think about the character of the other inhabitants so as not to create unnecessary problems.

Character traits: who will parrot fish get along with?

Let us immediately note that these scaly friends are calm and peaceful. But there are some points in keeping individuals that are necessary to create a normal environment for other pets.

  1. Fast or calm fish who like to rake up the bottom soil and disdain vegetation - best friends aquarium parrots.
  2. Angelfish - they can be a problem. The red parrot or other species mercilessly plucks the algae where the angelfish likes to hide. And after eating the branches, the individual may pay attention to the neighbor herself, who is unlikely to like the quarrelsome disposition of the “sea elf.” Although in life there are examples of normal coexistence of all types of fish, it is true that the aquarium must have a volume of at least 200 liters.
  3. Small fish are the subject of special “adoration”. The parrot fish will definitely try the baby for a tooth without even noticing this fact. Therefore, if you value scaly friends less than 5 cm in length, there is no need to tempt fate, start two aquariums.

Content Features

A playful disposition, great mobility, a tendency to attack, intelligence and cunning - all these are parrot aquarium fish. If you want to place a couple at home, take care of a spacious aquarium, at least 180-200 liters. The natural conditions of pets are currents in coral reefs, so a pump is a mandatory element of an artificial “lake”; without this, your “sea elves” will not be able to eat and feel normal.

Optimum temperature +22-26 C, hardness no more than 7.5 pH. A prerequisite is the saturation of water with oxygen. Constant aeration is necessary; parrot fish can only live in running water. Replacing at least half the volume of the aquarium once a week is the law. And cover the aquarium with a net, since your fish can easily jump out of a small vessel.

Keeping fish does not require a special aquarium design; parrots are very unpretentious to the presence of special plants and other nuances. But there should be soil and small pebbles at the bottom; pets love to poke around with their beaks, tearing up the bottom sediments. It is also important to remember that parrot fish, and in particular the red parrot, have an insatiable love for building nests. Looking at the photo, you will see what night cocoons look like, which will definitely appear in your aquarium later.

So, the rules to consider:

  1. There is no need to combine fish that use shelters in one vessel;
  2. Slow representatives of the species will be subject to constant attacks from the “sea elf”;
  3. A layer of pebbles up to 5 cm thick, densely growing algae, stone or coconut caves are a mandatory filling element;
  4. Regular water changes, filling with air, cleaning the aquarium, this is what a red parrot or any other representative of this species requires.

What to feed

If keeping pets requires some effort, then the red parrot is completely unpretentious in food, like the pearl parrot, scara and other species. Feeding occurs several times a day in small portions. Believe me, within a few days your companions will begin to swim to the edge of the aquarium on their own as soon as you appear with food in your hands. What to give? Anything: bloodworms, granules, bread, herbal supplements, vegetables. These water inhabitants respond well to a menu of dry and live food.

With a properly formulated diet, good care and compliance with all necessary procedures, the inhabitants of the southern waters will live with you for up to 10 years. And they will give you incomparable pleasure from communicating and observing these lively and smart representatives of sea fish.

Get to know the fish better:

Coral reefs have always aroused keen interest among zoologists. These calcareous organogenic structures are filled to the limit with living beings, the most different forms and colors, phlegmatic and very temperamental, large and small. This euphoria of life is due to ideal conditions, which are created here by nature for living organisms. Warm water, abundance of food, lush vegetation, a lot of natural shelters - all this attracts marine life here like a magnet.

Parrot fish are also regulars on coral reefs. They received this name because of their original color and the shape of their beak, which resembles the beak of a parrot. It is clear that it has nothing to do with the bird’s beak. This is a growth on the jaw formed by the teeth of a fish.

Sea parrot feeding coral polyps who participate in the formation coral reef. He does not disdain mollusks and worms, which are also abundant here. As a matter of fact, the parrot fish is a real orderly of coral reefs. Its sharp beak is ideal for cleaning corals from algae that prevents them from breathing freely.

In addition, the parrot fish cleans the coral of dead coral rocks. She simply bites off a piece of coral, swallows it, and digests it into sand, which she then returns back. There is a hypothesis that most sandy beaches Caribbean Sea appeared as a result of the activity of parrot fish. This is, of course, hard to believe. But if you consider that one fish produces up to 90 kg of sand per year, then all doubts disappear.

What is a parrot fish?

An adult grows up to a meter in length. The body is flat, with well-developed fins. The color can be completely different. It all depends on the type of fish and its habitat.

The fish is a hermaphrodite parrot. The first half of her life she is a female, the second - a male. In this case, the fish can make the decision to change sex independently, taking into account the existing ratio of male and female individuals. Although, this type of fish like the marbled parrot never changes its gender.

The natural enemies of fish are sea ​​predators and man. The latter uncontrollably catches it for sale to aquarists. The meat of some species of parrotfish is edible and is considered a delicacy in the countries of the Pacific region.

Parrot fish belongs to the perciformes family. The name was assigned to the aquatic resident because of her unusual external characteristics. How can you evaluate photo of parrot fish, it has a small mouth, a large sloping forehead, and a curved jaw that looks like the beak of a talking bird.

Parrot fish in nature

In nature, unusual ones live in forest lakes and rivers in West Africa. In the wild, parrots grow up to 10 centimeters, while aquarium fish parrot has a body size of 5-7 centimeters.

They turned their attention to the fish, first of all, because of their unusual shape body, and no less unique color. There are several types of colors found in nature. Color is directly related to habitat and water quality. But most often, in free swimming there are:

    with transparent pectoral fins;

    upper yellow fin;

    black stripe along the back;

    belly of a bluish or reddish tint;

    blue-violet sides;

    round black spots on the tail.

In addition, females can have bright cherry colored bellies. Most often people see in lakes white parrot fish colors. There are two options: either you were lucky enough to meet an albino, or a frightened individual.

The fact is that when the fish get scared or are exposed to bright light, they turn pale and temporarily lose their bright color. By nature, aquatic beauties are very modest, which means meeting a person is always stressful.

In the photo white fish parrot

Popular favorite red parrot fish never lived in natural conditions. This is an artificial hybrid of cichlids that was bred by scientists from Southeast Asia. How many ancestors the red parrot has, and who exactly was crossed, is kept strictly secret by the breeders.

Features of keeping parrot fish

Parrot fish price V different cities Russia and Ukraine are very different. An albino can be bought for 50 rubles, a red parrot, on average, for 200 rubles. Unusual multi-colored fish, as well as parrots with a special shape (for example, in the shape of a heart or a unicorn) will cost more.

Parrot fish care requires the minimum. However, in order for the fish to live more comfortably, it is worth following some rules for keeping parrots:

    Parrots love games and are very active, which means you need to purchase a large aquarium. Preferably more than 200 liters. At least 70 centimeters long.

    Keep it at a temperature of 22 to 26 degrees. Hardness should vary between 6-15°, pH 6.

    It is also necessary to filter the water and carry out aeration.

    Experienced aquarists advise changing up to 30% of the water a couple of times a week.

    You definitely need soil (not coarse or sharp) and shelter (for example, driftwood).

At the same time, the parrot fish is timid. The owner will not see it for some time, because the fish will hide in shelters every time someone enters the room. If shelter is not provided, the fish will become stressed or may get sick.

In the photo there is a red parrot fish

Parrot fish get sick not often. Usually the owners panic when the body becomes covered with dark spots. Most often this is due to high level nitrates in water. In this case, the water must be tested, the soil cleaned and replaced by 40%.

If spots on fish parrot white, then this may be a sign of ichthyophthyriosis. In such cases, the water filter needs to be washed. If the fish has sunk to the bottom, it needs to be separated from its relatives and treatment must begin.

Compatibility of parrot fish in an aquarium with other fish

Parrot fish aquarium can be inhabited by both predatory and peaceful aquatic inhabitants. Parrots usually do not quarrel with their neighbors. The only thing is that these should be individuals of approximately the same size. This unusual perch can mistake fish that are too small for food and swallow them. In addition, males become aggressive during spawning.

Parrot fish live in peace with other cichlids, black knives and many others. It is better that neighbors swim as actively as parrots, do not use shelter and live in upper layers water. The parrots themselves usually swim at the bottom or in the middle layers.

Parrot fish eating

If you decide buy parrot fish, you should immediately buy food for your pet. If the aquarium beauty has an unusual color, then he will need food that contains carotene. Due to poor quality food, the beauties turn pale and lose color.

In addition, the diet should include vegetables, bread and herbal supplements. The gourmet's favorite delicacies are pellets and bloodworms. The main dish for the parrot will be dry and live food. Most large foods are suitable: mussels, worms, etc.

It is better not to overfeed the fish. It is optimal to give food several times a day in small portions. It is the feeding procedure that becomes the first step for friendship between the owner and the fish. The aquatic parrot begins to remember and recognize the person who feeds it.

Reproduction and lifespan of parrot fish

Fish begin to “think” about offspring at the age of 8 months to 1.5 years, depending on the species. The female finds a secluded place and lays eggs. Its quantity also depends on the type of parrot.

Some fish are capable of laying several hundred eggs at once. Caviar, parrot fish They are carefully protected and, in nature, are never eaten. From 3 to 6 days, the female and male watch their offspring, and then take them deeper. After about a week, the fry emerge from a secluded place.

The red hybrid is a sterile individual. But male parrot fish doesn't know about it. And when the temperature in the aquarium reaches 25 degrees, space begins to clear for eggs.

The female can even lay eggs. The “parents” take care of it and protect it, but when the eggs begin to deteriorate, the “offspring” are eaten. Today, in order to obtain offspring of this subspecies, it is impossible to do without the help of scientists. Apparently, this is why Asian breeders are in no hurry to reveal the secret of breeding red parrots.

Most people who dream of having a playful friend ask themselves: how long do parrot fish live?? About 10 years, experienced owners are sure. The main thing is to properly care for your small pet, feed it on time and not frighten it with its sudden appearance.

After numerous crossings and research, Taiwanese breeders were able to obtain offspring from a triple cross in 1991 various types cichlids New group The hybrids were called parrotfish. We will discuss a description of the parrot fish, as well as care and maintenance, some features of hybrids and breeding conditions in this article.

Description and varieties

Parrotfish is a fairly common aquarium pet that belongs to the Cichlid family. All species of this family have a similar body structure, which is why inexperienced aquarists often confuse them. The homeland of the “underwater” parrot is reservoirs West Africa, which are home to all cichlids (on at the moment over 1300 species have been described). The fish got its name because of the bizarre structure of the head, which, unlike other fish, protrudes strongly above the body, forming a noticeable difference. However, the bright, rich body color of some species makes the transition between the body and the “beak-like” head invisible.

It is safe to say that this fish is one of the most peaceful representatives of cichlids.

Let's talk about the different variations of the fish, as well as which one is the most popular and the rarest.

  • Red parrot.
It has a color corresponding to its name. This is the most popular variety, which is considered by some aquarists to be the only one. When you first see a red parrot, you will hardly be able to contain your laughter.

The curved head just above the eyes and full “cheeks” with slightly protruding lips, which have a different shade, make the fish very recognizable.

The maximum size is up to 25 cm, which is only possible in large aquariums (more than 200-300 l).

A characteristic feature is that the fish can change color several times during the growth process, “adding” yellow, carrot or metallic colors to the red.
  • Marbled parrot.
An incredibly beautiful variation, which is distinguished by a rich, monochromatic marble color.
  • Panda parrot.
The variety is similar to marble, however, bright black spots of irregular shape are applied to the white “background”.
  • Parrot unicorn.
It has a characteristic growth at the base of the head, which is why it got its second “name”. This variety is quite rare, since not everyone likes this selection option.
  • Tailless parrot.
Perhaps the most exotic variation, which literally has no tail. The end of the body, unlike other fish, ends not with a tail, but with a rounded heart-shaped indentation, to which the dorsal and pelvic fins fit closely.
  • King Kong parrot.
A large variation that has a noticeable fatty growth in the place where the head meets the torso. The fish is also distinguished by the fact that there is a second growth in front of the ventral fins.
  • Parrot red ingot.
The variation in body structure is slightly similar to an enlarged version of the angelfish, since the dorsal and ventral fins have a similar shape, and the body itself, unlike other species, is flattened on the sides.
There is also no characteristic transition between head and body.
  • Pearl parrot.
The species has a beautiful characteristic color, and the upper part of the body near the dorsal fin shimmers in the light, as if in front of you is a large copy of neon.

Did you know?No experienced aquarist outside of Taiwan has been able to breed parrotfish.

Parrotfish are not the “queen” of the aquarium, but keeping them requires more attention to detail than when raising guppies or swordtails.

The length of the aquarium must be at least 70 cm, which is very important for a fairly large fish. At the same time, there should be enough space in it to place various shelters in the form of snags, algae, various castles and caves.
Small pebbles are suitable as a substrate, but it is better to avoid fine sand (especially with the addition of dyes). The lighting should not be very bright, diffused.

The water temperature should be between 22-28 °C, respectively, in winter it can be lowered to a minimum permissible value, and in the summer - maintain the maximum allowable. It is not recommended to allow the temperature to drop below 20 °C, as the fish may get sick.
  • Water hardness - 6-15°;
  • Acidity - 6.
Aeration and water purification systems must be installed. You also need to change a third of the water in the aquarium once a week.

Important! To prevent males from injuring other inhabitants during spawning (aggression increases), it is worth choosing neighbors who stay in the upper layers of the water.

The red parrot is a rather capricious fish, so the described maintenance rules should be followed without any changes. If you want to see the fish healthy, lively and with the correct rich color, then provide it with the best conditions.

Rules for feeding parrot fish

You should immediately pay attention to the structure of the fish’s mouth, as this will help you choose the right size food. It is recommended to alternate granulated food with live food. It is also worth occasionally buying food that is rich in carotene to maintain its bright color.

Plant foods are a good addition to the diet, but each individual will have a different attitude towards such “vegetarian” food. Therefore, if you give finely chopped peas, peppers or zucchini, but the fish does not touch them, then next time it is better to feed what it likes.
It is worth feeding 2 times a day, morning and evening. All food that is not eaten within 15 minutes should be removed. Be especially careful to remove any leftover food after evening feeding, since in the morning the fish may eat spoiled food.

Important! The right diet will allow the fish to live up to 10 years.

Do not overfeed your pets, otherwise they will stop moving normally, and various diseases associated with overeating may appear.

How to distinguish a female from a male

It is quite difficult to distinguish a male from a female, since there are no clear anatomical differences. Before puberty, it is almost impossible to identify any differences, but after it the male becomes much larger than the female, and his color is brighter than that of the fairer sex.
By carefully examining the fins, you can distinguish the gender. Females have more rounded fins, while males have pointed ones.

Important! Parrots, unlike other fish, have a permanent partner, which they find during maturation. After this, separation of the couple is highly undesirable.

Rules for breeding aquarium fish

Here aquarists face the most big problem, which consists in the sterility of males.

The fact is that even after the couple gets together and spawns eggs, the male simply will not be able to fertilize it, so it will not be possible to get offspring. However, you can try to “slip” the female with a male of another cichlid species during puberty, who can fertilize the eggs.

But with all this, the fry will not look like the female, but rather will resemble some kind of incomprehensible mixture.
If you want to watch interesting mating games, then raise the water temperature to 28 °C. The female and male will begin to arrange games, while choosing the best corner of the aquarium. After the choice is made, the couple will begin to dig a shelter in the ground. Next, the female lays up to 300 eggs, after which the male must fertilize them.

During mating season males are very aggressive, they can chase other, larger fish in the aquarium, injuring them. For this reason, it is not recommended to create conditions for spawning once again, since positive emotions may result in the death of other inhabitants of the underwater world.

Important! Many parrot fish sellers apply various designs on them using paint injections. Those with tattoos do not live long due to infection.

Parrotfish Compatibility

Parrotfish has good compatibility with other, similar in size, inhabitants of the underwater world.
The fish are very calm and peaceful, but all this is true only for a large aquarium in which there is no struggle for territory. If you have a small population container like China, then it's worth remembering the following:

  1. Parrots do not get along well with angelfish, as the former love to pluck algae, in which “crescents” often hang. The latter may not like such “impudence”.
  2. You cannot keep very small fish, as the parrot will definitely want to chase them and lightly pluck them.

Possible diseases

Let's talk about possible diseases parrot fish. Let's start with the fact that they have a good and strong immune system, so with good care the fish does not get sick.

Let's start with ichthyophthyriosis. The disease occurs quite often in aquarium fish and is caused by bacteria such as ciliates. A sign that the fish has become infected with the disease are white dots that appear on the body and fins.
Treatment should begin immediately after detection.

In order to cure a fish, it must be removed from the aquarium into a bowl or jar of water. For treatment, the branded remedy “Kostapur” is used. The drug should be used exactly according to the instructions.

The next disease is “Hexamitosis”. This is poisoning of red fish with nitrogen compounds. The disease also occurs due to poor water quality and overcrowding of the aquarium. Symptoms: slimy white feces, refusal to eat, ulcers on the head.

The fins of the fish turn red, and the pet itself stays near the surface of the aquarium, as it begins to choke.

In this case, it is recommended to frequently change the water in the aquarium and add hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate to it (between changes). Except traditional methods, you can use special aquarium preparations, such as “Anti-ammonia”.
We introduced you to interesting view fish whose head structure resembles a parrot.

To ensure that your aquarium inhabitants never get sick, carry out general cleaning of the vessel on time, use high-quality food and regularly replace the water with fresh water. Remember that diseases and pests appear only in fish that live in a dirty aquarium, so try to pay more attention to your pets.