Comparison of new generation consoles: PS4 vs XBOX One. Which is better Xbox One or PS4

Or XBox One? Which of these consoles have the best games released for? Disputes about which of the data game consoles more worthy of the attention of gamers, have not subsided since the first mention of them in the press. Today, after the presentations of both products took place, we are ready to discard speculation and conduct an objective comparison of them, based on real details. So, in our ring it’s Sony PlayStation 4 versus Microsoft’s XBox One.

Iron filling

Computational core

Both platforms are based on an eight-core AMD Jaguar x86-64 processor operating at a frequency of 1.75 GHz. More precisely, the computing power is provided by a “system on a chip” - a combined module that includes a central and graphic processors, a video codec and a RAM controller. Despite the identical CPU, the systems differ quite noticeably in other parameters. And first of all, these are the graphics.

Graphics subsystem

XBox One vs PS4 graphics compared based on the following characteristics:

  • FLOPS - the number of floating point operations performed by the GPU in 1 second (peak power indicator). According to this parameter, the computing power of Playstation 4 is 1.4 times higher than that of the new Xbox. (TFLOPS indicators PS4 vs XBox One - 1.84:1.31).
  • The number of Shading units (video chip shaders), which are responsible for the speed of processing some parameters of 3D graphics (textures, shadows, object displacement, etc.) and the realism of the image. PS4 vs XBox One has more: 1152 and 768 respectively. Plus, the video chip of the Sony console has its own unique shader system - the PlayStation Shader Language, the capabilities of which even exceed the current limits of OpenGL 4 and DirectX11.
  • The number of ROPs visualization units that are responsible for the clarity of the displayed image (the more there are, the better). The video card of the Sony console has 32 such blocks, and Microsoft has 2 times less. The number of main computing units is also greater for Sony - 18 versus 12.
  • Among other things, the PlayStation 4 graphics processor has advantages due to support for tessellation, which has a positive effect on the quality of object detail, and a more powerful accelerator.
  • And only one indicator, despite all the "goodies" of the PS 4, adds bonuses to the Xbox - the GPU clock speed. For Microsoft's console it is 853 MHz versus 800 for Sony. That is, in general, the graphics processor of the new Xbox works faster, so the visual quality of the graphics of both platforms is quite comparable. And without being too picky, the differences between them are not that great.

The conclusion is this. The graphical characteristics of the Sony PlayStation 4 are still better developed, and this opens up unprecedented scope for creativity for game developers.

Storage and Memory

Volume random access memory both there and here is 8 GB. But the XBox One vs PlayStation 4 RAM modules have a lower bandwidth - 86 GB/s (DDR3 standard) compared to 176 GB/s for the PS 4 (DDR5 standard). However, this only applies to the main unit. The lack of bandwidth of the Microsoft console is compensated by an additional ultra-fast 32 MB ESRAM memory module.

Both set-top boxes use 500 GB hard drives as the main storage devices, plus there is access to cloud storage. This is enough for the gaming collections of the majority of gamers. And for those who need special space, the creators of Xbox provided the ability to connect an external drive via USB, and the developers of PlayStation 4 made HDD replaceable. If 500 GB is not enough for someone, they will be able to buy and install a more capacious drive.

Also, both consoles are equipped with drives for reading Blu-Ray and DVD discs.


In terms of establishing communication with other devices through various interfaces, the characteristics of the XBox One and PS4 are as follows:

  • both consoles are equipped with USB 3.0 ports, a Wi-Fi module and an Ethernet network card for connecting to computer networks, and have HDMI and optical outputs;
  • the Microsoft set-top box supports Wi-Fi Direct and DLNA technologies, which allows you to connect directly to other devices on your home network and quickly exchange media content, and also has an additional HDMI input;
  • The Sony set-top box is equipped with a BlueTooth version 2.1 device and a 3.5 jack jack for connecting headphones.

Input Devices

The main device with which the user directly interacts is the gamepad (joystick). The ease of game control and player comfort depend on it, like nothing else. Which console has a better gamepad - XBox One or PlayStation 4?

The gamepad of the Microsoft console has remained virtually unchanged compared to the previous release, the Xbox 360. The shape remained the same, only the location of some buttons changed, a cross was added, and the batteries were replaced with rechargeable batteries.

Sony's joystick has undergone a much more significant transformation. Firstly, it became larger and heavier. Secondly, it added a touchpad for more precise control of the game, and thirdly, the design of the controls changed and several new buttons were added.

As for the ease of use of gamepads, both of them fit equally comfortably in the hands, but otherwise, each is good in its own way.

In addition to gamepads, both consoles support player motion capture devices - kinect and various motion controllers. Kinect, included with the new Xbox, is equipped with two cameras with Full HD resolution and wide-angle lenses that capture the slightest movements of the player, and 4 built-in microphones pick up any noise around. All this is translated into the game and affects the course of its events. For example, the enemy will be able to detect your presence by the noise in the room. In addition, Xbox supports voice control.

The PS 4 also has a device similar to the Kinect, but it is not included in the standard package and must be purchased separately. Unlike Xbox, Sony PlayStation 4 supports cameras and other motion controllers from previous versions of its consoles. But still, here the comparison between XBox One and PS4 is clearly in favor of the former.

Operating system and services

The PS4 operating system received more features socialization - applications for communicating with other players, modules for broadcasting the progress of the game to the network with the ability to exchange comments and even remotely connect to the game. At the same time, these functions are not imposed on the user - they can be disabled if desired. In short, thanks to the OS, the game console lives up to its purpose - it can only be used for games and communication.

Microsoft's concept is somewhat different. The corporation positions its device as a home media center, so it has developed as many as 3 operating systems for the new Xbox:

  • XBox OS gaming system;
  • mini-Windows (especially for consoles);
  • and a hypervisor that manages these two systems - thanks to it, both XBox OS and Windows can be used simultaneously.

This order of the device operating system allows you to simultaneously watch, for example, cable TV channels (picture-in-picture) while playing, use a number of Smart TV functions, make Skype calls, surf on social networks, etc. Which is better - XBox One or PS4 in terms of software, probably clear.


The number of exclusive games for both consoles is still small, and given time Sony has more of them (25 versus 17). It’s difficult to say who will have them and how many of them will be in a few months - active development is being carried out by both competitors.

Today, at least five companies are preparing to release exclusives for the PS 4. In contrast, at the presentation of the new Xbox, Microsoft representatives said that the corporation had invested a billion dollars in the development of new projects and would soon make its users incredibly happy. In addition, games for Xbox will be full program"Use the capabilities of kinect, since every owner will have one.

At the moment, the following exclusive games for Sony PlayStation 4 have already been released:

  • Bloodborne;
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall;
  • Knack;
  • Lily Bergamo;
  • The Order: 1886;
  • Road Not Taken;
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and others.

Microsoft has exclusive rights to such games for XBox One as:

  • Quantum Break;
  • Halo title;
  • Forza Horizon 2;
  • Forza Motorsport 5;
  • Crimson Dragon;
  • Halo 5: Guardians;
  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection and others.

Sales of consoles

Sales of PS4 and XBox One started at different times. The new console from Sony can be bought in our country at a price of about 18,000 rubles or for 400 euros abroad. The package includes the console itself and a gamepad. Xbox in Russia will begin to be sold in September 2014, but who can’t wait for this? significant event, can purchase the console today on Ebay and Amazon. The price of the set - set-top box, Kinect and gamepad will be about 500 euros. Yes, such a purchase will hit the budget more seriously than the XBox 360 or Sony PlayStation 4, but you will agree that it is worth it.

This is almost the end of our review. What more can be said about these undoubtedly magnificent and noteworthy products? What to rely on when choosing?

If you prefer powerful hardware, detailed graphics and a large selection of exclusive games now, then the Sony PlayStation 4 is probably made for you. Well, those who dream of a good multimedia “combine” with “bells and whistles” in the form of a Kinect and agree that an exclusive product should be expensive should wait a little until Microsoft XBox One appears on the shelves of their hometown. In both cases, the choice of gaming console will be correct.

The confrontation between gaming platforms will probably never end. While "Sony Fights" will defend exclusives on PS4, Juan owners will insist on the convenience of the controller and Xbox One X power.

“PC boyars”, looking at everything that is happening, as usual, from the outside, will not mind reminding everyone about 4K and 60 FPS, forgetting to specify the cost of such a computer, but now there’s no time for them.

If you don't understand half of what is written above, don't worry. Now we will try objectively assess the situation, consider the pros and cons of the main representatives of console gaming, and at the end we will summarize and tell you what to buy: PS4 or Xbox One.

And yes, we will not present you with dry characteristics, tell you about the teraflops of the Xbox One X, name the models of processors and video chips, but rather concentrate benefits for the average user, who does not want to understand the technical aspects. In addition, the console is purchased in order to play games as comfortably as possible and not think about upgrades and so on.

PS4 and Xbox One versions

At the moment, both Sony and Microsoft are focusing on for the latest versions of consoles. At the moment there are 2 of them on each side: PS4 Slim and Pro, as well as Xbox One S and X.

Fat versions of both consoles are already almost never sold in large stores, and settled in the secondary market.

The policy of both companies is extremely simple and concise - there is a simple version and an improved one, there is no other option. They slowly got rid of the first versions and are no longer selling them.


The Slim version is the same PS4 Fat, only in a more attractive and compact case. Except HDR support and a couple of minor adjustments, there is nothing new in it. The same cannot be said about PS4 Pro, which is in many ways superior to its “sisters”.

Again, we will not talk about all the technical advantages of the Pro modification, you can look them up on the Internet, we will only note what is really important - 4K gaming. You can say that since the Pro version is better, it means it’s worth buying and unnecessary discussions are no longer necessary, but this is not so.

PlayStation 4 repair

Firstly, even though Pro is more powerful, you won’t notice a noticeable difference in either graphics or performance. It will, of course, manifest itself in some specific moments, but this is often only noticeable in direct comparison. The absence of a colossal difference in games is due to the fact that very few games were released for the Pro version, and those that exist are only patched versions, released for PS4 Fat.

Secondly, Pro requires 4K TV. Only after you buy it, you will be able to experience all the charm of the advanced version of the console, and if you connect it to the same 1080p monitor, there will be practically no difference in pixels and other things.

Conclusion: if you don’t want to spend 30 thousand rubles on a PS4 Pro, and even more so if you don’t have a 4K TV, buy the slim version, or, in extreme cases, Fat-ku, it will also serve you for a long time.

The PlayStation 4 Pro is worth taking only with a reserve for the future, if you want to later buy a TV and play in good quality.

Xbox One

As mentioned earlier, Microsoft's main focus is on Xbox One S and Xbox One X. Therefore, we will not consider the standard version, since it is no longer relevant.

Xbox One S is a kind of “remaster” of the first version of the console. In relation to her, he became smaller, more beautiful, and most importantly - contains a power supply, which used to be just huge.

Traditionally, we didn’t see anything super new; it’s still the same Xbox One, only in a stylish new package. With its appearance, no one is talking about the bulky, heavy box that was presented before.

The Xbox One Scorpio, which later became known as the Xbox One X, is something truly new in terms of performance. According to Microsoft, this console 40% more powerful than any console, released before its appearance. True, there is nowhere to realize this potential, since there are practically no exclusive games.

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The high performance of the X version is quite expensive - approximately 40 thousand rubles. All its advantages, like those of the PS4 Pro, are revealed with a 4K monitor, although the difference in graphics is very noticeable compared to the Xbox One S.

Conclusion: For the money you can spend on the Xbox One X, you can buy one “thin” version of the console— PS4 and Xbox One (each approximately 18-20 thousand rubles).

Only if you have a 4K-capable TV will purchasing the X modification be justified. Well, or if you just like to spend money on pleasure and not deny yourself anything, since the price on PS4 and Xbox One of the most productive modifications differs by almost 10 thousand rubles.

What to choose: PS4 or Xbox One

Let's go back to the very beginning of the article, about disputes between owners of consoles from different manufacturers. This topic is so popular that it is reflected even in foreign TV series.

Lovers of "Theory" big bang", will most likely remember the moment when Sheldon chooses PS4 or Xbox One and still can’t stop at just one thing. Thread titled "PS4 vs Xbox One" in " South Park"was also touched upon by the writers. On the eve of Black Friday, guys could not unanimously choose one platform, on which everyone would play together, which led to a division into 2 opposing camps.

It’s the same in life, you can watch a comparison of two consoles, where Sony will come out as the undisputed winner, but when you open the next video, you will hear that its authors give preference to Microsoft. At such moments, you either want to buy nothing at all, or buy both consoles at once, to see for yourself in the correctness or incorrectness of the reviewers' judgments.

Let's move on to the comparison. Here we will not touch on gamepads and other things, as we have described this in other articles. We will now look at what has changed since the release of consoles and consider only the most important aspects when choosing a console in 2018.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is subscriptions.

PlayStation has one standard subscription, which is called PlayStation Plus. Microsoft decided to do things differently and gave users a choice from three options: Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass and EA Access.

PS Plus and Live Gold allow you to play multiplayer and receive monthly several free games: from indie projects to high-quality toys. In addition, all subscribers are often provided with various discounts.

Game Pass will be a great solution for those who just recently purchased an Xbox One and don't have enough games. With this subscription you can gain access to an extensive library of games.

Well, the last one is EA Access, with which you get access to games from Electronic Arts (Star Wars Battlefront, FIFA 18, etc.), as well as discounts on in-game currency in games from this studio.

When it comes to free games with a subscription, things are not so clear cut. There are a lot of jokes around this topic, for example, about the fact that Sony is trying its best to support indie game developers who are constantly included in the monthly distribution. This is less of a problem on Xbox One. Most free-to-play games are really good, and low-budget arcade games are rarer.

Well, since we're talking about games, it's worth paying attention for exclusives, and everything that relates to them.

Recently, all Xbox One exclusive games have become Microsoft exclusives, which suggests that the console has lost its games altogether. Now they will be released on PCs with Windows 10.

Against this background, Sony is the undisputed leader, especially given the release of the long-awaited update to the God of War franchise, the game Shadow of the Colossus, as well as the announcement of the promising Death Stranding. No matter what anyone says, the PlayStation 4 in 2018 is head and shoulders above its opponent in terms of the number of games, which you can only play on it.

In addition, some Microsoft exclusives eventually become multi-platform, like Rise of the Tomb Rider, which is already available to play on PS4.

According to the laws of the modern console market, a console that has few exclusives, loses its meaning.

The next point is the cost of games. On PS4 and Xbox One there will be no difference in the price of games, but there is such a thing as discounts. They play a role when choosing a particular console.

Previously, in the PS Store you could hardly find any a really worthwhile game at a low price, while on Xbox Live discounts were pretty good. However, recently, Sony has reconsidered its approach to discounts and sales, and the situation has more or less stabilized.

Well, the last nuance is online games. A trend that has been observed over the past few years shows that developers are trying to increase the number of games with sophisticated multiplayer mode. Accordingly, the situation on PS4 is much better, given that more than 73 million people purchased this console, versus 36 million Xbox One owners. Of course, this does not mean that no one plays online on Xbox One, and in general, such conversations were relevant at the start of console sales, and now you can easily find a server with players on both one console and another.


So what to choose: Playstation 4 or Xbox One? According to most surveys not only of ordinary users, but also of experts, the Xbox One, as a game console, still looks very lackluster. Initially, it was presented as a multifunctional media combiner, the gaming component of which was on par with watching television.

PlayStation vs Xbox Battle at the Black Friday Exhibition

PlayStation 4 motto: "For Players"— is confirmed by the presence of truly interesting exclusives. The only thing that sometimes prevents you from enjoying them is the extremely slow operation of the PS Store, but that’s not about that now. It's just that Sony focuses exclusively on games, unlike its competitors. Most likely, this was the reason for the popularity of the PS4.

If you already have one of the consoles, then, for example, exchanging PS4 for Xbox One- doesn’t make any sense, but if you change in the opposite direction, then this is still a little justified by the presence of games that cannot be played on other platforms.

In 2018 It's best to buy a PlayStation 4 Slim. Its price is completely justified, and the power will last for the next 5 years, if not more. Only if you have 4K monitor, you might consider buying a PS4 Pro.

Today, the PlayStation 4 is more like a gaming platform designed to meet the needs of gamers.

You can buy Xbox One as an additional console, but, as practice has shown, PS4 is often chosen as the main platform.

Besides, PS4 is cheaper than Xbox One.

Probably, with the release of the 9th generation consoles, Microsoft will reconsider its approach to the gaming platform and fix errors(or will completely lose fans), but so far their console still does not reach Sony’s level.

You can tell the difference between the two consoles at first glance

Back in early 2013, two well-known corporations SONY and Microsoft released new products gaming devices. Over the course of five years, users managed to determine the significant difference between the two priority set-top boxes and determined the best purchase. To determine in detail the capabilities of the devices, the technical equipment table will help.

Characteristic Sony Playstation 4 Xbox One
Used for video games Used for software 7 GB 1 GB 5 GB 3 GB
CPU 8-core. AMD Jaguar, 1.6 GHz 8-core. APU, 1.75 GHz
Network connection Gigabit Ethernet with a range from 10 to 100. Bluetooth connectivity. Gigabit Ethernet with a speed of no more than 1 GB. Wireless Wi-Fi network connection.
Controller Wireless and rechargeable. Wireless, powered by replaceable batteries.
AV connector HDMI/digital output. HDMI/Digital Output and Input.
Media formats DVD, MPEG-4, AVI, MP3, JPEG, PNG. DVD, WMA, photo, CD, MP3, WAV.
Availability of a video camera There is a PlayStation® Camera with a frame rate of up to 60 frames/sec. There is Kinect 2.0 HD format. Ability to take photographs in the dark.
Voice control Eat
Device weight 2.8 kg 3.2 kg
Dimensions 275×53×305 mm 333×274×80 mm
Built-in drive Blu-Ray (x6)/DVD
Permanent network (Internet) Not necessary. For regular updates.
USB 3.0 port 2 3
Estimated cost 17,000−23,000 rub. 14,000−19,000 rub.

The listed characteristics will allow you to decide for yourself which is better - PlayStation or Xbox - for home use. Despite some similarities in technical specifications Both consoles, their prices differ significantly.

Each set-top box has a full set of equipment

PS4 or Xbox One: which is better in appearance

It is worth noting that the Xbox One has acquired more impressive dimensions, in contrast to its predecessor, the Xbox 360. In terms of external parameters, the device resembles a “big box” in black. Accordingly, the purchase of this gaming device will not differ from what you had before.

Pay attention to the very large power supply. This device requires regular plugging and unplugging, so careful packing of cables is out of the question. Speaking about the PlayStation 4, one notices its elegant design with streamlined, smooth body shapes. This device fits even into a minimal niche in the bedside table under your TV. The body of the game console is also made in black. PS4 has only one cable for power supply via electrical network, thereby making it easier to place the wire and connect it to the outlet. Due to this characteristic, you will not spoil the aesthetic appearance in the area where the TV is located.

The design appearance of both devices is significantly different from each other.


Connecting both gaming devices requires a voltage stabilizer. This will protect the installations from accidental changes in the power supply, which can affect their performance and inhibit some functionality.

Which console - Xbox One or PS4 - is better in terms of configuration?

Each gaming device has several sets: basic and with several advanced functions. This indicates the comparative novelty of these devices. There is a possibility that in the future these products will receive more impressive sets, of course, if the manufacturer does not release updated models of consoles.

Tabular comparison of the PS4 and X Box Van kit

What's included in PS4 What's included in Xbox One
The device itself is housed in a housing with built-in hard drive 500 GB for storing and installing video games. A console with a touch Kinect of impressive dimensions.
The cable for connecting to a TV or PC monitor is HDMI. There is no other way to extract sound and image. The presence of an HDMI cable for connecting to a TV.
Electric power cable with a fixed plug into a 220 V socket. Power supply with switch and necessary cables.
Wireless gamepad with a cord with a Micro USB output for charging. The only control controller that runs on regular batteries.
Instructions and warranty card. This will simplify the operation of the game console. Detailed instruction manual.
PlayStation Plus allows you to use the Internet service to download games for free within 30 days from the date of purchase of the device. Mandatory updates and games available for permanent use (usually built-in).
A mono headset, which is a single headphone with a microphone that allows you to communicate with other gamers while playing online games. A headset for talking with players over the network.

Playstation or Xbox: which is better in terms of interface parameters

Evaluating the interface, analysts determined that the software is not as smooth as the manufacturer claims. Based on user reviews, we can safely judge that there are regular crashes in programs and spontaneous reboots of the Xbox one device. It is this problem that worries the modern user and makes him think about whether it is better to buy an Xbox One or a PS4.

In this regard, everything is much simpler for the Sony console. The device has a lightweight custom Russian-language interface system. This allows you to navigate through the game menu using a traditional analog stick. This program idea allows children from 6 years of age to use the gaming device.

The interface parameters also determine the comfort of using the system.


There are nuances for correction in programming the PS4 system. For example, applications that were recently used are not available in the corresponding menu. Games are still on Netflix.

Console management options

Not a single game console is complete without input devices, including PS4 and Xbox One. If in the case of the first device it is clear that the gamepad is significantly different from what was in the previous model of the console, then here it becomes more elegant, acquires new capabilities and updates its dimensions. The device already has a touch panel, which allows you to use all the subtleties of game control.

For Playstation, it is allowed to install utilities that respond to the user’s voice, but this feature is not included in the basic package. This version of PS4 also supports motion controllers and cameras borrowed from previous console models. If we compare the control device between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One models, we note the best in the latest variation. The gamepad differs from the previous one in the presence of rechargeable batteries. A “cross” and some additional keys were also added here.

The ease of controlling a gaming system depends on the placement of the keys on the controller

As a result of the comparison, both input devices fit neatly and comfortably into the user’s hands: they do not slip, all buttons are in an accessible area.

Ps4 and Xbox One: comparison of graphics and image capabilities

Which console is better - Xbox one or Ps4 - will be shown by an analysis of graphics using the example of a custom one GTA games 5. This particular video game will help you get an ideal idea of ​​the graphic capabilities of each of the presented consoles. We draw the attention of gamers to the fact that Playstation 4 does a better job of displaying game images. Let's look at the features of the “picture” on the screen:

  • perfectly visible small parts Images;
  • the picture does not blur or blur during movement;
  • video does not lag behind the sound;
  • the boundaries of objects are clearly visible: transport, plants, buildings, people;
  • there is an image extension in 1080p format;
  • The frame rate is 30−60 pcs./sec.

The game displays slightly differently on Xbox:

  • frequency - 30/60fps;
  • the application is displayed in a format from 720p to 900p;
  • Moderate clarity of the picture in motion is noted.

From the graphical data it can be judged that these models are quite improved compared to the previous ones. If you believe expert research, then Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro, as the comparison shows, will have differences in hardware and software. These flagships will support 4K gaming. In addition, these consoles will differ in technical parameters and appearance.

Power and performance of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X

An updated version of the consoles was released in 2016. Here it is appropriate to talk about the additional power of devices and other capabilities. Again, it is necessary to compare the two options for gaming devices.

Xbox One X PS4 Pro
8-core processor with a frequency of 2.3 GHz. 8-core processor, 3.2 GHz.
12 GB of memory, where the bandwidth is 326 Gbit/s. Only 5.5 GB of memory is available for games.
Support - 4K/60 fps. Support – 4K/30fps.
HDR technology support on both devices
Only specially designed applications can be installed. Ability to support updated versions of games.
Receiving special patches. There is checkerboard rendering in a resolution of 3840×2160.
Upscaling appears in some games. The resolution changes depending on the load of the game episode.

It is believed that in 2017, Sony and Microsoft will begin to seriously improve their consoles, both in appearance and software, and the already updated PS4 slim and Xbox one s models will become more popular among users in comparison.

Each manipulator for the console is alternative for its version

Input devices - which is better: Dualshock 4 or the new Microsoft Gamepad

The question is which better joystick for consoles, remains relevant to this day. After all, this is a means of direct contact between the player and the gaming application. Based on initial user surveys and researchers' analyses, it is worth noting that both gamepads turned out to be perfect. With their help, it is equally convenient to control the characters in the game. However, there are some points that must be taken into account:

  • DualShock 4 has acquired compact features;
  • appearance PS4 buttons have not changed, which is familiar to the user;
  • changes in keys and dimensions are obvious in the Xbox controller;
  • The D-pad on Xbox has changed for the better (this is the main difference from the version Xbox consoles 360);
  • Xbox buttons are not difficult to press (which players say is somewhat uncomfortable).

But what is better - PS4 or Xbox One released in 2017, compared to manipulators, is still unclear, we can only wait to see how the console developers will change the situation.

Which console is better - Xbox One or PS4: comparative analysis of the number of available games on the console

Any of the proposed gaming devices can support both the same games and have individual exclusive new items. It is noted that PS4 is significantly ahead of the Microsoft console. Unique applications include Uncharted 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Persona 5, as well as balanced AAA blockbusters.

Each console differs in the number of games for use

Xbox is also not far from cool exclusives. There are also unique apps available for this console, including Gears of War 4, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 3, and Sunset Overdrive, to name a few. The console's unique ability is the ability to run PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Advantages and disadvantages of PS4

Among the advantages and disadvantages of the Sony Playstation are:

  • compactness and originality of appearance;
  • accessibility to the most popular games;
  • availability of wireless network connection;
  • successful internal parameters and software;
  • availability of additional equipment for the console;
  • possibility to purchase additional accessories.

Among the disadvantages of the device is its high cost, and the newer the version and the more complete the kit, the more expensive the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of Xbox One

Important privileges in favor of the console are noted, such as:

  • availability of two free games every month;
  • acceptable technical parameters;
  • affordable prices and the possibility of discounts on games and applications;
  • presence of an EA Access subscription for 250 rubles per month.

However, this console is still far from perfect, unlike newer versions of consoles.

You must buy the device in a specialized store

Which is better to buy - Xbox One or PS4: price review and cost comparison

The estimated cost of the Xbox one console is about 18,000 rubles, while a new PS4 costs at least 26,000 rubles. It all depends on the configuration, as well as the country of assembly of the device. It is worth noting that the improved models, released somewhat later, differ significantly in price category from previous versions, the PS4 Pro will cost 29,900 rubles, and the Xbox One X will cost more than 38,000 rubles. The better the parameters of the systems, the higher their cost.


Discounts are provided for each of the game consoles; accordingly, you can purchase a console for 16,000–17,000 rubles. Of course, you need to get into bonus program, for which specific conditions apply.

Of course, it’s cool, but we won’t remember it anymore. Let's talk about the giants who really took over the world and divided it into two irreconcilable poles. Which console is better and how do they differ? Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

Choosing a top-end gaming console: PlayStation 4 or Xbox One?

This borrowed word allows you to feel the difference between the two consoles. After all, if the PlayStation 4 positions itself exclusively as a device for video games, then the Xbox Van positions itself as a powerful multimedia center. Do you think this doesn't solve anything? But no, positioning greatly influences what we end up with. This is especially true for console hardware and built-in software.


The power of the consoles does not differ much, but positioning plays a big role here. Both Xbox One and PS4 have 8GB of RAM. But Xbox uses 5 GB for video games, and the remaining three for additional software. The PlayStation has only 1 GB of RAM allocated for third-party needs. This is not the only reason why the Japanese console is more geared towards games. The PlayStation has a powerful new-generation video card and a number of other technical features, thanks to which it is ahead of the Xbox in this regard.

All this, in fact, although important, has little effect on overall productivity during gameplay. Yes, if you compare graphics, then on PS4 it is slightly (and in some games noticeably) better than on Xbox One. However, this depends on the specific game, on how well it was optimized for a particular console, and here, of course, exclusives win. But more about them later.

operating system

What do we have on the XBox Van? Let's remember positioning again! and compare based on it. Here, instead of one system, they installed two at once. It's Xbox OS and mini Windows that connect and work together. Thanks to this, we can simultaneously play and watch TV channels (picture in picture), and use a number of other Smart TV functions. The possibilities don't end there. Various standard applications have been added to the Xbox Van: Skype, social media, convenient browser. Besides them, you can download a bunch of other things, there are many more applications than on Sony. Therefore, those who decided to purchase a console to remove the need for other gadgets that take up space on the table under the TV will really like the Xbox One.


Actually, this is what consoles are bought for. Xbox 360, the previous generation console, was in demand largely due to its ability to download free games. Now this is not possible. Not possible on PS4 either. This generation (eighth) has not yet been hacked. Yes, even if they break into it, the role of the permanent network connection. In a word, you will have to buy games both here and there. On both consoles they cost a lot of money, but are very convenient to purchase. The need for disks here is even less than on the seventh generation; downloading is much easier.

The more equal the purchasing conditions are, the more emphasis is placed on exclusive games. It’s difficult to give a clear victory to one of the consoles, but PS4 wins over Xbox One in terms of numbers. Let's list at least the best exclusives.


Xbox One

Based on the quantity and quality of games, any gamer, if he is not a fan of the Halo series, will without hesitation decide what to choose: PS4 or Xbox One.


Playing without a gamepad will not be very convenient. Therefore, you should focus on joysticks. On the Xbox Van it has not undergone significant changes. Yes, we can say that the ideal does not need to be changed, but Sony’s controller was excellent, and they made a fundamentally new thing. Microsoft only decided to hone a few details: they added vibration to the buttons, slightly changed the appearance and made everything a little more convenient. A few years later they also released an elite controller costing more than ten thousand rubles. It's certainly worth the price, but it's a bit like a SteelSeries mouse.

The developers from Sony took a completely different path. Instead of a beautiful modification, they made a fundamentally new DualShock 4. The main innovation: the touch panel. Using it, you can perform various actions in games, and it is also more convenient to enter on the virtual keyboard. Of course, the feature is not used in all games, but it already characterizes the console as a new generation device.

The Share button allows you to share your gameplay with other users with one click. The indicator light helps distinguish several different joysticks. The built-in speaker produces a certain amount of sound in the game (this is done very conveniently in GTA 5). The headphone jack is actually a very cool thing. Using it, you can output all the sound through the joystick to a stereo headset.


Even though camera games are becoming increasingly obsolete, many people used to choose the Xbox One only because of the Kinect. And this excellent camera migrated to the new console, becoming much more powerful. Kinect is a device that detects any smallest movements, room temperature, heartbeat and is more reminiscent of some kind of spy gadget than a simple accessory. An advantage to this: Kinect comes complete with a console, which, by the way, was met with indignation by many. Nevertheless, it does not significantly increase the cost and now, to the delight of many, consoles are sold without a camera. There are still many games that support this accessory in the Xbox Van.

The same cannot be said about PS4. The camera from Sony is sold separately and it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy it. Advantages: several interesting projects, which can take several weeks, the ability to control the system using voice and gestures (which, by the way, Kinect also has). And that's probably all. The camera you buy will gather dust, just like it did with Eye on PS3. Fortunately, here at least you don’t have to spend money on such an incomprehensible thing as Movie. Therefore, the choice here: PS4 or Xbox One is easily decided in favor of the latter.


An item that will easily add a hundred points in favor of the PS4. And again we can remember about positioning. The developers at Sony really care about creating the best gaming console. Therefore, virtual reality glasses first appeared on PlayStation. Of course, there are still not enough games, but this device can no longer be compared with what is produced for smartphones or PCs. Here are a few games you can buy a PS VR for:

  • Resident Evil Biohazard;
  • Batman Arkham VR;
  • Eagle Flight;
  • Farpoint.

Bottom line

What should you choose? This comparison of Xbox One and PS4 showed a fundamental difference in the developers' approach. If you decide to take yourself an item that will give you access to a huge number games and a wide variety of gaming capabilities, then this is definitely the PlayStation 4.

Are you interested in the possibility of killing the need to purchase a gaming, TV and media console with one purchase? Then the sales assistant in the store will easily convince you to buy a Wii U (after all, we lied at the beginning) or an Xbox One. The differences lie in the purposes of use.

A year has passed since the release of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The debate over “which is better” has calmed down a bit. However, there are still people who are ready to climb into the embrasure and, waving slogans, prove who is stronger: the elephant or the whale.

Especially for them, our editors compared the two latest generation consoles. The word “objectively” appeared in the title of this material for a reason. We deliberately did not take parameters about which we can confidently say “taste and color”. Thanks to this, outright matters of taste, such as the quality of exclusive projects or the ease of use of gamepads, dropped out of the “clash of the titans”. For better perception, the entire “battle” is divided into block rounds, at the end of which an intermediate result is summed up. Go.

Round 1: complete set

At first glance, the equipment of both devices is as similar as possible. AND Sony, And Microsoft put in a box with PlayStation 4 And Xbox One wireless controller, HDMI-cable, power supply and headset. But it is worth considering that in the case of Xbox One buyers are offered a choice: you can take the option with a wireless touch controller Kinect 2.0 included in the kit or limit yourself to the “basic” package. In addition, the quality stock» headsets PlayStation 4 leaves much to be desired. More than anything, it resembles a grin at the players rather than a convenient device. And all because the headset is for PlayStation 4 It is a “drop” earphone that will not fit into every ear. Microsoft offers a more convenient solution: a headset Xbox One equipped with a comfortable headband that attaches to the player’s head. However, in the case of Xbox One There is an obvious disadvantage: an external power supply, which not everyone will like.

Round Winner: draw. The console headset from Microsoft is much more comfortable and ergonomically designed than the solution from Sony. However, Microsoft supplies Xbox One non-lifting power supply.

Round 2: price

According to " Yandex.Market", the average price for both consoles is at 21st thousand rubles. For this amount, players receive the basic package of both devices. Those wishing to receive Kinect you'll have to pay more. However, parity is broken simple fact: difference in price of bundles. Microsoft offers to purchase Xbox One with one or two games included for the amount of the regular version of the console - for about 20,990 rubles per box. The “limited” edition costs exactly the same, which includes a white console and a download code for Sunset Overdrive. New offers will appear in December. We have already written about the so-called. Assassin's Creed Edition, which will include two blockbusters from Ubisoft.

Sony in this regard, it cannot boast of either price flexibility or variety of offers. All bundles currently on the market are, albeit not noticeably, more expensive. For example, the average retail price for PlayStation 4+ DriveClub stays in the area 22 thousand rubles. Exactly the same amount when bundled with a remaster of The Last of Us or Destiny.

Round Winner: Xbox One. With a comparable price for a “bare” console, Microsoft’s offer wins in terms of bundles, or rather, prices for them.

Round 3: Gamepad

Microsoft noted more than once that when developing the controller Xbox One engineers introduced more than 40 innovations to the device. Despite this, the gamepad of the American console rather resembles a logical development of the manipulator Xbox 360. Yes, here vibration motors are hidden under the triggers, and the caps of the analog sticks and the cross are visually changed. However, for the average player, these are not the changes that will make one talk about innovation. In addition, the experience with a gamepad for Xbox 360 never taught the Americans anything: controller Xbox One, like its predecessor, runs on batteries. Batteries must be ordered separately.

DUALSHOCK 4, on the contrary, shines with innovation: in addition to the already familiar gyroscopes, the device received a large touch panel (which is also a button), a speaker and color indication a la PlayStation Move. The latter is already actively used in games: for example, in Killzone: Shadow Fall, the “flashlight” displays the hero’s health level. Other advantages: built-in battery.

Round Winner:PlayStation 4 . A new version DUALSHOCK This is truly a significant step forward. In the background there is a manipulator Xbox One It looks, frankly, not so innovative.

Round 4: Power

Despite comparable characteristics, all more games For Xbox One go in resolution no higher 900p. There are, of course, pleasant exceptions: both Destiny and Diablo 3 work in an honest Full HD. All other releases are “as needed.” At a meeting with journalists, the head of the department Xbox Phil Spencer mentioned that for Microsoft The priority remains not the numbers themselves, but their, so to speak, “creative understanding.” This statement, however, did not greatly please the Russian-speaking gaming community, consisting mainly of former (or current) fans PC.

On the contrary, it is now almost impossible to find such a game for PlayStation 4, which would not work in Full HD. One of the unpleasant exceptions is the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Unity. According to Ubisoft, all console versions will work in 900p. This is primarily due to the complex system of shadows and the huge number of NPC. It's no joke: in Unity the developers tried to reconstruct French revolution on a scale close to 1:1.

Round Winner:PlayStation 4 . Even though the average player will hardly notice the difference between Full HD And 900p, PlayStation 4 becomes the winner of this round. A simple calculation shows that Full HD-there are simply more games on the Sony system.

Both versions of Unity will run at 900p. Reasons: too a complex system lighting and a huge number of NPCs.

Round 5: technical problems

Almost immediately after release PlayStation 4 Messages about various malfunctions began to appear on thematic forums. Sony blamed on poor quality Blu-ray drives, the terrible analogue sticks of the gamepad and the noise generated by the console's cooling system. The latter fact provoked a wave of videos shot by users and demonstrating “taking off” PlayStation 4. Of all the mistakes officially Sony only recognized the problem with DUALSHOCK 4: controllers with “problematic” analog sticks can be exchanged for free at any company service center. Users will obviously have to deal with noisy consoles themselves.

Launch Xbox One, on the contrary, managed with virtually no incidents. No “three lights of death” (or RROD- a problem familiar to Xbox 360 and preventing the console from turning on due to a serious malfunction GPU/CPU or other components) have not yet been identified. Users noted that the console itself was not built as well as PlayStation 4, and occasionally scratches the discs. They said that the alternative HDMI- the cable falls out of the console. However, there was no mention of more global problems and at the moment there is no mention.

Round Winner:Xbox One . Both consoles are practically devoid of technical errors, but the defect rate is PlayStation 4 still a little higher. Sony admits there is a problem with the gamepad. One can only hope that the “noisy fours” refer only to the first batches.

Immediately after the release, videos began to appear on the Internet where players talk about their “taking off” PlayStation 4. Incl. hit the game Killzone: Shadow Fall. The reason: it is with its help that the console begins to make noise like a jetliner.

Round 6: network service - price and features

To date, work patterns Xbox Live And PlayStation Network as similar as possible. Both there and here users are asked to choose an account from one of the levels: Silver(free) or Gold(paid) - y Microsoft; and regular (free) or Plus-account (paid) - at Sony. In terms of prices, although not by much, it is ahead Microsoft: monthly Gold-subscription will cost the player 239 rubles, annual - in 2,399 rubles. Month PlayStation Plus costs 399 rubles. But the cost of an annual subscription is similar to the offer from Microsoft. Each company offers its users certain bonuses for subscribing. Microsoft regularly and very significantly reduces prices for Gold-users, and Sony— offers free play of some releases for the whole family PlayStation. From pleasant bonuses Xbox Live And PS Plus It should be noted that there is a “trial period”: every convert Xbox- or PS-the adept is offered a two-week opportunity to try all the delights Gold- And PS Plus-status.

Round Winner: draw. From a functional point of view, the services from Microsoft and Sony are almost identical to each other.

Since the very first Xbox, Microsoft has been promoting its online service.

Round 7: Multimedia capabilities

With the release of the firmware 2.0 multimedia capabilities PlayStation 4, albeit slightly, have expanded. If previously the console could only play content from discs, then with the autumn update Sony added support for flash drives, as well as the ability to listen to audio files in formats MP3 And A.A.C.. True, you won’t be able to transfer them to the console’s hard drive, but you can play them from a flash drive.

Initially multimedia capabilities Xbox One were similar PlayStation 4. However, in one of the updates Microsoft added an application Media Player. With its help, gamers can not only listen to music in the most popular formats, but also watch videos - again, only from a flash drive. Until the end of 2014 Microsoft promises to add file support *.mkv.

Round Winner:Xbox One . Media Player expands opportunities Xbox One. Due to this, the console from Microsoft outperforms PlayStation 4.

With one of the updates, a convenient, but most importantly, omnivorous player was added to the Xbox One. PS4 owners still dream of when their console will learn to play files in the .mkv container. Xbox One fans, according to Microsoft, will receive support for this format before the end of the year.

Round 8: Streaming capabilities, apps and social media integration

One of the documented and very nice features PlayStation 4- this is an opportunity to take a screenshot and record a video at any time. Just press a button Share in order for the “saving content” menu to open. From here you can start broadcasting (the so-called “ stream") of your game. Besides, PlayStation 4 It also has a video editor that allows you to modify the recorded video. From third-party applications with exit 2.0 -update Sony added YouTube. Supported social networks: Facebook, Twitter. WITH latest update Sony also added a function Share Play, allowing you to play over the Internet with a friend who does not have a similar game. All you need to do is invite a friend using the appropriate item in the console menu. It is worth noting that the duration of a joint gaming session is 1 hour, after which the invitation procedure must be repeated.

In terms of capabilities " streaming» Xbox One It can also broadcast games and record corresponding videos. However, it does not allow you to take screenshots. But in the piggy bank Microsoft there is another advantage: for Xbox One More applications have been created. Skype, IGN, excellent video editor Upload Studio, as well as a full-fledged browser. Unlike a similar proposal Sony, Internet Explorer displays most sites correctly - incl. social networks like In contact with"(watching videos, listening to music).

Round Winner:PlayStation 4 . In this round, both consoles were on equal terms. However, the release of the update 2.0 For PlayStation 4, and also the function Share Play tip the scales in favor of the Japanese decision.

Share Play is another convenient feature of the PlayStation 4.

Round 9: Phone Integration

Back in the days Xbox 360 Microsoft released an application called SmartGlass. Essentially, it turns the gamer's phone into a full-fledged second screen, which can be used both for in-game functions (relaying maps and statistics, for example), and for social ones: viewing " achievements", communication with friends, etc. The opportunity to buy the game you are interested in is attached. It's easy to guess that SmartGlass also available for Xbox One.

With the advent PlayStation 4 Sony released a program similar SmartGlass from Microsoft. However, in addition to the above, it has one significant advantage: the ability to buy games remotely. Just go to the store, choose the one you are interested in " item", pay, and the console, if online, will begin downloading the purchased content. Convenient, whatever you say.