Numerology chart by date of birth. Numerology

Any predictions regarding the fate of a person and his future are a complex and unknown area, which at first glance does not intersect with science.

6 – if 6 is the decline point, you should pay more attention to financial side life, if this is the number of rise (comes after the smaller numbers preceding it) - this indicates a period of growth in your well-being.

7 – a complex number if it is a point of rise: perhaps you should reconsider your views on the family. On the other hand, seven as a point of rise symbolizes strengthening family relations. During this period, stability manifests itself not only in relationships with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 – during this period you can confidently move towards your goals, but only if this is a point of rise. If the nine has given way to the eight, you should not take too many risks and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 - a point of complete self-realization and achieving the limits of your dreams.

As you can see, such a schedule not only helps you analyze your life, but also look a little into the future, and this, in turn, will always help, if not prevent troubles, then at least prepare for them.

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Numerical vibrations have qualitative characteristics that reflect the essence of events or phenomena. The ancient people knew about this, studying numbers and combinations. IN Lately Pythagorean numerology has become widespread, because by a combination of numbers you can find out your future and prepare for unexpected gifts of fate.

Numbers help us understand the essence of phenomena and can describe the character of the person of interest to us. Let's consider how you need to add the numbers to find out about your fate.

Decoding the meaning of numbers

Now you can find out in detail what awaits you during these periods of life. To do this, look at the characteristics of numbers:

Zero- characterizes a loss of strength, a decline in energy. At this time, a person just needs to rest, not plan anything and not change anything in his destiny. A person can be haunted by negative thoughts, leading to prolonged depression. However, do not despair - you just need to wait out the unfavorable period, accumulate strength for the next breakthrough. This life stage is well suited for spiritual search and the meaning of life.

Unit- characterizes the period of formation. The person is dissatisfied with the state of affairs and tries to achieve more. This period of life will be filled with the struggle for a place in the sun, the desire to realize oneself as an individual and achieve success. It’s a difficult period, but there’s already an upward trend emerging compared to zero.

Deuce— characterizes life’s ups and downs, the alternation of success and failure. This is also a difficult period of life, but close people and friends will come to the aid of a person. Together it is easier to overcome the vicissitudes of fate.

Troika- characterizes an ambiguous period. A person cannot yet cope with circumstances, but is trying to adapt to them - looking for how to avoid the blows of fate. If you show flexibility during this period, you can develop useful relationships with business people and break out of the circle of failures, thanks to mutually beneficial contacts.

Four- characterizes a calm flow of life, regularity and conservatism. A person will do everything out of habit, moving along the beaten track. For people of a calm nature, such a life may seem like paradise, for active and active people- mortal boredom.

Five- characterizes a happy time of life, however, not for everyone. For people with an adventurous character, this period will bring a lot of impressions, because walking on the edge of a knife is so exciting. For balanced and calm people, this time will be marked by strong emotions - you need to always be on alert, then you will be able to harmonize energies and feel happiness.

Six- characterizes a balanced and calm life period. However, it will not be happy for everyone. Those who are accustomed to going over their heads to receive gifts from fate should moderate their ardor - this is a bad time. For those who are accustomed to taking a moderate amount of benefits from life, the period will be marked by complete well-being. Quiet people can also breathe easy - happiness is already knocking on the door!

- characterizes an ambiguous and mysterious period in life. This is the number of mysticism and the unknown. A person is invited to begin searching for the spiritual in life, to listen to the voice of his own intuition. Don't rely on logic and reason - you can lose everything. This period is especially dangerous for businessmen - it is better not to make large bets and not to put all your property on the line.

Eight- characterizes luck in money. This is a happy period for starting your own business and any manipulations with securities, money and real estate. Money will flow like a river.

Nine- characterizes success in all areas of life. If this number is present in yours, you are simply lucky in life. Twelve years under the number 9 will mark good luck, which will follow a person on his heels.

A table from which you can calculate any life period is not a verdict of fate. Numbers give a hint on how best to act, but the person himself must make decisions. You need to listen to the numbers, but act according to the dictates of your heart. Only then can you become a truly happy person.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

For each of us, life consists of ups and downs, black stripes, white stripes, even gray ones. If we knew where we would fall, we could lay down some straw, right? Pythagorean numerology gives us the opportunity to soften our fall or make our rise even more brilliant. To do this, you don’t need to cast spells or cast spells. Science will help you, and numbers will become a guide through the tangled chain of life events.

You can create a life schedule using just three numbers: day, month, year of birth. It's very easy, anyone can do the calculations, which only takes a few minutes. The effect is amazing. You will learn not only about the future, but also about the past, and you will be able to say for yourself how your life is shaping up. This knowledge helps you manage events, and you do it yourself, completely free of charge. Try it, all the mysteries of life will be revealed to those who know how to handle numbers.

Numerology of Pythagoras

One of the most ancient areas of numerology. However, today it is one of the most popular. This is because it is very simple; it is based on elementary mathematical operations that anyone can do. Addition, subtraction and multiplication. In the event that you are looking for a personality characteristic that works with determining specific events, dates, compatibility, you will just need to add the numbers. All this is determined by the date of birth or other important event.

If you decide to build a life graph, you will have to multiply these values. It's not difficult, especially if you have a calculator. By the way, even the most experienced numerologists use a calculator or computer for such calculations. Everything seems very simple - 5-6 numbers, simple addition. Even a first grader can handle this. In reality, there are a lot of small errors. Were you wrong by just one? This means they have calculated the fate of another person. Why do you need this? So you can count on yourself a lot of things that turn out to be fundamentally wrong. Your destiny is hidden in your date of birth, so make sure all calculations are correct.

Stages of building a life schedule

To build a life graph, remember, again, school curriculum. Two axes:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Horizontally we have years of life, starting with the year of birth. Then set aside the plots for 12 years. Don’t skimp on the years of your life, save more, even up to 100. The fact is that your life schedule will still distribute everything as necessary. Will indicate only the most important stages life path. Who knows, maybe at 80 you will accomplish major discovery, or have you already done something incredibly useful and necessary at 12?

Vertically, you need to put aside the numbers from 0 to 9 in ascending order (0,1,2...9). We need zero, in this case numerology recognizes its existence and gives precise definition. For example, someone was born on November 25, 1965. Let's see how his life is going.

Multiply the date: 25*11*1965= 540375. That's all, no need to simplify. This method of Pythagoras has been known since ancient times, so it has been tested many times. They say that Pythagoras was asked to calculate schedules for kings, nobles, brides and grooms. Not once did Pythagoras' method fail.

The numbers 5,4,0,3,7,5 will be our control points. They characterize a 12-year life span. They are obtained at the intersection of life dates and numerological indicators. It looks like this:

There is nothing after 2025. This does not mean that life is over, but on the contrary - by following his path, a person has fulfilled his Cosmic destiny. Years of peace and tranquility await him, but, unfortunately, at this time all that remains is to reap the fruits of his labors. This person will already be 60 years old, it is quite possible to enjoy the results of life.

How to build a graph correctly so as not to make mistakes?

  1. First, construct a horizontal axis starting at the date of birth.
  2. Set aside plots for 12 years. How many you want.
  3. Vertical axis from 0 to 9.
  4. The resulting number is 540375, now we look for 5 vertically, put a dot over the first date 1965 (from 0 to 12 years). The second number is 4 on the vertical axis - it corresponds to the next segment of 12 years - 1977.
  5. The last value is 5, it corresponds to the period from the end of 2013 to 2025.

That's all. Now it’s important to find out what awaits you during these periods of life?

Decoding key points

The decipherment has been preserved since the times when the followers of Pythagoras systematized his works.


The path is interrupted, the task is lost. Get ready to start all over again. Perhaps this is for the best, because the past period has led you to a dead end. Or the Universe has revised its plan for you.


A life graph at point 1 means that you are moving in the right direction. The work is not in vain, this path will lead to victory, fame, and wealth. A period when you need to work hard.


A period of doubt. Making the right choice is not easy, but thinking about it is simply infuriating. You may have already stepped on the path, but you think it is not the right one. You have time to think. The choice is always yours.


Stability start time. You are confident in your choice, business, idea. Now we need to collect all the resources for implementation. A very difficult and exciting time. Nobody says that everything will end well, but there is every chance of it.


You can always tell by your date of birth whether you are a materialist or not. This period obliges you to forget about earthly things, focus on spiritual world. Grow, develop, spend more time with your family. You need it.


A period of life when you need to relax and look around. You need friends, loved ones, family. It’s hard to live alone or you’re tired of it. Need a life partner who can help you do right choice. Timeline of life in the position of searching for love.


When a period is marked by the appearance of a six, it means the person is happy. This is a time of harmony, creation, creativity.


Be careful, the time of monetary losses is coming. Numerology considers seven a dangerous number. Get your act together, don’t spend too much, it’s better to save money during this period, deprive yourself of thoughts about luxury and waste.


This is the period of birth of a new era. You see how everything around is changing. Make your choice quickly. You have a chance to live this part of your life the way you want. Just don’t hesitate, the choice will present itself.


A nine has appeared, which means that the life schedule during this period is scheduled By Higher Powers. You have work to finish. Very important. Everyone knows what it's about we're talking about. When the plan of the Universe is fulfilled, the time will come for the birth of a new plan. Everything will start all over again. But with this comes great relief.

Numerology reveals amazing things to us. If you really want to do such calculations, you will have to delve into books. Numerology is not just calculations, it is also theoretical knowledge about magic, impact, and the influence of numbers on our lives. You should start by deciding which trend you will follow:

  • classical (Pythagorean);
  • Vedic (philosophical numerology);
  • Kabbalistic (mystical branch);
  • numerology of angels (predictions, search for truth).

Each of them is very interesting and requires detailed study. The secrets of character, life, and the ability to plan will be revealed to you. Numbers tell us not only about the past, but also about the future. Everything can be calculated: the wedding date, the time for an important conversation, the day of opening a new company, the day and time to take out a loan. You have a million opportunities, so use them.

One of the main mistakes beginners make is fear. There is no need to be afraid of what happened to you. The forecast is not good? Think about what you can do to avoid it? How can you change yourself? What to do to prevent it from coming true. This is your main task - to treat the results obtained with understanding and intelligence, and not to give up on your dreams.

Number Life Path is basic and most important number your Numerology Chart. This is the number with which you are born, which constantly guides you through life and never changes. This is a conscious goal towards which you are moving, your nature and talents presented to the world. It contains your essence, the meaning and value of your life.

The Life Path number offers us certain opportunities, but does not order us to move in a specified direction. It provides an outline of the challenges and lessons we may face. By focusing on the values ​​​​set by this number, you are able to maximize your potential and gain the experience you need, that is, self-realization, and this is the most important spiritual need of a person.

This number is yours main characteristic. Your personal history began long before you visited this world. It has brought you to the point where you are now. You will continue your personal evolution with the opportunities and limitations that it offers. human life. The Life Path number, one way or another, reflects all the features of your development.

Having found out your Life Path Number and your partner’s Number, you can go to the Compatibility page and analyze the general trend in your relationship.

A life schedule is an effective way to predict the future. With the help of numerology you can find out what your life cycle, predict likely problems and ways to solve them.

There are many ways to find out fate. are very effective, but only a life schedule will help you get the most reliable information. There are several versions of this method, but we will tell you about the most accurate one.

Numerological calculation by date of birth

You will need your date of birth, a calculator and a piece of paper. Follow the steps in our example. Let's take two dates of birth - 07/3/1980 and 11/24/2001.

  • Step one: multiply the numbers of your date of birth. If the month starts from zero, we multiply only its second number. For example, the month “07” - we multiply seven, ignore zero.
  • Step two: count the number of digits of the resulting number. The number of signs is your karmic period, that is, the time during which the same number rules your life.
  • Step three: evaluating the results.

Example one:

1. Date - 07/3/1980. 3*7*1980=41580

2 . 41580 is five karmic numbers, which means the karmic period is 5 years.

3 . In the first five years of life - from 0 to 4 years - you are ruled by a Four, from 5 to 9 years - by a One, from 10 to 14 years - by a Five, from 15 to 19 years - by an Eight, and from 20 to 24 years - by a Zero. It is important to remember that in numerology there are no zeros, so you need to replace it with another number. Add up all the code numbers. For our example, 4+1+5+8+0=18; 1+8=9. Remember that you need to add until you get a number from the segment from 1 to 9. We got Nine, which means we put it instead of zero.

The karmic cycle is equal to 24 years, since we have five code numbers, each of which corresponds to five years of life. After 24 years, everything repeats again - 4, 1, 5, 8 and 9, then again and so on.

Example two:

1. Date - November 24, 2001. 24*11*2001=528264.

2. 528264 - six karmic numbers. The karmic segment is equal to six years, and the cycle is 36 years, since we only have six segments of 6 years.

3 . From 0 to 5 years - karmic number 5, from 6 to 11 - Two, from 12 to 17 - Eight, from 18 to 23 - Two, from 24 to 29 - Six, from 30 to 35 - Four. Then everything repeats again.

Decoding the life schedule

Unit. The period of time controlled by the Unit is very ephemeral and fleeting, so it is characterized by disappointments, quick victories, and annoying defeats. This is a very memorable period in which a person often makes mistakes. Accept important decisions During the reign of Unity, you need to be as careful as possible. This is especially true for love and large purchases.

Two. Number 2 is a herald of coolness in love. During this period, it is more difficult for a person to look for a soulmate and more difficult to contain the negativity of people around him. These few years, depending on your cycle, are marked by psychological and social problems. Calmness and regularity prevail in business and finance.

Troika. During the reign of the Troika, it is easier for a person to engage in spiritual quests and set some new goals for himself. This is the time when you have to rethink your life. When the number 3 is at the helm, a person’s intuition is heightened.

Four. This is the time of self-realization. Number 4 symbolizes stability and increased efficiency, concentration of a person, harmony between the four elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire. When the world is ruled by Four, a person is lucky, his mind is open and pure. He is successful in love and business. This good time to influence the subconscious in five effective ways.

Five. Another spiritual period in the chart of human life. When the number Five rules the world, greatest success accompanies those who study, undergo internships, gain new knowledge and engage in science, invent something. Creative personalities At this time, they feel an influx of inspiration.

Six. This hard times. Any problems can provoke self-doubt. Empathy, sensitivity, and nervousness increase. Occur more often random events, independent of human choice.

Seven. The site’s specialists advise being more cunning and calmer during the reign of the Seven. Impulsivity is the enemy of success in times like these. Try to avoid arrogance, impudence, posturing, greed and jealousy. If you give way to negative feelings, you can lose the love and respect of others.

Eight. An ideal time for expensive acquisitions, expansion of capabilities, training, as well as solving old problems. It is advisable to be as independent as possible when the Eight is at the helm.

Nine. A time characterized by material losses, quarrels, difficulties in communication, the emergence of new ones or the exacerbation of old ones bad habits. It is advisable to avoid spreading gossip and rumors. Human energy reserves are large, but uncontrollable. Possible depression, increased vanity and pride. This is the time when a person is in search of his calling, new talents, hobbies.

Remember the relevance of the law of attraction of thoughts. You should not give in to any part of your life schedule negative thoughts and fears. Always be confident in your abilities and perceive failures as a learning experience that will make you wiser. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.09.2018 08:28

Sometimes a person constantly comes across the same number. Numerology experts will tell you...