Test questions on Africa. Geography crossword

Africa is a continent that many scientists believe is the place where the first people appeared. Currently, this region is not rich, and the standard of living in African countries leaves much to be desired, but here in some places the primitive way of life one on one with nature is still preserved. Africa has still not been fully explored, and who knows when we will know everything about this majestic continent?

  1. The borders of African states were drawn not along mountains and rivers, as usual, but directly on the map, using a ruler. Actually, this is still clearly visible on any political map peace.
  2. The Sahara is the largest of the hot deserts. Among the hot ones, there are also non-hot deserts, the largest of which is the Antarctic (see).
  3. Ethiopia is the only African country that has never been under the rule of European colonialists (see).
  4. Hippos once lived throughout Africa, but today they are found only in sub-Saharan Africa. The reason for this is extermination.
  5. One of the main natural attractions of Africa is Victoria Falls, the only waterfall in the world that is over a hundred meters high and more than a kilometer wide.
  6. The lowest life expectancy in the world was recorded in the central and southern parts Africa. This is due more to the low standard of living and insufficiently accessible medicine than to the hot climate.
  7. The most common language in Africa is Arabic, although more than two thousand different languages ​​are spoken in African countries.
  8. The island of Madagascar is usually classified as Africa, although it is still just an island (see).
  9. More than half of the world's gold production comes from Africa.
  10. The most populous African city is Cairo, the capital of Egypt.
  11. In the African country of Togo, you should be careful when complimenting local women - according to Togolese custom, a man in this case is obliged to marry the lady to whom he complimented (see).
  12. Some African tribes, living traditional lives as thousands of years ago, do not even know in which countries they live. Moreover, not all of them know how to make fire, let alone read and write.
  13. The first in the world was made in Africa (more precisely, in South Africa) successful operation for heart transplantation.
  14. Dunes in the Sahara can exceed the height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  15. On a hot afternoon, the temperature of sand in African deserts can reach eighty degrees.

QUIZ on Tropical Africa.

(game with spectators)

Meeting of the geography club of high school students on the topic:

1. Which city in Tropical Africa is called the tourist capital of Zambia: Livingstone, Lusaka, Kabwe? (Livingston)

2. A river flows into this lake under one name and flows out under another. Essentially these are the origins of one large river in Africa and the World.

What is the name of this river? (Nile: Kagera and White Nile. Lake Victoria).

3.Where is the “fishing place” located? central regions Sahara desert? (Lake Chad).

4. Which state and why is it called the country of the “13” months of the sun? (Ethiopia – 12 months of 30 days and 1 month of 5 days).

4. What deserts does the Sahara desert region consist of?

(Nubian, Libyan, Arabian).

5. Why the lake. Chad, although located in tropical desert, has fresh water? (name two main reasons)

(Due to power supply groundwater allowing to compensate for water resulting from evaporation; fed by the Shari River).

6. Like off the tongue local peoples Is the name of the Kalahari Desert translated?


7. Which peoples of Africa have wrinkled skin and give the impression that it is too big for their body? (Among the Hottentots)

8.Which peoples characteristic feature body structure, is there a curved spine, scoliosis by nature? (Among the Bushmen).

9. Which states in Tropical Africa since ancient times are independent states? (Ethiopia and Liberia)

10.Nigerians call this river Joliba. What kind of river do you think this is? (Niger).

11. Nigerians call this traveler: “Mad White.” Who is this? (Mungo Park - used guns on locals for no apparent reason during his travels).

12. What was the original name of Lake Victoria? (Nyanza).

13. Which traveler in the 19th century crossed the Sahara desert from south to north and walked 20 thousand km along it in 6 years? (Heinrich Barth)

14.Which desert did D. Livingston cross from south to north?


15. The first reliable information about the depth and extent of Lake Nyasa was provided by: Henry Stanley, Vasily Junker, David Livingston? (D. Livingston)

16. Which rubber trees are the strongest in the world? (Gutta-pretentious trees).

17. Red clay structures, taller than a man?

(Termite mounds)

18. Which tree’s fruits attract monkeys, is it called “monkey bread”? (Baobab)

19. On the territory of which country, where the maximum was recorded? average temperature+34.5 in 1960?

(Ethiopia in Dalol)

20. In terms of basin area, this river ranks 2nd in the world?

21. What are the names of the mountains located in the Congo River basin, where the Livingston Falls system is located?

(Crystal Mountains)

22. Which river can be observed with desalinated water flowing up to 17 km from its mouth in the ocean up to 75 km from the shore? (Congo)

23.Which lake is called the “Fresh Sea”, the “sea in the heart” of Africa? (Lake Victoria)

24. Which lake coastline equal to 1/6 of the equator?


25. On which lake do storms and waterspouts periodically occur? (Victoria)

26. What animal can a person envy: it has sensitive hearing and sharp eyesight? (to the giraffe)

27. What animals sleep for 5 minutes and get enough sleep? (Giraffe)

28. What animals hide their prey in trees so that hyenas, lions, and tigers do not find it? (Leopards)

29. According to scientists, “these birds are the most ancient in Africa and they saw dinosaurs.” What birds? (Flamingo)

30. What bird lays eggs in clay structures - cones - towers from 7cm to 45cm in height, the chicks are fed "milk" with a bright red liquid?


31. Which ones great apes, according to scientists, the blood type and diseases are similar to humans; 32 teeth, wool with the same number of hairs as a human. (Favorite food - grapefruits)? (Chimpanzee)

32.Which tree is called the “lemonade tree”?

(Baobab, from the fruits of which a drink similar to lemonade is made).

33.Which tree flowers pollinate bats? (Baobab)

34.Which trees grow new roots after damage and restore bark? (Baobabs)

35.Shrub people bears fruit once every 10 years, has a melon taste, grows in the Namib Desert, has a second name.

We use this item to fence gardens and vegetable gardens. What could be the name of this shrub? (Hint: in in simple form they wind it up and wrap it around something). (Barbed wire)

36. Why do Zulus stand on one leg?

37. Where is the Slave Coast located? (Coast of the Gulf of Guinea)

38.What color is ebony wood? (Black and dark green)

39. What oceans is Africa washed by? (A. O, and I. O.)

40. What are the reasons why penguins live on the desert coast?

41. You are in the Namib Desert. Where will your shadow be directed at noon on December 22? (There will be no shadow, since on this day the sun is at its zenith over the northern tropic, and the desert is crossed by the tropic).

42.Name the place where it falls out greatest number precipitation per year in Africa? (Cameroon - Debunje)


44. Most heavy beetle in the world weighs 100 grams, body length 13 cm?

(Goliath beetle)

45. “Fly trap” is a shrub plant called?


46. ​​Select from the list of numbers the number of reserves and national parks in Africa? 392, 500, 202?

47. An extinct animal in southern Africa, a relative of the zebra?

(Zebra - quagga)

48. Why was the island opposite Dakar, the modern capital of Senegal, called Gorée Island in the distant past?

(It was a base for pirates and slave traders)

49. The peoples of this group of local tribes are the most tall people planet: the average height of women, who are much shorter than men, reaches 190 cm. These African “Gullivers” are the darkest. What is the name of the group and tribe? (for each correct answer - a token)

(Nilotic, Karamojong, Maasai)

50. Where is the Skeleton Coast? (Coast of the Namib Desert)

51.Which tribes in Namibia are small in number and still adhere to the prehistoric way of life?

(Bushmen and Himba)

52. It is not surprising that these people are considered a kind of calling card of this country - Kenya, and mobile settlements are also found in Tanzania. What people (tribe)?

(Masai). (See "Traveler's Diary" spring

53. Back in the 15th century. The coast of this country was called the “Gold Coast”, from where gold was exported. What country is this? (Ghana).

54. Low-lying area of ​​the coast Atlantic Ocean, was called “Pepper Coast”? What country are we talking about?


55. Until 1986, this country bore a descriptive name from the point of view of foreign trade - Ivory Coast. Country today? (Ivory Coast)

56. In what novel famous writer a shameful history is described - Africa's colonial past. Name the writer and the novel?

(J. Verne “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain”)

57. Which countries are among the largest by area in Tropical Africa?

(Sudan, Zaire, Angola, Ethiopia, South Africa.)

58. What countries are located in South Africa?

(Swaziland, Lesotho)

59.Is the country located along the middle reaches of the Niger River landlocked? (Mali)

60.The first prime minister of the liberated Republic of Congo, a fighter for freedom and independence of Africa? (Patrice Lumumba).

Quiz on the topic: Africa

Compiled by geography teacher: Chernikova Natalia Valerievna

Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Baigul

Question No. 1. African long-eared fox.

(answer - Fenech)

Question No. 2. Animals that eat sick and dead animals are called orderlies, as they prevent the spread of diseases. Name the desert orderly? (Answer - Hyena)

Question No. 3. A large African animal that has keen charm and hearing, but poor eyesight. Despite his massive size, does he run fast?

(answer - Rhinoceros)

Question No. 4. A rare animal, discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century. Lives in tropical forests river basin Congo, a relative of the giraffe?

(answer: Okapi)

Question No. 5. A wild animal that lives only in Africa in dry thickets near water. On his massive head with fangs, warts protrude, which are especially visible under the eyes. What kind of animal is this?

(answer - Warthog)

Question No. 6. The most dangerous insects forests of Africa. Their bite is similar to the prick of a hot needle. Does the stung area burn mercilessly for several hours?

(answer - Red termites)

Question No. 7 There is a great variety of birds on the hottest continent in the world. The smallest bird is the sunbird. Name the largest flightless bird in Africa, whose height reaches 2.8 m, weight 90 kg, living in deserts and savannas? (answer - Ostrich).

Question #8: Sweet potatoes? (answer - Sweet Potato)

Question No. 9. Savannah herbivore? (answer - Giraffe)

Question No. 10. An area of ​​desert with abundant moisture and rich vegetation? (answer - Oasis)

Question No. 11. A climbing plant that makes the forest thicket impenetrable?

(answer - liana)

Question No. 12. The fruit of a tropical plant? (answer - Banana)

Question No. 13. A plant with thick, fleshy leaves, widely used as a medicinal plant? (answer - Aloe)

Question No. 14. evergreen shrub, whose roots are rich in starch?

(answer - Cassava)

Question No. 15. African wild horse? (answer - Zebra)

Question No. 16. Small equatorial giraffe? (answer: Okapi)

Question No. 17. Natural area with very little rainfall and sparse vegetation? (answer - desert)

Question No. 18. Natural area dominated by grasses, rare trees and bushes? (answer - Savannah)

Question No. 19. tropical plant from the baobab family?

(answer - Ceiba)

Question No. 20 Marine polyps living at shallow depths in hot climate zones?

(answer - Corals)

Question No. 21. Evergreen equatorial forests with large leaves, grown in Europe as an indoor plant?

(answer - Ficus)

Question No. 22. Is the bird a nurse? (answer: Marabou)

Question number 23. The greatest desert on earth, located in the north of the continent?


Question No. 25. The most long lake? (answer - Tanganyika)

Question No. 26. Hottest place? (answer: Tripoli +58 °C).

Question No. 27. The darkest and tallest?

(answer: nilots)

Question No. 28. The saltiest sea? (answer - Red 42%).

Question No. 29. Longest strait? (the answer is Mozambican?)

Question No. 31. . The most big lake Africa? (answer: Victoria)

Question No. 32. The smallest freshwater lake? (answer: Chad)

Question No. 34. The most populous state?

(answer: Nigeria 135 million people).

Question No. 35. What is the largest state by area?

(answer - Sudan 2506 thousand km2)

Question No. 36. The largest swamp in the world? (answer - Saad in Sudan)

Question No. 37. What is the largest waterfall? (answer - Augrabis of the Orange River - 146m).

Question No. 38. The most developed country in Africa? (answer: South Africa)

Question No. 39. . What is the largest animal living on the mainland? (answer: elephant?) Tallest animal? (answer - giraffe)

Question No. 40. The most famous pyramids? (answer - Egyptian)

Question No. 41. The most fabulous mountains? (answer - Draconians?)

Question No. 42. The sharpest point? (answer - Needle)

We are all very familiar with these lines by Korney Chukovsky: “And in Africa, and in Africa, on the black Limpopo...” But really, what is there in Africa? What is the smartest animal? And who can go without water for a long time, who is the tallest, and who has the strongest horns? We will find out all this by answering the quiz questions.

The Animals of Africa quiz contains 14 questions. All questions have answers.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What animals live in Africa?
Answer: zebra, cheetah, leopard, python, chameleon, flamingo, hippopotamus, crocodile, gorilla, giraffe...

2. Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
Answer: this allows the giraffe to reach and pluck leaves from the tallest trees

3. Is the elephant smart?
Answer: yes, the elephant is smart and has a good memory

4. How long can camels go without water?
Answer: about two weeks

5. Can African ostriches fly?
Answer: no, they move only on foot all their lives

6. Which animal is the tallest on the planet?
Answer: giraffe

7. Which animal has the most long horns?
Answer: The African antelope, the greater kudu, has the longest horns.

8. Who makes the biggest strides among mammals?
Answer: African giraffe. He walks 4-5 meters at once

9. Which animal has the widest and strongest horns?
Answer: African and Asian buffaloes

10. Do you think a camel drinks a lot when it gets to the water?
Answer: yes, a lot, in 15 minutes he drinks about 100 liters

11. Which crocodile is the largest?
Answer: rowing or sea

12. Do rhinos have good eyesight?
Answer: bad. Therefore, they often attack any creature that happens to be nearby.

13. What is the largest land mammal?
Answer: African elephant

14. With the help of what organ do elephants perceive smells?
Answer: using the trunk

This tree is called the most valuable African plant: its bark produces fibers that are used to make fabrics and ropes, crushed bark and leaves are used for spices, the leaves are used in salads, and the fruits are used for food. What kind of tree is this? - Baobab.


  1. Which African country has the largest area?
  2. Which African state was the first to get rid of colonial rule?
  3. This tree is called the most valuable African plant: its bark produces fibers that are used to make fabrics and ropes, crushed bark and leaves are used for spices, the leaves are used in salads, and the fruits are used for food. What kind of tree is this?
  4. Africa is divided into 5 economic regions. Name 5 states of the Western region with their capitals.
  5. Briefly describe the colonial type sectoral structure economy, typical for Africa.
  6. What kind of monoculture is typical for Senegal?
  7. What are the reasons for the poor development of livestock production in Africa?
  8. In this country East Africa 15% of the area is occupied by nature reserves and national parks. This is the highest figure in Africa. Name the country and its capital.
  9. What is Africa's Copper Belt?

10. What is OAU? What are its tasks?


  1. Sudan.
  2. Liberia. In 1847
  3. Baobab.
  4. Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Central (Equatorial).

Mali - Bamako, Niger - Niamey, Nigeria - Abuja, Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro, Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou.

5. This type is characterized by the predominance of low-productivity, low-commodity agriculture, low development of the manufacturing industry, weak development of transport, underdevelopment of the non-productive sphere of activity (only trade and services).

6. Peanuts.

7. Low culture livestock farming, in addition large number Livestock are annually affected by sleeping sickness, carried by the tsetse fly.

8. Kenya. Nairobi.

9. This is a mining area copper ore and smelting of rough and refined copper. It is located on the territory of Zambia and Congo (Kinshasa), and has a length of approximately 500 km.

10. Organization of African Unity. Promoting the strengthening of the unity of African states, the struggle for their sovereignty.


  1. Which African country has the largest population?
  2. Which African state was the last to get rid of colonial rule?
  3. In the oases of the Sahara, a plant called the “queen of the desert” is grown. Its fruits are nutritionally equal to meat (up to 100 kg/year are harvested from one tree). Its wood fibers are used to weave ropes, cover huts with leaves, and use the wood in construction. What kind of plant is this?
  4. Africa is divided into 5 economic regions. Name 5 states of the Eastern region and their capitals.
  5. Briefly describe the colonial type of territorial economic structure characteristic of Africa.
  6. What kind of monoculture is typical for Ghana?
  7. What is the reason for the preference in Africa for lower-calorie, but faster-cooking food over higher-calorie, but slower-cooking food?
  8. In this East African country, forests cover 80% of its area. This is the highest figure in Africa. Name the country and its capital.

9. Which region of Africa is called the African Ruhr?

10. What is PAH? What are its tasks?


  1. Nigeria.
  2. Namibia. In 1990
  3. Date palm.
  4. Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Central (Equatorial).

Sudan - Khartoum, Ethiopia - Addis Ababa, Somalia - Mogadishu, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam, Zambia - Lusaka.

5. This type is characterized by the development within the territory of several places for the extraction of raw materials, the organization of its transport to the port for subsequent export. Most often, the port is the capital of the country.

7. An extremely tense situation with fuel resources, among which firewood plays a significant role.

8. Mozambique. Maputo.

9. This is the Witwatersrand - a large industrial region in South Africa with its center in Johannesburg. The mining industry, ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering are developed here.

10. League of Arab States. Strengthening economic and political cooperation between Arab states, incl. African.

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