Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya: reason for divorce, latest news. The whole truth was revealed about the reasons for the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya Alena Khmelnitskaya biography

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

Alena Khmelnitskaya And Tigran Keosayan for 21 years they were considered one of the happiest and most harmonious couples Russian show business. But three years ago the couple divorced, and the director very quickly married Margarita Simonyan, with whom he began a relationship much earlier.

Keosayan has two children with his second wife, and the eldest daughter was born before his divorce from the actress.

46-year-old Khmelnitskaya does not like to discuss her personal life with journalists, but recently lifted the veil of secrecy in the “Once Upon a Time” program with Sergei Mayorov. Alena said that she maintains an even relationship with Tigran. They parted without scandals, but did not remain friends - communication consists of rare calls and meetings.

A post shared by Sarah Pacini Moscow(@sarahpacini_moscow) on Nov 28, 2017 at 3:24am PST

Eldest daughter Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan, 23-year-old Alexandra, lives in the USA. She became a director and makes short films. Now Alexandra has come to visit her mother and younger sister to Russia. Seven-year-old Ksenia lives with Alena, who devotes all her free time to her daughter.

Alexandra was the first to learn about her parents’ planned divorce.

Alena recalls: “Tigran then wanted to go to America and tell her eye to eye. But I rejected such an idea, after all, she is a dear person to me, the closest. I couldn’t hide such news from Sasha for long. So we called and said everything over the phone... Sasha still saw what she was getting into, the divorce had been brewing for a long time. However, she was hopeful and so the news came as a shock.”

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Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya admits that she has long since moved on from her divorce from director Tigran Keosayan.

Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan were married for more than 20 years. During their marriage, they had two daughters, and the youngest was only four years old at the time of the divorce, in 2014.
That scandal in the noble and famous family was discussed by the whole country, as was Keosayan’s subsequent marriage to Margarita Simonyan. For some time, Alena Khmelnitskaya, probably worried about what happened, fell out of sight, but now she is actively filming again and looks absolutely happy.

“Now I’m really in a very good state, in harmony with myself,” admits the actress. “And most importantly, I’ve learned - perhaps precisely thanks to what happened - to be aware of my life. Previously, everything happened as if by itself, it seemed, according to the course of events you can’t influence in any way, so accept it, the day has passed, and okay. And now you live in this carousel, not getting any satisfaction. But now I feel the meaning and perspective of every moment of my life. the right rails."

By the way, not so long ago on one of social events Alena came with a handsome young man, and the media immediately began to speculate...
“No,” Khmelnitskaya laughs, “this is my friend, with whom we just went out together. I believe in friendship between a man and a woman, I have male friends without there being any kind of bullshit.”

For more than 30 years, Alena Khmelnitskaya has been pleasing viewers with her works, however, the artist herself believes that directors often see in her the image of a lonely and strong woman. During my creative career she tried her hand as a presenter, and also did business, selling fashionable clothes. In her personal life, Alena went through a divorce from her husband, but thanks to her busyness and demand at work, she quickly got over this sad period. For the sake of the children, the screen star got along with her husband’s new wife and is already ready for a new romantic relationship.

Alena was born in 1971 in Moscow. Her parents, ballet dancers, danced on stage Bolshoi Theater. However, the girl herself, having once attended a rehearsal of a new production, fell in love with the theater stage. After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where she successfully mastered the basics of acting.

Khmelnitskaya’s debut film was the film “The Corral,” in which she starred in 1987. And soon fame came to her: having played the role of the beautiful Leoncia Solano in the adventure film “Hearts of Three,” she captivated television viewers with her bright and talented performance. Now the actress has more than 40 roles under her belt, among which her work in such films and TV series as “The Most Beautiful”, “The Three Half-Graces”, “Mannequin” and many others can be noted.

In the photo Alena Khmelnitskaya with her family: ex-husband Tigran Keosayan and daughter Sasha

The aspiring actress was never deprived of the attention of smart and brutal men, but out of all of them she chose director Tigran Keosayan, whom she married in 1993. Several years before the wedding there were only friendly relations, and only then did they start dating. A year later, a daughter, Alexandra, was born into the family. The girl didn't deliver serious problems star mother, and even in years transition period she remained a smart and serious girl beyond her years. The second daughter Ksenia was born when the actress was already 39 years old. Despite the age difference, the daughters get along with each other and help with everything. 22-year-old Sasha decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and is now studying at the directing department. And Ksenia goes to the pool and plays in the children's theater.

In 2014, changes occurred in Khmelnitskaya’s personal life: after 21 years of marriage, she separated from her husband. As it turned out later, the reason for the divorce was his romantic relationship with Margarita Simonyan, famous editor of the channel " Russia Today" After the separation, the former spouses did not stop communicating; on the contrary, their relationship switched to new level and became even better than they were before. Former spouse introduced the children and the actress to his new wife, with whom they quickly became friends.

In the photo Alena Khmelnitskaya with her new lover Alexander Sinyushin

Alena's life is also getting better, and now she is dating businessman Alexander Sinyushin, who comes to her theater performances. The screen star has already introduced him to her family, however, she is in no hurry to force things. Her father and mother have long since settled in Berlin, where they are still in demand.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 10/14/2016

Alena Khmelnitskaya - famous Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter. She never tires of delighting her fans with high-quality paintings, good real acting, and her radiant smile.

Alena has been acting in films for over 30 years and during this time she has played absolutely different women, so we can say with confidence that she is an actress from God. The artist's collection includes melodrama, comedy, and real, soul-touching dramatic cinema. Khmelnitskaya is a very popular artist today, with her participation several films are released a year, and in 2018 she managed to star in two films that will soon be released on television.

Brown-haired with bright green eyes, Alena received recognition and love from fans in her youth. The series in which she starred were discussed in every office and in every kitchen and, of course, the girl’s appearance and parameters, for example, height, weight, age, were not ignored. It’s not difficult to find out how old Alena Khmelnitskaya is; to do this, you just need to look at her Wikipedia page, but it’s simply impossible to believe that the artist is already 47 years old!

Alena looks great, has maintained her figure all her life, eats right and plays sports. Her height is 173 cm, and her weight has never been more than 63 kg. At one time, Alena wore red hair, which suited her madly; it was this star that TV viewers fell in love with.

Biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena was born in Moscow in 1971. Her parents were firmly connected with the world of art, so the girl began to engage in gymnastics very early. It’s hard to believe, but Alena was a fairly well-fed child as a child, so her parents early years introduced the girl to sports to make it easier for her to stay in shape in the future. She competed in the gymnastics section and also went to tennis. The young tennis player won several national competitions, but she did not want to connect her life with sports; rather, Khmelnitskaya did it out of inertia, and in order not to disappoint her parents, rather than out of great desire.

Someone will say that since Alena was born in the capital, she had more options for a brilliant future, however for a long time The girl had no idea where she would go after finishing school. She studied at a school with an emphasis on studying French, and at one time she was thinking about enrolling in foreign language, but the older she got, the more she didn’t want to. At the same time, Alena went to an art studio.

Most likely, the biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya would have turned out differently if not for a happy accident. At the age of 12, the girl accidentally ends up on the set of a film, and before graduating from school she stars in three episodes, then she decides that she wants to become an actress. In 1988, Alena entered the Moscow Art Theater School and studied on the same course with the future stars of Russian cinema, Gosha Kutsenko, Katya Semenova and others. As a second-year student, Khmelnitskaya went to a casting at the Lenkom Theater and successfully passed it. She makes her debut in the play “Juno and Avos,” and for a long time this performance has been her calling card.

Alena played her first serious film role in 1991, in the film “Date House,” and then she was invited to play the main character in the film “Hearts of Three.” She plays together with Sergei Zhigunov and it is this film that makes the girl famous.

Today, the actress acts a lot in films; at one time she hosted various television shows, including a joint project with her husband, Tigran Keosayan, called “You and Me.”

Last year, fans were shocked by terrible news - everyone’s beloved and famous actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. The cause of death and the date of death of the artist were not indicated, but spiteful critics started the rumor so successfully that many actually believed it! Thank God, everything is fine with the artist, she is alive and well, and the information is just someone’s terribly stupid joke.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

The actress cannot be blamed for high-profile novels, affairs or relationships with married people. She fell in love for the first time in her youth, and this feeling grew into strong marriage, in which Alena lived for many years. Her future husband, Tigran Keosayan, like the artist, worked in a creative environment. They crossed paths a lot at work, and then one day the working relationship grew into a great feeling. Alena – good example and confirmation that “To live with a general, you must first marry a lieutenant.” Today Tigran is a famous film director and presenter, but then he was the same aspiring actor whom no one knew yet. The couple got married in 1993 and lived together for 21 years. Alas, in 2014 the couple announced that they were getting a divorce. It happens that after many years of life people suddenly realize that they have long been strangers. And this happened in their family. There were no scandals or betrayals, they simply divorced peacefully, and today they maintain good relations.

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s personal life after the divorce also does not stand still. The actress came to one of the social events with her companion, PR director, Pyotr Lidov, but so far the couple only spoke about the fact that they have a strong friendship.

Family of Alena Khmelnitskaya

If Alena had followed in the footsteps of her parents, she would not have become an actress. Her mother and father are ballet dancers; they danced on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater all their lives. The girl’s father, Alexander, not only danced himself, but also worked as a choreographer in the theater and choreographed dances for performances. And my mother, Valentina, received a GITIS education and worked as a choreographer. She staged a play, and in 198 fashion shows Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It was she who staged the play “Juno and Avos”, in which their daughter made her debut, so Alena, with her mother’s support, was able to pass the casting.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's family really wanted their daughter to also become a theater prima, but Alena never liked dancing. As a child, the girl was overweight, embarrassed to wear a nude swimsuit for classes, and did not want to go to dances at all. Today, the actress’s parents live and work in Germany.

Children of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Married to Tigran, Alena gave birth to two children. Tigran is Armenian, and in their family it has always been accepted that the man is the head of the family. Like all women, the actress really wanted to have two children: a boy and a girl. But fate gave this one wonderful couple two daughters. The children of Alena Khmelnitskaya are very smart girls, and are already thinking about the future today.

As the actress herself says, after her divorce from her husband, her daughters, of course, were stressed, but the parents did not let the children feel unneeded. Tigran constantly came to talk with the girls, took the girls to his place on weekends, and they had absolutely friendly relations with Alena, so they didn’t see their daughters quarrel or swear.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Alexandra Keosayan

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s daughter, Alexandra Keosayan, was born in 1994. The girl studied very well at school, and even graduated as an external student. Immediately after school, her parents sent the girl to the UK, where she studied for two years to master English. After training, Sasha received an “IB” diploma, confirming her level of knowledge of English, and after that she left to study in the USA.

Last year, the girl graduated from the New York School of Film Directing, and is still looking for an answer to the question of how to build later life. Sasha has not yet decided where she wants to live, in the USA or in Russia, but she often comes to visit her mother in Moscow.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Keosayan

The youngest daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya, Ksenia Keosayan, was born in 2010. Today the girl is 7 years old; last year her mother boasted on her Instagram that her daughter had gone to school. The photo shows happy Alena with a large bouquet of sunflowers, and Ksyusha, who is holding a “1-A” class sign in her hands.

Both of Khmelnitskaya’s daughters are similar to her and Tigran, but if Sasha is still more like her mother, and her Armenian roots are revealed only by her hair color, then Ksyusha is a typically Armenian girl: eyes like olives and curly hair. dark hair. She hasn’t decided yet what the girl wants to become in the future, but she goes to sports clubs and enjoys drawing.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's ex-husband - Tigran Keosayan

The ex-husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya is Tigran Keosayan, the son of the famous Soviet film director Edmond Keosayan. He graduated from the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, after which he began making films.

During his career, he directed 15 films and also directed videos for Russian music stars. In addition, Tigran himself acted in films, as an actor, hosted television programs, as well as national awards. After divorcing Alena, the director married journalist, editor-in-chief of the RT television channel, Margarita Simonyan. The couple had two children in two years: a boy Bagrat and a girl Maryana.

During her career, the actress often received offers to appear in men's magazines that publish candid photos. But the artist always refused. Who knows, maybe her inner modesty did not allow her, or her authoritative husband forbade her, but Alena Khmelnitskaya’s photos in Maxim magazine, which offered the girl a photo shoot, never appeared. In addition, on the Internet it is impossible to find photographs of the star in a negligee, or footage from the filming of erotic scenes where the actress would be naked.

The only pictures available to fans are from social networks, where Alena recently posted a photo in a swimsuit. The actress went on vacation to India, and from there she spoils fans beautiful photos from vacation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya

Despite the success of the star, there were also hard times. After the collapse of the USSR, cinema was in stagnation, and the artist was almost never invited to act in films. At that time she was completely desperate to become an actress, but she did not give up. I got into business and went to work in a fashion boutique. They remembered her in 1999, and Khmelnitskaya returned to her pedestal.

Today the actress is truly happy, she lives for herself, works, acts a lot and brings up youngest daughter. The artist is very sociable and is happy to share news from her life with fans on her Instagram. Both Alena Khmelnitskaya’s Wikipedia and online fan pages contain a lot interesting facts, as well as a list of the actress’s works.

Alena Khmelnitskaya spoke about her daughter’s reaction to her divorce from Tigran Keosayan: “She was in shock”

Alena Khmelnitskaya does not belong to the category of actresses who are ready to talk about their personal life in everyone television programs. She tries to keep it secret, only occasionally sharing certain aspects of her biography with journalists. Khmelnitskaya made an exception to her own secret rules today, appearing on the air of Alexander Mayorov’s “Once Upon a Time” program and talking about her relationship with her ex-husband, director Tigran Keosayan.

Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan and their daughter Sasha in 2008

Tigran and I communicate normally, but in his new family there are children too. I can’t say that these contacts give me great pleasure. Of course, we don’t gnash our teeth when we meet, but it’s still difficult. Rather, we do this for the sake of the children. So that they are happy, communicate normally with each other,

Alena said, meaning by Tigran’s new family his wife Margarita Simonyan and their children - Maryana and Bagrat. Khmelnitskaya also spoke about her daughters, Ksenia and Alexandra, in particular, she admitted that Alexandra was shocked when she learned about her parents’ divorce:

Tigran then wanted to go to America and tell her eye to eye. But I rejected this idea. After all, she is a dear person to me, the closest, and I could not hide such news from Sasha for long. So we called and said everything over the phone. We can't say we took it off her rose-colored glasses. Sasha still saw what she was getting into; the divorce had been brewing for a long time. She had hope, however, and so the news came as a shock.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her daughter SashaAlena Khmelnitskaya with her daughter Ksyusha