We will now sing you a song about the first one. Scenario of extracurricular event "farewell to first grade"

Extracurricular activity

"Goodbye, first class!"

Teacher (leader): Dear parents and guests of our holiday! Today is an unusual day for us - farewell to first grade. For a whole year we climbed the difficult steps of knowledge. A lot has happened along this path: joyful and sad, victories and mistakes, happy moments and disappointments. During this year, children learned to write, read, solve problems and much more. Today you will see matured children, real students. Our holiday begins...

The intro "Songs of Shapoklyak" plays Old Woman Shapoklyak appears

Old woman Shapoklyak:

I'm an old lady anyway:

And smart and young!

My rat is with me

Named Lariska!


There is someone there, they are coming here...

They won't find me here yet...

I'll hide there and peep...

Oh, how I love to peek!

Hiding. Students enter (music screensaver). One of them reads the inscription in the classroom corner

"Goodbye, first class!"

Student 1:

"Goodbye, first class!"

This seems to be about us!..

Let's sing a song

About the class we live in!

Children perform a song to the tune of “The Wizard is a Dropout.”

We'll sing for you now

A song about first grade.

It was this school year

Full of worries and troubles.

We were all in the class

There is no time to be discouraged!


No wonder the teachers

They wasted time on us

Our teacher

It was not in vain that she believed in us!

Wise teachers

We listened carefully.

We are all now sure:

It's our second time!

Old Woman Shapoklyak appears.

Old woman Shapoklyak:

What's the second one? What are you guys doing?!

It’s still too early for you to get there!

Even though you have studied for a whole year,

But we learned nothing!

You, of course, learned:

Shapoklyak – I’m an old lady.

For a whole year I watched

How are you living, friends!

Minister of Education

Sent me on a mission:

Check here, sniff there...

And give you all two marks!

I will conduct the exam!

Whatever you don't know, I'll find it.

I'll prove that you tried in vain -

It would be better if we stayed in kindergarten.

Children start talking.

Student 2:

Grandma, don't be angry!

Better sit down and take a closer look!

We remember, we haven’t forgotten,

What we were at first.

Student 3:

Kindergarten and unprepossessing,

Only seven years old,

We were initiated into schoolchildren

Last September.

Student 4:

Our first class is smart and friendly,

Doesn't know what laziness is.

And if we need something -

Only the eighth day of the week!

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Oh, you’re all just lying -

There is nothing you can do...

Or can you?.. I forgot.

I learned Russian a long time ago!

Leading: Today at the holiday we will remember what this first school year was like for us.


Mom, Dad, and I are worried.

Our family worries all evening.

Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.

And a miracle - flowers decorate the sideboard.

And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?”

And again I ironed the folds on the uniform,

And dad completely forgot from excitement -

Instead of porridge, he gave the cat jam.

I'm also worried and even trembling,

I follow mom and dad all evening.

Set the alarm so we don't oversleep,

For six hours, or better yet, five.

My mother told me: “Don’t be naive!

I'm thinking about how to sleep today.

After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time,

Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

Leading: This was the day before the first of September. And now this long-awaited day has come.

Student 5:

Study, study -

We're going to first grade!

Everything is new, everything is new,

Everything is new with us!

Student 6:

New form put it on yourself

A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,

New books, counting sticks,

New notebooks, new worries!

Student 7:

The most difficult is 1st grade!

Hardest of all - 1st grade!

Because it's the first time!

Leading: The kids filled up more than one notebook this year. And remember how difficult it was in the beginning.


First task.

We are now students.

We have no time for partying.

They put hooks on the house, -

First task!

Here are my mother and I above the table

Let's sing together:

We lead down, we lead, we lead,

Let's round it off.

But nasty hooks

With sharp noses

From under my hand

They crawl out on their own.

We don't watch TV

We don't read fairy tales.

We sit and sit for three hours,

Smoothly round off.

Evening. Late. Let's go to sleep,

We immediately fall asleep.

And in a dream: we lead, we lead,

Let's round it off.

Leading: I just can’t believe that not so long ago you were all great confusion and incompetence. Now all the children read and write well.

Children sing the song “What do they teach at school?”


Write different letters

With a thin feather in a notebook

Don't hurt kids

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.


Add two to four

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

To love different books,

And be educated

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.


Finding East and South

Draw a square and a circle

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

And never be confused

Islands and cities

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.


About the verb and about the dash,

And about the rain in the yard

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

To be strong and strong friends

Treasure friendships from childhood

Teach at school, teach at school, teach at school


Oh, not all of you are just lying -

You can do something...

Do you want to solve riddles?

Then think and speak.


1.Emerged from a spring flower

Tiny fairy daughter.

The toad kidnapped her

The mouse pretended to be a mole.

The swallow saved the baby

She took me to the sunny land.

I'll ask you to tell me

What is this girl's name? (Thumbelina)

2. The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name

Can you tell me what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

4. A girl is sitting in a basket behind Mishka.

He himself, without knowing it, carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle? Then answer!

The title of this book is... (“Masha and the Bear”)

6. He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty, talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (Kolobok)

Shapoklyak: Well done! Did a great job with my task!

Leading: Now let's take a rest


Change, change!

Dancing on the right, fighting on the left!

Angelina squeals happily!

And Nikita screams joyfully!


There is room for us to change:

Partying, screaming, screaming, arguing.

We'll quickly catch up with our friend,

When he's in the hallway.

There's no room in class

Run around in the open air.


We made a little noise

The school windows rang

We said silence

The wall at school is cracked


Sketch “Don’t put it off until tomorrow, then...”

The student comes running home:

Mom, give me all the candies, I'll eat them!

Why everything? Leave a little for tomorrow.

But Nadezhda Vladimirovna told us today: “Never leave for tomorrow what

what can be done today."

Scene “Homework”.


What a damn task! I fought and fought - failure.

There were already circles in my eyes.

Sit down, dad, help!


Head up, son!

With dad you are not alone (Sits down for homework)


We were told to underline parts of speech in the exercise.

Do me a favor, mom, be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down to study)


And for you, grandma, some paints,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep.

Draw a picture for a fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.


No, she’s old - the eye is not the same (Evgeniy cries.)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat. (Sits down to study)


I'll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?


In the morning Zhenya walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on his back.

But no fun since school

He was returning home.


What did you bring?


See for yourself!


No, report first!


Dad is five, mom is four, and you, grandma, are two. (Sorry)

Leading: Well, grandma, did you like our skits?

Shapoklyak: I liked it very much. Especially the one that said that parents do homework instead of children. This means that your children cannot do anything on their own.

Leading: You probably weren't listening very carefully. Not instead of children, but together with children. Now, listen to how our boys can sing ditties.

DITTS(performed by boys)

We are first-graders

We'll sing ditties for you.

Like in your favorite school

We live wonderfully. (Together)

We love solving problems

Who's faster and who's ahead?

And what kind of problems -

The professor himself will not understand.

We will overcome all sciences,

We will succeed in everything

Because our mothers

They also study with us.

You can hear it here and there at school

Rooster noise and din.

Fights happen here -

We have our own roosters!

Nikita with a wet broom

So he whips Zhenya.

General cleaning

Turned into a bathhouse.

Letters in Kolya's notebook

Don't stand like they're on parade

The letters jump and dance

When they wag their tails.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that we can be applauded. (Together)

Leading: Grandma, now check out “Barbarika’s Dance – Kindness” (girls dancing)

Old woman Shapoklyak:

You told, danced and sang so clearly -

That now everything is clear to me!

What will I tell the minister?

How will I report the situation?

I’ll tell him: science is gnawing,

And they will never die of boredom.

But what about you without your dad, mom?

We learned everything, we learned everything?!

You could hardly cope alone.


The teacher is stubborn

She taught us everything.

She's smarter than mom and dad

That's what they say in our class.

(Shapoklyak says goodbye to the children and leaves)

Final words:

Student 1:

Our school year has come to an end,

Don't call us "first-graders"

Our shoes and sneakers have become too small,

And the shirts became short.

Student 2:

We read, wrote, counted,

We sewed, glued and painted,

Sang songs about everything in the world,

After all, we are very cheerful children.

Student 3:

We say goodbye to first class,

Summer, summer - we are glad to see you!

Take a break from us, dear school,

We will return to you in September.

Student 4:

Farewell, beloved first grade!

You were the best in our life.

You taught us to live together,

And love our Motherland.

Student 5:

We've all become friends now

It is no longer possible to separate us.

And the joy of friendship and work

We will never forget.

Student 6:

You, our dear school,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

For demandingness and affection,

For the wisdom of kind adult eyes.

Studying here is a dream and a fairy tale!

Student 7:

We fell in love with each other

We stand up for our friends,

And my friend is with me

Moves to the second.

Student 8:

And what about the teacher?

Will he leave you and me?

No, the teacher too

Goes to the second!

Student 9:

You taught us to live together

And love our Motherland

Student 10:

Farewell, beloved first grade!

You were the best in our life.

In chorus: Long live 2nd grade!

Teacher: Dear guys! This is where our holiday ends. I congratulate you on the successful completion of first grade and the beginning of the summer holidays! I wish you have a good rest so that in three months with new strength and in a great mood We will meet again, only in the second grade. I'm waiting for you in September.

(The teacher presents certificates to the students, thank you letters parents)

Teacher: In conclusion, for you, dear parents and guests, there will be a wonderful song “Mom and Daughter” performed by our girls. Meet!!!

1. Where there is spring, there are flowers and gifts,

Good songs, familiar lines...

On a clear day, take a walk in the park

Mother and daughter are getting ready.

A ray of sunshine, thin in spring,

I forgot about the frosts and blizzards.

The girls in the class admire:

“You and mom are just like friends!”


Mom and daughter - they are so similar!

Mom and daughter are two drops of sunshine.

Childhood goes away, goes away - and yet

Love remains in the heart forever!

2. The daughter is sad, the daughter doesn’t know the answer,

My soul is heavy and anxious.

Mom will say with hope: “Dear!

It’s possible to return everything, to fix everything!”

It sounds in us through the winds and losses.

Mom and daughter walk along the road -

On the road of love and trust.


Graduation in 1st grade. (designed for parallel 1st grades)


1) to form in students a desire for active intellectual activity;

2) cultivate the ability to work together and coordinate their actions;

3) cultivate interest in joint activities among parents and children.

Progress of the holiday.

Our dear guests: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Our first school year has ended. For many it was a successful year, for others it was difficult, but equally interesting for everyone. Look at your children. How they grew up, became wiser and learned a lot. Everyone coped with the task with dignity. And I sincerely congratulate you on your first victory! The guys learned a lot of interesting things. Now they will tell you about it themselves.

Performance 1 A class.

1. Farewell to first class

We gathered with the whole family.

Moms are all sad on the sidelines,

Dads smile:

Either the worries are over,

Either they're starting!

2. There is a fun country called school.

And for us it is one, we give you our word.

3. Here we studied, thought, sang, danced,

We learned a lot and became smarter.

4. Let's put the country on the globe, choose a place for it,

Let's call it the State of Childhood.

(The song “Don’t Twist the Motley Globe” plays)

5. Why are we all so dressed up and cute today?

Maybe we feel the breath, the approach of spring?

6. No, spring has come a long time ago, it greeted us in March.

And today, on a May day, we can’t sit at home,

Because the graduation holiday came to us in the spring.

7. Goodbye, 1st grade! This seems to be about us!

Let's sing a song about the class we live in!

(Children sing to the tune of the song “The Wizard is a Dropout”)

We will now sing you a song about first grade.

This school year was full of worries and troubles.

We all had no time to be depressed in class!


No wonder the teachers

They wasted their time on us.

The teachers believed in us

It was not in vain that they believed in us!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Wise teachers

We listened carefully

We are all now sure:

It's our second time!


The time of victories and failures has passed,

We have grown, strengthened, matured,

Solved many difficult problems

We can do things that we couldn’t do before

I remember the sounds of September.

And that bell called us to study.

Beautiful covers my books,

Magical, beautiful pages.

I really like studying

I'm not afraid to answer.

I can handle the task

Because I'm not lazy.

We still need to study for 10 years, not to be lazy, but to work.

And from the school threshold the road to life will open.

We love to study, We gnaw on the granite of science.

And, of course, we know for sure
In every third, a genius sleeps.

And now we will show one day in the life of a first grader.

The bell rings. First lesson: literary reading.

But we have someone late for class.

(The student sings to the tune “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”)

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

I was late for class again

I didn’t want to, but I lied again:

That the alarm clock let me down again,

The elevator got stuck and the bus left

And then I ran so fast

But I was late for class again.



Reading is a wonderful lesson.

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines.

Whether it's a poem or a story,

You teach them, they teach you.

(children perform a song based on the song from the cartoon “The Lion Cub and the Turtle”)

1. I’m sitting reading,

I've been staring at the book for a long time.

I keep sitting and looking

I don't find any meaning in it.

Play and dream.

Well, I'm sitting here

And I keep looking at the textbook.

3. I teach this way and that,

The thought doesn’t fit in at all.

I cram and cram

But I can't remember.

4. Ours is sitting next to Tim

Doesn't even look at the book

Let's sit with him

And let's look out the window!

Teacher: In reading lessons we learned about proverbs. Game: I say the beginning of the proverb, and you say the end.

The dress is good new, (but the friend is old)

You won't live long with someone else's mind

If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie (on the stove)

Don't be in a hurry with your tongue (be in a hurry with your actions)

Measure seven times (cut once)

Life is given for (good deeds)

The bell rings. Change.

(to the tune of the song “Pursuit”)

Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over.

The guys finally broke the chain.

Don't stand on the road, otherwise you'll get lost

They rush, they rush, they rush

And you can't stop them.

Teacher . The bell is ringing again. He calls us to class.Russian language lesson.

(Pupils of grade 1B come on stage)

Students :

So we sat down at our desks,

We picked up a pencil.

Oh, and a difficult task -

Write letters correctly.

Sketch “Letter” (performed by mother and son)

Son. We are students now, we have no time for partying.

They put hooks on the house - the first task.

Here my mother and I are singing together at the table:

We lead down, we lead, we lead, we smoothly round off.

But nasty hooks with sharp noses

They crawl out from under my hand on their own.

Mother. We don’t watch TV, we don’t read fairy tales.

We sit and sit for three hours and smoothly wrap things up.

Evening. Late. Let's go to bed.

We immediately fall asleep. And in a dream we lead, we lead,

Smoothly round off.

Students. We learned the letters, wrote the syllables,

And they combined the syllables into whole words.

After - in a sentence, suddenly surprisingly

It turned out a miracle: “My Motherland!”

No grammar, friends,

There's no way we can survive.

Although it is difficult, but without it

Life would be bad.

You will be a great student,

If you start writing with capital letters

And take it into account

End the sentence with a period.

Don't forget other signs:

Comma, ellipsis...

Punctuation marks

We need it like we need our breath.

In ZHI-SHI combinations

Just and always write.

In combinations CHA-SHA

We write only the letter A.

In combinations CHU-SCHU

Write only the letter y:

And now we will tell you how we learned to put emphasis on words.

Song based on "Chunga-Chunga"

I'm sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It's already spring there, the streams are ringing,

Well, they keep telling me: teach, teach.


Tired of spelling, tired of spelling,

Tired of soft, hard signs.

I'm tired of studying, I want to fly like a bird,

I wish this summer would come soon.

The bell rings. Change.

Teacher: Now you need to answer several questions very quickly.

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

The sentence consists of..(words)

Words are divided into..(syllables)

We hear and pronounce..(sounds)

How many vowels are in a word, so many...(syllables)

Which letters do not represent sounds? (b,b)

Game. Three students come out. The 1st student picks up a card with a picture of a letter. The 2nd writes this letter on the back of the third with his finger. The 3rd student says out loud the letter he felt.

The bell rings. He calls us to class.Math lesson.

Turns out 1st grade.

Students. Both beautiful and strong

Mathematics country.

Work is in full swing here:

Everyone is counting something.

Everywhere you can hear:

You can count everything

How many corners are there in the room? How many legs do sparrows have?

How many fingers are there on the hands, How many benches are there in the kindergarten,

How many kopecks are in a penny? The table has 4 legs,

Our cat has 5 kittens.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - I can count everything!

Teacher. And mathematics is also needed in order to calculate which number baby tooth fell out among our first graders.


A baby tooth has fallen out and my soul is sad.

Although it was not durable, it is a pity for the tooth.

Wow, what a hole! - the kids whisper.

And Margin Seryozha asks: “Show me.”

And Evgeniy Rozhko tells everyone:

How much is left? As many as 27!

Mom and Dad are happy: “I fell out, so what?

That’s what he needs – you, son, are growing up.”

Now I'm no longer sad in vain,

Now I can whistle perfectly into the hole.

Students perform ditties.

1. We guys are first-graders

We'll sing ditties for you.

Like in your favorite school

We live wonderfully.

2. We are eight-year-old boys,

We love to run and play.

And we promise to study

At "4" and at "5".

3. We love solving problems

Who's faster and who's ahead?

And what are the tasks?

The professor himself will not understand.

4. We will overcome all sciences, we will succeed,

Because our mothers study with us too.

5. You can hear it here and there at school

Rooster noise and din.

Fights happen here - we have our own roosters.

6. Who said that I loudly?

Who said I'm screaming?

I'm teaching my friend Anya a new song.

7. Everyone shouts that we will, we will,

Some are doctors, some are lecturers.

Well, I’m the most needed, I’ll be the director.

8. We’ve already finished first grade,

The clock was ticking.

And now we, guys,

Summer holidays.


Description of the competition: Ten members from each team have signs with numbers from 0 to 9 hung on their chests. The leader loudly announces something arithmetic operation. The players quickly calculate the result in their heads, and those of them who have signs on their chests with numbers forming a number become the answer, showing the result.

5+10=15 47-20=27 30+6=36 50-1=49 70+10=80

The bell rings from class.

This is how the day ended for the first graders.

Song based on "Smile"

Another day is over,

And it's time for us to part for a while,

And although I’m too lazy to do homework,

But tomorrow we have to get ready for school again.

Chorus: They will teach us again, like on white live in the world,

They will teach us spelling patterns again.

The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, a student starts at school.


1. First class for the first time

A year ago you accepted us.

We moved to the second and say goodbye to you!

2.Chalk, board, paintings, cards

They will cross with us.

The desks will be a little higher

They will grow up with us.

3. We fell in love with each other for friends we stand like a mountain

And my friend goes with me to the second one.

4. And what about the teacher?

Will he leave you and me?

5. No! The teacher too

Moves to the second.

6. Our school year has ended,

Don't call us kids.

7. The shoes and sneakers became too small for us

And the pants became short.

8. We read, wrote, counted,

Cut, glued and painted,

9. They sang songs about everything in the world -

After all, we are very good children!

10. Let peace in our school

The bell sleeps until autumn.

Hello weed! Hello field!

Hello, sunny day!

The final song about summer.

Farewell to 1st grade.

Old woman Shapoklyak:I'm an old lady anyway:
And smart and young!
My rat is with me
Named Lariska!

There is someone there, they are coming here...
They won't find me here yet...
I'll hide there and peep...
Oh, how I love to peek!

Hiding. Students enter. One of them reads the inscription on the poster “Goodbye, first grade!”

Student 1: “Goodbye, first class!”
This seems to be about us!..
Let's sing a song
About the class we live in!
song to the tune of “The Wizard is a Dropout.”

We'll sing for you now
A song about first grade.
It was this school year
Full of worries and troubles.
We have learned everything
Think, read, count.
We were all in the class
There is no time to be discouraged! Chorus:

No wonder the teachers
They wasted time on us
No wonder you suffered with us
It was not in vain that they believed in us!
Yes! Yes!
Wise teachers
We listened carefully.
We are all now sure:
It's our second time!Old Woman Shapoklyak appears.

Old woman Shapoklyak:

What's the second one? What are you guys doing?!
It’s still too early for you to get there!
Even though you have studied for a whole year,
But we learned nothing!
You, of course, learned:
Shapoklyak - I'm an old lady.
For a whole year I watched
How are you living, friends!

The Minister of Education sent me on a mission:
Check here, sniff there...
And give you all two marks!
I will conduct the exam!
Whatever you don't know, I'll find it.
I'll prove that you tried in vain -
It would be better if we stayed in kindergarten.Children start talking.

Student 2: Grandma, don't be angry!
Better sit down and take a closer look!
We remember, we haven’t forgotten,
What we were at first.

Student 3: Kindergarten and unprepossessing,
Only seven years old,
We were initiated into schoolchildren
Already last September.

Student 4: Our first class is smart and friendly,
Doesn't know what laziness is.
And if we need something -
Only the eighth day of the week!

Old woman Shapoklyak:Oh, you’re all just lying -
There is nothing you can do...
Or can you?.. I forgot.
I learned Russian a long time ago!

Leading: Today at the holiday we will remember what this first school year was like for us. Let's turn the pages of the school calendar.

First page -“First time, first grade!”

Three girls for the first time
We were getting ready for first grade...

Julia says to her friends:
I want to go to school -
I put everything in my backpack,
Only there is no primer.
There is a ruler, glue, notebook,
To write letters in it.
Here's some cardboard and a white eraser,
And an orange marker.
There is a set of different papers:
Yellow, blue, bright red.
Pen, pencil, pencil case.
My backpack has become heavy!

And then Nina said,
I turned seven years old!
And I will go this time
To the best first class.
I'll be at school,
And I dream about
To excel in studies
And, like mom, become a seller!

Silent Diana
Suddenly, he says to his friends:
I sculpt from plasticine
Studied the alphabet
I'll tell you without stress
Multiplication table for you,
I know the North, I know the South,
I'll draw a circle with chalk.
I'll teach you too
And I’ll tell you without hiding:
I want to teach children
Just like my grandmother!

Three girls for the first time
We were getting ready for first grade...

Leading: This was the day before the first of September. And now this long-awaited day has come.

Student 5: Study, study -
We're going to first grade!
Everything is new, everything is new,
Everything is new with us!

Student 6: We put on a new uniform,
A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,
New books, counting sticks,
New notebooks, new worries!

Student 7: The most difficult is 1st grade!
The hardest one is 1st grade!
Because it's the first time!

Leading: The kids filled up more than one notebook this year. And remember how difficult it was in the beginning.

Student: First task.
We are now students.
We have no time for partying.
They put hooks on the house, -
First task!
Here are my mother and I above the table
Let's sing together:
- We lead down, we lead, we lead,
Let's round it off.
But nasty hooks
With sharp noses
From under my hand
They crawl out on their own.
We don't watch TV
We don't read fairy tales.
We sit and sit for three hours,
Smoothly round off.
Evening. Late. Let's go to sleep,
We immediately fall asleep.
And in a dream: we lead, we lead,
Let's round it off.

Leading: I just can’t believe that not so long ago you were all great confusion and incompetence. Now all the children read and write well.

Children perform a song“What do they teach at school?”(words by M. Plyatskovsky; music by V. Shainsky).

Second page of the calendar -“School Science Parade.”

Children have textbooks in their hands.

Student 1: ("Russian language")

We'll tell you now,
What they taught us at school.
Russian is our native language!
He is rich and wise.

Student 2: (“Mathematics”) We learned in mathematics
We've never heard anything before:
Line up the numbers
They tell us a lot.
Ten of them, but these sisters
They will count everything in the world.

Student 3: (“Reading”) Reading is a wonderful lesson,
There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines.
Whether it's a poem or a story,
We teach them, they teach us.

Student 4: (“Natural Science”) Taught us to love our land
And watch nature
How to protect all animals
Protect both forest and water.
We talked about everything:
About mushrooms and flowers,
About birch and aspen,
About fields and meadows.

The music teacher entered the spacious classroom,
And with music we enter the classroom together.
And our pure sounds flow,
And we sing better and better every year!
Children perform any of the songs they have learned.

"Dwarfs" - Karina

Leading: The parade is over. You will continue to become familiar with these school subjects in second grade.

Next page -“School kaleidoscope.”

Student: Happy loss.
One day I'm home from school
He returned with a briefcase,
My briefcase is on the way
Suddenly he took it and got lost.
I was very happy
Such great luck:
Hold my briefcase tightly -
Everything would have turned out differently.
Just in time I left him
Suddenly he took it and broke away,
Otherwise I would definitely go with him
Suddenly he took it and got lost.

Student: Looking to the future.
Who is the hope in the house?
Well, of course, on me!
After all, I go to school alone,
After all, I have a family behind me.
I don't study for grades,
I try for others
I don't need change
Respite, weekend.
Frankly concerned
I am the country's problems -
The new century, probably,
New forces are needed.


I sat motionless the entire lesson.
And I received an “A” for behavior.
And those who sat with movement, those “4”,
And those who fought received “C” marks.
And Zhenya was given “2” in her diary.
Although he is a good student,
But this Zhenya laughed throughout the lesson,
Over how I sat motionless.

Student: I wrote a note to Katya,
She returned the note to me,
Moreover, it’s not at all by the way,
My mistakes were highlighted.
And he looks at me: am I angry?
“Ha ha!” - I answered with a smile
And he wrote a note to Nika.
She forgives all mistakes.

Student: Happy loss.
One day I'm home from school
He returned with a briefcase,
My briefcase is on the way
Suddenly he took it and got lost.
I was very happy
Such great luck:
Hold my briefcase tightly -
Everything would have turned out differently.
Just in time I left him
Suddenly he took it and broke away,
Otherwise I would definitely go with him
Suddenly I got lost
. School, school - song

Leading: Open the shortest page“Change”.

Scene “Justified.”

Mother: (a girl in an apron and with her “son’s” diary in her hands).

What did you do at school?

Son: (boy) I didn't fight, I didn't litter,
And he didn’t run, and he didn’t jump,
And I didn’t shake my legs,
And he didn’t tease the girls,
And I didn’t spill the ink,
Didn't lie on the floor
And he stood there... in the corner.

Student: I was chosen to be on duty
This is my first time on duty.
I collected papers
I ventilated the classroom.
I worked all day
Finally tired
And Lyudmila Petrovna
She said: “Well done!”
What desks are clean?
How clean the floor is.
But the attendant herself
In ink and chalk.

Scene “Change”. Ant for recess
I entered a noisy school.
And froze in amazement,
Amazed by the change...
Boy: Ant, say a word.He said: Ant: Wow - ah - ah...
An anthill like this
I didn't see

Scene “Girls”. (The girls stand in a “semicircle”).First grade - at recess...

Student 1: Girls! Who knows
What is the rooster used for when it crows?
Does he close his eyes?

Student 2: So that they can see that he is honest!
Once I closed my eyes,
So, I learned the whole song,
And he doesn't wait for a hint.

(Children perform ditties)

We are laughing girls
We'll sing ditties for you.
Like in your favorite school
We live wonderfully.

Eh, stomp your foot
Stomp right.
I came to school to study
Even if it’s small.

Every day we have lessons -
We sculpt, paint, craft,
We study numbers, letters,
We talk a lot.

We love solving problems
Who's faster and who's ahead?
And what kind of problems -
The professor himself will not understand.

We will overcome all sciences,
We will succeed in everything
Because our mothers
They also study with us.

You can hear it here and there at school
Rooster noise and din.
Fights happen here -
We have our own roosters!

Who said I was loud?
Who said I'm screaming?
I'm my girlfriend Dasha
I'm teaching a new song.

With a wet broom Danilka
So he whips Sanya.
General cleaning
Turned into a bathhouse.

Nika walked all day
In a brocade skirt.
She told all the kids:
“I’ll be Pugacheva.”

I dream of being a nurse
I will treat all the guys.
I will do bandages,
I will surround you with warmth and affection.

I'll become a cook
When I grow up big.
I will cook compotes for everyone
And my favorite noodle soup.

Everyone is shouting that we will, we will,
Some are doctors, some are lecturers.
Well, I’m the most needed
I'll be the director.

We've already finished first grade,
The clock ticked by
And now we, guys,
Summer holidays.

We'll have a rest over the summer,
Let's gain strength,
And at the beginning of September
Let's get together again.

We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that we can be applauded.

Student: Everyone in class is busy
From call to call.
It's just a pity that there's a change
The school is very short.

Student 6: The teacher is stubborn
She taught us everything.
She's smarter than mom and dad
That's what they say in our class.

Old woman Shapoklyak:You said it so clearly -
And now everything is clear to me!
What will I tell the minister?
How will I report the situation?
I’ll tell him: science is gnawing,
And they will never die of boredom.
But what about you without your dad, mom?
We learned everything, we learned everything?!
You could hardly cope alone.

Student 6: The teacher is stubborn
She taught us everything.
She's smarter than mom and dad
That's what they say in our class.

Leading: Opening the last page of our calendar“Goodbye, 1st grade!”

Student 2: Our school year has come to an end,
Don't call us "first-graders"
Our shoes and sneakers have become too small,
And the shirts became short.

Student 3: We say goodbye to first class,
Summer, summer - we are glad to see you!
Take a break from us, dear school,
We will return to you in September.

Student 4: Farewell, beloved first grade!
You were the best in our life.
You taught us to live together,
And love our Motherland.

Student 5: You taught us all to read,
Write, count and draw.
We can glue and sculpt,
And even sew on a button.

Student 6: We've all become friends now
It is no longer possible to separate us.
And the joy of friendship and work
We will never forget.

Student 7: You, our dear school,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
For demandingness and affection,
For the wisdom of kind adult eyes.
Studying here is a dream and a fairy tale!
School, school song.

8th student: Lessons are over at school.
We moved on to the next class.
Lie in the sun
The sea invites us.
Let peace in our school
The bell sleeps until autumn.
Hello weed!
Hello field!
Hello, sunny day!

The song “You, me, and you and me.”

All: Give me second grade as soon as possible!

Awarding medals.

Tea party.

Scenario extracurricular activity"Farewell to 1st class"

Buryachenko Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. D.H. Scriabin
Job description: I think this scenario will be of interest to primary school teachers. He teaches positive attitude to study, the ability to make friends, the unity of parents and children.

Old woman Shapoklyak
I'm an old lady, no matter where:
Both smart and young!
My rat is with me
Named Lariska! (listens)
There is someone there, they are coming here...
They won't find me here yet.
I'll hide there and peep
Oh, how I love to peek!

(Hides. Children enter to the song “What They Teach at School”)

1 child:“Goodbye, first class!”
This seems to be about us!

2nd child: The most difficult 1st class.
1st grade is the hardest!
Because for the first time
We are in 1st grade!

3rd child: Many times as kids
We played first grade.
I even dreamed about it in my dreams
Class with the sign “First “B””!

4th child: We dreamed about the class more than once,
In September the dream came true.

5th child: In the morning we put on our uniforms,
We took new briefcases
And we went for the first time
To first grade!

6th child: We came to school for the first time,
Like a holiday parade.
Into a cheerful, unfamiliar world.
Personally, I was very happy.

7th child: All with flowers on the line
We stood without breathing
And they marveled: to what extent?
Our school is good!

8th child: I remember my mother smiling
I waved back to her
And in my hands I held a wonderful
Gladiolus bouquet.

9th child: And like a little wizard,
I opened the textbook for the first time.
I understood at that very moment,
That now I am a student.

Teacher: Dear guys! Your first year at school is over! He was not easy! Morning rise when you really wanted to lie in bed for a minute longer; lessons in which you had to write, count, read and listen carefully; quarrels with classmates during recess and friendship in class; small first victories and disappointments - all this was in this unforgettable academic year when you became schoolchildren!

10th child: Goodbye, first grade!
This seems to be about us!
Let's sing a song
About the class we live in!

(Song to the tune of "The Half-Educated Wizard")
1 buy
We'll sing for you now
A song about first grade.
It was this school year
Full of worries and troubles.
We have learned everything
Think, read, count.
We were all in the class
There is no time to be discouraged.
No wonder the teachers
Wasted time on us
Our Lyudmila Nikolaevna
It was not in vain that she believed in us
Yes! Yes! Yes!
2 buys
Wise teachers
We listened carefully
We are all now sure:
It's our second time!

Old woman Shapoklyak
What's the second one? What are you guys?
It's still too early for you to get there!
Even though you have studied for a whole year,
But we learned nothing!
You, of course, learned:
I'm a dirty old lady.
I've been watching for a whole year
How are you living, friends!
I don’t understand what you studied?
It would be better if we had a lot of fun!
I walk all day.
Well, aren’t you too lazy to cram?
You've been sitting at school since the morning,
Work at home until nightfall.
No, all this is not for me,
It's better to climb a pine tree,
Throw cones at the squirrels,
Throw sticks at the birds.

- Guys, let's try to convince Old Woman Shapoklyak.

11th child: And we will tell you now,
What they taught us at school.
Russian is our native language!
He is rich and wise.

12th child: We made circles
How many sticks! A whole forest!
Colons and periods
Aroused interest.

13th child: The sticks were taken out while standing,
Even lying on my side,
That's why it turned out
Wrong line!

Teacher:- And then you called for help from magic wands!

POEM “Magic Sticks”

Help out the wands, help out the wands!
Get in order
In my first notebook.
Don't go beyond the line
Keep your back straight, everyone!
Why don't you listen?
Why are you studying poorly?
Why are you standing there at random?
I got it for you again!
But my teacher doesn't know
And even my mother doesn’t know
How hard it is to teach you
So that you stand straight.

- How difficult it was for us to find sticks, hooks, and letters. And often instead of a letter it turned out to be a squiggle.

Hunched over, stooped, with patches on her back.
There's a squiggle running across my notebook.
Everything walks along the ruler at an angle,
He's having fun and chatting with me.

You really pleased me that you brought me into the world!
Oh, what a fine fellow you are, my parent, my father!
You always move your pen like a chicken's paw
Write out the squiggles and scratch the notebook.

- My God, does she really think I’m her dad!

Teacher:- Thank you, guys.
I really want the kids to grow up quickly,
But they already know how to find the accent in a word.
How did you learn to put emphasis?

(The girl Masha comes out, her throat is wrapped in a scarf)
Girl Masha:- I really want to go to school as soon as possible, to see the kids. It's time to take the medicine.
(Takes a bottle of medicine, reads the label and starts squeaking. Tanya runs in)
Girl Tanya:- What happened, Masha? Why are you squeaking?
Masha:- Yes, I took the medicine, but here it is written (reads): “One spoon three times, after meals.”
Tanya:- Oh, you stupid! You probably read: “After eating, not / food”
Masha:- Oh, the teacher told us at school that changing the emphasis can change the meaning of words. Yes, it is useful to know the rules of the Russian language.

14th child:- Of course, it is important to know science,
But no rest, friends.
The kids can't live.
Teacher:- Do you want to know how our changes are going? Listen.

POEM by Oleg Serdobolsky “CHANGE”

15th child: Definitely! Definitely
The bell will ring now!
Change! Change!
What joy for the feet!
The whole class succeeds
We'll make a mess
Rip out the buttons with meat,
Lose a kilogram
Vasya Bore succeeds
Trip me in the hallway
And then Borya Vasya
Manages to break his nose!
And it’s unclear - whose did she take?
...This would be the same in class
There was success!

Teacher:- Yes, we have fun in 1st grade, especially during recess!
- The bell is ringing ding-dong. The lesson begins.
The next lesson is mathematics.

16th child:- Of course, we have not yet discovered all the secrets of the language.
And mathematicians have solved the problem, but not all of us have solved it yet.
17th child:- I really like studying
I'm not afraid to answer.
I can handle the task
Because I'm not lazy.
18 child: It's an interesting matter -
How can I find the unknown?
I look for X in all tasks,
Wish me luck!
19th child: And beautiful and strong
Mathematics is a country.
Work is in full swing here,
Everyone is counting something.
20 child: How many corners are there in the room?
How many legs do sparrows have?
How many fingers are there on your hands?
How many benches are there in the kindergarten?
How many kopecks are in a penny?

21child: Math is everywhere
Just look at it
And there are a lot of different examples
You will find it around you.

Sketch “Two and Three” based on a poem by B. Zakhoder

Seryozha went to first grade,
Don't joke with Seryozha!
He can count with us
Almost until ten!
It's no sin for such a wise man
Pull up snub nose:
Once upon a time at my father’s table
He asks a question...
Seryozha: There are two pies here, dad, right?
Do you want to bet?
I can always prove
That there are not two, but three!
They count together.
Seryozha. Here's one, and here's two. Look!
One and two...
Son graduated
Seryozha: There will be three!
Father: Well done!
Father said.
Father: Indeed, three!
And that's why I'll take two,
And you take the third one.

(bell rings)

22 child: We read, wrote, counted,
They sewed, glued and painted.
Sang songs about everything in the world,
After all, we are very cheerful children.
Old woman Shapoklyak
Oh, I'm so tired after a year. Every day I watched
How do you live, friends? And I want to tell you:
Well done, you convinced and taught the old woman.
I will also study and be proud of you, kids.

Teacher:- Well done, guys! And your parents - how worried they were about you!
Boy: Yes, our poor mothers and fathers!
Girl: Why are they poor?
Boy: They sit, look at us, and, I noticed, almost cry.
Girl: So they also want to take part in our holiday! Let's give them this opportunity?
Boy: Okay, let them play. When will they have this opportunity again?

Teacher: We see that the kids have matured, and you, parents, are ready to move to second grade? Now we will check it!

Remember your child’s lesson schedule on Wednesday (reading, Russian, physical education, mathematics, technology).
Give the school address.
Raise your hand if anyone knows which desk your child was sitting at. lately?
What's the name best friend your child in class?
What is the name of the school principal?
How many children are there in your child's class? (25)
How many physical education lessons does your child have per week? (2) On what days? (Monday, Wednesday)
How many girls are there in the class? (11)
How many subjects did your child study in first grade? (9)

Girl: Do you see what our parents are like? They know everything about us, they want to help with everything.
Boy: We love them very much and want our moms and dads to want to be with us always, just like today!

23 child: Dear mothers! Dear dads!
Grandparents, brothers and sisters!
It's so good to have you around now
At this solemn joyful hour.

24 child: We will share our joy with you,
In life for us you are the earth's compass.
After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!
We are grateful to you with all our hearts!
Teacher: Guys! Let's say “thank you” to your parents for the fact that at any moment, sad or joyful, they are always with you.

Children say loudly in chorus: “THANK YOU” and give cards with palms with words of gratitude written to their parents.

Teacher: I have our bell in my hands, but how elegant it is! All year he informed us about the beginning and end of classes. Today, he accepts good wishes and helps to fulfill them. Now I will pass it around in a circle, and each of you will be able to wish something good to our class, to any of its students, including yourself, your parents, at your request.

Children and parents say wishes by passing the bell to each other...

Teacher:- Thank you for your wonderful wishes, let's hope they come true. Guys, today you received congratulatory telegrams, but for some reason without signatures. Let's guess who could have sent such telegrams.
(As you guess, heroes appear on the screen - the authors of the telegrams)

1. I wish I could catch something while fishing in the summer goldfish. May you be lucky like me. (Old man from a fairy tale)
3. I wish the students of grade 1-B not to get sick all summer, to toughen up, and not to go to the doctors. (Doctor Aibolit)
4. We want to do it in the summer interesting trip, you can at hot air balloon. (Dunno and his friends)
5. I wish to eat a barrel of jam, a ton of cookies, a bucket of ice cream, and a mountain of fruit over the summer. (Carlson)
6. Study as hard as possible in school, and not only in science, but also in politeness. And then one day a girl Masha came to visit us. She ate our porridge, broke Mishutka's highchair and even lay on our beds! (Three Bears)

Teacher: And now it's time
Who will pass under the arch,
He will be a whole year older.
He will find his way to the second class!

25 child: First class! For the first time
A year ago you accepted us.
Let's move on to the second one,
Let's say goodbye to you!

26 child: We fell in love with each other
We stand up for our friends.
And my friend is with me
Moves to the second.

To the music, children walk under an arch with the inscription “1st grade - 2nd grade”
and line up in a semicircle.

27 child: And what about the teacher?
Will he leave you and me?
No, the teacher too
Moves to the second.
(The teacher also passes under the arch.)

28 child: We just left for school,
Yes, we sat at the desk,
Yes, they signed it in the notebook,
At recess they became noisy,
All friends were listened to -
Suddenly the holidays for some reason
Then they attacked us! ...
29 child: The sun is shining very brightly
And the children rejoice.
School year just around the corner,
And hurray for the holidays!
30 child: We've been waiting for them for a very long time,
They thought they wouldn't come.
We didn’t have time to look back,
And they are right there.
31 children: Summer, river, forest and field -
This is great, but still,
We will miss our friends
Our first class to remember.

(to the tune of the song “Wonderful Neighbor”)

1. How can we not have fun,
Don't laugh and don't sing,
How much can we learn?
Poring over notebooks.
And we wrote dictations,
Even if sometimes with mistakes,
And notebooks from efforts
All had holes in them.
2. We worked hard,
We've gone through a lot in a year.
Lost weight and tired
Look how we got there.
During this year of study we
We became older and smarter.
Let us not forget these difficult ones,
But happy school days.

Teacher: Dear guys, I congratulate you on the successful completion of first grade. Relax, gain strength, eat more fruits, improve your health, and don’t forget to read books in the summer.
And in conclusion, let’s all say the cherished phrase together: “Hurray! We are second graders!”
Presentation of first grade diplomas and certificates to parents