In fact, Valentina Isaeva and Khabib continue the story (09.19.2017). TV broadcast with Shepel turned into a scandal - And they tolerated Khabib for a long time

About 29-year-old Natalya Knyazkova from the small town of Bor in the Nizhny Novgorod region for last days dozens of news media reported. The woman became famous throughout the country thanks to her 14-year-old daughter Anastasia. The girl gave birth to a son, Nikita, making her mother the youngest grandmother in Russia.

In a conversation with reporters, Natalya admitted that she was very happy about the birth of her grandson and now, together with her husband, she plans to arrange guardianship and help her daughter raise the baby until she and her 17-year-old boyfriend - the boy’s father - finish school.

Such cases are not uncommon in Russia. And not every young mother has everything going well. About the heroes of several of the most notorious similar cases and their future fate read the new review.

By the way, here she is, the record holder with her grandson in her arms. And in the background is Natalya’s husband, who at the age of 34 became a grandfather.

Valya Isaeva, Kapotnya. Gave birth at age 11

The record for the youngest mother in Russia has been held for 10 years by Valentina Isaeva from Kapotnya near Moscow. The story of this girl is perhaps one of the most famous. Valya became a mother when she was only 11 years old.

A schoolgirl became pregnant by 17-year-old guest worker from Tajikistan Habib Patakhonov. The young man rented a room in the apartment where Valya lived with her grandmother.

When the third-grader’s pregnancy was revealed, a criminal case was opened against the guy, but the young man did not go to jail. “Romeo and Juliet from Kapotnya” – as journalists dubbed the couple – were able to convince the public and law enforcement officers to allow them to start a family, raise a child and get married (when Valya grows up, of course). The girl born was named Amina. For several years, the child was raised by Grandma Vali, and the young father helped her with this.

In 2010, Khabib and Valentina, who was already 17 by that time, got married. The wedding was celebrated on a grand scale - in a chic restaurant in the center of Moscow. According to the young man, “friends from the FSB” helped him organize the magnificent celebration.

And three years later, the couple had a second child, Amir. By that time, the young family had already settled in their grandmother’s old apartment in Kapotnya. Valentina got a job in a store as a saleswoman, and Khabib as a storekeeper.

In one of their last interviews, Valya and Khabib assured journalists that their life was flowing like clockwork. Gradually, press interest in “Romeo and Juliet from Kapotnya” faded, and the neighbors’ whispering stopped.

Reminded me of myself unusual family at the beginning of last summer - in June, when Habib contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of his wife. In the end, it turned out that she had not disappeared, but simply ran away from home. Journalists found Valya with her friend. During the interview, the fugitive admitted: her oriental tale ended, and she ran away from home due to systematic beatings.

“I went to my friends, I can’t live at home, because my husband constantly beats me. He kept me at home for two weeks and did not let me go anywhere so that I could not remove the beating. But we are still together, we are not going to get divorced,” she told reporters.

According to Vali, things began to fall apart with Khabib because of his jealousy. The youngest mother in Russia (now the girl is only 21 years old) has not yet found a way out of this situation.

Alexandra Gladkovskaya, Vladimir region. Gave birth at 15 years old

The story of Sasha Gladkovskaya from the town of Kosterevo, Vladimir Region, is completely devoid of romance. The girl became a mother in 2012 at the age of 15, but unlike Valya Isaeva, the schoolgirl did not find support from her relatives. Having learned about her daughter's pregnancy, Sasha's 35-year-old mother began to insist on an abortion.

“I was ready to do anything, pay any money to have an abortion,” recalls Alexandra’s mother Maria.

However, the schoolgirl refused, not knowing what turn this story would take after the birth of the baby.

As soon as the child was born (Alexandra gave birth to a boy), the life of the schoolgirl and her mother turned into a series of constant squabbles and scandals. The baby's father did not appear in this story - he is keeping his identity secret.

Two years later, the young grandmother said that she was dissatisfied with the way her daughter was raising the boy, kicked Sasha out of the apartment and began to seek the deprivation of the girl parental rights to pick up the baby. The story of the division of a boy, who is already 3 years old, by his mother and grandmother continues.
Veronica Ivanova, Yakutia. Gave birth at 12 years old

Veronika Ivanova, a sixth grade student from Yakutia, became a mother in 2009. The girl was only 12 at the time. Until she gave birth, she miraculously managed to hide her situation from both her parents and teachers.

“Veronica has always been a chubby child, so we did not pay attention to her belly, thinking that she had simply gained weight,” the director of the school where the girl studied told reporters.

The parents learned that the schoolgirl was pregnant only shortly before giving birth. Veronica complained of acute abdominal pain, and the ambulance doctors stated that the girl would soon give birth.

Well, while the 12-year-old schoolgirl was in the hospital, the police were searching for the child’s father. He was found quickly. He turned out to be a 19-year-old acquaintance of the girl, Valery. The young man, by the way, was repeatedly convicted of drug trafficking.

“All my girlfriends were jealous that I had such an adult boyfriend,” Veronica recalled.

However, the adult gentleman never became a schoolgirl legal spouse. Valery was sentenced to 8 years for seducing minors. However, the young mother was not very upset and some time after the birth of the child, whom the grandmother began to raise, she acquired a new boyfriend. And later she switched to studying at evening school.

“I love my daughter and am happy that I have her. You’ll see, everything will be fine with me,” Veronica Ivanova said in an interview, two years after the birth of her child.

Lyuba Bessudnova, Saratov region. Gave birth at 14 years old

Childhood of a schoolgirl from Saratov region Lyuba Bessudnova ended in 2013. At 14 years old, an exemplary student high school became a mother and gave birth to a boy.

To everyone’s surprise, it turned out that Lyuba gave birth to a 24-year-old married man from her mathematics teacher.

The teacher did not plan to become a father, so for a long time he denied his involvement in the birth of the baby. However, genetic testing showed the opposite. But even after this, the man did not agree to acknowledge paternity. The bickering between the young mother and the teacher, confident in his innocence, ended in court.

Six months after the birth of the child, the teacher was sentenced to 4 years. His grandmother, Lyuba’s mother, took care of the baby’s upbringing. The girl continues her studies at school.

The youngest mother in the world

In 1939, a girl from Peru, Lina Medina, became the world's youngest mother. She gave birth to her first child at the age of 5. This case was documented and is unique of its kind in medical history.

History is silent about how it happened that a five-year-old girl became a mother. Lina gave birth to her second child only 33 years later. Today the owner of this record is 81 years old and lives in Lima, the capital of Peru.

Valya gave birth at the age of 11. The story of this girl thundered throughout the country. Of course: still very young Valya became pregnant by a Tajik guest worker. The country first learned about pregnant third-grader Valya Isaeva in May 2005. At first they wrote that the father of her unborn child was 14 years old and that Valya and her chosen one were just like Romeo and Juliet. Later it turned out that in fact the guy is already 18 and he is seven years older than Vali, who is still playing with dolls. An Uzbek from Tajikistan, Habib Patakhonov, had been living and working in Moscow for three years by that time. I baked pita bread and rented an apartment from Valya’s grandmother. But how did he end up in bed with a schoolgirl?

Later it turned out that the Muscovite’s lover lives in the capital using fake documents. The already pregnant Valya’s grandmother, who is also her guardian (her father died and her mother abandoned her daughter in infancy), says that she did not know about the close relationship until recently, and also believed that the young man was a resident of Astrakhan. Moreover, for Antonina Alexandrovna, according to her, it was incomprehensible how a little granddaughter and a sexually mature young man periodically ended up in the same bed. The lovers themselves said that when it came to intimacy, they could not even imagine that it would end in pregnancy.

The story turned into a real series with the participation of guardianship authorities, the Federal Migration Service, the police... As a result, Patakhonov and his little mother convinced everyone that they were doing this seriously and out of love. In 2005, Valya Isaeva and Khabib Patakhonov had a baby. The girl was named Amina. After the incident, the court found the resident of Tajikistan guilty under Article 134 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Corruption of a minor”). The court sentenced him to three years in prison, albeit suspended. Valya did not want to part with her child and his father. The young mother's grandmother became the newborn's guardian.
And during pregnancy, Valya did not want to go into confinement, but the doctors and grandmother persuaded her to go under the supervision of specialists, otherwise the baby might simply not have been born. To avoid risk during childbirth, doctors decided to do Vale C-section. A minor Muscovite's contractions began for three weeks ahead of schedule. The 11-year-old girl began to be prepared for surgery. Amina was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams. Later, doctors admitted that the new mother and her baby had escaped from the maternity hospital.

The Isaev family still lived in the same small three-room apartment in Kapotnya. Valentina raised her daughter and continued to study at school. At the age of 14, Valya received a passport, which, she admits, she constantly hid from her little daughter. Amina was so quick that she constantly tried to tear her mother’s photograph out of the document. The girl also tried to get to her mother’s school diary.

Valya, as soon as she turned 18, officially married Khabib. In January 2013, she gave birth to her second child - the boy was named Amir. Several years ago, a girl worked as a cashier at Children's world" Her 27-year-old husband worked as a storekeeper in a furniture warehouse. Kapotninskaya school No. 473, where Valya studied, is located a three-minute walk from the Isaevs’ house. Vali's daughter Amina is now studying there. The girl herself went to college after 9th grade.

However, according to friends of the young family, in family life not everything went well. They say that the Tajik “husband” regularly raised his hand to his underage lover and that he is also a womanizer and does not hesitate to flirt with girls on social networks.

And in 2015, Valya even ran away from home, allegedly because of her husband’s beatings. In addition, the young father did not work, but lived on Grandma Valya’s pension and children’s money. On the other hand, they say that the publicity of the story helped the family make money - funds flowed through the PR of the minor mother.

And Valya’s grandmother assures that even if her young husband beat her granddaughter, all this happened before she was pregnant. Now Valya and Khabib already have two children.

And in 2017, the couple, known throughout the country, took part in the show “Actually.” Valya Isaeva turned to Dmitry Shepelev for help. The young woman decided to reveal the shocking truth about life in the family and spoke about beatings from her husband.

Isaeva said that she fears for her own life and the fate of her children. On the air of the program, Khabib admitted that he had repeatedly raised his hand against his wife. Next, the talk show experts asked the man if he cheated on Valentina, he answered in the negative, but the polygraph showed that this was a lie.

“I don't want to say anything. I initially didn’t want to come to this studio,” Patakhonov said.

In turn, Valentina Isaeva decided to frank confession. The mother of two children said in live, What more than a year is in a relationship with another man who is ready to protect her.
“We have a complicated relationship. I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid it will get worse. I can not go on. “I told you that I don’t love you and will divorce you,” Valya turned to Khabib.

Despite the fact that at the end of the talk show, Khabib admitted that he loved his wife, Valentina was determined. According to the woman, she has absolutely no feelings for her husband, so she is ready to file for divorce. Since the couple has two children, the judicial authorities will take up their case.
Khabib insisted that his son and daughter live with him. Sabina Pantus, the program expert, responded sharply to the hero.
“Who the children will stay with will be decided by the court, having weighed all the grounds. It's not up to you to decide, Khabib. Not everything is solved with a fist, not everything is solved with aggression. And it was with your behavior that you led to this,” the specialist said.

Valentina Isaeva, who gave birth at the age of 11 from Khabib Patakhonov, became the heroine of Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually.” She came to ask for help. Isaeva and her husband Khabib Patakhonov were once called modern Romeo and Juliet. The girl became pregnant by a seventeen-year-old guy who came to Russia from Tajikistan to work. Then this story caused a huge resonance in society. The lovers publicly begged government bodies leave their family alone. That is why young man managed to avoid criminal punishment.

After some time, the couple formalized their relationship. When Valya was 20 years old, they had another baby. However, the mother of two children decided to leave her husband. She announced her decision to the whole country in a Channel One show.

Isaeva said that she fears for her own life and the fate of her children. On the air of the program, Khabib admitted that he had repeatedly raised his hand against his wife. Next, the talk show experts asked the man if he cheated on Valentina, he answered in the negative, but the polygraph showed that this was a lie.

“I don't want to say anything. I initially didn’t want to come to this studio,” Patakhonov said.

In turn, Valentina Isaeva decided to make a frank confession. The mother of two children said live that she has been in a relationship with another man for more than a year who is ready to protect her.

“We have a complicated relationship. I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid it will get worse. I can not go on. “I told you that I don’t love you and will divorce you,” Valya turned to Khabib.

Despite the fact that at the end of the talk show, Khabib admitted that he loved his wife, Valentina was determined. According to the woman, she has absolutely no feelings for her husband, so she is ready to file for divorce. Since the couple has two children, the judicial authorities will take up their case.

Khabib insisted that his son and daughter live with him. Sabina Pantus, the program expert, responded sharply to the hero.

“Who the children will stay with will be decided by the court, having weighed all the grounds. It's not up to you to decide, Khabib. Not everything is solved with a fist, not everything is solved with aggression. And it was with your behavior that you led to this,” the specialist said.

Patakhonov urged his wife to go home together, but Isaeva refused the offer.

“I will no longer stay with this man, I will not go with him. I’ll return to the apartment when he leaves,” Isaeva summed up.

Dmitry Shepelev returns - with personal experience.
He experienced the loss. Survived deception and betrayal. And now he knows for sure: the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes talk frankly so that the truth becomes inexorably obvious.
"Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal history. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.
Presenter: Dmitry Shepelev

In fact - Valya Isaeva: who gave birth at the age of 11 asks to be saved from her husband

This couple is known throughout Russia: Valentina Isaeva and her husband Khabib - they have been called modern Romeo and Juliet. The girl was only 11 years old when she gave birth to her first child. They publicly swore that they loved each other and begged them to leave their family alone. As a result, Khabib miraculously escaped prison, and the family lived happily. However, 12 years later, Valentina turned to the editor with a cry for help - her life with Romeo had turned into hell, the girl was begging to save her. Only a lie detector will help you understand this story.

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The story of Valya Isaeva is difficult to forget: the girl who gave birth at the age of 11 was talked about on television and written in newspapers. Now Valya is 24 years old, she is already a mother twice. Isaeva married Khabib Patakhonov, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, and four years ago she also gave her husband a son.

Still from the program “Let Them Talk”

Last fall, Valya said in the studio of the show “Let Them Talk” that not everything in her family is as smooth as it might seem. She admitted that her husband was jealous of her and repeatedly raised his hand to her. Valya noted that the problems began after the birth of her second child. Then Khabib could not work due to problems with documents. One day, after hearing his wife talking to a work colleague on the phone, he hit her in the face and then beat her for three hours.


Isaeva went to another man - a mechanic from Nalchik, Viktor Popov. The young mother claimed that she had not lived with her husband for a year and a half and was going to move with her children to a new lover. At the same time, Valya assured viewers of the show that Patakhonov was not giving her an official divorce because he needed to obtain Russian citizenship.

Still from the program “Actually”

But, judging by the situation that unfolded in the studio of the show “Actually” on Channel One, Isaeva changed her mind. Now she herself does not want to get a divorce and is trying to return Khabib to the family. But he, on the contrary, does not want to be reunited with his wife, who cheated on him with a mechanic, and has already found another woman - Zarina.

Still from the program “Actually”

This upset Isaeva. She reacted emotionally to the appearance of her husband’s lover in the studio. Khabib’s fiancee immediately began to argue in a raised voice that Patakhonov was her “Islamic husband.” Valya responded by attacking her opponent with her fists and damaging her nose. The show's experts noted that Valya was not faithful wife Khabibu and met not only with Popov, but also with other men. Hearing this, Isaeva promised to do everything to change the situation and return Patakhonov to the family.