Food batch trial cart. "Food Party" saves you from New Year's madness

Preparing for the New Year's feast takes a lot of time and effort.

  • You need to study websites with recipes and create a holiday menu.
  • You need to calculate how many products you will need to prepare it all.
  • You need to go to the store, breaking through traffic jams and traffic jams in hypermarkets.
  • You need to spend half a day at the stove, despite the fact that December 31 is usually a working day.
  • You need to set the table before midnight and, after taking off your apron, have time to get yourself in order.

Will there be even a drop left? New Year's mood after such a culinary marathon? Hardly. But!

The New Year's table can be set in two to three hours.

And you won’t have to rack your brains over the holiday menu and carry heavy bags of groceries. All you have to do is order a New Year's batch of food.

5 festive dishes for the most important night of the year

As you can see, in just a couple of hours you can set a chic New Year's table - a masterpiece of culinary art. With “Food Party” you don’t have to worry about what to feed your family and guests during the New Year holidays. You can simply relax, enjoying communication and winter fun.

Sell ​​products with recipes for New Year's table for more than three million rubles two months before the New Year.

To bookmarks

Food Party Marketing Team

“Party of Food” is a subscription dinner service. Every year we create a special New Year's menu for festive table. This year we decided to actively promote it, and one of the main tools for this was the social network VKontakte.

Goals and objectives

  • The main objective: get as many prepaid orders as possible.
  • The purpose of advertising on VKontakte- announce the launch as much as possible New Year's menu For target audience, which is already familiar with the service or analogues.

We started preparing the New Year's menu back in September; it was important to launch the product before our competitors, since our customer bases overlap greatly. The launch took place on October 27. To further motivate people to order in advance, we offered a ten percent discount in the first weeks of sales.


For advertising on VKontakte we used advertising recording in the “Carousel” format, where you can see all three options for the New Year’s menu:

Two main target audiences were identified:

  1. Existing clients of the Food Party (downloading customer data from CRM on VKontakte), as well as users visiting the Food Party website.
  2. Audience of competitors: targeting groups of competitors, as well as collecting an interested audience from open sources(for example, collecting user IDs from discussions in competitor groups).



  • CPM - 215 rubles.
  • Spent - 20672.77 rubles,
  • Impressions - 98383.
  • Transitions - 2173.
  • CTR - 2.209%.
  • eCPC - 9.51 rubles.


  • CPM - 215 rubles.
  • Spent - 13244.76 rubles.
  • Impressions - 62677.
  • Transitions - 1513.
  • CTR - 2.414%.
  • eCPC - 8.75 rubles.


Number of transitions: 3686.

Average CTR: 2.28% (in the first days CTR more than 4%).

Average cost per click: 9.2 rubles.

Until the end of the year, we have a plan for powerful marketing and content support for the New Year’s food batch. For example, on last week It became possible to add fruit, caviar and desserts to your order. We talked about this on social networks, added New Year's parties in community goods.

As a result, in two weeks we managed to collect orders for more than three million rubles. This is more than all the proceeds from the New Year's party last year, and yet there are still almost two months before the New Year. This year we plan to earn more than ten million rubles from the holiday menu.

Answers to questions from the head of the digital department, Kirill Akimenko

You said that you divided your audience into your existing clients and competitors’ subscribers. How were the target audience chosen from these groups? Did you show your ad to everyone or narrow your targeting?

Groups of only direct competitors were selected, whose subscribers are already familiar with and are interested in the delivery of products with recipes, so we did not narrow the audience (not counting geotargeting). The result was a relatively small target audience of 71 thousand people. According to the results, this advertising shows record effectiveness, for example, today, according to statistics, CTR is 5.285% and eCPC is 3.73 rubles.

Who communicates with customers on behalf of the community in comments and messages?

SMM manager and customer care department managers. Through the VKontakte API, we receive notifications about new comments and messages in our corporate messenger, and then we decide who will respond.

How often do you receive community messages? What do they usually ask?

As the company grows, people write to us more often. We are currently in a record period: we are communicating with 30-40 clients via message every day. Below are the statistics of requests by week from mid-2017 to the current period.

Most often, customers want to make (or change) an order. For many, this is very convenient, you don’t have to leave your usual social network - you wrote, and they answered you right away, sent you a link to pay, and placed your order.

What can you say about the “Products” tool in the community?

The Food Lots menu changes every week, so we regularly update the items in the community. Many customers look at the new menu in products and don’t even go to the website.

How do you deal with negativity?

We have certain regulations for handling complaints. As soon as a client leaves a negative review on social networks, the managers’ task is to contact, clarify the details and enter the complaint into the system.


Online service idea is simple: “What if the products themselves come to the customer’s home along with recipes and prepared ingredients, so as to help the client save time for preparing dinner.” By visiting the food kit delivery resource and placing an order, every Sunday you will receive a box with food and recipes for 5 dinners. All products are promised to be fresh, refrigerated and precisely packaged according to the days of the week. Judging by the number of regular visitors to the site, the service is quite popular among residents of both capitals.

What do we get here?

  • Products prepared and packaged in our own production facility, certified according to international standards.
  • Modern technologies that preserve the freshness of products.
  • No chemicals - everything is natural, mostly domestic, purchased from trusted suppliers.
  • If you don’t like the products or recipe, the service promises to return the money to your bonus account.
  • A varied menu, with about forty new dishes every week.

How does the online resource work?

At the top of the start page there is a dynamic menu for selecting dishes plus some technical information. Nothing distracts from the main goal - to help the user choose dishes. When visiting the website, the visitor is immediately greeted with a promotional video with a concise overview of the service.

The presentation briefly describes the purpose of the service.

The user is greeted with another video with a quick overview of the “Food Party”.

The company actively uses video marketing to promote its activities, so no need to be surprised a large number video on home page resource. In addition, it looks fun and interesting, and the content of one of the videos changes every two weeks - this is a kind of mini-video blog of the founder and general director Mikhail Peregudov's company about the work of the service.

On the “How it works” tab you can also find out the entire process of ordering and delivering products to your home - the author of the project personally talks in detail about each stage of production. The review is offered in a selection of short videos with concise descriptions.

How to use the menu

The algorithm for selecting dishes is quite simple and intuitive. First, use the dynamic button 1) to call up the entire menu list, then select the selection of dishes we are interested in for the week 2).

The site redirects us to a page with a compact layout of all offers 1), and for a convenient and quick selection we are asked to use filters 2), in which we select parameters by the number of dinners and eaters. Each offer is accompanied by a small description 3), and if the client needs detailed information, the corresponding button is in place 4). If desired, the composition of the dishes can be changed or even changed 5).

If desired, the client can mark desserts to add to the cart 6).

How to place an order?

After reviewing the composition and description of the offers, we decide on the set 1), then we confirm our order 2).

After clicking on the “Place an order” button, a pop-up window will appear on the screen asking you to enter a phone number to which an SMS confirmation will be sent, after which you can complete the order.

Bon appetit and great discounts!

For almost 2 years now, our family has been using grocery delivery services with dinner recipes for the week. Accumulated great experience, a lot of impressions... Every day more and more such companies appear. I will tell you about the most popular, the very first in Russia. These are “Tastier at Home” and “Food Party”.

For the impatient, immediately promo codes for a discount of 500 rubles. to order:
Party Food: Tasha
HomeTastier: 9602722117 Use one of these promo codes on your first order and get dinners at a reduced price!

In this post I will not write that using such services is cool, convenient, tasty, economical, etc., that such and such a company is better than another. Just a quick comparison since we use BOTH companies. Choose your favorite menu for the week and order :)

So, let's go...


The pioneers in dinner delivery services (in Russia, of course) were the company HomeTastier(DV). It was these guys who set the bar for all other competitors. For a long time we enjoyed the service of DV, until their chef Mikhail suddenly left the company. There was a problem with the menu, plus the products were not of particularly high quality and the portion sizes somehow decreased sharply... Of course, it was not only the cook, but in the end we decided to take a break until better times. After some time it appeared Party Food(PE), where we saw our much-loved chef Mikhail. And we decided to try our luck again, because cooking according to a pre-made menu was so convenient. And we were not disappointed. We then ordered one basket to sample from Far East- everything changed there better side: the menu, the quality of the products, and a lot of all sorts of cool things :) As a result, we use both Far East, And PE.


At the time of writing this article in Far East available to choose from 3 options menu: classic (everything is simple, clear and tasty), Light (there is a minimum of meat and fish and more of all kinds of green vegetables) and the Bright menu (my husband and I call it exotic, this is how the cook combines such seemingly incompatible products that you can be amazed). The vegetarian option is absolutely not suitable for us, since we are avid meat eaters, but we order the Bright Menu most often. Despite unusual recipes, dinner turns out tasty and varied. I would hardly order a dish with some ingredients in a restaurant, but try it once at home - why not. Of all the dinners, we only didn’t finish the cooked food 2 times: tofu and buckwheat noodles with mussels - it’s still not tasty (I don’t want to offend anyone) :)

IN PE now too 3 options menu: classic, completely vegetarian (in my opinion, sometimes there is fish with chicken fillet, but I could be wrong) and light (introduced quite recently, there is no pork, potatoes, cereals and all foods that are difficult to digest). Since we are not particularly fans of healthy food, PE We order only the classic version.

Number of persons and dinners per week

IN Far East You can order dinners for 2, 3 and 4 people. IN PE on 2 or 4th. We have a small daughter and eats very little, so we have enough baskets for two. When he grows up, we will think about what to do next.

As for the number of dinners per week, both can be ordered for 3 or 5 days. But in Far East They introduced more boxes for 7 days. For those who eat dinner at home all day, this is probably good. For those who can dine out during the week, 3-day boxes are suitable. We order a box for 5 days, and very often something is left over for the weekend (no need to worry about what to cook on the weekend).

Order a basket

Baskets from both companies can be ordered from the website, by phone or on social networks. Also, both of them have a so-called “subscription”, when baskets are automatically delivered to you. It’s convenient if you order in one place and you’ll never forget about your order. You can pause your subscription during vacation (or other reasons).

U Far East on the website there is Personal Area, there you can see a list of all orders, but in my opinion, it’s a useless thing, if only for fun you can count the number of previously made orders.

Cart order time

IN HomeTastier You can order a basket at a reduced price until Monday lunchtime a week before delivery. At regular price - until the weekend before delivery. IN Food Parties Orders are accepted until midnight on Thursday. My husband and I usually sit down on Sunday night and choose our favorite menu a week before delivery.

IN Far East wonderful managers: polite, quickly solve all questions/problems, unobtrusive, ask questions to the point - in general, ordinary sales workers.

IN PE for a long time there was a practice of calling the client every Monday and asking if he would like to order a basket (during the conversation, of course, at first there was a lot of water about new products, promotions and other things, but in the end the conversation came down to ordering a basket). Moreover, if you don’t answer the phone (and over time I began to ignore such calls), there will be 5 more calls, and then all this was duplicated on social networks and by email. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like it when things are forced on me. If I need a basket, I will order it myself. Now, fortunately, this is no longer the case, I’m no longer afraid of Mondays :)


Far East We immediately introduced payment from the website, without which it is difficult to imagine any online store these days, plus standard payment to the courier. PE Everything promises to do cashless payments, but so far it’s quiet. Waiting..

P.S. While I was writing the article, payment from the site in PE launched, another plus for their karma :)


IN Far East There are two prices for the same box. If you order in advance (a week in advance), the box will be cheaper. If you don’t have time, pay 500 rubles more.

IN PE one price. Until recently there was a scheme: every third and seventh box is free. It was nice to receive such a free box. Now the price has dropped, but the free boxes have been removed. In terms of money it turned out to be about the same, but there is no longer this false feeling of a freebie :)

Product quality

In both companies, the quality of the products deserves respect. And such good meat Can't find it in a regular supermarket. There are, of course, sometimes problems with fish or vegetables, but all difficulties are quickly resolved by changing the supplier.

IN Far East All meat and fish are delivered frozen; mushrooms and vegetables such as green beans can also be frozen. IN PE all products are chilled (lovers of chilled meat are now rejoicing - this point is not important to me). They have some kind of technology for cooling meat and fish, it only failed a couple of times with fish :) In connection with this technology, dinners from PE you need to cook in order, as written, otherwise something may not live to see its day (especially the fish from Monday). IN Far East This one is simpler: I choose any day and cook.

Couriers and delivery

IN Far East Baskets are delivered on Sunday and Monday + can be picked up. Moreover, there is not a word about Monday on the website (I accidentally found out from the manager). IN PE only on Sundays (although, perhaps, there are also secrets about delivery).

And now about couriers. I always arrange delivery for Sunday morning, since I don't know what my plans will be during the day. And apparently, the delivery starts with me (or at least from our area), since they arrive much earlier than the stated 10 am. Usually at 8:30, maximum at 9:00. This is good, on the one hand, because you received a basket and go about your Sunday business. But it's SUNDAY MORNING. I think everyone understands me.

And here there is a huge difference in couriers. Couriers from Far East ( like all normal normal couriers) they call and say that they will be there in 10-15 minutes. And here I am lying at 8 am on Sunday, wearing shorts, and waiting for these miserable 10 minutes, just so as not to fall asleep again. Couriers from PE they call 1 minute before arrival (during this time I just have time to find and put on my shorts), I quickly accept the basket and run back to bed before sleep has gone away :) This is why I simply adore couriers from PE!

Product packaging

IN Far East It's a big brown paper bag. There is a sticker on it with the number of people and the name of the selected menu. Inside, each day is packed in separate paper bags, the bags are labeled. Fresh herbs separately in a bag. Frozen food in a bag labeled Frozen.

IN PE it's a big cardboard box, inside it there's a layer of foil to keep the temperature in, and on top of everything there's a reusable ice pack. The products for dinner are packaged as in the Far East, in separate packages, everything is clearly labeled. Both the box and the foil with the ice accumulator can be returned to the courier for reuse(all the defenders are probably rejoicing now environment). We used a couple of boxes for children's toys, but we honestly return everything else :)


Both companies are trying to somehow surprise their customers. Party Food For my third order, I gave her a wonderful folder for storing recipes (how convenient it became). HomeTastier Now they’ve started adding delicious bread to the box, a different one every week. I don’t eat bread myself, but my husband is happy, especially with Borodinsky. The consignment Now it’s collaborating with a cinema, so they add flyers to the box with a discount on movie showings, and some lucky ones also get tickets :) Not so long ago, there were jars of spices in the boxes, I don’t even remember who they were. All these are little things - but nice little things!


Both companies print their recipes and put them in boxes. U PE this is a very beautifully designed and printed A4 sheet, on one side there is a photo of the prepared dish, on the other side step by step recipes with photos.

For DV this is an A5 sheet. On the front side is the recipe itself with a photo. ready-made dish, and on the back is a fun activity for children. These include crosswords, puzzles, all sorts of mazes, and finding differences. My daughter is still too young to solve these puzzles, but I myself like to solve all sorts of puzzles :)

Recipes on the site

U Food Parties There are no recipes on the site, only for a week, which can be ordered. Accordingly, you can’t just get prescriptions. If I don't book another week in PE, I take screenshots of recipes I like. Maybe someday I’ll make these delicacies.

U HomeTastier Not everything is going smoothly with this either. There are recipes, but they are hidden in such a way that an ordinary mortal cannot find them. If you go to detailed recipe any dinner this week, you can find a search bar at the bottom of the page. If you enter an ingredient of interest or a word from the name of a dinner, the search will return all recipes.

The policy of hiding recipes is understandable, but there is a situation when a child spoils a piece of paper with a recipe, or you are visiting somewhere and want to surprise with an unusual dinner... If you really want to, you can ask the managers to send the recipe to email, but this is only if it is really necessary and not lazy.


IN Far East in the attached basket there is a separate leaflet with a list of all products and all manufacturers of these products. For those who are interested in knowing who the suppliers of meat, fish, eggs, spices and other products are, this is good. I don't care, but the fact that it exists adds to the advantage of this company.

Menu additions

IN Food Parties You can additionally order a set of products with a recipe for dessert or soup. I haven’t tried ordering it myself, but people seem to like it.

Social media

Of course, both companies use all the most popular social media to attract new customers and strengthen the brand. They have constant giveaways for baskets, movie tickets, cookies, and more. News is posted interesting recipes and facts about foods and food. Clients add photos of their dinners, share reviews, and just chat. I don't active user all these social networks, but it can be interesting to read the feed.

Delivery regions

On this moment Baskets are delivered in St. Petersburg and Moscow. But both companies are targeting other Russian cities.


Each company has many advantages and its own small disadvantages. But all troubles are quickly resolved. Both companies are developing, constantly offering something new to customers, delighting and surprising them. My family life I can't imagine without HomeTastier And Food Parties, and my husband completely agrees with me! Success and prosperity!

P.S. Both services provide 500 rubles discounts on your first order using a promo code, which is good news :)

Party Food: Tasha
HomeTastier: 9602722117

Enjoy it for your health!

Many photographs were taken from the sites, and simply from the Internet.