Acorn Girl. Roma acorn spotted with a new girl

Despite young age famous video blogger Roma Acorn, his personal life and preferences regarding representatives of the opposite sex are one of the most discussed topics among fans of the 16-year-old schoolboy. In turn, the Internet star never ceases to stir up interest in his person with more and more new novels, thereby forcing his fans to shed rivers of tears.

The night before, Acorn appeared at the capital's Oktyabr cinema with new girl. The driver of the car who brought the lovers parked in the backyard so as not to attract the attention of passers-by.

For an hour, while waiting for the session, the couple whiled away the time in one of the cafes. The guys were joking, looking at something on their phones, chatting merrily. The romantic mood was visible to the naked eye - the young people sat hugging each other the entire time, occasionally giving each other awkward kisses.

As Life Showbiz learned, this time Roma’s chosen one was the 14-year-old star of the film “Nannies,” actress Lina Dobrorodnova. The guys met at the fashion show of producer Yana Rudkovskaya ODRI, in which they both took part. According to the script, they walked along the catwalk in pairs, holding hands, and after the show, Roma approached the girl and asked for her phone number.

It seems that Acorn, like any creative person, wanted to see in his other half not only his beloved girl, but also an ally in upcoming projects. This is how the blonde beauty can give her boyfriend good advice, because Lina, at the age of 14, has already managed to star in a number of films and videos with the participation of the most famous actors and performers such as Philip Kirkorov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Igor Nikolaev.

“I’m glad that I found a person who knows how to listen,” Lina Dobrorodnova modestly admitted. - We understand each other very well and have fun.

Let us remember that Lina is not the first girl with whom Roma Acorn has had a relationship. This summer, the young man’s fans learned about the celebrity’s breakup with a certain Sasha, who left the star because he hid her from fans.

Roma Zhelud's childhood and family

Roman Kerimov, aka Roma Acorn, was born in February 1996 in Moscow. The boy was raised by his mother, Oksana Kerimova.

All that is known about the boy’s father is that he is a businessman and his name is Rustam Movludovich. True, there is another “father’s” version that Roma’s father’s name is Oleg, and by profession he is a designer. He currently lives in America, but maintains a relationship with his son.

Roma received the most ordinary education. Since childhood I was interested in music, but never studied it professionally.

One day, while having fun, fourteen-year-old Roma made a video and posted it on YouTube. Imagine the teenager’s surprise when the video was viewed by a huge number of people. The audience's reaction was mixed: the video caused a storm of emotions. Most active users Internet networks left their comments. Some people liked his work, while others, on the contrary, were irritated. But no one remained indifferent.

Roma Acorn's career, social networks

According to the young man himself, he practically did not live at all until he was 14 years old. Generally accepted prohibitions and taboos, according to Kerimov, forced him to eke out a miserable existence. And only after becoming Roma Acorn did he begin normal life.

At the age of fifteen, Roma Acorn was on the VKontakte page of almost every schoolchild. The number of views of these videos has exceeded 10 million. Journalists nicknamed him the Russian Justin Bieber.

Roma Acorn - Internet Hero

Feeling that his opinion and views are interesting to many, Roman plucks up courage and starts a frank conversation with his mother, asking him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Mom couldn’t find anything to object to and didn’t argue with her son. And how can you argue here when a young man’s monthly fee averages $1,000.

All Acorn videos are filmed in web show format. And the more acute the topic, the more scandalous piquancy it contains, the more viewers, and, consequently, the higher the fee. In one of the videos, Roman himself calls himself the Contact Star. It's no secret that Roman's success lies not only in his talent. Acorn got many fans thanks to his appearance. However, among the “squirrels” (as Roman calls his fans), there are not only girls, but also boys.

Achievements of Roma Acorn: YouTube records

The number of views on the YouTube channel was over 37,000,000. The number of subscribers on Roman Zhelud’s VKontakte and Twitter pages is about 700,000 people. His interviews were published in such popular magazines as OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler, StarHit. In 2012, Roman released his first songs “Like” and “I am not a toy for you.” In 2013, three more new singles by Roman Zhelud were released: “In a Dream”, “On the Wire” and “Louder”.

Roma Acorn - “Like”

In November 2012, Roman became a TV presenter at the eleventh Muz-TV awards ceremony. Acorn was also invited to play the role of host for Andrei Malakhov’s special project “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. In September 2012, 16-year-old Roman became a participant in the show “State Department 3” with Ksenia Sobchak.

On the Internet, the famous video blogger is the face of the Chupa Chups company.

Roman has his own store,, where he offers various T-shirts and other teenage cult items.

The video blogger hosts the Neformat Chart program on Muz-TV. According to Roman himself, he has neither sponsors nor producers. Everything the young man does, he does himself. Roman Zhelud is his own director, screenwriter, presenter and author of ideas.

Personal life of Roma Acorn

Roman is often seen in the company of the same girl - Nastya Shmakova. Even if the guy has new hobbies, after a while he still returns to Nastya. Many fans of Roman consider Nastya not very attractive. However, this is a matter of taste.

Often enemies write about gay young men, to which Roma replies, not without humor: “I’m not a fagot, I’m a lesbian!” Recently, the video blogger was seen in the Moscow Oktyabr cinema with a young pretty girl.

Roma Acorn(Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov) – Russian singer, blogger. Born on February 1, 1996 in Moscow, in the family of businessman Rustam Kerimov.

He became famous thanks to his channels “RomaAcorn” and “RomaAcornLive” on Youtube, where he hosts his own mini-show. Due to its clear resemblance to famous singer, has found enormous popularity among Russian youth. Afterwards, he was noticed by producers and invited as the host of the “Neformat Chart” program on the Muz-TV channel.

In 2012, he became a co-host on one of the programs of the Let Them Talk program on Channel One, and in 2013 he became the host of the MUZ-TV Prize.

First high-profile appearance on TV - co-host of Andrei Malakhov

In 2013, at Moscow Fashion Week, Roma presented own collection children's and youth clothing called "Roma Acorn and Stars".

In 2014, Roman released his debut album, “Free Fall Zone,” which included all the singer’s previously written compositions, as well as several new singles.

In the fall of 2015, he and the singer became the hosts of the OOPS Pink Carpet! Choice Awards at the OOPS!

The first serious romance with Anastasia Shmakova

In the singer’s personal life, everything is simple; he does not hide his relationships. He for a long time met with, fans adored this couple, and attributed a long romance to them. But no! Soon, it became known about their separation and about Roman’s new girlfriend, who became former soloist group "Tatu". Then, pictures of Acorn with a beauty blogger appeared online, but the guys denied their relationship.

They say that the successes of the 21-year-old handsome man are a thing of the past - now he has been supplanted on social networks by other newfangled bloggers who are blowing up Instagram and Youtube. Some ironic journalists even hastened to send the guy to the bottom, having learned that he was going to perform as an opening act for the singer MakSim, and remembering him from the music channel and numerous.


However, it is too early to write off Roma. As it turns out, the Acorn is unsinkable. The talented video blogger, singer and presenter radically changed his image, covered his body with tattoos, became interested in rock and moved abroad for some time. with their own Napoleonic plans for the near future, the mature artist shared with website.

Roma, what were you doing? last couple years? Some people have lost you...

Music, sports, video, self-realization. Accepting yourself to some extent. During these two years, my life turned upside down, the events that happened in it left me in an emotional trap, it seemed to me that I had no way out. There were no less bright moments. In England I met many artists, whose acquaintance in once again made me understand that I have to achieve what I want, so there is work, work and more work ahead.

Why do you periodically disappear from the Internet, causing your subscribers to worry?

Breaks with social resources are necessary for me in order to take a break from the Internet. Be online for more than six years and give people something new every time interesting information very tiring, especially now that I am confident in everything I do.

For what reason was your joint tour with singer MakSim cancelled?

I'll start by saying that I respect MakSim's work. And I would be pleased to work with her. And I don’t consider such cooperation to be “the bottom”. I don’t see anything wrong with working in Russian cities. Our tour with MakSim was canceled due to unscrupulous organizers (by the way, it was sold out in almost all cities). We did not have time to conclude an agreement with them, we did not receive money from them, and therefore the tour was cancelled. I know that many stars have suffered from this scammer, but everyone is silent. If I were offered a performance in another city, I would not refuse - the main goal for me is contact with the audience. Does it matter where it happens? Completed technical and household rider, bright and positive emotions fans. Does anything else matter?

Judging by your new image, do you prefer rock?

I like to work in the industrial genre, at 20 I put together the first English rock album, it also contains a lot of soft rock. Yesterday I went to the studio to try my hand at Russian rock. The track "Nirvana" was born two years ago, just when my adolescence ended. I write all the music myself, I only do what I like. Many people complain that the release takes more than three years, but my music will only be released when I want it. Must hear!

What creative plans do you have for the near future?

At the end of the year, my schedule includes a performance with new material, for a large and new audience for me. There's a lot of work to be done. I'm filming a movie in a week. The schedule is very busy all year. Work will save us all.

What surprises are you preparing for your loyal fans?

I love to surprise my viewers, but plans love silence. There is a lot of new things ahead, standing still is not for me.

After the conflict with Yana Rudkovskaya, did you have any problems in your career? Can we say that the quarrel with her harmed the work?

I feel good about Yana, the conflict is over.

Which celebrities are you friends with?

True friends are rare in show business. Creative friends, musicians - true friendship is possible with them.

Who helps you realize your career plans?

At this stage, no one is helping, I only have a manager, Nastya.

Are you following new teen heroes like Instagram stars Katya Klap, Ivangay, Maryana Ro? Are there any favorites among them?

To be honest, I don’t follow anyone at all, I don’t always understand what they’re talking about, and I’m not very interested, but I’m familiar with the work, I really like everything about it. I sincerely wish her great success ahead!

Can you explain the crazy popularity of the notorious Diana Shurygina? Teenagers are eager to take selfies with her and get an autograph. But the girl just came to the “Let Them Talk” show and told the whole country that she was raped at a drunken party. What is the Shurygina phenomenon?

Without comment, I will never understand such popularity, apparently the world has gone crazy or many people simply have nothing to do.

As a child, you had a wide range of interests. You were interested in music, modeling, drawing, went to tennis and judo, and also took cooking classes. What of this remains with you to this day?

Tennis, snowboarding. As a child, my main interest was videos, and I still make them with great joy now. He also graduated from music school and played huge works from notes. Now I don’t understand notes at all.

You lived in the USA for some time. How was it for you in a foreign land?

I lived in Los Angeles for almost two years without leaving, like a real resident, purchasing a Camaro (an iconic American sports car - editor's note) and an apartment. The only thing missing was a dog. I have a lot left there. Having experienced everything myself, I can say with confidence that everyone should feel what real America is. At a minimum, to not want to go there ever again or to stay there forever. I kind of miss traveling to my trainer across Hollywood Boulevard... And the endless smoothies. But the people there, unfortunately, are complete losers.

What films and books, at least a couple, would you recommend to our readers?

Film "Enter into the Void", book "A Khuli" by Victor Pelevin.

How do you like the number of Russian representative Yulia Samoilova? at Eurovision 2017?

I don't like the song or the pronunciation.

Would you like to take part in this competition?

I would love to go to Eurovision. I think this is possible with the next couple of years of hard work.

Do you have role models from among celebrities? Who do you listen to, who do you look up to?

I respect Iggy Azalea, I like Lindsay Lohan, I look up to myself, I listen to minimal techno. I can’t single out anyone in particular.

Roma, do you have a lady love? Surely, girls don’t give such a handsome man a pass. Has anyone managed to conquer you?

Status: "On at the moment my heart is beating... "Vanilla enough?

What qualities should an ideal girl have?

Smokey eyes, juicy humor, absence bad habits and a thirst for activity. I can't sit still, I always need adventure.

Childhood and family

Roman Olegovich Kerimov, aka Roma Acorn, was born in February 1996 in Moscow. The boy was raised by his mother, Oksana Kerimova. All that is known about the boy’s father is that his name is Oleg, and by profession he is a designer. Oleg currently lives in America, but maintains a relationship with his son. There is another version floating around the world wide web: his real name is Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov. As evidence, the fact is cited that a participant with the same name and surname was present at a meeting between President Medvedev and young people. Roman himself denies this rumor.

Roma received the most ordinary education. Since childhood I was interested in music, but never studied it professionally. One day, while having fun, fourteen-year-old Roma made a video and posted it on YouTube. Imagine the teenager’s surprise when the video was viewed by a huge number of people. The audience's reaction was mixed: the video caused a storm of emotions. The most active Internet users left their comments. Some people liked his work, while others, on the contrary, were irritated. But no one remained indifferent.

According to the young man himself, he practically did not live at all until he was 14 years old. Generally accepted prohibitions and taboos, according to Kerimov, forced him to eke out a miserable existence. And only after becoming Roma Zheludem did he begin a normal life. At the age of fifteen, Roma Acorn was on the VKontakte page of almost every schoolchild. The number of views of these videos has exceeded 10 million. Journalists nicknamed him the Russian Justin Bieber.

Feeling that his opinion and views are interesting to many, Roman plucks up courage and starts a frank conversation with his mother, asking him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Mom couldn’t find anything to object to and didn’t argue with her son. And how can you argue here when a young man’s monthly fee averages $1,000. All Acorn videos are filmed in web show format. And the more acute the topic, the more scandalous piquancy it contains, the more viewers, and, consequently, the higher the fee. In one of the videos, Roman himself calls himself the Contact Star. It's no secret that Roman's success lies not only in his talent. Acorn got many fans thanks to his appearance. However, among the “squirrels” (as Roman calls his fans), there are not only girls, but also boys.

Achievements of Roma Acorn: YouTube Records

The number of views on the YouTube channel was over 37,000,000. The number of subscribers on Roman Zhelud’s VKontakte and Twitter pages is about 700,000 people. His interviews were published in such popular magazines as OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler, StarHit. In 2012, Roman released his first songs “Like” and “I am not a toy for you.” In 2013, three more new singles by Roman Zhelud were released: “In a Dream”, “On the Wire” and “Louder”.

In November 2012, Roman became a TV presenter at the eleventh Muz-TV awards ceremony. Acorn was also invited to play the role of host for Andrei Malakhov’s special project “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. In September 2012, 16-year-old Roman became a participant in the show “State Department 3” with Ksenia Sobchak. On the Internet, the famous video blogger is the face of the Chupa Chups company. Roman has his own store,, where he offers various T-shirts and other teenage cult items. The video blogger hosts the Neformat Chart program on Muz-TV. According to Roman himself, he has neither sponsors nor producers. Everything the young man does, he does himself. Roman Zhelud is his own director, screenwriter, presenter and author of ideas.

Personal life

Roman is often seen in the company of the same girl - Nastya Shmakova. Even if the guy has new hobbies, after a while he still returns to Nastya. Many fans of Roman consider Nastya not very attractive. However, this is a matter of taste. Often, enemies write about the young man’s unconventional orientation, to which Roma replies, not without humor: “I’m not a fagot, I’m a lesbian!” Recently, the video blogger was seen in the Moscow Oktyabr cinema with a young pretty girl.

She turned out to be fourteen-year-old Lina Dobrorodnova - rising star movie "Nannies". Lina managed to appear in a number of videos together with such masters as Philip Kirkorov, Igor Nikolaev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The young people met at a fashion show of the famous producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Both Lina and Roman took part in the ODRI show.

Roma Acorn today

Roman is now 17 years old. Today he is the youngest blogger in Russia. With the advent of popularity, Roman managed to fulfill his childhood dream - to become a singer. The genre in which Roman performs his songs is youth pop-rock. We can say that Roma Acorn is a phenomenon of modern Russian reality. He is the youngest self-made millionaire in Russia. Its popularity is growing every day. The young talent continues to make videos that receive tens of millions of views. At the same time, Roma appears in music videos and broadcasts on Muz-TV. Roma Zhelud takes part in various fashion shows, trying to master the modeling profession and make a career.