How long do budgies live? Determining the age of a budgerigar

One of the most common pets is the budgie. It has become popular because it is easy to care for, it is not picky about food, children love it and, of course, you can buy it not for very much money.

Parrots are very popular among residents of city apartments. Probably because they don’t need to be walked outside - you just need to open the cage and give them the opportunity to fly. Parrots are such bright and cute creatures that they can cheer up not only children, but also adults.

How long do budgies live at home?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since it depends on many factors. First of all, its lifespan depends on the species, and there are many of them.

The life of a parrot in captivity depends entirely from the attention and care of the owner. If everything is done correctly, the life of a bird can last up to 15 years; free average duration life budgies is no more than 5 years. This is because they may not have enough food, they are overcome by diseases and natural enemies.

There are cases where birds lived at home for almost 20 years. To do this, you need to provide him with a balanced diet, eliminate all kinds of stress, provide a long daily walk.

Bird life in nature

Budgerigars live in Australia. A bright, small bird that feels great in its native habitat. Eats exactly the food it needs; flies where he wants. The life of a bird depends on the following factors:

It seemed that life in the wild for a parrot is a paradise in which you can live a long and happy life. It turns out that this is not the case at all. Using all the benefits as needed, the bird lives on average up to 6 years. There are cases when birds in the wild lived to the age of 8 years.

The life of a budgerigar in captivity is very different from life in the wild. Let's take a closer look at it.

Life expectancy of budgerigars at home

Children love the small, bright bird very much and really want it to live with them. Before buying a parrot you need to read with the conditions of its detention, how and what to feed and water him, how much to walk and what he cannot do without. The lifespan of the bird will directly depend on these factors.

A domestic parrot may be threatened by enemies in the form of a cat or dog that may live in the apartment. But animals can turn out to be friendly and make friends with a small bird - such cases exist in practice.

If you create favorable conditions for a budgie, then in captivity it can live three times longer- that's almost 15 years! These are the facts that you can’t argue with.

The decision to buy a bird for your home should be balanced and deliberate, so that later, when you suddenly get tired of it, you don’t have to release it into nature. You need to know that many species of parrots are artificially raised, so they will never be able to adapt to wildlife. Therefore, by releasing her to live on the street, you are thereby pushing her to certain death.

Factors that influence the longevity of a budgie can be systematized:

  • balanced diet;
  • availability of clean water;
  • comfortable temperature;
  • comfortable, spacious cage;
  • lack of stress;
  • walking around the apartment with the window closed and without pets.

In addition to the listed factors, it should be noted that a parrot, like any other animal, needs communication and attention. If he does not receive this to the fullest, he will soon become sad and may even get sick. And the reason for everything is loneliness.

Thinking about this, paying attention to external factors, we must conclude that when buying a parrot for an apartment or house, to the delight of children, one should not forget about the comfort of the parrot itself. You need to buy them in pairs, then the birds will simply have no time to be bored - their family will rejoice on their own, and delight you and your loved ones.

Parrot care

To know how to properly care for a bird, you need to take into account all the features of the species and conditions of detention:

  • A budgie by its nature cannot live on its own. He definitely needs someone to talk to and show off his bright feathers - he always needs to buy a couple of birds;
  • It is not advisable to smoke in a room where birds live, as a drop of nicotine can simply poison your pets;
  • regularly use ultraviolet lamps, which help produce vitamin D in the bird’s body;
  • The cage with parrots should be in a place protected from drafts and away from the TV. It is advisable that straight lines do not fall on it. sun rays;
  • give the birds the opportunity to get enough sleep, take into account their dependence on sunrise and sunset. To do this, you need to cover the cage at night with a dense material that does not allow light to pass through, and open it in the morning;
  • think over the layout of the cage: where and what will stand. This is very important, because poultry feces should not get into the water or feed;
  • the cage should always be clean and dry - take care of this;
  • Birds' diet must be balanced. No need to feed them junk food, otherwise they will get sick.

Food for parrots should be feed in the form of a grain mixture, which includes: seeds of meadow grasses, flax, oats, small sunflower seeds, millet, etc. This mixture should be present in the diet in the amount of 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. In addition, homemade products should be present: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs and mineral supplements with a high calcium content.

It is clear that a cage for a pair of birds should be quite spacious so that they can sometimes even fly there. It would be a good idea to hang a rocker, install a mirror and a couple of perches. A great place for a cage is the kitchen. Any housewife spends a lot of time on it, so she can talk to the birds constantly. They need communication, because from boredom, being in a cage all alone, a budgie can get sick.

If you notice any oddities in your bird, or his feathers begin to fall out, you need to contact seek help from a veterinarian. There is no need to experiment and self-medicate, as this may not end very well for the bird.

In order for a bird to feel normal, its daylight hours need to be 12-14 hours in the summer and 10-12 hours in the winter. To winter time The parrot had enough daylight for a normal existence, you need to turn on additional lighting in the evening. This way he will be able to eat his daily amount of grain and get the required amount of vitamins.

Budgerigar Health

First of all, you need to choose your bird carefully. There are periods in the life of parrots when they molt and therefore do not look very attractive. If you see such a parrot in a pet store, don’t be alarmed, just take a closer look at its behavior. If the bird is active and flies a lot, eats well and sings songs, it means it is absolutely healthy.

But it may also be that the bird molts not because it is a physiological process, but because it is simply sick. This can be seen in her behavior: she doesn't fly and looks weak, is not interested in hanging toys and is completely indifferent to food. This bird is not worth buying, even if you decide to make a purchase today.

The condition of a parrot can be determined by other signs. He is absolutely healthy if:

  • the wings are pressed tightly to the body;
  • movements are smooth;
  • the eyes are shiny;
  • good mood;
  • good appetite.

If the feathers are dry and ruffled, the look is simply dull, there is no appetite - such a bird not worth buying. And if your parrot is already sick at home, then you urgently need to show it to a specialist. This is the only way you can save and prolong his life.


When buying a budgie for your home, for your children and for yourself, you need to know exactly its age. The bird quickly wins the heart of the owner, it becomes a member of the family and is perceived as part of life. I want her to live in a family as long and carefree a life as possible, which her owners will provide her with.

Probably, every person who acquires a feathered pet faces similar questions: “How to keep it? What to feed? How many years do they live? Budgerigars are very popular among residents of city apartments, so we will talk specifically about this type of exotic bird.

Budgerigars: general description

Adults and children like budgies, because they are cute little birds that can captivate any person. They don’t take up much space in the apartment, and even a child can handle their care.

It's amazing that these parrots weigh only about 40 grams! But how much joy they bring to their owners. Watching budgies is a pleasure, as is communicating with them. They are able to imitate different sounds, sing beautifully, talk and even perform simple acrobatic tricks. You definitely won't get bored with such a pet.

The lifespan of budgerigars is primarily determined by their species. Typically, smaller species do not live as long as larger species such as macaws, cockatoos, and grays. But caring for them will be more difficult.

How many years do budgies live in the wild?

Ornithologists have noticed that in the wild, budgerigars usually live up to 3-5 years; some individuals manage to become “long-livers” at the age of 8-10 years. But this is far from old age. This short life span is explained by the peculiarities of living conditions. These small birds constantly have to get their own food and look for a place to sleep, fleeing from numerous predators and bad weather. In addition, how many years budgerigars live is also influenced by factors such as disease. And these tiny birds have quite a few of them. All these aggressive living conditions in the wild kill still quite young parrots.

How long do budgerigars live at home?

In principle, it is much more comfortable for a budgie to live in an apartment, if, of course, its owner takes care of it properly. There is no need to get food - the owner pours it into the feeder every day. There are no predators in the apartment, except for cats and dogs. By the way, they pose no less danger to budgies than other predators in the wild. There are many known cases where a cat ate a bird or scared it until it broke its heart. Dogs may not hunt parrots, but they can inadvertently crush them with their paws or injure them with their teeth in play. Therefore, you should think a hundred times before bringing the bird home if you already have large pets.

When all conditions are created for a favorable existence, the lifespan is greatly extended. By the way, this applies not only to feathered pets. Thus, in apartment conditions, the life expectancy of budgerigars is 10-15 years. But sometimes there are long-lived birds that die of old age at the age of 20-22 years.

What determines the lifespan of a budgerigar?

Some reasons for the short life of budgerigars have already been mentioned above. We list additional factors that will prolong the life of your feathered pet:

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy budgie

Some owners say that their feathered pet eats everything: cookies, sausage, rolls, paper - and everything is fine with him. But this is wrong. If nothing happens to the parrot now, this does not mean that in the near future it will not negatively affect its health. Some die immediately, others a little later.

The bird will not be able to eat a balanced diet on its own, and it does not matter whether it is a wild or domestic budgie. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is purchase quality food. The norm for one wavy is 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. But one grain will not be enough for proper nutrition. Parrots still need vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables. It is very useful to sometimes give sprouted food - a storehouse of vitamin E. It is worth studying thematic forums about how much, how and what to feed budgies; they contain a lot of useful information.

My home is my castle

Parrots care where they live. Therefore, take care of your bird’s home in advance. The more spacious the cage, the better. When choosing, pay attention to the length and width, which should be enough for the parrot to freely spread its wings and fly from one perch to another. Of course, flying around the room should not be neglected either, especially if you bought a cage that is not large enough.

Remember once and for all - a round cage is not suitable for keeping birds. They are poorly oriented in them. Think for yourself, would you be comfortable if you were forced to live in a round room in which you could not find a cozy corner? And it’s better to place the cage against the wall so that the bird can cling to it if something scares it.

If you plan to have not only a male, but also a female budgerigar, then the cage should be even larger. The minimum dimensions of a house for one bird are 40 x 25 x 30 cm (length, width, height). For a pair of parrots, these figures should be a little larger - 60 x 30 x 40 cm. But if your cage is larger, the better for the life of your feathered friend.

Light is the source of life for the budgerigar

IN natural environment habitat, budgies wake up at dawn and fall asleep at sunrise, so they receive a sufficient dose of sunlight.

Lighting plays a huge role in the life of birds. Staying awake at night can adversely affect your feathered pet's lifespan. In winter, the duration of daylight hours should be 10-12 hours, and in summer period- 12-14 hours. If you still have budgerigar chicks, the lighting should be on for 14-16 hours. Stores sell special lamps that imitate the natural lighting necessary for the normal development of birds.

Stress negatively affects budgies

Budgerigars are flocking birds; they constantly communicate with each other. If you plan to keep it alone, then only you will become a companion for your feathered friend. Therefore, if you are constantly away from home and you do not provide adequate attention to your parrot, he may simply get bored.

Loneliness is stressful for a small, sociable bird. And unnecessary worries have a bad effect on life expectancy. The parakeet may begin to pluck itself, lose its feathers, or become aggressive.

In fact, there are many sources of stress. For example, living side by side with an unfriendly cat, constantly turning the lights on and off throughout the day, even you can scare the poor bird if you persistently try to make friends with a new pet. How many years do you think budgies live if you keep them in constant fear? Perhaps the answer is obvious. Very, very few. Some parrots can get so scared that they have a heart attack. Therefore, try to provide your feathered friend with a calm and happy life.

As you can see, there are many factors that influence the lifespan of parrots. Therefore, how long your pet will stay with you depends only on you. Provide all conditions for the normal existence of your parrot - and then he will delight you for a very long time.

People who decide to take a budgie into their home are concerned, first of all, with where to place and what to feed their talkative friend. The question of life expectancy arises later - when household members become attached to the new family member and begin to worry about his health and well-being.

Before you buy parrot as a pet pet, learn about the features of keeping birds. It's important to knowhow long do budgies live, to understand whether you can provide the bird with a prosperous and long life.

Life expectancy of different types of parrots

The larger the parrot, the longer it will delight its owners with the beauty of its bright feathers and the uniqueness of its communication. Small birds (wavy birds, lovebirds and others) will live a little more than ten years, and representatives of medium and large species will be around for several decades.

Duration life of budgiesand other types in favorable conditions may be (in years):

    budgerigar and lovebird (10-15);

    cockatiel and parakeet (15-30);

    macaws and cockatoos (30-40);

    gray (50-60).

Data in various sources differ, and it should be borne in mind that some individuals can live longer, but these are rather exceptions.

Budgerigar: how long does a bird live?

Budgerigars livewith people for a long time. An elegant bird with bright plumage becomes true friend for children and an excellent antidepressant for adults. Scientists have calculated that the number of representatives of this species living with people has exceeded the number of birds living in their natural environment.

So how many years do budgies live? The life of a parrot depends on its habitat ( free life in natural conditions or close proximity to people in captivity), the presence or absence of predators, food choice and access to water, and bird health indicators. A healthy bird can live from 4 to 20 years: it all depends on the living conditions.

Wildlife: Survival Factors

Budgerigars livein Australia. A small bird with a motley color feels good in its native habitat. In the wild, the parrot will independently find exactly the food it needs, and its freedom of movement is almost unlimited. The life of a bird depends on the vagaries of the weather, the presence of water and food, epidemics of diseases among its species, the number and activity of predators that can harm the bird and its offspring.

How long can a budgie live?in the realities of the wild? Not much, at most 4-6 years. It is extremely rare that ornithologists have found birds that have lived to the age of eight in their natural environment. The life of wild birds is strikingly different fromlife of budgies at home.

Captivity: life under the “wing” of the owner

People are happy to take beautiful birds into their homes. That,How long do budgies live at home?, largely depends on the owner's responsibility. A caring owner will provide the bird with water and food, monitor its condition, and natural enemies Most often, a parrot has only a cat or a dog. But some species of parrots manage to make friends with their tailed neighbors.

In favorable conditions a talkative pet can increase its lifespan three to four times and live up to 15 years, or even up to two decades. Marvelous,how long do budgies live at home?unlike free birds! On average, parrots live 10-13 years, but there is a known case when a feathered pet celebrated its 21st birthday.

When getting a nimble and cheerful parrot, you need to remember that some species of small birds are raised artificially and will not be able to adapt in the wild. Therefore, the decision to release a domesticated bird into the wild most often leads to its death.

Important Factors in the Longevity of a Pet Parrot

Lifespan of budgerigars depends from adequate feeding, a healthy microclimate and good care. The bird will be satisfied and happy if you provide it with comfortable conditions:

    balanced nutrition and access to clean water;

    the best temperature and light conditions;

    comfortable cage (spacious, with swing and mirror);

    lack of stress and daily exercise.

Careful adherence to all care parameters will significantly increaselife expectancy of budgies.

An important factor influencing the quality of life of a bird, andhow long do wavy ones live?parrots provide emotional comfort. If the bird does not have enough communication and attention, then it may get sick from loneliness.

How to make a parrot live longer: proper care

If you want to have a long-lived bird at home, take into account the characteristics of the species and the conditions of detention:

    a budgerigar is a resident of a flock, it needs to talk with someone, jump and fly, demonstrate the brightness of its feathers, so it is better to immediately buy a friend or girlfriend for your pet;

    do not smoke in the room where the parrot lives - the notorious drop of nicotine can literally poison your pet;

    use ultraviolet lamps so that the bird's body produces necessary vitamin D;

    a bird cage should not stand in a draft, in the kitchen or bathroom, move it away from the TV and prevent direct sunlight from entering the cage;

    take into account the bird’s dependence on sunrise and sunset - in the evening, cover the cage with thick material so that the parrot gets enough sleep;

    keep the bird's home clean - place perches and feeders so that feces do not get into the drinking water;

    remember that the parrot is deprived of the right to choose food and do not feed it junk food, otherwise it will get sick.

When children ask you abouthow long do budgies live, you can confidently answer: “For a long time!”, because your care will undoubtedly affect the well-being and lifespan of your beloved bird.

Advice: the parrot should spend 10 to 14 hours a day in the light,
otherwise he will not have time to eat his daily grain allowance

Apartment: creating ideal conditions for a budgie

Unfortunately, modern urban housing is fraught with many dangers for beautiful birds.Life expectancy of budgerigars at homecan be sharply reduced due to annoying little things. A parrot can become poisoned by gnawing on the bars of a cage coated with zinc or copper, gutting the wire and receiving an electric shock. A bird that flies out the window will no longer find its way back on its own. A parrot can become a victim of pets who simply “play” with it unsuccessfully.

If the bird lives in an apartment, create safe living conditions for it, it depends on themhow much wavythe parrot will live with you. You need to buy plugs for sockets, remove wires from the access area, attach mosquito nets to the windows, purchase a spacious and safe cage, and limit the bird’s contact with pets.

What to feed your parrot to keep it healthy?

Providing proper care feathered pet, watch its diet. Budgerigar needs to eat healthy products in the right proportions. Do not forget about vitamins that compensate for the lack of substances that cannot be obtained while in captivity.

The daily norm of the grain mixture may consist of:oat, flax and sunflower seeds, meadow grasses and millet (1.5-2 teaspoons per day) . Can include lettuce leaves, radish tops, plantain and dandelion in the menu. Your pet needs vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, part of a boiled egg and mineral supplements with calcium.

List of foods dangerous for budgies:

    mango and persimmon, melon, watermelon, papaya and avocado;

    fruits in sugar;

    almonds and pistachios;


Knowing how many years do budgies liveV good conditions, try to provide your exotic resident with adequate nutrition for a long life.

Advice: be sure to place a sippy cup in your pet’s cage,
and make sure there is always fresh water in it

Long life of a healthy bird

When choosing a parrot, pay attention to its appearance. The young bird has shiny black eyes, dark spot on the beak, tightly fitting wings and smooth movements. The normal body temperature for a bird is 41-42°C. If the parrot is disheveled, with feathers falling out and poor appetite, this is a sign that the bird is sick. Weak individual showing no interest in being called, stroked or toys won't live long .

To prevent diseases from shortening your parrot’s life, monitor its condition and take the bird to the veterinarian at the first signs of trouble.

Now you knowHow long do pet budgies live?, and only the attentive and caring owner will determine the duration and quality of the talkative bird’s existence.

Create comfortable conditions for your little fidget, and the bird will delight everyone with its cheerful chirping and amusing pirouettes. You won't worry about the problemhow long do budgies live at home?, because the pet is already guaranteed a long and happy bird life.

They are one of the most common pets. Their popularity is explained by their low cost, ease of care, and the love of children. These cute bright creatures often cheer up not only our children, but also ourselves.

Before you get a pet, you need to know how to care for them. And often at this stage the question also arises: how long do budgies live at home? This is important because he will become a member of the family.

Lifespan of budgerigars at home

It must be said right away that at home, budgies live longer than in their natural habitat. In the wild, they die due to lack of food, diseases, and during the fight against enemies. There, the average life expectancy of budgerigars is only 4 years. But at home, surrounded by human care and food supply, they can live 10-15, and sometimes even 20 years.

The record holder for life expectancy among parrots in captivity lived for 21 years. So, it all depends on you - provide your pet with a balanced diet, no stress, regular walks, and he will become a new long-liver.

Factors for the long life of budgies

So, what determines the life expectancy of budgerigars at home? First of all, from proper nutrition. It should be balanced, varied, regular.

A parrot's diet should contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for life. Daily norm special dry food is 2 teaspoons. In addition, you need to give them fresh food: lettuce, fruits and vegetables. And also cottage cheese, boiled eggs, calcium (chalk). All this food diversity directly affects the lifespan of budgerigars. Don't forget to also change the water in the sippy cup regularly.

It is equally important to provide your pet with optimal temperature and light conditions. Parrots should not freeze - after all, they come from hot countries. At night, they need to be provided with peace and shade, that is, cover the cage with cloth.

As for the cage itself, it should be quite spacious. Required size determined by the full wingspan + another 10-15 cm. In the cage you need to equip several perches (perches), a play area (mirror, bell, rattle). From boredom, a parrot can become depressed and even get sick, which certainly will not prolong its life.

Do not place the cage on a window to prevent the parrot from passing through. In addition, if the heating radiator is located close to it, it may suffer from dry air. The ideal place for a budgerigar's house is the bright part of the room near one of the walls.

Parrot health as the basis for a long life

First of all, you initially need to try to choose and buy healthy bird. You can visually distinguish a healthy parrot from a sick one, even without having great experience poultry farming

Parrots molt periodically, and during this period they do not look very attractive. But if at the same time you see that the bird is active, moves a lot, eats well, this means that it is healthy. But if the seller says that the parrot is just molting, but at the same time you see that he has no interest in toys, food, and looks weak, you should not buy him, because most likely the parrot is simply sick.

The state of health of a bird can be determined by other signs. If your pet has shiny eyes, wings fit tightly to the body, movements are smooth, he has a good appetite and a cheerful mood - he is completely healthy.

Dry feathers, dishevelment, and lack of appetite indicate the presence of a disease, and you urgently need to contact a veterinarian if you want to extend his life by a few more years.

Budgerigars are one of the most beloved pets. A small bird originally from Australia is now distributed almost throughout the world. Living at home is fundamentally different from life in the wild, and owners often have a question: how long do budgies live at home and what does the pet’s longevity depend on?

Life expectancy of budgerigars

How long do budgies live at home?

On average, budgerigars live 10-15 years. However, under good conditions, a feathered pet can please its owner up to 18-20 years old. when purchased, it also affects the life expectancy of the bird at home. Individuals with signs of illness or stress usually do not live long.

Many owners, when choosing a parrot, give preference to males, as they believe that they live longer than females. However, ornithological experts have established that this is a misconception: both males and females live approximately the same.

How many years do budgerigars live in the wild?

It is interesting that in the natural conditions of Australia these birds live a short life - only 4-7 years. The lifespan of birds depends, oddly enough, on luck. Climate changes, predators, diseases, lack of food - all this awaits parrots in the wild.

Made it possible to increase the life of the bird several times.

What determines the lifespan of a parrot at home?

has its own characteristics, therefore, before getting a pet, you should carefully read them.

The lifespan of a bird depends on:

1. General conditions of stay. The first is the size of the cell. Even a small bird needs a spacious, comfortable cage. Secondly, its location in the house. Please note that drafts, direct sunlight, high humidity, strong odors (for example, tobacco smoke), excessive noise (from TV or other household appliances) etc.

2. Daily routine. In the wild, parrots wake up at sunrise and go to sleep at sunset. It is important to regulate a similar regime at home. In winter, a lamp is additionally turned on for the feathered pet. And in the summer for better sleep the cage is protected from light with dense but “breathable” fabric. Sleep deficiency shortens the years of a parrot's life. And the lack of light disrupts the food regime.

3. Hygiene. Cleanliness and order in the cage is the key good health your bird, which means its longevity. No need to be lazy general cleaning. Thoroughly wash the drinker, feeder and perch. It is also important to periodically organize water treatments for the pet itself.

4. Food. At home, birds are deprived of a choice of food. The quality and life expectancy of a parrot directly depend on food. It is necessary to monitor your diet. It must be balanced. Don't skimp on food. You should also consider taste preferences feathered pet.

5. Communications. These birds, like no other, need a live interlocutor. Active birds are friendly and sociable, but without attention they can experience stress and get sick. It is ideal if you have several birds that will not be bored with each other.

6. Full-fledged physical activity , which is very important for parrots. In the wild, parrots are found in constant movement, and at home they are often deprived of this opportunity, which is completely wrong. Try to give your parrot short walks, after closing windows and doors and removing dangerous objects.