There is a simple way to make soap from soap remnants. What you can do with soap: toilet soaps, pieces and leftovers, cooking at home and soap making

For what?

You may ask me: “Why cook something that can be replaced or simply bought?” The answer is right on the surface!

1. Many preservatives are added to a regular liquid product. Hence the frequent cases of allergies. Gels are completely contraindicated for people with sensitive skin. Experts warn that such products should not be used regularly. What's the point then?

2. The bars are generally cheaper, but they are not used very economically. From one drop of gel you will get even more foam than required. The dispenser eliminates any unnecessary losses. From 150 g of soap remnants you can make up to 4 liters of liquid product!

3. Soap making is a new space for imagination. Do you prefer simple recipes? I will offer you several “lazy” cooking methods. Do you treat your skin with extreme care? I’ll help you choose the optimal formula!

4. During the process, you can give the product any properties. If you take baby soap, you will end up with an excellent dishwashing detergent. It won't dry out your hands. Shower gels with a peeling effect are prepared from scrub soap. By the way, you can also make body scrubs from coffee and sea ​​salt. I talked about them in detail in other posts.

I hope the benefits of homemade gels have now become obvious. They have all the advantages of store-bought ones and none of their disadvantages.

What are we preparing?

Instead of soap remnants, you can, of course, use whole bars. This is not important. I will offer you several options.

1. Basic

The simplest and most common way.

Take lemon and glycerin. Grate approximately 200 g of pieces on a fine grater. Place the shavings on the bottom of the container and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l. glycerin. If you prefer a thicker consistency, reduce the amount of water.

Now let the preparation brew. The process will take 3 days. Shake the container at least twice a day to make the mixture homogeneous. Finally, pour the liquid into containers. You can cook directly in bottles with a dispenser, but the plastic often melts.

2. Quick recipe

Lazy soap making is good, but not everyone wants to wait. If you are limited in time, you will have to participate more actively in the process.

Grind 100 g of raw materials into chips. In this case, it is permissible to grate it on a coarse grater; you will still warm the mass. Bring 250 ml water to a boil. Place the shavings into a blender bowl, add just a little liquid and start blending. Add boiling water slowly, otherwise most of it will end up outside. If you don't have a blender, just combine the water with the shavings and cook until the latter dissolves.

You have received the blank. You can stop here, but it is advisable to bring everything to the end. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, add 2-3 tbsp. l. into a liquid mass. If you don’t have it on hand and don’t want to go to the pharmacy, use olive oil. It has similar properties. Do you want to give your product a pleasant smell? Add 7-10 drops of any essential oil. I prefer lavender, jasmine and ylang-ylang.

3. Economy option

How to get 4 liters of product from 150 g? No magic, just golden hands and a little time!

As a base you need to take a coconut block or soap. Grind very thoroughly until the pieces practically turn into dust. Place about 2 liters of water on the fire. When it gets hot, but not yet boiling, add the chips and remove from the stove. Mix well. It is advisable to use a blender. When finished, add another 1.5 liters of water and turn on the device again. If you have glycerin, enrich the mixture with 1 tbsp. l.

I give approximate proportions. For some, the mass turns out to be too thick, for others - on the contrary. What to do if the result is far from ideal? Either dilute with water or increase the amount of solid ingredients. You can also stir longer, then the mass will become denser.

4. Herbal

By default, I will suggest chamomile infusion. It softens and soothes the skin well. If you prefer others medicinal herbs, then take them.

Prepare the decoction according to the standard recipe. Take as many raw materials as the manufacturer offers. If you collected the flowers yourself, then take 2-3 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. Strain the liquid and combine with 100 g of chips. Return the pan to the heat and heat until the mixture is smooth. Remove the foam. At the end, slowly add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and 4 drops of any essential oil. If you want to add a nice color, now is the time to get out the food coloring.

5. For washing dishes

The number of components is calculated for 1 liter of the finished product.

You will need 300 g of base. It is advisable to use gentle Castile or Marseilles soap, but any will do. Also prepare 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l. soda

Place the liquid on the fire. When hot, divide into 2 parts. Mix one with baking soda and leave the other on the stove. Pour the grated base into boiling water. Stir vigorously. After 3-5 minutes, combine with the second part and boil a little more. Ready!

What do you usually do with old scraps? Are you sure you're throwing it away? Completely in vain. The next time you see a piece of soap in a soap dish that can no longer be used, do not rush to throw it in the trash: take an empty jar and put all the accumulated residues into it. Learn how to make soap from soap at home and try creating your own product in the scent, color and shape of your choice.

Bar soap recipe

For preparation you will need:
  • 200 g of soap;
  • a container that can be placed in a water bath;
  • grater;
  • 200 g of water (milk, herbal decoction);
  • a small amount of glycerin (this inexpensive product can be purchased at the pharmacy);
  • essential oils;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • molds (you can take a child’s mold or a special one, which is sold in a specialized store for soap makers).
You may also need fillers: liquid vitamin E, cocoa butter, honey, ground coffee, oatmeal and more.

If you want to make soap not from old pieces, but from a whole bar, then it is better to take it - it has the least amount of fragrance.

How to make soap from soap remnants at home - step by step instructions

  1. Grate all the soap you have on a fine grater - this way they will melt faster and the finished product will be homogeneous.

  2. Pour the grated soap into the prepared container and fill it with water. The result should be a thick viscous mass. Leave it for a couple of hours so that the soap shavings soften.

  3. After the specified time, add to the mixture olive oil, place the container in a water bath. Keep it there, stirring occasionally until all the lumps have dissolved. Be careful not to let the mixture boil.

  4. When all the shavings are completely dissolved, pour your chosen additives (jojoba oil, ground coffee or any others) into the container. After stirring, leave for a while to let the mixture warm up.

  5. Remove the container from the stove, add essential oil with your favorite scent. Do not pour it in while the mixture is hot - if exposed high temperatures aromatic oils erode. At the same stage, glycerin is added to the mass, which will moisturize the skin.

  6. Pour the thoroughly mixed mixture into molds and level the surface. If you don’t have any molds, you can use any container: a cookie package, a glass, a jar of yogurt. The main thing is that the neck of the container is wider than its bottom - this is necessary so that you can easily remove the finished soap from the mold.

  7. Now you need to put the molds in the refrigerator. After a day, take out the product and try to press it with your finger. If no traces remain on the surface, the mass can be easily separated from the walls of the mold, which means the soap can be taken out.

  8. Now the hardened pieces need to be thoroughly dried. To do this, transfer them to a clean sheet of paper and leave them in a warm, dry place for a week. The degree of readiness of the product is easy to determine: it should become hard, like ordinary soap.

If you want to make colored or multi-layer soap, then divide the soap into different piles by color and melt them separately. Pour the melted mass from different containers into the mold in layers - the finished bar will be striped.

Video "How to make soap from soap remnants at home"

Liquid soap recipe

To do liquid soap, less effort will be required.


  • liter jar of soap;
  • 1.5 l hot water;
  • aromatic oils;

  • glycerin (optional) - 1 cap
  1. Grate all the soap remnants on a fine grater.

  2. Preparation option 1. Pour the resulting shavings into the bottle so that they occupy half the container. Pour hot water inside. Place the cap on the bottle and shake it well.
    Your task over the next two days is to periodically shake the mixture so that all the soap remains are completely dissolved in the water.
    When this happens and the liquid inside becomes homogeneous, pour essential oils and milk inside. Replace the lid and shake. The liquid soap is ready - pour it into the dispensary and use it.

  3. Preparation option 2. Pour in soap shavings hot water, beat with a blender. Add fragrances, glycerin (optional) Pour into the dispensary. The soap is ready
With these two recipes you can create your own unique soap.

Video - how to make liquid dish soap from soap remnants or from a whole piece

Many of us accumulate leftover bar soap that is a shame to throw away and difficult to use. Thrifty housewives find a completely worthy use for soap remnants: they are used to make new soap. Moreover, you can get not only bars, but also liquid cleaning products with flavors and additives that are beneficial to health. There are several simple ways How to make soap from soap remnants at home.


Liquid soap is easier to make than solid soap. It does not require a mold to harden, and you can store it in a bottle of used liquid soap. And during the cooking process you can flavor the composition. A standard recipe for making liquid soap includes 1 tbsp. soap shavings, 8-10 tbsp. water.
Pass the soap through a fine grater; the smaller the shavings, the faster it will dissolve. If the soap is so dry that the grater cannot pick it up, you can grind the pieces with a hammer. Pour the finished chips into an enamel pan, add water and put on fire, stirring thoroughly. The chips should be completely melted. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and let cool. And then pour it into bottles. Use clean, sealed containers with a dispenser for storage.

Another way to prepare liquid soap is not to boil the shavings, but to let them sit. In this case, take about 50 g of soap remnants, grind them on a grater, pour in a liter of water and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a jar, seal it tightly and leave for 1-2 days. When the solution becomes homogeneous, it is ready for use. If the soap turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with water or a decoction of herbs during the cooking process. Too thin soap can be “fixed” with a tablespoon of sugar.


Solid soap is prepared in almost the same way as liquid soap, but in this case the volume of hot water and soap soap should be equal. In addition, you will need molds to set.

Grate the remaining soap on a fine grater, take a liter of soap and pour a liter of boiling water. Then you can keep the soap in a water bath until completely dissolved, in which case the temperature of the water in the outer container needs to be raised from time to time by adding boiling water. Another way to make soap is to place the container on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally. Cooking takes about two hours, keeping it in a water bath will take twice as long. When the soap solution becomes homogeneous, pour it into molds and place in a cool place. After two days the soap will be ready.

Modern housewives use a microwave oven rather than a stove to speed up the process. How to make soap from remnants at home in the microwave? The recipe includes 1 liter of shavings and 250 g of water. You will get a soap base to which you can add flavors, softeners and other components.

Prepare the required amount of soap shavings, pour into a microwave-safe dish and set to cook. The heating power should be 600 W, and the time should be 30 seconds. Then stir the mixture and reheat for 15 seconds. Stir and microwave the soap in 15-second increments until the shavings are completely dissolved. But the mixture should not boil either. When the solution becomes homogeneous, it can be poured into molds and left to cool. It is best to use silicone containers lubricated with sunflower oil. You will have the finished soap bars in two days.

Healthy Supplements

The methods we have described allow you to prepare a certain base mass. Its smell, color and other properties will depend mainly on what remnants are included in the base. But you can improve the final product by adding additional ingredients.

Citric acid

Acts as a preservative, color stabilizer and conditioner. The substance is added at the very beginning of soap preparation. Her in small quantity pour into water, and then add soap shavings.


It may be part of the remnants. But additional enrichment of soap with glycerin will make the final product even softer. Glycerin at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 tbsp. Add soap shavings before cooking the soap or soaking in a water bath, but after you fill the shavings with water.

Oils and fillers

Depending on what effect you want to achieve, soap can be enriched with additional components that add aroma or other properties. It is better to add this component at the end of cooking, but in general you will be able to find out the final aroma of the product after it has completely dried or is ready for use.

  • To give the soap an exfoliating effect, the composition is mixed with coffee grounds, ground almonds, coconut or poppy seeds.
  • Essential oils of almond, peach or ordinary cream will help make the soap softer.
  • To give your soap a calming effect, add a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil.
  • For a nutritional composition you will need dark chocolate or oil solutions of vitamins A and E.
  • An anti-inflammatory agent can be made with sage oil or chamomile infusion.
  • To simply flavor the composition, essential oils of rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, orange, or any you like are suitable. Before adding essential oil, make sure you are not allergic to it. And in the case of food ingredients (cucumber, milk, etc.), remember that the shelf life of the soap will be limited.


You can buy ready-made food or use the gifts of nature. Brown gives a decoction of coffee and cocoa, orange - sea buckthorn juice, red is obtained from beet juice. Yellow soap is made with the addition of saffron, calendula or curry. Kaolin is used for bleaching. Chamomile essential oil will give the soap a beautiful blue color, and henna, sage or cucumber skin will give it a green color. Beige soap is made from milk.

Accumulated soap does not have to be thrown away. They easily and simply make new soap, which is not inferior in its properties to the one you just bought. How can you make soap from soap remnants?

Liquid soap is the easiest way to make from soap remnants.

To create it you will need other components:

  • hot water;
  • milk;
  • containers for the finished product;
  • grater;
  • plastic heat-resistant container (silicone molds are also suitable).

Water and soap are taken in equal proportions, and you will need half as much milk. For example, if soap pieces have accumulated in a half-liter jar, then you need to take the same amount of water, but you will need 0.25 liters of milk.

The soap shavings should be grated on a fine grater or thoroughly chopped with a knife, and the resulting shavings should be filled into the prepared container. Then add hot water, close the lid, shake well so that the water dissolves the chips.

Now the mixture should be left for a while, but shake the bottle periodically. When the shavings are completely dissolved, a thick soap mixture is formed, into which milk is added and, if desired, essential oils are added.

Solid soap

To make solid soap from soap remnants, you will also need:

  • molds;
  • hot water;
  • container with a lid.

The soap remnants are grated on a fine grater, poured into a previously prepared container, and hot water is added to them. Cover the container with a lid and leave so that the chips can dissolve. It is advisable to stir the mixture every 15 minutes.

After a few hours, the soap remnants will completely dissolve, and the resulting mass can be poured into molds, and then put in a cold place to harden.

The molds should be greased before use. vegetable oil so that you can easily get the finished product later.

After a couple of days, the soap from the remnants is completely ready.

If desired, you can boil the shavings so that they dissolve faster.

In this case, the solution is placed on low heat and stirred constantly. When working, protect your respiratory tract with a filter mask.

Soap in the microwave

A quick way to make soap from soap remnants. In addition to the microwave itself, you will need:

  • 1 liter of soap;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • molds;
  • Microwave safe container and lid.

The remnants are grated or chopped with a knife. Pour them into a prepared container and pour a glass of hot water. Place in the microwave.

Set the power on the microwave to 600 W and run the program for half a minute. Then take it out, mix it, and put it in the microwave again for 15 seconds. Then mix again and put in the microwave. Repeat all steps until the soap dissolves. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not boil.

The finished mixture is poured into molds and refrigerated. After 2 days the product will be ready.

Additives in soap

You can diversify or improve the properties of soap from soap remnants by adding some additional ingredients to it.
For example, if you want to make soap that has a positive effect on the skin, you can use the following components:

In addition, you can add essential oils, which will give finished product pleasant smell. For this purpose, you can use any essential oil with the aroma you like, for example, jasmine or rose.

Surely every house, somewhere far away in a corner, traditionally has a small box hidden. A box filled with remnants that were collected for a long time. And we constantly come across it and rearrange it so that it doesn’t interfere. There is no time to throw it away, but I don’t want to use it a second time, because I have normal soap. This article will help the problem and tell you how to make fragrant soap from unnecessary soap remnants yourself at home!

Where can you use unnecessary leftover material?

“How to use soap remnants?” - a frequently asked question from housewives. But under no circumstances should soap residue be thrown away. From this, at first glance, unnecessary thing, you can make both liquid and solid soap.

Let's look at the most popular methods of making solid soap

Let's consider the first method of making solid soap from soap remnants. Basically you will need: a knife, a grater, a meat mallet, a stirring spoon and molds.

The most original option is soap made in a microwave oven. For it you will need:

  1. soap (preferably laundry soap);
  2. special forms;
  3. warm boiled water (so that the soap remains are covered);
  4. special container for microwave oven.

  • Make the remnants smaller than 1x1 cubes.
  • Place in a special bowl and cook in the microwave at 500 W for about 45 seconds.
  • Remove, stir and cook until completely dissolved.
  • The last stage: pour the mixture into molds and place in a cool place for a couple of days.

To make the hygiene product colorful and fragrant, you can add: essential oils (the most potent - with extracts of jasmine, lavender, lemon, orange, and add romance: rose, sage, vanilla, chamomile), natural dyes (chocolate, cocoa powder, milk, beets, curry, henna, kaolin, coconut milk) .

Let's try to make liquid soap with our own hands quickly and easily

The simplest and fastest option for soap in an emergency.

You will need:
  1. soap remnants (better than baby soap);
  2. 1 liter of very hot water;
  3. 0.5 cups of milk (you need natural cow’s milk, but you can replace it with store-bought);
  4. 4 drops of essential oil (floral aroma);
  5. empty bottle (3 liter volume);
  6. heat-resistant or silicone bowl.
  • Grate the soap remnants.
  • Fill half the bottle with shavings.
  • Pour water into the mixture and shake.
  • Shake the well-tightened bottle for two days until the shavings are completely dissolved.
  • After the mixture becomes soapy and looks like liquid soap, add milk and essential oil. The soap is ready.

These are the two most simple options How to make soap from remnants.

A more complex technique for creating soap candies

Varieties of a complex level will require additional costs, but originality is guaranteed.

The difficulty of the idea is that you have to work a little to make small balls or rectangles in the shape of candies.

  1. 100 grams of soap;
  2. 3 teaspoons carrier oil;
  3. 0.5 cups of ground coffee;
  4. 1 teaspoon orange or lemon oil;
  5. 1 tablespoon instant coffee.
  • Place the remnants in a bag and beat with a meat mallet to crumbs.
  • Pour the crumbs into a container and fill with liquid. Let it brew for one to two hours.
  • Place the pan in a water bath and boil until smooth.
  • At the same time, dissolve the coffee over low heat (about 30 minutes).
  • Mix the base oil with orange or lemon oil and grease the molds.
  • Add the dissolved coffee to the soap solution, remove from heat and let it thicken a little.
  • Let it sit for 9-10 hours and carefully mold it into a round, rectangular or square shape so that it looks like small candies, and fold it into molds or simply place it on a rag.
  • In a couple of days the soap will be completely ready.

Children will especially like such inedible candies and they will be more likely to take care of their own hygiene.

What to do when disposing of old remnants

What to do with soap remnants if they are already very old and are flaking on all sides? How to solve this problem? There is a way out!

The following advice will help bring to life the remains of soap that have been lying around for 15 - 20 or more years: just take a linen bag, fill it with small particles former soap and tie it tightly. You will get a wonderful washcloth that will replace any shower gel. It is more useful for keratinized skin on the heels than special pumice. This ancient “grandmother’s” method may seem strange at first glance, but it’s worth a try. Of course, not everyone will like it, but with a little imagination, you can supplement it with your own interesting ideas.

Remember the main thing: you never need to throw anything away; with the help of your hands, every thing can get a second life.

To understand in more detail the question “where to put the remnants?” The selection of videos below will help you.