Achievements and medals. Long-awaited rewards for old World of Tanks players

Special service from the pumping service Wot-Servis for those who want to stand out among the crowd of players World of Tanks. If you want to get your desired medal in the game World of Tanks, we will help you with this for a small fee.

The price of each medal is different and to order you must first send us an email or contact the operator.

The cost of one medal is from 500 rubles

Advantages of the “Wot-Servis” service:

– placing an order in 15 minutes
– guarantee of security and confidentiality
– high statistics - from 60%, efficiency - up to 2500
– average damage - up to 3500
– average experience - up to 1400 on all intermediate tanks.
– Also, when leveling up a branch, almost all of them receive the “Master” class badge.

For any questions, please contact the operator or .

As a gift from the service you receive:

  • Improved statistics
  • Silver
  • Intermediate Medals
  • Achievements
  • Upgrading the crew
  • We often set a record for experience, both overall on the account and on individual tanks
  • Often the Master will turn out the same way

Epic Rewards

Radley-Walters Medal – price 2500 rubles

Awarded to a player with Tier V or higher vehicles who destroys 8 or 9 enemy vehicles in one battle.

Sydney Valpy Radley-Walters - Canadian tank ace of the 27th Tank Regiment. The Sherman Firefly destroyed 18 German tanks in 1944–1945. For his heroism in battles from August 1944 to April 1945, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit and the Military Cross, and later the Order of Distinguished Service.

Pula Medal – price 8500 rub.

Issued to a player who, using Tier V or higher vehicles in one battle, destroyed 10 or more enemy tanks or self-propelled guns of Tier IV or higher.

Lafayette J. Poole - American tank ace. During his participation in hostilities, he knocked out and destroyed 258 German armored vehicles and automobiles. Awarded the Silver Star and the Distinguished Service Cross. He was seriously wounded, lost a leg, but returned to duty.

Orlik medal – price 3500 rub.

Assigned to the player who destroyed a light tank in one specific battle 3 or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers. Destroyed tanks/tank destroyers must be at least superior to the player's combat vehicle to 2 levels.

Roman Edmund Orlik - tank ace, sergeant of the Polish army. During September 1939, fighting on the TKS wedge, he knocked out 13 German tanks.

Tamada Yoshio Medal – price 3,500 rubles

Issued to a player who has destroyed 3 or more enemy self-propelled guns in a light tank in one battle, superior to the player’s tank by 2 levels or more. To receive a medal you must survive.

Tamada Yoshio - Colonel, commander of the 4th Tank Regiment of the Japanese Army. During the Nomonhan incident near the Khalkhin Gol River, he led the regiment from the march into a night surprise attack, thanks to which he broke through the Soviet defenses and destroyed 4 artillery batteries, as well as several anti-tank guns.

Lekhveslayho medal – price 2000 rub.

Issued to a player who, in one battle with a medium tank, destroys 2 enemy tanks or tank destroyers that are 2 levels or more higher than the player’s tank.

Reino Lechveslaiho - sergeant of the tank brigade of the Finnish tank division. He knocked out 7 tanks and tank destroyers and was awarded the Order of the Cross of Liberty. After the war he became a professional writer; is one of three living holders of the honorary title "Military Treasurer".

Oskin medal – price 2500 rub.

Assigned to the player who controls a medium tank and destroys it in a specific battle 3 enemy tank/tank destroyer. Destroyed tanks/tank destroyers must be at least 2 levels higher than the player's combat vehicle.

Alexander Petrovich Oskin - tank commander, Hero Soviet Union. On August 11, 1944, while on reconnaissance mission near Oglendow, he destroyed three “Royal Tigers” on a T-34.

Nichols Medal – price 4,000 rubles

Issued to a player who, in one battle with a medium tank, has destroyed 4 or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers that are 2 levels or more higher than the player’s tank.

Alfie Nichols is a British tank sniper. In one day of the Battle of El Alamein, he destroyed 9 German tanks. In total, during the battle he knocked out 14 enemy tanks. In total, during the war he destroyed from 40 to 50 German tanks.

Kolobanov Medal – price 7,000 rubles

Awarded to the player who remains alone against 5 or more enemy tanks or self-propelled guns and wins.

Zinoviy Grigorievich Kolobanov - Soviet tank ace, lieutenant colonel. In the battle on August 19, 1941, the KV-1 destroyed 22 German tanks, 2 guns and 2 armored personnel carriers.

Halonen Medal – price 3000 rub.

Assigned to the player who controls a tank destroyer and destroys it in one battle 3 or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers. Destroyed tanks/tank destroyers must be at least 2 levels higher than the player's combat vehicle.

Erkki Halonen - tank ace, sergeant of the Finnish army. During the battles in June-July 1944 on Stug. III destroyed 3 T-34s, 2 KV-1s and 2 ISU-152s.

Fadin medal – price 5500 rub.

Assigned to the player who destroyed the last enemy vehicle with the last shell in its ammunition load.

Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin - commander of the T-34, Hero of the Soviet Union. One tank, with the support of an infantry platoon, captured and held the village of Dashukovka for five hours, destroying 3 tanks, 1 armored personnel carrier, 2 mortars, 12 machine gun points; fire from a turret machine gun Alsothe plane was shot down.

Pascucci Medal – price 500 rubles

Issued to a player who destroys 3 enemy self-propelled guns in one tank or tank destroyer battle.

Luigi Arbib Pascucci - Italian tank ace. Commander of the 10th tank platoon of the 132nd tank regiment of the 132nd tank division Ariete. During the Second Battle of El Alamein, he led a counter-attack that resulted in significant casualties to British troops. Posthumously awarded the medal "For Military Valor".

Dumitru medal – price 3500 rub.

Issued to a player who destroys 4 enemy self-propelled guns in one tank or tank destroyer battle.

Ion S. Dumitru - Romanian tank ace. He fought both on the side of Germany and on the side of the USSR, as part of the 27th Tank Brigade. On March 26, 1945, the unit that included Dumitru destroyed 6 German anti-tank guns and captured a battery of 15-centimeter howitzers.

Burda medal – price 7,000 rubles

Assigned to the player who destroyed during a specific battle 5 or more enemy self-propelled guns while driving a tank or tank destroyer.

Alexander Fedorovich Burda - Soviet tank ace, Hero of the Soviet Union, guard lieutenant colonel. On October 4, 1941, he organized an ambush, which resulted in the destruction of an enemy column, including 10 medium and light tanks, 2 tractors with anti-tank guns, and 5 vehicles with infantry.

Biot medal – price 3500 rub.

Assigned to a player who survives a victorious battle and destroys at least two enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damage(including losses of crew members) with the remaining health level less than 20%.

Pierre Billot - captain of the French army, during the battle on May 16, 1940, he destroyed 2 Pz.IV, 11 Pz.III and 2 guns on a B1bis.

Bruno medal – price 4000 rub.

Issued to a player who, in a victorious battle, has survived and destroyed at least 3 enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damages (including incapacitated tankers) and having less than 20% HP.

Pietro Bruno - Italian officer, tankman of the Ariete division. Recipient of the gold medal "For Military Valor" - Italy's highest award for feat on the battlefield. He died while covering the battalion's retreat.

Tartsay Medal – price 8,000 rubles

Issued to a player who, in a victorious battle, survives and destroys at least 5 enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damages (including incapacitated tankers) and having less than 20% HP.

Erwin Tarczay - Hungarian tank ace. He served in the 2nd Hungarian Tank Division and destroyed about ten tanks. He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit and the Iron Cross 2nd class. Died from his wounds.

Raseiniaya Heroes Medal – price negotiable

Awarded to the player who single-handedly destroyed all enemy equipment (at least 14 vehicles).

The heroes of Raseiniai are the tank crew of a heavy KV tank, which on June 24-25 cut the rear of a German battle group formed from parts of the 6th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht, preventing its supply of ammunition, food and fuel, and held an important crossroads for two days, repelling several attacks.

Medal de Langlade – price 3000 rubles

Awarded to the player who destroyed four opponents capturing the base in one battle in the base capture circle (the capture can be either sequential or simultaneous).

Paul Giraud de Langlade - Colonel, commander of the tactical group of the 2nd Armored Division of General Leclerc. On September 13, 1944, in the village of Domper, a tactical group under his command surrounded and destroyed a superior group of Pz V “Panther” tanks, and inflicted serious losses on a group of Pz IV tanks coming to their rescue and forced it to stop the attack. One of the four Panthers captured in Dompaire is kept in the tank museum in Saumur (France).

Naidin medal – price 1500 rub.

Awarded to the player who destroyed all enemy light tanks (at least 3 vehicles) in battle.

Grigory Nikolaevich Naidin - sergeant, commander of the BT-7 tank, Hero of the Soviet Union. On June 25, 1941, near the town of Rudiškiai (Lithuania), he destroyed a column of enemy armored vehicles, destroying a total of 15 tanks and 10 guns of the advance detachment of the 19th Wehrmacht Panzer Division, thereby delaying the German offensive for two days, which made it possible to carefully organize the defense of Vilna.

Destroy more enemy vehicles (at least six) than any other player in a match (If two or more players have destroyed equal amount of enemies, the medal is granted to the player who earned more XP in battle).


Achieve at least 85% hits out of a minimum of 10 shots fired with potential damage of 1,000 HP or more. Non-penetrating hits count. If two or more tankers have equal hit ratios, the award is given to the tanker with the highest number of hits.


Reduce the number of enemy capture points of a friendly base by 70 or more.


Capture the maximum number of points from the enemy base (no less than 80). Granted on successful base capture and winning.

Steel Wall

Receive more potential damage than any player on your team, at least 1,000 HP, and survive. Receive at least 11 hits. If two or more players receive an equal amount of potential damage, granted to the player who received the greatest amount of hits.


Damage more enemy vehicles than any other player on the battlefield (at least six) which are subsequently destroyed by another player (or self-destruct). Granted only on condition that you hit more enemy vehicles than any other player on your team.


Detect more enemy tanks and artillery than anyone else on your team (at least nine). Granted to a member of the winning team.

Patrol Duty

Help your team damage at least six enemy vehicles by spotting them. The player must be the only one spotting the enemy vehicles at the moment when they are damaged.

High Caliber

Cause the highest damage per battle without hitting/ramming a friendly vehicle. Damage must be at least 20% of the total HP of enemy vehicles. Caused damage should be at least 1,000 HP.

Epic Awards

Radley-Walters" Medal

Awarded to players in tier V+ vehicles for destroying eight or nine enemy vehicles in one battle. Sydney Valpy Radley-Walters was a Canadian tank ace of the 27th Armored Regiment. In 1944-45, he destroyed 18 German vehicles with his Firefly.

Pool's Medal

Awarded to players on vehicles in tier V+ vehicles for destroying 10-13 enemy vehicles in one battle. Lafayette G. Pool is widely recognized as the U.S. tank ace of aces, credited with 12 confirmed tank kills and 258 total armored vehicle and artillery kills.

Orlik's Medal

Awarded for destroying three or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers with a light tank. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Roman Edmund Orlik, a Polish Army sergeant, was a tank ace who knocked out 13 German tanks with his light TKS tankette in Sept, 1939.

Tamada Yoshio's Medal

Destroy at least three enemy artillery with a light tank and survive in one battle. Destroyed enemy vehicles must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Colonel Tamada Yoshio, commander of the 4th Armored Regiment of the Kwantung Army, destroyed numerous armored vehicles, field guns, mortars and trucks during the night battles of Khalkhyn Gol, July 2-3, 1939.

Lehväslaiho's Medal

Awarded to medium tank players who destroy two enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The enemy vehicles must be at least 2 tiers higher. Reino Lehväslaiho was a Finnish tank ace who destroyed seven tanks and tank destroyers.

Oskin's Medal

Awarded to players in medium tanks who destroy three enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Alexander Oskin, Hero of the Soviet Union, was a tank commander who destroyed three King Tigers with his T-34 during a recon operation near Oglenduv, August 11, 1944.

Nicols" Medal

Awarded to medium tank players who destroy at least four enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The enemy vehicles must be at least two tiers higher. Alfie Nicols was a British tank gunner who destroyed 14 enemy vehicles during the Battle of El Alamein.

Kolobanov's Medal

Awarded to players who stand alone against five or more enemy tanks or artillery and wins. Colonel Zinoviy Kolobanov was a Soviet tank ace who destroyed 22 German tanks, two guns and two half-tracks with his KV-1 on August 19, 1941.

Halonen's Medal

Awarded for destroying three or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers with a tank destroyer. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank destroyer. Erkki Halonen, a tank ace and sergeant in the Finnish Army, destroyed three T-34s, two KV-1s, and two ISU-152 with his StuG III in battles during June and July, 1944.

Fadin's Medal

Awarded for destroying the last enemy vehicle in the battle with the player's last remaining shell. Alexander Fadin, hero of the Soviet Union, was a T-34 tank commander who, with the help of one infantry group, managed to capture Dashukovka village and hold it for five hours with one tank.

Pascucci's Medal

Awarded for destroying three enemy artillery in one battle with a tank or tank destroyer. Second Lieutenant Luigi Arbib Pascucci was an Italian tank commander who fought with the Ariete Tank Division in North Africa. He fought in the Second Battle of El Alamein, where he sacrificed his life in a frontal attack that enabled his company to escape encirclement.

Dumitru's Medal

Awarded for destroying four enemy artillery in one battle with a tank or tank destroyer. Ion S. Dumitru, a Romanian tank ace, fought in World War II for just 25 days. In March 1945, Dumitru contributed to the destruction of six tank destroyers and capture of a 150mm battery.

Burda's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy five or more enemy artillery with a tank or tank destroyer in one battle. Guards Colonel Alexander Burda, a Soviet tank ace and Hero of the Soviet Union, organized an ambush in October 1941 which destroyed an entire enemy column.

Billotte's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy at least two enemy vehicles and survive the battle despite receiving at least five different critical hits and losing 80% or more of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Pierre Billotte was a captain in the French Army who destroyed several Pz.Kpfw tanks and more with his Char B1bis in May 1940.

Bruno's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy three or four enemy vehicles and survive the battle to victory despite receiving five different critical hits and losing 80% of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Pietro Bruno was an Italian tank ace. For exceptional valor in the face of the enemy, he was awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor (Medaglia d'oro al Valore Militare), the highest Italian award.

Tarczay's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy five enemy vehicles and survive the battle despite receiving five different critical hits and losing 80%+ of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Ervin Tarczay was a Hungarian tank ace who fought with the Hungarian 2nd Armored Division and destroyed at least ten enemy vehicles.

Raseiniai Heroes Medal

Awarded to players who single-handedly destroy at least 14 enemy vehicles. In June 1941, near Raseiniai, Lithuania, roughly 20 KV tanks of the Soviet 3rd Mechanized Corps met the assault of the 6th Panzer, with approximately 100 vehicles. A single KV-2 tank managed to hold the German advance for a full day while being pummeled by antitank weapons, until the KV-2 ran out of ammo and was knocked out.

De Langlade's Medal

Destroy at least four enemy vehicles while they are attempting to capture the base in one battle. Paul Girot de Langlade was a French Army colonel who fought with the 2nd Tank Division under General Leclerc. On September 12, 1944, a combat team under De Langlade's command wiped out Panzerbrigade 112 in the battle of Dompaire, France.


Destroy all enemy light tanks (at least three) in one battle.


Awarded for destroying seven or more enemy tanks and artillery with a tank or tank destroyer, or 10+ vehicles with artillery, in one battle. The targets must be at least tier IV.

Step Awards

Abrams" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded in one of four classes for the total number of team victories where the player survived the battle: 5 - Class IV / 50 - Class III / 500 - Class II / 5,000 - Class I. General Creighton Abrams commanded U.S. armored forces during WWII and the Vietnam War, earning a reputation as an aggressive and successful commander.

Ekins" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded in four classes for destroying tier VIII, IX or X enemy tanks and artillery. 3 - Class IV / 30 - Class III / 300 - Class II / 3,000 - Class I. Joe Ekins was a gunner in the Northamptonshire Division of the British Territorial Army. A number of sources confirm him as the individual who brought down German tank ace Michael Wittmann.

Carius" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the destruction of enemy tanks and artillery in four classes. 10 - Class IV / 100 - Class III / 1,000 - Class II / 10,000 - Class I. Otto Carius was a successful tank ace of WWII. He commanded the PzKpfw 38(t), the PzKpfw VI Tiger and the Jagdtiger during his impressive career.

Knispel's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the total amount of damage caused and received in four classes. 10,000 - Class IV / 100,000 - Class III / 1,000,000 - Class II / 10,000,000 - Class I. Kurt Knispel, a German tank ace, participated in battles on both the Western and Eastern Fronts fighting in PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger, and PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II.

Popel's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for detecting enemy tanks and artillery in all battles, in four classes. 20 - Class IV / 200 - Class III / 2,000 - Class II / 20,000 - Class I. Lieutenant General of Tank Forces, Nikolay Popel, organized a raid against the enemy using captured vehicles during the Battle of Dubno in the summer of 1941.

Leclerc's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the total number of the player's enemy base capture points. An unsuccessful or reduced capture does not count toward this number. 30 - Class IV / 300 - Class III / 3,000 - Class II / 30,000 - Class I. Philippe Leclerc was a General of the Free French Forces and one of the leaders in the liberation of Paris.

Lavrinenko's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for reducing the total number of capture points of a friendly base, up to 100 points per battle. 30 - Class IV 300 - Class III 3,000 - Class II 30,000 - Class I. Dmitry Lavrinenko, Guards Lieutenant and tank ace, was recognized as the top Soviet tanker, destroying 52 tanks over the course of two months.

Kay's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for achieving the Battle Hero status in four classes. 1 - Class IV / 10 - Class III / 100 - Class II / 1,000 - Class I. Douglas Kay, a British Army sergeant, participated in the Allied landings in Normandy.

Honorary Ranks


Destroy 100 or more of the following vehicles: Jagdpanther, Jagdtiger, Pz.Kpfw V Panther, Panther II, Pz.Kpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II, GW Panther, GW Tiger, Jagdpanther II.

Sharp shooter

Hit an enemy vehicle 10+ times in a row without missing. The results of the next battle using the same vehicle continue to count towards this number, until the sequence is broken by a miss. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series is included.


Remain undetected throughout an entire battle and be the only player to capture the enemy base. Granted even if the vehicle was accidentally hit or damaged.

Brothers in Arms

Each platoon member must destroy at least three enemy vehicles. All platoon members must survive the battle. Each platoon member receives this title.

CRUCIAL Contribution

A platoon must destroy at least 12 enemy vehicles. All platoon members receive the award.


Survive 20 battles in a row using the same vehicle. An unbroken series continues in the next battle on the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicated the longest streak earned for this award. Battles fought in artillery do not count.


Destroy a higher tier enemy vehicle by ramming it. Granted only once in the course of the battle.


Destroy three or more enemy vehicles in a row with a single shell each. An unbroken series continues in the next battle using the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series counts. Granted on completion of the next record series.

Master Gunner

Score at least five armor-penetrating hits in a row against enemy vehicles. A series unbroken by a miss, non-penetration, or ricochet continues in the next battle using the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series is included.


Survive five or more battles in a row without taking any damage. An unbroken series continues in the next battle on the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicates the longest streak earned for this award.Battles fought in artillery do not count.

Patton Valley

Destroy 100 Patton tanks, including M46 Patton and M48A1.


Destroy at least two enemy vehicles with one shell.

Senior Technical Engineer

Research all vehicles in all tech trees. When the game receives new vehicles, the award is voided.

Master Tanker

Destroy at least one of every type of enemy vehicle currently available in the game.


Awarded for successfully completing all links of the limited-time “Motherland Unleashed” Op.

Call of the motherland

Awarded for emerging victorious using a Soviet vehicle in the "Answer the Call" limited-time Proving Grounds campaign.

battle hero of the week

Award given only to the featured top tier X tanker who meets the weekly Battle Hero community article requirements.


Awarded for spotting enemy vehicles, allowing allies to cause 1,000 damage in a single, victorious battle. The series is extended for every 1,000 damage caused by allies to enemies spotted by you in one battle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicates the longest streak earned.

Fire for effect

Cause more damage to enemy vehicles than the hit points of your vehicle.

Mouse trap

Destroy 10 or more enemy Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus tanks.


Destroy four or five enemy vehicles in a single battle.


Destroy at least two enemy vehicles that caused damage to your vehicle in the battle.

The Lion of Sinai

Destroy at least 100 enemy Soviet IS-series of vehicles: IS, IS-3, IS-4, IS-6, IS-7, T-10, ISU-152, Object 704, Object 261, Object 268, Object 263.

Technical Engineer, Japan:

Research all Japanese vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all French vehicles in the tech tree. .


Research all British vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all American vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all Chinese vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all Soviet vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all German vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.

Tank Expert by Nation

Destroy at least one vehicle of each type from each nation"s tech tree. It"s possible to earn an expert medal for each nation available. In the event that new vehicles are added, the award becomes inactive until the new vehicles have been destroyed.

For Counter-Battery Fire

Play as artillery in a battle and destroy at least three enemy artillery.


Have total damage blocked by your armor exceed the hit points of your vehicle and survive the battle.

Commemorative Tokens


Survive at least 10 ricochets and non-penetrations in a row from enemies.


Survive a ricochet or non-penetrating shot from an enemy. Your vehicle must have less than 10% of its hit points left and you must survive the battle.


Damage enemy vehicles’ modules or injure Crew members at least five times in a battle.

Demolition Expert

Destroy an enemy vehicle by causing its ammunition to explode.


Destroy an enemy vehicle by setting it on fire.

Rock Solid

While driving an Artillery, destroy an enemy vehicle by ramming and survive the battle.

Eye for an Eye

Simultaneously destroy, and be destroyed, by the same enemy.

Hand of God

Survive and win the battle, having received damage from at least four different enemy vehicles.

World of Tanks will soon have a kind of anniversary. Ten years ago, in December 2008, a fateful meeting took place at Bityukov’s, where the word “tanks” was uttered for the first time.

Wargaming at that time was a small development studio that dreamed of creating something truly big. We even tried to release a fantasy MMORPG, but in the end we replaced elves and orcs with armor and guns.

“Tanks” was released in August 2010, and everything that happened next is already part of history. But this story is definitely not boring. Four Golden Joysticks and a stubborn balancer. Two Guinness records, more than 150 million registered players and hard work on the capacity of game servers. Dog. Beautiful from all sides 8.0 and controversial “Rubicon”. Teleports. The legendary “Runet Prize” and the epic random distribution of gold in new year holidays. Finally, “out of beta”: version 1.0, the most technically complex update that laid the foundation for further development games.
In fact, there were many more memorable moments and many more will happen in the future. The game moves along a difficult but exciting path. Sometimes it’s possible to walk along an already laid track, but often you have to go off-road. But when you have a huge army of loyal and persistent players behind you, it helps. You have been with us for more than eight years. Thank you very much for this! It will be more interesting later.

Well-deserved award

As a token of gratitude, we have prepared a special event for you. Gifts await everyone who registered in the game until December 31, 2017 inclusive.
* The reward you receive will depend on the date you first entered the game, and can be found in the “Achievements” section in the game client.

To receive rewards, you need to log into the game from November 28, 9:00 (Moscow time). You can pick them up until December 2019.
We have broken down the rewards by year: if you joined the game on December 31, 2013, your reward will be the same as those who registered on January 1 of the same year.

Alpha and Beta testers:

  • Background for nickname
  • Unique patch
  • Specialist. style
  • Tank T-50-2
  • 5,000 bonds
  • 5,000,000 silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

More than 6 years:

  • Specialist. style
  • Tank T-50-2
  • 5,000 bonds
  • 5,000,000 silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

4-5 years:

  • Tank T-50-2
  • 4,000 bonds
  • 4,000,000 silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

2-3 years:

  • 3,000 bonds
  • 3,000,000 silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

1 year:

  • 1,000 bonds
  • 1,000,000 silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

Historical information from Wargaming: In June 1941, near the city of Raseiniai (Lithuania), a clash occurred between units of the German 6th Panzer Division and KV tanks of the 3rd Mechanized Corps. About twenty Soviet and one hundred German tanks took part in the battle. Despite the support of artillery and infantry, German troops suffered big losses. One of the KV tanks managed to cut off German communications for more than a day.

The 6th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht was part of the 41st Panzer Corps. Together with the 56th Tank Corps, it made up the 4th Tank Group - the main striking force of Army Group North, whose task was to capture the Baltic states, capture Leningrad and link up with the Finns. The 6th Division was commanded by Major General Franz Landgraf. It was armed mainly with Czechoslovak-made PzKw-35t tanks - light, with thin armor, but with high maneuverability and maneuverability. There were a number of more powerful PzKw-III and PzKw-IV. Before the start of the offensive, the division was divided into two tactical groups. The more powerful one was commanded by Colonel Erhard Routh, the weaker one by Lieutenant Colonel Erich von Seckendorff.

By the evening of June 23, 1941, the 6th Panzer Division captured the Lithuanian city of Raseiniai. The division's combat groups - "Raus" and "Seckendorf" cross the Dubisa River and begin to strengthen bridgeheads on its eastern bank. But if the positions of the Routh group were quite quiet, then the battle group Seckendorf got involved in a battle with the Soviet 2nd Panzer Division of the 3rd Mechanized Corps. This is how the battle is described in one of the German reports:

« On June 23, 1941, the 4th Panzer Group reached the Dubissa River and occupied several bridgeheads. The defeated enemy infantry units took refuge in the forests and wheat fields, threatening German supply lines. On June 25, the Russians unexpectedly counterattacked the southern bridgehead in the direction of Raseiniai with the 3rd Mechanized Corps. They crushed the 6th Motorcycle Battalion, captured the bridge and moved towards the city. To stop the main enemy forces, the 114th motorized regiment, two artillery divisions and 100 tanks of the 6th Panzer Division were brought into action. However, they encountered a battalion of heavy tanks of a previously unknown type. These tanks passed through the infantry and burst into artillery positions. German gun shells bounced off the thick armor of enemy tanks. 100 German tanks could not withstand the battle with 20 enemy dreadnoughts and suffered losses. Czech Pz35 tanks were crushed by enemy monsters. The same fate befell the battery of 150-mm howitzers, which fired until the last minute. Despite numerous hits even at a distance of 200 meters, the howitzers were unable to damage a single tank. The situation was critical. Only 88-mm anti-aircraft guns were able to knock out several KV tanks and force the rest to retreat into the forest.»

As it turned out, one of these scattered tanks unexpectedly found itself to the north in the rear of the Rous tank group.
The tank stopped right on the road connecting the group’s bridgehead on the banks of the Dubysa River with the city of Raseiniai. Most likely he ran out of fuel, because... KV tanks had a small power reserve. This is evidenced by some found documents and eyewitness accounts.

The frozen tank was first discovered by a column of vehicles with Soviet prisoners of war and wounded German soldiers. Having traveled only one and a half kilometers from the group’s location, the trucks unexpectedly collided with a single Soviet tank (which tank it was - KV-1 or KV-2 - is still being debated). The tank immediately opened fire on the approaching column. The column was forced to go back, and the alarm was announced at the headquarters of E. Routh, the Germans began to frantically prepare for defense, to mine the approaches to their positions, because they thought that the entire 2nd Soviet Tank Division was coming towards them.

The Rous group lost contact with the headquarters of the 6th Division located in Rasiainiai, as the telephone wires were cut by the aforementioned tank, which also blocked the only decent road to the city (there was a very swampy area around it). Meanwhile, traffic jams began to form on both sides of the road to Rasiainiai. They could not remove the wounded from the bridgehead, many of whom died without receiving the necessary help. Vehicles with fuel and ammunition were moving from the city towards E. Routh’s group, which also came across a heavy combat vehicle. 12 of them were destroyed.

Realizing that they were facing only one tank, the Germans tried at all costs to destroy it in order to restore their communications. But an attempt to knock it out with an anti-tank battery of 4 50-mm cannons, which were camouflaged and crept closer, did not yield any results - they did not penetrate it. All 4 guns were destroyed when the firing revealed their positions. The 88 mm that came close suffered the same fate. anti-aircraft gun.

At night, German sappers tried to blow up the tank, but were only able to damage the track. But in return we received a good portion of lead from a tank machine gun. Then in the morning the Nazis resorted to a trick - light tanks began to fire at the tank from 3 sides, distracting it. The KV fired back, but could not hit the maneuverable Czech vehicles. And at this time, another 88-mm anti-aircraft gun, approaching from the rear, shot the tank with impunity and silenced it, forever.

The crew of the heroic KV not only “exchanged” themselves for 12 trucks, 4 anti-tank guns, 1 anti-aircraft gun and several dozen Germans killed and dying from their wounds, but was also able to delay the advance of an entire tank group (“Rouse” group) for two days and leave without the help of another German tank group (Group Seckendorf), fighting the Soviet 3rd Mechanized Corps.

What can I say - this is truly a great feat.

Achievements are awarded to players for exceptional performance in battle. Medals and achievements can either be tied directly to the player’s statistics or issued individually for each tank and its crew members. To see your own successes, select the “Achievements” tab in the top panel in the game client. In the window that opens, you can view not only all your achievements in aggregate, but also specifically for each tank: just click on the desired tank from the list on the left. To see another player's medals and achievements, right-click on their name in the game client and select "Information".

Battle Hero


The largest number of enemy vehicles in a particular battle (but not less than 6). Assigned to both the surviving player and posthumously. Multiple players from both the winning and losing teams may be awarded.

Tank sniper

Assigned to the player who fired the shot at least 8 times per battle and inflicted greatest number damage from a distance no less 300 meters. At least 80% hits must cause damage; damage to enemy equipment and damage to modules are taken into account. The overall shooting accuracy for the battle should be at least 85%. The damage caused must exceed the number of hit points of the player's vehicle and be not less than 1000 units. To get the achievement, you cannot hit allies with direct shots. Achievement Not issued when playing on self-propelled guns.

Main caliber

Assigned to the player who deals the most damage during the battle. The damage caused must be at least 20% on the total strength of enemy equipment and not less than 1000 units. To get the achievement, you cannot hit allies with direct shots. Achievement


Assigned to the player who knocked down no less 70% capturing a friendly base. Multiple players from both the winning and losing teams may be awarded. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.


Awarded to the player who receives the most base capture points, but not less than 80. In this case, the battle must be won by capturing the base - so that the inscription “Enemy base captured” appears. Only points that ensure the capture are counted. The achievement is awarded after a capture has taken place and only in random battles.

steel wall

Assigned to the player whose tank received the most damage, including damage blocked by armor, among members of both teams, but not less than 1000 units and not less than 11 hits. Assigned only to survivors. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.


Assigned to the player who caused damage or knocked down the tracks of the largest number of enemy vehicles (but not less than 6). Targets that were subsequently destroyed by other players or self-destructed are counted. Ricochets and non-penetrations are not taken into account. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.


Awarded to the player who discovers at least 9 enemy vehicles. Issued provided that the team wins. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.


The player is awarded if, according to his individual intelligence data (i.e., if he alone transmitted intelligence data at the time the enemy was damaged), 6 or more tanks were damaged. Multiple players from both the winning and losing teams may be awarded. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.

For excellent shooting

Assigned to the player 100 times who took first place in terms of the amount of damage inflicted in a victorious battle. Overall

Excellent combat training

Assigned to the player 100 times who took first place in the amount of experience earned per battle. Only winning battles are taken into account. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

Epic Achievements

Medal "Battlefield: Siege of Tobruk"
Medal "Battlefield: Bryansk Front"

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides on all vehicles that took part in the battle. Issued only in historical battles.

Medal "Battlefield: battles at Lake Balaton"

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides on all vehicles that took part in the battle. Issued only in historical battles.

Medal "Battlefield: Battle of Kursk"
Medal "Battlefield: Ardennes Operation 1944"

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides on all vehicles that took part in the battle. Premium equipment is not included. The medal was issued only in historical battles.

Orlik Medal

Destroy at least 2 enemy tanks or tank destroyers in one battle while driving a light tank. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 1 level higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Roman Edmund Orlik - tank ace, sergeant of the Polish army. During September 1939, fighting on the TKS wedge, he knocked out 13 German tanks.

Oskin Medal

Destroy 3 enemy tanks or tank destroyers in one battle while driving a medium tank. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 1 level higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Alexander Petrovich Oskin - tank commander, Hero of the Soviet Union. On August 11, 1944, while on reconnaissance mission near Oglendow, he destroyed three “Royal Tigers” on a T-34.

Kolobanov Medal

Awarded to the player who remains alone against 5 or more enemy tanks or self-propelled guns and wins. Issued only in with random battles.

Zinoviy Grigorievich Kolobanov - Soviet tank ace, lieutenant colonel. In the battle on August 19, 1941, the KV-1 destroyed 22 German tanks, 2 guns and 2 armored personnel carriers.

Medal of Horus

A self-propelled gun player is awarded for inflicting damage to the enemy eight times greater than the strength of his own vehicle, but not less than 2000 units. Hits against allies are not taken into account; destruction of allies is unacceptable. Issued only in random battles.

Adrian Clements Gore - British Colonel. On February 20, 1943, defending the Kasserine Pass (Tunisia), Gore's detachment, consisting of a tank squadron, an infantry company and an infantry artillery battery, stubbornly resisted units of the Wehrmacht's Afrika Korps, consisting of five infantry and one tank battalion, which lost 11 tanks in this battle.

Stark Medal

Awarded to a surviving SPG player who has destroyed at least 2 enemy vehicles and received at least 2 hits from the enemy that caused damage or were blocked by armor. The amount of damage received and blocked by armor must be at least 2/3 of the hit points of your own vehicle. The destruction of allies is unacceptable. Issued only in random battles.

Alexander Stark - Colonel, commander of a combined unit of French and American troops covering the Kasserine Pass (Tunisia). On February 19, 1943, with powerful artillery fire from the heights surrounding the pass, Starck’s detachment was able to delay the advance of a tank battalion and two infantry battalions from the Wehrmacht’s Afrika Korps for a day, forcing the German troops to request reinforcements.

Halonen Medal

Destroy at least 2 enemy tanks or tank destroyers in one battle while controlling a tank destroyer. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 2 levels higher than the player's tank destroyer. Issued only in random battles.

Erkki Halonen - tank ace, sergeant of the Finnish army. During the battles in June-July 1944 on Stug. III destroyed 3 T-34s, 2 KV-1s and 2 ISU-152s.

Fadin Medal

Assigned to the player who destroyed the last enemy vehicle with the last shell in its ammunition load. If the enemy is destroyed by the fire caused by the last shell, a medal is also awarded.When firing from automatic cannons and machine guns, the enemy must be destroyed with the last shell in the queue. Issued only in random battles.

Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin - commander of the T-34. One tank, with the support of an infantry platoon, captured and held the village of Dashukovka for five hours, destroying 3 tanks, 1 armored personnel carrier, 2 mortars, 12 machine gun points; fire from a turret machine gunAlsothe plane was shot down.

Burda Medal

Destroy 3 enemy self-propelled guns in one battle. Control a tank or tank destroyer. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 1 level higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Alexander Fedorovich Burda - Soviet tank ace, Hero of the Soviet Union, guard lieutenant colonel. On October 4, 1941, he organized an ambush, which resulted in the destruction of an enemy column, including 10 medium and light tanks, 2 tractors with anti-tank guns, and 5 vehicles with infantry.

Biot Medal

Assigned to a player who survives a victorious battle and destroys at least two enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damage(including losses of crew members) with the remaining health level less than 20%. Not issued in clan wars and special battles.

Pierre Billot - captain of the French army, during the battle on May 16, 1940, he destroyed 2 Pz.IV, 11 Pz.III and 2 guns on a B1bis.

Medal of Heroes Raseinaya

Awarded to the player who single-handedly destroyed at least 14 enemy vehicles in one battle . Issued only in with random battles.

The heroes of Raseiniai are the tank crew of a heavy KV tank, which on June 24-25 cut the rear of a German battle group formed from parts of the 6th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht, preventing its supply of ammunition, food and fuel, and held an important crossroads for two days, repelling several attacks.

Bruno Medal

Issued to a player who, in a victorious battle, has survived and destroyed at least 3 enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damages (including incapacitated tankers) and having less than 20% HP. Not issued in clan wars and special battles.

Pietro Bruno - Italian officer, tankman of the Ariete division. Recipient of the gold medal "For Military Valor" - Italy's highest award for feat on the battlefield. He died while covering the battalion's retreat.

Tartzai Medal

Issued to a player who, in a victorious battle, survives and destroys at least 5 enemy tanks or self-propelled guns after receiving 5 different critical damages (including incapacitated tankers) and having less than 20% HP. Not issued in clan wars and special battles.

Erwin Tarczay - Hungarian tank ace. He served in the 2nd Hungarian Tank Division and destroyed about ten tanks. He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit and the Iron Cross 2nd class. Died from his wounds.

Radley-Walters Medal

Awarded to a player with a vehicle of level 5 or higher who destroys 8 or 9 enemy vehicles in one battle. Issued only in with random battles.

Sydney Valpy Radley-Walters was a Canadian tank ace of the 27th Tank Regiment. The Sherman Firefly destroyed eighteen German tanks in 1944-1945.

Poole Medal

Issued to a player who, using a vehicle of level 5 or higher, destroyed 10-13 enemy vehicles in one battle. Issued only in with random battles.

Lafayette J. Poole - American tank ace. During his participation in hostilities, he knocked out and destroyed 258 German armored vehicles and automobiles. Awarded the Silver Star and the Distinguished Service Cross. He was seriously wounded, lost a leg, but returned to duty.

Pascucci Medal

Destroy 2 enemy self-propelled guns in one battle. Control a tank or tank destroyer. Issued only in random battles.

Luigi Arbib Pascucci - Italian tank ace. Commander of the 10th tank platoon of the 132nd tank regiment of the 132nd tank division Ariete. During the Second Battle of El Alamein, he led a counter-attack that resulted in significant casualties to British troops. Posthumously awarded the medal "For Military Valor".

Dumitru Medal

Destroy 3 enemy self-propelled guns in one battle. Control a tank or tank destroyer. Issued only in random battles.

Ion S. Dumitru - Romanian tank ace. He fought both on the side of Germany and on the side of the USSR, as part of the 27th Tank Brigade. On March 26, 1945, the unit that included Dumitru destroyed 6 German anti-tank guns and captured a battery of 15-centimeter howitzers.

Lechweslayho Medal

Destroy 2 enemy tanks or tank destroyers in one battle while driving a medium tank. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 1 level higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Reino Lechveslaiho is a sergeant in a tank brigade in a Finnish tank division. He knocked out 7 tanks and tank destroyers and was awarded the Order of the Cross of Liberty. After the war he became a professional writer; is one of three living holders of the honorary title "Military Treasurer".

Nichols Medal

Destroy at least 4 enemy tanks or tank destroyers in one battle while driving a medium tank. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 1 level higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Alfie Nichols is a British tank sniper. In one day of the Battle of El Alamein, he destroyed 9 German tanks. In total, during the battle he knocked out 14 enemy tanks. In total, during the war he destroyed from 40 to 50 German tanks.

Toastmaster Yoshio Medal

Destroy at least 2 enemy self-propelled guns in one battle while driving a light tank. Survive in battle. The destroyed vehicle must be at least 2 levels higher than the player's tank. Issued only in random battles.

Tamada Yoshio - Colonel, commander of the 4th Tank Regiment of the Japanese Army. During the Nomonhan incident near the Khalkhin Gol River, he led the regiment from the march into a night surprise attack, thanks to which he broke through the Soviet defenses and destroyed 4 artillery batteries, as well as several anti-tank guns.

Medal de Langlade

Awarded to the player who destroyed four opponents capturing the base in one battle in the base capture circle (the capture can be either sequential or simultaneous). Issued only in with random battles.

Paul Giraud de Langlade - Colonel, commander of the tactical group of the 2nd Armored Division of General Leclerc. On September 13, 1944, in the village of Domper, a tactical group under his command surrounded and destroyed a superior group of Pz V “Panther” tanks, and inflicted serious losses on a group of Pz IV tanks coming to their rescue and forced it to stop the attack. One of the four Panthers captured in Dompaire is kept in the tank museum in Saumur (France).

Naidin Medal

Awarded to a player who destroys all enemy light tanks (but not less than 3) in one battle. Issued only in with random battles.

Grigory Nikolaevich Naidin - sergeant, commander of the BT-7 tank, Hero of the Soviet Union. On June 25, 1941, near the town of Rudiškiai (Lithuania), he destroyed a column of enemy armored vehicles, destroying a total of 15 tanks and 10 guns of the advance detachment of the 19th Wehrmacht Panzer Division, thereby delaying the German offensive for two days, which made it possible to carefully organize the defense of Vilna.

Honorary titles

History lessons: battles at Lake Balaton
History Lessons: The Bulge Operation of 1944

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides using any vehicle. Issued only in historical battles.

History lessons: Bryansk Front

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides using any vehicle. Issued only in historical battles.

History Lessons: Siege of Tobruk

Assigned to a player who has won at least one victory for each of the opposing sides using any vehicle. Issued only in historical battles.

Reconnaissance in force

Awarded to a player who fulfills the following conditions 50 times:

  • the player has discovered at least 2 enemy tanks;
  • the player took third or higher place in terms of damage caused.

In the overall standings, the awards received are summed up. Only winning battles count. Issued only in team battles.

Promising fighter

Awarded to the player who takes 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in terms of experience earned per battle 100 times. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Only winning battles count. Issued only in team battles.


Awarded to a player who damages or destroys an enemy that is invisible to the player 10 times. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Only hits that cause damage are counted. Issued only in team battles.

Sniper reserve

Awarded to the player who takes 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in terms of damage dealt during a battle 100 times. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Only winning battles count. Issued only in team battles.


Awarded to the player who receives the highest amount of damage received and blocked 25 times in a battle. To receive the reward you must survive the battle. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Only winning battles count. Issued only in team battles.


Awarded to the player who managed to set the enemy on fire 10 times. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Issued only in team battles.

For the will to win

Awarded to the player who wins the battle, remaining alone against 3 or more enemy vehicles. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Issued only in team battles.

Decisive shot

Awarded to the player who destroys the last enemy vehicle 20 times and wins the battle. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Issued only in team battles.

For counter-battery fire

While driving a self-propelled gun, destroy all enemy self-propelled guns in one battle, but not less than two. The destruction of allies is unacceptable. Issued only in random battles.

Cold Blooded

Awarded to a player who, while driving a Tier IV-X self-propelled gun, destroyed at least 2 enemy light tanks from a distance of no more than 100 meters. The destruction of allies is unacceptable. Issued only in random battles.

St. John's wort

Awarded to the player who has destroyed 100 or more Jagdpanther, Jagdtiger, PzKpfw V Panther, Panther II, PzKpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VI Tiger (P), Pz.Kpfw.Tiger II, Löwe, GW Panther, GW Tiger, Jagdpanther II, 8.8 cm Pak43 JagdTiger, Panther-M10, Leopard prototyp A, Leopard 1.

Lion of Sinai

Awarded to the player who destroyed 100 or more IS tanks, as well as Soviet vehicles based on them: IS, IS-3, IS-4, IS-6, IS-7, IS-8, ISU-152, Object 704, Object 261, Object 263, Object 268. Not issued in special battles.


Assigned to the player who hits 10 or more once in a row at an enemy tank. If the series of hits is not interrupted by a miss, then the results of the next battle on the same vehicle will also be counted as hits (the longest series of hits is displayed in the icon). The maximum series counts towards the overall score. Issued only in random battles.


Assigned to a player who single-handedly captured an enemy base and was not noticed by any enemy during the entire battle (the icon displays the number of battles spent undetected). Be in the circle of the enemy base at the moment of capture. Accidental hits and damage to the machine are not an obstacle. Issued only in random battles.

Thunderstorm of mice

Assigned to the player who destroyed 10 or more Maus tanks(the icon displays the number of dozens of destroyed tanks). Not issued in special battles.


Assigned to the player who survived in 20 or more fights in a row while driving a tank/tank destroyer. Battles with self-propelled guns (both lost and won) do not interrupt the successful streak, but are not counted. The series is conducted for each vehicle separately and can continue in the next battle on the same vehicle. The maximum series counts towards the overall score. Issued only in random battles.


Assigned to the player who destroys one copy of each tank existing in the game. Not issued in special battles.

National Expert

Awarded to the player who destroys one vehicle out of all existing ones on at the moment in the tank tree of a given nation. As many national “experts” can be assigned as there are nations in the game. Not issued in special battles.

Mechanical engineer by nationality

Awarded to the player who has researched all tanks currently existing in the tank tree of a given nation. When new vehicles are added to the tank tree, the reward becomes irrelevant.

Senior Mechanical Engineer

Awarded to the player who has researched all tanks currently existing in the tank tree of all nations. When new vehicles are added to the tank tree, the reward becomes irrelevant.


Assigned to a player who has destroyed an enemy tank with a ram that is at least one level higher in class (the icon indicates the number of such rams). Assigned to both the surviving player and posthumously. Only one reward is given per battle, regardless of the number of tanks destroyed. Issued only in random battles.

death scythe

Assigned to the player who destroyed 3 or more enemy vehicles in a row, spending no more than one shell to destroy each one. The achievement is awarded at the end of the next record streak. The maximum series counts towards the overall score. A series that counts can be continued in the next battle using the same vehicle (the number on the icon indicates the longest series). Accounting is carried out separately for each machine. Issued only in random battles.


Awarded to the player who penetrates the armor of an enemy tank 5 or more once in a row. If the series is not interrupted by a failure to penetrate, a rebound or a miss, then the results of the next battle on the same vehicle will also be counted (the number on the icon means the longest series). Accounting is carried out separately for each machine. The maximum series counts towards the overall score. Issued only in random battles.


Assigned to the player who spent 5 or more battles in a row without taking damage. The series is conducted for each vehicle separately and can continue in the next battle on the same vehicle. The maximum series counts towards the overall score. Battles with self-propelled guns do not count. Issued only in random battles.


Awarded to the player who destroys at least 2 enemy vehicles with one shell. The sum of the results for all cars is counted. The number of "Bombardier" achievements obtained for each tank is indicated. The account indicates the total number of “scorers” for all tanks. Issued only in random battles.

Patton Valley

Awarded for destroying 100 M46 Patton, M48A1 Patton III or M60 tanks. Not issued in special battles.


Issued to the winning player at least 3 times in a row as part of a random team. The series is conducted for each vehicle separately and can continue in the next battle on the same vehicle. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

To receive the reward you must earn 1000 capture points. Only points that ensure the capture of the base are counted. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

To receive the reward, you must destroy the enemy 10 times without being detected. The enemy must be in line of sight (in the rendering square). Repeatedly received rewards are summed up. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

To receive the reward, you must destroy the enemy 10 times with a ram. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.


To receive the reward, you must destroy the enemy 10 times by detonating the ammunition rack. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

To receive the reward you must receive 1000 base defense points. Only defense points earned in victorious battles count toward the reward.Repeatedly received rewards are summed up. The achievement is awarded only in team battles.

To receive the award you must receive more damage blocked by armor than the strength of your own vehicle, surviving the battle. The achievement is awarded only in random battles.

Do not cause any damage to allies for 50 battles. Damage to modules that does not disable them is not taken into account. Ricochets and non-penetrations are not taken into account. A series of battles can continue when playing on any machine. The achievement is only awarded in random battles.

To receive the award you must: ensure the transfer of intelligence for the allies to inflict 1000 units of damage in one battle, winning the battle. The streak increases for every 1000 damage caused by your allies according to your intelligence during one battle. The series is maintained for each car separately, the maximum series is taken into account in the overall standings. The achievement is only awarded in random battles.

To receive the award you must inflict more damage on the enemy than the strength of your own vehicle. Damage caused by ramming and arson also counts. Not issued when playing on self-propelled guns. The achievement is only awarded in random battles.

destroy 4-5 enemy vehicles in one battle. The achievement is only awarded in random battles.

To receive the award you must destroy in battle at least 2 enemy vehicles that caused damage to you. Damage to modules is counted, ricochets and non-penetrations are not counted. The achievement is only awarded in random battles.

To receive the reward, you must capture the enemy's command center by attacking its Fortified Area. The level of the defenders' command center must not be lower than the level of the attackers' command center.

To receive the reward, you must capture the enemy’s command center while defending your Fortified Area. The level of the attackers' command center must not be lower than the level of the defenders' command center.

A unique reward. Medal for completing the task “Operation April 1”. Issued only in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards were summed up.

To receive the reward, you must destroy all enemy vehicles, while losing no more than 1 vehicle of the lowest level in a victorious battle. Issued to all players of the winning team who took part in the battle. The lost vehicle must be no higher than level VII. Victories won in training are not counted. Issued only in Team Battles for playing in the Ladder.

To receive the reward, you must win at least 3 times in a row without changing your team. Victories won in training are not counted. Issued only in Team Battles for playing in the Ladder.

One warrior in the field

Assigned to a player who is not a member of a platoon and who has dealt at least 10,000 units of damage during the battle. The use of combat reserves is taken into account. Issued in the “Steel Hunt” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Effective support

Assigned to the player who caused the most damage to enemy vehicles using combat reserves. In this case, the damage inflicted must be at least 2000 units. Issued in the “Fight to the last” mode.


Assigned to a player who has destroyed at least 5 enemy vehicles. Enemy vehicles destroyed by combat reserves are counted. Issued in the “Superiority” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.


Awarded to the player who earns the most victory points. Issued in the “Superiority” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Memorial signs

God of War

Awarded to the player who wins the battle while playing on a self-propelled gun and remains the only survivor. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. Issued only in team battles.


Issued to a player on a self-propelled gun. To obtain the achievement, you must survive a battle after a fatal ramming for the enemy. In this case, the speed of your own self-propelled guns should not exceed 10 km/h. The speed of the enemy who carried out the ram must be higher than the speed of your self-propelled gun. The destruction of allies is unacceptable. Issued only in random battles.

King of the Hill

Issued to the only player surviving the battle. To get the achievement, you must win the battle while playing on a tank or tank destroyer. Issued only in team battles.

Fight to the last

Issued to each player of both teams after a battle in which all equipment is destroyed. Issued only in team battles.


Be at a distance of no more than 10 meters from enemy equipment at the moment of its destruction by a direct shot from a player of the opposing team. Issued only in with random battles.


Awarded to a player whose tank has withstood 10 or more ricochets and non-penetrations in a row from the enemy. Issued only in with random battles.


Awarded to a player who, having less than 10% of the tank's strength, received a ricochet from his vehicle or was not penetrated by an enemy tank and remained alive until the end of the battle. Issued only in with random battles.

Operation Winter

A unique reward. Awarded to the player for winning the special game mode “Winter Battle”.

To receive the reward you must destroy the enemy by detonating ammunition. Only given in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up.

To receive the reward you must destroy the enemy by arson. N There is more than one reward per player per battle.Issued only in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up.

To receive the award you must cause at least 5 module hits and crew injuries to an enemy vehicle during the battle. Modules damaged by fire are also counted. Issued only in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up.

To receive the award you must survive in a victorious battle, having received damage from at least 4 different players on the enemy team. Only hits that cause damage are counted. Issued only in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up.

To receive the reward you must to destroy the enemy and be destroyed by him. Destruction by fire or ramming is also taken into account. Issued only in random battles. Repeatedly received rewards are summed up.

Fallen Banners

Awarded to a player who is not a member of a platoon and who destroyed more flags during the battle than were delivered by the platoons, but not less than 4. Issued in the “Steel Hunt” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Group Achievements

Brothers in Arms (platoon award)

Issued to all platoon players provided that all platoon members survive and destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles. Issued only in random battles.

Decisive contribution (platoon award)

Issued to all players in a platoon, provided that the platoon has destroyed at least 12 enemy vehicles. Issued only in with random battles.

Armored fist

Issued to all team members provided that the team has destroyed all enemy equipment, losing no more than 1 vehicle. To get the achievement you must win the battle. Issued only in team battles.

Tactical Mastery

Win by destroying all enemy equipment without losing a single vehicle. Issued to all players of the winning team who took part in the battle. Victories won in training are not counted. Issued only in Team Battles for playing in the Ladder.

Secret Operations

Win by capturing an enemy base with a group of 2 or more vehicles. All vehicles involved in the capture must survive and receive capture points. Knocking down any number of capture points by the enemy is unacceptable. Victories won in training are not counted. Issued only in Team Battles for playing in the Ladder.

Shoulder to shoulder

Assigned to players of a platoon that has destroyed at least 12 enemy vehicles. The damage inflicted on enemy vehicles must be at least 30,000 units. The use of combat reserves is taken into account. Issued to all platoon players in the “Steel Hunt” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Milestone achievements

Medal "For Tactical Operations" (IV-I degrees)

Issued for the total number of victories won as part of a random team in 10/100/1000/2500 battles. Issued only in team battles.

Medal “Maker of History” (IV-I degrees)

Issued for the total number of victories won for each side of the conflict in 5/50/500/2500 battles. A prerequisite for receiving the reward: the player must gain at least 150 units of “pure” experience during the battle.

Issued only in historical battles. For example, to receive a IV degree medal as part of participation in the Battle of Kursk, you must win 5 victories with Soviet vehicles and 5 with German ones.

Medal "Guardsman" (IV-I degrees)

Issued for the total number of victories won using auxiliary vehicles in 5/50/500/1500 battles. A prerequisite for receiving the reward: the player must gain at least 150 units of “pure” experience during the battle.

Different vehicles can act as auxiliary equipment in different historical battles. For example, when playing in a team consisting of T-34 and BT-7 tanks, you need to control the BT-7 tank.

Issued only in historical battles.

Abrams Medal (IV-I class)

Issued for the total number of victories won by a team in 5/50/500/5000 battles. The necessary condition is the player's survival. Not issued in special battles.

Creighton Abrams was a general who commanded armored units of the US Army during World War II and the Vietnam War. He gained a reputation as an aggressive and successful commander.

Ekins Medal (IV-I classes)

Assigned to the player who destroyed 3/30/300/3000 enemy tanks and self-propelled guns of level 8 or higher. Not issued in special battles.

Joy Ekins is a private in the Northamptonshire unit of the British Territorial Army. A number of sources credit Ekins with the destruction of the famous tank ace Michael Wittmann.

Carius Medal (IV-I classes)

Assigned to the player who destroyed 10/100/1000/10,000 enemy tanks and self-propelled guns. Not issued in special battles.

Otto Carius was one of the most successful tank aces of World War II. He fought on the Pz.38(t), Pz.VI Tiger and the Jagdtiger tank destroyer.

Knispel Medal (IV-I degrees)

Issued in one of four degrees depending on the total amount of damage dealt and received: 10,000/100,000/1,000,000/10,000,000 units. Not issued in special battles.

Kurt Knispel was a German tank ace of World War II who took part in battles on the Western and Eastern Fronts. Fought in PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger and PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II.

Popel Medal (IV-I degrees)

Assigned to the player who has discovered 20/200/2000/20,000 enemy tanks and self-propelled guns in total during all battles. Not issued in special battles.

Nikolai Kirillovich Popel - lieutenant general of tank forces, Soviet military leader and political worker. During the battle of Dubno in the summer of 1941, he organized a raid behind enemy lines using captured armored vehicles.

Leclerc Medal (IV-I classes)

Assigned to the player who scores 30/300/3000/30,000 base capture points in total for all battles. Only successful captures of the base count; captured capture points are not counted. Not issued in special battles.

Jacques-Philippe Leclerc - General of the Free French Forcesduring World War II, one of the developers of the operation to liberate Paris.

Lavrinenko Medal (IV-I degrees)

Assigned to a player who has lost a total of 30/300/3000/30,000 base capture points (no more than 100 points for 1 battle) in total for all battles conducted. Not issued in special battles.

Lavrinenko Dmitry Fedorovich - Soviet tank ace, Hero of the Soviet Union, guard senior lieutenant. Recognized as the most effective Soviet tanker: in two and a half months he destroyed 52 tanks in 28 battles.

Kay Medal (IV-I classes)

Awarded to a player who receives the title “Hero of Battle” 1/10/100/1000 times. Not issued in clan wars and special battles.

Douglas Kay - British Army sergeant, Sherman Firefly tank gunner, participant in the Allied landings in Normandy. Widely known as a popularizer and propagandist of the history of tank warfare.

Battle-tested (IV-I degrees)

To receive this reward, you must earn 10/100/250/500 rewards in Team Battle mode.

Rotmistrov Medal (IV-I degrees)

To receive the reward, you must complete 3/30/150/300 battles on the Global Map.

Soldier of fortune (IV-I degrees)

To receive the reward, you must win 5/50/100/200 raids.

Victorious battles in which the player personally took part are counted.

Conqueror (IV-I degrees)

To receive the reward, you need to earn 100/500/1500/3000 units of industrial resources captured in forays.

Warrior (IV-I degrees)

To receive the reward, you must win battles for Fortified Areas 5/50/100/200 times.

For decisive battles(IV-I degrees)

To receive a reward, you must capture during all attacks on enemy fortified areas
100/500/1500/3000 units of industrial resource.

The industrial resource captured by the player personally is counted.

For strategic operations (IV-I degrees)

To receive the reward, you must win 10/100/1000/2500 victories with a permanent team. Victories won in training are not counted. Only shown in team achievements. Issued only in Team Battles for playing in the Ladder.

Lord of the Storm (IV-I degrees)

Issued for the total amount of enemy equipment destroyed by combat reserves. 10 destroyed vehicles - IV degree, 100 destroyed vehicles - III degree, 500 destroyed vehicles - II degree, 1000 destroyed vehicles - I degree. Issued in the “Fight to the last” mode.

Winner laurels (IV-I degrees)

Issued for the number of victory points earned. 1000 points - IV degree, 10,000 points - III degree, 100,000 points - II degree, 1,000,000 points - I degree. Issued in the “Fight to the last” mode.

Special commemorative signs

White Tiger

A unique reward that was given out only during the “White Tiger” game event, dedicated to the release of the film of the same name. The gaming event took place from May 3 to July 1, 2012. The reward was given to the player who destroyed the White Tiger ghost tank while driving the T-34-85 tank. No longer issued.

Participant of the WCG 2012 Grand Final

The award was given to players who took part in the WCG 2012 Grand Finals in Kunshan, China. No longer issued.

Memorable signs of the game event “The First Atlantic War”

Participant in the First Atlantic War

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the continent of Atlantis. The gaming event took place from July 18 to August 10, 2012. The reward was awarded to each clan player who owned at least one province on the territory of Atlantis. No longer issued.

Conqueror of Atlantis

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the continent of Atlantis. The gaming event took place from July 18 to August 10, 2012. The reward was awarded to each clan player who owned at least one province on the territory of Atlantis at the time of its flooding. No longer issued.

Hero of the New World

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the continents of Atlantis and North America. The gaming event took place from July 18 to August 10, 2012. The reward was awarded to each clan player who owned at least one province in North America at the time of the game event. No longer issued.

Memorable signs of the game event “In the steppes of Mongolia”

Hero of Khalkhin Gol

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the territory of Mongolia on the Global Map. The gaming event took place from November 26 to December 5, 2012. The reward was awarded to each player of the clan that owned the province of Dornod at the end of the event. No longer issued.

Lord of the Steppes

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the territory of Mongolia on the Global Map. The gaming event took place from November 26 to December 5, 2012. The award was given to each player of the clan that won the first tournament for the province of Tuva. No longer issued.

Red Batyr

A unique reward that was given only during a game event dedicated to the territory of Mongolia on the Global Map. The gaming event took place from November 26 to December 5, 2012. The reward was awarded to each clan player who owned the province of Tove at the end of the event. No longer issued.

Commemorative signs of the game event “Hot September”

For the liberation of Brussels

A unique reward that was given only during the first stage of the “Hot September” game event. The game event took place from September 3 to September 30, 2012. A reward was awarded to each clan player who, after September 3, landed in Europe, captured the province of Belgium and held it for the longest number of days at the end of the stage on September 13. No longer issued.

For the liberation of Pisa

A unique reward that was given only during the third stage of the “Hot September” game event. The game event took place from September 3 to September 30, 2012. A reward was awarded to each clan player who, after September 14, landed in Europe, captured the province of Emilia and held it for the longest number of days at the end of the stage on September 24. No longer issued.

For the liberation of Poland

A unique reward that was given only during the third stage of the “Hot September” game event. The game event took place from September 3 to September 30, 2012. A reward was awarded to each clan player who, after September 14, landed in Europe, captured the province of Lesser Poland and held it for the longest number of days at the end of the stage on September 24. No longer issued.

For the liberation of Sofia

A unique reward that was given only during the second stage of the “Hot September” game event. The game event took place from September 3 to September 30, 2012. A reward was awarded to each clan player who, after September 10, landed in Europe, captured the province of Sofia and held it for the longest number of days at the end of the stage on September 20. No longer issued.

For the liberation of Tallinn

A unique reward that was given only during the final fourth stage of the “Hot September” game event. The game event took place from September 3 to September 30, 2012. A reward was awarded to each clan player who, after September 21, landed in Europe, captured the province of Estonia and held it for the longest number of days at the end of the stage on September 30. No longer issued.

Commemorative signs of the First Campaign on the Global Map

With iron and blood

A unique medal given to all players of the clan that earned maximum quantity Victory points in the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Amur tiger

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of the Khabarovsk region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Master of the taiga

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the Aldan province. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Lena gold

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of the Irkutsk region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Siberian lion

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of the Krasnoyarsk region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Oil tycoon

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of the Tyumen region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Don Cossack

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of the Rostov region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Jolly Roger

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map owned the province of Somaliland. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the province of Antananarivo. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Northern Palmyra

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the province Leningrad region. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Zulu warrior

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the province of Eastern Transvaal. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Homeland of worthy people

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the West-Central province. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, owned the province of Ile-de-France. The stage was called "Land Gatherers" and took place from June 3 to June 14, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the second stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, had accumulated the most Victory Points. The stage was called “Ups and Downs” and took place from June 14 to June 26, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Flow and plunder

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the second stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, had looted the most gold. The stage was called “Ups and Downs” and took place from June 14 to June 26, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Iron fist

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the third stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, had accumulated the most Victory Points. The stage was called “The Age of Revolutions” and took place from June 27 to July 7, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

With fire and sword

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the third stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, suppressed the most rebellions. The stage was called “The Age of Revolutions” and took place from June 27 to July 7, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

World domination

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the fourth stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, had accumulated the most Victory Points. The stage was called "World Domination" and took place from June 8 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, at the end of the fourth stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map, knocked the largest number of rival clans off the map. The stage was called "World Domination" and took place from June 8 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal given to all players of the clan that scored the most Victory Points during the First Campaign on the Global Map. The campaign ran from June 3 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that took second place in the number of Victory Points scored during the First Campaign on the Global Map. The campaign ran from June 3 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal given to all players of the clan that took third place in the number of Victory Points scored during the First Campaign on the Global Map. The campaign ran from June 3 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Member of the First Campaign

A unique medal given to all players who fought at least one battle on the Global Map during the First Campaign. The campaign ran from June 3 to July 19, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

Memorial signs of the Second Campaign on the Global Map

Empire Maker

A unique medal that was awarded to the players of the clan that collected the maximum number of Victory Points during the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The stage was called “The Age of Revolutions” and took place from November 11 to November 24, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.

First step

A unique medal issued to all clan players who landed on the Global Map during the “Redistribution of the World” that took place during the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The medal is no longer issued.

Knight of the Revolution

A unique medal given to all clan players who had at least one Victory Point on the Global Map by the time the first stage of the Second Campaign was completed on the Global Map. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, based on the results of the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, accumulated the maximum number of Victory Points for owning provinces. Victory Points taken from opponents during the capture of their provinces were not counted. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, based on the results of the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, accumulated the maximum number of Victory Points for owning one province. Victory Points taken from the enemy during the capture of his province were not counted. The medal is no longer issued.

Flying squad

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, following the results of the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, accumulated the maximum number of Victory Points by taking part in rebellions and landing battles. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal that was awarded to all players of the clan that accumulated the most Victory Points during the first stage of the Second Campaign during a single rebellion or landing battle. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of a clan that, by the end of the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, controlled at least one province. The medal is no longer issued.

Let's Battle: Minsk

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which, during the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, ousted the clan from the province of Minsk Region. The medal is no longer issued.

Let's Battle: St. Petersburg

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which, during the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, ousted the clan from the province of Leningrad Region. The medal is no longer issued.

Let's Battle: Paris

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan, which, during the first stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, ousted the clan from the province of Ile-de-France. The medal is no longer issued.

Participant of the first stage of the Second Campaign

A unique commemorative badge given to all players who fought at least one battle on the Second Campaign map during its first stage. The reward is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that collected the maximum number of Victory Points during the second stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The stage was called “Robbing caravans!” and ran from November 27 to December 9, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan who, during the second stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, scored at least one Victory Point. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal given to all players of a clan that owned more than one caravan in at least one turn within 24 hours. The medal is no longer issued.

Participant of the second stage of the Second Campaign

A unique commemorative badge given to all players who fought at least one battle on the Second Campaign map during its second stage. The reward is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that collected the maximum number of Victory Points during the third stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The stage was called “Gold Rush” and took place from December 10 to December 23, 2013. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, during the third stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, accumulated the maximum number of Victory Points for owning one “deposit”. The medal is no longer issued.

gold mine

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that, during the third stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map, captured the largest number of “gold veins” in different “deposits”. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique commemorative badge issued to all clan players who scored at least one Victory Point during the third stage of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The reward is no longer issued.

Participant of the third stage of the Second Campaign

A unique commemorative badge given to all players who fought at least one battle on the Second Campaign map during its third stage. The reward is no longer issued.

Triumphant, 1st degree

A unique medal given to all players of the clan that scored the maximum number of Victory Points during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The medal is no longer issued.

Triumphant II degree

A unique medal given to all players of the clan that took second place in the number of Victory Points scored during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The medal is no longer issued.

Triumphant III degree

A unique medal awarded to all players of the clan that took third place in the number of Victory Points scored during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The medal is no longer issued.


A unique medal given to clans for victorious battles during the Second Campaign at the Global Level. The award was given in four degrees depending on the number of victories won. No longer issued.


A unique medal awarded to clans for the number of victories won in a row during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The award was given in four degrees depending on the number of victories. No longer issued.

amphibious assault

A unique medal awarded to clans for capturing starting provinces during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The reward was awarded in four degrees depending on the number of starting provinces captured. No longer issued.


A unique medal awarded to clans for capturing rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The award was given in four degrees depending on the number of rebel provinces captured. No longer issued.

Coastal defense

A unique medal awarded to clans for defending their starting provinces during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The reward was given in four degrees depending on the number of starting provinces that the clan managed to defend. No longer issued.


A unique medal awarded to clans for defending rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The award was given in four degrees depending on the number of rebellious provinces that the clan managed to defend. No longer issued.


A unique medal given to clans for the destruction of enemy Headquarters during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The reward was given in four degrees depending on the number of Stakes destroyed. No longer issued.

The Last Frontier

A unique medal given to clans for defending their own Headquarters during the Second Campaign on the Global Map. The award was given in four degrees depending on how many times the clan managed to defend its Headquarters. No longer issued.

Black pea coats

A unique medal for the Second Campaign on the Global Map, awarded to clans for the maximum number of starting provinces captured within 24 turns. The reward was given in four degrees depending on the number of starting provinces captured by the clan. No longer issued.


A unique Second Campaign medal on the Global Map, awarded to clans for the maximum number of rebellious provinces captured within 24 turns. The reward was given in four degrees depending on the number of rebellious provinces captured by the clan. No longer issued.


A unique Second Campaign medal on the Global Map, awarded to clans for the number of provinces plundered during the campaign. The reward was given in four degrees depending on the number of plunders committed by the clan. No longer issued.


A unique medal for the Second Campaign on the Global Map, awarded for the number of victories won by a clan within 24 turns. The award was given in four degrees depending on the number of victories won. No longer issued.

Petrel A unique medal awarded to all players of the clan that captured the largest number of starting and rebellious provinces on the Global Map during the Second Campaign within 24 turns. Along with the medal, each player received 60,000 Fame Points. No longer issued.

A unique medal issued to all players of the clan that fought the maximum series of unbeaten battles during the Second Campaign. Along with the medal, each player received 100,000 Fame Points. No longer issued.

Member of the Second Campaign

A unique commemorative badge issued to all players who fought at least one battle during each of the three stages of the Second Campaign on the Global Map. No longer issued

Commemorative signs of the game event “World on Fire”

"Eternal Flame" 1st degree

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each player of the clan that scored the most Victory Points. No longer issued.

"Eternal Flame" II degree

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The award was awarded to each player of the clan that took second place in the number of Victory Points scored. No longer issued.

"Eternal Flame" III degree

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The award was awarded to each player of the clan that took third place in the number of Victory Points accumulated. No longer issued.

"Warrior of Fire"

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each clan player who won 5 or more battles during the World on Fire event. No longer issued.

"Breath of Fire"

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each player of the clan that won the most battles during the “World on Fire” game event. It is no longer issued.

"Flame of Revolution"

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each clan player who won two or more rebellions during the World on Fire game event. No longer issued.

"Fiery Gehenna"

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each clan player who, during the “World on Fire” game event, won the largest number of rebellions. No longer issued.

"Fire Tamer"

A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each clan player who defended two or more rebellious provinces during the World on Fire game event. No longer issued.


A unique reward that was given only during the “World on Fire” game event, which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each clan player who defended the largest number of rebellious provinces during the World on Fire in-game event. No longer issued.

"Trail of Fire"

A commemorative sign that was issued only during the game event “World on Fire,” which took place from May 14 to May 26, 2014. The reward was awarded to each player who fought at least three battles as part of the World on Fire in-game event. No longer issued.

Commemorative signs of the game event “Twilight of the Gods”

"Call of the Valkyries"

A unique reward that was issued only during the game event “Twilight of the Gods,” which took place from September 3 to September 14, 2014. All clan players were awarded for winning a landing or rebellion tournament bordering the province where the closed Gate was located.

"The Gates of Asgard"

A unique reward that was given only during the game event “Twilight of the Gods,” which took place from September 3 to September 14, 2014. All clan players whose chips were transferred to Asgard through the Gate were awarded.

"Thor's Hammer"

A unique reward that was issued only during the game event “Twilight of the Gods,” which took place from September 3 to September 14, 2014. All players of the clan that captured the starting province in the Asgard region were awarded.

« Spear of Odin»

A unique reward that was given only during the game event “Twilight of the Gods,” which took place from September 3 to September 14, 2014. All players of the clan that captured a key province in the Asgard region were awarded.

« Fenrir's head»

A unique reward that was given only during the game event “Twilight of the Gods,” which took place from September 3 to September 14, 2014. All players of the clan that won the battle with the clan of the Dark Gods while defending the key provinces of the Asgard region were awarded.

Memorial signs of the Third Campaign on the Global Map

Order of the Entente, 1st class

A unique reward that was given for 1st place during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014.

Order of the Entente, 2nd class

A unique reward that was given for 2nd place during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014.

Order of the Entente III class

A unique reward that was given for third place during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014.

Order of Epic Win

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for the maximum streak of victories.

"Hundred Day Offensive"

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for a certain number of victorious battles in a row.

"Brusilovsky breakthrough"

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for a certain number of victorious battles.

Pershing Medal

A unique reward that was issued during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for a certain number of captured landing and rebellious provinces.

"Verdun Fortress"

A unique reward that was issued during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for the successful defense of a certain number of landing and rebellious provinces.

Medal "Blitzkrieg"

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for the number of landing or rebellious provinces captured within 24 hours.

Foch Medal

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20, 2014, for the number of victories within 24 hours.

Let's Battle Medal

A unique reward that was given out during the Third Campaign on the Global Map, which took place from November 20 to December 20 2014, for the victory over the clan.

Memorable signs for participation in the game event “Supremacy”

Hero of Supremacy

Awarded to a player for a victorious battle in the “Supremacy” game event. Issued to all players of the winning team during a special promotion. Only one reward is issued for all battles completed.

Lone wolf

Awarded for winning the solo mode of the “Steel Hunt” game event.


Awarded for winning as part of a platoon in the “Steel Hunt” game event.

Steel Hunter

Issued for participation in the “Steel Hunt” game event.

Excellent victory

Awarded for winning the game event "Supremacy: Steel Fury".

Die Hard

Assigned to a player who has never been destroyed during a battle. In this case, it is necessary to destroy at least 5 enemy vehicles, and the damage inflicted on enemy vehicles must be at least 10,000 units. The use of combat reserves is taken into account. Issued in the “Superiority” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.


Assigned to a player who is not a member of a platoon and who has dealt at least 10,000 units of damage to enemy vehicles. In this case, it is necessary to destroy at least 5 enemy vehicles and at least 3 flags. The use of combat reserves is taken into account. Issued in the “Steel Hunt” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Assigned to platoon players who delivered at least 4 flags to the base. Personal results are taken into account. Issued to all platoon players in the “Steel Hunt” format of the “Fight to the Last” mode.

Special Achievements

Bölter Medal

Issued before the release of version 8.0.

Assigned to the player who destroyed a tank or tank destroyer 7 or more in one battle enemy tanks and self-propelled guns above the fourth level for a specific battle, or 10 or more - on self-propelled guns. Not issued in clan wars and special battles. After update 8.0, the award has been discontinued.

Hans Bölter is one of the most successful German tank aces World War II. Participated in hostilities in Poland, France, Greece, on the territory of the USSR and in Normandy.


Issued before the release of version 8.11.

Assigned to the most accurate player who had an asset in a particular battle at least 10 shots with overall accuracy 85 percent or more, with a total potential damage of at least 1000 units. Shells that did not penetrate enemy armor also counted as hits. If the percentage and number of hits were equal, it was awarded to the player who gained more experience points for the battle, taking into account the premium account. If, at the end of the battle, two or more players were in the lead in terms of accuracy, the title was awarded to the player who hit the enemy vehicle the most times. Issued on the condition that the player did not hit an ally during the battle. Not issued in clan wars and special battles.

Operation Nostalgia

A unique reward that was given for all battles conducted between April 1 and April 3, 2014, only in random battles. To receive the award, you had to win the battle while driving the Karl self-propelled gun. Issued to all players of the winning team. When an ally was destroyed, no reward was given. No longer issued.

Commemorative medal "Footballer 2014"

A unique reward. Awarded to the player for winning the special game mode “World of Tanks Football Battles”, dedicated to the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Commemorative medal "Racer 2014"

A unique reward. Awarded to all players of the winning team in the special game mode “Tank Racing”. The maximum series of victories in a row counted towards the overall standings. The series was interrupted by defeat.

Medal "Best replay of the week"

Awarded to the player whose battle replay was included in the “Best Replays of the Week” program, a legendary series of entertaining videos that has been airing since February 2012.

The achievement is awarded only to the winners of the nominations.

Medal "Creative Contribution"

A unique award is awarded to the player whose work took a prize (1-3rd) place in a creative competition. Issued since September 2015, only in creative competitions held on official World of Tanks resources. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings.

Award "For Creativity"

A unique award given to a player who receives a special prize in a creative competition. Issued since March 2016, only in creative competitions held on official World of Tanks resources. Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings.

The decision to award an award is made by the Administration.

Medal "Always in service"

Win the “Fight to the Last” event.

Issued to all participants of the special promotion. Only one reward is issued for all battles completed.

Medal "Competition Participant"

Repeatedly received awards are summed up in the overall standings. The decision to award an award is made by the Administration.

Signs of class

In update 7.2, badges of class were added to the list of World of Tanks achievements. Badges of Class are awarded to a player for gaining a significant amount of experience in a battle. A badge of excellence will be awarded to a player if he can gain more experience than the majority of players on the same vehicle in the last 7 days. The reward is issued immediately after the end of the battle.

Master class badge. Issued to a player who, based on the amount of experience gained, is among the top 1% of players in 7 days.

Class badge 1st degree. Issued to a player whose amount of experience gained exceeds the average result of the top 5% of players over 7 days.

Badge of class 2nd degree. Issued to a player whose amount of experience gained exceeds the average result of the top 20% of players over 7 days.

Class mark of the 3rd degree. Issued to a player whose amount of experience exceeds the average result of the top 50% of players over 7 days.

Some features and conditions for obtaining class marks:

  • Experience is considered without taking into account the premium account and double/triple/quintuple coefficient.
  • Class marks are not taken away or demoted. If the player played worse next time, the class mark will not be lowered.
  • When receiving a higher class mark, it is added instead of a lower one.
  • If you received the “Master” badge, then no other class badges will be assigned to this tank.
  • Badges of Class will not be awarded for experience gained prior to the release of Update 7.2.
  • Class badges are displayed next to each tank in the player’s personal statistics.

Markings on gun barrels

Starting with version 9.1, a new type of achievement has appeared in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. To obtain this achievement, the player must deal as much damage as possible during one battle. The higher the average damage per battle compared to other players on a given tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the barrel.

To receive one mark, a player must be in the top 35% on the same tank; two marks are awarded to the top 15% of players; three marks - the best 5% of players. Marks can only be obtained by playing on vehicles of level V and higher.

The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.