NLP - neurolinguistic programming. Expressions with universal quantifier

NLP today is one of the most popular areas of existing applied psychology. The scope of its application is very extensive: psychotherapy, medicine, marketing, politics and pedagogy, business, advertising.

Unlike most other practically oriented psychological disciplines, NLP provides operational changes and solutions to problems of both an individual and society as a whole. Moreover, everything is carried out in an unconditionally effective environmental regime.

Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

It is worth starting with the fact that NLP is a kind of art, a science of excellence, the result of a study of achievements outstanding people in various ways. The positive point is that absolutely anyone can master such communication skills. You just need to have a desire to improve your professional

Neurolinguistic programming: what is it?

There are various models of excellence built by NLP in the field of communication, education, business, therapy. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a specific model for structuring individual people’s unique life experiences. We can say that this is only one of the many ways of understanding and organizing a complex but unique system of communication and human thoughts.

NLP: history of origin

It appeared in the early 70s, the result of the collaboration of D. Grinder (at that time an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California at Santa Cruz) and R. Bandler (a student of psychology there), who was very passionate about psychotherapy. Together they studied the activities of 3 great psychotherapists: V. Satir (family therapist, she took on cases that other specialists considered hopeless), F. Perls (innovator of psychotherapy, founder of the school of Gestalt therapy), M. Erickson (world-famous hypnotherapist) .

Grinder and Bandler discovered the patterns used by the above-mentioned psychotherapists, deciphered them, and subsequently built a fairly elegant model that can be used in personal change, as part of accelerated learning, and even to obtain greater pleasure in life.

Richard and John at that time lived not far from G. Bateson (English anthropologist). He was the author of works on systems theory and communication. His scientific interests were very extensive: cybernetics, psychotherapy, biology, anthropology. He is known to many for his theory of the 2nd connection in schizophrenia. Bateson's contributions to NLP are extraordinary.

NLP has evolved in two complementary directions: as a process for identifying patterns of mastery in all areas of human life and as a sufficiently effective way communication and thinking, which is practiced by outstanding people.

In 1977, Grinder and Bandler conducted a series of successful public seminars across America. This art is spreading rapidly, as evidenced by the statistics that to date approximately 100 thousand people have undergone training in one form or another.

Origin of the name of the science in question

Neurolinguistic programming: what is it, based on the meaning of the words included in this term? The word “neuro” refers to the fundamental idea that human behavior originates in neurological processes such as seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, hearing, and feeling. The mind and body form an inseparable unity - the essence of man.

The “linguistic” component of the name demonstrates the use of language in order to organize one’s thoughts, one’s behavior in order to be able to communicate with other people.

“Programming” implies indicating how a person organizes his actions and ideas in order to obtain the desired result.

NLP Basics: Maps, Filters, Frames

All people use their senses to perceive the world around them, study it, and transform it. The world is an endless variety of sensory manifestations, but people can perceive only a tiny part of it. The information received is subsequently filtered by unique experiences, language, values, assumptions, culture, beliefs, interests. Each person lives in a certain unique reality, which is built from purely personal sensory impressions and individual experience. His actions are based on what he perceives - on his personal model of the world.

The world around us is so large and rich that people are forced to simplify it in order to comprehend it. A good example of this is the creation geographical maps. They are selective: they carry information and at the same time miss it, but still act as an incomparable assistant in the process of exploring the territory. The fact that a person knows where he is trying to get depends on what kind of map he draws up.

Humans are equipped with numerous natural, necessary, beneficial filters. Language is a filter, a map of a particular person’s thoughts, his experiences, which is separated from the real world.

Fundamentals of Neurolinguistic Programming - Behavioral Frameworks. This is the understanding of human actions. So, the first frame is focus on results, and not on a specific problem. This means that the subject searches for something to strive for, then finds suitable solutions, and subsequently applies them to achieve the goal. The problem focus is most often referred to as the “blame frame.” It consists of a deep analysis of the existing reasons for the impossibility of achieving the desired result.

The next frame (second) is to ask the question “how?”, and not “why?”. It will lead the subject to an awareness of the structure of the problem.

The essence of the third frame is feedback in return for failure. There is no such thing as failure, only results. The first is a way of describing the second. Feedback detains the goal in

Considering possibility rather than necessity is the fourth frame. You should focus on possible actions, and not on existing circumstances that limit a person.

NLP also welcomes curiosity, surprise instead of pretense. At first glance, this is a fairly simple idea, but it has very profound implications.

Another useful idea is the ability to create internal resources that a person needs to achieve his goal. It is more likely to believe in the correctness of actions than to assume the opposite will help you achieve success. This is nothing more than neuro-linguistic programming. What it is has already become clear, so it’s worth moving on to considering its methods and techniques.

NLP methods

These are the main theoretical and practical aspects of using neurolinguistic programming. These include:

  • anchoring;
  • submodality editing;
  • flapping techniques;
  • work with obsessive, problematic, phobic conditions.

These are the basic methods of neurolinguistic programming.

Changing the perception of an event

This is one of the exercises using the simplest techniques of neurolinguistic programming. For example, jealousy. It proceeds in 3 sequential stages: visualization (presentation of a scene of betrayal), then auditoryization (presentation of the sound accompaniment of a scene of betrayal) and at the end - kinesthetic perception (the appearance of a negative feeling of betrayal).

The essence of this technique is the violation of one of the stages. IN in this example this may be a conviction that the scene of betrayal is far-fetched at the first stage, at the second - presenting it accompanied by funny music, which leads to a change in the perception of the whole picture as a whole at the third stage (it becomes funny). This is how neuro-linguistic programming works. A variety of examples can be given: imaginary illness, the power of photographic memory, etc.

Pedagogy as a field of application of NLP

As mentioned earlier, there is large number areas where neurolinguistic programming is used. Training can also take place using NLP methods and techniques.

Scientists argue that through neurolinguistic programming, a significant part of school material can be mastered much faster and more effectively without the formation of school phobias, mainly due to the development of student abilities. With all this, this process is very exciting. This applies to any teaching activity.

The school has its own unique culture, which is formed from several subcultures that have their own patterns of nonverbal communication.

Due to the fact that school educational levels are differentiated, each of them generates its own patterns of effective learning styles. These levels are grouped into categories:

1. Primary school. At the age of 6, children leave the walls of kindergarten and enter 1st grade as a so-called kinesthetic creature. Teachers know what children perceive real world through touch, smell, taste, etc. elementary school A typical practice is to go through procedures - kinesthetic learning.

2. High school. Starting from the 3rd grade, adjustments are made to the learning process: the transition from kinesthetic perception to auditory perception. Children who find it difficult to adapt to this transition remain to finish their studies or are transferred to special classes.

3. High school students. There is another transition from auditory to visual perception. The presentation of school material becomes more symbolic, abstract, and graphic.

These are the basics of neuro-linguistic programming.

Corridor and conveyor

The first concept is the place where the development of the student's lagging modality occurs. In other words, the corridor is process-oriented, while the conveyor is content-oriented.

With an emphasis on the latter, the teacher must use neurolinguistic programming: teaching through multisensory techniques in order to provide the opportunity for each individual student to choose the process that is familiar to him. However, as a rule, a “conveyor” teacher builds the learning process in the first modality, while a “corridor” teacher will need to choose an individual approach to each student (corridor). Thus, the ability to establish an appropriate learning style is the basis for success.

Application of NLP in sects

There are also areas of life where neurolinguistic programming acts as a lever for negative manipulation. Various examples can be given. Most often these are sects.

Alexander Kapkov (cult expert) believes that at one time, secret methods of neurolinguistic programming were quite often used in various kinds of religious groups, for example, in the sect of Ron Hubbard. They are very effective for quickly and effectively zombifying adherents (they allow you to manipulate a person). The effects of psychotechnics in sects are passed off as the condescension of grace.

The article explained what neurolinguistic programming is (what it is, what methods and techniques it uses), and also provided examples of its practical application.

IN lately More and more often on the Internet and not only you can find articles and various conversations about such a modern concept as neurolinguistic programming (NLP). More and more more people, even those who do not fully understand the essence of this direction, try to explain it to others.

It is for this reason that in this article we will deal with this concept. Let's take a closer look at NLP.

Newness in psychology or unification of the old?

Neurolinguistic programming is a direction (school) in practical psychology. In fact, despite the fact that this method has its own history, persons, language, methods and traditions, it is nothing more than a combination of several technologies that, when combined, allow an individual to act more effectively in various problematic situations. The effectiveness of this method lies in the client’s (patient’s) ability to master an expanded set of behavioral structures. In other words, a person can choose a more appropriate response in different problem situations, which allows him to avoid many problems.

Many scientists worked on the creation of this complex NLP method, including R. Bandler, D. Grinder, F. Pucelik and others.

The creators of NLP believed that an individual is a complex information mechanism that has its own language and program.

For them, the affective side, emotions, feelings and will of a person do not have their own nature or pattern; all of this is considered by the authors of NLP to be only resources that can be created using programs.

Differences from other methods or unfamiliarity with NLP

Neurolinguistic programming affects both the unconscious and the human consciousness; work with the structure of subjective experience, which avoids questions related to the objectivity of what is happening around, is also indispensable.

In general, NLP is very different from other methods in psychology, for example, one of its theses “The map is not equal to the territory” is focused on the study of how a person perceives, interprets and structures what is happening around him and how he is influenced by all the information emanating from the surrounding world.

Another difference of this method is its focus on the present. Compared to psychoanalysis, which returns to the patient’s past, looking for a solution to all current problems there. NLP studies the present, today’s subjective experience of a person, ways of perceiving it, and builds on this, programs the future of the individual.
In other words, phylogeny, ontogenesis, the conditions in which a person’s personality and mental functions were formed, all this is unnecessary information for NLP. Since neurolinguistic programming is initially focused not on explaining a particular state, but on making changes to them.

The goal of NLP is to achieve real personal changes in a person. They need to understand not “why”, but “how”.

Of course, the above does not mean that a specialist working with the NLP method does not collect theories, however, in this case, theories are not taken as a basis, but are perceived as working models and nothing more.

The very position and essence of NLP can be understood in the following phrase: “What is being told is not true. The only point is that it helps, so it’s what you need.”

Negative and positive aspects of the method

We must not forget that a coin always has two sides. As with any other approach, neurolinguistic programming has both positive and negative sides.

The positive aspects include:

  • Practicality of the method;
  • Pragmatism.

The most obvious negative side of this approach is that in NLP a picture of the world is imposed or suggested to the client, which often changes from material to mystical.

NLP practitioners themselves accept as truth only what they themselves consider to be true and what others can accept as truth.

This gives a certain peculiarity to the investigators of this school, who become indifferent to all reasonable evidence and arguments. They have a firm conviction that all kinds of interactions between individuals are nothing more than a suggestion that is effective for people. having a “rational” personality type.

Concepts such as truth, logic, justification or objectivity are empty words for NLP investigators; instead of these words and concepts they have “efficiency” and “environmental friendliness”.

NLP itself is technologically advanced and during its application it is used step-by-step descriptions procedures that should lead to personal changes. And each step, in turn, has obvious signs that attract a large number of people.

And during psychotherapeutic work, an NLP specialist uses the trance state of the patient’s psyche when he implements his technique. This is why the patient feels a sense of magic. This method mostly attracts those who want to get results without making conscious efforts for this.

In the work of NLP, technological techniques are used that exclusively affect a person’s unconsciousness. That is, basically, this is suggestion and various techniques on the unconscious, which act covertly and the patient does not have the opportunity to exercise conscious control.

That is, this school ignores open and reasonable interactions between psychologist and patient. This, of course, can be considered a minus, however, this is what attracts most people, giving NLP a certain aura of magic.

It is important to understand that NLP is not a value-based approach, but rather a tool technology.

This school does not show a person how to live, does not delve into solving issues related to finding the meaning of life or restructuring in society.

When someone comes to an NLP specialist with a certain problem, he reformulates this problem into a task and begins to help the client find solutions to this problem. Only options that are too obvious and not environmentally friendly are eliminated.

The specialist himself does not delve into the essence of the problem and does not try to create connections.

However, in neurolinguistic programming itself there are no such concepts as “the right person,” “the right behavior,” or “non-adaptive behavior.” In NLP there are only behaviors that more or less fit the context of a given situation. During NLP, the specialist allows the client to focus his attention on unwanted behavior and its different options.

In this approach, the main thing is not the behavior itself, but the ability to enable a specific person to choose the appropriate behavioral model for a particular context. When a patient manages to find such a solution, this is an effective, environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable solution to his problem.

All of the above (that is, focus on the effect and indifference to the values ​​​​used in society) has led to the fact that today, for most people, NLP is equal to manipulative technologies.

By the way, this is not so far from the truth, since NLP supporters claim that they manipulate absolutely everything and in everything, and NLP practitioners themselves teach their clients to do this competently and consciously.

Where is NLP used?

Today NLP is applicable in all areas where there are relationships and where manipulation is possible. Some of the areas where NLP is most often used include:

  • Psychotherapy;
  • Advertising;
  • Sport;
  • Personal growth;
  • Coaching;
  • Sale.

This list can be continued endlessly.

In other words, the method of neurolinguistic programming itself is built on the belief that if at least one person is successful in some area, then everyone else can “copy” this model of behavior and apply it to themselves.

Often, this is precisely what is taken as the basic principle of this approach. And based on this, they claim that NLP is a technology for modeling success. In different areas, he copies the model of successful figures: in psychotherapy, the effective work of a successful psychotherapist; in the field of advertising, the work of successful advertisers who have achieved stable results is modeled, etc.

NLP supporters themselves are confident that a person’s success mainly depends on his correct and effective behavioral technologies. Consequently, if you carefully study the structure of this behavior, then others can easily recreate the success of someone else.

Of course, this statement is great, because in fact, everyone wants to be successful. And yet, supporters of this approach forget that success is not only technology, but also the ability of a particular person. And people are gifted with abilities to varying degrees. For example, if someone has achieved success as a singer, then if another does not have such an ability (in this example, an ear for music is required), then no matter how much a person tries to model the success of a singer, he will still not achieve results.

Thoughts out loud or one last thing

The attitude towards this method cannot be unambiguous. The truth is that the creators of neuro-linguistic programming didn't really create anything particularly new. In fact, they just competently modeled, qualitatively described and effectively sold through their own training system everything that other scientists and researchers of different times had created.

At the same time, to date, what NLP proponents have done to popularize practical psychology has not been done by any psychological movement since the end of the 20th century.

In addition, the psychotherapeutic effectiveness of this direction in curing various phobias and irrational thoughts cannot be underestimated. In this case, the result is achieved already from the first session.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to say that this is not a working method. But it is important to remember that NLP should not be considered a deep psychotherapeutic method either. But there are areas where using NLP is not only useful, but also profitable.

Contents of the article

NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP), a direction in theoretical and, above all, practical psychology, which differs from similar psychotherapeutic methods - psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy - by focusing on the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention. According to one version, NLP arose as a theoretical generalization of the characteristic features of the practice of famous psychotherapists, which appears to the inexperienced viewer as magic. Hence the title of one of the books by R. Bandler and J. Grinder - Structure of Magic. From the point of view of psychology as a science, the theoretical innovation of NLP lies in changing the focus of attention of the researcher and, as a result, the psychotherapist: instead of deviations of the mental state, NLP recommends paying the main attention to the norm, and not just to the norm, which, strictly speaking, does not exist, but on examples of successful human behavior in crisis situations. According to the founders of NLP, only by studying how a person manages not to go crazy can one develop methods for improving the condition of people with certain mental disorders. One more important feature NLP is the connection of NLP provisions with language and knowledge about the peculiarities of the functioning of the language system. The founding fathers of NLP include, first of all, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, David Gordon and Michael Sparks.

NLP as a psychotherapeutic method.

NLP proceeds from the fact that the functioning of human thinking is to a certain extent reminiscent of the work of a computer, but not in the sense of the trivial computer metaphor on which modern cognitive psychology(compare the analogy between computer memory and human memory, computer processor and cognitive system), but in the sense that human thinking is programmable. The whole question is to correctly formulate the program and make it accessible to the conscious and subconscious mind of a person. Hence the concept of modeling: the therapist (and more broadly, the communicator) tries to identify best way, with which a person performs a specific task, and attempts to make it accessible - to that person or another person. The way to verify the resulting model is not to argue whether it is correct, whether it corresponds to reality, but to ensure that the model successfully performs its functions. According to NLP, in the psyche it is generally difficult to talk about the correctness or correspondence to reality of any experience. At best, we can only say that some experience belongs to a shared reality, i.e. to a set of more or less generally valid ideas about the world around us.

The modeling process goes through several stages. At the first stage, information is collected about the client’s current state and the desired state - in fact, about the very essence of the impact. At subsequent stages, the essence of the desired state is consistently clarified. At the second stage, rapport is established - a state between the communicator and the client in which there is maximum mutual trust between them. Achieving rapport is the most important goal of NLP. Rapport is achieved at a conscious or unconscious level when the communicator joins the client's representational systems, reflecting them in his verbal and nonverbal behavior. In NLP, a representational system (RS) is a way of representing and understanding one’s experience of interacting with the world around us. This can be visual MS (experience is represented as a sequence of visual images), auditory MS (experience is conceptualized as a sequence of sounds of different types), kinesthetic MS (experience is represented as tactile sensations) and olfactory-gustatory MS (experience is perceived by a person as a sequence of smells and taste sensations). ). By reflecting the client's reactions in each of these systems and adapting to them, the communicator can achieve rapport with him. Reflection can be verbal (the communicator repeats certain features of the client’s verbal behavior) and non-verbal. In the latter case, the communicator adapts to important elements of nonverbal behavior that indicate the leading (most important for the subject) MS - breathing rate, gestures, eye movements, etc. Achieving rapport can be a rather lengthy procedure, but in some cases it is achieved very quickly - it all depends on the skill of the communicator and the complexity of the case.

Once rapport is achieved, the communicator must establish what the client really wants. In other words, what should be a well-formulated result of modeling, which should not contradict one or another aspect of the client’s personality and cannot harm his immediate environment (hence the concept of environmental friendliness of modeling).

When exploring a person’s representative systems for the subsequent achievement of rapport, the communicator, in addition to the nonverbal aspects of the client’s behavior (in particular eye movements, gestures, breathing), must pay special attention to linguistic behavior. For this purpose, NLP has developed a so-called meta-model of language. The underlying assumption of the meta-model is that language—like many forms of social experience—acts as a filter that distorts experience, or at least structures it. The meta-model draws the communicator's attention to those properties of the language system that most often distort perception. As will be shown below, in terms of content, the meta-model is a summary of the results from grammatical theory, the theory of speech influence and pragmalinguistics, adjusted to the goals of psychotherapeutic practice; The ideas of “general semantics” also had a certain influence on the formation of NLP. Explicit clarification and identification of distortions introduced by language constitute a significant part of the psychotherapeutic procedure. In other words, a meta-model of a language is not a model of a language at all and not a model of its individual subsystems, but a model of the behavior of a communicator in relation to the natural language used in the process of communication with a client.

Once a “well-formulated result” has been established, methods of therapeutic intervention are selected and the client is transferred to the desired state using a set of selected techniques. One such technique is anchoring. An anchor is any stimulus that allows a person to transfer his previous experience to the present and experience the same psychological state(both positively and negatively colored). For example, some melody can evoke associations in a person associated with past experiences, or a randomly found thing will remind you of some childhood event, etc. fiction the anchoring procedure, as a rule, attracts the attention of writers with a “psychologism” mindset. (Cf. a typical example from Nabokov: “She blew her nose, rummaged in the dark, pressed the button again. The light calmed her down a little. She looked at the drawing again, thought, decided that, no matter how dear it was to her, it was dangerous to keep it, and, tearing the paper into shreds, threw them through the bars into the elevator well, and for some reason this reminded her early childhood . – V.Nabokov. Camera Obscura.)

The almost arbitrariness of the anchor and at the same time its effectiveness in inducing a mental state are widely used in NLP as a tool for influencing the subject. An anchor stimulus can be established during a therapeutic procedure verbally (for example, by pronouncing certain words, verbal sequences, changing the tone of voice), non-verbally (by shaking hands, shoulders, knees; changing the position of the communicator’s body, etc.), as well as by a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements . It is clear that installing an anchor is possible only if stable rapport is maintained, otherwise the connection between the anchor and the experience will not arise.

Anchoring should be based on identifying the resources of a given individual to solve a problem situation. Awareness of the resource, the understanding that the problem can be solved, is achieved through expanding the model of the human world. The role of the communicator at this stage is to identify in the client’s experience something that can be considered as a resource. In NLP, to find a resource, both techniques are used that involve the client’s conscious participation, as well as his immersion in a trance and working with the subconscious. The latter in many cases turns out to be significantly more effective. Next, a person's positive and negative experiences are anchored. Consistent - in different combinations - use of anchors and, thereby, mental states allows the communicator to eliminate unwanted connections, form new ones and, as a result, program a person for the behavior he himself desires, defined in NLP as a “well-formulated result.” Anchoring, the anchors themselves, the sequence of their application are actually similar to the algorithms of a computer program, with the exception that, unlike computer languages programming, in NLP during a therapeutic procedure, operators (anchors) are determined for each client individually.

Among NLP methods there are techniques that enable the communicator to work not on one client problem, but on a complex of similar problems, as well as on such difficult situations when a certain type of behavior in itself is not a psychological problem, but becomes one in a certain context. For example, fear is a very useful and necessary feeling, but it turns into a painful state, into mania, if the fear is not justified or spreads to everyone around. One such technique is reframing. The essence of reframing is to modify the client's behavior caused by a certain stimulus or set of similar stimuli, limiting this behavior only to those situations where this behavior is really necessary.

In general, it should be noted that the main books on NLP (primarily those written by the founders of this direction) themselves represent a brilliant example of the application of NLP techniques to influence the reader. Here you can find an anchoring technique, for example, with the help of interesting (usually funny) examples from practice, as well as reasoning leading to “expansion of the positive experience” of the reader, and reframing in the form of appropriate instructions - both explicit and hidden.

Linguistic aspect of NLP.

The interpretation and use of knowledge about language in NLP is carried out by non-professional linguists (with all the ensuing consequences). Therefore, the description of the linguistic component of NLP within the framework of the linguistic paradigm itself requires a certain correction of those linguistic categories, appeal to which is used in the original works of representatives of this direction.

The main linguistic postulate of NLP can be formulated as a hypothesis about the inadequacy of language as a means of reflecting reality and human experience. Words are just artificial shortcuts for experience, and language itself is a filter that allows the cognitive system to cut off all that is unnecessary from experience so that the system does not become overloaded and functions adequately. However, this useful function leads to the fact that a person’s consciousness ignores important parts of his experience, which leads to the formation of a significantly impoverished list of alternatives when solving problem situations. The meta-model of language allows us to identify the most typical cases of distortion and correct them, enriching a person’s positive experience.

The second postulate seems to be directed in the opposite direction from reality - it determines the nature of the connection between language and psyche. This is a postulate about the iconicity or isomorphism of language, on the one hand, and mental and/or thought processes, on the other. According to this postulate, linguistic forms regularly reflect the characteristics of a person’s thinking and mental state. By paying attention to the characteristics of the client's speech, the communicator is able to identify his leading representative system, as well as identify areas of omission of important experience. In other words, language and speech are considered as the most important sources of information about a person’s mental state. The opposite is also true: although excessive use of any one linguistic device is unlikely to lead to illness, nevertheless, a complex of corresponding linguistic expressions makes it possible to induce the required mental state. That is why therapeutic effects are generally possible with the help of language.

An important consequence of the postulate of iconicity is the principle of psychological differentiation between the surface and deep structures of an utterance. Interpreting this opposition in the spirit of transformationalism (sometimes in the sense of generative grammar, and sometimes in the sense of generative semantics), proponents of NLP attribute to the surface structure the function of reflecting consciousness, and the deep structure - the subconscious. The deep structure contains the actants of those variables that must be explicitly filled in to identify the actual, real-life client problem and create the idea of ​​a “well-formulated outcome” of the simulation.

Linguistic phenomena in the theory and practice of NLP.

Let us briefly consider specific language structures that are used at different stages of neuro-linguistic programming, in different techniques NLP. In fact, these linguistic phenomena form the meta-model of language that underlies NLP.


Metaphor is one of NLP's favorite tools. It is no coincidence that D. Gordon's famous book is called Therapeutic metaphors. However, this category is interpreted differently in NLP. The closest thing to a linguistic understanding is that metaphor is used in the meta-model of language. As was already said above, this is not a model of language as such, but a model of behavior of a psychotherapist, a communicator, when he collects information about a client or establishes rapport with him. At this stage, the communicator must determine which representational system, e.g. the way of comprehending experience is most strongly developed in the client and, therefore, most often used by him. If we turn to the tools of cognitive linguistics, we can say that a representative system is a structure of knowledge, frames, in terms of which a person comprehends his experience and structures it, gives it meaning. At the surface level, at the level of verbal behavior, these frames can be represented by metaphors, or more precisely, metaphorical models.

As already noted, NLP distinguishes four types of representational systems: 1) visual RS, which allows you to structure and comprehend experience as a sequence of visual images, “pictures” that appear in the human mind; 2) auditory MS, within which experience is structured as sequences of sounds various types, music, noise, etc.; 3) kinesthetic MS, which allows you to comprehend experience as a change in body sensations, and, finally, olfactory-gustatory MS , recreating experience as a sequence of smells and tastes. One of the MS is primary, the most important for a person. This is what the communicator should identify at the stage of collecting information about the client. In this case, both verbal and non-verbal behavior of the client is analyzed. The nonverbal component is the study of access keys, which are eye movements. They are completely specific for each type of MS. When studying verbal behavior to identify MS, analysis of the metaphors used by the client is of great importance. In NLP, these expressions are often called "process words." Actually we're talking about about metaphorical models embedded in figurative meanings words and in the client’s original metaphors. For example, visual PC is established by expressions such as I I see that he doesn't understand me;I vaguely I understand that something is wrong here;To me Seems that everything is against me;This painting so it stands in front of me.

Auditory MS manifests itself in metaphorical models, the source of which is the area of ​​sound, as well as in extensive comparisons with the same source. For example, This simple but clear thought is just stunned me; Memories of that summer remain like a round dance discordant sounds above the surface of the river at dawn[K. Paustovsky]. Kinesthetic MS is established by the meanings of words, which are based on metaphors with a source - a region of sensations: I feel that you are right/wrong;I groped there is something needed in my memories, but I can’t do it grab ;Mom was always there dry with me and didn’t notice what I did for her. Olfactory-gustatory MS is found in statements like My childhood always makes me feel bitter memories;I I'll try concentrate, but I'm not sure I can do it now;Something about you today sour ;Didn't leave my father's face sour mine. Identifying the primary MS allows you to both establish rapport with the client, adjusting verbal reactions to his primary MS, and expand the client’s space of choice, transferring the understanding of experience to other types of MS.

Superficial vs. deep structure.

One of the main ideas of the transformational model of language is that the same deep structure can be realized on the surface by different surface structures, while the deep representation - the basic structure in early versions of TPG - turns out to be poorer, simpler than the surface one. NLP proponents are not very interested in such variation. In fact, what is important for them is not transformational grammar in the spirit of N. Chomsky, but generative semantics, which works not so much with syntax as with the semantics of the statement. From the point of view of NLP, at the deep level a complete, fairly rich representation of the problem situation is always built, but at the surface level it is the result of a series of alternative elections, as a result of various transformations, is depleted. For example, a sentence John bought a car in the deep structure contains information about who the car was purchased from, for what amount and when. In other words, at a deep level there is always a verb control model with obligatory and optional valencies that describe the corresponding situation in more detail. The impoverishment and reduction of the surface form occurs, as a rule, unconsciously. In the process of therapeutic intervention, the communicator must restore at the surface level all the important deep elements - the missing valences and, above all, the actants that fill them.

From this point of view, of significant interest to NLP are certain transformations that regularly “collapse” richer content (see the concept of “cancelling” transformations in the verbalization of meaning discussed above). These include, for example, the transformation of omission in dialogues like Client:Well, I'm not really sure.Therapist:Not sure what? Client: What should I say about this?. Therapist: What about« this"? In the client’s first response, the entire component that realizes the obligatory valence of the verb is eliminated, and in the second, there is a syntactic component, but it is replaced by an anaphoric pronoun, but the anaphora is not disclosed. These cases are described in NLP as utterances with missing referential indices. It is assumed that in the deep structure there are always referential indices and the therapist must, in the process of interviewing the client, explicate these indices, restoring omitted antecedents and omitted components. It should be borne in mind that the referent structure is understood in NLP very broadly and includes the communicative and cognitive contexts of the utterance, the person’s feelings regarding the problems being discussed, and ideas about how other participants in the communication perceive what is happening.


A similar phenomenon of content collapse is observed during nominalization. As is known, structures like Refusal of the agreement led to the failure of negotiations hide propositional forms like “someone refused the agreement” in the deep structure. Nominalizations – in NLP terminology – impoverish the client’s experience, since they not only translate some important aspects of the situation into an implicit form, but also represent some controlled processes in the form of uncontrollable events that have already occurred. So when the client says My abilities are not recognized, then he is in captivity of the “magic of the word”, since he understands the word confession as an accomplished event. In this case, the client’s attention should be drawn to the procedural nature of the situation, its controllability, as well as the existence of valencies in the verb confess or expressions find recognition using questions like From whom do you not find recognition?? or Can you imagine a situation where you found recognition[from colleagues or smb. more]?

Modal operators.

A typical linguistic manifestation of impoverishment of one’s experience and, as a consequence, narrowing of the space of choice is the use of constructions with modal words like Required P,Should P,I have to P,I need to do P. The meta-model of language in NLP attributes to these constructs the deep structure "Modal operator P, otherwise Q". The therapist must push the client to move beyond his limited experience by focusing on an alternative Q: What happens if you don't do P?;What would happen if you gave up P? For example, to the client's response You can't love two women at the same time the therapist can answer What's stopping you from doing this?? or What happens if you love two women at the same time?;Why is it impossible to love two women at the same time?? Understanding the alternative Q will expand the client’s conscious experience and contribute to solving the problem that has arisen.

Expressions with a universal quantifier.

Distortion of experience, its incorrect interpretation can be associated not only with omission, elimination, but also with unfounded “completion”, “enrichment” of ideas about reality. A typical source of this type of distortion is improper generalization or generalization. In natural language, expressions like Always P interpreted either in a “weakened” quantifier sense “Usually P/More often P/As a rule P", or in the “strong” logical sense (something like “for any moment of time from the selected time interval, P holds”). It is clear that statements with a universal quantifier in the weak sense can always be questioned from the point of view of their own logical meaning. This is very important for the psychotherapeutic procedure, since the client’s generalized statements, as a rule, relate to his negative experience and represent an interpretation of his emotions, impressions of reality, and not actual knowledge. Thus, a statement. I've never been to Paris is completely verifiable, since it reflects the real experience of the subject (“knowledge by acquaintance” - in Russell’s terms). However, client statements like Nobody understands me represents the result of a “naive, natural conclusion” and reflects a catastrophic perception of reality. To reduce the significance of the client's negative experience and focus on positive experience, the therapist questions the client's statement from the point of view of logical understanding: Are you really sure that no one understands you??;Wasn't there a time when at least someone understood you??

Causal connections.

Awareness of reality necessarily entails the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between events. Since the very essence of NLP is to rethink experience, establishing new connections between phenomena and feelings/cognitive states, working with causal constructs turns out to be effective tool impact on the addressee. The communicative technique for discussing causal relationships assumes that the psychotherapist draws attention to the lack of a necessary connection between events that are put into a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, a client's statement My wife makes me angry with her behavior hides a causal dependence like “My wife does something to make me angry.” Here it is necessary to find out on what basis the client decided that his wife was deliberately making him angry, whether his wife’s behavior could be explained by something else, whether the wife’s behavior always causes the client to feel angry, etc. A similar technique is used for statements with more explicit causal connections like I want to become different, but my parents are stopping me,I needed to leave home, but my wife was sick. In all these cases, the communicator's goal is to question the existence of a necessary connection between cause and effect. This can be done by identifying cases where there was no connection ( Does this always happen?), drawing attention to the fact that the situation could have arisen unintentionally ( Did your wife deliberately want to make you angry??), trying to reverse the causal relationship ( If your wife weren't sick, you would definitely leave?).

Hidden performativity.

For NLP it is important that any statement a person makes makes sense only within the framework of his own model of the world. Failure to understand this is another source of misconceptions that limits the field of choice of alternatives when making decisions in problem situations. In these cases, it is useful to explicate the deep performative, which, according to performative analysis, is represented in the deep structure of any speech act. For example, transforming a statement It's bad to annoy others with your own problems. into a form with an explicit performative I maintain that it is wrong to annoy others with your own problems. immediately reduces the scope of applicability of the statement, limiting it to the model of the world of the speaker himself. In fact, this is equivalent to removing the inappropriate generalization.

Meta-model of language.

Model natural language in NLP it is a set of instructions with the help of which the communicator controls the communication process, and also identifies those parts of the discourse that indicate the characteristics of the client’s thinking (identification of the primary representative system) and limit his positive experience. The phenomena discussed above form parts of the meta-model, which is first used to collect information about the client, and then for verbal influence. Note, however, that often these stages are not opposed in time and occur simultaneously.

The significance of NLP practice for language theory.

The linguistic postulates of NLP clearly indicate the existence of isomorphism between linguistic/speech phenomena - such as metaphor, consequence, deep and surface structure - and thought processes. In theoretical linguistics, hypotheses have been repeatedly expressed about the existence of such a connection, but practical proof was impossible. The experience of successfully using the principles and discursive strategies of NLP turns out to be extremely important in this sense. The hypothesis about the psychological significance of almost any variation in linguistic forms, at least at the lexical level, is also of considerable interest. In particular, unconscious variation of metaphorical models represents most important source information about the ways in which humans understand the world.


MacDonald W. Guide to Submodalities. Voronezh, 1994
Bandler R., Grinder D. Reframing: personal orientation using speech strategies. Voronezh, 1995
Gordon D. Therapeutic metaphors. St. Petersburg, 1995
Bandler R., Grinderg D. Structure of Magic. St. Petersburg, 1996
O'Connor J., Seymour J. Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ed. 2. Chelyabinsk, 1998
Bailey R. NLP consulting. M., 2000
Dilts R. Tricks of the tongue. Changing Beliefs with using NLP . St. Petersburg, 2000

Have you noticed that some people achieve phenomenal success, while others, being in exactly the same conditions, remain catching up and all their efforts do not bring the expected result? Most likely, yes, they noticed. Here's another example: when communicating with someone, at some point you realize that you are starting to do what is beneficial to your interlocutor, as if you were under hypnosis. All this is the result of using NLP techniques, often unconsciously. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Neurolinguistic programming - what is it?

Already from the name itself it becomes clear that this direction is associated with the influence of phrases and verbal forms on a person with the goal of “tuning” the listener to “your own way.”

It sounds mysterious - it is. Even today, many scientific minds do not want to recognize the teachings of NLP, attributing the effect only to the technique of hypnosis. As a result, disputes arise among readers and those interested in this area about what NLP is after all - it is hypnosis or a speech form that is uniquely structured according to its meaning, with the help of which information is conveyed to the interlocutor.

NLP is one of the areas of practical psychology, which combines psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and some techniques of hypnosis. In other words, NLP collects the techniques and methods used by people who have achieved success, systematizes them and makes them publicly available to the public.

NLP today is becoming more and more popular destination. However, the opinion that NLP is one of the methods of manipulation is erroneous. On the contrary, it helps to build productive communication with an opponent, speak convincingly and confidently, structure speech competently, understand the needs and wants of other people, etc.

NLP methods

NLP takes into account the signals our body gives when we admire and enjoy something or when we get upset. A person has a lot of such motor and other reactions: movements of arms and legs, eyes, sighs, nervous manifestations, verbal reactions.

Systematizing the accumulated data over the years, the NLP practitioner begins to quietly give certain signs in a conversation. The interlocutor’s body perceives these signals on a subconscious level, without realizing that it is being influenced. As a result, in right moment negotiations, a person can strengthen or weaken the meaning and impact of what is said. This is the simplest example and explanation that allows us to understand what NLP is.

By subconsciously emphasizing any action or thought, an NLP practitioner can consciously place some emphasis on the interlocutor. For example, at the right moment, pat a person on the shoulder or laugh, thereby further hooking the person on the desired behavior.

The manifestation of our emotions to many reactions is the same: we smile when we are happy and funny, we cry when we are upset about something, etc. Therefore, using body language in relation to the “test subject” you can cause him the desired reaction, which means changing your mood and thoughts. This is a powerful tool for influencing a person.

Areas of application

NLP is used in many areas of our lives:

  • when raising children (sometimes, unconsciously);
  • in psychotherapy;
  • in management;
  • when communicating with people and the opposite sex;
  • in public speaking and acting;
  • in law and business;

In addition, NLP is aimed at personal development:

  • a person recognizes himself, analyzes;
  • develops flexibility of thinking and versatility of behavior (in order to master this technique, a person must think unbiasedly and objectively, and not based on his emotions and subjective judgments);
  • learns to construct his speech competently and consistently;
  • learns to interact and choose the right style of behavior with others.

NLP encourages you to observe your surroundings and take feedback, while simultaneously giving new result. Neurolinguistic programming is a powerful tool for modern man, but with the same probability this tool can also be used to deceive people, which is often used by scammers.

NLP is a system that can be mastered. But it’s not so easy, it will take time, practice, experience, failures, working on mistakes, correcting your knowledge.

Teaching the technique is more aimed at practical application and expanding skills and knowledge primarily during the activity. Therefore, as a rule, this area is recommended to be studied in trainings.

How to learn the NLP method

To one degree or another, we all use NLP methods: we wanted to buy a new car, imagined how great and how convenient it was, received a positive charge of emotions and began to work on ourselves to achieve this goal. The result is a new car in your garage. These are simple examples that are taken for granted by NLP in relation to itself. Neurolinguistic programming professionals control the minds of the masses. And this is so (even the purchase of goods of a certain type is the result of work on creating a brand and methods of promoting it - NLP practitioner).

Based on the principles of neurolinguistic programming, any person is able to master all the techniques of this method (self-hypnosis, model correct setting goals, etc.). But before that, it is better to familiarize yourself with a standard psychology course in order to have an idea of ​​​​the various terms and techniques that are used in this field.

  • The first thing you need to learn is NLP skills and applying them in practice.
  • Second, review and analyze NLP techniques.
  • And lastly, study public speaking skills, some basics of interaction with the public, and the psychology of communication. Basically, this is taught in special courses and trainings dedicated to this topic.

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - these are techniques, methods of influencing a person in order to change his internal beliefs, attitudes, life values ​​and priorities. The practice of NLP is currently carried out almost everywhere, including hidden NLP techniques are used not only in psychotherapeutic and psychotraining practice, but also in ordinary, public life and in everyday life.

Combat NLP is a method of manipulating people in order to subjugate them and covertly control them: their consciousness, thinking, feelings and behavior.

How NLP (neuro-linguistic programming techniques) and combat NLP appeared

The psychological technique “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” (NLP, or reprogramming, since each person already has some kind of internal program (life script), primarily created through unconscious social and parental programming) was created to change a person’s deepest beliefs , preventing him from becoming successful and happy in life.

In the last century, American psychologist and writer Richard Bandler and linguist (also a writer) John Grinder, with the co-authorship of Frank Pucelik, based on the methods of Gestalt therapy by Frederick Perls and Ericksonian hypnosis (Milton Erickson), created a new direction in psychological assistance— NLP (neurolinguistic programming) trainings.

Combat NLP- this is the use of initially psychotherapeutic techniques to influence and manipulate a person, turning him into a human zombie... and using him for his own, sometimes illegal, purposes, for example, when recruiting for ISIS, various sects, real or virtual illegal communities...

NLP psychology: methods and techniques of human neurolinguistic programming and combat NLP

In the methods and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in general, and combat NLP in particular, they use connections between verbal, linguistic forms (forms of speech, including written and internal) and non-verbal - body language (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gait...), direction and movement the eye, as well as representative, human sensory systems, all types of memory (from operational to emotional) and images drawn in the mind.

For example, combat NLP can be used in any sphere of life - in business, commerce, ideology, politics, both internal and external, in war, in society and even in everyday life, in family, child-parent relationships.

Almost any person can be programmed (reprogrammed), especially people with low education (a diploma is not an education yet), not high level intelligence...
Depressed, in under stress, with neurotic disorders, weak-willed, overly trusting people... and simply overstressed, tired, especially for a person with an immature personality and a weak psyche (teenage children, maximalist youths, infantile, non-thinking adults, marginalized people and old people) - reprogram, transform It is very easy for a professional in the field of combat NLP to become a zombie personality.

Why influence people, manipulate a person using combat NLP

The “masters of life,” people in power since the creation of the world, wanted to have unlimited, literal power, complete influence on people. And in order to create obedient “little people,” various physical, including psychological, methods and techniques of influencing and manipulating people have been used in all centuries.

Probably, many of the readers will notice that the desire for power, the possibility of influence, influencing a person, demanding obedience from him, manipulating him is inherent in almost all people.
For example, in a family, parents demand obedience from children, the husband wants to have power over his wife and vice versa; the teacher manipulates the students, and they manipulate him; the doctor often dominates the patient, demanding that orders be followed...

It is even easier to use combat NLP if you influence not one person, but a crowd, for example, for political purposes - creating modern color revolutions, rallies, protests... It works even better when using means of communication, propaganda, media - television, radio, newspapers... and of course the Internet...

Even in seemingly harmless advertising on TV, radio, banners, billboards along the roads..., or a modern supermarket, you can find manipulation of a person’s consciousness using NLP techniques (including combat NLP).
For example, as mentioned above, programming uses speech (including written language), imagery, body language (including direction of gaze, relative to the right or left hemisphere) and repetition to use memorization at the subconscious level.

Correctly selected slogans, inscriptions on packages and calls to action, as well as goods correctly laid out on shelves, influence a person’s subconscious, automatically forcing him to make a purchase, often unnecessary.

There is even such a profession - Merchandiser - a specialist in displaying goods on shelves, for example, a product that needs to be “sold” can be placed on a display window with frequent repetition...

Note that every TV ad has a number of repetitions (usually at least three - at the beginning, middle and end), for example, the name of the product. You can, without even realizing it, watch the advertisement several times in a row while, say, watching a movie. Also, any advertising (product presentation) from packaging to billboards on the street has its own images, colors, placement of information, etc. to influence the subconscious memory, so that a person unconsciously, without thinking, buys sometimes unnecessary or unnecessary goods. This is especially developed in the marketing of drugs.

Any marketing from network marketing to product promotion in a supermarket in one way or another uses combat NLP techniques, essentially methods of manipulation and influence on a person.

You can't call it fraud, because... there is no obvious deception or breach of trust. Well, what’s criminal if under a half-kilogram piece of cheese there is a price tag, where in large letters - 50 rubles, and in very small letters - for 100 grams... what a deception?! Or in a household appliance store - interest-free installment plan - substitution of concepts - credit and installment plans are not a crime, but hiding in fine print about payment for services for managing your account and insurance is just a “trifle”...

How to avoid self-manipulation and the effects of combat NLP

The best way to avoid self-manipulation is to change your life scenario through transactional analysis and the same method of neurolinguistic programming or psychotraining.

To resist the effects of combat NLP, it is not at all necessary to study how NLP methods and techniques work in general; it is enough to understand, become aware of yourself, your inner “I” and your weak points, the so-called “control buttons”, your weaknesses...
The most common human weakness, often used in NLP techniques influence is a subconscious desire for freebies (simply freebies).

Also, often in combat NLP they use such weaknesses of a person as his altered state of consciousness, going into a trance (for example, existing not in the present time at the moment “here and now”, but in the past or future), personal, life unsettledness, unluckiness and chronic bad luck , lack of motivation for success, lack of attention, recognition, emotional warmth and acceptance, empathy (compassion)… complexes, internal fears, neurotic states… chronic fatigue and neuropsychic overstrain… - all this can be used by specialists in the field of combat NLP as “ buttons to control you, i.e. against you...