Why dream of digging potatoes in a dream. Digging large potatoes

The extraction of root crops is usually a symbol of hard, painstaking work. Therefore, it is important to remember in detail how you started digging potatoes in your dream. Why you dream of such a vision will depend on what mood you are in the garden and what else you are doing. In the article we will look at why a woman or a man dreams of potatoes, and how to interpret certain actions.

Psychologists agree that why you dream of picking or planting potatoes in a dream - to the fact that in real world you work hard. You are not necessarily dealing with physical labor, but you have to work hard and hard to achieve your goal. Perhaps when you started a project or got a job new job, you thought that everything would be much easier. In fact, it turned out that you can only get what you want if you work hard.

Seeing that you are not digging potatoes in your own garden is a sign of dissatisfaction with your personal life and financial well-being. You feel jealous of those people who were able to achieve something. If you work side by side with your loved one, it means that everything is in order in your relationship and you are happy.

In a dream you are digging with a shovel - you are close to the solution. You have to uncover the conspiracy or deception that your ill-wishers are weaving around you. They will not be able to hide their plans for long. If, on the contrary, you bury it, it means that in reality you are trying to hide something from those around you.

If you work in the garden with reluctance, do everything slowly and sluggishly, you should think about what is wrong with your life. You are clearly depressed and feel apathy that does not allow you to move on. Perhaps you should change your place of work or change something else.

People's dream book

The classical interpreter calls for paying attention not only to the action itself, but also to what the tubers looked like:

  • why dream of sorting through potatoes in a dream - a symbol of unpleasant work or help in a difficult matter from loved ones;
  • large root vegetables - positive changes will occur in your life;
  • new potatoes - expect a pleasant surprise;
  • why dream of buying potatoes in a dream - you will have to step over your own ambitions for the sake of a higher goal;
  • small tubers - unpleasant news that will upset you;
  • green is a warning. They will try to involve you in a matter that will greatly complicate life in the future, and, moreover, will not bring the promised benefits;
  • Rotten root vegetables warn of problems. You have to overcome difficulties on your own, so learn to cope with them;
  • washed potatoes - you will change your view on some things;
  • dirty - a black streak sets in. Think about how you can protect yourself from the upcoming difficult period;
  • why dream of peeling potatoes in a dream - you cannot forget about household chores;
  • tubers in a bucket - luck will be on your side, you can safely start any project;
  • the root crop is in the ground - you have a poor understanding of the people with whom you communicate. Pay more attention;
  • potatoes in a bag - the resources with which you have to solve the problem are extremely limited. Learn to make do with little;
  • digging tubers with your hands - hard physical labor awaits you, which will improve the situation;
  • selling potatoes - you will get rid of those people who brought you nothing but trouble.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the psychoanalyst’s interpretation, what you see signals that in your service you will be faced with a large amount of work. You will have to work tirelessly, and even after school hours. Seeing rotten potatoes means you don’t realize how fleeting a person’s life is. You will inevitably grow old and soon you will no longer be able to do the things you take for granted today. Try to learn to enjoy life here and now.

Seeing large root vegetables already peeled means prosperity. You will achieve financial well-being, however, this may not bring you complete satisfaction since your life will not be varied. Digging up potatoes with your hands is a sign of success and prosperity. If the product is small and rotten, you will be disappointed and lost. This is a symbol that the result obtained is not worth the effort.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpreter believes that the dream promises positive changes for the sleeper. Good luck awaits you in the business you have undertaken. If in the real world you doubt whether to start new project, then after the night vision, leave your fears and boldly do what you planned. The image may promise a quick promotion career ladder and other positive changes related to financial well-being.

In this case, it is worth paying attention to whether the root crop was rotten. In this case, you may encounter unforeseen complications. The larger the volume of spoiled potatoes, the harder it will be for you to overcome them. Seeing someone else digging up potatoes - close person will receive money for something and share it with you.

Vanga's Dream Book

For the clairvoyant, this image was associated either with receiving monetary reward, or with promotion on the career ladder. Seeing that you are working in the garden means an improvement in the situation. It is possible that you will be offered to take a new position, which promises you not only a higher wages, but also better prospects in the future.

The dream may also indicate that they will try to lure you to another company, where they will offer favorable conditions and attractive opportunities for further growth. In some cases, the dream indicates that to achieve a result you will need to put in more effort than usual, but in the end it will pay off in full.

Seeing yourself planting a root crop means laying the foundation for the future. You will start a business or project that will further improve your situation. Digging up large and clean tubers is a major reward for your work.

Loff's Dream Book

Interpreter Loff explains night vision as a symbol that something is oppressing you. It is possible that things are not going well at work. in the best possible way. The dream may also indicate that you have health problems that you are ignoring. You should visit your doctor to make sure there are no serious illnesses.

If the problem lies in the business area, try to do everything to get rid of it. You may not be able to advance in your career because you are too complex or unable to take decisive action.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the fortuneteller, working in the garden is an unexpected gift of fate. Whatever business you take on, luck is now on your side, so feel free to rush into battle. If the potatoes are large, you will not encounter any obstacles on the way to your goal. Seeing small wrinkled or rotten tubers is a sign of problems. You will face difficulties financial losses and other minor troubles that will greatly ruin your life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist interprets the dream as a symbol of wasted labor. You are doing work that brings neither satisfaction nor money. The dream may also indicate that thankless work awaits you in the near future. No matter what you do, you cannot change the situation. Consider changing your job or stopping communicating with people who make you unhappy and demotivate you.

Dreams about potatoes usually mean getting daily bread honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your urgent needs.

Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors.

Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage.

Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat.

Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Dig

Digging the ground in a dream means getting benefits.

Seeing someone else digging means that through hard work you will get out of need and deprivation.

If in a dream you are digging a hole on a clayey bank, in reality this means that your enemies are intensifying their efforts directed against you.

Digging the ground and reaching a layer of clay is a harbinger of annoying obstacles in your new and promising endeavor.

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden portends you prosperity and well-being; in the field - the beginning of a fragile and too risky enterprise.

Digging a grave in a dream is a harbinger of the loss of friends and a lover cooling off towards you.

If in a dream, after digging a hole, you find a treasure in it, this is a sign of favorable changes in fate.

If you fall into a dug hole, changes for the worse await you.

If the hole you dug quickly fills with water, in reality you will be powerless to influence a situation that threatens to break all your plans and plans.

If in a dream you are digging a trench, you will feel unsure of your abilities.

Digging peat portends a punishment that you will suffer completely undeservedly.

If you dig potatoes in a dream, this promises you near success.

Digging something large and voluminous from the ground - in reality you will receive the desired news from a friend with good news.

Interpretation of dreams from

Future success.

Eating potatoes in a dream- means significant benefit.

Cooking potatoes- promises you a suitable job.

If you plant potatoes in a dream- Means. You can count on your wishes being fulfilled.

If you dream about rotten potatoes- this means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Dream book of lovers

Digging potatoes in a dream- promises success in matters of the heart.

Plant potatoes- to fulfill desires.

However, rotten potatoes- does not bode well; it dreams of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Potatoes in a dream- indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and prosperity in your home can only be ensured by hard work and patience.

Potato bush- is often a clue. If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then the dream may mean that, just as a potato tuber is hidden underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Rotten- a sign of losses and damages.

Jewish dream book

Solomon's Dream Book

Dream book for the whole family

Potato- dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder.

Plant potatoes- in the near future she will find an interesting offer, if not marriage, then a well-paid job.

What if the potatoes are rotten?- then you don’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Dream book for a bitch

Potato digging- long-awaited success is just around the corner.

Eat- profitable business, profitable businesses and projects.

Planting potatoes in a dream- everything planned will come true.

New family dream book

Dream about potatoes- promises various accidents; digging in a dream- success is ahead, ate- expect significant benefits; prepared- get a job good job; imprisoned- your wishes will come true; rotten- portends the end of your joys and pleasures.

Modern combined dream book

Dream about potatoes- predicts changes, often pleasant ones.

Digging potatoes in a dream- promises success.

Eat potatoes- means joy at receiving significant profits.

Prepare potato dishes- predicts that you will find something to your liking.

Plant potatoes- a sign of fulfillment of desires.

Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream- portends the end of the time of pleasure and an unclear future.

Eastern women's dream book

Potatoes in a dream- the dream suggests that all your endeavors, acquaintances, affairs, etc. will turn out to be empty, meaningless.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

There are potatoes- to boredom; dig- to illness; buy- to unexpected profit (find).

Children's dream book

Potato- to difficult times.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Potato- a reminder that the unsightly can be valuable.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Digging up potatoes in a dream- to a rich harvest of vegetables.

Hill up potatoes- to labor-intensive work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hill up potatoes- to a large potato harvest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Digging up potatoes- to illness.

Hill up potatoes- you will rake in money.

Planting potatoes- to the funeral.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are planting potatoes- this means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and you can count on the successful implementation of your plans.

Digging up potatoes- means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream- this means that in reality you will avoid coercion by being able to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boil potatoes- to an unpleasant visit, fry- to pleasures, early marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream- portends a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream- portends insufficient attention to you from your loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes- to good income and additional cash flows. rotten potatoes- portends the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream- compromise with your conscience, buy- you will receive a high honor.

Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream- to overexertion, fatigue and illness during an epidemic of colds.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Potato- thankless or hard work.

Potatoes too- unsatisfactory condition, useless or hard work.

Culinary dream book

Eating potatoes in a dream- foretells an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you.

Peel potatoes- to change an opinion about a person from bad to good.

Lots to see- good income or harvest.

Small potatoes- lack, tears.

Sell- get rid of sorrows.

Esoteric dream book

See eating potatoes- to prosperity.

Boil, cook- to guests from afar.

Dig up, plant- you have to work hard.

Ukrainian dream book

I'll dream about potatoes- a lot of people will see this. Potato digging- Kind, There is- you'll get sick. lunar calendar .

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

To correctly understand the meanings, you need to take into account what exactly you did, what the harvest was and what the root crops themselves looked like. Only after analyzing all these factors can you obtain an accurate interpretation of the dream book.

Digging potatoes in a dream

Those who often do this earthworks, knows that such dreams occur just during the harvest period. But from the point of view of subconscious signals, such a dream can mean many difficulties in achieving the desired goal.

  • The dreamer should know that digging potatoes promises many difficulties on the way to the goal. Therefore, the choice remains with the person himself: he can abandon the idea or continue to go towards it, despite the fact that the efforts made are not worth what he wants.
  • Digging up potatoes with a shovel means that some secret will soon become known to everyone. The dreamer will be able to discover some interesting facts, which will play a very important role in his subsequent life. Such changes can affect both business relationships and personal life.
  • If you dreamed that you were digging with your hands, enemies have gathered around you and are plotting intrigues for you. Try to talk less about your plans and be attentive to the behavior of others.
  • When you feel tired during the harvesting process, then in reality you should be more attentive to your health. It may be a good idea to take a vacation or undergo a comprehensive examination with a doctor.

what does it mean if you dig potatoes in a dream

The esotericist believes that digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of success, especially if you do it yourself. If in a dream you first had to plant and then only dig up potatoes, you have just begun to decide on your goal, but you will definitely achieve it. True, if you dig up rotten potatoes, then carefree and fun days are over, the harsh everyday life begins.
a woman in a dream decided to first plant and then dig up potatoes - a lucrative business offer will come in or she will be offered a marriage proposal.
It is worth paying attention to the size of the potatoes. A large root vegetable symbolizes big money, which is, in principle, easy to get. Small rotten potatoes promise nothing but disappointment in raising funds.

dreamed of digging potatoes

Vanga believed that dreams of potatoes could mean the accomplishment of a plan. Therefore, planting tubers leads to new prospects and achievements.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes?

A dream in which a person took part in digging up potatoes is a harbinger of hard, thankless and poorly paid work. If, moreover, you dug with only your hands, the work ahead will be exhausting.

You need to pay attention to what kind of potatoes you dug up. Rotten indicates that the property was acquired dishonestly. A good root vegetable will dream of a life of abundance.

dig potatoes according to the dream book

Digging potatoes in a dream means a thankless and painstaking job, the execution of which will require accuracy. It also warns of a possible serious illness.

dig potatoes in a dream

Since in reality digging potatoes is very difficult, the dream symbolizes hard, thankless work that does not provide good pay.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes?

A dream in which you have to dig up potatoes warns of difficulties that will stand in the way of achieving your desired goal. The dream book suggests making a choice: abandon your plan or achieve it by spending a lot of effort and money.

what does it mean to dig potatoes in a dream?

A dream about potatoes is basically auspicious sign. Therefore, when you see yourself hilling or digging it up, you can be confident in your endeavors. True, planting this vegetable only indicates a certain global problem, on which financial well-being will depend.

dig potatoes according to the dream book

According to him, digging (planting) potatoes means you can achieve what you want only with great difficulty.

dreamed of digging potatoes

Potatoes in a dream are considered a loss. Digging this root vegetable means a serious illness.