Liturgical instructions for the year online. Liturgical instructions are always at hand

Monday. St. Pimen the Great.

St. sschmch. Kukshi, a disciple of his martyr. Nikon, etc. Pimen of the Faster, Pechersk, in the Near Caves.

Service of St. Pimen the Great does not have holiday sign, is performed together with the service of Octoechos.

Order of readings, according to the calendar:

At Vespers there is no kathisma.

On “Lord, I cried” stichera on 6: Octoechos, tone 3 – 3, and the venerable one, tone 8 – 3. “Glory” - the venerable one, tone 6: “Reverend Father...”, “And now” - Theotokos in the voice of “Glory”, from the lesser ones: “Let us sing in Arkhangelsk...”.

No entry. Prokeimenon of the day.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 3. “Glory” - the venerable one, tone 8: “There are many monks...”, “And now” - Theotokos in the tone of “Glory”, from the minor ones: “Archangel Gabriel...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the saint, tone 8. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, Angel of Joy...”.

At matins to “God is the Lord” – the troparion of the saint, tone 8 (twice). “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, Angel of Joy...”.

Kathismas 4th and 5th. There are no small litanies. Sedalny Oktoeha. Psalm 50.

Canons: Octoechos 1st with Irmos by 6 (irmos once), 2nd by 4 and Venerable by 4.

Bible songs “We sing to the Lord...”.

Katavasia according to the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th cantos - irmos of the canon of the Menaion.

According to the 3rd song - the venerable sedalin, voice 3rd. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos Menaion, the same voice.

According to the 6th song - kontakion and ikos of the monk, tone 4.

On the 9th song we sing “The Most Honest”.

According to the 9th song, “It is worthy to eat” is sung. Exapostilary Octoechos. “Glory” is the luminary of the saint, “And now” is the Theotokos Menaion.

“Praise the Lord from Heaven...” and psalms of praise.

The daily doxology is read.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 3. “Glory, even now” - the Theotokos Octoechos, the same voice: “Holy first-pure praise...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the saint, tone 8. “Glory, even now” – Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, gate of the King of Glory...”.

On the clock there is the troparion and kontakion of the saint.

At the Liturgy daily antiphons.

At the entrance - troparia and kontakion:

In the Church of the Lord and the Mother of God - the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the day, the troparion of the saint; Kontakion of the day, kontakion of the monk. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - the kontakion of the temple.

In the temple of the saint - the troparion of the day, the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the saint; Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the temple, Kontakion of the monk. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “Representation of Christians...”.

Prokeimenon, alleluia and communion - of the day and the venerable one.

Apostle and Gospel - day and venerable.

Monday. St. Pimen the Great.

St. sschmch. Kukshi, a disciple of his martyr. Nikon, etc. Pimen of the Faster, Pechersk, in the Near Caves.

Service of St. Pimen the Great does not have a holiday sign, it is performed together with the service of Octoechos.

Order of readings, according to the calendar:

At Vespers there is no kathisma.

On “Lord, I cried” stichera on 6: Octoechos, tone 3 – 3, and the venerable one, tone 8 – 3. “Glory” - the venerable one, tone 6: “Reverend Father...”, “And now” - Theotokos in the voice of “Glory”, from the lesser ones: “Let us sing in Arkhangelsk...”.

No entry. Prokeimenon of the day.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 3. “Glory” - the venerable one, tone 8: “There are many monks...”, “And now” - Theotokos in the tone of “Glory”, from the minor ones: “Archangel Gabriel...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the saint, tone 8. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, Angel of Joy...”.

At matins to “God is the Lord” – the troparion of the saint, tone 8 (twice). “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, Angel of Joy...”.

Kathismas 4th and 5th. There are no small litanies. Sedalny Oktoeha. Psalm 50.

Canons: Octoechos 1st with Irmos by 6 (irmos once), 2nd by 4 and Venerable by 4.

Bible songs “We sing to the Lord...”.

Katavasia according to the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th cantos - irmos of the canon of the Menaion.

According to the 3rd song - the venerable sedalin, voice 3rd. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos Menaion, the same voice.

According to the 6th song - kontakion and ikos of the monk, tone 4.

On the 9th song we sing “The Most Honest”.

According to the 9th song, “It is worthy to eat” is sung. Exapostilary Octoechos. “Glory” is the luminary of the saint, “And now” is the Theotokos Menaion.

“Praise the Lord from Heaven...” and psalms of praise.

The daily doxology is read.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 3. “Glory, even now” - the Theotokos Octoechos, the same voice: “Holy first-pure praise...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the saint, tone 8. “Glory, even now” – Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “Rejoice, gate of the King of Glory...”.

On the clock there is the troparion and kontakion of the saint.

At the Liturgy daily antiphons.

At the entrance - troparia and kontakion:

In the Church of the Lord and the Mother of God - the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the day, the troparion of the saint; Kontakion of the day, kontakion of the monk. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - the kontakion of the temple.

In the temple of the saint - the troparion of the day, the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the saint; Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the temple, Kontakion of the monk. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “Representation of Christians...”.

Prokeimenon, alleluia and communion - of the day and the venerable one.

Apostle and Gospel - day and venerable.

Friday Jan 31, 2014

The convenience of using the Liturgical instructions issued for each year by the Moscow Patriarchate is undeniable and cannot be doubted. For those who have the most general knowledge about the Rules of worship, they are simply irreplaceable, according to which most regents and charter teachers teach the Rules; for those who know the Charter well - Liturgical instructions They're just great time savers.

I remember how in the late 90s, when I was already working as a regent, and the Liturgical instructions for each year had not yet been published (if I’m not mistaken, we bought the first Liturgical instructions for 2002), I had to prepare each service for a long time, analyzing the Charter with the help tables by V. Rozanov (). But I didn’t have this book then, but there were tables published separately based on it, a booklet in A3 format. It was very inconvenient to use it during worship. Therefore, for each service I made a draft on a piece of paper. In addition, I had Liturgical instructions for 1953, donated by one priest. Looking at them, I dreamed about how good it would be if such Divine service instructions were still issued today.

Just a few years passed and my dream came true. Nowadays no one dreams of having Liturgical Directions published, since they are published every year and all parishes, as a rule, without hesitation, buy several signs for the parish (to the altar and to the choir, and if possible, then also to the priest, and the regent home). But there are still poor parishes that can only afford to buy one copy of the Liturgical Directions for the entire parish. But I really want to have Liturgical instructions always at hand both in the parish and at home.

Every priest and many regents have situations when they did not plan to serve, but suddenly they were invited to some kind of service or they need to replace someone, perhaps in another parish, and they need to prepare the service at home. It is probably for this purpose that the liturgical instructions are posted on the Internet.

For your convenience, I have made links to the Liturgical Instructions and the Orthodox calendar in the header of the site. However, taking into account the fact that not all regents are quite advanced users of personal computers, I decided in this article to tell you how to use the Liturgical Directions more conveniently and quickly.

We use the Orthodox calendar in the same way. By clicking on the link in the header of the site, we get to the page. Here we click on the link today. The page address is written in the browser line:

Currently Liturgical instructions for 2019 have not yet been published on the Patriarchate website. But they have already been published on the website of the publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church (before the end of the year). Immediately following the link, the Orthodox calendar opens, and at the bottom of the page there is a link to the Liturgical instructions. Here, opening the desired day is a little more difficult. The link looks like where =10 means January 10 (NS). Thus, if you need to view instructions for example on May 13, then you need the link address change to, since May 13 is the 133rd day of the year (31+28+31+30+13). Also published on the ABC of Faith website." Download to your place Orthodox calendar for 2019 maybe, but liturgical instructions for 2019 here and .

If you own a smartphone, then you have the opportunity to have “ Orthodox calendar" and "Liturgical instructions" are always at hand. You can download applications for Android Apps using the links: "" and "". Personally, I liked the Orthodox calendar with the lives of saints most of all. I downloaded it, and after a while I discovered that it contains everything: the Prayer Book, the Akathist Book, the Canon Book, the Psalter, the Bible, and the Reference Book of Terms. And all this wealth weighs only 40.8 MB. I'm delighted! I recommend it to everyone. All that remains is to find the time to read it all.

It is also possible to use Android applications on a PC, but for this you need an Android emulator. Some of them are proposed. By using search engines you can find others.

I could not find any liturgical instructions issued by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for residents of Ukraine. If anyone comes across it, please share the link. Liturgical instructions from previous years were found

For those who are completely poorly versed in the Charter, even using the Liturgical Instructions, I offer two options: one quick, the other slow, but thorough.

  1. The “Regent for the Year” website offers “” (this is just in case you don’t know anything at all, what book to look for, just download it and use it). By the way, this option is worth taking a closer look at for those regents who have to leave an ignorant replacement in their place, and such cases probably happen to everyone at least once.
  2. Go to the “Training” section and study “”. All regents really need this, especially those who have not attended regency courses and have not studied this most interesting subject.

Thursday. Prophet Haggai. Hallelujah.

St. Sofia of Suzdal.

According to the Charter, the hallelujah service is celebrated (B). With the blessing of the abbot, a service with “God is the Lord” can be performed (the service of Prophet Haggai does not have a holiday sign, it is performed together with the service of Octoechos) (A).

A. At Vespers Kathisma 18th.

Note. O on, archbishop. Ver e ysky (option B

On “Lord, I cried” stichera on 6: Octoechos, tone 2 – 3, and the prophet, tone 8 – 3. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos Menaion, the same voice: “Woe to him who is angry...” .

No entry. Prokeimenon of the day.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 2. “Glory, even now” - the Theotokos Octoechos, the same voice: “Like the olive tree is fruitful...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the prophet (general), voice 2: “Thy Prophet...” (see in the General Menaion, ch. 7, l. 42 vol.; cf.: Typikon, September 4). “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “The Divine bykh of the community...”.

At matins on “God is the Lord” – troparion of the prophet (general), voice 2: “Thy Prophet...” (see in the General Menaion, chapter 7, fol. 42 vol.; cf.: Typikon, September 4) ( twice). “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “The Divine bykh of the community...”.

Kathismas 13th, 14th and 15th. There are no small litanies. Sedalny Oktoeha. Psalm 50.

Canons: Octoechos 1st with irmos for 6 (irmos once), 2nd for 4, and prophet for 4.

Bible songs “We sing to the Lord...”.

Katavasia according to the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th cantos - irmos of the canon of the Menaion.

According to the 3rd canto – the sedal of the prophet, voice 3rd. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos Menaion, the same voice.

According to the 6th song - the kontakion of the prophet (general), tone 4: “Enlightened by the Spirit...” (see in the General Menaion, chapter 7, l. 44 vol.).

On the 9th song we sing “The Most Honest”.

According to the 9th song, “It is worthy to eat” is sung. Exapostilaria Octoechos. “Glory, even now” - Theotokos Octoechos.

“Praise the Lord from Heaven...” and psalms of praise.

The daily doxology is read.

On the stichera are the stichera of Octoechos, tone 2. “Glory, even now” - the Theotokos Octoechos, the same voice: “All my hope...”.

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the prophet (general), voice 2: “Thy Prophet...” (see in the General Menaion, ch. 7, l. 42 vol.; cf.: Typikon, September 4). “Glory, even now” - Theotokos according to the voice of the troparion, from the minor ones: “We magnify you, Mother of God, crying out: Rejoice, cloud of never-setting Light...”.

On the clock there is the troparion and kontakion of the prophet.

At the Liturgy daily antiphons.

At the entrance - troparia and kontakion:

In the Church of the Lord and the Mother of God - the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the day, the troparion of the day, the troparion of the prophet; Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the prophet. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - the kontakion of the temple.

In the temple of the saint - the troparion of the day, the troparion of the day, the troparion of the temple, the troparion of the prophet; Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the day, Kontakion of the temple, Kontakion of the prophet. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “Representation of Christians...”.

Note. If the temple of the apostles or St. Nicholas, then on Thursday the troparion and kontakion of the temple are not sung, as they are replaced by daily ones.

Prokeimenon, alleluia and participle - of the day.

Apostle and Gospel - of the day.

At Vespers Kathisma 18th.

Note. If the polyeleos service was performed the day before. Ilari O on, archbishop. Ver e ysky (option B), then Kathisma 12 (which was not read at Wednesday morning) will be versified.

At matins kathismas 13th, 14th and 15th.

Kontakia on fine arts in the following order:

In the Lord’s Temple there is the kontakion of the temple, the kontakion of the day: “Solid and divinely preached preachers...”, inkontakion: “In Mirech, the holy one, the priest appeared thou...”. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “Representation of Christians...”.

In the Church of the Mother of God there is a kontakion of the day: “Solid and divinely preached preachers...”, and another kontakion: “In Mireh, the holy one, the priest appeared thou...”. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - the kontakion of the temple.

In the temple of the saint there is a kontakion of the day: “Solid and divinely preached preachers...”, kontakion: “In Mireh, the holy one, the priest appeared thou...”, kontakion of the temple. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints...”, “And now” - “Representation of Christians...”.

Note. If the temple of the apostles or St. Nicholas, then on Thursday the kontakion of the temple is not pronounced, as it is replaced by the daily kontakion.

Liturgy not performed on this day. Vespers happens in due time.

26. 12th Sunday after Pentecost. Voice 3rd. Mchch. Adri A na and nat A Lii. Wed e shading Vladimir icon Holy Mother of God .

Ate e Tskaya Icon of the Mother of God. St. Adri A on Ondrusovsky .

We present the order of the Sunday service of the Octoechos in conjunction with the polyeleos service in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the service of the martyr. Adriana and Natalia (without holiday sign) .

At Great Vespers “Blessed is the man” - all kathisma.

On “Lord, I cried” stichera for 10: Sunday, tone 3 – 4, Theotokos, tone 4 – 3, and martyrs, the same voice – 3. “Glory” – Theotokos, tone 8: “He came and those, Russia and their own ri...", "And now" - dogmatist, voice 3: " Why don’t we wonder...”

Entrance. Prokeimenon of the day. Parimia of the Virgin Mary – 3.

At the litia the stichera of the Mother of God, tone 2, tone 8 and tone 7(see on lithium). "Glory" - martyrs, voice 6th: “O supr. already holy th..." (see Slavnik on "Lord, I cried"), “And now” – Mother of God, the same voice: “You e ́ si r o di..." (see on lithium).

On the poem there are Sunday stichera, tone 3. “Glory” - martyrs, voice 1: “R e's honesty and piety va...", "And now" - Theotokos, tone 8: "Yes r and the Russians and their own people are sulking...”

According to the Trisagion - troparion of the Mother of God (Vladimir icons ), tone 4 (three times) .

Note. The troparion for the Trisagion can be sung as follows: “To the Virgin Mary...” (twice) and the troparion of the Theotokos(Vladimir icon) , tone 4 (once) .

At matins to “God the Lord” – Sunday troparion, tone 3 (twice). “Glory” – troparion of the martyrs, tone 4, “And now” – troparion of the Theotokos(Vladimir Icon), the same voice.

Kathismas 2nd and 3rd. Small litanies. Sunday sedals .

Polyeleos. The Greatness of the Mother of God and a selected psalm. "Angelic Cathedral..." Ipakoi voices. Sedalen of the Theotokos according to the 1st verse, tone 4: “God natural charges mi...", the seat of the Mother of God according to the 1st verse, the same voice: "Nev it's a hundred unskillful chnaya...", sedalen of the Mother of God according to the 2nd verse, voice 3rd: "Like the stars A ..." “Glory, even now” – the Sedal of the Mother of God according to the polyeleos, tone 1: “Blessed e nna you..." Sedate and prokeimenon - voices. Sunday Gospel 1st. “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ...” According to the 50th psalm: “Glory” - “Through the prayers of the apostles...” (but not through the “Prayers of the Mother of God...”). Sunday stichera, tone 6: “Jesus is risen from the grave...”.

Canons : Sunday with Irmos for 4 (irmos once), Mother of God (Vladimir icons ) by 6 and martyrs by 4.

Bible songs “We sing to the Lord...”.

Katavasia "Cross outline" and in...".

According to the 3rd canto - kontakion and ikos of the Mother of God, tone 8 (see in the Menaion for the 6th canto), kontakion and ikos of the martyrs, tone 4, and kontakion of the martyrs, the same voice; from the seats of the martyrs, the same voice. “Glory, even now” - the seat of the Mother of God, the same voice.

According to the 6th song - kontakion and ikos of Sundays, tone 3.

On the 9th song we sing “The Most Honest”.

According to the 9th song - “Holy is the Lord our God.” Exapostilary Sunday 1st. “Glory” is the luminary of the martyrs, “And now” is the luminary of the Mother of God (Vladimir icons; optional).

“Every breath…” and psalms of praise.

On praising the stichera for 8: Sunday, tone 3 – 4, and the Mother of God, tone 4 and tone 8 – 4 (with a singer and his choruses; see the choruses in the Menaion, in the service of the Mother of God, in the poem Great Vespers ). “Glory” - Gospel stichera 1, “And now” - “Most blessed art thou...”.

Great doxology. According to the Trisagion - the Sunday troparion: “Today is salvation...”.

At the 1st and 6th hour - the Sunday troparion. “Glory” is the troparion of the Mother of God. Kontakion of the Mother of God.

At the 3rd and 9th hour - the Sunday troparion. “Glory” is the troparion of the martyrs. Sunday kontakion.

At the Liturgy blessed voices - 6, and the Virgin Mary, hymn 3 - 4.

At the entrance: “...Is Risen back from the dead..."

Upon entry - Sunday troparion, troparion Mother of God (Vladimir Icon ), troparion of martyrs; Sunday kontakion, kontakion of martyrs. “Glory” – kontakion of the martyrs, “And now” – kontakion Theotokos (Vladimir icon).

Note. In the temple of the holy troparion and kontakion at the entrance you can sing as follows:Sunday Troparion, Troparion of the Theotokos ( Vladimirskaya icons), troparion of the temple,troparion of martyrs; Sunday kontakion, temple kontakion,kontakion of martyrs. "Glory" - in kontakion of martyrs, “And now” – kontakion of the Mother of God ( Vladimir Icon).

Prokeimenon, Alleluia and Sacrament - Resurrection and Virgin Mary.

The Apostle and the Gospel - the day and the Virgin Mary.

After “Pretty much...” is sung “It is worthy to eat.”

At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church On March 9, 2017, the texts of the troparion and kontakion were approved and recommended for general church liturgical useSt. Adrian Ondrusovski. The texts of the troparion and kontakion are posted on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church - (, and on the website of the Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church (http://nbt

When performing divine services, one should be guided by the chapter of the Typikon under November 27: “Potrliu"; see Typikon, August 26.

Wed: Typikon, November 27, “Potr It is true that there will be a feast of the Most Holy Theotokos, of Her Honest Sign: and of the great holy disciple James of Persia, Week e lyu" (cf.: Typikon, August 26).