How to understand that you have found your destiny. Fortune telling by date of birth: find out how your destiny will turn out

Some believe in fortune telling, others prefer to remain skeptics, but absolutely anyone would like to know their destiny. What awaits him in life: luck and success, wealth, love, of course everyone would like all this.

But how to look beyond the veil of time, is there a 100% way?

Of course, there is no such method, because everything depends on our actions and yet there are events that do not depend on us in any way, the weather (it started raining) or an accident (the bus broke down), all this is fate or fortune. It is precisely such accidents that can be seen, and also determine the paths that should be followed or not (for example, will you be happy with this person, should you take this job). It is especially good to tell fortunes on Christmas night; they say that higher powers take their power over the world of the living into a ring and begin to be reborn.

Simple ways to tell fortunes

Method one. Fortune telling on the water.

This method will help you decide on your betrothed. And for this we need three candles, a mirror and a glass plate. Pour water into a plate and leave for three days, the water should recharge your energy. After this, place the candles on the table in a triangle, opposite the mirror, and a plate of water in the center. Close your eyes and mentally transfer the energy and ask a question. In the reflection of the mirror in the water you will see the answer to your question.

Method 2: Yes or no

The simplest way to find out about fate. Make a question about the future, for example, I will find my soul mate this year. And then look out the window.

Pay attention to the first one walking:

  • If the man is YES, the goal will materialize.
  • Woman - NO, let go of the desire.
  • Child - will be born with a delay or according to a different scenario.
  • Deserted on the street - put off the divination for another time.

Method three. Fortune telling on a gold ring.

For this ritual we need four plates and pieces of cloth, wedding ring and candles. The ritual is carried out together, preferably on Christmas night.

One of you will hide the ring in a plate of water and cover it with a cloth. The second person entering must guess where it is. If you guessed right the first time, then your wish will come true. Don't forget to meditate before starting fortune telling. You should feel vibration or warmth from the ring plate, don't poke at random.

Method four. Fortune telling on wax.

To do this, we only need a candle, a container of water and a spoon. The candle is melted into a spoon, then the resulting wax is poured into a container of water. Concentrate, you should see clear wax silhouettes in the water. Take a closer look, meditate and you will see the answer to the question that is tormenting you.

Fortune telling with tarot cards.

One of the surest ways of fortune telling is, of course, fortune telling with cards. Who among us has not tried to take a regular deck of 36 cards and say “magic” words to spread it out? It is best to tell fortunes using tarot cards, but this method has many nuances, each layout has many meanings, so it would be more correct to contact a knowledgeable person.

But don't believe in any online fortune telling, the cards must be charged with your energy. To do this, simply hold them in your hands and mentally redirect warmth and your energy into them, thinking about the problem that interests you. After this, give the cards to the fortuneteller and he will explain the layout to you.

A simple way to predict

Focus on the question. For example, what to expect in your destiny tomorrow. Now randomly select one card from the deck and interpret it. This card will tell you what to focus on that will have an impact on your life.

Gypsy way to find out fate

Get ready for fortune telling, shuffle the deck (preferably tarot) and contact higher powers so that they can help you tell fortunes truthfully. Pull out 7 cards and interpret them.

Here is the interpretation of the tarot in detail.

  1. Personal situation. Your Self.
  2. Relationships with people, their opinions about you
  3. Concerns. What you should know to protect yourself.
  4. Aspirations. What to expect.
  5. What will you gain in life for sure?
  6. Near future.
  7. Your destiny. The card speaks of what will stay with you.

The gypsy method of predicting fate is very effective, try it.

English fortune telling

It is held on a birthday. You will need:

  • ring (any ring will do, as long as it’s not a wedding ring)
  • sweetness
  • piece of bread
  • ace of spades
  • willow twig
  • ace of diamonds
  • 10 clubs

It is important to prepare all things in advance, put them in a white towel. The cards must be new. All attributes folded in a towel Be sure to place it under your pillow at night.

Now go to sleep, dreams will reveal your destiny to you. It’s just important to relax with an open window. This is a must.

In the morning, remember what you saw in the Embrace of Morpheus:

  • Key - advantageous offer, career.
  • Ring - love achievements, marriage is possible.
  • Bread - material income, prosperity.
  • Sweetness - prosperity, creative self-expression.
  • Willow branch - good news
  • Ace of diamonds - luck, winning.
  • 10 clubs - trip, travel, moving.
  • Ace of spades - a negative prediction, talking about bad news, illness, health problems.

If you did not see these things in a dream, it means there will be a smooth, calm year, without any sudden changes or shocks.


These are the fortune telling you can try on the magical night before Christmas and remember your wishes come true! You can guess on any other day.)

We have repeatedly heard from grandmothers, mothers, and girlfriends that when you marry according to fate, life will be smooth, happy and peaceful. Even in many fairy tales, epics and songs they mention this

Based on this fact, we can say that people should also be destined for each other. It’s not for nothing that they say that the severance of family ties occurs mainly only due to the fact that people do not meet in fate and cannot find common language Most often, women with similar questions turn to fortune tellers or clairvoyants.

Many people ask to cast a love spell on their husband (if you can call him that) since they already have children together and she agrees to live and suffers with this person (because it seems to her that she loves him) But that’s not what the article is about.
The most common question girls have at the beginning of a new romantic relationship or before marriage is “Am I destined to be with him or not?” Especially if the girl is over 30. Many people ask this question. Agree! (often this question arises due to existing negative experience)
There are several methods for understanding that a person is destined for you. .

The first of these is dreaming. It’s funny, but it’s true. After all, our grandmothers still used to tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays or for Andrei. But you can also tell fortunes about your betrothed ordinary days You just need to know how to guess correctly the right sleep. (hint Comb, mirror)
As a rule, such a dream occurs several years before the appearance of the chosen one, or with an existing chosen one, if the girl has doubts. Everything is depicted in it figuratively: the moment of meeting, the attitude from the outside, the environment.
After waking up, you may not believe that this was not happening to a person in reality. You can see a prophetic dream several times, but the image of the unknown chosen one does not change, and the essence of the dream remains the same. They are “stored” in a person’s memory very long time, and at that moment when two people meet, and at the same time, if a person is destined, then dreams make themselves felt..

You can meet your “destiny” even before meeting him, and mostly this all happens suddenly, in the most unpredictable places - at a friend’s wedding, in the park, or simply by going to the store to buy bread. If such meetings, with one and the same same mysterious man repeated, then special attention should be paid to this.Of course, we must not forget about love at first sight. Many people, just by looking at a person, can feel and decide whether he is destined or not. Also, it is advisable to listen to your inner voice more often - it rarely deceives

There is one more point. Although sometimes it can be controversial, this is when people have been strong friends since childhood and treat each other with warmth. But in an instant everything changes. After they go to different places, communication between them stops.
Having already become adults, they unexpectedly meet again and feelings flare up between them and a craving for each other. Everything is like in a movie about love, but in reality this also happens. And this fact is also proof that people are destined for each other.

It also happens that you feel the aroma of a person, his smell remains on your hands and you cannot find such an aroma in more than one person. But you approach him and the feeling that excitement takes over you. This can also be attributed to the signs of fate.

Yes, you can ask a clairvoyant for help with a similar question. who, using her abilities, sees what others do not see and who will help decide on this issue. (but here you also need to know who you are going to: the lady with the ball, or the person who takes your photo and tells you things that only you can know. Only such a person can be trusted, and not crystal balls, brooms, etc. )
IN lately It has become “fashionable” to consult an astropsychologist.
What kind of people are these, and how do they see what a person is destined for? Astropsychologists - These are specialists who read the compatibility of people by the stars, and also predict the relationships of people throughout their life together. In addition to the location of the stars, they also take into account the horoscope of people. But not always this information may turn out to be true, since you still need to look for a good specialist in this field
This method as Astropsychology is very often used in those countries where young people are matched by their parents. If everything matches, then the parents agree on the date of the wedding ceremony; if not, then they look for new chosen ones for their children.

In general, it is very difficult to determine by fate whether this person is for you or not. Maybe you are destined to simply give birth to him unusual child or save a loved one from something, gain a certain experience, so as not to make a mistake with the person who suits you according to fate, and not to deprive yourself of happiness.
For often, everything that happens to a person is the “tricks” of fate. You need to pay attention to every little thing, since perhaps it is what will direct him on the path to happiness.
And if you grew up with a person And now you are in a lot of pain Think about it, maybe fate has prepared a different role And with this person you would just slowly fade away And so you have been given a new chance To change your life To live differently For example, to gain world fame Become famous Become what you once would have been you didn’t want to stay with the one with whom fate separated you. Or simply become happy in a new marriage. Think about it. If it’s fate, then no matter what happens, nothing can stop you, even the magic of your rival.

We can talk a lot about intuition, about the importance of living not by logic, but by listening to your own heart.

But, unfortunately, not every woman is able to recognize the signs of fate. And the voice of reason sometimes turns out to be more convincing than feelings and emotions. However, with a little care, you will definitely understand that your meeting is a real gift of fate.

An accident planned by fate

Often fate helps two lonely hearts find each other in the daily bustle, among many people. It happens that two strangers often collide with each other, as if someone from above is trying to connect them.

Another fateful scenario: you were friends with a wonderful boy throughout your childhood, but then his family moved to live in another place and you lost each other. After some time your life paths cross again to join into one road.

It happens that a man and a woman are tied for some time romantic relationship, but due to certain circumstances the couple breaks up. But they break up only to meet each other a year or two later and never be separated again.

How to recognize your soulmate?

You are tormented by the question: “How can you tell if this is your man?” Listen to your feelings.

  • Do you feel like you have known each other for many years and even knew each other in a past life?
  • Are you able to understand every action of your man?
  • Do you have a feeling of understatement?
  • And your chosen one experiences the same?

In this case, drive all doubts away, because you are our only man!

Think about how easy it is for you to communicate with your lover. Communication should be easy, simple, without understatements or ambiguous phrases.

You never hear the phrase “Forgive me” from your man just because there is no reason or reason for these words. Only a truly in love person is not capable of causing pain to his soulmate.

Remember how you experience the time you spend not with your chosen one? Are you sincerely worried, bored, can’t concentrate, is it difficult for you to do anything and everything simple seems complicated?

And with the advent of a man, life again boils, seethes and attracts with new ideas, this indicates that you need each other. Two loving hearts will always be a source of inspiration for each other, good mood and achievements in life.

The whole world for two

Another way to understand that this is your man is to be silent with him. It is important not to feel any discomfort; silence should be natural, pleasant and not burden the relationship, but unite two souls.

Common interests indicate that you are one and strive for the same goals in life. The main thing to remember is that intimacy and common interest are two different concepts.

If your relationship was initially built solely on sexual attachment, it is unlikely to have a future. After all, over time, the passion will subside, you will look at each other with a sober look and what will you see?

That in this life you do not have common interests, common friends, joint plans for the future and topics of conversation that are interesting for both of you. Even if you remain a couple, you will essentially experience loneliness in each other's company.

Sexual relationships are undoubtedly important for harmonious and fulfilling relationships. After all, we should not forget about procreation. The birth of a child is a natural development of the relationship between two people in love.

Sex with a man destined for you is like an ocean of pleasure in which you feel like one. If you are making love and at the same time thinking about work or your figure, this is a sign of a lack of harmony in your relationship and, it is likely that your destiny is not with you now.

How not to be deceived?

In life, it is important not only to know how to understand that this man is your destiny, but also not to make a mistake in such a difficult choice.

Sometimes, a woman, finding herself under a man’s spell, takes wishful thinking and, as a result, becomes severely disappointed in her chosen one. What signs will tell you that a random travel companion is next to you?

  1. You are too focused on his appearance and material condition and are not interested in his inner world.
  2. You are not interested in his hobbies and events in life.
  3. You are not ready and do not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of your beloved, but you yourself demand a lot from him.
  4. Conversations with this man are frankly uninteresting for you. You only pretend to be interested, but in reality you are thinking about abstract topics and changing the topic of conversation at every opportunity.
  5. You are not ready to follow a man if life circumstances require it.

Not the same...

If a man tries with all his might to avoid a relationship with you, then his behavior will be like this:

  1. Complete indifference to you and your possible future together. The person doesn't want to make any effort at all for the two of you. You will be forced to constantly demand serious actions from your chosen one.
  2. A man will not want to introduce you to his family and friends, thus protecting his personal space.
  3. The chosen one does not tell you about work, how his day is going, about the time spent without you. At the same time, he deliberately avoids talking about your relationship.
  4. The man doesn’t want to see you and avoids meetings, each time coming up with excuses and reasons not to come on a date.
  5. Your lover does not keep his word to you and does not strive to fulfill his promises.

It is likely that you are not the only one in the life of such a man. You should not hold on to a relationship with a person who does not want to communicate with you.

In order to accurately understand your feelings and the feelings of your chosen one, time is needed. Don’t rush, because haste in matters of the heart can turn out to be serious in the future family problems. Show a little patience, and you will definitely meet your soul mate, destined for you from above.

For some lucky women, to understand that the man to whom they are drawn is in fact their destiny, it is enough to remember their dreams. For those who have the gift of foresight or see prophetic dreams, the man of their life appears in a dream in advance. True, between sleep and the appearance of this man, 10 or 15 years can pass. However, if this is truly your destiny, such dreams are not forgotten.

How can you understand that this particular man was sent by Fate itself, and that only with him will you be truly happy? There are other signs too. This is what we will talk about today.

Just let’s immediately decide that at a certain stage, feelings for such a man should be mutual, because only in this case can we say that the meeting with this man is predetermined from above.

Non-random chance meeting

The “first bell” that this person in your life is not just a random episode is the signs given to you. For example, even before you meet, you can constantly run into this person in different places - on the street, at work, in the company of friends, where he accidentally ended up 5 minutes before your arrival or came up to ask what time it was when you were already there. And it also happens that you lived with this person in the same house for many years, you were even friends in childhood, and then he moved. You were a little sad and forgot about him, and after a few years or decades he meets you again and again in the same yard, or you meet him with enviable regularity in the entrance, although he does not live there, and sometimes comes to visit his grandmother or friend.

The same sign of a man’s “chosenness” can also be a situation when you dated this person for some time, but broke up for some objective or subjective reasons. Moreover, as it seemed to both of you then, they parted forever. However, after a year, two or ten, you meet him again and realize that all these years you have not lived, but existed, that you are drawn to each other like a magnet, and both of you cannot do anything about this attraction. And most importantly, you don’t want to do anything. It was not in vain that fate brought you together again - it gives you both another chance to see what you were both blind to a few years ago. Or they were simply not ready to realize that they had already found the one destined for you by Fate, and that there was no point in looking for anyone else.
Well, and, perhaps, the most “talking” sign of Fate is if in a relationship with this man, every time, again and again, as if in a dream, you return to the place where you made some mistake. That is, Fate, over and over again, creates and models similar situations until you correct this mistake, admit to yourself that you want to be close to this man, and for this you are ready to do anything. And only when you heed the promptings of Fate, when you correct your mistake, your relationship with this person begins to develop further and become very harmonious. Fate simply does not allow you to part with him, but leads you to ensure that the relationship continues and develops.

And, by the way, if all your efforts and aspirations to be with some person are smashed against the wall of supposedly random circumstances, if something constantly happens that prevents you from meeting him (spending the night together, going on vacation together, going to the registry office ), then stop going against Fate, because it is obvious that this is not your person.

Signs that he is your destiny

The most striking indicator that this man is meant for you is the feeling that you have known him all your life. You feel a kinship of souls, you understand the motive of any action of your beloved, you are not tormented by understatement, doubts are alien to you. And most importantly, this man feels the same.

It’s easy and calm for you to be around your lover; communicating with him is as natural to you as breathing. You do not strive to constantly analyze your relationship with him, since everything is already clear to you.

You are not looking for what you can forgive a man for, and what you shouldn’t forgive for. Your chosen one simply does not give you a reason for such thoughts, since hurting you is as unbearable and unthinkable for him as deliberately hurting himself.

Another sign is that when this man is not next to you, everything starts to fall apart for you, nothing works out, even the most basic things become insurmountable difficulties. And only with him are you ready for any achievement. When he is around, everything immediately becomes right. And only then do you realize that you are living life to the fullest and you can “function” fruitfully.
With the person who is destined for you by Fate, you not only always have something to talk about, but it is also very comfortable to remain silent. You and he never find yourself in a situation where you struggle to find words or look for a topic to talk about. Everything happens perfectly naturally, since you both always have something to discuss. And if suddenly you both fall silent, this is not an awkward pause that you want to immediately interrupt and fill with something, but a process of unity of souls. Even if you both are silent, the mental connection between you is not interrupted, you are silent in unison.

With the person destined for you by Fate, you definitely have common interests. Moreover, the fact that you both enthusiastically have sex with each other, to common interests does not apply. If your relationship with this person is based only on sex, then this is anything but destiny. Sooner or later, passion subsides, and if nothing connects you with this person anymore, you begin to see his shortcomings too clearly. And it gets more and more annoying every time. Sexual desire faded away, there is nothing to talk about, everyone withdraws into their own life. And from the union called a couple, there is nothing left except two essentially lonely people.

No, you certainly cannot assume that sex means nothing. If you do not live with your man in the image and likeness of Blok and his wife or the heroes of Chernyshevsky’s work “What is to be done?”, that is, if you are normal modern people and do not equate love with platonic, high relations, then you can’t do without it. After all, the union of bodies is no less important than the union of souls. After all, nature and God gave us attraction to the opposite sex for procreation (not to mention the pleasure we experience). And if you, while making love, completely dissolve in your man, if you instinctively respond to all his body movements and adapt to his rhythm, and do not think during sex about the fact that you have an extra fold on your stomach or about how to accept more advantageous in terms of appearance pose, then this also indicates that YOUR person is next to you.

Signs of self-deception

How often does it happen that a woman so wants the man she is dating to be her destiny that she begins to invent an ideal picture for herself or deliberately turn a blind eye to obvious “inconsistencies”. She begins to convince herself that this person is destined for her by Fate, and therefore she must do everything to keep him. Or she expects that this man himself will prove to her that he is “chosen”, without giving him anything in return. Here are a few signs that indicate that this is not the one whom providence sent you, but just a “random fellow traveler”:

  • You are interested in a man primarily in his appearance and his financial (social) situation.
  • according to you by and large it doesn’t matter how this person lives, what he “breathes”, what captivates him.
  • You are not ready or do not want to take on his problems or help him with something.
  • You expect a man to give you everything you need, and in return you are not going to sacrifice anything.
  • You are not interested in what this man is talking about, you only pretend to listen to him, and at that moment you yourself are thinking about something completely unrelated. And at any opportunity, turn the conversation to yourself.
  • You will not go to the ends of the earth for this man, unless this end of the world turns out to be, for example, the Maldives.
    This is what concerns your attitude towards a man, whom you want to think of as a gift from Fate. But here’s how someone who either won’t stay with you for long or won’t be able to make you happy behaves:
  • The man avoids any responsibility associated with you. He does not undertake any obligations, and if he promises you something, he does not fulfill his promises or fulfills them only after repeated reminders and pressure from you.
  • He doesn't let you into his life because he doesn't see the need for it. He feels equally good both with you and without you. You and this man have no mutual friends, your relatives do not know each other.
  • The man closes down and does not answer your questions about what he was doing while you were not around. He equally stubbornly ignores your interest in him and your hints about a more stable relationship.
  • You yourself have to make appointments and arrange dates. Moreover, such a man often refuses an offer to meet, citing some urgent matters or his overwhelming busyness.
  • A man does not take your time into account; he may promise to come or call, but he himself disappears for several days or weeks. And don't think about what it is

Do you know the reason for all your failures in life? It is perhaps impossible to give a definitively correct answer to this question, but we will still try to do so. Numerologists are sure that every person at birth is endowed with his own destiny, and everyone has a happy one. All troubles and troubles in life arise from the fact that we deviate from the predetermined scenario and try to resist the laws of the Universe. With help, you can learn about the scenario of your life and, based on the information received, accept the rules of the game of the Universe, thereby changing your life for the better.

How to calculate destiny numerology by year of birth

To calculate, you will need to add up all the numbers in the year of your birth. The result must be brought to a single digit. For example, take the year 1981. Add the numbers: 1+9+8+1=19=1+9=10=1+0=1. In this numerological calculation, the result is one. The meaning of this number in numerology will tell you what is destined by fate for a person born this year.

When you calculate your birth year number, all that remains is to read the interpretation of numbers in numerology.

The meaning of numbers in numerology and interpretation of the birth code

Birth code - 1 . People with this numerology birth number need to constantly control their emotions. Fate calls them to restraint and self-control. Most often, all the troubles of single people arise due to their emotionality, ardor and temper. In addition, they need to objectively assess their abilities and capabilities. Their zeal for success will lead them to the desired results.

Birth code - 2 . Two people are always on the verge of good and evil and cannot decide which side they are on. They are advised not to take the situation to extremes and try to achieve peace of mind.

Birth code - 3 . Such people need to think more carefully about their actions and words. They are not recommended to look for obviously easy solutions; it is better to choose the right and honest path and make efforts to achieve the goal.

Birth code - 4 . People of this birth code in numerology often suffer due to their naivety and illusions. They need to think about more mundane things. You should not often listen to your intuition, you need to be guided by the arguments of reason.

Birth code - 5 . Five people need to be more responsible about all their decisions and actions. It is important for them to understand that they are building the future here and now with their own hands.

Birth code - 7 . People of this number are destined to create and create. Nature has awarded them with unique talents, so if they do not develop them and decide to do something else in life, then fate will become unbearable.

Birth code - 8 . People of this number need to value the spiritual, not the material. Even if they achieve financial success, compassion, mercy, love for nature and art should not disappear from their lives.

Birth code - 9 . Fate has prepared serious tests of strength for these people. Life will constantly present them with a choice: good or evil? Before making a choice, Nines must remember that if they choose the side of evil, it can harm not only them, but also those around them.

With the help of fate numerology, you can adjust your behavior and direction of thought, which will subsequently become the key to your success and happiness. If you found this information useful, click on and

20.02.2014 16:34

Each person has his own patron number, which is calculated by date of birth. Find out which number is for you...