Physical properties of air: density, viscosity, specific heat capacity. How much does air weigh? Determining the weight of air under given conditions

Compressed air is air under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.

Compressed air is a unique energy carrier along with electricity, natural gas and water. In industrial settings, compressed air is mainly used to drive pneumatically driven devices and mechanisms (pneumatic drive).

In everyday, everyday life, we practically do not notice the Air around us. However, throughout human history, people have used unique properties air. The invention of the sail and the forge, the windmill and hot air balloon became the first steps in using air as an energy carrier.

The invention of the compressor ushered in the era of industrial use. compressed air. And the question: “ What is Air and what properties does it have? - became far from idle.

When starting to design a new pneumatic system or modernize an existing one, it would be useful to remember about some properties of air, terms and units of measurement.

Air is a mixture of gases, mainly consisting of nitrogen and oxygen.

Air composition



By volume, %

By weight, %


Carbon dioxide


CH 4


Average relative molar mass-28.98. 10 -3 kg/mol

*Air composition may vary. Typically, in industrial areas the air contains

WHAT IS THE DENSITY OF AIR AT 150 DEGREES C (temperature Celsius), what is it equal to in different units kg/m3, g/cm3, g/ml, lb/m3. reference TABLE 1.

What is the density of air at 150 degrees Celsius in kg/m3, g/cm3, g/ml, lb/m3 . Don't forget that this is physical quantity, characteristics of air, as its density in kg/m3 (the mass of a unit volume of atmospheric gas, where a unit of volume is taken to be 1 m3, 1 cubic meter, 1 cubic meter, 1 cubic centimeter, 1 cm3, 1 milliliter, 1 ml or 1 pound), depends on several parameters. Among the parameters describing the conditions for determining air density ( specific gravity air gas), I consider the following to be the most important and must be taken into account:

  1. Temperature air gas.
  2. Pressure at which the density of air gas was measured.
  3. Humidity air gas or the percentage of water in it.
When any of these conditions change, the value of air density in kg/m3 (and therefore what its volumetric weight, what its specific gravity, what its volumetric mass) value will change within certain limits. Even if the other two parameters remain stable (do not change). Let me explain in more detail, for our case, when we want to find out what is the density of air at 150 degrees Celsius(in grams or kilograms). So, the air gas temperature is specified and selected by you in the request. So, in order to correctly describe how much density is in kg/m3, g/cm3, g/ml, lb/m3, we need to either indicate the second condition - the pressure at which it is measured. Or draw up a graph (table) that shows the change in density (specific gravity kg/m3, volumetric mass kg/m3, volumetric weight kg/m3) of air depending on the pressure created during the experiment.

If you are interested in the second case air density at T = 150 degrees C, then excuse me, but I have no desire to copy tabular data, a huge special reference book of air density at different pressure. I can’t yet decide on such a colossal amount of work, and I don’t see the need for it. See the reference book. Narrow profile information or rare special data, density values, must be sought in primary sources. It makes more sense.

It is more realistic, and probably more practical from our point of view, to indicate What is the density of air at 150 degrees Celsius, for a situation where the pressure is given by a constant and this is atmospheric pressure(at normal conditions- the most popular question). By the way, do you remember how much normal atmospheric pressure is? What is it equal to? Let me remind you that normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be 760 mm mercury, or 101325 Pa (101 kPa), in principle these are normal conditions adjusted for temperature. Meaning, what is the density of air in kg/m3 at a given temperature air gas you will see, find, recognize in table 1.

However, it must be said that the values ​​​​indicated in the table air density values ​​at 150 degrees in kg/m3, g/cm3, g/ml, will turn out to be true not for any atmospheric gas, but only for dry gas. As soon as we change the initial conditions and change the humidity of the air gas, it will immediately have different physical properties. And its density (weight of 1 cube of air in kilograms) at given temperature in degrees C (Celsius) (kg/m3) will also differ from the density of dry gas.

Reference table 1. What is the DENSITY OF AIR AT 150 DEGREES Celsius (C). HOW MUCH DOES 1 CUBE OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS WEIGH?(weight of 1 m3 in kilograms, weight of 1 cubic meter in kg, weight of 1 cubic meter of gas in g).

The main physical properties air: air density, its dynamic and kinematic viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, Prandtl number and entropy. The properties of air are given in tables depending on temperature at normal atmospheric pressure.

Air density depending on temperature

A detailed table of dry air density values ​​at various temperatures and normal atmospheric pressure is presented. What is the density of air? The density of air can be determined analytically by dividing its mass by the volume it occupies. at given conditions(pressure, temperature and humidity). You can also calculate its density using the formula of the ideal gas equation of state. To do this you need to know absolute pressure and air temperature, as well as its gas constant and molar volume. This equation allows you to calculate the dry density of air.

In practice, to find out what the density of air is at different temperatures, it is convenient to use ready-made tables. For example, the table below shows the density of atmospheric air depending on its temperature. Air density in the table is expressed in kilograms per cubic meter and is given in the temperature range from minus 50 to 1200 degrees Celsius at normal atmospheric pressure (101325 Pa).

Air density depending on temperature - table
t, °С ρ, kg/m 3 t, °С ρ, kg/m 3 t, °С ρ, kg/m 3 t, °С ρ, kg/m 3
-50 1,584 20 1,205 150 0,835 600 0,404
-45 1,549 30 1,165 160 0,815 650 0,383
-40 1,515 40 1,128 170 0,797 700 0,362
-35 1,484 50 1,093 180 0,779 750 0,346
-30 1,453 60 1,06 190 0,763 800 0,329
-25 1,424 70 1,029 200 0,746 850 0,315
-20 1,395 80 1 250 0,674 900 0,301
-15 1,369 90 0,972 300 0,615 950 0,289
-10 1,342 100 0,946 350 0,566 1000 0,277
-5 1,318 110 0,922 400 0,524 1050 0,267
0 1,293 120 0,898 450 0,49 1100 0,257
10 1,247 130 0,876 500 0,456 1150 0,248
15 1,226 140 0,854 550 0,43 1200 0,239

At 25°C, air has a density of 1.185 kg/m3. When heated, the air density decreases - the air expands (its specific volume increases). With increasing temperature, for example, to 1200°C, a very low air density is achieved, equal to 0.239 kg/m 3, which is 5 times less than its value at room temperature. In general, reduction during heating allows a process such as natural convection to take place and is used, for example, in aeronautics.

If we compare the density of air relative to , then air is three orders of magnitude lighter - at a temperature of 4°C, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3, and the density of air is 1.27 kg/m3. It is also necessary to note the value of air density under normal conditions. Normal conditions for gases are those at which their temperature is 0°C and the pressure is equal to normal atmospheric pressure. Thus, according to the table, air density under normal conditions (at NL) is 1.293 kg/m 3.

Dynamic and kinematic viscosity of air at different temperatures

When performing thermal calculations, it is necessary to know the value of air viscosity (viscosity coefficient) at different temperatures. This value is required to calculate the Reynolds, Grashof, and Rayleigh numbers, the values ​​of which determine the flow regime of this gas. The table shows the values ​​of the dynamic coefficients μ and kinematic ν air viscosity in the temperature range from -50 to 1200°C at atmospheric pressure.

The viscosity coefficient of air increases significantly with increasing temperature. For example, the kinematic viscosity of air is equal to 15.06 10 -6 m 2 /s at a temperature of 20°C, and with an increase in temperature to 1200°C, the viscosity of air becomes equal to 233.7 10 -6 m 2 /s, that is, it increases 15.5 times! The dynamic viscosity of air at a temperature of 20°C is 18.1·10 -6 Pa·s.

When the air is heated, the values ​​of both kinematic and dynamic viscosity. These two quantities are related to each other through the air density, the value of which decreases when this gas is heated. An increase in the kinematic and dynamic viscosity of air (as well as other gases) when heated is associated with a more intense vibration of air molecules around their equilibrium state (according to MKT).

Dynamic and kinematic viscosity of air at different temperatures - table
t, °С μ·10 6 , Pa·s ν·10 6, m 2 /s t, °С μ·10 6 , Pa·s ν·10 6, m 2 /s t, °С μ·10 6 , Pa·s ν·10 6, m 2 /s
-50 14,6 9,23 70 20,6 20,02 350 31,4 55,46
-45 14,9 9,64 80 21,1 21,09 400 33 63,09
-40 15,2 10,04 90 21,5 22,1 450 34,6 69,28
-35 15,5 10,42 100 21,9 23,13 500 36,2 79,38
-30 15,7 10,8 110 22,4 24,3 550 37,7 88,14
-25 16 11,21 120 22,8 25,45 600 39,1 96,89
-20 16,2 11,61 130 23,3 26,63 650 40,5 106,15
-15 16,5 12,02 140 23,7 27,8 700 41,8 115,4
-10 16,7 12,43 150 24,1 28,95 750 43,1 125,1
-5 17 12,86 160 24,5 30,09 800 44,3 134,8
0 17,2 13,28 170 24,9 31,29 850 45,5 145
10 17,6 14,16 180 25,3 32,49 900 46,7 155,1
15 17,9 14,61 190 25,7 33,67 950 47,9 166,1
20 18,1 15,06 200 26 34,85 1000 49 177,1
30 18,6 16 225 26,7 37,73 1050 50,1 188,2
40 19,1 16,96 250 27,4 40,61 1100 51,2 199,3
50 19,6 17,95 300 29,7 48,33 1150 52,4 216,5
60 20,1 18,97 325 30,6 51,9 1200 53,5 233,7

Note: Be careful! Air viscosity is given to the power of 10 6 .

Specific heat capacity of air at temperatures from -50 to 1200°C

A table of the specific heat capacity of air at various temperatures is presented. The heat capacity in the table is given at constant pressure (isobaric heat capacity of air) in the temperature range from minus 50 to 1200°C for dry air. What is the specific heat capacity of air? The specific heat capacity determines the amount of heat that must be supplied to one kilogram of air at constant pressure to increase its temperature by 1 degree. For example, at 20°C, to heat 1 kg of this gas by 1°C in an isobaric process, 1005 J of heat is required.

The specific heat capacity of air increases with increasing temperature. However, the dependence of the mass heat capacity of air on temperature is not linear. In the range from -50 to 120°C, its value practically does not change - under these conditions, the average heat capacity of air is 1010 J/(kg deg). According to the table, it can be seen that temperature begins to have a significant effect from a value of 130°C. However, air temperature affects its specific heat capacity much less than its viscosity. Thus, when heated from 0 to 1200°C, the heat capacity of air increases only 1.2 times - from 1005 to 1210 J/(kg deg).

It should be noted that the heat capacity of humid air is higher than that of dry air. If we compare air, it is obvious that water has a higher value and the water content in air leads to an increase in specific heat capacity.

Specific heat capacity of air at different temperatures - table
t, °С C p , J/(kg deg) t, °С C p , J/(kg deg) t, °С C p , J/(kg deg) t, °С C p , J/(kg deg)
-50 1013 20 1005 150 1015 600 1114
-45 1013 30 1005 160 1017 650 1125
-40 1013 40 1005 170 1020 700 1135
-35 1013 50 1005 180 1022 750 1146
-30 1013 60 1005 190 1024 800 1156
-25 1011 70 1009 200 1026 850 1164
-20 1009 80 1009 250 1037 900 1172
-15 1009 90 1009 300 1047 950 1179
-10 1009 100 1009 350 1058 1000 1185
-5 1007 110 1009 400 1068 1050 1191
0 1005 120 1009 450 1081 1100 1197
10 1005 130 1011 500 1093 1150 1204
15 1005 140 1013 550 1104 1200 1210

Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, Prandtl number of air

The table presents such physical properties of atmospheric air as thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and its Prandtl number depending on temperature. Thermophysical properties of air are given in the range from -50 to 1200°C for dry air. According to the table, it can be seen that the indicated properties of air depend significantly on temperature and the temperature dependence of the considered properties of this gas is different.

Many may be surprised by the fact that air has a certain non-zero weight. Exact value This weight is not so easy to determine, since it is greatly influenced by factors such as chemical composition, humidity, temperature and pressure. Let's take a closer look at the question of how much air weighs.

What is air

Before answering the question of how much air weighs, it is necessary to understand what this substance is. Air is a gaseous shell that exists around our planet, and which is a homogeneous mixture of various gases. Air contains the following gases:

  • nitrogen (78.08%);
  • oxygen (20.94%);
  • argon (0.93%);
  • water vapor (0.40%);
  • carbon dioxide (0.035%).

In addition to the gases listed above, the air also contains minimum quantities neon (0.0018%), helium (0.0005%), methane (0.00017%), krypton (0.00014%), hydrogen (0.00005%), ammonia (0.0003%).

It is interesting to note that these components can be separated by condensing air, that is, turning it into a liquid state by increasing pressure and decreasing temperature. Since each component of air has its own condensation temperature, in this way it is possible to isolate all components from the air, which is used in practice.

Air weight and factors that affect it

What prevents you from answering exactly the question of how much a cubic meter of air weighs? Of course, there are a number of factors that can greatly influence this weight.

Firstly, this is the chemical composition. Above are the data for the composition clean air However, at present this air in many places on the planet is highly polluted, and accordingly its composition will be different. Thus, near large cities the air contains more carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane than in rural air.

Secondly, humidity, that is, the amount of water vapor contained in the atmosphere. The more humid the air, the less it weighs, other things being equal.

Thirdly, temperature. This is one of important factors, the lower its value, the higher the air density, and, accordingly, the greater its weight.

Fourthly, atmospheric pressure, which directly reflects the number of air molecules in a certain volume, that is, its weight.

To understand how the combination of these factors affects the weight of air, let's give a simple example: the mass of one meter of cubic dry air at a temperature of 25 ° C, located near the surface of the earth, is 1.205 kg, if we consider a similar volume of air near the surface of the sea at a temperature of 0 ° C, then its mass will already be equal to 1.293 kg, that is, it will increase by 7.3%.

Change in air density with altitude

As altitude increases, air pressure drops, and its density and weight decrease accordingly. Atmospheric air at the pressures observed on Earth, it can, to a first approximation, be considered an ideal gas. This means that air pressure and density are mathematically related to each other through the equation of state ideal gas: P = ρ*R*T/M, where P is pressure, ρ is density, T is temperature in Kelvin, M is the molar mass of air, R is the universal gas constant.

From the above formula, you can obtain a formula for the dependence of air density on height, taking into account that the pressure varies according to the law P = P 0 +ρ*g*h, where P 0 is the pressure at the surface of the earth, g is the acceleration of gravity, h is the height . Substituting this formula for pressure into the previous expression and expressing the density, we obtain: ρ(h) = P 0 *M/(R*T(h)+g(h)*M*h). Using this expression, you can determine the density of air at any altitude. Accordingly, the weight of air (it would be more correct to say mass) is determined by the formula m(h) = ρ(h)*V, where V is the given volume.

In the expression for the dependence of density on altitude, it can be noted that temperature and gravitational acceleration also depend on altitude. The last dependence can be neglected if we're talking about about heights of no more than 1-2 km. As for temperature, its dependence on height is well described by the following empirical expression: T(h) = T 0 -0.65*h, where T 0 is the air temperature near the earth's surface.

In order not to constantly calculate the density for each altitude, below we provide a table of the dependence of the main characteristics of air on altitude (up to 10 km).

Which air is the heaviest

By considering the main factors that determine the answer to the question of how much air weighs, you can understand which air will be the heaviest. In short, cold air always weighs more than warm air, since the density of the latter is lower, and dry air weighs more than humid air. The last statement is easy to understand, since it is 29 g/mol, and the molar mass of a water molecule is 18 g/mol, that is, 1.6 times less.

Determination of air weight under given conditions

Now let's solve a specific problem. Let's answer the question of how much air weighs, occupying a volume of 150 liters, at a temperature of 288 K. Let's take into account that 1 liter is a thousandth of a cubic meter, that is, 1 liter = 0.001 m 3. As for the temperature of 288 K, it corresponds to 15 ° C, that is, it is typical for many areas of our planet. Next you need to determine the air density. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Calculate using the above formula for an altitude of 0 meters above sea level. In this case, the value obtained is ρ = 1.227 kg/m 3
  2. Look at the table above, which was built based on T 0 = 288.15 K. The table contains the value ρ = 1.225 kg/m 3.

Thus, we have two numbers that agree well with each other. The slight difference is due to an error of 0.15 K in determining the temperature, and also to the fact that air is still not an ideal gas, but a real gas. Therefore, for further calculations, we will take the average of the two obtained values, that is, ρ = 1.226 kg/m 3.

Now, using the formula for the relationship between mass, density and volume, we get: m = ρ*V = 1.226 kg/m 3 * 0.150 m 3 = 0.1839 kg or 183.9 grams.

You can also answer how much a liter of air weighs under given conditions: m = 1.226 kg/m3 * 0.001 m3 = 0.001226 kg or approximately 1.2 grams.

Why don't we feel the air pressing on us?

How much does 1 m3 of air weigh? A little more than 1 kilogram. The entire atmospheric table of our planet puts pressure on a person with its weight of 200 kg! This is a fairly large mass of air that could cause a lot of trouble to a person. Why don't we feel it? This is due to two reasons: firstly, there is also internal pressure within the person himself, which counteracts the external atmospheric pressure, secondly, air, being a gas, exerts pressure in all directions equally, that is, pressures in all directions balance each other.