Corellas live. How long do parrots live at home?

This can be done by the wax, beak, paws and eyes. You can also determine the age of a Corella by its gait (young individuals are considered more clumsy), singing, and first molt. This way, you will prevent deception from unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise of young birds, can sell elderly parrots (especially if they show the birds in photos and not in real life). A specialist will also help you find out how old your new pet is.

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Proper feeding of any pet, regardless of its age, is the key to its long and healthy life. Although cockatiels are very unpretentious creatures in nutrition, they still require careful attitude and attention from the owner. The better You can give the bird dry and wet food, vitamin supplements, biscuits. You should not feed your parrot fried, too sweet or salty foods. The water needs to be changed daily.

The diet of an adult bird throughout its life should contain sufficient quantities of fruits and greens. The quality of grains before feeding to birds can be checked by sprouting them.


It is known that Corellas are heat-loving birds that live in the tropics. The optimal temperature for them is considered to be between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. Air humidity should be in the range from 50 to 60 percent (such indicators are also useful for humans).

The living conditions of these parrots in nature do not allow drafts and low temperatures. Therefore, at home, it is extremely important to place a cage or enclosure where the wind does not blow. Also, you should not place the bird near an open window or vent if it is not hot outside. A draft can seriously undermine a pet's health and cause illness.


If you are interested in how long Cockatiels live in captivity, you should know that stress can also cause your pet to become ill. These parrots, by their nature, are considered very active and sociable birds, and are distinguished by their loyal attitude towards people. But even despite this, they are susceptible to a state of nervousness in the presence of stimulating extraneous factors.

Cockatiels do not like loud conversations and other noise such as a stereo or TV. In the dark, these parrots prefer peace and sleep. It is better to teach Corella to talk and, in principle, to communicate with her in a calm tone. This also needs to be explained to children who may frighten birds. If there are cats and dogs in the house, you will have to keep an eye on them and not leave them alone with their cage.

Gender of the bird

Determining the sex of a parrot is quite difficult at any age (it is almost impossible to do this from a photo). It is believed that males live longer due to their resistance hormonal levels. A female's body is worn out by childbirth and can function differently depending on the amount of hormones during puberty or egg laying.

To determine the sex of a Corella when purchasing, pay attention to the bird's plumage. Males have brighter colors and no tail wing tips yellow spots and stripes. Females have duller plumage, but until the first moult the color of the feathers is bright yellow (photos of different sexes can be found on the Internet). Males begin to sing at 3-4 months, and in general have more active habits and a restless character, in contrast to the balanced females.

Before the age of 12 months, it is very difficult to determine the sex of a Cockatiel without a certain amount of knowledge and experience.


An important factor influencing life expectancy is the reproduction of Corellas, or rather its intensity. For normal development at home, the female needs to lay eggs at intervals of up to one and a half years. Initially, a young female Cockatiel may lay empty eggs, which is considered normal. Increasing or decreasing the frequency of breeding can negatively affect the health of the bird.

If you are purchasing a Corella exclusively for yourself and do not plan to breed birds, then it is better to buy a male. With further plans to breed parrots at home, you can purchase a couple of birds that will bring you offspring. It is worth remembering that each individual needs care and attention, otherwise the birds can quickly die.

Video “How to determine the age of a Corella parrot”

The specialist will tell you by what signs you can determine the age of the bird.

One of the most popular types of parrots, which easily get used to people and are unpretentious in nutrition and care, are cockatiels. That is why they are often started at home. Before getting such a bird, future owners often ask questions: what to feed a cockatiel parrot and how long do cockatiels live at home? Although these parrots are not as bright as, for example, budgerigars, people are attracted by their unusual face with a funny crest and, of course, the singing of the cockatiel. Because of their unusual voice, cockatiels are nicknamed "nymphs."

How long do cockatiels live in the wild?

About how long do cockatiels live in natural environment, ornithologists have been arguing for decades. The only thing they agree on is that in nature birds live much shorter lives than they do in captivity.

Corella parrots are found in Australia. Their habitat was savannahs, forests, and eucalyptus groves overgrown with shrubs. They make their nests at the very tops of dried trees, where, due to their inconspicuous color, they are hardly noticeable. These birds were brought to Europe in the middle of the 19th century. And after 100 years they appeared in Soviet families.

Veterinarians, answering the question of how long a cockatiel lives, claim that in nature they rarely live more than 10 years. This is due to the fact that there they need to take care of their own nutrition and protect themselves from various predators. At home, this species of parrot lives on average 16-18 years. There were specimens that lived up to 30 and even 35 years. But this is rare.

What affects the lifespan of cockatiels at home?

How long cockatiels live at home depends on a number of factors. Among them are the following basics of keeping cockatiels:


Despite the fact that cockatiels are not picky about food, the owner must provide his pet with quality and balanced diet. Therefore, when choosing grains, you need to pay attention to their quality. It's easy to check this at home. It's enough to just germinate them. A small amount of seeds should be wrapped in wet cotton wool and ensure that it does not dry out. This needs to be placed in warm place. If after some time the grains have not begun to germinate, it means they are not of high quality, and, therefore, not useful for the parrot. In addition, cockatiels need fresh greens and fruits, which can be given to them without restrictions. But food from the human table is prohibited for these birds. Fried and spicy foods, salt and sugar can be harmful to them.


Cockatiels are tropical birds, so cold air and drafts are very destructive for them. The optimal ambient temperature is +20 - +25 degrees. In winter, they are recommended to provide an additional source of heat. For example, a heating lamp. Even a slight draft, for example, airing a room, can significantly undermine the bird’s health. IN autumn-winter period When heating is turned on in apartments, it is necessary to monitor the air humidity in the room. For cockatiels it should be in the range of 50-60%.

It turns out that these birds are very sensitive to odors. Therefore, in order not to cause trouble to your pet, it is better to protect it from the smells of perfume, various incense, air fresheners, aerosols and, of course, tobacco smoke.


Parrots of this species are extremely friendly birds. Therefore, caring for them should not be limited solely to feeding. Cockatiels need companionship. But that’s precisely why people start them. At the same time, you need to ensure that communication gives the pet only positive emotions. You need to talk to them quietly, carefully choosing your intonation. We must not forget that birds also need praise.

Cockatiels cannot live alone, so they are most often kept in pairs. If a parrot gets bored, it may begin to pull out its feathers. Even a cramped cage or lack of toys can cause him stress. The optimal cage area for such birds is considered to be 1.5 square meters. It shouldn't be empty. The presence of various ladders, perches, mirrors, bells and other things is welcome

Just like a person, a cockatiel needs a full-fledged night sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the bird from TV or loud noises in the dark. If there are small children in the family, it is necessary to explain to them from the very beginning that the parrot should not be scared. Children should not jerk the cage, try to grab the bird, or scream loudly near it.


When the cage is open, you need to make sure that the windows in the house are closed. Otherwise the parrot may fly away. You should also make sure that there are no objects within the cockatiel’s reach. toxic substances, which she may eat by mistake. These substances may include items household chemicals, poisonous houseplants etc.

It may seem incredible, but how long cockatiels live is also affected by their gender. So, a male parrot has longer duration life than a female. Ornithologists explain this fact by the need to reproduce. It turns out that in order for a female cockatiel’s body to function normally, she needs to lay eggs on average once every 6 months. If this happens less often or, on the contrary, more often, then disturbances in the functioning of the hormonal system occur in her body, which negatively affects her health.

Love and care will give the Corella parrot many years of life.

Surely, purchasing for yourself as pet such a beauty as a cockatiel parrot, you don’t think about how long this bird will live with you. Over time, he becomes a full-fledged member of the family. And despite the fact that he lives mainly in his cage, he probably constantly flies to you to chat or just sit on your shoulder or hand, as if thanking you for taking care of him.

This is probably when your first thoughts will come to you: how long do cockatiels live? Having realized that you have become quite attached to your feathered pet, you will try with all your might to prolong its life by protecting, feeding and caring for it.

However, in this article we will try to answer the question - how long does a cockatiel live at home?

general information

This smart parrot is one singular gender families However, the dimensions of his body are not as large as his. The length of the carella's body, including its tail, varies by about thirty centimeters. Its weight is also not so impressive and fluctuates around one hundred grams.

He lives mainly in the forest or steppe expanses of Australia, where he frolics surrounded by birds exactly like him. They live in small flocks of several dozen individuals. The main diet of these birds consists of grain crops of some plants.

Despite the fact that Australian legislation prohibits the export of these feathered tomboys abroad, they have gained considerable popularity and demand among parrot lovers around the world. to the globe. The lifespan of a cockatiel at home is usually twenty to twenty-five years.

Is it a lot or a little, you ask. To answer this question, you will need to consider the living conditions of the cockatiel. It is on them that the number of years your tamed parrots live depends on.

For example, the lifespan of a cockatiel is wildlife on average does not exceed ten years. This is due to the fact that every year of its life the parrot is exposed to all sorts of risks and threats, both from predators living nearby and from a number of other dangers.

However, at home, all these risks fade into the background. If you take proper care of your tamed parrot, you will make his life so safe that he can live up to thirty years. Such an honorable age is considered quite high for any of the parrots kept in captivity.

Factors influencing the lifespan of a parrot

In order to know for sure how long parrots live at home, you need to know the conditions of their keeping. At the same time, the number of factors influencing their life expectancy is not so large. In this article we will list the most significant of them.


Nutrition should be put in the very first place, which directly affects the health of your pet. After all, it is health and well-being that for the most part determine how long your pet can live.

Your cockatiel should live in conditions that are comfortable for him. His food should not only be of excellent quality, but also be balanced. You shouldn’t pamper and fatten him too often; the bird should always be in good physical shape.

In addition to grains, it is allowed to feed the parrot with greens and even fruits. But at the same time, in no case should you let him enjoy foods with sugar and salt. Fried foods are also harmful to the parrot, as are all kinds of spices.


Surely you do not pay attention to such a factor as the cleanliness of the air in your room, but in vain. Birds are very sensitive to it. Thus, you should not smoke indoors with a parrot; this will certainly have a detrimental effect on its health.

In addition, the corella is a heat-loving parrot, whose homeland is warm spaces tropical forests, where the temperature does not fall below twenty degrees Celsius. Therefore, never leave it in an unheated room and avoid possible drafts.

If you set out to create optimal conditions for your parrot, then you should take care of purchasing special humidifiers. With their help, it will be possible to keep the humidity inside the room at fifty percent comfortable for cockatiels.


Even though your tamed cockatiel is a very friendly and sociable parrot, you should make sure that your bird feels as comfortable as possible.

To do this, it will be enough that you never shout at him or make sudden movements close to him. The bird may perceive all these actions as a threat and become agitated.

If you only have one cockatiel, then try to devote as much time as possible to him, playing and communicating with him. This should be done for the reason that your pet does not get bored. However, you can always buy him a pair. Together the parrots will have much more fun.

We hope that after reading this article, you will begin to pay more attention to the well-being of your tamed parrot, taking care of his health. This is the only way you can prolong the already long life feathered pet.

If the pet's owners manage to gain his trust, then the whole family will receive cheerful friend, which will constantly delight and surprise everyone. This bird is very cute and quite sociable. She will do well if she is cared for properly. Corella will definitely thank its owners with unforgettable funny moments.

general information

The homeland of this bird is Australia. In nature, cockatiels live in forests growing along river banks. They usually settle on dried tree branches and, thanks to the gray color of their feathers, become almost invisible. In Australia, these parrots are called nymphs because of their beautiful plumage.

The color of these cute birds may vary depending on the subspecies. But the male cockatiel always has brighter shades, unlike the females. The most common are gray parrots with a yellow head and orange cheeks. In addition, they have a funny high crest on the back of their heads. This is what gives the nymph such a touching look. The body size of adult birds is about 33 cm, and the tail length is approximately 15 cm.

Large aviaries or cages are perfect as houses for Corella parrots. Their maintenance and care are relatively simple. These pets are unpretentious creatures. They get along well not only with birds of their own species, but also with budgies. Cockatiels easily get used to their owners and love to spend a lot of time with them if they are treated well.

Despite the fact that cockatiels are not picky, it is still worth arranging their home. In order for the bird to feel comfortable, it needs a space of about 1.5 square meters. m. There are cells that are wide, but low, or narrow and elongated upward. Which one to choose? It is better to give preference to the first of them.

It is also necessary to take care of the internal arrangement of the bird house for the Corella parrot. Maintenance and care are considered good if the cage's perches and ladders are made from thin branches of fruit trees. For feeding you need to allocate specific place, where there should always be a bowl of water and a small mirror. From time to time, you can pour a bath for your pet, where he will bathe. He should eat and sleep only in his cage.

Features of care

As is known, warm Australia- the homeland of representatives of the Corella genus. The maintenance and care of these birds at home must be appropriate. Concerning temperature regime, the air in the room should not be lower than +20 ⁰С, and the most comfortable indicators are considered to be +21...+25 ⁰С. If the temperature in the apartment is lower, then you will have to install an additional heater for the cage or enclosure. Sometimes a lamp is used for these purposes.

It is very important to ensure that the air in the apartment is not too humid or too dry, as this can negatively affect the health of the birds. It is also worth remembering that to a pet needed Fresh air, so the room must be regularly ventilated. At the same time, we must not forget that birds are afraid of drafts.


The diet of all birds kept at home, without exception, should be given Special attention, since their life expectancy depends on it. This also applies to parrots of the genus Corella. Maintenance and care, including feeding, will not take much time. Parrots love sunflower and flax seeds, wheat, corn, oats, etc. But this alone will not be enough to keep the bird healthy and cheerful. Their diet should also include fruits and vegetables, pre-cut into small pieces.

It must be said that the cockatiel is a parrot that is very wary of all new products, so they should be introduced gradually. This can be done this way: finely chop the fruit and add a little to the main food. If the bird likes this food, it will eat it with pleasure. Most often, parrots prefer pears, apples, cherries, cherry plums, but they especially love citrus fruits. Before giving any fruit to the bird, it is advisable to remove all the seeds from it.

As for vegetables, it is useful for nymphs to eat cauliflower and carrots, cucumbers and beets. You can also add dandelion leaves and chopped nuts to the food. Very important point: nymphs do not need to give food from their table, because it is either poorly digested or not digested at all. In addition, you cannot overfeed them. They only need one and a half tablespoons of grain per day, and if the bird is large, then two. Add a little vegetables or fruits to this food.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question: everything depends on the correct care of the bird. Since this one is slightly larger than the wavy ones, then, accordingly, their life expectancy should be longer.

At home, these funny birds with orange cheeks and a funny crest can live on average about 20 years, but only if they are given proper care and proper feeding. We must admit that there are owners who do not particularly care about their pets. Therefore, their parrot can last no more than 10-15 years.

How long do cockatiels live with caring owners? Was once recorded interesting fact, which was described in one of the zoological journals: a parrot of this species died at the age of 35 from... old age.


In photographs you can often see cockatiels sitting in people's arms, but we note that such photographs can be misleading to novice bird lovers. In order for the pet not to be afraid of its owners, you need to be patient and spend a little time taming it. Then he will become a real member of the family.

As you know, not only for animals, but also for birds, food is the strongest motivator. But you should immediately warn that a nymph cannot be tamed by hunger. On the contrary, this bird can go wild. First, you need to unobtrusively offer her food through the bars of the cage or by placing it in your palm. When the parrot begins to trust its owner, it will take the offered treat from the hands. The palm with food should be brought only slowly and from below, so as not to frighten the pet. If the bird hisses or bites, it means that it does not have trust in this person. In this case, there is no need to insist on contact, just try to treat the parrot with pieces of fruit through the bars from time to time, since it is not recommended to let him out of the cage until the taming process is completed.

How to find out gender

In young birds, it is not possible to determine sex before the first molt. This is easiest to do in an adult. As mentioned earlier, the color of males is brighter. The female cockatiel has a grayish head with reddish cheeks. In females, the lower part of the tail is yellowish, while in males it is completely gray and a shade darker than the rest of the plumage. In addition, females have small light spots under their wings.

It is almost impossible to determine the gender of white nymphs by color. The best way to do this is to take a closer look at their behavior. Males usually like to bang their beaks on various objects and often sing. When they sit on a perch, their paws are placed close to one another. The lower part of females is slightly wider than that of the opposite sex. In addition, they sit a little lower and try to spread their paws a little.

It is a little easier to determine the sex of the yellow subspecies of these birds. Despite the fact that all parrots have the same color, the females have many spots under the wings of a richer tone than the rest of the plumage. In addition, under the tail they have dark transverse stripes. yellow color.


Parrots of this species incubate the eggs and feed the chicks one at a time. Usually the male does this during the day, and the female at night. By the time the cockatiel chicks begin to hatch from their eggs, the other parent has been sitting on them longer. After birth, babies are covered with thick yellow down. Newborn chicks make quite loud noises when asking for food. Therefore, those owners who want to start breeding cockatiels should prepare for the noise made by these birds.

The chicks first leave their nest at the age of 35 to 40 days. By this time, they are already eating on their own, sitting on a perch and even trying to fly around the cage. Parents take care of the chicks for about two weeks, although sometimes this period extends to a couple of months. In rare cases, the female can begin the next clutch almost immediately after the birth of the chicks, so the young nymphs will have to be removed and fed artificially.

Corella: price and reviews

It should be noted that 90% of the owners of these small parrots recommend having these beautiful, affectionate, sociable and funny birds in families with children, with whom you will not get bored. In addition, everyone, without exception, notes that with nymphs there is a minimum of hassle both in feeding and caring for them. In addition, some of the Corellas, the price of which in Russia varies from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles, and in Ukraine - from 150 to 600 hryvnia, can also talk.

The Corella parrot has long been loved for its disposition and friendly behavior. Getting more and more attached to their feathered pet every year, owners ask themselves the question: “How long do cockatiels live?” The lifespan of this species directly depends on external environment, living conditions and the ability to gain the trust of your pet. Then he will delight his owner for a long time with his funny behavior and give a lot of interesting moments.

Description and habitats


Feathered representatives of this breed are good-natured and sociable birds. Slightly smaller in size than a pigeon, they have a funny appearance, which is betrayed by their yellow crest and bright cheeks. This whole cute image will not leave any lover of ornamental birds indifferent. In their homeland they were dubbed nymphs for their color and ability to merge with environment. The color of a cockatiel can be:

  • gray
  • white
  • yellow


Australia is considered their homeland. In nature, they prefer to live on trees growing along rivers. Most often, they settle on dry eucalyptus trees so that their color matches the dried gray trunk as closely as possible. This is how they become invisible to their own people. natural enemies. And these birds living in the Australian jungle have plenty of them. They were brought to Europe not so long ago, or rather, in the 19th century.

Males are brighter in color- silver-gray. Females have a duller dark gray plumage and a less bright crest. The gender can only be determined by looking closely at the grown parrot. Each subspecies has its own characteristics. The most common species is a gray-bodied parrot with a yellow head, orange cheeks and a cute yellow-colored crest with dark gray tips. Up to 12 months their color may change. The body size is 33 centimeters, which includes a fifteen centimeter tail. It's all about 80-110 grams.

Life expectancy in the wild

All these difficulties greatly reduce Correl lifespan. But at home, these beautiful parrots can live much longer. After all, they don’t have to worry about how to feed themselves. For this he has a caring owner.

When purchasing a cockatiel at a pet store, you need to consult with the seller about the proper care of the bird at home. After all, the better the bird is cared for, the longer the cockatiel will live. At home, they can easily live longer. It happens that correls live up to 30 years, but these are already long-livers. The average lifespan of a cockatiel is 15-25 years..


To live in a house, a cockatiel will, of course, need a cage. For a parrot to feel comfortable, the size of its house should be one and a half square meters. In a cramped cage, a parrot can hurt itself. It is advisable that the cage be wide. Everything inside should also correspond to comfortable contents. It is better if the perches and ladders are made from fruit trees. To prevent your pet from feeling lonely, you should buy toys for him. A small mirror and a bell will brighten up his time.


Everyone knows that parrots are tropical birds., and they need conditions close to the natural environment. The temperature in the room should be comfortable, within 20-25 degrees. Humidity is about 60 percent, which, moreover, will be useful for all family members, and not just the feathered pet. Do not place the cage in a draft and avoid temperature changes.

In the room where the parrot's cage is located, you should not use air freshener or other aerosols. Tobacco smoke is also negative affects the health of the parrot. Negative odors significantly affect how long a cockatiel parrot will live.


The cockatiel's diet should be varied. Their main diet is grains, but they also need fruits and fresh herbs. The more fruits, the better, and the best choice of greens is: carrot tops, dandelion leaves and celery. It is better not to give food and dishes from your table. Let the parrot's diet be as close to natural as possible.

Stress and sleep

The right amount of sleep and lack stress the best way affect cockatiels. Unexpected sharp sounds and claps, a cat or small children shaking the cage and jumping nearby frighten the parrot and harm it emotional state. If there are kids in the house, you need to warn them so that they do not scare the cockatiel. You need to talk to him in a calm voice, pronouncing the words clearly - in case he remembers them.

This type of parrot Long and restful sleep is necessary. In winter he needs 12 hours, and in summer 10 will be enough. Not only night sleep is necessary, but also daytime sleep. In the natural environment, the peak of activity occurs in the morning and evening, and during the day the birds try to rest. Also, if the parrot did not sleep enough at night, it will make up for the hours of sleep during the daytime.

The owner is the culprit of the short life

It happens that the owners become the culprits of the short life expectancy of the cockatiel. The cause of death may be his carelessness. There are several causes of accidents:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Infectious diseases due to poor content.
  3. Open windows and vents. Electrical wires, uncovered chemicals, small objects and doors can cause injury. A bird can crash into glass or a mirror, bite through a poisonous flower, or become entangled in ropes.
  4. Often, owners do not notice the unhealthy and depressed appearance of their feathered pet and do not take it to the veterinarian. Stopping the disease in time would prolong the life of the bird, but careless owners do not take good care of the pet.

If you know the rules of caring for a parrot, with the wonderful name nymph, then the pet will live as long as possible and will delight all family members with its funny and cute antics. It is the owner’s care that guarantees the cockatiel’s happiness and long life. By purchasing a nymph, you can find a friend with whom it would be nice to pass the time and teach him to talk. It's quite easy to tame a parrot..