How to sit at the computer - simple rules. "computer" pain

According to doctors, up to 80% of children and adolescents have problems with posture. And computers play an important role in this. Although it would be more correct to say: not the computers themselves, but the motionless pastime in front of them.

Any fixed position for a long time leads to stagnation of blood in the organs and numbness of the muscles. Muscles from immobility get no less tired than from intense work and cease to perform a supporting function. As a result, the load on the spine increases and the child becomes crooked. This is how osteochondrosis and scoliosis, herniated intervertebral discs of the lumbar and cervical spine and carpal tunnel syndrome develop.

Let's arrange the place

To avoid these troubles, check whether the computer space for the student is properly equipped.

  • Computer table should be wide enough to provide enough space for the monitor, notebooks with textbooks, and elbows. If the table is small or also serves as a desk, the elbows will constantly hang down, and the wrists will rest against the table and thus support the back. They won’t be able to stand it for long, and the back will gradually begin to bend.
  • Computer chair often relegated to a secondary role, believing that an ordinary chair will do just fine instead. This is fundamentally wrong. Special computer chairs have an anatomical shape and follow all the curves of the back. Seat hardness should be medium. The chair should be adjustable in height and degree of inclination, and have wide armrests.
  • Monitor should be approximately 50 cm from the eyes. The larger the monitor, the greater the distance should be. However, if the monitor is placed too far away, the student will have to crane their neck forward. As a result, the load on the muscles at the base of the head and neck will increase, the vessels of the neck will be compressed, and the blood supply to the head will deteriorate. Chronic muscle tension can cause headaches and arm pain as the nerves that originate from the spinal cord in the neck extend to the fingertips.

Laptop or computer?

From the point of view of healthy posture, laptops, tablets, and iPads are the most unhealthy devices. When working behind them, absolutely all the rules are violated: the arms are suspended, the legs are tucked, and the back is twisted. If your teenager has a laptop, agree that he will work on it at his stationary place.

We're sitting well!

Sitting down at the computer, mentally draw a line behind your back: the back of your head, shoulder blades and tailbone should be on the same straight line. The shoulders are slightly relaxed - there is no need to “swallow a yard.”

Hands it must be bent at a right angle and placed on the keyboard, with two-thirds of the forearms (the part of the arm from the wrist to the elbow) lying on the table.

Armrests Adjust the chairs so that they do not interfere with work and leave your shoulders relaxed.

Sit You don’t need to sit on the edge of the chair, but occupy almost the entire seat. The feet are completely on the floor. If a child sits with his legs crossed or one under the other, the load is redistributed and the vertebrae gradually shift.

Correct posture is not easy. Out of habit, my back, neck, and shoulders ache. This is natural - after all, the muscles are not yet accustomed to this position. Over time, the discomfort will pass.

Every half hour you need to look away from the computer to do simple back exercises that will help relieve tension from stiff muscles.

Practice them with your child.

  1. Starting position - standing. Place your hands on your waist and slowly bend back. Return to the starting position.
  2. I. p. - standing or sitting. Turns the head: first in one direction, then in the other.
  3. I. p. - the same. Head tilts: forward and backward. When bending forward, try to touch your chin to your chest. Then bend obliquely - to the left shoulder - to the right shoulder. Stretch harder to feel the neck muscles on the opposite side tighten.
  4. I. p. - standing. Clasp your hands behind your back and stretch.
  5. I. p. - sitting or standing. Extend your hands clasped in front of you and stretch, arching your back and drawing in your stomach. Then, without releasing the lock, raise your arms up and stretch, moving them back slightly.

Correct posture is determined not only by the condition of the spine and the tone of the skeletal muscles of the back. Its formation is also influenced by the correct gait, the characteristics of sitting on a chair, the organization of the bed and a number of other factors.

Nature created man in such a way as to provide him with comfortable conditions for living in the forest. However, nowadays most people live in cities. In such conditions, the body is constantly exposed to stress.

U modern man there is no opportunity to do gymnastics or run fast every day. Because of this muscular system doesn't get enough energy. Over the years, it atrophies, which leads to curvature of the back and pathological changes in the spinal column. Turns out, physical activity very important for correct formation spine. Its absence is detrimental to health.

Unfortunately, natural features human anatomical structure still dominates social aspects. Skeletal muscles continue to “fear” an external threat and are always “ready to urgently fight or run away.”

Why is the back curved?

In the technological era, people spend more time at a desk or computer. He is constantly developing intellectually, and modern technology increases the comfort of the learning process. Unfortunately, it does not at all promote physical health.

What do long periods of studying at the computer and desk lead to:

  • Formation of a habitual non-physiological posture of the back;
  • Asynchronous tone of the muscle corset;
  • Accumulation of mental energy;
  • Negative emotional state;
  • Muscle “clamps”.

Over time, the above features merge into a single pathological system, against the background of which not only curvature of the back is observed, but also neurological disorders. The vicious pathological circle increases over the years, leading to new disorders, and getting rid of it becomes more and more difficult.

When sitting at a desk or computer for a long time, muscle tension forms. There are 2 main ways to eliminate them:

  • Physical;
  • Regulatory.

Neurologists can prescribe tranquilizers for relaxation, but they do not solve the problem. Against the background of mental sedation with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, muscle spasms are not eliminated.

Relaxation using the Nishi method after prolonged sitting or standing allows you to eliminate negative emotions, Bad mood and chronic fatigue. With its help you can cure what denies official medicine– pathological accumulations of energy in the back and abdomen (they are seen by psychics and people with the 6th sense).

How correct posture is formed using the Nisha method:

  • Empty your bladder before the procedure;
  • Wear loose clothing;
  • Remove metal objects and jewelry;
  • Wear thin cotton socks;
  • Close the door and make the room quiet;
  • Take a comfortable sitting position and close your eyes completely for 40 minutes;
  • Try not to think about anything;
  • Normalize your breathing. It should be smooth and deep;
  • Don't move and hold the position for 5-10 minutes. Increase its duration gradually until you can relax for 40 minutes;
  • It is very important that your mind remains active during the relaxation process.

Relaxation according to Nishi must be performed daily in the evenings in order to eliminate all the pathological “clamps” that have accumulated in the body during the day.

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How to sit physiologically correctly

Correct posture is the symmetrical arrangement of all organs. To maintain it, you must first subconsciously develop the “correct posture reflex.” To do this:

  • Stand with your back to the wall. Make sure that the back of your head, shoulder girdle, buttocks and heels fit snugly against the wall. The stomach must be pulled inward, which will reduce the distance between it and the vertical plane;
  • Repeat the exercise daily and the body will independently learn to choose the optimal position when standing for long periods of time.

Sitting at a computer or desk should also be done correctly. It is very important to form a reflex in early age in children to ensure harmonious development anatomical structures in the process of growth.

How to sit optimally:

  1. Choose the height of the chair according to the length of your lower leg. His seat should be firm;
  2. The buttocks should occupy at least 2/3 of the stool;
  3. The seat back should optimally correspond to the curvature of the spine;
  4. Lean your back against the back of the chair so that the spinal column fits snugly along its entire length;
  5. Make sure that your shoulder blades are retracted, your shoulders are at the same level, and your stomach is relaxed;
  6. Do not place one leg on top of the other, as this will disrupt the blood supply to the lower extremities;
  7. Make movements smoothly so that the spinal column does not hit the back of the chair;
  8. Take a position so that your body weight rests on your hips and your head is directed forward and upward;
  9. Do not rush to change your position if you feel that sitting is uncomfortable. Let your muscles get used to the correct posture. Some of them will gradually relax, which will form the habit of the posture, but this will not happen immediately.

It is important to sit with your back straight, even if it is uncomfortable. Only in this position is the spinal axis in a physiological state that ensures maximum blood supply and nutrient supply.

You should sit down and get up from a chair softly and smoothly. This is the only way to prevent injury to muscle-ligamentous structures. With sudden movements, microcracks appear in the intervertebral discs, which over time will lead to ruptures of their fibrous ring and the formation of a hernia.

When sitting at a desk, one should not forget about the need to place the lighting to the right of the person. In this situation, the light will not be blocked by hand movements when writing or working at the computer, which will prevent you from automatically bending your back to see the object more clearly.

  1. Correct posture requires daily monitoring of body position;
  2. To relieve muscle tension that has accumulated during the day, you should relax. Yoga techniques or Nishi relaxation are perfect for these purposes;
  3. Before you learn to stand or sit on a chair correctly, you should subconsciously;

When working at a computer or desk, you should monitor your body position and constantly prevent its deformation.

Correct posture is formed during childhood and adolescence.
Every person wants to become more beautiful and healthier.
But beauty and health are influenced by straight posture and spine.
Many diseases and discomfort occur due to curvature or incorrect position of the spine.

Correct posture and incorrect

Posture is the ability to hold your own body in different positions.

The human body holds the torso and head casually and easily.

Those with good posture have uniform curves of the spine (in the shape of an English S), and the shoulder girdles, shoulder blades, and pelvic bones are level.

People who do not know how to hold their body correctly walk on bent legs, sticking out their stomachs, with drooping shoulders and heads. The person looks ugly, and his health deteriorates.

Poor posture can cause muscle tension and contribute to:

  • reduction in lung size;
  • increased fatigue;
  • reduced oxygen supply to the brain;
  • pain in the head and muscles;
  • decreased speed of thinking and reaction;
  • accelerated aging of skin and muscles;
  • back pain;
  • drowsiness.

This is also the cause of the development of depression and fear.

Spinal problems occur in children school age. These are children who suffered from serious illnesses and chronic diseases.

When a person is still in the womb, his spine looks like a uniform arc. Posture begins to develop in the first days when he leaves the womb, his spine straightens.

Violations occur due to - health problems and physical development, environment, malnutrition.

If a child’s diet does not include food with a sufficient amount of vitamins, this will affect the formation of the skeleton and muscles.

Signs of correct posture

What are the signs of correct posture?

  • tripping;
  • freely, without straining, a person holds his head and body straight;
  • toned stomach;
  • breast protrudes;
  • shoulders at the same level, lowered and laid back;
  • legs straightened at the knees.

Is it possible to shape and control it?

Already in the first months of life, you need to engage in the formation of healthy posture. To avoid deformation and irregular shape spine, keep it vertical.

For a year from the moment of birth, massage the child for fifteen minutes. It is worth massaging the joints, bones and spine.

It is worth choosing shoes for your child high quality and the right size. We must not forget about the comfort of shoes. Also, the child should use the entire foot when walking, not just the toes.

You should choose a mattress for a child of medium hardness. Children should keep their backs at the table.

Staying in the same body position for a long time is harmful to a developing organism.

If a schoolchild wears a backpack on one shoulder, then he risks getting a spinal deformity. You need to make sure that the briefcase is kept level.

Useful video on the topic

Maintaining good posture when working at the computer

To prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system, you should take the equipment of your workplace seriously.

To work with a computer, you need a chair that supports the desired posture and change it so that the load on the muscles of the neck and back is reduced. The chair should have armrests and an adjustable angle of the seat and backrest. All adjustments are easy to use and the position of the chair is fixed.

  • the head should be at screen level;
  • place the screen at arm's length;
  • tilt your neck back and relax;
  • shoulders down;
  • feet should be on the floor;
  • your back should rest on the back of the chair;
  • elbows relaxed;
  • table, selected according to height;
  • get up to warm up and change body position.

To work safely with a computer, pay attention to your body position while working. The head is positioned exactly relative to the shoulders. If a person hunches over, the load on the spine increases.

When looking at the monitor, do not crane your neck. This mainly happens because the screen is far away from your face.

Exercises for grace

It is necessary to maintain uniform development of all muscle groups of the body.

Stretching exercises:

  1. Sit cross-legged, locking your hands. Raise your arms as far as possible, palms up, and stretch. Lowering your hands, exhale.
  2. Sit on your knees, take your hands behind your back and fold them into a lock. Raise your arms and tighten your abdominal muscles. Inhale and do not move. Exhaling, lower your head to your chest.

Repeat ten times.

The information presented is not intended for self-medication. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or applicable to you. Contact medical specialists!

Modern life without a computer is almost impossible: people communicate through the Internet, find out news, and search for necessary information for work. Unfortunately, the World Wide Web brings more than just benefits to humanity. While enthusiastically scrolling through various sites, the PC user forgets about his mortal body, chained for a long time in a static position.

Subsequently, the poor fellow has to pay for this forgetfulness - first with pain in the lower back, back and neck due to the constant load on the same muscles, then with dangerous chronic ailments (for example, osteochondrosis or scoliosis)

Treat yourself with care. Try to develop the habit of sitting in front of a monitor without harming your posture.

Correct posture at the computer

You need to sit with your legs and arms bent at right angles. You cannot cross one leg over the other or bend your feet under you. The shoulder girdles should be placed at the same level.

It is not necessary (and physically impossible) to constantly keep your back tense and straight. Sometimes it is acceptable to lean back or lean slightly to the side. But - when bending over, you need to support your head with your hand and alternate emphasis on left hand with emphasis on the right hand.

Remember to take breaks. Get up after half an hour to an hour to stretch. Too lazy to do full-fledged gymnastics? Just stretch like a cat, wave your arms and legs, walk around the room or lie down.

In order to get used to sitting upright most of the time, you can use a large rubber ball. Sitting on the ball, you will involuntarily straighten your back.

By replacing the chair with a ball every day for at least forty minutes, you will quickly learn to regulate your posture.

In Germany, this technique has long been successfully used in white-collar offices.

Arrangement of the workplace

The main principle of arranging a computer corner is ergonomics. All elements that ensure comfortable use of a PC should facilitate the adoption of natural poses.

Let's sort it out in order. What can be improved?

First, buy quality chair with adjustable lift and backrest that follows the natural curves of the spine. It would be good if the chair is equipped with armrests.

Don't be tempted by overly soft seats and backs - they make fatigue accumulate faster.

Secondly, you need to purchase a special computer desk sufficient height. The monitor must be at eye level so that you do not have to lean down every now and then. A special retractable plane should be provided for the keyboard, located significantly below the table top.

You understand that the mentioned requirement excludes the possibility of constantly using a laptop that combines both a screen and a keyboard. A laptop is a gadget for short-term, rare use. Working behind it every day is dangerous for your posture.

Consider the little things too. It is very useful to give preference to a keyboard whose buttons are located not strictly in straight lines, but in an arc. It wouldn't hurt to purchase a mouse pad with a soft wrist pad.

Finding perfect posture is not easy. Often, immersed in work, we sit for a long time in one position and slouch. Meanwhile, incorrect body position causes pain in the back, neck, heart, chronic migraines, and if the posture is not corrected in time, serious problems with health.

We spend most of our time sitting, so a computer chair should be as comfortable as possible, with a good, stable back and armrests. When sitting in an office chair, do not lean back, move closer to the table. It is important that your elbows are on the table and your arms are bent at right angles. The head and neck should be on the same line. Make sure that your feet are on the floor, only then will your thighs be parallel to the floor, which means that the load on your back will not be so significant.

When working at a computer, we often do not feel the passage of time. To maintain a healthy back, you need to get up from your workplace at least once every two hours, and preferably every 60 minutes. Take short breaks to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. On the way to the office cooler, you can stretch and stretch. There is evidence that such short exercises will help you maintain a good figure better than fitness after 12 hours of immobility.

Clasp your hands behind your back, raise them as high as possible, bringing your shoulder blades together, hold in this position for a few seconds.

Bring your shoulder blades together, place your hands on the armrests of the chair or lower them along your body, tighten your abdominal and back muscles, carefully tilt your head back, freeze for 20-30 seconds.

Get up from the table, pull your stomach in slightly, bring your heels together, toes apart, keeping your leg muscles tense. Slowly rise up onto your toes, stretch your arms up and hold your breath. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times.

In a sitting position, raise your shoulders up, move them forward and back. It is best to do 10-15 repetitions.

At first, working on your posture is difficult because during routine work it is easy to forget about your back and take your usual position. The problem can be solved, for example, by orthopedic correctors, which mechanically prevent stooping and help maintain the correct posture. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a specialized salon. They really help, but sometimes they are not very convenient in the office, because in the first weeks they are worn for several hours a day, and in an open space there is not always the opportunity to retire and take off the corset.

Self-control plays an important role in maintaining correct posture. Motivational note: “Stand up and smile!” will not allow you to forget about correct posture and will lift your spirits. To help your back, you can turn to USB devices - small gadgets. They are synchronized with a tablet or phone and, using special sensors, monitor body posture and eye position. You just have to bend over and get close to the monitor and a signal will sound. Willy-nilly you will have to straighten up. Finally, one of the simplest ways is to set an alert on your computer or an alarm on your phone. Choose what is more convenient for you.

In fact, it's not just when we're sitting at a computer that our backs suffer, so it's important to give some advice about another risk area - heavy lifting. Whether it’s a workout in the gym you popped into after office, or household appliances, which you, and not the loader, will have to lift to the floor, remember a few simple rules.

Firstly, when bending, it is important to bend your knees, not your back at the lower back. Secondly, the thigh muscles should be involved in the lifting. Third, when carrying a load, keep it close to your chest. Carry grocery bags from the supermarket so that the weight is distributed evenly on both hands. By the way, an important detail: put off talking on your mobile phone until you get home - holding the phone between your ear and shoulder is not best idea if you want to avoid neck pain.

To give your spine a rest after a working day, choose a hard mattress and an elastic pillow (not down), they will help you get a good night's sleep.