Acorn Girl. Roma acorn spotted with a new girl

Childhood and family

Roman Olegovich Kerimov, aka Roma Acorn, was born in February 1996 in Moscow. The boy was raised by his mother, Oksana Kerimova. All that is known about the boy’s father is that his name is Oleg, and by profession he is a designer. Oleg currently lives in America, but maintains a relationship with his son. There is another version floating around the World Wide Web: his real name is Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov. As evidence, the fact is cited that a participant with the same name and surname was present at a meeting between President Medvedev and young people. Roman himself denies this rumor.

Roma received the most ordinary education. Since childhood, I have been interested in music, but never studied it professionally. One day, while having fun, fourteen-year-old Roma made a video and posted it on YouTube. Imagine the teenager’s surprise when the video was viewed by a huge number of people. The audience's reaction was mixed: the video caused a storm of emotions. Most active users Internet networks left their comments. Some people liked his work, while others, on the contrary, were irritated. But no one remained indifferent.

According to the young man himself, until the age of 14 he practically did not live at all. Generally accepted prohibitions and taboos, according to Kerimov, forced him to eke out a miserable existence. And only after becoming Roma Acorn did he begin normal life. At the age of fifteen, Roma Acorn was on the VKontakte page of almost every schoolchild. The number of views of these videos has exceeded 10 million. Journalists nicknamed him the Russian Justin Bieber.

Feeling that his opinion and views are interesting to many, Roman plucks up courage and starts a frank conversation with his mother, asking him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Mom couldn’t find anything to object to and didn’t argue with her son. And how can you argue here when a young man’s monthly fee averages $1,000. All Acorn videos are filmed in web show format. And the more acute the topic, the more scandalous piquancy it contains, the more viewers, and, consequently, the higher the fee. In one of the videos, Roman himself calls himself the Contact Star. It's no secret that Roman's success lies not only in his talent. Acorn got many fans thanks to his appearance. However, among the “squirrels” (as Roman calls his fans), there are not only girls, but also boys.

Achievements of Roma Acorn: YouTube records

The number of views on the YouTube channel was over 37,000,000. The number of subscribers on Roman Zhelud’s VKontakte and Twitter pages is about 700,000 people. His interviews were published in such popular magazines as OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler, StarHit. In 2012, Roman released his first songs “Like” and “I am not a toy for you.” In 2013, three more new singles by Roman Zhelud were released: “In a Dream”, “On the Wire” and “Louder”.

In November 2012, Roman became a TV presenter at the eleventh Muz-TV awards ceremony. Acorn was also invited to play the role of host for Andrei Malakhov’s special project “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. In September 2012, 16-year-old Roman became a participant in the show “State Department 3” with Ksenia Sobchak. On the Internet, the famous video blogger is the face of the Chupa Chups company. Roman has his own store,, where he offers various T-shirts and other teenage cult items. The video blogger hosts the Neformat Chart program on Muz-TV. According to Roman himself, he has neither sponsors nor producers. Everything the young man does, he does himself. Roman Zhelud is his own director, screenwriter, presenter and author of ideas.

Personal life

Roman is often seen in the company of the same girl - Nastya Shmakova. Even if the guy has new hobbies, after a while he still returns to Nastya. Many fans of Roman consider Nastya not very attractive. However, this is a matter of taste. Often enemies write about gay young men, to which Roma replies, not without humor: “I’m not a fagot, I’m a lesbian!” Recently, the video blogger was seen in the Moscow Oktyabr cinema with a young pretty girl.

She turned out to be fourteen-year-old Lina Dobrorodnova - rising star movie "Nannies". Lina managed to appear in a number of videos together with such masters as Philip Kirkorov, Igor Nikolaev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The young people met at a fashion show of the famous producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Both Lina and Roman took part in the ODRI show.

Roma Acorn today

Roman is now 17 years old. Today he is the youngest blogger in Russia. With the advent of popularity, Roman managed to fulfill his childhood dream - to become a singer. The genre in which Roman performs his songs is youth pop-rock. We can say that Roma Acorn is a phenomenon of modern Russian reality. He is the youngest self-made millionaire in Russia. Its popularity is growing every day. The young talent continues to make videos that receive tens of millions of views. At the same time, Roma appears in music videos and broadcasts on Muz-TV. Roma Zhelud takes part in various fashion shows, trying to master the modeling profession and make a career.

Roma Acorn – popular Russian video blogger, singer, author of the musical tracks “Not a Toy for You” and Like. The young man gained popularity as the first guy blogger in the Russian segment of YouTube. From the first videos, Roma received the nickname “Russian Justin Bieber.”

Video blogger and singer Roma Zhelud

Videos of charming and daring young man collected multi-million views. Acorn also appeared on television as a TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Roma Zhelud, whose real name is Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov, was born on February 1, 1996. A boy was born in Moscow, into the family of Oksana and Rustam Kerimov. His father works as an architect, his mother at one time worked own business and raising a child.

Roma spent her childhood in the Russian capital, in the Shabolovka area. There he went to kindergarten, talked with friends in the yard, then went to school. From an early age the guy was a sociable and not capricious child.

Roma Acorn in childhood

Roma Zhelud had a wide range of interests, was fond of modeling, drawing, and went to tennis and judo. While in 2nd grade, the boy even signed up for cooking classes, which came as a complete surprise to his mother. In addition, Roma was interested in music at an amateur level.

The elder Kerimovs planned that in the future the boy would enter an architectural institute, but his son’s biography developed according to a scenario unplanned by his parents. His hobby did not prevent him from enrolling at Synergy University, the Faculty of Management.


Roma Acorn has become a phenomenon in Russia, and to this day no one can explain the secret of the guy’s wild popularity. His career began with a video that Roma posted on YouTube at the age of 14.

The video immediately gained a huge number of views, and Internet users also left comments, the number of which exceeded six figures. The teenager instantly realized that his work would be in demand, because there were no one indifferent to the video - people either admired it or expressed anger.

Video of Roma Acorn

The young man himself believes that before becoming Roma Acorn, he almost did not live; he was “pressured by numerous generally accepted prohibitions, forcing him to vegetate.”

By the age of 15, Roma Zhelud was on the VKontakte page of almost every schoolchild. The blogger himself called himself a “star” in one video "VKontakte", and journalists immediately dubbed the guy Russian. However, Acorn himself does not agree with the last statement. Numerous “squirrels” (as the guy calls his fans, and sometimes admirers) share the same opinion.

Acorn shoots all videos in web show format. The blogger specially selects spicy topics flavored with a good portion of piquancy in order to attract more viewers, and, accordingly, receive a high fee, which, by the way, is about several thousand dollars a month.

Roma Zheludya also has his own online store, where his fans can purchase souvenirs with the image of their favorite artist. The video blogger worked for some time as the host of the Neformat Chat program on MUZ-TV.

Roma Zhelud on the set of the “Neformat Chat” program on Muz-TV

In 2013, fans of Acorn were shocked by the information that he had been severely beaten. Information about the incident was published by Oksana Kerimova, the blogger’s mother. It was reported that the guy was attacked nearby shopping center in Moscow, but then the metropolitan police did not rule out that the beating could be a well-planned PR campaign.

Gradually, everything gets better for the guy, and already in 2014 a new video featuring Acorn is released. He is accompanied in the video by an equally popular internet blogger in Russia.

Roma Zhelud and Katya Klap

In 2015, it became known that the popular YouTuber’s channel was blocked. By this time total quantity views on its 2 channels exceeded 108 million. Soon the blogger managed to resolve the misunderstanding, but he could no longer achieve his former popularity.

Roma’s parents also appeared in some videos. His mother could be seen more than once in funny and amusing videos. Judging by the number of additions on social networks, many users liked such video clips.

Roma Acorn in the show “Improvisation” on TNT

In 2016, the popular video blogger appeared in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel. To participate in the television project, he arrived from Los Angeles, where at the moment lives.

Roman himself later commented on his participation in the program, saying that what he liked most was the humor of the actors and the joke about “ Daddy's girls", as well as the improvisation "Prompter", in which it was necessary to promptly prompt the words.

Roma stopped publishing videos on his YouTube channel in 2017. The ratings of the categories “Jokes”, “Truth or Dare”, “Clips”, Art began to fall, so the young man decided to end his career on video hosting.


Over time, Roma Acorn’s interviews are published by popular publications OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler and StarHit. And in 2012, the young man fulfilled his old dream and became a singer. He chose the pop-rock style for his creativity. The songs “Like” and “I’m not a toy for you” became their debut in musical career Romana.

Roma Zhelud - “I’m not a toy for you”

Soon the blogger releases videos for these compositions, as well as for the song “Internet Hero,” which, however, can hardly be called successful. Social media users criticized the new videos, saying that they consider such creations to be outright failures. However, the duet with the young singer Melissa turned out to be successful, and the track “Thank You” soon won the sympathy of fans. The following year, 3 singles by Roma Zheludya were released - “In a Dream”, “Louder” and “On the Wire”.

Roma Acorn - “Louder”

2012 is a very successful year for the video blogger, because he becomes the host of the 11th MUZ-TV awards ceremony. By invitation, he led the special project “Let them talk.” The author is burning." At the age of 16, the guy took part in the show “State Department 3” with. Another area that the popular blogger could not help but touch on was the creation of branded clothing. The show of the first collection of the young celebrity took place in 2013 at Moscow Fashion Week.

Roma Zhelud and Andrey Malakhov

In 2014, Roma Acorn received the prestigious American Kids`Choice Awards. The artist even beat out famous representatives in the category “Favorite Russian Performer” Russian stage. Such attention to the artist’s work was not accidental: Roma’s first studio album, “Free Fall Zone,” which was released in 2014, received the highest sales ratings in the Russian segment of the iTunes online store.

Personal life

The personal life of Roma Acorn is constantly shrouded in a mass of rumors. In November 2012, the young man began dating, who at the age of 14 managed to star in a number of films and videos with the participation of famous artists. Viewers know the young actress from her role in the series “Nannies.”

Roma Acorn and him ex-girlfriend Lina Dobrorodnova

Joint photographs of Roma Zheludya with a girl named Nastya Shmakova were repeatedly published on the Internet. IN open access There are many pictures of Nastya and Roma where they are depicted together. Then fans of the blogger’s work repeatedly noted that teenagers are an ideal couple.

In January 2015, on the VKontakte page, Roman announced in his status his love for web presenter Katya Es, noting that this was not PR. Users have repeatedly wondered whether Katya Es officially became his girlfriend, but how the relationship between the young people developed further, and whether they existed at all, remained a mystery.

Roma Zhelud and Nastya Shmakova

In October 2016, it became known that the popular American model and the blogger abandoned the fan public on the social network VKontakte, which had more than 80 thousand subscribers. In some Russian media it was reported that the girl decided to take such a step for the sake of Roman, but no one knows for sure about this.

The young man's enemies often called him a gay man. Acorn does not comment on or confirm such rumors. Users made the assumption after the blogger appeared in a Moscow studio where a gay party was taking place.

Rumors also appeared on the Internet about the video blogger’s affair with Russian model. The girl met Acorn at a joint photo shoot. Soon, young people began to spend time together more and more often, and in 2018, the blogger published a number of videos that he shot with his friend. The couple travels a lot, visited Ibiza, Amsterdam, and Barcelona at the Sonar music festival.

Diana Melison and Roma Zhelud

In mid-summer, the blogger decided to tease his haters by appearing at the annual Christopher Street Day gay pride parade in Berlin, where Russian LGBT activists Valeria Lyubarskaya, Zhenya Svetsky, and German Safin came. Acorn made a statement to reporters that he had come to the event to support his friends.

Over time, Acorn turned into an athletic young man (Roma’s height is 180 cm, weight is 67 kg), whose body is decorated with stylish tattoos. Images began to appear on his body as soon as the guy turned 16 years old. Fans have already appreciated the quality of his tattoos on his chest, arms, and neck from the photo.

Roma Acorn Tattoo

The most striking are the whale on the shoulder, the dinosaur skeleton, and the wings on the chest. In 2014, Roma had an image of a palm tree, the letters “LA” and a lightning bolt, and a floral pattern on his hand.

Roma Acorn now

Now Roma is completely devoted to his musical career. The release of his second album is scheduled for February 2019. Acorn announced the premiere of the disc in a personal "Instagram". According to him, the tracks turned out to be different in sound: some have lyrics, others introduce the listener into a cosmic trance.

In 2019, Roma Zhelud announced the release of his second album

The blogger wrote the words to all the songs himself. The album is supposed to be posted on the Internet.

Despite young age famous video blogger Roma Acorn, his personal life and preferences regarding representatives of the opposite sex are one of the most discussed topics among fans of the 16-year-old schoolboy. In turn, the Internet star never ceases to stir up interest in his person with more and more new novels, thereby forcing his fans to shed rivers of tears.

The night before, Acorn appeared at the capital's Oktyabr cinema with new girl. The driver of the car who brought the lovers parked in the backyard so as not to attract the attention of passers-by.

For an hour, while waiting for the session, the couple whiled away the time in one of the cafes. The guys joked, looking at something on their phones, chatting merrily. The romantic mood was visible to the naked eye - the young people sat hugging each other the entire time, occasionally giving each other awkward kisses.

As Life Showbiz learned, this time Roma’s chosen one was the 14-year-old star of the film “Nannies,” actress Lina Dobrorodnova. The guys met at the fashion show of producer Yana Rudkovskaya ODRI, in which they both took part. According to the script, they walked along the catwalk in pairs, holding hands, and after the show, Roma approached the girl and asked for her phone number.

It seems that Acorn, like any creative person, wanted to see in his other half not only his beloved girl, but also an ally in upcoming projects. This is how the blonde beauty can give her boyfriend good advice, because Lina, at the age of 14, has already managed to star in a number of films and videos with the participation of the most famous actors and performers such as Philip Kirkorov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Igor Nikolaev.

“I’m glad that I found a person who knows how to listen,” Lina Dobrorodnova modestly admitted. - We understand each other very well and have fun.

Let us remember that Lina is not the first girl with whom Roma Acorn has had a relationship. This summer, the young man’s fans learned about the celebrity’s breakup with a certain Sasha, who left the star because he hid her from fans.

Roma Zhelud's childhood and family

Roman Kerimov, aka Roma Acorn, was born in February 1996 in Moscow. The boy was raised by his mother, Oksana Kerimova.

All that is known about the boy’s father is that he is a businessman and his name is Rustam Movludovich. True, there is another “father’s” version that Roma’s father’s name is Oleg, and by profession he is a designer. He currently lives in America, but maintains a relationship with his son.

Roma received the most ordinary education. Since childhood, I have been interested in music, but never studied it professionally.

One day, while having fun, fourteen-year-old Roma made a video and posted it on YouTube. Imagine the teenager’s surprise when the video was viewed by a huge number of people. The audience's reaction was mixed: the video caused a storm of emotions. The most active Internet users left their comments. Some people liked his work, while others, on the contrary, were irritated. But no one remained indifferent.

Roma Acorn's career, social networks

According to the young man himself, until the age of 14 he practically did not live at all. Generally accepted prohibitions and taboos, according to Kerimov, forced him to eke out a miserable existence. And only after becoming Roma Zheludem did he begin a normal life.

At the age of fifteen, Roma Acorn was on the VKontakte page of almost every schoolchild. The number of views of these videos has exceeded 10 million. Journalists nicknamed him the Russian Justin Bieber.

Roma Acorn - Internet Hero

Feeling that his opinion and views are interesting to many, Roman plucks up courage and starts a frank conversation with his mother, asking him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Mom couldn’t find anything to object to and didn’t argue with her son. And how can you argue here when a young man’s monthly fee averages $1,000.

All Acorn videos are filmed in web show format. And the more acute the topic, the more scandalous piquancy it contains, the more viewers, and, consequently, the higher the fee. In one of the videos, Roman himself calls himself the Contact Star. It's no secret that Roman's success lies not only in his talent. Acorn got many fans thanks to his appearance. However, among the “squirrels” (as Roman calls his fans), there are not only girls, but also boys.

Achievements of Roma Acorn: YouTube records

The number of views on the YouTube channel was over 37,000,000. The number of subscribers on Roman Zhelud’s VKontakte and Twitter pages is about 700,000 people. His interviews were published in such popular magazines as OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler, StarHit. In 2012, Roman released his first songs “Like” and “I am not a toy for you.” In 2013, three more new singles by Roman Zhelud were released: “In a Dream”, “On the Wire” and “Louder”.

Roma Acorn - “Like”

In November 2012, Roman became a TV presenter at the eleventh Muz-TV awards ceremony. Acorn was also invited to play the role of host for Andrei Malakhov’s special project “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. In September 2012, 16-year-old Roman became a participant in the show “State Department 3” with Ksenia Sobchak.

On the Internet, the famous video blogger is the face of the Chupa Chups company.

Roman has his own store,, where he offers various T-shirts and other teenage cult items.

The video blogger hosts the Neformat Chart program on Muz-TV. According to Roman himself, he has neither sponsors nor producers. Everything the young man does, he does himself. Roman Zhelud is his own director, screenwriter, presenter and author of ideas.

Personal life of Roma Acorn

Roman is often seen in the company of the same girl - Nastya Shmakova. Even if the guy has new hobbies, after a while he still returns to Nastya. Many fans of Roman consider Nastya not very attractive. However, this is a matter of taste.

Often, enemies write about the young man’s unconventional orientation, to which Roma replies, not without humor: “I’m not a fagot, I’m a lesbian!” Recently, the video blogger was seen in the Moscow Oktyabr cinema with a young pretty girl.