Age of the French President's wife. Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget Tornier - an extraordinary love story

On May 7, elections for the 25th president of the republic were held in France. In the second round, two candidates competed for the position of head of state: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. The man received more than 66% of the votes. On May 14, the inauguration of the new president will take place - Francois Hollande will transfer powers to Emmanuel Macron. The wife of the head of state, accordingly, will become the first lady.

The love story of Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte began in 1993. At that time 16 years old future president studied at the Lyceum, where Madame Ozier taught French. Her daughter Laurence told her mother that an unusual student appeared in her class, who surprises everyone with his knowledge and energy. Bridget and Emmanuel met personally in a theater group - the woman led the elective. Together they came up with plays for the school theater. After some time, they became so friendly that they could talk about almost any topic.

“Gradually I became more and more amazed at his intelligence. At that moment, I was surprised how deep he was,” Bridget recalled the beginning of their romance.

Nothing embarrassed Macron - neither the impressive age difference, nor the presence of his beloved family and children. The woman is 24 years older than her admirer and raised three heirs. No circumstances became an obstacle to the love of the future politician - he decided to win the heart of his chosen one at all costs.

// Photo: Paris Match magazine cover

However, the romance between the lyceum student and the teacher began a year later. At that time, Emmanuel was 17 years old, and Bridget was 41. Despite the fact that the woman was still officially married to her husband, banker Andre Louis Ozier, she did not give up the love of her young chosen one. Emmanuel's parents could not help but notice the changes in their son's life. When they figured out what was going on, they decided to send young man finish his studies in Paris. When leaving Amiens, he promised that he would marry Brigitte. Every Friday he took a train ticket and returned to his hometown.

“You won’t be able to get rid of me, I will come back and marry you!” - said the young man.

Madame Ozier also moved to the French capital. However, only 12 years later she received a divorce and the next year she married Macron. This happened on October 20, 2007. At the ceremony, the bride wore an elegant short white dress, and the groom chose a pink tie. During the celebration, Emmanuel gave the following description of their union: “something not quite ordinary, our couple is not quite normal, although I don’t like this adjective.” Later in his book “Revolution” he noted that their love was “at first secret, often hidden, incomprehensible.” Emmanuel never tires of thanking his wife for appearing in his life. After the wedding, the young man’s career began to gain momentum.

The couple led a non-public life - only in 2015 did they appear together at a reception in honor of the King of Spain. At that time, the young politician served as Minister of Economy. Photos of the couple from that event spread all over the world. Bridget became support and support for the ambitious politician - she left teaching to spend more time with her husband.

Those close to the family of the new French president emphasize that the age difference between Emmanuel and Bridget is not felt: they note that the spouses have a similar temperament, sense of humor and outlook on life.

Now Emmanuel is 39 years old, and his wife is 64. The Macrons have seven grandchildren growing up. In an interview, the politician admitted that he does not regret at all that he has no blood heirs - he is quite satisfied big family his wife and is grateful that her children approved of their union.

French politician Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Tornier have gained great fame beyond the borders of France due to their unusual love story and huge age difference. The wife of the French President, Brigitte Macron, increased his popularity, perhaps this is one of the secrets of successful presidential elections for a politician.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Tornier are very unusual couple even if he hadn't become very famous politician in France, the wife is 25 years older than her husband, minus a few months.

Like many women, I have little interest in politics, but I won’t miss an unusual love story, and this is really very unusual story, I will tell you everything I managed to find out about Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Tornier.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, born December 21, 1977, is a French politician, newspapermen have been closely watching him for a long time, because... Emmanuel quickly did political career and at the age of 37 became the Minister of Economy of France, was an investment banker at the Rothschild bank. Emmanuel Macron is called the sex symbol of France - he is young, tall, handsome, and charming. Created his own party “Forward!” and is running for the French presidency in the 2017 elections. If Emmanuel Macron wins the French presidential election in 2017, and the chances of this happening are very high, he will become the country's youngest president of all time. Emmanuel Macron has been married to Brigitte Tornier since 2007.

Brigitte Macron (Tornier) biography

Brigitte Tornier was born on April 13, 1953 and was the youngest, sixth child. For five generations, her family has been in the chocolate business, and their family is famous in the north of France. Brigitte grew up and married banker Andre Louis Ozier, from whom she divorced in early 2006. In marriage, Bridget had three children, a son, Sebastian, and two daughters, Lawrence and Tiffany. Brigitte Tornier worked as a teacher at a religious school in Amiens French and Latin.

And now the most interesting part:

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron - a love story

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte first met and became acquainted at school, where she was a teacher and he was a student in her class. His daughter, Bridget Lawrence, was also in the class with Emmanuel. Brigitte Tornier also led a theater group and Emmanuel took part in it, wrote poetry and Brigitte often set him as a role model. When Bridget staged a school play, her relationship with Emmanuel became emotionally closer, he always accompanied her home after class, they talked a lot and even then it was clear that the teenager was in love with his teacher. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, he admitted to Bridget that no matter how she avoided him, no matter how much she dodged, he would still marry her. What then could a teacher, mother of three children and wife answer to a teenager? Even if an adult woman was then drawn to her soul mate, it seems impossible for a young romantic to overcome this gap.

Young Emmanuel Macron was unable to hide his feelings and admitted to his parents that he was in love. At first, his parents did not understand him and decided that he was in love with the teacher’s daughter, and not with her herself. When everything became clear, the parents’ reaction was understandable, and they sent Emmanuel to finish his studies last year schools in Paris. But Emmanuel and Bridget continued to communicate on the phone.

In 2006, Bridget divorced her husband and almost 1.5 years later, in 2007, she married 29-year-old Emmanuel Macron; the couple has been married for 10 years. It’s interesting that Bridget’s son Sebastian, born in 1975 and 2 years older than her second husband, is now an engineer, daughter Lawrence, the same age as Emmanuel, studied with him in the same class, is now a cardiologist, and youngest daughter Tiffany, two years younger than her mother's husband, works as a lawyer for Maskron. Emanuel Macron managed to find common language with all of Bridget's children, the paparazzi report frequent joint trips for picnics with the whole family, and French presidential contender Emmanuel Macron bottle-feeds the youngest of Bridget's seven grandchildren and considers them his own.

Emmanuel Macron does not plan to have biological children.

Now Bridget Macron is 64 years old, she has already left her teaching job and is helping her husband in his election race. Bridget is among those people whom Emmanuel trusts, she helped write Emmanuel’s election speech and, according to her husband, if he becomes Bridget’s president of France, he will listen to her opinion.


Fate was favorable to Emmanuel Macron; he became the President of France; his wife is now the first lady of the country. Now Emmanuel Macron's parents have become friends with their daughter-in-law and consider her the inspiration for their son to achieve such success. The wife of the French President, Brigitte Macron, came to the inauguration wearing a heavenly suit. blue color and she was immediately accused of imitating Melania Trump, but despite this, the French liked the choice of clothes for the inauguration of Emmanuel Macron and his wife.

Macron fell in love with Brigitte Tronier at the age of 16 when... The French media write about their romance rather sparingly - one can imagine what our journalists would dig up if there was something similar in the biography of one of our presidential candidates. Which psychological characteristics pushed Monsieur Macron to marry a divorced madam with three children, and even with such an age difference?

“In a stable marriage with a woman much older than himself, a man who is ambitious, but at the same time driven,” explains the psychologist Alina Kolesova. - The origins of the tendency to find a “mother” in a wife may lie in early childhood, when a boy needs closeness to his mother, but she does not devote enough time to him. Then he tries to meet her standards (in this case, this is study and career), but at the same time he is looking for someone who will replace his busy mother in the sense of mentoring - and often teachers or mother’s friends find themselves in this role. This is the so-called Oedipus complex - a subconscious sexual attraction to the mother, which in the post-pubertal period transforms into a sexual desire for women older than oneself.

In such couples, the woman is usually a mentor not only in family affairs, but also leads social and social life husband If we turn to similar couples, we will see that in stable marriages with an age difference in favor of the woman, the wife is always strong woman, which has a colossal influence on her husband. As for the women themselves, many of them claim that it is after 50 that sex begins to truly please them. The need to protect yourself disappears, it stabilizes hormonal background and the woman's mood. The only problem may be a life partner - a peer who, due to his age, can no longer satisfy the increased sexual appetites of his beloved.”


From history:

All the favorites of Catherine II were younger than her, and last love Platon Zubov is already 41 years old.

Isadora Duncan was older than her last husband Sergei Yesenin for 18 years.

The legendary Mata Hari was more than 20 years older than her beloved Russian officer Vadim Maslov.

Laura de Verny - Balzac's greatest and longest love - was 22 years older than the writer.

Salvador Dali fell in love with his Gala (Elena Diakova) when he was 26 and she was 37, and thanks to her he became famous.

Benjamin Disraeli, an English politician, at the age of 35 married a wealthy widow 12 years older than himself.

From modern history: the difference is in favor of a strong woman

27 years old - Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

23 years old - Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson.

13 years old - Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn.

13 years old - actor Hugh Jackman and producer Deborah Lee-Lewis.

12 years old - Lolita Milyavskaya and Dmitry Ivanov.

10 years - Shakira and Gerard Piquer.

8 years old - Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi spoke about the new French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, who is much older than her husband.

He called the leader of the Fifth Republic “a good young man with an attractive mother,” reports News in the World. According to the politician, Macron’s wife Brigitte “led him by the hand when he was still a child.” As noted by the British publication The Telegraph, Berlusconi's words refer to the fact that the current 39-year-old French leader is the youngest head of state in the country's history after Napoleon Bonaparte. The latter became emperor at the age of 35.

Let us remind you that Brigitte Tronier is 24 years older than her husband. This fact caused a mixed reaction in the media, as well as among social network users.

As the French press noted earlier, it will be extremely difficult for the wife of the country’s new president to establish herself as the first lady.

At the same time, the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, known for its scandalous works, recently published a new cartoon. This time the victims of the pranksters were the presidential couple. Thanks to the imagination of illustrators, the wife of the leader of France appeared pregnant on the cover. The picture shows the head of the Fifth Republic touching his wife's swollen belly. A little higher there is an inscription in French: “He is going to work miracles.”

Her daughter Tiphaine Ozier has already responded to such open ridicule and other attacks on Brigitte. She declared the inadmissibility of such attacks against the First Lady of France.

“I find disgusting attacks that would not be possible if it were a male politician or a male partner of a female politician. It’s just envy,” the girl said.

The newly-minted president himself believes that there is nothing strange in his alliance with Brigitte, and all attacks on this topic are a manifestation of double standards. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would think about whether we were suitable for each other,” Macron said in an interview with the Telegraph newspaper.

In addition, he demolished the assumption that appeared during the election race that he was a homosexual, and his mature wife was a cover for his unconventional preferences.

“People have lost their sense of reality since they don’t believe in my marriage and attribute some kind of parallel life, plus they have problems with tolerance,” the French leader emphasized.

On May 7, 39-year-old centrist Emmanuel Macron won the second round of the French presidential election. 66 percent of voters voted for him. During the period around the elections, the press was interested not only in him political program And election campaign, but also (perhaps no less) personal life. The media are actively discussing Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

She is called the most unusual first lady, and they also question the sincerity of their marriage due to the age difference - Brigitte Macron is almost 25 years older than her husband. Meduza tells why everyone is so surprised by the family of the future president of France - and how he himself reacts to it.

All last month Before the French elections, the press actively discussed not only the likely French president, but also his wife, literature teacher Brigitte Macron (and even her ex-husband and children from her first marriage). The media analyzed in detail her wardrobe, the history of her relationship with Macron and the alleged influence on his political decisions. There were also lists like “Famous couples with large age gaps” and texts about new trend- families where the woman is older.

Benoit Tessier / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

Back in early April, a month before Macron’s victory, the British Vogue website published an article “How Brigitte Macron is reinventing the image of the First Lady.” The editor of the publication wrote that “this woman is the only one people talk about on both sides of the English Channel for a number of reasons, the most scandalous of which is the age difference with her husband,” and noted that the personality of Macron’s wife could influence the outcome of the presidential race.

Such close attention was really caused by the age difference: Emmanuel Macron is 39 years old, Brigitte Macron is 64. Not a single article about the figure of the future French president was published without an emphasis on this fact, regardless of the tone of the publication - admiring or skeptical. One of the most controversial reactions was cover weekly Charlie Hebdo, which was called sexist. Under the inscription “He works miracles” there is an image of Emmanuel Macron and a pregnant Brigitte - the publication hints that the wife of the elected president can no longer have children. At the same time The New Yorker emphasizes that Macron’s policy is also a new, modern image of the family, where partners are not necessarily of different sexes or have children.

The age difference between Macron and his wife allowed the tabloids (and others) to make all sorts of assumptions based on stereotypes. They argued that Macron is a henpecked, gigolo or homosexual, and his marriage is just a cover. The yellow press discussed the version that Emmanuel Macron is actually leading double life: He allegedly has a secret affair with the head of Radio France, Mathieu Galle, and the gay lobby is behind his election victory.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron after the first round of the French presidential election. Paris, April 23, 2017

Yoan Valat / EPA / Scanpix / LETA

In an interview with Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron commented on such press attention to his wife and their relationship. He explained that in modern society relationships between adult men and young women are encouraged, but the opposite situation seems unnatural to most - and causes excessive curiosity, mistrust or condemnation. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, and not vice versa, no one would have thought for a second that our marriage was insincere,” Macron said. “But since she is 20 years older than me, people say: “Well, no, this relationship is abnormal, it’s impossible.”

He added that rumors about his homosexuality show the level of homophobia and misogyny in France. In particular, about the fact that society considers homosexuality a shameful disease that needs to be hidden, and marrying an older woman can only be a “screen.”

At the same time, many call the story of the relationship between Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron romantic, inspiring and breaking stereotypes. Anna Fulda, journalist and author of the recent biographies of Macron, that he had to fight for the right to live the way he wants: “It was not the most obvious and simple choice, it did not fit well into the way it is customary to build a family.” While working on the book, she talked not only with Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, but also with his relatives. By words writers, at one time Macron’s parents took the news of his novel negatively. “You have already lived, but he has not. You will never be able to give him children,” Fulda quotes the future president’s mother, Françoise Macron, as saying.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trognier met in college when he was 15 and she was 39: Trognier was his literature teacher and led a drama club. In addition, she was married; she has three children from this marriage. A year later, Macron told his parents about their affair - they were horrified and sent their son to study in Paris. Before leaving, he promised Brigitte that he would return and propose to her. And so it happened: in 2006, Brigitte Tronier divorced, and in 2007 she and Emmanuel Macron got married. It is unknown when exactly the relationship began between them. Brigitte Macron herself said that “no one will ever know when our history became love story. This will forever remain our secret." Macron's adviser and witness at his wedding to Brigitte Marc Ferracci argues that Emmanuel Macron could never have gone all this way without his wife: “He needs her presence.”