The Russian missile defense system went off during the launch of the Tomahawks. Experts told where the missing Tomahawks went. Where did the 36 Tomahawks go?

According to official Pentagon data, two Orly Burke-class destroyers of the US Navy fired 59 missiles at targets in Syria. cruise missiles sea-based (SLCM) "Tactical Tomahawk" (36 - by the destroyer "Ross", 23 - by the destroyer "Porter"), of which 58 reached the target. According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, only 23 SLCMs reached their target - the Syrian Air Force Shayrat air base. 6 MiG-23 aircraft under repair and several airfield structures were destroyed; just a day later the base resumed operations. The US costs for this strike are approximately 30 times greater than the damage they inflicted on the Syrian Armed Forces. The latter, however, should not be surprising - Western armies have been fighting like this for a long time, hammering nails with microscopes. But the story with the number of Tomahawks launched and flown is very surprising. Moreover, 59 Tomahawks for one, and by no means the largest air base, is an abnormally large number.

One might not believe the data of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but they are fully confirmed by filming (including satellite) of Shayrat. Indeed, from 7 to 9 aircraft were destroyed (3 MiG-23 and 4-6 Su-22, all of them were hopelessly outdated 20 years ago), the destruction at the base does not even amount to 23 missiles, it seems more likely that there were about 15 of them. But we will still start from the number 23. Where did the other 36 go? The option that in the US Navy 60% of SLCMs (the main strike weapon of the fleet) are faulty can be immediately rejected as completely unrealistic.

One version is that they were not launched at all, White House and the Pentagon deliberately deceived humanity for the sake of demonstrating that same “coolness”; only “Porter” was actually shot. The weakness of this version is that in our time lies do not work well, since they are very quickly exposed thanks to total informatization. Almost all the world's media have already cited Russian data that only 23 SLCMs reached the target, asking the same question: where did the rest go? And here we cannot do without one more version - they were shot down.

When various “armchair experts” write that the blow to Shayrat demonstrated incapacity Russian air defense, this is either complete incompetence or propaganda. The S-400 and S-300B air defense systems stationed in Syria cover Khmeimim and Tartus. The SLCMs flying towards Shayrat passed too far from their positions, with a huge heading parameter and, most importantly, under the radio horizon and behind terrain folds. There was no way our air defense systems could hit them; such a task could not be assigned to them.

But this could well have been done by Su-35S and/or Su-30SM fighters. EPR (electronic paramagnetic resonance) "Tomahawk" is very small in the front hemisphere, but not in the upper hemisphere. Fighter radars can clearly see the missile against the background of land or water. In addition, at night, an engine flame becomes an additional unmasking feature of SLCMs in the infrared and visible ranges. The Americans themselves warned us about the missile launches; it was quite easy to determine their approximate trajectories. It is even easier to shoot down a detected Tomahawk, since it cannot provide any counteraction to the fighter. SLCMs can be destroyed by an air-to-air missile, from a cannon, and also “jammed” by electronic warfare.

It is likely that the Americans initially intended to limit themselves to 36 SLCMs from the Ross (obviously, they constituted the full Tomahawk ammunition load of this destroyer). It was them who were shot down by Russian fighters. This was observed from the destroyers “in live"on the screens of their own radars, but they did not dare to counteract in any way. After the Russian fighters, with a sense of accomplishment and with spent ammunition and fuel, went to the airfield, the Porter released its Tomahawk ammunition. Due to the lack of fighters, ours were no longer able to do anything about this, since they did not have time to refuel and attach new missiles, and there simply was no additional force.

If this version is correct, we can say that both sides demonstrated their capabilities to each other, and both sides have the right to consider that they did it successfully, “cooling off” the opponent. At the same time, Moscow, of course, will not report its success, even if we really shot down the Tomahawks. Indeed, in this case, in the United States they will begin to demand that Trump strike Russian forces, which will lead to uncontrolled escalation “up to.” Therefore, only diplomatic hysteria was staged in the public space. Well, for the Americans, for their part, it is better to remain silent.

One more circumstance should be noted. Just at the time of the American strike on Syria, Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with Trump at his estate in Florida. He did not condemn the actions of the United States in a word; the position of the PRC as a whole turned out to be neutral and conciliatory. At the same time, Xi Jinping and Trump stated that the visit was extremely successful and that Chinese-American relations have excellent prospects. As a result, against the backdrop of another sharp deterioration in Russian-American relations, Beijing seized the initiative in relations with Washington. IN once again he demonstrates to Washington his “moderation and accuracy” against the backdrop of Moscow’s “aggression”. As a result, Trump’s anti-Chinese position can very easily be transformed into an anti-Russian one. Unless, of course, the American president receives some other momentary impulse.

In the Western media, the controversy over the very low effectiveness of the American missile strike across Syria.

According to official Pentagon data, two Orly Burke-class destroyers of the US Navy fired 59 Tactical Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs) at targets in Syria (36 by the destroyer Ross, 23 by the destroyer Porter), of which 58 reached the target. According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, only 23 SLCMs reached their target - the Syrian Air Force Shayrat air base.

6 MiG-23 aircraft under repair and several airfield structures were destroyed; just a day later the base resumed operations. The US costs for this strike are approximately 30 times greater than the damage they inflicted on the Syrian Armed Forces.

The latter, however, should not be surprising - Western armies have been fighting like this for a long time, hammering nails with microscopes. But the story with the number of Tomahawks launched and flown is very surprising. Moreover, 59 Tomahawks for one, and by no means the largest air base, is an abnormally large number.

One might not believe the data of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but they are fully confirmed by filming (including satellite) of Shayrat. Indeed, from 7 to 9 aircraft were destroyed (3 MiG-23 and 4-6 Su-22, all of them were hopelessly outdated 20 years ago), the destruction at the base does not even amount to 23 missiles, it seems more likely that there were about 15 of them.

Our specialists arrived at the airbase just a few hours after the missile strike, and accurately counted the number of missiles that flew.

But we will still start from the number 23. Where did the other 36 go? The option that in the US Navy 60% of SLCMs (the main strike weapon of the fleet) are faulty can be immediately rejected as completely unrealistic.

One of the versions is that they were not launched at all, the White House and the Pentagon deliberately deceived humanity for the sake of demonstrating that very “coolness”, only “Porter” was actually shot. The weakness of this version is that in our time lies do not work well, since they are very quickly exposed thanks to total informatization. Almost all the world's media have already cited Russian data that only 23 SLCMs reached the target, asking the same question: where did the rest go? And here we cannot do without one more version - they were shot down.

When various “armchair experts” write that the strike on Shayrat demonstrated the incapacity of Russian air defense, this is either complete incompetence or propaganda. The S-400 and S-300B air defense systems stationed in Syria cover Khmeimim and Tartus. The SLCMs flying towards Shayrat passed too far from their positions, with a huge heading parameter and, most importantly, under the radio horizon and behind terrain folds. There was no way our air defense systems could hit them; such a task could not be assigned to them.

The modern American fleet has nearly 3,500 Tomahawks in its arsenal. These are mainly RGM/UGM-109E missiles of the Block 4 Tactical Tomahawk version. Today, fourth-generation Tomahawks are the main modification of the missile in service with the US Navy.

The missiles were launched from two URO destroyers located in the area south of Crete. These ships under the EuroPRO program are based on the Spanish naval base Rota and operate in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the 6th Fleet of the US Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. The distance to the Shayrat air base from the missile launch zone was about 1,200 kilometers, and almost the entire flight of the Tomahawks took place over the sea and only 75–80 kilometers over land.

Obviously, the most optimal flight route to the Shayrat airbase in Homs province, after all the Tomahawk missiles reached the coastline, could initially lie in the southern part of the Primorsky Lowland, which stretches in a narrow strip along the Syrian coast. Between the Coastal Lowland and the valley of the El Asi River there is the Ansaria (En-Nusairiya) mountain range, running parallel to the sea coast from the border with Turkey in the north and almost to the border with Lebanon in the south and has a width of about 65 kilometers and average height about 1200 meters.

Since the Tripoli-Khom intermountain passage is located between the southern end of the Ansaria ridge and the northern end of the Lebanon ridge, it is possible that it is through it that all American missiles, having previously flown in the area of ​​the 720th logistics point of the Russian Navy in Tartus, covered by the S-air defense system 300B4, could enter the airspace of Homs province, heading for the Shayrat airbase.

According to a video released by the US Navy, the Tomahawk missiles were launched by the destroyer Porter according to the program from both the bow and stern modules, which contained universal vertical launchers Mk 41. The missiles launched at intervals of 13–14 seconds and, after separating the starting solid fuel boosters at an altitude of 250–300 meters, moved on to the sustaining part of the trajectory over a water surface about 100 meters high.

Due to the lack of data on the synchronization of Tomahawk launches by two destroyers, it is difficult to talk about the formation of strike groups of cruise missiles in the air. But if both destroyers launched synchronously, then almost 30 pairs of Tomahawks simultaneously entered the flight path towards the Shayrat airbase, and the time interval from the lead to the final pair of attacking missiles was about seven minutes. If the destroyers launched sequentially, the time interval could be within 14 minutes. This is consistent with data from the Russian Ministry of Defense. On the day of the strike, the head of the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Military Department, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said that the missiles were launched between 3.42 and 3.56 Moscow time.

It is quite obvious that Russian air defense systems deployed on the Syrian coast could not detect Tomahawk launches off the island of Crete at a distance of 1,100 kilometers. Moreover, the effective scattering surface of this missile is about 0.1 square meter. But when the Tomahawks approached the Syrian coast in the area of ​​the Tripoli-Khom intermountain pass, from which Tartus is about 20 kilometers away, the radar equipment of the S-300V4 air defense system should have detected them and taken them under escort.

Never before have Russian crews been at any exercises or training grounds. modern means Air defense did not have the opportunity to observe a real massive attack of American Tomahawk cruise missiles, capture them for escort, determine flight parameters, and receive radar signatures of these air attack weapons.

Previously, such a target environment was the ultimate dream for the command of the Russian Aerospace Forces and could only be created in a virtual environment when simulating various combat scenarios. Moreover, the Tomahawk attack probably took place under the cover of EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft, patrolling at a distance from the Syrian coast, as well as other electronic warfare and electronic warfare systems used by the US armed forces.

The US Navy actually conducted a kind of short training course for Russian air defense, “Training to repel a massive attack of American cruise missiles by Russian air defense systems in a complex jamming environment.” The cost of this course to the US Navy was $89 million. The American media estimate 59 launched cruise missiles at this amount. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation did not spend a single cent on the invaluable training course.

If we take into account the fact that at the moment In Syria, all Russian components of the anti-access/area denial zone (A2/AD, anti-access/area denial zone) strategy support system have been deployed, and experience has been gained in tracking SLCM groups operating in a combat situation in real goals, may prove invaluable in further combat training of formation crews air defense, as well as during the modernization of radar detection, electronic warfare and anti-aircraft guided missiles.

Su-35S and/or Su-30SM fighters could well have shot down the tomahawks. The ESR (effective dispersion area) of the Tomahawk is very small in the front hemisphere, but not in the upper hemisphere. Fighter radars can clearly see the missile against the background of land or water. In addition, at night, an engine flame becomes an additional unmasking feature of SLCMs in the infrared and visible ranges. The Americans themselves warned us about the missile launches; it was quite easy to determine their approximate trajectories. It is even easier to shoot down a detected Tomahawk, since it cannot provide any counteraction to the fighter. SLCMs can be destroyed by an air-to-air missile, from a cannon, and also “jammed” by electronic warfare.

It is likely that the Americans initially intended to limit themselves to 36 SLCMs from the Ross (obviously, they constituted the full Tomahawk ammunition load of this destroyer). It was them who were shot down by Russian fighters. The destroyers observed this “live” on the screens of their own radars, but did not dare to counteract it in any way. After the Russian fighters, with a sense of accomplishment and with spent ammunition and fuel, went to the airfield, the Porter released its Tomahawk ammunition. Due to the lack of fighters, ours were no longer able to do anything about this, since they did not have time to refuel and attach new missiles, and there simply was no additional force.

If this version is correct, we can say that both sides demonstrated their capabilities to each other, and both sides have the right to consider that they did it successfully, “cooling off” the opponent. At the same time, Moscow, of course, will not report its success, even if we really shot down the Tomahawks.

Indeed, in this case, the United States will begin to demand that Trump strike Russian forces, which will lead to an uncontrollable escalation “right up to.” Therefore, only diplomatic hysteria was staged in the public space. Well, for the Americans, for their part, it is better to remain silent.

P.S. All the talk about the US disposing of old missiles should be forgotten. The surviving wreckage clearly shows the dates of issue.

In the screenshot - Cartridge Starter (starting cartridge) with a release date of 2015.

Considering that the flight reliability of the RGM-109 tomahawks of the latest D/E modifications is quite high and approaches 1, exactly like the “Caliber”, the reason for their loss in the amount of 64% can only lie in the physical impact on their guidance system, or in direct destruction by air defense means.

A serious and controversial struggle has unfolded today between the Pentagon and the Min. Defense Russian Federation on the topic of how many American missiles reached the Syrian military base - Shayrat airfield and what real damage they caused.

According to the briefing of the Min. Russian Defense and Igor Konashenkov’s statements, the Russian side observed only 23 hits by American cruise missiles on the Shayrat military airfield. Moreover, Konashenkov emphasized that this information came to the Russians through the means of OBJECTIVE CONTROL. And, here, “the place where the remaining 36 missiles fell is unknown” - this is also a quote from Konashenkov. Don’t you think it’s strange that the means of Russian objective control clearly indicated the number of missiles, but lost as many as 36 somewhere along the way. Moreover, they lost so much that Konashenkov did not even name approximately the area of ​​their fall.

In this light, the American fleet, together with Petagon, looked “slightly” stupid. Moreover, for the whole world. After all, such a massive strike, which was very expensive for American taxpayers, caused relatively little damage to the infrastructure of the Syrian military airbase, from which Syrian planes defiantly took off again a day later.

This stupidity, naturally, was noted by the US military allies. After all, such a huge number of expensive Tomahawk cruise missiles that did not reach their target can only be explained by their low effectiveness in real combat conditions. And this stupidity will come back to haunt the Americans at future arms exhibitions with lost contracts.

In this regard, many people are asking a legitimate question: what were the Russian and Syrian S300 and S400 doing? How did they miss this barrage of missiles? After all, this is precisely why they were brought there - as air defense systems. Moreover, the Americans warned the Russian coordination headquarters of the military operation in Syria about their attack in advance and the Russians should have, at a minimum, warned their allies. Official responses to this question quite a few and all of them are unconvincing. The first version says that the American missiles themselves fell in the mountains of Lebanon, and the rest flew unhindered to Shayrat. The second says that Russian air defenses only protect the locations of Russian forces in Syria and therefore saw everything, but did not react at all, so that this interception would not become a direct armed clash between Russia and the United States in Syria. Agree, this is also a very unconvincing version. After all, who needs such military allies who only defend themselves? Today Russia cannot afford such a “loss of face” at all, since this would greatly reduce its value as a military ally for the same China and Iran.

The Pentagon has already announced that all of its missiles reached their target in Syria, except for one, which was defective and actually fell on the way. But with such a statement, the stupidity of the American military leadership increases even more. After all, the craters can be read, and the means of Russian control over flights in this zone are OBJECTIVE.

In this regard, the version of the respected comrade Sergei Zinchenko is interesting, which seems to reveal the secret of the failed American tomahawks. In details, something may not coincide there (in terms of the number of “fallen” without direct impact). But according to this version, the overall picture looks much more convincing than the “total marriage of American cruise missiles.” The Russian headquarters, of course, should not admit the downing, so as not to escalate the situation and allow the Americans to save face. Otherwise, they would have to accuse Russia of military aggression with all that it entails. And now the pendos can only prove with offense that all their missiles (would have) reached the target, but...

Automatic translation

4:25 pm

The US military says that 58 of the 59 missiles and the targets they hit struck at the Syrian air base.

The US official says the initial assessment suggests one missile malfunction. The official claims that the missiles hit several aircraft and hardened hangars and destroyed fuel.

The official says information continues to flow from the impact site.

The official was not authorized to discuss the initial reports and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Lolita at Baldor in Washington DC


After the attack with rusty axes, all the analysts began to shout with each other that ours could not bring down this junk. On the day when there was an attack by these antediluvian missiles, I remember a report on Business FM radio, where two analysts, one after another, told what a super modern weapon it was and that it could not help but hit. They say it’s all our General Staff lying and we need to listen to the Americans. I have long known from many of our media that the phrase “our General Staff” is not the General Staff of the Russian Federation, but still, I’ll try to write an article in 15 sitting in the kitchen, getting ready for work.

I am not an analyst or a blogger, I just used Yandex. Therefore, two pictures.

First, from the serious publication RBC according to Almaz Antey.

And it’s true, what bunnies, what 36 missiles shot down by our best air defense system, it doesn’t cover anything at all. What a pathetic 60km.

Now the second picture, just to understand the radii (I don’t want to draw with a compass myself)

We watch our hands)). Let's pay attention to the red circle S400 250km and where Damascus is located.

Now let's look at the characteristics of the C400.

Types of targets hit:

  • aircraft strategic aviation type B-1B, FB-111, B-52;
  • specialized electronic warfare aircraft such as EF-111A, EA-6;
  • reconnaissance aircraft type TR-1;
  • early warning aircraft types E-3A, E-2C;
  • tactical aircraft such as F-15, F-16, F-22;
  • aircraft, manufactured using Stealth technology type B-2, F-117A;
  • strategic cruise missiles of the Tomahawk type, ALKM;
  • aero ballistic missiles type SREM, ASALM;
  • ballistic missiles medium range;
  • operational-tactical ballistic missiles.

Would you like to tell me where in the top picture there is a (c) RBC range of 60 km?

Yes, this is also a characteristic of the C400

Only the rusty antediluvian piece of iron Tomgahk (adopted into service in 1983, developed since the early 1970s, no longer produced) is not a ballistic target, it is an ordinary aerodynamic target that is easily shot down by the S400.

Let's remember the chronology of this missile attack with this junk?

At first, information began to pour in that there had been a salvo of 59 rusty pieces of iron. And the attacks began, “ahhh everything is gone,” “ahhhh Putn leaked Syria,” “ahhhh the S400/S300 is crap, nothing will help,” “ahhhh it’s expensive to shoot down this junk S400, Putin won’t do it,” “ahhhh the whole airfield is in ruins.” , “ahhh Putin didn’t warn anyone, everything is gone, Syria is being drained especially today,” etc.

Then it turns out that 36 missiles did not reach, what do we hear? “There is no confirmation from the General Staff of the Russian Federation that they were shot down, which means AAAA everything is gone, everyone is lying, etc., see above.”

Now let's turn on the logic:

1. We were warned about this attack (the S400 deployment time is 3 minutes, but it’s actually deployed)

2. The S400, with its radius and height, captures these targets with a reserve.

3. The number of targets we simultaneously fire is 36.

4. 36 pieces did not arrive.

5. Why does the General Staff of the Russian Federation say that we shot down these 36 pieces of expensive rusty blanks? (They fell on their own and we have nothing to do with it)

6. Will they still release these rusty rockets if there is a possibility for a bunch of bucks to simply fall before they reach them?

7. What will happen to the US Navy officers whose missiles have failed to reach more than half? (The Russians say they were not shot down)

For those who still doubt the reliability of our weapons. I propose to solve the problem.

How much maximum rusty junk can the S400 destroy if there is a recharge. Take the reload time from their technical characteristics, and calculate the time it takes to find the rusty axes yourself based on the speed of the target and the radius of destruction of the S400.

For the especially stubborn, the following problem.

How much maximum rusty iron can the entire Russian grouping currently located in the Mediterranean Sea and on Syrian territory be able to shoot down? (Well, there are also Shells there, if anything, and a couple of frigates are on the way)

Well, and most importantly, no matter how much junk falls, it will all fall due to old age, because “it’s expensive to waste modern high-precision ammunition on this junk,” and it falls on its own

I’ll add a comment from a comrade from the discussion:

Comrades SibVat, comrade. Sukh, Kir23... are certainly right, but I will allow myself...:

We had less than 2 hours notice, but “we” knew.

PZ - 1 hour of flight on a direct course through the Lebanese “North Gate”, on Wed. height 50 m.

GOAL (actual) - destruction of AB Shayrat (AA squadron at group parking - 800x200 km 2 - importance coefficient (Kv) 4.37. missile defense battery - 800x300 km 2 - Kv. -3.44..., take-off, hangars, power supply warehouses and fuels and lubricants...).

BARLOS - sequential launch from the destroyers USS Porter and Ross 03:42 - 03:56 Moscow time by 62 strategic SLCMs RGM/UGM-109C/D Block III Tomahawk (with cluster, high-explosive and penetrating warheads) Claimed range: 1850 km, actual, in normal equipment - up to 1600, but because P800 "Onyx" (i.e. 800 km), then they were forced to launch from Crete - 900 km.

59 units left from the ship launchers. To Air Base Shayrat (2 baht 136 air defense brigade of the Armed Forces of the SAR)

23 reached the ground.

Before AVB Shayrat - 16, at least 3 did not explode, somewhat lost their target - the work of electronic warfare.


The task was not completed: the so-called. the combat effectiveness of the super-high-precision hypermassive rocket "strike" of the SLCM of the US Armed Forces is negligible (10% of the SLCM exploded in the perimeter of the air base and caused damage... negligible-minimal: 6 damaged decommissioned MiGs do not count, and the rest of the equipment, etc., was evacuated, The GDP and warehouses are intact - a couple of shelters, a couple of holes in the second GDP, the cleaning was carried out and flights were carried out again). Add to this a 5-fold overexpenditure of the CR (for temporary disabling of the AVB, 10 - 15 CR are necessary and sufficient). And after the site’s air defense is completed, the effectiveness will be ZERO.

2% of the US Armed Forces' CR was spent (wasted) on the fire show. Keep it up! - rocks North Korea They can’t wait for a reason to occupy their native southern land within 24 hours.

The COMBAT POWER of a grouping of weapons is characterized exclusively by the realized part of its combat capabilities, and in this case it is INSIBLE

BATTLE EFFECTIVENESS of a massive missile strike (MSA) with strategic “high-precision” SLCMs of the US anti-aircraft missile system against Russian air defense in the SAR tends to zero zero

The STRATEGIC GOAL of the USA/Israel and the mongrels (dominance in the air with all that follows) IS UNATTAINABLE.

Well, I’ll add on my own behalf:

Even if I don’t understand something and ours didn’t shoot down anything.

Quite weighty arguments speak about this:

1. Traces from the launch of 36 or more missiles in the night sky would be visible far away, and someone would post such a fire show online.

2. Taking into account the radio horizon, the range is still the same as in the RBC article.

There are other options for where the 36 missiles could have gone:

1 - they fell - then it’s generally rubbish.

2 - electronic warfare equipment helped them fall

3 - they were shot down by aircraft, but not Syrian ones, because at night it seems like only ours fly.

The US missile attack on Syria once again demonstrated the role the world's leading power assigns to the UN. Namely, none, since it was decided to bomb before the UN conducted an independent investigation to identify those responsible for the use chemical weapons, says a statement from members of the Italian Parliament.

What happened and why peacemaker Donald Trump who, quite recently, argued that the United States should no longer participate in external military conflicts, but should deal with its own economy, suddenly changed his mind? Who framed the president?

Remember what kind of persecution the American media, together with the intelligence services, recently staged against the American president, accusing him of almost colluding with Moscow and winning the elections only thanks to hacker attacks Russia. No direct evidence was provided, it was only reported that they were received from secret intelligence sources and to open them would mean exposing one’s station in Russia. Apparently, in this case, too, secret intelligence channels had a decisive influence on the actions of Donald Trump.

The confrontation between the great powers consists not only in the economic and military spheres, but also in carrying out various open actions to discredit the enemy, covert secret operations, and even spreading all kinds of disinformation.

It is clear that Russia is currently significantly inferior to the United States in the number of conventional non-contact weapons, among which cruise missiles are a particularly important component. It was the massive use of cruise missiles in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Libya at the initial stage of hostilities that allowed the United States to disable the bulk of the enemy’s air defense and command and control structures, which made it possible to gain a clear advantage and prevent the enemy from inflicting significant damage on NATO troops.

What happened in Syria on the night of April 6? Scattered information in the media and from various insiders on the network allows us to confirm the following facts:

1) In the Syrian city of Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib province, contamination of the area with chlorine was recorded, which caused the poisoning of more than 100 local residents. According to the opposition and the West, the Syrian Air Force attacked the city using bombs or missiles filled chemicals. According to the Syrian government, the Air Force bombed a plant where chemical weapons were produced.

2) The Syrian Air Force took off from Shayrat airfield.

3) C American destroyers 59 cruise missiles were launched, only 23 reached the target without destroying the runway. Within a day, the Syrian Air Force resumed flights and launched strikes from this airfield against the opposition and terrorists.

4) The American command warned Russia about an attack on the airfield.

5) Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems did not interfere with the American strike.

However, why did the American president suddenly change his point of view and strike at Syria without even coordinating it with Congress and his allies? Who framed the president? Why was the accuracy of cruise missile strikes so low? (Remember Iraq, Yugoslavia and Libya, where hundreds of launches of such missiles were carried out against enemy targets and in 90-95% of cases they reached their targets, but here only some 38%). What happened? American missiles Have they gone rotten in warehouses for several years, or did someone interfere with them?

Let me imagine a scenario that, in my opinion, is quite realistic:

1) After an air strike on a plant in Khan Sheikhoun and the spread of chemicals in its vicinity, the opposition launched a “duck” about chemical attack Syrian Air Force on the city. Western media picked up this news, as it completely coincides with their opinion about Assad. Although, based on ordinary logic, why would Assad incur the wrath of the world community if things are going wrong for him at the front? recent months and so they develop successfully.

2) The United States verified the information through its intelligence channels. Russia also checked the information, and at the same time figured out American channels for obtaining information (after all, one of their own leaked data to the CIA and NSA about Russia’s indirect participation in the American elections). Therefore, it is very likely that there was disinformation about the presence of chemical weapons in Shayrat. In this case, it becomes clear why the Americans were in such a hurry to strike. If there really were weapons there, then there would have been a significant contamination of the area with chemicals after the missile strike, and then Assad and her allies supporting her would have been unable to escape the crime against humanity. However, as we know, nothing of the kind happened and no chemical weapons were found in Shayrat.

3) Where did the 36 tomahawks fly off to and why weren’t they shot down by the S-300 and S-400 systems? Firstly, shooting down cruise missiles in this way is very expensive and would not guarantee 100% success, since such low-flying objects in rough terrain are very difficult to shoot down. Secondly, the Americans could obtain information about the effectiveness of Russian complexes and use it for further campaign against Russia. If suddenly all the missiles could be shot down, the United States could declare that Russia is trying to hide the crime in Shayrat and is thus itself an accomplice to the crime, the site reports. If some of the missiles had reached the airfield, the US military would have received data on the effectiveness of our missile defense and would have launched a campaign that the vaunted Russian S-400s could not hold back the attack of American cruise missiles.

4) However, according to some insiders, it was Russia that started this counter-provocation. In their opinion, several goals were pursued. Firstly, to show Donald Trump the worthlessness of those secret US intelligence channels that were used against him to prove his connection with Moscow. Secondly, the leak made it possible to identify part of the American station in Russia, where important data was leaked. Thirdly, The United States will now need to find real evidence of a chemical attack by Assad, and not talk in vain. If evidence is not found, the United States will look in a rather negative light, once again coming out with false information. Fourth, another step was recorded on the part of the United States, when the leading world power does not take into account either the UN or global rules. Without presenting serious evidence, but only citing secret information, he behaves like an aggressor and a world gendarme. Fifthly, it is very likely that Russia decided to test some new and inexpensive weapon, with which it was able to either destroy or throw off course the majority of American cruise missiles. At the same time, the weapon remained undisclosed, otherwise the Americans would have staged a serious showdown. But to believe that high-precision American weapons suddenly it suffered a serious malfunction, very, very difficult. The most formidable weapon USA - her "rocket sword" turned out to be not very effective in confrontation with a more serious opponent.