Biography of Thomas Edison - photos, quotes, inventions, interesting facts, success story. Impractical inventor Thomas Edison: biography of a stubborn scientist

Born February 11, 1847 great inventor Thomas Alva Edison. We remember ten technical achievements that immortalized the name of an American engineer

2014-02-11 10:05

This one was born legendary man in the USA in Ohio on February 11, 1847. Edison received his first patent at the age of 22. Over the course of 62 years, Thomas Edison received 1,033 patents in the United States alone and 1,200 patents in other countries. The researchers calculated that, on average, a scientist received a new patent every two weeks. Despite the fact that many of his inventions were not unique, he often sued other inventors whose ideas he was guided by. At the same time, marketing skills and its influence often helped to win.

Electric meter

Edison's first invention, for which he received a patent in 1869, was an electric election counter. The device was a vote counting machine on which deputies had to press “for” and “against” buttons. This is how the general counting of votes took place.

Edison's friend Dewitt Roberts showed interest in the device, bought it for $100 and took it to Washington. But, according to parliamentarians, his counter was absolutely useless for holding elections. So the device was sent to the political cemetery.

Currently, such devices are used in almost all countries and greatly facilitate the work of election commissions.

Electric chair

One of Edison's inventions that changed history was the electric chair.

There have been long discussions in government and society about the death penalty. Thomas Edison, with his speech, was able to convince everyone that the best and most humane punishment would be the electric chair.

Against all odds, Edison was able to buy alternating current generators. On January 1, 1889, the chair was ready. The first person on death row in the electric chair was William Kemmler, convicted of murdering his wife with an ax. Subsequently, since 1896, the death penalty by electric chair was adopted by a number of other states, where a similar method of punishment was also allowed.

Stencil pen

In 1876, Edison patented a pneumatic pen pistol. The device used a rod with a tip in the form of a steel needle to perforate printed paper. This pen was the first effective means for copying documents.

On its basis, in 1891, tattoo artist Samuel O'Reilly was the first to patent a tattoo machine. He made only one such device and used it for personal purposes.

After developing his own tattoo machine, many circus performers and representatives of the entertainment industry became regulars at his O’Reilly house. The machine worked faster than a normal tattoo artist's hand, and, as many thought, it gave a clean result. After O'Reilly's death in 1908, one of the master's students bought the machine and worked on Coney Island until the 50s.

Fruit preservation method

In 1881, Edison patented a method for preserving fruits, vegetables and other organic foods in glass containers. The products were placed in a container, after which the air had to be pumped out of it with a special pump. The tube was then closed with a piece of glass.

Edison's invention was inspired by experiments with glass vacuum tubes during the development of incandescent lamps.

Edison is also credited with another invention related to food products- wax paper. But in fact, it was created in France in 1851, when Edison was still a child.

Electric car

Edison was confident that the future belonged to electricity. In his opinion, everything should be equipped with it, even cars.

In 1899, he invents alkaline batteries, which were to form the basis of electric vehicles. In 1900, 28% of cars produced in America ran on electricity. But main goal The scientist was developing a battery that would allow him to travel more than 150 kilometers without recharging.

After 10 years, Edison abandoned his idea, as the abundance of gasoline minimized the need for electric vehicles.


On February 19, 1878, Edison received a patent for the phonograph. It was one of the first devices used to reproduce and record sound.

The first recordings were made with a moving needle on foil, which was located on a rotating cylinder. The cost of a phonograph at that time was $18. Having presented his invention to the public, Edison gained fame. It was also presented at the French Academy and at the White House.

The disc version of the phonograph was released in 1912 and became more popular than previous models.


In 1876, Thomas Edison patented the mimeograph. The device was used for printing and duplicating books in small editions. But working with him was not easy.

The mimeograph consisted of an electric pen and a copy box. Inside the box were the necessary supplies: a rubber roller and cans of paint.

First, I had to write the text using an electric pen.

A pen, inside of which a thin needle was constantly moving, “stuffed” a dotted pattern onto special paper, creating a matrix. The resulting stencil was fixed in a lid frame and covered with printing ink. Under the frame there was a special box with a platform. By lifting the frame on its hinges and placing a sheet of paper on the platform, it was possible to roll the frame with a rubber roller and obtain a print. At the same time, the paint appeared through the matrix, leaving an autograph.

Edison's invention was actively used by Russian revolutionaries.

Incandescent lamp

Another great invention appeared during the development of the incandescent electric lamp. To create the filament, the most different materials, But for a long time attempts did not bring the desired results.

In April 1879, the inventor established the critical importance of vacuum in the manufacture of lamps. On October 21 of the same year the work was completed. The final version used a charred bamboo thread placed in an airless space to create light.

Similar experiments were carried out in parallel by scientists from many countries. But it was Edison who was able to create a source of electric light, the production of which did not require large expenses.


The Kinetoscope was patented on July 31, 1891. It was a large box with an eyepiece. Inside there was a system of reels with stretched film and lighting. Through the eyepiece, the viewer could watch a film lasting no more than half a minute.

Before the advent of film projectors, Edison's invention was in demand. In 1894, the inventor opened a special hall with ten kinetoscopes. Anyone could watch films there by paying 25 cents.

Unfortunately, only one person could watch the film using the Kinetoscope. Therefore, as soon as film projectors appeared, which made it possible for many people to watch a film at once, they quickly replaced kinetoscopes.

Telephone membrane

The carbon telephone membrane was one of Thomas Edison's many inventions that never gained popularity, but laid the foundation for the era of telephony.

Unfortunately, little is known about this invention. But you can imagine it based on modern analogues.

The device was enclosed in a kind of box, inside it there was a membrane itself and a carbon block, in which several cutouts were made and coal powder was poured into them. This design was connected to electrical circuit, one end was a carbon membrane, and the other was the same block and carbon powder was a component of this chain. A microphone and speaker were also connected to the circuit. When speaking into a microphone, the membrane either narrowed or expanded depending on the strength of the sound and changed the voltage, which in turn went to the speaker and reproduced the sounds just spoken.

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    In 1804, a son, Samuel Jr., was born into the family of John Samuel's eldest son. future father Thomas A. Edison. In 1811, not far from what is now Port Barwell in Canada, the Edison family received a large plot of land and finally settled in the village of Vienna. In 1812-1814, Captain Samuel Edison Sr., the future grandfather of Thomas Alva, took part in the Anglo-American War. In subsequent years, the Edison family prospered, and their hospitable manor on the river bank was known throughout the area.

    In 1828, Samuel Jr. married Nancy Eliot, the daughter of a minister who received a good upbringing and education and worked as a teacher at the Vienna School. In 1837 in Canada, under the influence economic crisis and a failed harvest, a rebellion broke out, in which Samuel Jr. took part. However, government troops suppressed the rebellion and Samuel was forced to flee to Mylan (Ohio, USA) to avoid punishment. In 1839, he manages to transport Nancy and her children. Edison's business was going well. It was during this period of Edison's life in Mailan that his son Thomas Alva was born (February 11, 1847).


    Al - as Thomas Alva was called in childhood, was short and looked a little frail. However, he was very interested in the life around him: he watched steamships and barges, carpenters at work, boats being lowered at the shipyard, or sat quietly for hours in a corner, copying the inscriptions on warehouse signs. At the age of five, Al visited Vienna with his parents and met his grandfather. In 1854, the Edisons moved to Port Huron, Michigan, located at the bottom of Lake Huron. Here Alva during three months attended school. His teachers considered him "limited." His mother took him out of school and gave him his first education.

    Edison often visited the Port Huron People's Library. Before the age of twelve, he managed to read Gibbon's History of the Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire, Hume's History of Great Britain, and Burton's History of the Reformation. However, the future inventor read his first scientific book at the age of nine. It was "Natural and Experimental Philosophy" by Richard Greene Parker, which told almost all the scientific and technical information of the time. Over time, he carried out almost all the experiments indicated in the book.

    Since childhood, Edison helped his mother sell fruits and vegetables. However, the pocket money earned in this way was not enough for his experiments, especially chemical ones. Therefore, in 1859, Thomas got a job as a newspaperman on the railroad line connecting Port Huron and Detroit. Young Edison's earnings reached 8-10 dollars a month ($1000-1300 in 2014 prices). He continues to be interested in books and chemical experiments, for which he seeks permission to set up his laboratory in the baggage car of a train.

    Edison took every opportunity to increase demand for the newspapers he sold. So, when in 1862 the commander-in-chief of the northern army suffered a serious defeat, Thomas asks the telegraph operator to transmit short message about the battle at Port Huron and all intermediate stations. As a result, he managed to increase newspaper sales at these stations several times. A little later he becomes the publisher of the first train newspaper. It was also during this time that Edison developed an interest in electricity.

    In August 1862, Edison saved the son of the head of one of the stations from a moving carriage. The boss offered to teach him telegraphy in gratitude. This is how he became acquainted with the telegraph. He immediately sets up his first telegraph line between his house and his friend’s house. Soon there was a fire in Thomas' carriage, and the conductor threw Edison and his laboratory out.

    Traveling Telegraph Operator

    In 1863, Edison became a telegraph operator. night shift at the station with a salary of 25 dollars a month. Here he manages to automate part of the work and sleep on the job, for which he soon receives a severe reprimand. Soon, due to his fault, two trains almost collided. Tom returned to Port Huron to live with his parents.

    All this time, Edison cared little about clothing and everyday life, spending all his money on books and materials for experiments. It was in Boston that Edison first became acquainted with the works of Faraday, which were of great importance for all his future activities.

    In addition, it was during these years that Edison tried to obtain his first patent from the Patent Office. He is developing an “electric voting machine” - a special device for counting “yes” and “no” votes cast. The demonstration of the apparatus before a special parliamentary commission ended unsuccessfully due to the reluctance of parliament to abandon paper counting. In 1868, Edison went to New York to sell another of his inventions there - an apparatus for automatically recording stock exchange rates. However, these hopes were not justified. Edison returns to Boston.

    Moving to New York

    With the money received, Edison buys equipment for making stock tickers and opens his own workshop in Newark, near New York. In 1871, he opened two more new workshops. He devotes all his time to work. Edison subsequently said that until the age of fifty, he worked an average of 19.5 hours a day.

    The New York Automatic Telegraph Society suggested that Edison improve an automatic telegraphy system based on paper perforation. The inventor solves the problem and gets, instead of the maximum transmission speed on a manual device, equal to 40-50 words per minute, the speed of automatic devices is about 200 words per minute, and later up to 3 thousand words per minute. While working on this task, Thomas meets his future wife, Mary Stillwell. However, the wedding had to be postponed because Edison's mother died in April 1871. The wedding of Thomas and Mary took place in December 1871. In 1873, the couple had a daughter, who was named Marion in honor of older sister Tom. In 1876, a son was born, who was named Thomas Alva Edison Jr.

    After short stay In England, Edison begins to work on duplex and quadruplex telegraphy. The principle of quadruplex (double duplex) was known earlier, but in practice the problem was solved by Edison in 1874 and is his greatest invention. In 1873, the Remington brothers bought an improved model of the Scholz typewriter from Edison and subsequently began to widely produce typewriters under the Remington brand. In three years (1873-1876), Thomas applied for new patents for his inventions forty-five times. Also during these years, Edison's father moved in with him and took on the role of economic assistant to his son. For inventive activities, a large, well-equipped laboratory was needed, so in January 1876 its construction began in Menlo Park near New York.

    Menlo Park

    Menlo Park, a small village where Edison moved in 1876, acquired world fame. Edison gets the opportunity to work in a real, equipped laboratory. From this moment on, invention becomes his main profession.

    Telephone transmitter

    Edison's first work in Menlo Park included telephony. The Western Union Company, concerned about the threat of competition to the telegraph, turned to Edison. After trying many options, the inventor created the first practical telephone microphone, and also introduced an induction coil into the telephone, which significantly increased the sound of the telephone. For his invention, Edison received 100 thousand dollars from Western Union.


    In 1877, Edison registered the phonograph with the Bureau of Inventions. The appearance of the phonograph caused general amazement. The demonstration of the first device was immediately carried out in the editorial office of Scientific American magazine. The inventor himself saw eleven promising areas for the use of the phonograph: recording letters, books, teaching eloquence, playing music, family notes, recording speeches, the area of ​​advertising and announcements, watches, learning foreign languages, recording lessons, connecting to the telephone.

    Electric lighting

    Edison's early incandescent lamps

    In 1878, Edison visited Ansonia William Walas, who was working on electric carbon arc lamps. Walas gave Edison a dynamo along with a set of arc lamps. After this, Thomas begins work towards improving the lamps. In April 1879, the inventor established the critical importance of vacuum in the manufacture of lamps. And already on October 21, 1879, Edison completed work on an incandescent light bulb with a carbon filament, which became one of the largest inventions of the 19th century. Edison's greatest achievement was not in developing the idea of ​​the incandescent lamp, but in creating a practical, widespread system of electric lighting with a strong filament, a high and stable vacuum, and the ability to use many lamps simultaneously.

    On the eve of 1878, giving a speech, Edison said: “We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles.” In 1878, Edison, along with J. P. Morgan and other financiers, founded the Edison Electric Light Company in New York, which by the end of 1883 produced 3/4 of the incandescent light bulbs in the United States. In 1882, Edison built New York City's first distribution substation, serving Pearl Street and 59 customers in Manhattan, and founded the Edison General Electric Company to manufacture electric generators, light bulbs, cables, and lighting fixtures. To conquer the market, Edison set the selling price of a light bulb at 40 cents, while its cost was 110 cents. For four years, Edison increased the production of light bulbs, reducing their cost, but suffered losses. When the cost of the lamp dropped to 22 cents, and their production increased to 1 million units, he covered all costs in one year. In 1892, Edison's company merged with other companies to form General Electric.

    Edison and Lodygin

    It is a mistake to believe that the creator of the incandescent lamp is Edison, since it belongs to the Russian inventor Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin. He also discovered that the thread should be made of tungsten, while Edison sent his subordinates all over the world to look for the material from which the thread should be made. Lodygin was the first who guessed to pump the air out of a glass lamp bulb, and then replace the coal with refractory tungsten. Edison came up with a modern lamp shape, a screw base with a socket, a plug, a socket, and fuses. He did a lot for the widespread use of electric lighting. But the bird-idea and the first “chicks” were born in the head and French laboratory of Alexander Lodygin.

    Working with Nikola Tesla

    In 1884, Edison hired a young Serbian engineer, Nikola Tesla, whose duties included repairing electric motors and DC generators. Tesla proposed for generators and power plants use alternating current. Edison perceived Tesla's new ideas rather coldly, and disputes constantly arose. Tesla claims that in the spring of 1885 Edison promised him 50 thousand dollars (at that time an amount approximately equivalent to 1 million modern dollars) if he could constructively improve the direct current electric machines invented by Edison. Nikola actively set to work and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison's alternating current machine, a new switch and regulator that significantly improved performance. Having approved all the improvements, in response to a question about the reward, Edison refused Tesla, saying that the emigrant still did not understand American humor well. Insulted, Tesla immediately quit [ ] . A couple of years later, Tesla opened his own Tesla Electric Light Company next door to Edison. Edison began a broad information campaign against alternating current, claiming that it was dangerous to life.


    Kinetoscope (from the Greek “kinetos” - moving and “skopio” - to look) is an optical device for displaying moving pictures, invented by Edison in 1888. The patent described a film format with perforations (35 mm wide with perforations along the edge - 8 holes per frame) and a frame-by-frame transport mechanism. One person could watch the film through a special eyepiece - it was a personal cinema. The Lumière brothers' cinematography used the same type of film and a similar transport mechanism. In the USA, Edison started a “patent war”, justifying his priority on perforated film and demanding royalties for its use. When Georges Méliès sent several copies of his film A Trip to the Moon to the United States, Edison's company remade the film and began selling dozens of copies. Edison believed that in this way he was reimbursing the patent fee, since Méliès's films were shot on punch-hole film. A Trip to the Moon opened the first permanent movie theater in Los Angeles, one of the outskirts of which was called Hollywood.

    Later life dates

    • 1880 - dynamo, magnetic ore sorting device, experimental railway
    • 1881 - three-wire electrical lighting network system
    • 1884 - death of wife Mary
    • 1885 - train induction telegraph
    • 1886 - wedding of Edison and Mina Miller
    • 1887 - laboratory in West Orange, birth of daughter Madeleine
    • 1890 - birth of son Charles, improvement of the phonograph
    • 1892 - ore beneficiation plant, improvement of the phonograph
    • 1896 - father's death
    • 1898 - birth of son Theodore
    • 1901 - cement plant
    • 1912 - kinetophone
    • 1914 - production of phenol, benzene, aniline oils and other chemical products
    • 1915 - Chairman of the Marine Advisory Committee
    • 1930 - the problem of synthetic rubber, Edison’s election as an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

    Spiritualist experiments

    A friend of the Edison family, John Eggleston, claimed in the Banner of Light magazine dated May 2, 1896, that the inventor's parents were staunch spiritualists, and held seances at home even when their son was a child. IN mature age Edison called such sessions naive, and believed that if a connection with those who left our world was possible, then it could be established scientific methods. When Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society in New York (1875), sent Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph, her book “Isis Unveiled,” published in 1877, along with a form for joining the society, Edison responded positively, and his application membership was received by the Theosophical Society on April 5, 1878.

    During the last 10 years of his life, Thomas Edison was particularly interested in what is commonly called “occultism” and the afterlife and conducted relevant experiments. Together with his colleague William Walter Dinwiddie (1876-1920), he tried to record the voices of the dead and entered into an “electric pact” with him, according to which both swore an oath that the first person who died would try to send the other a message from the world of the departed. When Dinwiddie's colleague died in October 1920, 73-year-old Edison gave an interview to Forbes, in which he notified the public of his efforts to create a device for communicating with the dead - the "necrophone". This is also evidenced by the last chapter of his memoirs - “The Otherworldly Kingdom” (USA, 1948), published as a separate book in France (2015). In it, Edison touches on the existence of the soul, the origins human life, the functioning of our memory, spiritualism and technical capabilities communication with the deceased.

    According to the inventor, the necrophone was supposed to record last words newly deceased - his "living components" just dissipated into etheric space before they group together to form another living creature. Edison's necrophone has not survived, nor have his drawings, which has given some biographers the opportunity to express doubts about its existence and even about the sincerity of Edison's words regarding this project. After Edison's death (1931), engineers and psychologists who knew him formed the Society for Etheric Research. Society for Etherique Research) to continue his business technical creation necrophone and methods of communication with those who have left physical world.


    Thomas Edison died from complications of diabetes on October 18, 1931, at his home in West Orange, New Jersey, which he purchased in 1886 as a wedding gift for Mina Miller. Edison was buried in the backyard of his home.

    Famous inventions

    Among them:

    Invention year
    Aerophone 1860
    Electric vote counter for elections 1868
    Ticker machine 1869
    Carbon telephone membrane 1870
    Quadruplex (four-way) telegraph 1873
    Mimeograph 1876
    Phonograph 1877
    Carbon microphone 1877
    Carbon filament lamp 1879
    Magnetic iron ore separator 1880
    Kinetoscope 1889
    Iron-nickel battery 1908


    Edison was distinguished by his amazing determination and efficiency. When he was searching for a suitable material for the filament of an electric lamp, he went through about 6 thousand samples of materials until he settled on carbonized bamboo. While testing the characteristics of the lamp's carbon circuit, he spent about 45 hours in the laboratory without rest. Until his very old age, he worked 16-19 hours a day.


    In astronomy

    The asteroid (742) Edison, discovered in 1913, is named after Edison.

    To the cinema

    • The Mystery of Nikola Tesla / Tajna Nikole Tesla (Yugoslavia 1979, Director: Krsto Papic) - as Thomas Edison, Dennis Patrick.

    See also


    1. ID BNF: Open Data Platform - 2011.
    2. SNAC - 2010.
    3. Find a Grave - 1995. - ed. size: 165000000
    4. Tsverava G.K. Edison Thomas Alva // Great Soviet encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ed. A. M. Prokhorov - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - T. 29: Chagan - Aix-les-Bains. - pp. 566–567.
    6. Edison's Patents - The Edison Papers(English) . Retrieved September 8, 2012. Archived October 15, 2012.
    7. Edison created 1073 inventions without co-authors. 20 inventions were created jointly with other inventors. In total, Edison had 13 co-authors.
    8. See Incandescent light bulb: history of invention.
    9. Edison Thomas Alva - Historical information (Russian)(02.12.2002). - “Honorary member since 02/01/1930 - USA.” Retrieved January 4, 2016.
    10. , With. 5.
    11. , With. 6.
    12. , With. 7-8.
    13. , With. 9-11.
    14. , With. 12-14.
    15. , With. 15.
    16. , With. 16-18.
    17. , With. 25-27.
    18. , With. 27-29.
    19. , With. 31-33.
    20. , With. 33-40.
    21. , With. 40-41.
    22. , With. 42-48.
    23. , With. 49-54.
    24. , With. 55.
    25. , With. 55-58.
    26. , With. 58-65.
    27. , With. 66.
    Thomas Edison at Wikimedia Commons



    In 1804, the son Samuel Jr., the future father of Thomas A. Edison, was born to the family of the eldest son, John Samuel. In 1811, not far from what is now Port Barwell in Canada, the Edison family received a large plot of land and finally settled in the village of Vienna. In 1812-1814, Captain Samuel Edison Sr., the future grandfather of Thomas Alva, took part in the Anglo-American War. In subsequent years, the Edison family prospered, and their hospitable manor on the river bank was known throughout the area.

    In 1828, Samuel Jr. married Nancy Eliot, the daughter of a minister who received a good upbringing and education and worked as a teacher at the Vienna School. In 1837, under the influence of the economic crisis and crop failure, a rebellion broke out in Canada, in which Samuel Jr. took part. However, government troops suppressed the rebellion and Samuel was forced to flee to Mylan (Ohio, USA) to avoid punishment. In 1839, he manages to transport Nancy and her children. Edison's business was going well. It was during this period of Edison's life in Mailan that his son Thomas Alva was born (February 11, 1847).


    In my younger years

    As a child, Thomas Alva was called Al, he was short and looked a little frail. However, he was very interested in the life around him: he watched steamships and barges, carpenters at work, boats being lowered at the shipyard, or sat quietly for hours in a corner, copying the inscriptions on warehouse signs. At the age of five, Al visited Vienna with his parents and met his grandfather. In 1854, the Edisons moved to Port Huron, Michigan, located at the bottom of Lake Huron. Here Alva attended school for three months. His teachers considered him "limited." Parents were asked to pick up their child from school. His mother took him and at home gave him his first education.

    Edison often visited the Port Huron People's Library. Before the age of twelve, he managed to read Gibbon's History of the Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire, Hume's History of Great Britain, and Burton's History of the Reformation. However, the future inventor read his first scientific book at the age of nine. It was "Natural and Experimental Philosophy" by Richard Greene Parker, containing almost all the scientific and technical information of that time. Over time, he carried out almost all the experiments described in the book.

    Since childhood, Edison helped his mother sell fruits and vegetables. However, the pocket money earned in this way was not enough for his experiments, especially chemical ones. Therefore, in 1859, Thomas got a job as a newspaperman on the railroad line connecting Port Huron and Detroit. Young Edison's earnings reached 8-10 dollars a month (about 300 dollars in 2017 prices). He continues to be interested in books and chemical experiments, for which he seeks permission to set up his laboratory in the baggage car of a train.

    Edison took every opportunity to increase demand for the newspapers he sold. Thus, when the commander-in-chief of the northern army suffered a serious defeat in 1862, Thomas asks the telegraph operator to transmit a brief message about the battle to Port Huron and all intermediate stations. As a result, he managed to increase newspaper sales at these stations several times. A little later he becomes the publisher of the first train newspaper. It was also during this time that Edison developed an interest in electricity.

    In August 1862, Edison saved the son of the head of one of the stations from a moving carriage. The boss offered to teach him telegraphy in gratitude. This is how he became acquainted with the telegraph. He immediately sets up his first telegraph line between his house and his friend’s house. Soon there was a fire in Thomas' carriage, and the conductor threw Edison and his laboratory out.

    Traveling Telegraph Operator

    In 1863, Edison became a night shift telegraph operator at the station with a salary of $25 a month. Here he manages to automate part of the work and sleep on the job, for which he soon receives a severe reprimand. Soon, due to his fault, two trains almost collided. Tom returned to Port Huron to live with his parents.

    All this time, Edison cared little about clothing and everyday life, spending all his money on books and materials for experiments. It was in Boston that Edison first became acquainted with the works of Faraday, which were of great importance for all his future activities.

    In addition, it was during these years that Edison tried to obtain his first patent from the Patent Office. He is developing an “electric voting machine” - a special device for counting “yes” and “no” votes cast. The demonstration of the apparatus before a special parliamentary commission ended unsuccessfully due to the reluctance of parliament to abandon paper counting. In 1868, Edison went to New York to sell another of his inventions there - an apparatus for automatically recording stock exchange rates. However, these hopes were not justified. Edison returns to Boston.

    Moving to New York

    With the money received, Edison buys equipment for making stock tickers and opens his own workshop in Newark, near New York. In 1871, he opened two more new workshops. He devotes all his time to work. Subsequently, Edison said that until the age of fifty he worked on average 19 and a half hours a day.

    The New York Automatic Telegraph Society suggested that Edison improve an automatic telegraphy system based on paper perforation. The inventor solves the problem and gets, instead of the maximum transmission speed on a manual device, equal to 40-50 words per minute, the speed of automatic devices is about 200 words per minute, and later up to 3 thousand words per minute. While working on this task, Thomas meets his future wife, Mary Stillwell. However, the wedding had to be postponed because Edison's mother died in April 1871. The wedding of Thomas and Mary took place in December 1871. In 1873, the couple had a daughter, who was named Marion after Tom's older sister. In 1876, a son was born, who was named Thomas Alva Edison Jr.

    After a short stay in England, Edison began working on duplex and quadruplex telegraphy. The principle of quadruplex (double duplex) was known earlier, but in practice the problem was solved by Edison in 1874 and is his greatest invention. In 1873, the Remington brothers bought an improved model of the Scholz typewriter from Edison and subsequently began to widely produce typewriters under the Remington brand. In three years (1873-1876), Thomas applied for new patents for his inventions forty-five times. Also during these years, Edison's father moved in with him and took on the role of economic assistant to his son. For inventive activities, a large, well-equipped laboratory was needed, so in January 1876 its construction began in Menlo Park near New York.

    Menlo Park

    Menlo Park, a small village where Edison moved in 1876, became world famous over the next decade. Edison gets the opportunity to work in a real, equipped laboratory. From this moment on, invention becomes his main profession.

    Telephone transmitter

    Edison's first work in Menlo Park included telephony. The Western Union Company, concerned about the threat of competition to the telegraph, turned to Edison. After trying many options, the inventor created the first practical telephone microphone, and also introduced an induction coil into the telephone, which significantly increased the sound of the telephone. For his invention, Edison received 100 thousand dollars from Western Union.


    In 1877, Edison registered the phonograph with the Bureau of Inventions. The appearance of the phonograph caused general amazement. The demonstration of the first device was immediately carried out in the editorial office of Scientific American magazine. The inventor himself saw eleven promising areas for the use of the phonograph: recording letters, books, teaching eloquence, playing music, family notes, recording speeches, the area of ​​advertising and announcements, watches, learning foreign languages, recording lessons, connecting to the telephone.

    Electric lighting

    Edison's incandescent lamp in the Myers Encyclopedia 1888

    In 1878, Edison visited Ansonia William Walas, who was working on electric carbon arc lamps. Walas gave Edison a dynamo along with a set of arc lamps. After this, Thomas begins work towards improving the lamps. In April 1879, the inventor established the critical importance of vacuum in the manufacture of lamps. And already on October 21, 1879, Edison completed work on an incandescent light bulb with a carbon filament, which became one of the largest inventions of the 19th century. Edison's greatest achievement was not in developing the idea of ​​the incandescent lamp, but in creating a practical, widespread system of electric lighting with a strong filament, a high and stable vacuum, and the ability to use many lamps simultaneously.

    On the eve of 1878, giving a speech, Edison said: “We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles.” In 1878, Edison, along with J.P. Morgan and other financiers, founded the Edison Electric Light Company in New York, which by the end of 1883 produced 3/4 of the incandescent light bulbs in the United States. In 1882, Edison built New York City's first distribution substation, serving Pearl Street and 59 customers in Manhattan, and founded the Edison General Electric Company to manufacture electric generators, light bulbs, cables, and lighting fixtures. To conquer the market, Edison set the selling price of a light bulb at 40 cents, while its cost was 110 cents. For four years, Edison increased the production of light bulbs, reducing their cost, but suffered losses. When the cost of the lamp dropped to 22 cents, and their production increased to 1 million units, he covered all costs in one year. In 1892, Edison's company merged with other companies to form General Electric.

    Working with Nikola Tesla

    In 1884, Edison hired a young Serbian engineer, Nikola Tesla, whose duties included repairing electric motors and direct current generators. Tesla proposed using alternating current for generators and power plants. Edison perceived Tesla's new ideas rather coldly, and disputes constantly arose. Tesla claims that in the spring of 1885 Edison promised him 50 thousand dollars (at that time an amount approximately equivalent to 1 million modern dollars) if he could constructively improve the direct current electric machines invented by Edison. Nikola actively set to work and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison's alternating current machine, a new switch and regulator that significantly improved performance. Having approved all the improvements, in response to a question about the reward, Edison refused Tesla, saying that the emigrant still did not understand American humor well. Insulted, Tesla immediately quit [ ] . A couple of years later, Tesla opened his own Tesla Electric Light Company next door to Edison. Edison began a widespread information campaign against alternating current, claiming that it was dangerous to life.


    Kinetoscope (from the Greek “kinetos” - moving and “skopio” - to look) is an optical device for displaying moving pictures, invented by Edison in 1888. The patent described the film format with perforations (35 mm wide with perforations along the edge - 8 holes per frame) and a frame-by-frame transport mechanism. One person could watch the film through a special eyepiece - it was a personal cinema. The cinematography of the Lumière brothers used the same type of film and a similar transport mechanism. In the USA, Edison started a “patent war”, justifying his priority on perforated film and demanding royalties for its use. When Georges Méliès sent several copies of his film A Trip to the Moon to the United States, Edison's company remade the film and began selling copies by the dozen. Edison believed that in this way he was reimbursing the patent fee, since Méliès's films were shot on punch-hole film. A Trip to the Moon opened the first permanent movie theater in Los Angeles, one of the outskirts of which was called Hollywood.

    Edison, Lodygin, Goebel, Just, Hanaman and Coolidge

    It is a mistake to consider only Edison as the creator of the incandescent lamp. The honor of the invention also belongs to the German inventor Heinrich Goebel. Goebel was the first to think of pumping air out of a glass lamp bulb; Russian inventor Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin, he was the first to propose making an incandescent filament not from coal or charred fibers, but from refractory tungsten. But it was only in 1904 that Austro-Hungarian specialists Sandor Just and Franjo Hanaman were the first to use tungsten filament in lamps and such lamps entered the market through the Hungarian company Tungsram in 1905. In 1906 William Coolidge invents an improved method for producing tungsten filament. Subsequently, the tungsten filament displaces all other types of filaments.

    But it was Edison who came up with the modern form of the lamp, a screw base with a socket, a plug, a socket, and fuses. He did a lot for the widespread use of electric lighting.

    Later life dates

    • 1880 - dynamo, magnetic ore sorting device, experimental railway
    • 1881 - three-wire electrical lighting network system
    • 1884 - death of wife Mary
    • 1885 - train induction telegraph
    • 1886 - wedding of Edison and Mina Miller
    • 1887 - laboratory in West Orange, birth of daughter Madeleine
    • 1890 - birth of son Charles, improvement of the phonograph
    • 1892 - ore beneficiation plant, improvement of the phonograph
    • 1896 - father's death
    • 1898 - birth of son Theodore
    • 1901 - cement plant
    • 1912 - kinetophone
    • 1914 - production of phenol, benzene, aniline oils and other chemical products
    • 1915 - Chairman of the Marine Advisory Committee
    • 1930 - the problem of synthetic rubber, Edison’s election as an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

    Spiritualist experiments

    Edison family friend John Eggleston ( John Eggleston) stated in the magazine Banner of Light dated May 2, 1896, that the inventor’s parents were staunch spiritualists, and held seances at home even when their son was a child. In adulthood, Edison called such sessions naive, and believed that if communication with those who left our world was possible, then it could be established by scientific methods. When Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society in New York (1875), sent Thomas Edison, as the inventor of the phonograph, her book “Isis Unveiled”, published in 1877, enclosing a form for joining the society, Edison responded positively, and his application membership was received by the Theosophical Society on April 5, 1878.

    During the last 10 years of his life, Thomas Edison was particularly interested in what is commonly called “occultism” and the afterlife and conducted relevant experiments. Together with colleague William Dinudi ( William Walter Dinwiddie, 1876-1920) tried to record the voices of the dead and entered into an “electric pact” with him, according to which both swore an oath that the first one who died would try to send the other a message from the world of the departed. When Dinwiddie's colleague died in October 1920, 73-year-old Edison gave an interview to Forbes, in which he notified the public of his efforts to create a device for communicating with the dead - the "necrophone". This is also evidenced by the last chapter of his memoirs - “The Otherworldly Kingdom” (USA, 1948), published as a separate book in France (2015). In it, Edison touches on the existence of the soul, the origins of human life, the functioning of our memory, spiritualism and the technical possibilities of communicating with the dead.

    According to the inventor, the necrophone was supposed to record the last words of the newly deceased - his “living components”, just dissipated in ethereal space, before they group together to form another living being. Edison's necrophone has not survived, nor have his drawings, which has given some biographers the opportunity to express doubts about its existence and even about the sincerity of Edison's words regarding this project. After Edison's death (1931), engineers and psychologists who knew him formed the Society for Etheric Research. Society for Etherique Research) to continue his work on the technical creation of the necrophone and methods of communication with those who have left the physical world.

    Thomas Edison's grave


    Thomas Edison died from complications of diabetes on October 18, 1931, at his home in West Orange, New Jersey, which he purchased in 1886 as a wedding gift for Mina Miller. Edison was buried in the backyard of his home.

    Video on the topic

    Famous inventions

    Title page of Edison's 1880 electric lamp patent

    Among them:

    Invention year
    Aerophone 1860
    Electric vote counter for elections 1868
    Ticker machine 1869
    Carbon telephone membrane 1870
    Quadruplex (four-way) telegraph 1873
    Mimeograph 1876
    Phonograph 1877
    Carbon microphone 1877
    Carbon filament incandescent lamp 1879
    Magnetic Iron Ore Separator 1880
    Kinetoscope 1889
    Iron-nickel battery 1908


    Edison was distinguished by his amazing determination and efficiency. When he was searching for a suitable material for the filament of an electric lamp, he went through about 6 thousand samples of materials until he settled on carbonized bamboo. While testing the characteristics of the lamp's carbon circuit, he spent about 45 hours in the laboratory without rest. Until his very old age, he worked 16-19 hours a day.


    In astronomy

    The asteroid (742) Edison, discovered in 1913, is named after Edison.

    To the cinema

    • The Mystery of Nikola Tesla / Tajna Nikole Tesla (Yugoslavia 1979, Director: Krsto Papich) - as Thomas Edison Dennis Patrick.
    • My 20th century (Hungary/Germany, 1989) - Peter Andorai as Thomas Edison.

    See also


    1. BNF ID: Open Data Platform - 2011.
    2. SNAC - 2010.
    3. Find a Grave - 1995. - ed. size: 165000000
    4. Tsverava G.K. Edison Thomas Alva // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ed. A. M. Prokhorov - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - T. 29: Chagan - Aix-les-Bains. - pp. 566–567.
    6. Edison's Patents - The Edison Papers(English) . Retrieved September 8, 2012. Archived October 15, 2012.
    7. Edison created 1073 inventions without co-authors. 20 inventions were created jointly with other inventors. In total, Edison had 13 co-authors.
    8. See Incandescent light bulb: history of invention.
    9. Edison Thomas Alva - Historical background (Russian)(02.12.2002). - “Honorary member since 02/01/1930 - USA.” Retrieved January 4, 2016.
    10. , With. 5.
    11. , With. 6.
    12. , With. 7-8.
    13. , With. 9-11.
    14. , With. 12-14.
    15. , With. 15.
    16. Wolfram Alpha (undefined) . Wolfram Alpha.
    17. , With. 16-18.
    18. , With. 25-27.
    19. , With. 27-29.
    20. , With. 31-33.
    21. , With. 33-40.
    22. , With. 40-41.
    23. , With. 42-48.
    24. , With. 49-54.
    25. , With. 55.
    26. , With. 55-58.
    27. , With. 58-65.
    28. , With. 66.
    29. , With. 74-87.
    30. , With. 87-94.
    31. , With. 94-126.
    32. Samokhin V. P. In memory of Thomas Alva Edison
    33. $50,000 (1885) = $1,082,008 (2006) The Inflation Calculator
    34. Cheney, Margaret (2001). Tesla: Man Out of Time. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-1536-2.

    Incredible facts

    Without a doubt, our lives would be completely different without the inventions of Thomas Edison. This amazing creator has changed our culture in countless ways. Edison was born in the USA, in Ohio in 1847, and he received his first patent at the age of 22. The last patent in his name was issued two years after his death in 1933. Throughout his life, he received 1,033 patents in the United States alone and 1,200 patents in other countries. Biographers estimate that, on average, Edison received a new patent every two weeks of his working life. Although many of his inventions were not unique, and he often sued other inventors from whom he "borrowed" ideas, his marketing skills and his influence often helped him.

    Most of Edison's inventions fall into eight categories: batteries, electric lighting, phonographs and sound recording, cement, mining, moving pictures (movies), telegraphs, and telephones. However, although he is remembered for his major inventions - the motion picture, the incandescent light bulb and the phonograph, his tireless imagination produced several other ideas that are not so well known and which were not welcomed by the public.

    10. Electrographic voting recorder

    Edison was a 22-year-old telegraph operator when he received his first patent for a machine he called an electrographic voting recorder. He was one of several inventors during his time developing methods to improve the functioning of legislative bodies, such as the US Congress, who tried to improve the process of counting the votes of congressmen on a given bill.

    In Edison's recorder, a device was connected to each employee's desk. On the table was a sign with the name of each legislator, and two metal columns with the inscriptions "yes" and "no". Congressmen turned on the device by moving the handle in the appropriate direction (yes or no), thereby sending an electrical signal to the desk clerk, who spoke about their opinion. After voting was completed, the clerk placed a sheet of paper treated with a special chemical solution on top of the metal device and pressed it with a roller. Then all the pros and cons were revealed on paper, and the votes were counted without delay.

    Edison's friend, another telegraph operator named Dewitt Roberts, showed interest in Thomas's apparatus, bought it for $100 and took it to Washington. However, Congress was reluctant to adopt any device that would speed up the voting process, since it would eliminate time for political manipulation. Thus, Edison's device was consigned to the political graveyard.

    9. Pneumatic stencil pen

    Edison invented the prototype of a device that is currently used to make tattoos - a pneumatic stencil pen. This machine, which Edison patented in 1876, used a steel tip to perforate paper for the printing process. This invention was important in its own right as one of the first devices that could effectively copy documents.

    In 1891, tattoo artist Samuel O'Reilly received the first patent for a tattoo machine, a device that was allegedly based on Edison's invention. O'Reilly appears to have made only one machine for his own personal use, since no records of the marketing system survive.

    O'Reilly immigrated to New York from Ireland in 1875. After he created his machine, a lot of people began to visit his shop, since the process of tattooing was much faster with the help of the machine. After O'Reilly's death in 1908 , one student took possession of his machine and continued to work with it until the 1950s.

    8. Magnetic iron ore separator

    Probably one of Edison's biggest financial failures was the magnetic iron ore separator. The idea that Edison experimented with in his laboratory in the 1880s and 1890s was to use magnets to isolate iron ore from unsuitable low-grade ores. This meant that abandoned mines could be very profitable, since ore could still be extracted from them, since at that time, the price of iron ore had risen very much.

    Edison's laboratory was busy creating the separator and putting it into practice. Thomas acquired the rights to 145 abandoned mines and created a pilot project at the Ogden Mine in New Jersey. Edison invested a lot of money in the implementation of his idea. However, technical problems were never resolved and iron ore prices fell, eventually Edison had to abandon this idea.

    7. Electric meter

    All sorts of questions begin to arise when you do something that no one has done before, such as controlling an electrical device that calculates the energy consumption of businesses and homes. You need a way to know how much energy is being consumed in order to bill accordingly.

    Edison solved this problem by patenting his device, the webermeter, in 1881. It contained two or four electrolytic cells with zinc-coated electrodes. The zinc electrodes transmitted information to each other at a certain rate when electricity was used. However, the zinc electrodes had to be replaced with new ones after each reading of the amount of energy consumed.

    6. Fruit preservation method

    Another invention of Edison saw the light of day while experimenting with glass vacuum tubes during the development of incandescent lamps. In 1881, Edison applied for a patent on storing fruits, vegetables and other organic foods in glass containers. The essence of his idea was that air was sucked out of the container in which fruits and vegetables were stored using a special pump through a special glass tube that was attached to the container.

    Another food-related invention, wax paper, is also credited to Edison, but it was created in France in 1851, when Edison was still a child. The inventor used wax paper in his work on a sound recording device, which is probably where this kind of speculation originated.

    5. Electric car

    Edison believed that cars would be powered by electricity, and in 1899 he began developing an alkaline battery that he believed would power them. As a result, by 1900, about 28 percent of the more than 4,000 automobiles produced in America were powered by electricity. His goal was to create a battery that could drive a car 100 miles on a single charge. Edison abandoned his idea 10 years later, because gasoline appeared, which was much more profitable to use.

    However, Edison's work was not in vain - rechargeable batteries became his most profitable invention and were used in miners' helmets, railway signals, etc. His friend Henry Ford also used Edison's batteries in his Model Ts automobile.

    4. Concrete house

    Not content with the fact that he had already improved the lives of the average American by creating electric lighting, films and phonographs, Edison decided in the early 20th century that the time of urban slums was over, and every working person's family should have a strong fireproof home that could be built according to relatively inexpensive prices and in bulk. What will these houses be made of? Concrete, of course, a material from the Edison Cement Company in Portland. Edison emphasized, recalling his working-class upbringing, that if something good came out of his idea, he would not even think about profiting from it.

    Edison's plan involved pouring concrete into large wooden beams of specific shapes and sizes. The end result was a detached house, with plumbing, a bathtub and many other perks, that sold for $1,200, about a third of what people had to shell out to buy a house at the time.

    But despite Edison's cement being used in the construction of many structures around New York City during the building boom of the early 1900s, concrete homes never caught on. Molds and special equipment necessary for building houses required large financial resources, and only a few construction companies could afford it. However, there was another problem: few families wanted to move into houses that were advertised as new housing for those living in the slums. Another reason: the houses were simply ugly. In 1917, 11 such houses were built, but they were not well received and understood, so no more such houses were built.

    3. Concrete furniture

    Why should a young couple go into debt to buy furniture that will only last them a few decades? Edison offered to fill the house with timeless concrete furniture for half the price. Edison's concrete furniture, covered with a special air-filled foam and capable of supporting several times the weight of wooden furniture, had to be carefully sanded and painted or trimmed with mirrors. He claimed that he could furnish an entire house for less than $200.

    In 1911, Edison's company allegedly produced several pieces of furniture to be exhibited in New York at the annual cement industry show, but Edison did not appear, and neither did his furniture. It is suspected that the cabinets did not survive the journey.

    2. Phonograph for dolls and other toys

    Once Edison patented his phonograph, he began to develop ways to use it. One idea, first proposed in 1877 but not patented until 1890, was to miniaturize the phonograph for dolls or other toys, giving a previously voiceless creature a voice. The phonograph was placed in the body of a doll, which from the outside looked like an ordinary doll, but now cost $10. Little girls wrote down nursery rhymes and songs, which then formed the basis of what the doll said or sang.

    Unfortunately, the idea talking doll was far ahead of the technologies needed for its implementation that were present on the market at that time. Sound recording was in its infancy, so when the cute dolls spoke in hissing and whistling voices, it looked very awkward. “The voices of these little monsters are very unpleasant to listen to,” said one of the clients. Most of the dolls barely played or played too weakly to be heard. And the mere fact that this thing was intended for a child to play with already indicated that it obviously would not receive the delicate treatment that the phonograph required.

    1. Brass telephone

    Coming to the idea of ​​the telephone and telegraph a little later, Edison announced in October 1920 that he was working on a machine that would take communication to new level. In the aftermath of the First World War, spiritualism experienced a revival, and many people hoped that science could provide a way to contact the souls of the recently deceased. An inventor who considered himself an agnostic, which implies a lack of belief in the existence of spiritual world, spoke about his desire to create a machine that would read, in his words, “vital units” with which the Universe is filled after the death of people.

    Edison communicated with the British inventor Sir William Cooke, who claimed that he was able to capture spirits in photographs. These photographs allegedly inspired Edison, however, he never presented to the general public any machine that he said could communicate with the dead, and even after his death in 1931, no machine was found. Many people believe that they were just joking with reporters when they talked about their "spirit phone."

    Some Edison followers claim that during a session with the spirit of the inventor in 1941, he told them the secret and plan for building the machine. The machine was reportedly built but never worked. Later, in another session, Edison allegedly suggested making some changes and improvements. Inventor J. Gilbert Wright attended the session and later worked on the machine until his death in 1959, but as far as is known he never used it to communicate with spirits.

    Among all the famous inventors, the special work of Thomas Alva Edison can be noted. It is his inventions that are not only not forgotten, but also continue to be improved in modern world. The electric lamp, its improvement and implementation in life is one of Thomas’s greatest and most memorable discoveries throughout the world. And yet, the incandescent light bulb is not the only “magical” thing created by a genius. Throughout his life, he patented more than thousands of inventions that became popular throughout the world.

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milena, in the small state of Ohio (Ohio). He was small in stature and fragile in build, but since childhood he was interested in quite interesting things, for example, steamships, carpenter work or launching boats at shipyards. When the family moved to Port Huron, the boy attended school for about three months. However, for teachers he was a “limited” child, which is why his parents were asked to take him out of school. His further education took place at home, with his mother helping him.

    From an early age he was interested in science, and at the age of nine he had already read his first book, which was called “Natural and Experimental Philosophy.” Over time, the boy tried all the experiments that were indicated in the book on his own experience.

    In order to carry out the desired experiments, money was required, but the funds allocated to him by his parents were not at all much. Consequently, at the age of twelve, Thomas took a job as a newsboy on the railroad line that connects Port Huron and Detroit. The boy achieved an income of up to $10 a month, which was enough for him not only for chemical experiments, but also for the purchase of new books, and even for the creation of his own laboratory in the baggage car of the train.

    Having discovered his talent at a very young age, Edison began to invent world-famous projects, for which he was well awarded not only in his country, but also in other countries of the world. In the USA alone, he received 1093 patents, not to mention the 3 thousand he received far from his homeland.

    It was Thomas Edison who was the creator of the phonograph, with the help of his works the telegraph was improved, the first telephones in the world, cinema equipment and even the simplest item of daily use - an incandescent lamp - were created. They were asked to say the word “hello” at the beginning of a telephone conversation. The highest award of the United States, the Congressional Gold Medal, was awarded to him. In 1862, Edison saved the son of the station master, for which he helped the boy learn the telegraph business.

    The scientist tested some inventions on his friends. Guests were constantly surprised why the gate of such a genius as Edison was so difficult to open. Thomas surprised many with his answer: the gate was connected to the home water supply pump, and each person entering pumps twenty-five liters of water into the tank.

    In this video you will learn the success story of Thomas Edison.

    Thomas Edison: interesting facts

    In the biography of every great person you can find somewhat strange facts about his life and behavior. They are also present in Thomas, for example:

    1. At school he was considered completely untalented because of his disobedience, and his teacher called him a “lost child.” Having learned this, the mother was furious and took her child out of school, and provided him with education herself at home;
    2. The first laboratory with chemical experiments was created by Edison at the age of 10 in the basement of his own house. However, the risk that his parents would find out about this and be angry prompted him to write “poison” on each jar of drugs;
    3. It was believed that after the conductor hit a twelve-year-old boy for a fire in his carriage, he lost some of his hearing. However, his father and brother were also deaf, which is why the real cause of hearing loss is considered to be heredity. Thomas even liked it, because he could completely immerse himself in his work without anything distracting him;
    4. Just a couple of years after his wife’s funeral, the scientist married twenty-year-old Mina Miller, whose love was almost as strong as his love for science. The inventor taught his beloved Morse code, with the help of which they communicated in the presence of the girl’s parents, tapping their fingers on each other’s palms. In this way the marriage proposal was made;
    5. The inventor learned that alternating current has deadly potential. He himself was always categorically against the death penalty, but together with Harold Brown he created the electric chair. The elephant Topsy, who was a circus animal, killed three circus workers in 1903, and it was decided to take her life. For unknown reasons, the proposal to hang the elephant was not possible, and Edison was given the opportunity to test a type of death on the elephant such as electrical execution. The animal was fed carrots laced with poison, namely cyanide, and exposed to six thousand volts of alternating current. The elephant died in a matter of seconds without making a single sound. The execution was recorded on film.

    About 120 years ago, in the fall of 1879, a scientist tested the most important invention of the nineteenth century - the incandescent electric lamp. Its appearance was due to the work of dozens of other inventors, but it was Thomas who was able to make light bulbs accessible and widespread, as a result of which the need for candles disappeared.

    The scientist decided to show his invention to the world on the eve of 1880. About four thousand people who visited Menlo Park this evening observed an amazing sight: a wire was stretched between two trees, on which several hundred light bulbs glowed brightly. This created a furor on people, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, because artificial lighting in the 19th century can rightfully be called magic.

    This video features 8 famous inventions Thomas Edison. Don't forget to leave your questions, suggestions and