What is a huckster in prison jargon? Thieves' slang (argo) - fenya

Prison jargon and thieves' concepts are widespread in Russia and abroad among certain segments of the population. For many decades, unwritten rules and regulations have regulated the way of life of convicts in the zone and outside it. The prison has its own hierarchy, where the thief in law is in charge, the lower castes are subordinate to the higher castes, and a peculiar vocabulary is the only possible way of communication.

Prison concepts and laws

When setting out on a stage, it is difficult for a person to imagine the atmosphere in which he will find himself. The lifestyle lesson presented in films, books and other sources looks different in reality.

In the zone, prison law is observed - rules that are mandatory for convicts. It regulates the way of life of prisoners, their behavior, communication, interaction between each other and representatives of law enforcement agencies. There is no document that clearly states its provisions; some points are changed or added, depending on the specific zone.

At the same time, it is important to separate the concepts of “prison law” and “thieves’ law”. The first is part of the second.

The thieves' law is a more extensive set of rules and regulations; some of its points apply only to the life of thieves in law and persons seeking to be “crowned”. It includes provisions:

  • comply with and disseminate the ideas of the criminal world;
  • do not enter into relations with law enforcement agencies;
  • be honest;
  • do not participate in politics;
  • ensure order in the correctional labor institution (correctional labor institution), pre-trial detention center (pretrial detention center);
  • know how to play cards.

Additional rules include:

  • do not testify or admit guilt;
  • you cannot have a family, property and savings;
  • do not use weapons;
  • not to work;
  • regularly stay in places of detention and others.

Additional provisions in modern correctional institutions are largely unenforced, but a few decades ago they were of great importance.

Prison law is respected not only by thieves in law, but also by other representatives of crime. Its provisions include:

  • allocate a share to the common fund (share for the common good);
  • do not swear, do not insult;
  • not to inform;
  • do not raise a hand against a thief in law;
  • honor parents;
  • do not accuse unreasonably;
  • be responsible for what is said;
  • don't steal from your own people.

The prison law was created to streamline the lives of people in limited conditions. Without it, 10-20 people in a cramped cell are capable of tearing each other's throats out over the slightest trouble. Violators of the code are punished; mistakes are not forgiven here.

An offensive or inappropriately spoken word or phrase can lower a person to the lowest rank, which will leave an imprint on his further existence in the zone.

Prison slang is used behind bars and in everyday life. However, in the zone it is of fundamental importance and it is impossible to do without it. The suspect begins to master the criminal language while still in the pre-trial detention cells, often thanks to “experienced” comrades.


Conventionally, prison concepts are classified into 2 groups:

  • positive- correct for the prisoners themselves;
  • negative- characteristic of lower suits.

In this case, positive concepts are divided into:

  • Human- fundamental provisions that both the lads and the men adhere to. Concepts strive for interaction, mutual assistance, empathy and are mandatory for everyone.
  • Thieves- opposition to authorities and society, primarily to law enforcement agencies. When it is said “to live according to the concepts”, it means precisely according to thieves, voluntarily accepting the provisions of the code. If, for example, an offense can be forgiven according to human concepts, based on sympathy, then according to thieves - in no case.

Negative ones are divided into:

  • disgusting- when a person went against human concepts (theft from cellmates, conviction for rape, crimes against children, and so on);
  • cops- represent the opposite of thieves.

What not to do and say

It is important to talk (talk) correctly with fellow inmates, to monitor speech - this often becomes a fundamental point in assigning a person a status (suit). A look, criminal phrases, cunning, posture, inner strength help others understand what a prisoner is like.

Good guys should know:

  • You can't send anyone. Even the unfinished phrase “Fuck you...” indicates an accusation of being a homosexual, for which the person to whom the expression is addressed can despise, beat, and even kill the person who said it. It is impossible not to respond to an insult - this will be perceived as agreement and will become the reason for being assigned to a lower caste.
  • You cannot swear and make baseless accusations (by making them). Even the curse word “your mother” can be regarded as an insult by savvy cellmates, especially in a relationship with knives. Therefore, words that cannot be said in the cell include swearing and other offensive language. All accusations must be substantiated, they must be explained and supported by facts.
  • In prison conditions, strength and martial arts skills are practically of no use, since they are prohibited. Physical violence is allowed if you are sent. In this case, reprisal must be mandatory. Convicts rarely beat each other, and there must be good reasons for this.
  • You need to be responsible for your words. This applies to important issues and trifles. For this reason, if a statement is in doubt, it is better to remain silent.
  • It is right not to interfere in processes that do not concern you. For example, nothing should be done or prevented from suicide. Even if a cellmate asks for a blade, this must be done.
  • You cannot take anything away or steal (raft) from prisoners - this is regarded as lawlessness.
  • You shouldn't trust anyone. Usually, newcomers are treated neutrally - without aggression or sympathy. Excessive goodwill should alert you, but you shouldn’t pour out your soul.

In a particular prison, there may be additional restrictions, especially if you are sent to an institution for juvenile offenders: do not pick up things that have fallen from the floor, do not finish smoking cigarettes for representatives of lower castes, do not sew up socks, do not have a spoon in your clothes pocket, do not wash your upper one with one washcloth. and lower body and so on.

How to say hello correctly

The first impression that a convict will make on others upon entering the cell also depends on his greeting.

It’s important to understand that prisoners don’t shake hands. This is due to the lack of information about who the person is, the fear of “getting dirty” - to say hello to a representative of a lower caste (omitted).

Therefore, no one will answer the handshake. Zashkvar (meaning “shame”) after contact with the “roosters” allows the convict to be ranked among their rank. It’s also “zapadlo” (humiliating) to shake hands with camp administration staff, cops, and so on.

You should not say “hello” or “hello” - this will be regarded as equating both lower and authoritative castes with the same suit.

Greetings in prisons are usually done in Arabic: you can say “salaam alaikum” or “general salaam.”

In prison they don’t greet “roosters.”

Once in the camera, the suit affiliation can be seen with the naked eye. The lower the bunk (bed) on the bunk and the further away from the toilet (bowl), the more prestigious the caste. Main man resides in the far corner on the lower tier diagonally from the place of relief. You need to go to him and definitely say hello.

In common huts (cells), the greeting is pronounced loudly, then they go to the criminal corner. Newcomers usually live as a separate family - it is better to sit down and talk to them, to ask for information about the way of life, who is related to whom. Communication takes place exclusively on a first-name basis, even if there is a significant age difference.

A conversation (bazaar), a kind of test or interview is held with each new person in the cell. Based on the answers to the questions, they put forward a decision about who you are and where you will be assigned. Often, newcomers have to guess funny Zonov riddles that are asked for fun, but the results can affect the situation of the prisoner.

In prison, it is not customary to address people by their first and last names; nicknames are used for this purpose. For newcomers, they are chosen by a caste of authorities.

In the future, a handshake is practiced, but only with familiar people in whom there is trust. It is advisable to observe the “old-timers” - their behavior shows who can be allowed closer and who cannot.


In Russian prisons, everyone belongs to some type (group) of prisoners. At the same time, it is possible to go from a higher rank to a lower one due to a mistake (serious offense), but on the contrary, it is almost impossible. Once, for example, a person finds himself in the lowered caste, he remains in it forever.

Authorities (thieves)

The highest privileged suit, which includes experienced criminals who have an excellent command of concepts and carry them out in prison and at large. They also call themselves “prisoners”, “travelers”, “brothers”, “vagabonds”, “tramps”.

This group maintains order in the zone, sets rules, resolves conflicts and assigns punishment.

It is difficult to get into the caste, since the requirements are high - the path is closed to those who served in the army, held a leadership position, were in power, worked as service personnel (waiter, taxi driver, and so on).

Thieves in law deserve special attention - generally recognized crime bosses who comply with thieves' laws.


A large group that includes more than half of all convicts (60-70%). The definition of what men are includes prisoners serving time for standard crimes: fighting, theft, and so on.

At the same time, the men do not serve the thieves, but they also do not get involved with the administration of the prison.

In this neutral group there are individuals who are listened to by the highest caste of the criminal world.


This designation is given to a group whose representatives cooperate with the camp administration: voluntarily or under duress. They occupy the position of librarian, caretaker, commandant and others.

It is worth noting that a person with a weak character can easily become a goat, since it is difficult to refuse to work for the administration; convicts are intimidated and coerced.

In the zone they become traitors, they are not allowed into the common fund, they are not given the right to vote or participate in showdowns.

However, prisoners are allowed to communicate with them, chat (talk), and touch them. Many of the “goats” actively report to their superiors about what is happening in the cell and carry out their instructions.


The lowest caste, which in prison slang is also called “offended”, “lowered”, “untouchables”. Representatives of this group in the zone are not considered people.

This includes those who have been omitted for any reason or passive homosexuals. In this case, sexual intercourse is optional. The symbolic ritual, as they are lowered in the zone, represents the passage of the genital organ over the lips of the prisoner (translated as “paraffin”).

Outcasts live hard in the zone, they don’t talk to them, they are forbidden to touch the “roosters” or sit next to them. They are not greeted; in order to hand over the object, they throw it on the floor. Those convicts eat from separate dishes and do not touch the belongings of other convicts.

According to statistics, numerous groups of “untouchables” are present in prisons for juvenile offenders. Sometimes separate cells are organized for them - offended cells.

The "cockerels" do the dirty work - they clean the toilets. To humiliate them, holes are made in the dishes. During the meal, they are forced to plug the leaky container with their finger. Prison laws are extremely strict for members of the group. However, using them for an act of sodomy is not considered a shameful act.

Some representatives from the “rooster” caste do not reach the end of their sentence and commit suicide.

Intermediate castes

Based on the specific place of deprivation of liberty, the caste structure may change. The hierarchy in this case includes additional intermediate groups. This is especially true in prisons for juvenile offenders.

Priblatnennye (sixes, moving, striving, stirrups)

The caste consists mainly of gopniks who ended up in the zone after being in juvenile detention (prison for minors). These are street punks, petty bandits, swindlers, hucksters.

Their rank is higher than that of men, they are patronized by the higher ones (as long as there is a need for them). They don’t call themselves sixes and don’t allow others to, otherwise they ask for it.

The criminals monitor the communication between the cameras, carry out the running and sorting of little things (notes), tea, sweets, and drugs.

There are torpedoes, usually those who have lost at cards - they act as executors of harsh assignments (contract killings) when they are serving their sentences or after completing their sentence. Local important people are protected by bulls (mouflons) - also representatives from the caste of the criminals.

Woolen (Wool)

They belong to the group of “goats” and, on behalf of the prison administration, create chaos. They single out a press hut (a cell in a pre-trial detention center), inhabited by “woollings” who commit violence against the prisoner placed there. The latter then becomes offended, despite the fact that he was not released on the thieves’ command.

The caste consists mainly of former thieves who turned to the administration for protection (due to threats from their own).


The intermediate caste belongs to the group of “roosters”. Those who are lowered may have a certain hierarchy: chief roosters, workers, forshmak. However, the latter are considered to have a higher status than homosexuals.

The origin of the slang verb “stuffed”, “stuffed” is due precisely to the name of the caste. It means to defile, to dishonor. For example, take an object from someone who has dropped it or drop it on a bucket.

Devils (Shnyri)

A person can also be called “horse”, “chushka”, “chushok”, “chushpan”, “drawing”. They belong to a low caste, but are not lowered. They do dirty work: washing, sweeping, and so on. They cannot contradict and are obliged to carry out instructions.

The group includes newcomers of weak will, prone to submission, men and thieves who have committed a serious mistake, as well as prisoners who do not take care of personal hygiene.

Why the “devil” is no worse or better than the “rooster” is determined by his position as a slave. They also do work like derelicts, which, according to boys’ standards, is a waste of time to do. Offended people do not wash things, otherwise they will become worn out, this is what the “stuff” does.

“Shnyr” (“six”) is the personal property of the thieves, which makes it different from a simple “devil.” Without an owner, he returns to the “horses” or becomes neglected.

Prison hierarchy

The thief in law is considered the main one in the zone - he is ready to stay behind bars and perceives this as a natural stage of life. Moreover, several representatives of a given caste may be present in prison. However, there is always one leader (leader) - he determines or removes those watching, helps solve problems and conflicts. Usually it has separate comfortable apartments, is supplied with food, communications, and so on.

In market conditions, status can be bought with money, but such “non-ideological” representatives are called “oranges”.

The order in the cell or part of the prison, compliance with the concepts is monitored by the overseer (godfather), who is appointed by the thief, their gathering or thieves. Often he is a candidate for "coronation".

Next in the hierarchy come the thieves - professional criminals who have served their sentences not for the first time. For those in denial (who do not accept the prison regime), the conditions of existence are determined by the beholder, limiting their lawlessness.

The Priblatnennye are the sixes of the previous ones, although in the zone you cannot call them that. They perform a communications function, protect thieves and carry out serious assignments.

The “middle class” of the hierarchy belongs to a large group of men. At the same time, a person who has risen from childhood may have advantages - not to work, to lose things to “goats” and “devils” at cards, and so on. This is inaccessible to an ordinary “first mover” man. The caste is treated with respect, those who belong to it work, adhere to prison rules, and part of their property is transferred to the common fund.

“Goats” (activists, bandages, and so on) cooperate with the camp administration for certain concessions or incentives. “Camels” are especially trying to get parole (parole). Ordinary citizens often end up here, ready to commit any meanness in order to be released. They are usually convicted for everyday reasons (bribe takers, skinheads, fans of fighting, petty swindlers, alcoholics, and so on). The category of “goats” also includes wool ones, acting on special assignments.

“Devils” and “roosters” make up the lower castes that do dirty work in the zone: washing floors and toilets. The “shnyri” wash the prisoners’ uniforms and other clothes, but oppressed people are not allowed to do this.

In addition to those mentioned, the prison structure includes peculiar “ranks”:

  • Garbage- former police officers who arrived in the common area. For obvious reasons, they become the main enemies of the lesson; it is considered an honor to omit them.
  • Sweatshirts- prisoners who did not pay off their gambling debt. May refer to devils or omitted ones. First-timers, in order not to join the group, should not play “for fun” or “just because”.
  • Rats- steal things from other convicts.
  • Politicians- political prisoners.
  • Bags- a rich prisoner, often a major or the son of a high-ranking person, who is well supplied from outside. The caste is considered cool, such people are respected because they share with the teachers and guards (overseer, pupkar).

Women's prison

They belong to the “red” zones, since the thieves are few in number to create a “black” zone. The suit is held here by mice (bandages).

There is no established hierarchy and castes; prison jargon includes the concepts:

  • Koblukhi (Kobla, Kobel)- active lesbians, but unlike roosters, their living conditions and the attitude of their cellmates are normal. They can “marry” or fight for “center skins”, “pretties” (beautiful girls).
  • Tramps- a synonym for “thieves” among men, a representative of “negative”. However, due to their small numbers, they do not enjoy authority.
  • Senior- looking around the barracks, cell. They are chosen by prisoners or the administration.

Penalties for violations

Failure to comply with the provisions of the prison law is punished with severity and cruelty, and does not go unnoticed for all castes.

Punishments for offenses can be light or heavy, including:

  • Beating. A “blow to the ears” of a thug transfers him to the caste of “men”, while only representatives of the highest class (thief in law, authorities) are allowed to commit it.
  • Limb fractures. This is usually used to punish card debtors or for beating another prisoner.
  • Omission. Conducted by an act of sodomy or symbolic.
  • Murder. Punishment for especially serious offenses is theft from the common fund, communication with law enforcement agencies. The decision is made by a local meeting of authorities.

A thief in law for minor offenses (baseless statements) can be slapped in the face by an equal in rank, for more pronounced ones - a blow to the ears, for serious offenses he is punished with death.


Depending on whose concepts predominate in prisons: cop or thieves, they are divided into red and black, respectively. Under excessive pressure and oppression by the administration, a prisoner riot is possible. It is organized by authorities in the form of protests. For example, this is expressed in a mass riot, when convicts sew their mouths shut and refuse food and water.


The order of the administration reigns here, and the interaction of convicts with it is encouraged. The guard in the red prison is the first representative of the godfather (chief of the operational unit).

Variants of such an organization are manifested in meticulous adherence to the regime: daily formation, total departure to work, to the canteen, movement only in formation, clothing - black overalls, tags, plates according to the template are required.

For violations - refusal to transfer, a meeting, sending to a punishment cell (the abbreviation stands for punishment cell), PKT (cell-type room), indoor (closed) regime (closed), additional time, and so on.


Order in prison is based on thieves' principles; significant importance is given to suits. It is not customary to cooperate with the administration and is considered shameful. Black zones predominate in Russia, especially in large cities.

When organizing such prisons, the support of the lads from outside is important. It consists of punishing lawless officers among the cops (epaulets), establishing contractual relations with the administration, often on on a paid basis. At the same time, the money can go legally in the form of a charitable contribution for medicines, humanitarian aid, and so on.

Gifts to convicts for the New Year, birthdays, women and juvenile criminals help raise “black” authorities and promote ideology.

Dictionary of thieves' jargon (fenya)

The presented translator list includes some criminal words, expressions, jargon, and abbreviations from the slang prison language (argot).

Automatic mug - military.

AUE - the acronym means in the jargon “the prisoner way of life is one”

Cormorant is a hooligan, a petty thief, a victim of scammers.

Balander - distributes food.

Banderlog - random person in the criminal world.

A demon - according to Wikipedia, is a person who works well or is willing to take the blame for a crime.

Blamba - stamp, seal.

The whore is a setup.

Bosota - lack of money in your wallet.

Taking on a pug or a dog is a crime by putting the victim to sleep.

Bugor is the foreman in the prison, the senior in the cell.

BUR - high security barracks.

To kick - to beat.

Valet is a person with mental disabilities.

Wafer is the male genital organ.

Vata - bedding. “Damn, roll up the cotton wool!” - “Damn, make the bed!”

Pick a pocket - steal from a pocket.

VTK (VK) - educational colonies.

Glavshpan is the main one in the thieves' community.

The clay mixer is an active homosexual.

Comb is a passive homosexual.

Rattlers are candies.

Goose - having connections with the police.

Gumoznitsa is a dirty, sexually transmitted prostitute.

Game is a person without registration.

DPNK - duty assistant to the head of the colony.

Dubak - security guard, watchman.

EPKT is a single chamber-type room.

Zhigan is a repeat offender.

Zakezh - show me.

Loading a pheasant means lying.

Zek - convict, comes from z/k (decoding of the letters - prisoner of the canal army, comes from the history of the construction of the White Sea Canal).

ITK is a correctional labor colony.

Kicha is a prison.

A picker is a woman caressing another.

To be an asshole is to violate thieves' principles.

Covers - provides protection, covers.

Ksiva - documents.

Laiba - syringe.

Lepen - jacket.

Lepila is a medical worker.

Lokalka - fenced-off areas of the residential area where the barracks of 1-2 detachments are located.

Lyarva is a bad woman, a thief who betrays her own.

Maromoyka is a dishonest person in prison and at large.

Safecracker is a safecracker.

Mokrukha - murder.

To drizzle is to be afraid. "Don't drizzle!" - "Don't be afraid!"

Mouse ace is an expression that insults a police officer.

The rider is a criminal deliverer of stolen goods.

Nishtyak is a good assessment of something.

Wearing a hat on a butch means having sexual relations with a man.

The common fund is a common thieves' fund, regularly replenished by criminal elements.

OCG is an organized criminal group.

Parasha - a place, a toilet for bowel movements in the cell.

Change your shoes - change your mind.

Drive, rattle, nickname - nickname, nickname.

An accomplice is an accomplice.

Half-poker - in slang it is defined as a person suspected of homosexual inclinations (by manners or appearance).

To fall into kukan means to find yourself in a hopeless situation, subordinate to someone.

Prokhorya - boots.

Kennel - barracks, educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Rams is a card game.

Radish is a woman's bag, an unreliable person.

Skakar (Skokar) - translation from prison slang means like a thief who resorts to breaking and entering to steal.

SUS - strict conditions of detention.

Samen is a detective.

Cart - a statement of complaint.

Terpila is a victim, a victim of a crime.

Farmazonit - selling counterfeit gold and other jewelry. The one who does this is called a pharmacist or a pharmacist, respectively.

Queen - who pretends to be a lot, but at the same time represents nothing.

A window keeper is a thief who enters through a window.

Fraeras and fraerki are people who have no relation to the thieves, the criminal world. This can be the name given to those who have been in thieves, then the thieves are called “trump fraers.”

Freyfeya is a person who is accompanied by luck and wealth.

Fufel is a liar, talker.

The move of the thieves is a characteristic ideology and way of life.

Owned - owned by someone.

Nonsense - comes from chepushilo, which means a morally insignificant, despicable person.

To scatter the black stuff - to obscure, to deceive.

Chmoshnik is an unpleasant person who collaborates with the prison administration.

Shkonka - bed, bed.

Dude is a guy.

Jackal - taking things from other prisoners.

Rogue is a prostitute.

Shmakodyavka is a teenage girl.

Shmokha is a village woman.

Shmyr is a watchman, an orderly.

Schniffer - a safe or a thief breaking into non-residential premises by breaking into walls and ceilings.

The pins are the eyes.

Shobla - a group of thieves or prostitutes.

Shtriban is an elderly man.


The choice of tattoos (patches) must be taken with full responsibility, understanding their meaning and realizing that for some you will have to answer. This applies primarily to abbreviations and categorical markings (in the form of stars, domes, rings).

Nowadays it is not practiced to ask about tattoos, but you should still be prepared to answer questions from fellow inmates.

The list below will help you decipher the meaning of some.


The number and style of tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers are very diverse and contain a system of secret symbols and signs.

From them you can determine the biography, color, character, etc.

The table provides a description of tattoos that will help you learn to read their meaning.

A tattoo in the form of the abbreviation MIR is shown - shooting will correct me.

The CAT is a symbol of thieves and represents the quote "native prisoner". But for such a tattoo, just like for “BOSS” (he was convicted by a Soviet court), EVIL (I will take revenge on the cops for everything) must be answered.

The common dot tattoo is also usually painted on the hand. It is allowed to apply to all stripes during a stay of even several days in a pre-trial detention center.

The abbreviation SLON is also written with the decoding indicated in the figure, LHVS, SER, various card suits - diamonds, spades, crosses, hearts.

On the body

There is a lot of variety here. The image of animals is common: wolf, tiger, leopard. They usually mean “grin at power” or “man is a wolf to man.”

The image of an apple means “I will love one, as I promised.”

The last star, tattooed on the knees, also states that the wearer will not kneel before anyone. For it, tests for strength in the zone are possible.

The painted images of churches are also a symbol of imprisonment; the number of domes corresponds to the years the person was imprisoned. At the same time, the tattoo is “completed” with the new date.

In the lower castes

Such suits are typically marked with tattoos, shown in the picture, with abbreviations (IRIS - both a slave and an informer).

This is especially true for the downtrodden caste. These can be roses, roosters or characteristic inscriptions (ZHOVM) applied to parts of the body that are visually clearly visible (hands, head, face, and so on). The “eyes on the stomach” tattoo also signified homosexuality.

When leaving prison, a person tried to remove such tattoos, but often there were scars that could be used to determine the lower color

The dictionary deciphers, explains, and comments on abbreviations, incomprehensible words and expressions (in italics in the dictionary), found in the text of the books in the series “Criminal Russia. Prisons and Camps,” no. 1-3.

Words from prison jargon (or having a different meaning in prison jargon than in the general spoken Russian language) are marked with the letter “t”, the professional jargon of employees ITU? the letter "s", official terms and abbreviations - the letter "o". In the case of words that have the same meaning, the definition is given for the word that is used more often; synonyms or euphemisms have the corresponding reference. For words whose frequency of use is approximately the same, an explanation is given for the word listed first in the directory.

When compiling the dictionary, we used the "Handbook for GULAG"Jacques Rossi* (in the text of the dictionary it is designated "ZhR"). Jacques Rossi's book is mainly connected with the realities of Soviet prisons and camps of the 30-50s; a comparison of the meanings of words in modern jargon with the definitions given by ZhR sometimes allows one to judge the changes that have occurred in the prisoner subculture over the past 40 years.

When clarifying the meaning of some terms in the dictionary, the book “With Dictionary of prison-camp-thieves' jargon (speech and graphic portrait of a Soviet prison)** (in the text of the dictionary it is designated “B”).

*Jacques Rossi. Guide to the Gulag. - M.: PROSVET, 1991. - Part 1-2.

**Dictionary of prison-camp-thieves' jargon (speech and graphic portrait of a Soviet prison) / Compiled by D.S. Baldaev, V.K. Belko, I.M. Yusupov. - M.: Regions of Moscow, 1992.

At the end of the dictionary, the correspondence of the articles of the criminal codes of the former Soviet republics is stated (meaning the articles mentioned in the books of the series “Criminal Russia. Prisons and Camps”, issues 1-3) with the articles of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1961.

The last of the documentary materials included in the collections dates back to 1993. This dictionary does not indicate the correspondence of the articles of the “old” and “new” criminal codes of Russia.

Authority (t) - a representative of the highest group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners (see. thieves, thief in law). In prison jargon, the word is usually used in the plural: " authorities".

The informal order operating in the prison community is extremely authoritarian in nature, so the real situation developing in the shadow life ITU, pre-trial detention center or parts thereof (camera , PKT, punishment cell etc.) is determined by the personal properties of those in power authorities and the existence of connections between this institution and influential authorities at liberty or in other ITU, as well as the tactics followed by local workers operational services See also correct concepts, correct zone, prison law, showdown, thieves, thieves.

It should be noted that in the common spoken Russian language the word authority is more often used in a meaning close to the English influence (influence), and is contrasted in meaning to the word “power”, but does not complement it. Power exists in the space of formal structures, influencing people through a system of statuses, prestige, positions, and sanctions. Authority obey voluntarily, sometimes sacrificing their own benefits and interests.

Authoritative (t) - a prisoner who has a high status in one of two groups ( suits) informal hierarchy of prisoners: thieves and men. Not used in relation to representatives of such informal groups as goats, devils, lowered etc..

Activist (c) - a prisoner who openly cooperates with the administration ITU, joined sections,"amateur organizations of convicts". According to ZhR: "in contrast to collaborating with opera informer activist is an open collaborator, actively participating in labor competition, in propaganda work, etc. ". Given the external similarity of the definitions of this term for Gulag 30-50s and the correctional labor system of the 60-80s, it should be taken into account that during the period described by ZhR, activists did not, as at present, form a separate group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners (see. goat).

Prisoner (t) - 1) thief in law, 2) thieves', 3) dear, authoritative prisoner.

Athlete (t) - see fighter.

Cormorant (t) - a hooligan (sometimes a person convicted under Article 206 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The word has a contemptuous connotation; authoritative, respected prisoners, even those convicted of hooliganism, cormorants it is not customary to name.

Mess - disorder in zone(or in a cell). From chaosmess differs in that chaos- this is a deliberate violation by the administration or false thieves those norms and rules that are recognized and supported by the other part zones(or cameras), mess the same is the absence of any rules and general promiscuity, as a result of which people also suffer.

Violation of the rules and causing, on the part of others, harm to a prisoner in unclear circumstances, when the victim himself does not offer decisive resistance and then does not seek justice, is called gimp.

The huckster is a speculator. Convicted of speculation or selling tea, cigarettes, “wheels” in zone.

White Swan (t, s) is the unofficial name for prison-type institutions found in eight regional forest camp directorates. Official name White Swan -EPKT(see below). First White Swan(Usolsky forest management ITU, Northern Urals) is sometimes called the All-Union BUR, because “negatively minded convicts” from various regions of the USSR were collected here.

Exact origin of the name White Swan unknown. According to one version, the first jail This type was built on the site where there was a forest clearing with the same name (Solikamsk).

Beskovoinnik (raskovoinnik) - a prisoner who has received the right to free movement (within certain limits) outside zones, as well as to and from work.

Lawlessness (t) - lack of order, arbitrariness, lawlessness.

The lawlessness of thieves, woolen- open violent violation prison law from the outside thieves or woolen in relation to other prisoners.

Cop lawlessness - lawlessness, extreme cruelty, sadism towards prisoners on the part of the colony administration or other officials, for example: a prosecutor, an inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. A proverb characterizing this species lawlessness: “The law is the taiga, the bear is the prosecutor.”

Lawlessness ny(t) - lawless, from the point of view of norms and rules prison law.

Lawlessness box(t) - more often - a prisoner, less often - an employee ITU creating lawlessness, arbitrariness.

Beach - the same as crap or chushkan, is a weak-willed person who always becomes dependent on others and quickly declines. He cannot lead any line of his own and usually serves others.

Blatnoy (t) is a representative of the highest status group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. Thieves is usually a career criminal. Moreover, he must acknowledge prison law, follow correct concepts, have a “clean” past, do not work in zone. Any, even casual, relationship to the structures of power, its political institutions (for example, membership in a party or Komsomol) forever closes the path to " thieves' world", no matter how high a criminal qualification he subsequently acquired. In the 30s-50s, the path to thieves was closed to those who served in the army, who at least once went out to zone to work. Currently the requirements for a candidate thieves softer. Even soldier service in the internal troops is not always considered a discreditable episode in a biography. And in some zones thieves can go to work if it is not the work of a foreman, work supervisor, etc., that is, if it does not give him at least some kind of official power over the rest of the prisoners. Can't become thieves and those who, when free, worked in the service sector, that is, they were waiters and taxi drivers. There are many other requirements for applicants for status thieves. On each zone There may be special requirements.

Thieves are the real power in ITU, power that fights with official power, that is, with the administration zones. Besides the power thieves have privileges - the right not to work, the right to keep their common fund whatever they deem necessary. U thieves There are also responsibilities. Correct thieves' must ensure that the zone was warming up, that is, she received food, tea, tobacco, vodka, drugs, and clothing through illegal means. He is also obliged to resolve disputes that arise between other prisoners, and generally not allow any clashes between them, to ensure that no one is unfairly punished, offended, or deprived. All this does not mean, of course, that for thieves correct order V zone more important than personal benefits. Often his concern for bros- just an excuse to ensure better living conditions in zone. But also zones, Where thieves spend most of their time in SHIZO, PKT, on covered, in order to bros I lived peacefully and not from hand to mouth, there was also enough.

Functionally caste thieves Since the beginning of the 60s, it has played a completely different role than in the 30-50s. Thieves the world at that time was separated from the bulk of prisoners and lived according to its own laws, considering the rest of the camp population as a part alien to themselves, for which completely different rules applied. By the end of the 50s thieves have essentially lost their power in Gulag, in the early 60s, their remnants were separated from ordinary prisoners. Subsequently, a new generation arose thieves, who are informal leaders of prisoners, represent the interests of the bulk of them and are organically included in the prison community.

There is reason to believe that another transformation is currently taking place in the prison subculture, which may lead to the emergence of a group of informal leaders of a new type. However, this issue requires serious study.

Sami thieves prefer to use various euphemisms and synonyms for the word “ thieves'”, calling himself authorities, prisoners, tramps, vagabonds, crooks etc. Old synonyms - Zhigans, People, godfathers and others, known from classical literature about GULAG Yes, they are used much less frequently. See also prison law, thieves' law, thief, suits.

In a group thieves there is its own hierarchy. In order from highest status to lowest: thieves in law, brothers-in-law, authoritative thieves, boys, moneyed, fighters. Other names may be used in some regions. For example, nickel-and-dime called fraers, simple thieves - trump fraers. Names associated with the performance of certain functions are also used, for example: corner, looking, support etc.

Fighter (t) - a prisoner from the encirclement thieves executing their orders to apply certain sanctions (usually violent) to other prisoners, decisions gangway by punishment (up to and including murder) of a prisoner or employee ITU. During a riot or uprising fighters- an armed group of prisoners subordinate to a leader or leaders of prisoners. Other names used fighters- athletes, gladiators. Fighter may be part of the caste thieves, however, he does not enjoy the respect of other prisoners and does not have the right to vote on gangway.

Tramp (t) - 1) thieves', 2) Prisoner confessing prison law, person with correct concepts.

Bratva (t) - 1) thieves.

2) Prisoners confessing prison law.

3) Community of prisoners, a local group of prisoners, for example, everyone who is in a given cell.

Tramp(t) - same as tramp.

UR (t) - a high-security barracks, a room in which prisoners are locked up (sometimes in cells). Essentially internal jail camps where violators of discipline, “refusers” of work, etc. are placed. BOER arose back in the 20s, was replaced in the early 60s PCT. However, prisoners still often call PKT BUR.

The bull is a cigarette butt. When one prisoner asks another: “Stop smoking,” ethics correct concepts demands to fulfill the request.

Watch (o) - 1) premises for on-duty supervision personnel on the territory ITK.

2) Premises for workers ITU and soldiers of internal troops guarding the colony, usually located in close proximity to the entry and exit gates for vehicles.

Vertukhay - the same as dubak, navel- overseer. The word has been preserved since ancient times: it is known from descriptions of Stalin’s camps.

Adult - adult zone. “Climb the grown-up"- move from a juvenile colony or cell to an adult cell zone or camera.

Take an apartment (t, s) - that is, take on another unsolved apartment theft.

Break in - give information opera about a person or hidden objects.

Get into trouble - 1. Take a drug. 2. To be caught red-handed (B).

Volnyashki, free (t) - civilian employees of the colony who do not undergo certification and do not have a military rank (teachers, foremen, drivers). Volnyashki They also name those who, not being employees of the colony, visit it officially on various business (suppliers, loaders, book stall sellers, etc.). For prisoners freestyles often act as intermediaries in various types of commercial matters (exchange, purchase, sale), which are illegal or semi-legal in nature. Through Volnyashek usually transmit and receive illegal (uncensored) letters, money transfers, etc.

Thief, thief in law (t) - the elite of the criminal and prison world, its leaders, a kind of initiates. Thieves occupy the highest position in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. In some respects (norms, conflict resolution mechanisms, rituals operating in this community) thieves in law in some ways they resemble the Sicilian mafia. However, there are also fundamental differences. The thieves, who brought their traditions from pre-revolutionary Russia to the criminal world of the USSR, led a demonstrably asocial lifestyle - they did not work, did not start families, had bright external attributes, had to serve more than one term in prison, etc. Their corporation has always been international, the most important decisions were made not individually, but on meeting thieves, there was a ban on any contact thieves with law enforcement officials.

In the 40-50s the number thieves reached ten (possibly more) thousand people, and together with the environment (" thieves") - 40-50 thousand people. By the end of the 50s - early 60s, the corporation practically ceased to exist. But unexpectedly it was revived in the early 80s, when the number thieves in law according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it reached 500-600 people. However, now normal and laws corporations thieves in law there have been some changes. Many of the prohibitions discussed above have disappeared, in particular, the ban on contacts with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, clans and groups formed along national lines began to appear (for example, the Chechen group). However, the Russian criminal world, much more successful than civilized business, which is introducing itself into the life of the new Russian and Western societies, remains largely unknown and incomprehensible to them.

Thieves' orders (t) are usually a new rule created as a result of a dispute between prisoners or as a response to a new action by prison authorities. The unwritten order continues to be constantly drawn up from the orders. prison law.

Thieves' law (t) - a set of unwritten rules, norms, mandatory for thieves. In the 20s - 50s thieves' law with him correct concepts did not apply to the entire mass of prisoners, remaining a purely corporate way of organizing life. The whole world agrees thieves' law was divided into friends and strangers, and the strangers had only the only value that their own could exist and survive at their expense.

Since the early 60s thieves' law, gradually being modified, captures the bulk of prisoners within its sphere of action (see. prison law). Therefore, one should not spread ideas about thieves And thieves, emerging from classical literature about Gulag 30-50s (V. Shalamov, A. Solzhenitsyn, etc.), at a later time.

VTK (o) - educational and labor colony. This ITU camp type for minors (from 14 to 18, sometimes up to 20 years old) offenders. They usually contain from 300 to 700 teenagers. On the territory VTK there are the same zones and functional premises as in the colony for adults (see. ITK), including the premises for disciplinary punishments - DIZO(disciplinary detention center).

Conditions of detention VTK by law is much better than in ITU for adults. However, the departments for youngsters V Pre-trial detention center and themselves VTK are the most disadvantaged places in terms of ensuring basic human rights. Minors are not provided with protection of life, health, and personal dignity. Torture, bullying, torture, rape are an everyday reality in VTK. Moreover, all this happens with the knowledge and even with the support of the teacher, who uses such “collective pedagogy” to maintain order, ensure the necessary indicators, and fulfill the production plan. IN VTK highest share omitted(i.e. raped and used constantly as a sexual object), which in the 70-80s reached 30% in some regions. In the 90s the number omitted V VTK began to decline noticeably. In some regions, “innovations” are also noted: now teenagers omit in the wild, and they, coming to Pre-trial detention center, already know their “place” and immediately announce their status.

From 01/01/97 VTK renamed to VK(educational colonies).

Ransom - find, track, expose someone (for example, an informer) in zone or camera.

Break out - break out of the cell under the protection of the administration and demand transfer to another.

Vyshak (t) - capital punishment (execution); currently vyshak officially called “an exceptional measure of punishment” (the name of the death penalty in one of the first Soviet documents regulating its use is “an exceptional measure of social protection”).

Glavpetukh (t) - informal leader in the caste omitted. Is an authorized representative omitted in contacts with leaders of other informal groups, solves all problems that arise in the group omitted x, participates in resolving disputes between lowered and others suits. Sometimes his functions are performed by two informal leaders - dad And Mother.

Gladiator - the same as bull, fighter, athlete, tanker, - a strong person who serves as an instrument for executing plans and orders thieves to which he is committed.

GOVD - city department of internal affairs.

Blue(t) - same as rooster, lowered. See also suits.

Gopnik - someone who forcibly takes something from another person.

Gop-stop - street robbery.

Grev - money and products illegally used to support prisoners.

GUIN - Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The department in charge of most penitentiary institutions in Russia. GUIN manages penitentiary institutions through regional directorates ITU. In the republics they are formed under the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, in regions and territories under the corresponding ATC. Regional departments are now most often called UIN ( Department for the Execution of Punishments), less often - OID at ATC(or the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the republics). The former name of the regional departments was LED And SR(Correctional and Social Rehabilitation Service). The number of penitentiary institutions in the regions ranges from 10 to 50.

Former names GUIN:

GULAG - Main Directorate of Camps (30-50s).

GUITC - Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Colonies (late 50s).

GUITU - Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Institutions (early 60s - mid 80s).

GUID - Main Directorate for Correctional Affairs (until the end of the 80s).

GULAG - 1) Main Directorate of Camps. The name of the Soviet concentration camp system, which appeared back in 1930. 2) The general name of the Soviet system of mass extermination of people and suppression of all dissent (sometimes - a similar system in other totalitarian countries); the word became international after the publication in the West of A. Solzhenitsyn’s book “Archipelago GULAG". 3) The name used by journalists and human rights activists for the modern penitentiary system of the countries of the former USSR, which has largely retained the features of the Gulag, despite a number of significant changes that have occurred since Stalin's times, and the repeated change of signs (see. GUIN).

GUITU (o) - see. GUIN.

GULITU (o) - main forest department ITU. A structural unit of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (since 1992 - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), which was in charge of forest management ITU - ULITU. Unlike regional departments GUITU, forest departments reported directly GULITU(directorate of "central subordination"). Then GULITU was renamed "Spetsles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation". Since 1995 forest management ITU became a department GUIN, disbandment began STREET. As of January 1, 1998, there were 122 forest ITK with a total prison population of 46.6 thousand people.

DCK is a children's educational colony. (cm. “Bark beetle”, VTK).

Disinformation is misinformation deliberately transmitted instead of truthful information.

DIZO (o) - disciplinary isolation ward. Cell for holding violators of the regime of detention in VTK. Different from SCHIZO softer regime of detention. For example, the maximum period DIZO- ten days (in SCHIZO- fifteen). From July 1, 1997, the maximum sentence DIZO reduced to 7 days.

Disbats are disciplinary battalions. Special military units where, by court decision, military personnel who have committed minor crimes are sent (for a period of up to three years). These are closed penitentiary institutions.

DK (s) - children's colony.

House burglar (t) - apartment thief.

DPNK (o) - assistant on duty to the head of the colony. Employee ITK, the officer in direct control of the situation in a particular ITK.

DPNSI (o) - assistant on duty to the head of the pre-trial detention center ( Pre-trial detention center). Position similar to position DPNK.

DTK (o) - children's labor colony. In the 30-50s - a camp for juvenile delinquents.

Fool (t) - 1) A person under investigation sent for a psychiatric examination.

2) A person under investigation who has undergone a psychiatric examination and was declared insane at the time of committing the crime ( admitted fools, recognized).

3) A prisoner recognized as mentally ill after the appropriate conclusion of a commission of psychiatrists.

Dushnyak (t) - the creation of especially unbearable conditions for one, several prisoners or for the entire colony in order to achieve a change in the behavior of prisoners. Dushnyak May be cop(created by the administration) or Zekovsky(in relation to one prisoner or group of prisoners).

EPKT (o) is a single chamber-type room. Before July 1, 1997, legislation provided only PCT- structural divisions of specific ITU, internal jail colonies. EPKT is a structural subdivision of not a separate ITU, and the regional department for the execution of punishments. First EPKT created in 1980 in Solikamsk (Usolskoe ULITU) as an experiment based on Chamber of Commerce and Industry(transit and forwarding point) of the same management. Among prisoners it is better known as White Swan. In 1988, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs A.V. Vlasov, similar institutions were created in 7 more departments GULITU. In reorganization programs GUIN The Ministry of Internal Affairs of 1994 planned to create institutions of this type in 18 more regional and forest UINakh.

What else is different? EPKT from just PCT? When placed in PCT the convicted person is not transferred from ITK where he is serving his sentence, the same teacher (chief squad), he only contacts convicts of his ITK, his postal address does not change, etc. When assigning punishment to a prisoner EPKT, he is transferred to another city, sometimes another region, and actually experiences the same thing as prisoners who are transferred from a colony to a prison-type institution ( covered). Ministry of Internal Affairs officials explain the appearance EPKT in forest departments by the fact that not all forest ITK there were enough premises for PCT. In official documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on EPKT assigned the following task: “Isolation of convicts who are actively opposing the administration ITU in ensuring law and order." Meanwhile, the law provides for prison-type institutions to perform this task ( covered). True, the prison regime for “convicts who actively oppose...” is assigned by court decision. To send to EPKT, which is almost no different from prison-type institutions; only a resolution from the chief is required ITK. Thus, one of the goals EPKT(in the first period of their existence before consolidation in PEC RF 1997) - creating opportunities for penitentiary workers to act outside the law, without any control over their actions.

There are several other tasks performed by these semi-legitimate "experimental" institutions that are not mentioned in the "program". In secret instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs EPKT are called “preventive centers for carrying out decomposition work with negatively minded convicts.” This semi-legitimate "experimental" institute actually performs the following tasks:

1. Recruitment of agents for operational services Those recruited are subsequently sent to various ITU, are available operational-search services in the wild.

2. Carrying out operational work among convicts suspected of committing unsolved crimes, with the subsequent initiation of criminal cases.

3. Intimidation of convicts held in ordinary penitentiary institutions. Threat of sending to EPKT is a very effective way of influencing prisoners whose behavior for some reason does not suit the administration ITU.

It is clear that the task of uncovering offenses in EPKT is decided outside the procedural norms established by law for ordinary investigation and inquiry. To recruit agents and solve crimes in EPKT“various forms of psychological and regime influence” are used - in professional jargon operas indicates illegal methods of obtaining confessions, necessary information or changing the behavior of the target operational work in the right direction. Such methods include not only “educational conversations”, but also press-cameras, torture, beatings. Ministry of Internal Affairs employees constantly refer to the positive effect of experiments with EPKT in terms of "health improvement" operational situation in ITU". These statements should be treated with caution. Firstly, when departmental evaluation of the results of “experiments” carried out by the same department, quite often any given indicators are organized. Secondly, the selected evaluation criteria (the number of offenses and disciplinary violations committed V ITU) allow us to evaluate only the immediate, and not the long-term, consequences of an experiment. You can, for example, notice that the number of leaders of “negative groups” over the years of existence EPKT was constantly increasing. It is also not taken into account that as a result of the “decomposition work” society receives completely degraded people who are ready to commit the most brutal crimes.

Rogue (t) - see thieves'.

Fill it up, fill it up - kill it.

Darkened camera - a cell in which prisoners who decide to break out from other cameras.

Law (t) - a system of informal norms, rules, guidelines, sanctions against violators, procedures for resolving conflicts, introducing new norms, etc., operating in the community of prisoners ( prison law) or within a separate group, caste of prisoners (for example, thieves' law).

Finish (t): objects, especially food, that have been touched lowered, are taboo for other groups of prisoners; these things are called " finished", that is, dirty, spoiled, posing a danger to normal people.

Close (t, s) - put in SCHIZO.

Soak (t) - kill.

Zapadlo (t) - violations of prison norms, which for prisoners of different groups ( suits) may be different. " Don't be fooled" - that is, an act in accordance with these norms.

Prohibition (t, s), forbidden strip (o) - a strip of earth dug up and leveled with a rake, well preserving traces of those who stepped on it; located between the fences surrounding everything ITU or industrial and residential zone. Processing restricted area(digging, loosening, leveling the ground) is the responsibility of guarding the colony. According to correct concepts, the prisoner who agreed to do this work (" get banned"), counts goat(For goats And omitted this work is not considered shameful).

"Banned" - one of the ways the administration fights ITU with informal prison law. Currently, the work of prisoners in “security facilities” is prohibited by law. However, the colonial administration continues to use various methods of suppressing those who adhere to prison law(cm. bedside table, SPP). Those who refused to fulfill the shameful, from the point of view prison law, work is usually punished by placement in SCHIZO, pressed. This is also one of the ways the administration identifies denied.

To be bombed is the same as get dirty, run out, - get in touch with lowered, his things or place on the bunk, in other words - to become defiled.

Correspondence correspondence is a woman who enters into correspondence with a prisoner in absentia, without knowing him personally. Sometimes such correspondence lasts for years and - there are cases - it ends with the creation of a family. For a prisoner, this is a very important means of restoring lost connections with the outside world.

Sharpening - an iron rod, sharpened at one end, a weapon used in internecine clashes and during riots.

Zachushkanit (t) - about the same as finish, i.e. desecrate, desecrate. "Shabby" the item may sometimes be used after ritual purification. See also bullshit.

Grind (t) - the same as finish. Cm. crackling.

Zek, zeka (f, s) - prisoner, prisoners. From the obsolete official abbreviation h/c(“prisoned canal soldier”), which appeared during the construction of the White Sea Canal in the 30s. Currently, the law refers to prisoners as persons under investigation, defendants, in custody, and, after the verdict enters into legal force, as convicted persons.

ZNRS (c) is a persistent violator of the detention regime.

Zone - 1) (o) Part ITU, fenced off from the rest of the territory. For example, residential zone, industrial zone, forbidden zone, local zone etc.

2) (t, s) General name of places of deprivation of liberty. Separate ITK. In prison slang it is used with the preposition "on". For example, go into the zone, climb the zone etc. Zones by the prisoners themselves are divided depending on which of them suits occupies a dominant position in it, on: red, goat's; black, thieves, thieves; peasant.

Temporary detention center (o) - temporary detention center (see. bullpen).

Insulator (s, t) - the same as SCHIZO.

ITK (o) is a correctional labor colony, the general name for camp-type institutions for adult convicts. ITK are divided into colonies of general regime (for men convicted of minor crimes for the first time, and for all women, with the exception of those recognized by the court as especially dangerous recidivists), enhanced regime (for men convicted of serious crimes for the first time), strict regime (for men who have already served punishment in the form of imprisonment, and for women, recognized by the court especially dangerous recidivists), special regime (for men recognized as especially dangerous recidivists) and colony-settlement (semi-closed institutions for those convicted for the first time for unintentional crimes or for prisoners transferred by court decision from general, enhanced and strict regime colonies). Mode ITK assigned to the convicted person by the court. ITK Different regimes differ in conditions of detention.

There are also specialized ITK(for tuberculosis patients, disabled people), forest ITK, ITK for former law enforcement officers and stateless persons. The decision to refer to a specialized ITK or prison hospital is accepted by the administration ITU or Pre-trial detention center.

Special regime prisoners are kept in locked cells (for 20-50 people), other regime prisoners are kept in dormitories (prisoners call them “barracks”). The sleeping rooms in the dormitories are designed for 20-150 people, the beds are located in two or three tiers. In addition to sleeping rooms in the hostel for every 150-200 people (" squad") there are: a room for storing personal belongings; a dressing room (for outerwear); a room for eating (with a device for boiling water, cabinets for food); a "red corner" (formerly called the "Lenin room"), where they usually hold political classes and cultural events, tables, shelves for books, a radio speaker, a TV (if available sometimes) are installed; ITK there is a sewerage system) - a toilet. The legal norm for living space is 2 square meters. m per person. In colonies of all regimes, except for special regime, in front of the dormitory there is a small area for walking, fenced off by a fence (" local zone"), designed for 200-600 people. During the daytime, free from work and activities, prisoners have the right to leave the dormitory at " local zone". Throughout the rest of the colony, prisoners can only move in formation if they receive permission from the administration. The number of prisoners in one ITK: from 500 to 3000 (more often - within 1500-2000 people).

The ITK is divided into industrial (production premises are located here) and residential zones. Between these zones a fence was installed, rows of barbed wire were stretched, and between them there was a corridor, sometimes shot through by security soldiers. Residential zone is divided, in turn, into a series local zones where the dormitories are located. In addition, on the residential territory zones usually there is a canteen, a club, a library, a school, an outpatient clinic (medical unit), sometimes a small hospital (for 10-30 people), a bathhouse, headquarters, in which premises for administrative workers are located. IN ITK There are usually rooms for short-term (2 to 4 hours) and long-term (1 to 3 days) visits.

IN ITK There are also premises for disciplinary punishments: SCHIZO(punishment cell, here the term of detention of the person punished is up to 15 days) and PCT(cell-type premises, period of detention up to six months). Prisoners until 1988 SCHIZO And PCT a reduced diet was prescribed. There were a number of other restrictions (lack of bed linen, walks, correspondence, books, smoking, parcels and packages, etc.). In Russia, some of these restrictions were abolished in 1992. However, in 1993, a reduced food standard (though not as severe as before) was reintroduced by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From 01/01/97 ITK renamed to IR(Correctional colonies).

ITK RSFSR (o) - corrective labor code RSFSR. In the former USSR, each republic had its own ITK, developed on the basis of the “Fundamentals of Correctional Labor Legislation of the USSR”. From 1.07.97. The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation came into force - PEC RF.

ITU (o) - correctional labor institutions, the general name of institutions for the execution of criminal punishment. To them, except ITK of all types, include VTK, LTP, jail,PS therapeutic type. From 01/01/97 ITU renamed to PS(Correctional Facilities).

ITU sick leave type- hospitals for prisoners in need of serious treatment or examination. Almost all regional and forest departments ITU have their own hospitals for prisoners. ITU Hospital-type facilities have departments for prisoners of various regimes, women and minors. The content is intimate.

Gimp - violation of the rules of relations, harm to one prisoner by another or others. (Cm. mess).

Capo (t) - 1) A prisoner who voluntarily cooperates with the administration ITU. 2) Informer, informant (B). The term originated in the concentration camps of Germany during the Third Reich.

Kentovka - the same as family, family(cm.).

Kozel (t) - a representative of a group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners, formed on the basis of: open cooperation (in the present or past) with the administration ITU. This group emerged from the prison community in the 60s. Unlike activist and 30-50s, status goat becomes practically constant for the prisoner and accompanies him throughout his entire stay in prison.

The emergence of caste goats apparently connected with the reaction of the prison subculture to the penitentiary policy of the Soviet government in the early 60s.

A formal act incorporating a prisoner into a caste goats may be an introduction to " amateur organizations of convicts", consent to take a position or perform work considered disgraceful by correct concepts. All this is a necessary condition for receiving a number of benefits from the administration, the right to occupy certain “nomenklatura” positions, to move into the category of persons “firmly on the path of correction,” and therefore to become a candidate for early release or pardon.

For the bulk of prisoners goats are traitors to the interests of the prisoner community, collaborators.

Word goat is one of the most serious insults to a prisoner who does not belong to this group. A prisoner who is so named is obliged to react immediately and harshly (to hit or even kill the offender), otherwise he risks his reputation and a decrease in status. Word goat and its derivatives ( goat, goat, goat and even - horned) are taboo and cannot be used in everyday speech. For example, the game of dominoes, known by this name in the wild, is called “one hundred and one” in prison; telling another that he has something knitted from goat hair means insulting him.

It is interesting that in the 30-50s goats in the camp they called passive homosexuals (see. ZhR).

Prisoners belonging to this group prefer to use various euphemisms when calling themselves: activist, red, "independent guy", "positive". The same euphemisms in a calm situation are used in the presence goats other prisoners.

Colony - settlement, village - see ITK.

Counterparty (colloquially counterparty) (o) - each of the parties to the contract in relation to each other. An official term from the use of officials of the Soviet national economy (for example, a plant that supplies parts for machines assembled by prisoners, or a representative of this plant, could be designated to the camp). Today this word is colloquial speech is being replaced by the term “business partner” everywhere.

Controller (o) - an employee of the prisoner supervision service. His functions include maintaining order in the territory. ITU, pre-trial detention center, conducting searches, etc.

Horse (t) - a method of illegal communication between cameras. For example, a string stretched along the outside of the prison body between the windows of the cells, fishing line passed through sewer pipes, etc. By using horse notes, small items, etc. are passed from cell to cell. Wed. With JR: "a small package smuggled, usually tied to a string, which is thrown out the cell window."

bark beetle (T), special school , special vocational school (o) - penitentiary institutions for juvenile offenders of a semi-open type. IN special schools children from 11 to 14 years old are kept, and in special vocational school teenagers from 14 to 18 years old who have committed criminal or status violations (i.e. violations for which only teenagers and children are punished; adults are not subject to punishment for the same actions: truancy, bad behavior at school and in the family, appearing on the street in drunk, running away from home, etc.). All children over 14 years of age and the main part (up to 90%) under 18 years of age are placed in special institutions by decision of administrative bodies - commissions on juvenile affairs under the executive committees of local councils. In this case, children and most adolescents are practically deprived of the right to defense, their guilt is proven in the absence of a lawyer, the usual procedures for a judicial investigation are not necessary, and there is no right of appeal. The term of punishment in special institutions is arbitrary; it can be extended at the request of teachers' councils up to three years, and sometimes beyond that. It is not uncommon for a punished person to be re-educated far from home, which makes it difficult for him to contact his family and relatives.

Special schools And special vocational school are under the departmental affiliation of the Ministry of Education, however, in terms of conditions of detention, isolation regime, social microclimate, and the forced nature of labor, most of these institutions are not much different from VTK. Rape, torture and beatings of the majority of pupils by a group of children or teenagers enjoying the patronage of educators (the principle of Soviet pedagogy is collective education), and sometimes by the educators themselves, are also common here.

Jamb (t) - 1) Violation of rules, norms prison law .

2) Penis armband SPP or another section with the appropriate abbreviation. Most often blue.

3) Unsuccessful action or deed.

4) Cigarette or rolled-up cigarette with marijuana.

Kosyachny (t) - a person who constantly commits acts that contradict generally accepted norms in the prisoner community.

bullpen (o) - a pre-trial detention cell, a room for holding those detained at the scene of a crime, those suspected of committing a crime, etc. Period of detention in bullpen usually does not exceed 3 days, but can be extended up to 10, and in special cases - up to 30 days. From bullpen the arrested person is either released or, with the sanction of the prosecutor, transferred to a pre-trial detention center. Currently bullpen is called a “temporary detention center”, IVS. Through IVS About 4 million people pass through each year. The average daily population in 1997 was 65 thousand prisoners. However, a group of prisoners held in IVS, is not included in official statistics.

Red zone - zone, where the administration rules with the help goats and, regardless of prison law, for example, tries to plant omitted in the canteen at common tables, requires that prisoners walk in formation to and from the canteen, prohibits movement through zone, entrance to other people's barracks, etc.

In such activist zone have broad powers and can behave very aggressively; surveillance of each other, informing, and petty quibbles about the behavior and clothing of prisoners are encouraged.

Red(t) - euphemism for the word goat.

Crosses - central jail in St. Petersburg. The name that the prison received due to the cruciform arrangement of its buildings has been borne by it since its opening (at the beginning of the 20th century).

Circle - education wider than family or Kentovka; is formed most often according to the principle of fraternity.

Wing (put on a wing) - a bandage on the sleeve, signifying the prisoner's entry into assets, i.e., in prison jargon, in goats.

Indoor (t, s) - ITU prison type for those convicted of serious crimes or sent to prison by court order from ITK for systematic violations of the detention regime. In Russia there are only 15 covered.

Ksiva (t) - 1) Note, letter. It is transferred illegally from cell to cell, from camp to camp, from prison to freedom and vice versa. Often contains important information about events and persons, sometimes - instructions authority nykh (see thieves' orders). There are also ksivs of purely personal content. Constant communication between camps scattered throughout the country and jail we are carried out using xiv. Synonym - " little one, little one".

2) Document, identity card.

Kum (t) - employee operational parts ITU or Pre-trial detention center. See also oper.

Nepotistic mutka, nepotistic weed- provocations staged in zone operatives to achieve your goals. They may consist in pitting different groups of prisoners against each other, in spreading incriminating rumors about Zonov authorities etc., which may cause zone unrest and even rebellion, when suppressed, unwanted persons are eliminated, etc. Smaller provocations with the same purpose (to intimidate or “neutralize” unwanted persons) are called nepotistic gadgets or jokes. They may involve planting drugs on a prisoner, for example, followed by discovery of them in his possession and corresponding sanctions against him.

Stall, stall (t, s) - 1) Store for prisoners in ITU, where purchases are made by bank transfer.

2) Products, smokes, etc., purchased by the prisoner officially in the store ITU. For the majority of prisoners, there are restrictions on the amount they can spend monthly on purchases stall, and in the fact that you can only use money earned in ITU .

Persons who have firmly taken the path of correction (o) - convicts who, according to the conclusion of the relevant employee ITU They reformed and stopped being criminals. In characteristics or certificates for a prisoner, two formulations are usually used: " firmly on the path to correction“or “has not taken the path of correction.” In practice, these formulations have nothing to do with the real criminality of the prisoner. “Firmly taken the path of correction” means that the prisoner is a collaborator, cooperates with the administration, or (less commonly) does not belong to the group of negative . Activist can come to the camp for crimes committed for the fifth or tenth time, and still be considered " firmly on the path to correction"Unfortunately, there are no corresponding statistics, but according to some estimates, relapse among persons, those who have taken the path corrections higher than the average for all prisoners.

Local (t, s), local zone (o) - this is the name given to residential areas fenced off from each other zones, where the barracks for one or two are located detachments; a measure taken to limit contact between prisoners and reduce the likelihood of mass incidents.

Local tower (o) - a tower with a cabin in which a prisoner appointed by the administration (“key keeper”) is on duty and in which there is a local telephone connecting him with supervision or headquarters. His functions include: monitoring the general order in the residential zone, message in supervision service about observed disturbances, excesses, etc. He usually opens the gates from the local ones from the control panel zones, residential gate zones.

Breaking (t, s) - 1) Various, usually latent, methods of influencing a prisoner in order to force him to give up correct concepts. In special “preventive” penitentiary institutions (for example, “ White Swan”, covered) a “negative prisoner” is usually required to sign a statement renouncing “ thieves ideas." Such a statement is usually used for educational work with other prisoners, reading the "renunciation" on local radio or in front of the line in those ITU, where the "broken" prisoner is known. In fact, such an action does not lead to re-education, but to the embitterment of prisoners; they know very well what methods they use to achieve the signing of these statements. See also press, press- camera, ban, bedside table, SPP, broom.

2) The state of withdrawal after stopping taking drugs or alcohol.

Health care facility is a local preventive area. This is a specially dedicated local zone ITU, intended, according to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for “keeping malicious violators of the detention regime.” Health care facilities, they believe, makes it possible to “reduce the negative impact of the more criminal part of the convicts on the bulk.” In a number ITU prisoners placed in Health care facilities, are kept in cell-type premises. Creation Health care facilities in each institution is “one of the main directions” of the reorganization concept UIS, developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By 1995 Health care facilities were created in more than 300 institutions. Both subjective and objective placement in Health care facilities is a punishment for the convicted person. Here the isolation is much stricter, the convict’s ability to move around the colony’s territory and choose a job are limited. In practice, illegal methods of suppression are more often used here (for example, bringing in fighters OSN and mass beatings) etc. "destructive ways of working with prisoners."

The current Correctional Labor Code provides for the same purposes ("maintenance of malicious violators of the detention regime...", etc.) SCHIZO And PCT, they don’t need to be created, they are already in everyone ITU. Why was it necessary to reinvent the wheel, to create outside the law something provided for by law?

The answer to this question will be easier to find if we take into account that the placement of a convicted person in SCHIZO And PCT- this is a type of punishment for a specific disciplinary violation committed by a convicted person (or a system of violations), which involves the implementation of certain procedures (drawing up a resolution, drawing up a report on the violation, obtaining explanations from the person being punished, etc.). This punishment can be appealed by the convicted person in the manner prescribed by law. In addition, the period for placement in SCHIZO And PCT strictly limited (in SCHIZO fifteen days at a time and two months per year, in PCT- six months). Installation in Health care facilities, since it is not provided for by law, it does not require anything of the kind: neither a specific violation, nor procedural documentation. It is not limited to any specific period and cannot be appealed by the convicted person. Apparently, that's why the creation Health care facilities and is considered “one of the main directions” in the proposals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. See also EPKT.

From 1.07.97 Health care facilities legalized PEC RF, now they are called zones SUS(strict conditions of detention).

LTP (o) - medical and labor dispensary. A closed institution where chronic alcoholics (less often drug addicts) who have not committed any crime are kept by court order. Since 1994, institutions of this type have been disbanded in Russia.

People - in the old terminology - thieves, thieves. Nowadays it is rarely used.

Youngster a (t, s) - 1) a juvenile prisoner.

2) A set of special (correctional) institutions for juvenile offenders ( special schools, special vocational schools And VTK), as well as the entire contingent of persons contained in them. On youngster the regime of detention, food and conditions are better than in ITU for adult prisoners. However, from the point of view of preserving the life, health, and personality of the prisoner, youngster- the worst part Gulag. Bullying, beatings, torture, torture, rape (of some prisoners by others) are the everyday reality of this type of institution.

3) Part of the special department in Pre-trial detention center for juvenile prisoners.

Malyava - a note, a letter, as opposed to ksivs of a more private nature, but in some cases the words are used interchangeably.

Mom (t) - one of the informal leaders in the caste omitted. Paired with another leader ( dad) resolves all issues in this informal group of prisoners. Unlike dads deals with economic problems omitted and issues related to sales, delivery thieves their charges as sexual objects. Dad resolves conflicts between lowered, refers to authorities in the event that his wards are treated in violation correct concepts(for example, they do not pay for sexual services provided, etc.). Dad is an authorized representative omitted in contacts with leaders of other informal groups. More often functions dads And moms performed by one person chief cock.

Suit (t) - 1) This or that group, caste in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. There are four main castes in the prison world (in order of decreasing status): thieves (black), guys (gray), goats (red), omitted (blue). Each caste has its own hierarchy within. The prison subculture is extremely conservative; vertical transitions (increasing status) are extremely difficult or even impossible. Existence suits recognized and taken into account by employees ITU. For example, before sending a punished prisoner to a cell SCHIZO or PCT, the duty officer asks about him suits(Prisoners of different groups are kept in different cells).

According to ZHR: " suit- a social stratum in the prison camp world."

2) The status of the prisoner in the informal hierarchy ( man, thieves' etc.).

Mattress, twist through the mattress - since the new regulations prohibit keeping a prisoner in SCHIZO or PTK longer than a certain period, and also to extend this period without leaving the detention center, the administration invented this method - “ twist through mattress”(twist, unwind - and means receiving a new sentence without leaving the place of imprisonment; see). The prisoner is released to zone and allow him to spend the night on his mattress, after which they give him a new term and close him again insulator.

A mattress cover is a mattress cover in which a prisoner puts his own and government belongings when going to a cell or from one cell to another.

Makhnovists - see Polish thieves. The connection of this concept with the name N.I. Makhno is, presumably, accidental.

Cop (t) - employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Broom (t, s) - 1) Language. Cm. watch the broom.

2) One of the ways to break a prisoner who adheres to correct concepts. Among men And thieves the work associated with sweeping the territory is considered shameful ITK. Employees ITU know that picking up brooms lowers the informal status of the prisoner, and puts him before a choice: either leave with broom to the parade ground (where all the prisoners are lined up, and it is not at all necessary to actually sweep the area), or be sent to SCHIZO. See also stool, ban, SPP.

Mokrushnik (t) - killer.

Wet case (t) - murder.

Muzhiki (t) - 1) The general name for the largest group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. Different from thieves that they, according to prison law, work in zone in regular positions, and from goats- the fact that they do not cooperate with the administration. Not for any power guys they don’t pretend, they don’t serve anyone, but they get involved thieves do not interfere (except in case of thieves chaos A). To the opinion authority nykh men all other groups of prisoners listen. Main part men adheres to correct concepts.

2) The general name of all prisoners, except omitted.

Garbage is the same as cop, - policeman.

Supervision - the release of a prisoner with the condition of registering him with the police at his place of residence while free and with the obligation to report every day at a certain time to the officer supervising him. He is prohibited from leaving his place of residence after a certain set time and from being away from home, for example, late in the evening or at night. Breaking the rules supervision previously entailed a court ruling and the appointment of a new term.

Supervision (t, s) - room for supervisionservice.

Supervision service, supervision staff (o) - a service that exercises daily control over the behavior of prisoners, compliance with the regime of detention, etc. Consists of military personnel of conscript and long-term service of convoy troops. Submits supervisionservice the chief of the escort troops, not the chief ITU.

Hitting is an aggressive provocation towards a person by other people; for example, presenting some unfounded demands or accusations in order to intimidate this person or provoke him to resist, as a result it will be possible to beat him, take away some things, or draw up an order and lock him in a detention center, conduct a search, etc.

Mother hen (t, s) - agent opera, planted in the investigative cell to “split” the defendants or a specific defendant. In addition to obtaining the necessary information about the crime committed, sometimes the task is to exert psychological pressure on a cellmate in order to persuade him to give the testimony necessary to the investigator.

The production rate is the amount of products that a prisoner must produce per unit of time (shift, month). For failure to comply production standards the prisoner may be punished in one way or another. Production rate for prisoners, as a rule, higher than in the wild. This is partly due to the fact that during the period under review the annual time balance for prisoners was significantly higher than in the wild, because prisoners had no vacation, and their working week was 48 hours (in the wild - 41). Among other punishments, prisoners who did not meet production standards could be deprived of the so-called “guarantee” - crediting the “guarantee” to their account: 10% of the monthly salary, regardless of any other circumstances (their repayment of a lawsuit , alimony payments, etc.). This procedure was changed after the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation adopted the “Law of the Russian Federation “On Amendments and Additions to the Correctional Labor Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR” (June 12, 1992).

Obizhenka (t) - a cell for prisoners who managed to “escape” (during inspection, taking them out for a walk, making an appointment with opera etc.) from the previous camera. In prison jargon, "to escape" sounds like this: " break out from cameras." This action associated with seeking help in resolving a conflict with cellmates from the administration is considered, according to correct concepts, jamb. Prison law prescribes to resolve all kinds of internal conflicts by turning to authorities. An exception to this rule is the case of " breaking out" from press cameras(but provided that " broken out"the prisoner resists being placed in offended). IN offended sometimes expelled people are also placed (" broken out") from the prisoners' cell.

Offended (t) - 1) Prisoner offended or sitting in offended

2) In some regions the same as lowered.

  1. Euphemism of words lowered, rooster.
  2. In some zones, Pre-trial detention center- Not lowered, but simply humiliated, “ planted on broom”, deprived of his caste rights; he can seek justification and satisfaction and “get” from the offenders.

Common fund - 1) ITK general mode.

2) Multi-person (for 20-30 or more people) chamber in Pre-trial detention center.

4) The procedure in which all food, tea, and smokes entering the cell are distributed equally among all prisoners (except omitted).

5) Illegal prisoner mutual aid fund. May consist of money, food, tea, smoking, things, etc. By prison law contributions to common fund must be done solely on a voluntary basis men And thieves. Means common fund are used for general needs (for example, bribery of employees ITK, prisoners from household services etc.), to help prisoners who find themselves in distress: primarily those kept in SCHIZO And PCT, prisoners sent to covered or on sick leave; for beginners who do not have outside help, etc. Although common fund intended for prisoners living in correct concepts (men And thieves), sometimes exceptions are made to this rule: some heating from common fund a, sent to SCHIZO And PCT, must be distributed among those contained there goats And lowered. In practice, many of the listed principles (voluntariness of contributions, equal rights in receiving assistance, etc.) are violated.

looking behind common fund- this is usually thieves', assigned to gangway. The overseer selects assistants for fundraising. Participation in collection, distribution, storage common fund brutally persecuted by the administration.

Their common funds may have goats And omitted.

Obshchakovy (t) - related to common fund, those. illegal prisoner mutual aid fund.

Public - active, members public and amateur organizations or sections. In the language of the administration it is a word with a positive connotation, in the language of prisoners who are not part of the sections it is ironic.

Social and amateur organizations - see. SVP, SPP. They can be called “amateur” very conditionally, because and in the 70s and 80s, the administration used a whole arsenal of coercive means to replenish them: from bribery to threats and direct press. These organizations served as an indicator of the educational work of the administration with prisoners, and therefore sometimes a fantastic goal was set - to drive the entire population into them ITU without exception, which in turn caused resistance by all means, including strikes and riots. (Cm. Amateur prisoner organizations).

General mode - ITK for those convicted for the first time (pioneers) or for minor crimes. Characterized by a large number of varied and often meaningless customs and rituals, as well as self-proclaimed leaders and false thieves.

(cm. GUIN).

OMON - special purpose police unit (special forces). Units of the Russian police created to perform particularly difficult tasks (fighting organized crime, preventing mass unrest, apprehending armed criminals, etc.).

Prisoners often call riot police special forces units created under regional departments ITU to suppress riots, free hostages, etc. Since 1991, these units have been used for preventive purposes to intimidate prisoners in ITU, where, according to the administration, a dangerous situation has developed.

OOR (o) is a particularly dangerous repeat offender. Cm. mansion.

Operator (f, s) - worker operational service.

Operational service (o) is a structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs engaged in the prevention and detection of crimes. Widely uses undercover methods of work. In every ITU or Pre-trial detention center There is operational a part that must control the general situation in the institution, prevent crimes, all kinds of excesses, solve previously committed crimes, and collect information about the leaders of the criminal world. Operational some have a large staff of agents among prisoners (according to some estimates, from 2 to 5% of the number of convicts): informants and provocateurs; widely uses illegal methods of influencing prisoners that are beyond the control of supervisory authorities (pitting different groups of prisoners against each other, using thieves to intimidate other prisoners, press cameras etc.). See, for example, "Ogonyok", 1990, Nos. 35-36, "Diary of an Informer".

Operationally search activity- activities of the police, including initial work with the offense:

  • going to the scene of the incident;
  • drawing up documents about the incident;
  • activities to identify those responsible for the incident (inquiry);
  • preparation of documents for transfer to investigators.

Omit (t, s) - 1) Lower the status in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. (Obsolete).

2) Transfer to the untouchable caste ( omitted, roosters) - rape or perform a ritual associated with the transfer of a prisoner to the untouchable caste. In this case, rape-substituting rituals are often used: the prisoner is put on parasha with a piece of bread, doused with water from buckets forced to drink water from buckets, pass the phallus, a towel moistened with sperm, over the lips, anus, etc.

Omitted (t, s) - a representative of the lowest group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners, a kind of untouchable caste. U omitted You can’t take anything, you can’t touch him, you can’t sit on his bunk, etc. U omitted their own separate places in the barracks, prison cell, in the dining room, their own labeled dishes, they perform the dirtiest jobs - those that other prisoners no longer have the right to undertake. They have certain identification marks and are required to report upon arrival at a place where they are not known that they omitted so that other prisoners, having entered into communication with them, do not lose their status. Hide your status lowered useless and dangerous, sooner or later his past becomes known, and then revealed omitted They are punished, beaten, sometimes killed. It is believed that he made a mess everyone who communicated with him sat next to him. Status omitted A lifelong, say, break from his prison career does not change him.

It is a very common misconception that omitted Only passive homosexuals are included. According to some estimates, voluntary homosexuals among omitted no more than 20% (although a person who was a passive homosexual in freedom and failed to hide it becomes lowered). Transfer to omitted carried out, as a rule, for gross violations prison law: denunciation, ratting, unpaid card debt, chaos in relation to other prisoners. Lowered pressers,goats, woolen, those who committed shameful, from the point of view correct concepts, crimes (rape of children, brutal rape of women, brutal unmotivated murder, indecent acts with minors, etc.), former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, soldiers of internal troops who found themselves in an ordinary prison cell... A prisoner who feels the seriousness of the violation he committed, sometimes prefers to voluntarily join the caste omitted(say, move your things to the corner of the barracks where they live omitted). In this case, as a rule, he is not subjected to any ritual procedures or rape.

It should be noted that in institutions for juvenile offenders and pioneers ritual-symbolic motivation in relation to lowered prevails over semantic motivation. The very distinctive features of the untouchable caste here become separate from the objects they designate, mystical meaning(cm. finish). For example, a person who has not committed any specific violations prison law(raped in press chamber who accidentally came into unauthorized contact with lowered), falls into the untouchable caste. This is not seen as a punishment, but as an accident that leaves a person “crippled” for life. The transfer to caste itself omitted often accomplished through rituals (see lower), making one remember the customs existing in primitive tribes.

Caste omitted appeared in the prison community in the 60s, perhaps as a reaction of the prisoner subculture to the new penitentiary policy of the authorities. The struggle to preserve personality in conditions when the administration ITU used the most brutal methods of pressure on prisoners in order to force them to commit immoral, from the point of view of traditional culture, acts, led to the invention of its informal sanction for “apostates”, this is a kind of ostracism, moral expulsion from the community in conditions where real expulsion is impossible. It is also possible that punishment in the form of rape during the period of establishment of amateur organizations of convicts for the first time began to be subject to those who became their members. Let us recall that the current name of the collaborationist caste ( goats) referred to passive homosexuals in the 40s and 50s.

By the way, keepers prison law, the traditions of the prison world claim that the punishment in the form of transferring a person to a caste omitted By correct concepts is considered unacceptable. According to their version, caste omitted x "invented cops" and entered it using pressers,woolen, chaos schikov into the prison world. It must be said that the administration ITU very willing to use the institute omitted For withdrawal symptoms rebellious. One of the most terrible threats to denied- rape in press-camera. After rape operas can offer the raped a kind of gentleman's agreement: no one will know about what happened if the prisoner agrees to become his agent or sign a statement of renunciation thieves ideas. Threat is used lower and investigators. It should also be added that the main suppliers to the caste omitted x are institutions for juvenile offenders, pioneer And press cameras. Cases of application of sanctions lowering among repeat offenders are extremely rare and are rather the exception (violation prison law) than the rule. Attitude towards lowered V ITU among repeat offenders is not of such a cruel and sadistic nature as in youngster and in ITU general regime, although some norms are taboo in nature, defining “untouchability” omitted, are saved.

Within the group omitted there is its own hierarchy, reminiscent of the informal hierarchy of the entire prison community. It has its own informal leaders ( chief cocks, dads, moms) with their surroundings, ordinary omitted And roosters, who are pushed around by everyone in this group (sold as a sexual object, forced to work for themselves, raped, tortured). Informal leaders omitted most often it's exes who get caught thieves, which lowered for any jambs(non-payment of a gambling debt, snitching, etc.), as well as rape or omitted otherwise in press cameras.


special forces squad. Cm. Riot police .

Mansion (t) - 1) ITK special regime.

2) Particularly dangerous repeat offender (OER). The offender may be found OER by court decision for previous repeated convictions. Often this category includes people who do not pose a particular danger, but have more than one prison sentence in the past.

“They say to me: - Did you kill someone? - Yes, I didn’t kill anyone. I stole pears! - Why are you “especially dangerous”? - Because you climbed into the same barn many times! (Excerpt from an interview with especially dangerous repeat offender).

Convict (t) - cell in Pre-trial detention center, where prisoners are held in respect of whom a court sentence has been passed, but has not yet entered into legal force.

Convict (o) is the official name of the prisoner in respect of whom the court verdict has entered into legal force. Self-designation of prisoners in dialogue with officials (“Citizen Chief, the convicted Arab-ogly has arrived on your orders”). In the speech of prisoners, the emphasis is on the letter “u”: “convicted”.

Products, merchandise (t) - monthly purchase by prisoners of food products in a camp store (stall) for a strictly defined amount of money.

Negative (s, t), negative convicts (o) - prisoners who, from the point of view of the administration ITU interfere with her work and negatively influence other prisoners. All prison workers ITU and scientists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs divide them into three groups: positive (helping them in their work), neutral (not interfering), negative. IN denied fall not only thieves, but also all those who are objectionable to the administration (for example, those who file complaints against the administration, refuse to do “leftist” work for employees, etc.). About ways to deal with negative cm. broom, stool, ban, SPP, press chamber.

Squad (o) - 1) Structural unit ITU. In the colony, prisoners are divided according to squads numbering from 100 to 200 people. IN squad There are from 2 to 5 production teams. IN VTK squads divided into departments of 20-30 people. Squad usually located compactly in one room, in one local zone.

2) The room where it is located squad(bedrooms, red corner, rooms for storing things and food, toilet, boss’s office squad etc.).

Squadron (t), squad leader (o) - employee ITK, under whose command is squad.

Rations (t) - 1) All government products (bread, sugar, gruel, etc.) prescribed by law for prisoners.

2) A portion of bread given to a prisoner.

Papa (t) - informal leader in the caste ( omitted). Cm. Mother, chief cock.

Parasha (t) - 1) A vessel for excrement in a cell where there is no sewage system.

2) Toilet in the cell. Place at buckets considered the most unprestigious. In the cells youngsters And pioneers sometimes there is a rule that lowered must eat while sitting on parasha(or near it).

3) Nonsense rumor, gossip.

Guys are the same People: thieves and those close to them

Boy (t) - a person who occupies a high position in the society of prisoners in general regime colonies (sometimes youngster), thieves'.

PVR (c) - 1) political and educational work.

2) Internal regulations - a regulatory document of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that determines the conditions of detention of prisoners in ITU (PVR ITU), V Pre-trial detention center (PVR pre-trial detention center), V Temporary detention center (PVR) IVS). It is this document and about 300 instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and not ITK RSFSR or PEC RF) regulate life in places of detention in great detail and establish many norms and restrictions that are not even mentioned in the legislation.

PVS (o) - Presidium of the Supreme Council.

First-timer (t) - a prisoner with no prison experience, arrested for the first time.

Rooster - 1) Rooster- passive homosexual.

2) One of the synonyms omitted x, the word is a terrible insult and is taboo to an even greater extent than goat(see related article). All derivatives from rooster Prisoners try not to use words (roostered, petya, cockerel, cockerel, etc.), as well as related words (chicken coop, bird, hen, comb, etc.), so as not to “get into the unknown.” This also applies omitted, who prefer to use euphemism when calling themselves offended.

PKT (o) - chamber-type room, internal jail a colony in which persistent violators of the detention regime are kept. Cameras PCT usually located in a separate building with SCHIZO and fenced off from the rest of the territory ITK fence Prisoners placed in PCT, are limited in some rights. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Correctional Labor Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR" dated June 12, 1992, the total sentence PCT should not exceed 6 months. As of July 1, 1997, this restriction was lifted.

Former name PKT - BUR(maximum security barracks) - still exists among prisoners.

PMS (c) - production and mass section.

Support (t) is the second-highest status informal leader in the cell. It could be thieves'. IN press chamber- chief assistant press operator.

Decoy - see Mother hen.

Snow thief - false thief, a man who declared himself thief but not adhering correct concepts and pursuing his own narrow egoistic goals.

The strip is in the document. The red stripe on the cover of a prisoner’s personal file means “prone to escape.” When such a person comes to zone, the administration should put him under special supervision.

Striped (t) - especially dangerous repeat offender (OER). According to the striped clothes that I must wear OER. See also mansion, ITK.

Striped mode, striped zone - see Mansion.

Polish thieves - some meanings: thieves, departed from “ right life”; professional thieves, not included and not included in any groups; pimped thieves, i.e. thieves who are at enmity with thieves in law with the approval of the camp administration or under its leadership. Origin of the phrase “ Polish thief” the prison world explains literally: these are ideological descendants thieves, who came to Russia from Poland back in the days when Poland was part of the Russian Empire. According to J. Rossi (see “Handbook on GULAG y"), " Polish thief has nothing to do with Poland.” With the invasion “ Polish thieves“The mythology of the prison world also connects their activities with the decline of its morals.

Pardon (t) - a petition for clemency or the very decision of the courts on pardon.

Settlement, poselukha (t) - colony-settlement. Cm. ITK.

Rule (t) - analysis of the conflict between prisoners according to law,correct concepts. According to the Journal: "The trial of a comrade (in thieves' environment)". See also disassembly.

Correct zone, prison (t) - ITU or Pre-trial detention center, whose shadow life goes in accordance with correct concepts And prison law. Presence or absence correct order in a particular penitentiary institution or part thereof, is determined by personal qualities authorities who have real power. In institutions for youngsters or pioneer correct order practically impossible due to the lack authorities who have sufficient life and prison experience, as well as experience in resolving conflicts nonviolently. Often thrives here chaos, the priority of formal norms taken from prison law, above its meaning, the prevalence of wild and senseless rules. For example, a ban on carrying a spoon in the top pocket of a robe, putting a bitten piece of bread in a pocket, a ban on wearing red clothes, etc. It is characteristic that general mode (ITU For pioneer) the prisoners themselves call specially fierce.

Absence correct order, chaos V ITU for repeat offenders is often associated with activities operational services that prefer to support managed authorities or to impose the power of their agents among thieves And thieves, and use the most cruel and immoral methods of combating the right authorities who do not give in to pressure and do not cooperate with cops. It is clear that among the governed authorities more people with very low moral qualities and those who, demagogically using norms prison law, concerned primarily with his own well-being. Cm. correct concepts, prison law, authority, thieves,thieves.

Correct (t) - 1) Fair, honest, respected, authority ny, etc.

2) The highest degree of assessment of a person ( the right guy, thieves', prisoner), groups of people ( the right house,zone, jail, family etc.), social phenomenon ( correct order etc.).

3) Prisoner holding correct concepts.

Correct concepts (r) - a system of informal norms and rules operating in such informal groups of prisoners as guys And thieves. They are both an ethical imperative for prisoners and a means of resisting the administration ITU. They are supported, shared, and recognized by the majority of prisoners, which can be explained by their proximity to the norms, values ​​and attitudes of traditional culture. They declare, for example, an uncompromising attitude towards informing, proclaim the primacy of general interest over private interest, brotherhood between prisoners (see. bros,family), assistance to those who find themselves in difficult situations (see. common fund), justice, protect the prisoner from arbitrariness by prohibiting the taking of anything without the law (within the prison law) grounds, prohibit accusing a person without evidence of his misconduct and generally insulting him, require strict thoughtfulness and restraint in words (see. keep an eye on broom, goat, rooster). Spreading correct concepts And prison law, their support by the majority of prisoners can also be explained by the fact that the official law requires them to act immorally, from the point of view of traditional culture, (informing, betrayal, hypocrisy, obtaining personal gain by infringing on the rights of the community and most of its members, etc. .) See also correct concepts, thieves, men, goats, lowered, prison law.

Correct order (t) - about the situation in a camp, cell, prison, where most prisoners adhere to correct concepts.

Prapora (t) - this is how prisoners’ letters may refer to not only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the rank of “warrant officer,” but also other representatives of the administration of places of deprivation (or restriction) of freedom who directly carry out supervision.

Bring (t) - bring an accusation of violating informal norms and rules existing in the prisoner community. The reason for presentations a compromising fact may suddenly emerge that relates to the distant past, sometimes even to freestyle, pre-camp life of a prisoner, as well as a circumstance that is not at all the result of a deliberate independent choice: for example, the very fact of living in Moscow or Leningrad, serving in the internal troops, etc.

Presentation (t) - accusing a prisoner of any compromising actions or actions that do not comply with prison law.

Press (t, s) - “breaking off” a prisoner, a way to suppress his personality, to make him completely controllable. Sometimes press - this is constant psychological pressure on the prisoner ("snake press"). See also press chamber.

Press chamber, press hut (t, s) - chamber in IVS, Pre-trial detention center, covered, PCT, SCHIZO, in which prisoners specially selected by the administration torture, torment, rape those who are placed with them, in order to extract something specific from them, for example, to give the testimony necessary to the investigator, to find out where they are kept general money, sign a waiver thieves ideas (see withdrawal etc.). Press cameras still exist today.

Presser (t, s) - a prisoner who agreed to carry out the assignment of an employee ITU or the investigator function as an executioner, torturer of other prisoners in press chamber. Usually in personal or operational in fact press operator there is a mark that serves as an indication for opera about the possibility of appropriate use of this prisoner. In addition, such a mark warns the room press operator during transfer along with other prisoners. Exposure press operator is fraught with cruel reprisals for him.

Press prison (t) - a prison-type institution in which a significant part of the cells are used for press. Cm. White Swan, breaking, press chamber.

Priblatnenny (t) - candidate for thieves, eager to be accepted into a group thieves and demonstrating commitment correct concepts.

Sign (t) - chamber or compartment Pre-trial detention center, which house prisoners declared insane or mentally ill. Prisoners in these cells or sections enjoy a number of benefits compared to ordinary prisoners. They are allowed to correspond, receive more packages, receive hospital meals, take longer walks, etc.

Recognized (t) - a prisoner who has been declared insane after a psychiatric examination. See also fool.

Gags, gags, tacks - various ways of provoking a person in order to put him in a funny position, make him angry, let it slip, give some information about himself and generally express himself in some way. A prisoner can be provoked like other prisoners (see registration), as well as administrative workers. This opera (nepotism) lotions and grips. Cm. Nepotistic mud, nepotistic weed.

Sweated - the same as six, only a little higher in rank, because six- one who serves anyone, and sweated -to the thieves.

Prodol (t) - prison corridor.

Industrial zone (o), wetting (t) - industrial zone colonies. The territory of the colony is divided into separate sections - zones: residential zone, industrial zone(production facilities are located here). Between these zones a fence was installed, rows of barbed wire were stretched, and between them there was a corridor, sometimes shot through by security soldiers.

Registration (t) is initiation, that is, the rite of introducing a newcomer into the prison community. Highest value registration has in cells youngsters and prisoners general regime. The neophyte is asked questions, or he is put in situations that require intelligence, strong-willed mobilization, and quick decision-making. All this aims to clearly demonstrate the real inner content of the initiate’s personality, the degree of his independence, reliability, etc. From successful completion registration depends on the place in the informal hierarchy of prisoners. And vice versa - those who fail the test often end up in the caste of untouchables, outcasts who occupy the most shameful and powerless position in the prison community. In some pre-trial detention centers, including Matrosskaya Tishina, registration persons from 16 to 30 years of age are subject to this, while in other places there are absolutely no age limits.

Proslyak (t) - departed from thieves' law thief, but unlike bitches did not betray him. Usually uses authority om in the prison community. May attend gangways.

Vocational school - vocational school.

Navel - aka ass, dubak, spinner- warden

Five-minute (s) - a superficial, short (sometimes less than five minutes) psychiatric examination directly in a prison or courtroom. On five minutes Usually a decision is made: to send the defendant for a more thorough examination (for example, to the Serbsky Institute) or to recognize the prisoner as normal.

Showdown (t) - 1) Any clarification of relations between prisoners or groups of prisoners.

2) Resolution of conflicts that arise between prisoners or groups of prisoners according to the rules provided for prison law or thieves' law(in the case where a conflict arose between thieves or close to them authority nym thieves). Such disassembly, unlike ordinary conflict ( disassembly 1), sometimes called correct, rule. The role of mediators or “judges” is usually authority new prisoners, thieves. In serious cases, the person found guilty (the defendant) is left to the mercy of the right person (the person found guilty). disassembly right). He can obtain from the defendant as a “worthy” or as a “scoundrel” (the qualification of the defendant is the prerogative showdown, which can transfer it to the right). In the first case, the defendant must publicly admit his guilt and repent. The right one can lightly hit the defendant, but it doesn’t hurt so that he only “feels a brotherly hand.” In the second case, you can do whatever you want to the defendant, including kill him. The rightist can, following the verdict of a showdown, demand money and things from the guilty person - here he, it would seem, has complete freedom of choice. However, depending on how fair the sanction chosen by the right is, how much it corresponds to the offense, how generous and not vindictive the “winner of the case” is, those around him will form an opinion about him, which ultimately affects his status in the community. Showdown between thieves or authority nym thieves are carried out according to other rules provided for thieves' law. For example, thief You can’t even hit someone “brotherly”. This sanction is clear: thief stripped of his title. Unfairly subjected to such a sanction, who did not recognize the legality of deprivation of rank thief, is obliged to kill the one who struck.

Prison law provides the defendant with a right of appeal. If disassembly occurs, for example, in a prison cell, the defendant may apply to intervene in the decision showdown To authority higher status (and sometimes to the main authority prison) from tails or send to the appropriate chamber xivu outlining the essence of the conflict and asking for intervention. By correct concepts such an appeal suspends the execution of the sanction.

3) A group of prisoners taking part in analyzing the conflict and making a decision.

Cutting - here: reducing the period.

Promotion (t, s) - receiving a second additional term in the camp for a new crime by court decision.

Rezhimnik - employee of a security unit ITU which monitors prisoners' compliance with internal regulations ITU.

RMZ - mechanical repair plant.

To wet the horns - to serve the entire sentence without attempting to escape.

ROP (s) - mode- operational Job.

Steer - manage zone or a cell, a prison.

Ryaby (t) - the same as mansion, striped.

Amateur organizations of convicts (o) - official structures, organizations of prisoners created by the administration. IN ITK RSFSR it is said that these organizations are created with the “purpose of developing collectivism skills among convicts... encouraging their useful initiative, as well as using the influence of the collective on the correction and re-education of convicts.” Such organizations include various sections (SPP, sanitary, industrial, cultural and educational, etc.), as well as all kinds of “advice” (colony staff, squad). The heads of all these sections and councils are appointed by the administration. Cm. sections, SPP, activist, goat.

Get out - run away, leave.

Brother-in-law (t) - candidate for caste thieves, which, however, has not yet been recognized gathering as a thief in law. Brothers-in-law occupy second place (after thieves in law) place in the hierarchy thieves.

SVP (o) - internal order section - " amateur" organization of convicts", whose members actively cooperate with the administration. The modern name is SPP.

Hand over (t) - issue, convey; for example, inform the prison administration about an impending escape.

Hand over the skin (t) - transfer to the administration ITU report (denunciation) about violation of discipline, regime of detention by other prisoners. This report may serve as the basis for punishing the violator.

Section (t, s) - 1) living room in a barracks or, in official language, a dormitory. IN sections can accommodate from 20 to 200 people.

2) The generalized name of the so-called. " amateur organizations of convicts" or " self-government bodies of convicts".

Family (t) - a group of 3-5 prisoners (sometimes more) connected by trusting relationships. Members families provide each other with help and support in everyday life, but also bear responsibility for each other.

Gray (t) - synonym men.

Get on wheels - be on the run, hide

LED and SR (o) - see GUITU,


Pre-trial detention center (o) - pre-trial detention center. An institution intended for the detention of arrested persons in respect of whom the court verdict has not entered into legal force. IN Pre-trial detention center, as a rule, there are separate cells or departments for women, minors, those arrested for the first time and repeat offenders, patients sentenced to death, as well as for prisoners being transferred to ITU. IN Pre-trial detention center convicts awaiting transfer or left for economic work are also kept in Pre-trial detention center. IN Pre-trial detention center There is a department for disciplinary punishment (punishment cell).

Watch the broom (t) - do not allow offensive expressions or individual swear words into the conversation.

Observer (t) - In the case when there is no thief, thieves' the world can send a representative there who will see that the prisoners observe prison law And thieves"mandates" the beholder. In this case looking is supplied with a “mandate”, i.e. a note containing the corresponding order and which looking presents authority nom thieves. In case red zone, controlled woolen etc., looking must choose his own assistants the right prisoners and take power in ITU. Looking may be assigned thief, leaving for freedom or imprisonment.

Owner -??????

- special psychiatric hospital. A penitentiary institution for prisoners declared insane at the time of committing a crime and having serious mental disorders, as well as for prisoners who received serious mental illness while serving their sentence. IN St. Petersburg sent by court decision to those convicted of serious crimes and repeat offenders. Persons who have committed minor crimes for the first time may be sent by court decision to regular psychiatric hospitals. In 1988 St. Petersburg were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health.

Special contingent (c) - so employees ITU And Pre-trial detention center called prisoners.

Special commandant's office - a penitentiary institution for offenders "conditionally sentenced with mandatory labor" and "released on parole with mandatory labor" (i.e. prisoners ITK general, enhanced And strict regime, by which the sentence was reduced by court decision). IN special commandant's office the prisoner is required to live in a special dormitory and work at the enterprise indicated to him (often with harmful or difficult working conditions). Most often, those sentenced to this type of punishment are sent to regions located far from their permanent place of residence.

In 1993, this type of punishment was abolished, such as sending a suspended sentence to a special commandant's office with mandatory involvement in labor.

Cm. chemistry.

Special, special corridor, special building (t, s) - department Pre-trial detention center for persons under investigation who, at the direction of the investigator or opera should be kept in stricter isolation from other prisoners, to prevent contact with associates or harmful influence on other prisoners, sometimes to ensure the safety of that prisoner (see, for example, press operator). The cells of this department are designed for a smaller number of places (from one to 10-12) than ordinary cells, which can accommodate several dozen people.

Special (t) - General regime correctional complex. So called because of the reigning ITK this regime of brutal relations between prisoners.

Special detention center

- institutions for “persons of no fixed abode” or those suspected of committing a crime whose identity must be established.

Special school, special vocational school (o) - see. bark beetle

SPP (o) - section crime prevention, one of the "s amateur prisoner organizations" (former name - SVP - internal order section), by enrolling in which the prisoner acquires the status goat. Sometimes the administration ITU forces prisoners to engage in SPP forcibly. This is done by hand goats who torture those who refuse to write an application to join SPP. Attempts to leave the caste goats, as a rule, are unsuccessful. Such traitors may be put in a cell with prisoners who adhere to prison law and allegedly “accidentally” tell them about this person’s camp past. After this ex goat (activist) can lower or kill. These are just some of the administration's latent ways of fighting ITU With prison law. See also broom, ban, bedside table.

Ask (t) - punish a prisoner after showdown for chaos or violation prison law.

To screw up, a screwed up thief - see. Bitch.

Stand on the gate - open and close the passage from one local zone to another. Cm. Local, local tower.

Planer (t) - High security penal colony.

Strict mode - see Strohach.

Bitch (t) - 1) According to JR: " thief..., who violated thieves' law". In the late 40s - early 50s, a bloody massacre took place in the camps, known as the "war bitches And thieves"(see, for example, ZhR, as well as "Essays on the Underworld" by V. Shalamov, Don, No. 1, 1989, p. 99).

2) Broken thief or thieves', who agreed to openly cooperate with the administration ITU. "Slouched", which became goat thieves', is distinguished, as a rule, by extreme cruelty and sadism towards other prisoners; upon release, many of " huddled together"They commit savage crimes.

Rusk (t) - 1) A prisoner who uses someone else’s first and last name for the purpose of earlier release. Currently rare.

2) Prisoner impersonating thieves or even thief(usually this is an agent or provocateur operational units). Hiding his past (for example, the fact of being in the caste omitted or goats).

Bitch zone - zone, where they control ( rule) screwed up thieves(cm. bitch, thief, thieves'), i.e. entered into an alliance with the administration, that prison law strictly prohibited. As a rule, such thieves, seeking to achieve their own goals, especially oppress prisoners and I'm running wild T.

Skhodnyak (t) - something like a permanent council thieves V ITU, which deals with conflicts between prisoners, issues related to the life of prisoners, calling strikes, preparing a riot, changing some of the norms in force among prisoners of a given ITU, appeal to thieves,thieves others ITU or free, etc. See also prison law, thieves.

Gathering of Thieves (t) - a periodically assembled collegial body thieves in law a single region or several regions. Makes decisions to punish violators thieves' law, resolves disputes, appoints watching for individual ITU, takes in thieves worthy candidates, etc. Meeting of thieves can also occur in prison settings. For this thieves from different ITU can get to the prison hospital in various ways, where such gathering easier to arrange. More important issues regarding, for example, clarifications in interpretation law, joint actions of various groups are allowed for gatherings, collected in the wild. See also thief, thieves orders, thieves' law.

Sepepeshniks (t) - members SPP.

Tanker - the same as fighter, bull, gladiator, athlete. (Cm. Fighter, gladiator).

To mark is to take note of a person’s misdemeanor and then, without punishing him for this very reason, to blackmail him with the possibility of detection and punishment.

Quiet guy - a hidden informer, an uninitiated informer or goat, not very zealous activist.

Torpedo - 1) Bodyguard;

2) - a prisoner who carries out a sentence gangway death sentence against another prisoner. Often torpedo sent on this mission from one camp to another.

Hold, load into the hold, hold - place in SCHIZO or PCT. The expression apparently arose because these rooms are quite often located in basements and are dark and cold.

Bedside table (t, s) - 1) A post at the entrance to the barracks, where they usually put bedside table with various documents and local phone number associated with watch And headquarters. According to the official order, about bedside tables there must be a specially appointed duty officer on duty, who is obliged to report to all employees entering the barracks ITU about the number of prisoners in the barracks, etc. In case of any violations of order, the duty officer must inform management about it ITK or DPNK by local phone. Prisoners are usually appointed as duty officers from among goats.

2) One of the ways the administration fights ITU With prison law. By correct concepts duty at bedside tables(see paragraph 1 of this article) is considered unacceptable for men And thieves. Anyone who agrees to such duty automatically acquires the status goat. The administration sometimes begins to force people to be on duty bedside tables all prisoners in order of priority. For refusing such duty, the prisoner is severely punished by the administration and subjected to press. This is done with a clear understanding of what such duty threatens for prisoners from among men And thieves. See also ban, SPP, broom.

Prison law is a set of informal norms and rules operating in the prison community. Unlike thieves' law, on the basis of which it was formed in the 60s (when thieves And thieves V ITU there are actually none left) prison law includes within its scope all prisoners; defines its own norms, prohibitions, taboos for each group ( suits) prisoners, regulates relations between representatives of these groups, introduces mechanisms for resolving conflicts between prisoners. All conflicts must be resolved according to prison law by using showdown and appeals to to authorities. Authorities most often there are people from the caste thieves(this is another proof that the middle caste is guys not just spontaneously formed into some kind of social whole, but took caste as a model thieves, who already had their own developed law And order).

In recent years there is evidence of a gradual displacement prison law new orders based on corruption, the merging of the criminal world with the administration ITU, the power of money. According to our assessment, this trend can lead to an increase in organized crime, an increase in the proportion of violent and unrelated crimes, a real deterioration in the situation of prisoners, and destabilization of work ITU, to some extent, and destabilization of the situation in society.

See also correct concepts, thieves, men, goats, lowered.

Prison - 1) (r) The general name for all places of detention, also used in ordinary language.

2) (t) The general name for all prison-type institutions, including covered and investigative prison (SIZO). Jail often receives an unofficial name based on its location (Butyrki, Lefortovo, Krasnaya Presnya - in Moscow, Lukyanovka - in Kyiv, etc.).

  1. (o) A prison-type institution for convicts. Cm. Covered.
- Department of Internal Affairs. Regional division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Corner (t) - thieves', who is an informal leader in sections, barracks or designated for this role gangway. As a rule, it occupies an honorable lower place in the corner of the sleeping area in the barracks.

Parole (o) - conditional early release from punishment. Final decision on parole accepted by the visiting session of the district court at the location of the correctional institution. parole There are two types, the first of which simply involves release with the opportunity to return to your place of residence, the second ( parole with mandatory involvement in labor) is associated with consignment to special commandant's office. In 1993, the second type of punishment was abolished.

UID - Department of Correctional Affairs. Cm. GUIN.

UITU (o) - management ITU. A structural unit of the regional (regional, territorial) department of internal affairs, which is in charge of those located on its territory ITU(except for forest ones). Currently renamed to WIN(Department for the Execution of Punishments).

Criminal Code of the RSFSR - the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which was in force on the territory of the RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation from January 1, 1961 to December 31, 1996. Since January 1, 1997, a new criminal code has been in force in Russia - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

ULITU - Forest management ITU, regional division GULITU.

Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR - Code of Criminal Procedure.

Urka - old name thieves, now almost out of use.

Amplifier (t) - ITK enhanced mode.

Breaking plywood (t) - breaking a person’s chest, one of the ways of torturing a person youngsters.

Stuffed (forshmanutsya) - 1. Find yourself in a funny position. 2. Be caught in a crime. 3. Be compromised.

Fraer (t) - According to ZHR: “A person who does not belong thief world." Currently the word fraer in many regions acquired the exact opposite meaning: a prisoner close to thieves, thieves'. For example, fraternize means - to imitate in one's behavior thieves;trump fraer - thieves'. It also retains the same meaning in some words, for example, fraternize- make a mistake, don't correct from the point of view prisoner a (but not free) action.

Old meaning of the word fraer is now conveyed by the word " sucker".

Fraer (t) - see. fraer.

Pound (t) - reduced food allowance per strict prison regime, including soldering bread weighing 400 g (per day).

Bullshit - 1) butt;
2) lie.

A fuflyzhnik is a prisoner who behaves unworthily, most often in relation to the payment of gambling debts, for which he is always in danger lowering. Sometimes, having lost, he agrees on one more try, agreeing to lowering: This is called “playing on bullshit”.

Tail - a prisoner’s offense, for which he evades punishment, trying to move to another barracks, to another zone, where no one knows about his misconduct. Information about his offense usually follows the offender. "Long tail behind the bunk” - several offenses or one major one, which is hidden by the offender. Sometimes (when the offense is already known and condemned) tail is a sentence in absentia imposed in accordance with prison law.

Hut (t) - camera.

Khimik (t) - a prisoner sent to chemistry.

Chemistry (t) is the unofficial name of one of the types of criminal punishment. Officially it is called parole (parole) or a suspended sentence with mandatory involvement in work. This type of punishment is associated with transfer to special commandant's office, where the prisoner is required to live in a special dormitory and work at the enterprise indicated to him. In 1992-93 this type of punishment in most countries b. The USSR was canceled due to the collapse of the economy.

Khipezh (kipezh) - unrest, unrest, rebellion started by prisoners against the administration, or by the administration against prisoners.

Master (t) - the head of a prison or colony.

Khozbanda - see Housekeeping service.

Household service (o, t) - prisoners who perform housekeeping work in places of deprivation of liberty (cooks, “balanders” - food distributors, and others). Also called prisoners performing these duties in Pre-trial detention center and serving sentences there in accordance with Article 16 of the Correctional Labor Code RSFSR- “Leaving convicts in a pre-trial detention center or prison for housekeeping work.” Housekeeping service- one of those categories of prisoners towards whom the camp community treats with a greater or lesser degree of hostility.

The business owner is a prisoner convicted of economic crimes. In the 80s there were many of them in places of detention and they formed a noticeable stratum, distinguished by their behavior. Business owners showed considerable flexibility: without denying prison law, they often went beyond it, entering economic positions, i.e. becoming goats, and used their knowledge and economic experience to benefit the administration, but at the same time tried to somehow help improve their reputation among the prisoners. See also Tsekhovik.

Colored (t) - 1) Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sometimes - everyone who serves in the army wears shoulder straps. Also called former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutors, judges, high-ranking civil servants, etc., who are held in Pre-trial detention center And ITU. They are placed in separate cells in pre-trial detention centers. jail x, there are separate ones for them ITK what is being done to prevent reprisals against colored from other prisoners. There are known cases when the investigator seeks colored any testimony under threat of placement in a cell for ordinary prisoners. The threat of lynching most often turns out to be much worse than any criminal punishment.

2) In some regions the word colored used in its former (30s-50s) meaning. According to ZHR: " thieves' or thief in law, urka".

Center (t) - thieves and their surroundings.

Tsekhovik (t) - 1) An entrepreneur who used the opportunities of the state economy for personal enrichment and, as a rule, to expand “his” production. The synonym is “shade”, i.e. representative of the so-called “shadow economy”.

2) Convicted of entrepreneurial activity - usually under Article 93.1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Theft of state or public property on an especially large scale.” In 1993, despite the legalization of private entrepreneurial and commercial activities, many “ shop workers”continued to serve their sentence.

Black (t) - see thieves'.

Black zone, black suit - black suit - thieves; black zone - zone, controlled thieves.

Devil (t) - a person occupying one of the lowest levels in the informal hierarchy of prisoners (below - only pigs And omitted). Crap distinguished by his lack of consistency in his moral principles, irresponsibility in behavior and unkempt appearance.

CHIS (c) - “part of the quartermaster service”, a division of the camp administration, which is responsible, among other things, for providing prisoners with clothes, shoes, bedding, etc.

Chushok (t) - a representative of a group with a low status in the informal hierarchy of prisoners (lower in status only omitted). They are forced to do dirty work, common fund And youngster They rob and take away their things. Most often, these are people unadapted (for various reasons) to life in prison, unable to resist, stand up for themselves, and indifferent to everything. Their main distinguishing feature is their neglected appearance. Word rubbish more often used in youngsters.

Wool, woolen (t) - 1) Prisoners who pretend to be authority nykh, thieves, but actually are running amok, acting in their own interests or at the direction of the administration.
2) Blat new lawless people.

Punishment cell (o) - punishment cell. Branch ITU, where the cells for violators of the detention regime are located. Placed in SCHIZO significantly limited in rights. Until 1988 in SCHIZO there was a reduced standard of nutrition (torture by hunger). In addition, all of the prisoners’ clothing was taken away and they were given only a light cotton suit; they were not taken out for walks, and were not given bed linen or a mattress, letters, parcels, or parcels. IN SCHIZO Usually, difficult conditions are created (cold in winter, stuffy in summer), conducive to the disease of tuberculosis. According to the Law of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 12, 1992, many of these restrictions were abolished. A time limit for detention has also been introduced. SCHIZO: one-time accommodation in SCHIZO- up to 15 days, the total sentence for a year is no more than 2 months. However, even after this, installation in SCHIZO- one of the most severe punishments. By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 13 of January 15, 1993 Punishment cell, PKT, in the punishment cell, a reduced nutritional standard was again introduced, which contradicts current legislation, since the establishment of nutritional standards is the prerogative of the Russian government.

The punishment cell is usually combined with PCT, forming something like an internal prison ITU.

In some ITU(more often in forests) happens SCHIZO with the return to work, i.e. during the day the prisoner works at his usual place, and after work he returns to SCHIZO. In this case, at least at work, the punished prisoner can have a smoke break, warm up, and get help from families. There is also a worse scenario, when prisoners in SCHIZO are taken to work in working cells located in the same building.

Shkvarnoy (t) - the same as lowered.

Shkonka, shkonar (t) - bed. In the prison there is a bed, welded from metal pipes and strips, embedded in the floor; often two or three tiers. By number shkonok usually judged on the size and capacity of the cells.

Skin - prisoner sky jacket

Skin (t) - denunciation, report against another prisoner (see. hand over the skin).

Shmon (t, s) - search.

Shnyr (t) - 1) A prisoner who has taken (sometimes under pressure from other prisoners) the responsibility of cleaning a cell, barracks, production room, and performing work that prisoners are required to do in turn. For this work, he receives a certain payment from the prisoners themselves in food, smoke, and money.

2) Prisoners occupying the positions of orderlies (attendants, assistants, cleaners) in separate structural units ITU (SHIZO, PKT, headquarters, meeting rooms, squads etc.). Shnyr counts goat already by the position itself.

To spy - to spy for someone's benefit, most often for the benefit of the administration.

Headquarters (c) - room ITK, in which the offices of the colony employees are located (chief, deputies, operational employees, etc.). Often the medical unit is located in the same room.

Fur coat (t, s) - a special relief covering of the walls of a prison cell. According to the official version, fur coat the walls are covered to prevent prisoners from writing on the walls; another version: so that they don’t commit suicide by smashing their heads against the wall. According to the testimony of prisoners of neither one nor the other purpose fur coat does not fulfill. But in cells with fur coat no disinfection will destroy insects (bugs, spiders, woodlice, etc.). Fur coat mentally suppresses a person, makes his life in prison even more unbearable: the walls are prickly, you can’t lean on him or run your hand through him...

Etapka (t) - a room for prisoners newly arrived at the colony (etag), where they are kept in isolation from other prisoners ITU within a few days. This time is used not only for medical checks (mainly for infectious diseases) of newly admitted people, to determine their profession and qualifications, but also to identify negatively-minded convicts, and also for withdrawal symptoms those who adhere correct concepts. See also ban, press, SPP.

Articles of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code) RSFSR , mentioned in the text of the collections of the series:

Art. 15 - “Responsibility for preparation for a crime or attempted crime.” “I’ve been in prison since May 20, 1983, 7 years, Art. 15-103 Criminal Code of the RSFSR ..." - that is, for attempted premeditated murder (Article 103 Criminal Code of the RSFSR ).

Art. 24.1 - “Particularly dangerous recidivist” (in letters, this article, which regulates the recognition of a person as a particularly dangerous recidivist and the cancellation of this status, is usually referred to as “Article 24”; application of Article 24.1 Criminal Code of the RSFSR is one of the most pressing problems of criminal justice in Russia).

Art. 24.2 - “Suspended sentence to imprisonment with mandatory involvement of the convicted person in labor.”

Art. 41 - "Imposition of punishment for several sentences."

Art. 62 - provides for the application of compulsory medical measures to alcoholics and drug addicts; imposed in addition to the main punishment. It is removed by the court at the end of treatment if the result according to the conclusion of the medical commission is positive. Until Article 62 is lifted, no mitigation measures are applied to the prisoner ( parole, chemistry, amnesty, pardon, etc.).

Art. 70 - "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." A significant number of dissidents were convicted under this article. Currently replaced (“Calls for the violent overthrow or change of the Soviet state and social system”).

Art. 77-1 - "Actions that disrupt work ITU".

Art. 89 - 93-1 - Articles including crimes against state property.

Art. 102 - "Intentional murder with aggravating circumstances."

Art. 103 - "Premeditated murder."

Art. 105 - “Killing by exceeding the limits of necessary defense.”

Art. 108 - "Intentional grievous bodily harm."

Art. 112 - "Intentional minor bodily injury or battery."

Art. 117 - "Rape."

Art. 121 - "Sodomy." Currently, part one of this article, which provides for punishment for non-violent homosexual relations, has been cancelled.

Art. 142 - An article providing for punishment for violating the law on cults. Currently excluded from the criminal code.

Art. 144 - "Theft."

Art. 145 - "Robbery."

Art. 146 - "Robbery" .

Art. 147 - "Fraud".

Art. 148 - "Extortion."

Art. 156 - "Deception of buyers and customers."

Art. 170 - “Abuse of power or official position.”

Art. 173 - "Taking a bribe."

Art. 174 - "Giving a bribe."

Art. 180 - "A deliberately false denunciation."

Art. 188-1 - “Evasion from serving a sentence of imprisonment.”

Art. 188-3 - "Malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration ITU", introduced 09/13/83.

Art. 190-1 - “Dissemination of deliberately false slanderous fabrications discrediting the Soviet social system.” Currently cancelled.

Art. 191-1 - “Resistance to a police officer or people’s vigilante.”

Art. 191-2 - "Encroachment on the life of a police officer or people's vigilante."

Art. 198 - "Violation of the rules of the passport system."

Art. 198-2 - "Malicious violation of the rules of administrative supervision."

Art. 206 - "Hooliganism."

Art. 207 - "Threat of murder, grievous bodily harm or destruction of property."

Art. 209-1 - "Parasitism." Excluded by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on August 7, 1975.

Art. 228 - "Production or sale of pornographic items."

Compliance of articles UK former Soviet republics found in the collection, articles Criminal Code of the RSFSR dated January 1, 1961:

Art. 88 - UK Kazakh SSR corresponds Article 103 of the Criminal Code RSFSR;

Art. 168 - UK Kazakh SSR corresponds Art. 154 CC RSFSR ;

Art. 171 - UK Kazakh SSR corresponds Article 191-1 UK RSFSR;

Art. 200 - UK Kazakh SSR corresponds Article 206 UK RSFSR ;

Art. 108 - UK Kyrgyzstan SSR corresponds Art. 117 UK RSFSR ;

Art. 91 - UK Uzbek SSR corresponds to Article 112 of the Criminal Code RSFSR ;

Art. 43 - UK Ukrainian SSR corresponds Article 41 of the Criminal Code RSFSR;

Art. 101 - UK Ukrainian SSR corresponds Article 102 of the Criminal Code RSFSR;

Art. 142 - UK Ukrainian SSR corresponds Article 146 of the Criminal Code RSFSR;

Art. 190 -UK Ukrainian SSR corresponds Article 191-2 of the Criminal Code RSFSR.

Article 201 - Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR - “Familiarization of the accused with all the materials of the case.”

Article 9 - Amnesty Decree 1987: according to Art.9 According to the Amnesty Decree of 1987, the amnesty did not apply to convicts who had outstanding convictions.

Several letters came with a request to cover the topic of thieves' jargon - the so-called feni. There was even a letter from a reader of the “Life and Psychology of Prison” mailing list, who, after reading a fragment of Alexei Pavlov’s story “It Should Have Been Wrong,” wrote that the only thing he understood was that he understood almost nothing.

The topic is large, and it would seem that more than one issue could be devoted to it. But when I sat down to write, I realized that I didn’t know much. That is, I seem to be able to navigate and use it if necessary, but...

If laws, concepts, traditions, facts, legends, stories are discussed again and again in the prison hut, the cycle of people and events does not stop day or night, then they are simply taking advantage of them. They speak it, but not about it. Just like with “normal”, everyday communication, we don’t think about how and with what words this is done.

Therefore, for the first time since the launch of mailing lists, I decided to ask what theorists think about the phenomenon of thieves' argot, as an expression of the criminal-prison subculture (what we are talking about, it turns out, is called exactly that by science). As it turned out, there are many dictionaries of thieves' argot, including online ones, and they have their own specialists.

The next issue will be devoted, I think, to prisons abroad - in particular in Africa - there is an interesting material from one of the readers. And then we’ll talk about how, for example, to light a cigarette from an outlet, which I’ve already been asked to do several times. The “Life and Psychology of Prison” mailing list has published letters from Sergei Parajanov’s zone and will soon release previously unpublished material about death row.

The issue turned out to be somewhat long, but still, a little more of your attention - I will repeat the information that I already gave in the “View from Prison” newsletter. Since the audience does not overlap completely, I apologize to those who have already seen this:

I will introduce you to my new endeavor - a series of newsletters, which I am starting with the topic “Life. Love. Laughter” and which will be united under a common name "Intensive preparation course for freedom". Their development should lead to a series of practical trainings and schools through which I want to spread ideas and methods that seek a way out through my being and lead a person to self-awareness. AWARENESS.

Formally, they will not intersect with existing mailing lists - I am just announcing them to you, following my promises that I made before. They are conceived for a specific period and are intended to gather and prepare an interested audience.

The previous topics of the “prison” cycle will continue to be published with the same frequency and intensity and will continue to expand - the site is already beginning to be created - now it has a complete archive of my mailings - already, as it turns out, more than 50. I didn’t notice when ...

With these two areas of my activity, I pay tribute to two directions of human development - external and internal. Duty to society and duty to one's Divine nature.

Here I would like to apologize to everyone who ordered Alexey Pavlov’s book “It Shouldn’t Have Been So” - I promised everyone in my response letters to contact them soon, but I still haven’t. I'll ask you to be patient a little longer - I have the books, but I didn't have the opportunity. This is due to what has been happening in Ukraine lately.

I've only been back from Kyiv a few days ago. What is happening there, as throughout Ukraine, is simply incredible. I am sure that none of the countries of the former Soviet Union has ever experienced anything like this, and I don’t know, as well as, probably, the world...

The whole country rose up - and in peace, without violence. And this is incredibly difficult. If you are forced to play with a sharper, then no appeals to conscience, or the law, including the law of thieves, are useless. And starting a fight, even if you are stronger, is also wrong... It seems that there is only one way out - do not sit down to play with a scammer. But in this case there was no choice.

The atmosphere in the country, and especially in Kyiv, and especially on the Maidan, is simply unique. People walk with enlightened faces, with smiles, dance, hug - despite the constant threat of provocations, frost, snow, rain, deprivation. Not a single drunk, not a single fight. Now no one will leave without victory. It's just beautiful. This is truly the birth of a nation.

Some readers accused me of sympathizing with the criminal world due to the fact that I once mentioned that I allegedly liked the “criminal” candidate for president of Ukraine more. This is not so - I didn’t like both of them, and many in Ukraine voted too - not “for” one of them, but rather against the other, “criminal” one. But what happened during the elections left me and millions of other Ukrainian citizens with no choice. It was simply a sabbath of lawlessness and dishonor. In thieves' language - chaos. And the people rose up against the fact that they were being taken for suckers. And there is no place for compromise here. What kind of compromise can there be with a sharpie?

Lawlessness, according to concepts, is punishable by lawlessness. But this is according to thieves' standards. According to Christian “concepts”, any lawlessness must first be responded with love, and only then with action. This is what the people of Ukraine are doing now. And sets a great example for others. And I am happy that I live here and now.

Over the past few years, prison slang has become part of the everyday speech of many people. This happened partly due to the popularization of such a category of people as “gopniks”, partly due to the harsh conditions of the current reality, where ordinary laws often no longer work, but thieves’ laws are quite capable of instilling morality and hard work in a person. in terms of concepts and is it really as bad as it seems? A lot of people are familiar with thieves’ ideas, and they also support them quite often. What are these people right about and what are they wrong about?

When did thieves' laws appear?

“Thieves” concepts were formed over quite a long time, starting from the 30s of the last century, when the authorities actively began to fight thieves and criminals, one after another putting them behind bars for even the slightest offense. In response to such aggressive actions of the state, criminals rallied into more organized groups, where there was certain order and a set of rules, breaking which a person became a traitor. It was that period of time that influenced the formation of the basic laws of the criminal world. Everyone mainly traded in theft, for which they were sent to a zone where “brothers in mind” taught people to live according to concepts.

The so-called elite of the criminal world appeared - thieves in law, “their own” people in positions in law enforcement agencies, who, if necessary, “protected” their comrades, since they had great privileges and some connections in high circles, since thieves’ ideas do not allow cooperation with any government agencies.

The criminal world underwent many changes during the Second World War, when many prisoners went to the front to defend their homeland, for which they were nicknamed “bitches” and forever branded as traitors, therefore, after the Great Patriotic War, another war took place in Russia, this time between prisoners. One side explained to those who had gone to the front what it meant to live according to concepts, while the other, the so-called “bitches,” took the path of correction and collaborated with the administration. This order in the zone remains to this day.

Basic provisions of thieves in law

Anyone who has at least once encountered representatives of the criminal world is familiar with thieves' concepts, since they underlie the behavior of any criminal. What does it mean to live according to thieves' concepts? This means following a number of rules, being honest and natural in your own circles.

Among the many laws, 7 main points can be identified, from which many others follow:

  1. Support "thieves' ideas." Stand up for your own people.
  2. Never, under any circumstances, cooperate with government agencies and law enforcement agencies. Do not testify, do not testify against yourself or someone else, do not admit guilt when convicted.
  3. To be honest. All criminals are brothers, and betrayal in the family is unacceptable, otherwise the person will simply be oppressed or killed.
  4. It is important to constantly attract new members into your community. Preferably young people, because they are more capable and understanding.
  5. It is prohibited to engage in political activities. Not be a party member. Do not deal with documents, do not register at your place of residence, do not work.
  6. Maintain subordination, establish the power of thieves in law in zones, in pre-trial detention centers and correctional facilities. Authority in the criminal circle is gained by those who have more life experience, who have served time in prison more than once, periodically serve time in prison for crimes and do not work alone, and actively interact with those who are free.
  7. You definitely need to know how to play cards. Do not cheat in the game for money, you can get it for it.

Many other concepts follow from these concepts, for example, such as maintaining order in the zone, resolving conflicts, collecting tribute from those imprisoned, and so on. What does it mean to “live according to concepts”? Follow these rules if you manage to get into such a social circle.

What do people do in prison?

Once in the zone, a person, one way or another, finds himself under the influence of generally accepted concepts, which he is obliged to observe, but at the same time he is allowed some freedom of action regarding his hobbies, as long as it does not offend others. In prison, many authors wrote their books, composed poems, most “prisoners” have their own hobbies, and, as a rule, no one meddles in the affairs of others, but if he says something against someone else, he will get what he deserves for it , because “you need to be responsible for the market.” In general, most criminal phrases have a deeper meaning than it might initially seem. The prison administration is also familiar with thieves’ concepts, and it will not be possible to “leave” through legislation. Since concepts exist in parallel with laws, and sometimes are even placed above laws, therefore, in order to survive in this habitat, it is necessary to feel the boundaries that cannot be crossed.

There are also two types of colonies. Some do not work, are on unpaid leave, while others prefer to engage in some kind of work. On the territory of the prison there may be entire workshops for sewing clothes, baking bread and much more. In general, it is “dirty” and thankless work.

How concepts work

It should be borne in mind that in everyday life and in prison jargon the concepts are often radically different from what thieves on the street mean. Society actively borrows some words from prison jargon, blurring the entire original meaning of the coined terms. People serving sentences actually have a completely different language; they speak mostly jargon, and they remember what it means to live according to the concepts in the zone in the first months of their stay in the colony.

Why is there such a word “concept”? What is the original meaning of it? The concept - because it should be clear to everyone. If a person begins to “push forward” a long philosophy and try to convince someone that he is wrong, using concepts and turning facts upside down, roughly speaking, “pouring water” and “powdering one’s brains,” then the matter is unclean. Long rants are not typical for people who live by the concept that the simpler the explanation, the better.

These laws work in prison because there is a need, but by what concepts do the “gopniks” who have never been in prison in their lives live? The answer is very simple: according to people. Acting like a human means not exposing loved ones, not stealing, and respecting your family and mother. Some “gopniks” for some reason still prefer not to work under any circumstances, and not at all because they fight the system and the state so much, but because there is such a concept. Or they have vaguely heard about this.

How to communicate with such people

The so-called “gopniks” are people who live according to concepts. These are mainly young people who are close to the criminal world, or who are directly related to it. But most often it has nothing to do with the attitude of these people to the world of thieves; in other words, they borrow someone else’s jargon and use it as it suits them. If you ask them what it means to live according to concepts, the answer may be indistinct muttering and a weak explanation of their views. The fact is that thieves’ ideas are different and people interpret them in their own way, which creates certain disagreements, and each person may have his own concepts. So what concepts do Gopniks live by in the end? Their blurred view of the world and discipline often has nothing in common with organized crime and the hierarchy that exists in the criminal world.

When conducting a dialogue with representatives of this social stratum, you should be careful in your expressions, and, in principle, not talk too much. To the question: “By what concepts do you live?” the answer is quite obvious: according to human ones, like all people. Any unnecessary word can provoke a conflict.

Another rather favorite question: who are you in life? The main thing here is not to start mumbling and answer clearly, to make it clear that you can stand up for yourself. The more insecure a person behaves with representatives of this group, the easier it is to make a victim out of him.

Why has it become popular to be a bandit?

In principle, little was known to distant people about the criminal world; at least in the pre-war period, no one went into detail about how the hierarchy was built in the society of those who knew how to live according to concepts. The rules of the criminal world became public many decades later, and already in the 90s the laws on which the criminal world was built were most clearly formulated.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, films with criminal themes were released, where the realities of the underground world were shown in all their glory. The serial film “Brigade,” which has become a cult favorite in Russia and tells about authorities in the criminal world, made a strong impression on young people. Then the film “Boomer” came out, which also did not go unnoticed. In Russian cinema, in principle, the topic of confrontation between the police and the criminal world is raised quite often, which is reflected in the views of the population as a whole, because it is there that it is shown in most detail what it means to live according to concepts.

Many people believe that the criminal world of mafiosi and the criminal world of thieves are intertwined, since both people have basically similar views on life, but there is a colossal difference between them in their actions and methods of survival. A good example of this is the crime saga “The Godfather”.

Contradictions in laws

Criminal groups for the most part do not behave aggressively towards ordinary citizens, but if it happens that they decide to rob someone in a dark corner due to lack of money, then there are no laws or references to their own moral rules by which they live , it will not be possible to convince. For many who are aware of what it means to live according to concepts, there are, as a rule, only their own principles, which, if desired, and at any opportunity, the criminal will interpret in a way that is beneficial to him, but not to his victim.

Therefore, although there are some vague ideas that thieves’ ideas are actually honest and noble, this does not negate the fact that people who have been in prison give themselves the right to behave as they want. “Gopniks” differ from real people in prison in that they are mostly poor young people who see some kind of coolness in all this behavior and set of rules and try to apply it in everyday life. In real circles, such behavior is not respected at all. This is called "posturing". A person who has not been to the zone is not considered “one of our own.”

Hearing their jargon, many questions arise, the answers to which sometimes cannot be found even in a dictionary. For example, who is a “fraer” in thieves’ jargon? This is a favorite appeal to their “victims”, which emphasizes the enormous difference between people from the zone and those who are simply trying to live an ordinary life.

Compliance with laws

But what does it mean to live according to thieves’ concepts if you do not engage in any crime? In pursuit of authority, fame and the dream of receiving the coveted title of “thief in law”, climbing, so to speak, up the criminal social ladder, many commit serious crimes. And if in the 30s and 90s of the last century such behavior was relevant mainly due to poverty and inflation, then the question remains: is it still relevant now?

The expression “thief in law” suggests the idea that criminals get away with all their deeds due to the presence of some kind of law. In the true sense, the expression in “law” does not specifically imply the jurisprudence of the country, but refers specifically to thieves’ concepts, the laws of the second, hidden world. A world where there are people of four “suits”, divided among themselves by a certain type of activity.

Due to the fact that new social groups have formed, the so-called “gopniks,” who push thieves’ ideas to the masses, prison jargon has long penetrated into the ordinary vocabulary of many. The translator dictionary may not be familiar with many words, partly due to the fact that every day this variety of the Russian language is replenished with new adverbs.

Dictionary of slang terms used in everyday life

The Dictionary-Translator of Slang Phrases is diverse and large, if there was one at all, it would certainly not be inferior in volume to the Soviet Encyclopedia. As mentioned earlier, in the zone the jargon is updated daily with new words, in addition, knowledge of slang expressions is passed on from generation to generation, and many words are used even in everyday life. Below is a list of the most commonly used expressions and their meaning. The most basic thing that an ordinary person needs to understand if he encounters gopniks:

  • Authority - a person with power in criminal circles.
  • Openwork, or “everything is openwork” - means that everything is in order.
  • Grandmas, balabans - money.
  • Bazaar - conversation or shouting, “responsible for the bazaar” means to clarify your words, your point of view, to be responsible for what is said.
  • Rolling cylinders/crushing loaves - criticizing someone more authoritative.
  • A huckster is a speculator merchant, a collector of stolen junk, a seller of prohibited substances.
  • Blat in the city - bribe-taking policemen, blatnoy - having connections with the underworld.
  • Get rid of - either run away or kill/beat.
  • To understand/not to understand something - to understand or not to understand is the same as catching up.
  • Quietly, on the sly - to do something secretly, on the sly.
  • Lousy is a bad person.
  • Rooster/lowered - a person who has been guilty of something, who is being oppressed, he is not authoritative.
  • Gad - one who violated the laws of thieves.
  • Gnit/wing - a person who acted basely, not according to concepts.
  • A jamb is a violation of the rules by which all representatives of the criminal world live.
  • Cop/garbage - employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Presenting - an accusation of something, a claim.
  • Showdown - clarification of relationships, open conflict.
  • Shkonka is a sleeping place in prison, a bed.
  • Point - place of work or meeting place.

These are the expressions that can most often be heard on the street when people from the criminal world communicate with each other. When it comes to strangers, they also have their own nicknames. For example, not everyone understands who a fraer is in thieves' jargon, although such address occurs quite often.

Friar is a person who has absolutely nothing to do with the criminal world. In other words, a law-abiding citizen. The address “fraer” or “fraerok” means a hidden mockery of a person who devotes his whole life to “serving” the state. There is simply no reason for such a person to be respected in criminal circles.

The role of the criminal world in society

It goes without saying that the justice system is not always perfect and does not particularly suit people who go against it. There are also life situations when there is no other choice but to commit a crime. At least to people who are accustomed to living according to the concepts of thieves, committing a crime seems like the right thing to do.

However, the court, although aware of how thieves live according to concepts, nevertheless does not take this into account and considers any proceedings only from the point of view of the law. It is impossible to prove anything in court only using concepts and fictitious dogmas formulated in the vague language of the criminal world. Consequently, the question of the concepts of the criminal world and a different worldview is not even raised at the legislative level. Any jurisdiction based on existing human rights laws is capable of protecting the average citizen from attacks against him.

As for how to understand “live by concepts” - a phrase that many people pronounce, but put their own meaning into it? To really understand and feel this, you need to move around in the circle of criminal authorities, occupying certain steps in their own hierarchical ladder, and live “according to your conscience.” The times when people could rob and deceive with impunity are long gone; theft has become a bad form, and not a way to survive. Indeed, it is necessary to explain concepts in prison, where everyone has their own place, but in freedom, people are still protected by the constitution and the law, which is adamant to no bandit.

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