Biography of Georg Simon Ohm. Georg Simon Ohm - a great scientist from the people

Georg Simon Ohm is a German physicist who became famous throughout the world for introducing the law on the relationship in a circuit between current, resistance and voltage (Ohm's law).

Infancy and teenage years

On March 16, 1787, Georg Ohm was born in the city of Erlanger, in the family of Johann Wolfgang Ohm, a local mechanic, and his mother, Maria Elisabeth Beck, was the daughter of a tailor.

At the age of 9, Georg lost his mother, she died during childbirth. Their father was involved in the education of his children; he taught them mathematics, physics and philosophy.

Then the boy was sent to study at a gymnasium, which was under the direction of the university. In 1805, he graduated from school and entered the University of Erlangen to study mathematics in depth.

Georg Ohm in teaching

After completing three courses, Om received an offer to become a teacher at a school in Gottstadt. In 1809 he moved from Switzerland and settled in Neuenburger; he devoted himself entirely to the study of mathematical sciences.

Two years later he returned to his homeland, graduated from the university and defended his dissertation, receiving a Doctor of Philosophy degree. He received a job offer from the university; a private assistant professor was needed for the department of mathematics. Then in 1813 he gave up this post and took a teaching position in Bamberg, where he worked for four years.

Soon he moved to work in Cologne, in the same position. He was fired from his job after 11 years for publishing a paper on physics. For 6 years he was engaged only in the study of sciences, and only in 1833 did he become a professor of physics at the Nuinberg school. In 1842 he was admitted to the ranks of the Royal Society. He became a professor in Munich, where he worked until his death.

Scientific activities

Ohm's famous works mainly concerned electricity. What made him famous was the “Ohm’s law” he formulated. During his first research on the topic, he came to erroneous results due to inaccurate instruments. After subsequent experiments, he formulated a law, but it did not obtain special attention, and only when one of the French physicists came to the same result, “Ohm’s law” was accepted by the entire scientific world.

Later years of the scientist

Since 1826, Om have provided leave while retaining half the salary to continue it scientific activity, but in 1827 he was forced to return to teaching. He sincerely believed that for his services to science he would be provided with a job in one of the famous educational institutions, but was forced to return to his previous place of work.

Insulted by such coldness towards him and his discovery, he decides to leave for Berlin. Until 1833 he worked in various schools, and then Georg took the position of professor in Nuremberg.

Death and legacy to descendants

In Munich, Georg Simon Ohm met his death. His heart stopped... Almost nothing is known about the causes of the scientist’s death. He was buried in the same city in the old cemetery. He left a legacy to the world large number knowledge recorded in his publications and other written works. The unit of measurement of resistance force is named after him.

Ohm Georg Simon (1787-1854), German physicist who discovered the fundamental law electrical circuit.

Born on March 16, 1787 in the city of Erlangen. In 1811 he graduated from the University of Erlangen. He worked as a teacher of mathematics and physics in various gymnasiums. In 1833 he became a professor at the Nuremberg Higher Polytechnic School and was soon appointed its rector.

From 1849 to 1852 - Rector of the University of Munich. While studying the connection between electricity and magnetism, Ohm in 1826 discovered one of the most important laws - the quantitative law of the electric current circuit. The scientist used the method of the French engineer and physicist S. O. Coulomb, but changed it somewhat. Above the current-carrying wire he placed a magnetic needle suspended on a thread. When twisted, it kept the arrow in balance, and the angle of twist measured the current strength.

In this experiment Ohm found that:
1) the current strength is constant in different parts of the circuit;
2) the current decreases with increasing length of the wire and with decreasing cross-sectional area.

The physicist also discovered a number of substances that increase resistance: including silver, lead, copper, gold, zinc, tin, platinum, palladium, iron.

Ohm's main work is “The Galvanic Circuit, Mathematical Design” (1826).

In 1827, the scientist introduced the concepts of “electromotive force”, “voltage drop”, “conductivity”.

In addition to electricity, Ohm studied acoustics, optics, and crystal optics. He expressed the idea of ​​​​the complex composition of sound and experimentally established that the human ear perceives as a simple tone only that sound that is caused by a simple sinusoidal oscillation. The remaining sounds are perceived as the main tone and additional overtones. The discovery was called Ohm's acoustic law.




Professor of physics at the University of Munich E. Lommel spoke well about the significance of Ohm’s research at the opening of the monument to the scientist in 1895 year “Ohm's discovery was a bright torch that illuminated that area of ​​\u200b\u200belectricity that before him was shrouded in darkness. Om indicated only the right way through an impenetrable forest of incomprehensible facts. The remarkable advances in electrical engineering that we have observed with amazement in recent decades could only have been achieved on the basis of Ohm's discovery. Only he is able to dominate and control the forces of nature, who is able to unravel the laws of nature, Om snatched from nature the secret it had hidden for so long and handed it over to his contemporaries.”

Georg Simon Ohm was born on March 16 1789 years in Erlangen, in the family of a hereditary mechanic. Ohm's father, Johann Wolfgang, continued the craft of his ancestors. Georg's mother, Maria Elizabeth, died in childbirth when the boy was ten years old. Of the seven Om children, only three survived. Georg was the eldest.

After burying his wife, Oma's father free time dedicated to raising children. The father's role in the upbringing and education of children was enormous and, perhaps, everything that his sons achieved in life, they owe to their father. This was later recognized by both Georg, the future professor of physics, and Martin, who had previously become a professor of mathematics.

The great merit of the father is that he managed to accustom his children to independent work with a book. Although books were expensive at that time, purchasing them was a frequent joy for the Om family. Having difficulty making ends meet in the family budget, Johann never spared money on books.

After graduating from school, Georg, like most of his peers, entered the city gymnasium. The Erlangen Gymnasium was supervised by the university and was educational institution corresponding to that time. Classes at the gymnasium were taught by four professors recommended by the university administration.

But the father of the future scientist was in no way satisfied with the amount of knowledge and its level that the gymnasium graduates possessed. Father did not overestimate his capabilities; he knew that he alone could not give good education children, and decided to turn to the teachers of the University of Erlangen for help. Professors Klüber, Langsdorff, Georg's future examiner, and Rothe readily responded to the self-taught request.

Georg, having successfully completed high school, in the spring 1805 year began studying mathematics, physics and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Erlangen.

The solid training he received and his extraordinary abilities made his studies at the university easy and smooth. At university, Om became seriously interested in sports and devoted all his free time to it. He was the best billiards player among the university students; among speed skaters he had no equal. At student parties, no one could compete with the dashing dancer that Om was.

However, all these hobbies required a lot of time, which was left less and less for studying university disciplines. Georg's excessive hobbies caused anxiety in his father, who was finding it increasingly difficult to support his family. A very big conversation took place between father and son, which ruined their relationship for a long time. Of course, Georg understood the justice of his father’s anger and some of the harshness of the reproaches and, after studying for three semesters, to the general satisfaction of both parties, he accepted an invitation to take the place of a mathematics teacher in a private school in the Swiss town of Gottstadt.

In September 1806 year he arrived in Gottstadt, where his independent life began, away from his family and homeland. IN 1809 Georg was asked to vacate his position and accept an invitation to a position as a mathematics teacher in the city of Neustadt. There was no other choice, and by Christmas he moved to a new place.

But the dream of graduating from university does not leave Om. He goes through everything possible options, contributing to the fulfillment of his desires, and shares his thoughts with Langsdorff, who at that time worked at the University of Göttingen. Om listens to the professor's advice and completely devotes himself to studying the works recommended by him.

IN 1811 year he returns to Erlangen. Langsdorff's advice was not in vain; Ohm's independent studies were so fruitful that he was able to graduate from the university that same year, successfully defend his dissertation and receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Immediately after graduating from the university, he was offered the position of private assistant professor in the department of mathematics of the same university.

Teaching work was quite consistent with Om's desires and abilities. But, having worked only three semesters, he was forced to look for a better paying position due to financial considerations that had haunted him almost all his life.

By royal decision of December 16 1812 In the year 1996, Om was appointed teacher of mathematics and physics at a school in Bamberg. The new location was not as successful as Om expected. The small salary, which was also paid irregularly, did not correspond to the volume of duties assigned to him. In February 1816 year the real school in Bamberg was closed. A mathematics teacher was offered to teach overcrowded classes at a local school for the same fee. preparatory school. This work was even more painful for Omu. He's not happy at all existing system training.

in spring 1817 year he publishes his first published work on teaching methods. The work was called “The most optimal option for teaching geometry in preparatory classes" But only five years later, the same ministry, whose employees believed that the appearance of Ohm’s work “marked the death of all mathematical teaching,” was forced to urgently issue the author cash prize, thereby recognizing the significance of his work.

Having lost all hope of finding a suitable teaching job, a desperate doctor of philosophy unexpectedly receives an offer to take a position as a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Jesuit College of Cologne. He immediately leaves for the place of future work.

Here in Cologne he worked for nine years; here he “transformed” from a mathematician to a physicist. The presence of free time contributed to Ohm's development as a research physicist. He enthusiastically gives himself new job, spending long hours in the college workshop and in the instrument storage room.

Om began researching electricity. A leap was required from contemplative research and accumulation of experimental material to the establishment of a law describing the process of electric current flowing through a conductor. Ohm based his electrical measuring instrument on the design of Coulomb's torsion balances.

The scientist conducts a whole series of experiments. Ohm presented the results of his research in the form of an article entitled “Preliminary report on the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity.” The article was published in 1825 year in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, published by Schweigger. This was Ohm's first publication devoted to the study of electrical circuits.

However, the expression found and published by Ohm turned out to be incorrect, which subsequently became one of the reasons for its long-term non-recognition. However, the researcher himself did not claim to final decision the task he set and even emphasized this in the title of the published article. The search had to be continued. Om himself felt this.

The main source of error was the galvanic battery. The wires under study also introduced distortions, because the purity of the material from which they were made was questionable. Basic diagram new installation almost no different from the one used in the first experiments. But as a current source, Ohm used a thermoelement, which was a copper-bismuth pair. Having taken all precautions and eliminated all possible sources of error in advance, Om began new measurements.

His famous article “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity appears, together with an outline of the theory of the voltaic apparatus and the Schweigger multiplier,” published in 1826 year in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry.

The article, containing the results of experimental research in the field of electrical phenomena, did not impress scientists this time either. None of them could even imagine that Ohm's law of electrical circuits constituted the basis for all electrical calculations of the future. The experimenter was discouraged by his colleagues' reception. The expression found by Ohm was so simple that it was its simplicity that aroused mistrust. In addition, Ohm's scientific authority was undermined by the first publication, and opponents had every reason to doubt the validity of the expression he found.

This Berlin year was the most fruitful in the scientific quest of the persistent researcher. Exactly one year later, in May 1827 In 2010, the Riemann Publishing House published an extensive monograph “Theoretical Studies of Electric Circuits” of 245 pages, which contained Ohm’s now theoretical reasoning on electric circuits.

In this work, the scientist proposed to characterize the electrical properties of a conductor by its resistance and introduced this term into scientific use. It also contains many other original thoughts, some of which served as a starting point for the reasoning of other scientists. While examining the electrical circuit, Ohm found more simple formula for the law of an electrical circuit, or rather, for a section of the circuit that does not contain EMF “The magnitude of the current in a galvanic circuit is directly proportional to the sum of all voltages and inversely proportional to the sum of the given lengths. In this case, the total reduced length is defined as the sum of all individual reduced lengths for homogeneous sections having different conductivities and different cross sections.” It is easy to see that in this passage Ohm proposes a rule for adding the resistances of series-connected conductors.

Ohm's theoretical work shared the fate of the work containing his experimental studies. The scientific world was still waiting. After the monograph Om came out of print, deciding on the place of his further work, didn't leave scientific research. Already in 1829 year, his article “Experimental study of the operation of an electromagnetic multiplier” appears in the “Journal of Physics and Chemistry”, in which the foundations of the theory of electrical measuring instruments were laid. Here Ohm was the first scientist to propose a unit of resistance, for which he chose the resistance of a copper wire 1 foot long and with a cross section of 1 square line.

IN 1830 year, a new study by Ohm “An attempt to create an approximate theory of unipolar conductivity” appears. This work aroused the interest of many scientists. Faraday spoke favorably about her.

However, instead of continuing scientific research, Om is forced to spend time and energy on scientific and pseudo-scientific polemics. It is difficult to be calm; his appointment to a good position and material well-being depends on the recognition of the discovery.

His despair at this time can be felt by reading the letter sent to Schweigger: “The birth of Electric Circuits has brought me untold suffering, and I am ready to curse the hour of their birth. Not only the petty court people, who are not given the opportunity to understand the feelings of a mother and hear the cry for help to her defenseless child, utter hypocritical sympathetic sighs and put the deceitful beggar in their place, but even those who occupy the same position as me gloat and spread evil rumors , driving me to despair. However, time tests will pass or, most likely, has already passed; Noble people took care of my son. He stood on his feet and will continue to stand firmly on them. This is an intelligent child, who was born not by a stunted sick mother, but by a healthy, eternally youthful nature, in whose heart feelings are stored that will eventually develop into admiration.”

Only in 1841 Ohm's work was translated into English language, V 1847 year - in Italian, in 1860 year - in French.

Finally, February 16 1833 year, seven years after the publication of the article in which his discovery was published, Ohm was offered a position as professor of physics at the newly organized Polytechnic School of Nuremberg. Six months later, he also became head of the mathematics department and served as inspector of teaching methods. IN 1839 In the year 2010, Ohm was appointed rector of the school in addition to all his existing responsibilities. But, despite his heavy workload, Om does not give up his scientific work.

The scientist begins research in the field of acoustics. Ohm formulated the results of his acoustic research in the form of a law, which later became known as Ohm's acoustic law. The scientist made any conclusion beep is a combination of a fundamental harmonic oscillation and several additional harmonics. Unfortunately, this Ohm's law shared the fate of his law for electrical circuits. Only in 1862 year, after Ohm's compatriot Helmholtz confirmed Ohm's results with more subtle experiments using resonators, the merits of the Nuremberg professor were recognized.

Continuation of scientific research was complicated by heavy teaching and administrative workload. May 6 1842 year, Ohm wrote a petition to the King of Bavaria to reduce the load. To the scientist’s surprise and joy, his request was quickly granted. Recognition of his work was still approaching, and those who stood at the head of the Ministry of Religions could not help but know this.

Before anyone else from abroad scientists law Ohm was recognized by the Russian physicists Lenz and Jacobi. They also helped his international recognition. With the participation of Russian physicists, May 5 1842 The Royal Society of London awarded Ohm a gold medal and elected him a member. Ohm became only the second German scientist to receive this honor.

His American colleague J. Henry spoke very emotionally about the merits of the German scientist. “When I first read Ohm’s theory,” he wrote, “it seemed to me like lightning suddenly illuminating a room immersed in darkness.”

As often happens, the scientist’s homeland was the last country to recognize his achievements. IN 1845 year he was elected a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. IN 1849 year, the scientist is invited to the University of Munich to the position of extraordinary professor. In the same year, by decree of King Maximilian II of Bavaria, he was appointed custodian of the state collection of physical and mathematical instruments, while simultaneously delivering lectures on physics and mathematics. In addition, at the same time he was appointed as a supervisor for the telegraph department at the physical and technical department of the Ministry of State Trade.

But, despite all the instructions, Om did not stop studying science during these years. He conceives a fundamental textbook on physics, but the scientist did not have time to complete this work. Of all his plans, he published only the first volume, “Contributions to Molecular Physics.”

IN 1852 year, Om finally received the position of full professor, which he had dreamed of all his life. IN 1853 year he was one of the first to be awarded the newly established Order of Maximilian “for outstanding achievements in the field of science." But the recognition came too late. The strength was already running low. His whole life was devoted to science and the confirmation of the discoveries he made.

Spiritual closeness connected Om with relatives, friends, and students. Among his students there are scientists, widely recognized mathematician Dirichlet, astronomer and mathematician E. Geis, etc. Many of Ohm's students followed in the footsteps of their teacher, devoting themselves to teaching.

The most warm relations were kept by him and his brother. Martin remained throughout his life his first adviser in personal affairs and the first scientific critic of his research. Until his death, Om helped his father, remembering the need in which he lived, and constantly expressed gratitude to him for the character traits that he cultivated in him. Om never created his own family; he could not share his affections and completely devoted his entire life to science.

Om passed away on July 6 1854 year at half past ten in the morning. He was buried in the old southern cemetery city ​​of Munich.

Ohm's research brought to life new ideas, the development of which brought forward the doctrine of electricity. IN 1881 At the electrical engineering congress in Paris, scientists unanimously approved the name of the resistance unit - 1 ohm. This fact is a tribute to the respect of colleagues, international recognition of the scientist’s merits.

Professor of physics at the University of Munich E. Lommel spoke well about the significance of Ohm’s research at the opening of a monument to the scientist in 1895: “Ohm’s discovery was a bright torch that illuminated the area of ​​electricity that was shrouded in darkness before him. Om showed the only correct path through the impenetrable forest of incomprehensible facts. The remarkable advances in electrical engineering that we have observed with amazement in recent decades could only have been achieved on the basis of Ohm's discovery. Only he is able to dominate and control the forces of nature, who is able to unravel the laws of nature, Om snatched from nature the secret it had hidden for so long and handed it over to his contemporaries.”

Georg Simon Ohm was born on March 16, 1789 in Erlangen, in the family of a hereditary mechanic. Ohm's father, Johann Wolfgang, continued the craft of his ancestors. Georg's mother, Maria Elizabeth, died in childbirth when the boy was ten years old. Of the seven Om children, only three survived. Georg was the eldest.

After burying his wife, Oma's father devoted all his free time to raising his children. The father's role in the upbringing and education of children was enormous and, perhaps, everything that his sons achieved in life, they owe to their father. This was later recognized by both Georg, the future professor of physics, and Martin, who had previously become a professor of mathematics.

The father’s great merit is that he managed to teach his children to work independently with a book. Although books were expensive at that time, purchasing them was a frequent joy for the Om family. Having difficulty making ends meet in the family budget, Johann never spared money on books.

After graduating from school, Georg, like most of his peers, entered the city gymnasium. The Erlangen Gymnasium was supervised by the university and was an educational institution appropriate to the time. Classes at the gymnasium were taught by four professors recommended by the university administration.

But the father of the future scientist was in no way satisfied with the amount of knowledge and its level that the gymnasium graduates possessed. The father did not overestimate his capabilities; he knew that he alone could not give a good education to his children, and decided to turn to the teachers of the University of Erlangen for help. Professors Klüber, Langsdorff, Georg's future examiner, and Rothe readily responded to the self-taught request.

Georg, having successfully completed high school, in the spring of 1805 began studying mathematics, physics and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Erlangen.

The solid training he received and his extraordinary abilities made his studies at the university easy and smooth. At university, Om became seriously interested in sports and devoted all his free time to it. He was the best billiards player among the university students; among speed skaters he had no equal. At student parties, no one could compete with the dashing dancer that Om was.

However, all these hobbies required a lot of time, which was left less and less for studying university disciplines. Georg's excessive hobbies caused anxiety in his father, who was finding it increasingly difficult to support his family. A very big conversation took place between father and son, which ruined their relationship for a long time. Of course, Georg understood the justice of his father’s anger and some of the harshness of the reproaches and, after studying for three semesters, to the general satisfaction of both parties, he accepted an invitation to take the place of a mathematics teacher in a private school in the Swiss town of Gottstadt.

In September 1806, he arrived in Gottstadt, where his independent life began, away from his family and homeland. In 1809, Georg was asked to vacate his position and accept an invitation to the post of mathematics teacher in the city of Neustadt. There was no other choice, and by Christmas he moved to a new place.

But the dream of graduating from university does not leave Om. He goes through all the possible options that will help him realize his desires, and shares his thoughts with Langsdorff, who at that time worked at the University of Göttingen. Om listens to the professor's advice and completely devotes himself to studying the works recommended by him.

In 1811 he returned to Erlangen. Langsdorff's advice was not in vain; Ohm's independent studies were so fruitful that he was able to graduate from the university that same year, successfully defend his dissertation and receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Immediately after graduating from the university, he was offered the position of private assistant professor in the department of mathematics of the same university.

Teaching work was quite consistent with Om's desires and abilities. But, having worked only three semesters, he was forced to look for a better paying position due to financial considerations that had haunted him almost all his life.

By royal decision of December 16, 1812, Ohm was appointed teacher of mathematics and physics at the school in Bamberg. The new location was not as successful as Om expected. The small salary, which was also paid irregularly, did not correspond to the volume of duties assigned to him. In February 1816 the real school in Bamberg was closed. A math teacher was offered to teach overcrowded classes at a local preparatory school for the same fee. This work was even more painful for Omu. He is completely dissatisfied with the existing education system.

In the spring of 1817, he published his first printed work on teaching methods. The work was called “The most optimal option for teaching geometry in preparatory classes.” But only five years later, the same ministry, whose employees believed that the appearance of Ohm’s work “marked the death of all mathematical teaching,” was forced to urgently give the author a cash prize, thereby recognizing the significance of his work.

Having lost all hope of finding a suitable teaching job, a desperate doctor of philosophy unexpectedly receives an offer to take a position as a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Jesuit College of Cologne. He immediately leaves for the place of future work.

Here in Cologne he worked for nine years; here he “transformed” from a mathematician to a physicist. The presence of free time contributed to Ohm's development as a research physicist. He enthusiastically devotes himself to his new work, spending long hours in the college workshop and in the instrument storage room.

Om began researching electricity. A leap was required from contemplative research and accumulation of experimental material to the establishment of a law describing the process of electric current flowing through a conductor. Ohm based his electrical measuring instrument on the design of Coulomb's torsion balances.

The scientist conducts a whole series of experiments. Ohm presented the results of his research in the form of an article entitled “Preliminary report on the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity.” The article was published in 1825 in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, published by Schweigger. This was Ohm's first publication devoted to the study of electrical circuits.

However, the expression found and published by Ohm turned out to be incorrect, which subsequently became one of the reasons for its long-term non-recognition. However, the researcher himself did not claim to have a final solution to the problem he set and even emphasized this in the title of the published article. The search had to be continued. Om himself felt this.

The main source of error was the galvanic battery. The wires under study also introduced distortions, because the purity of the material from which they were made was questionable. Fundamentally, the design of the new installation was almost no different from that used in the first experiments. But as a current source, Ohm used a thermoelement, which was a copper-bismuth pair. Having taken all precautions and eliminated all possible sources of error in advance, Om began new measurements.

His famous article “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity, together with an outline of the theory of the voltaic apparatus and the Schweigger multiplier,” published in 1826 in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, appears.

The article, containing the results of experimental research in the field of electrical phenomena, did not impress scientists this time either. None of them could even imagine that Ohm's law of electrical circuits constituted the basis for all electrical calculations of the future. The experimenter was discouraged by his colleagues' reception. The expression found by Ohm was so simple that it was its simplicity that aroused mistrust. In addition, Ohm's scientific authority was undermined by the first publication, and opponents had every reason to doubt the validity of the expression he found.

This Berlin year was the most fruitful in the scientific quest of the persistent researcher. Exactly a year later, in May 1827, the Riemann Publishing House published an extensive monograph “Theoretical Studies of Electric Circuits” with a volume of 245 pages, which now contained Ohm’s theoretical reasoning on electric circuits.

In this work, the scientist proposed to characterize the electrical properties of a conductor by its resistance and introduced this term into scientific use. It also contains many other original thoughts, some of which served as a starting point for the reasoning of other scientists. While studying the electrical circuit, Ohm found a simpler formula for the law of the electrical circuit, or rather, for the section of the circuit that does not contain EMF: “The magnitude of the current in a galvanic circuit is directly proportional to the sum of all voltages and inversely proportional to the sum of the given lengths. In this case, the total reduced length is defined as the sum of all individual reduced lengths for homogeneous sections having different conductivities and different cross sections.” It is easy to see that in this passage Ohm proposes a rule for adding the resistances of series-connected conductors.

Ohm's theoretical work shared the fate of the work containing his experimental studies. The scientific world was still waiting. After the publication of the monograph, Ohm, while deciding on the place of his further work, did not give up scientific research. Already in 1829, his article “An Experimental Study of the Operation of an Electromagnetic Multiplier” appeared in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, in which the foundations of the theory of electrical measuring instruments were laid. Here Ohm was the first scientist to propose a unit of resistance, for which he chose the resistance of a copper wire 1 foot long and with a cross section of 1 square line.

In 1830, Ohm's new study, “An Attempt to Create an Approximate Theory of Unipolar Conductivity,” appeared. This work aroused the interest of many scientists. Faraday spoke favorably about her.

However, instead of continuing scientific research, Om is forced to spend time and energy on scientific and pseudo-scientific polemics. It is difficult to be calm; his appointment to a good position and material well-being depends on the recognition of the discovery.

His despair at this time can be felt by reading the letter sent to Schweigger: “The birth of Electric Circuits has brought me untold suffering, and I am ready to curse the hour of their birth. Not only the petty court people, who are not given the opportunity to understand the feelings of a mother and hear the cry for help to her defenseless child, utter hypocritical sympathetic sighs and put the deceitful beggar in their place, but even those who occupy the same position as me gloat and spread evil rumors , driving me to despair. However, the time of testing will pass or, most likely, has already passed; Noble people took care of my son. He stood on his feet and will continue to stand firmly on them. This is an intelligent child, who was born not by a stunted sick mother, but by a healthy, eternally youthful nature, in whose heart feelings are stored that will eventually develop into admiration.”

It was not until 1841 that Ohm's work was translated into English, in 1847 into Italian, and in 1860 into French.

Finally, on February 16, 1833, seven years after the publication of the article in which his discovery was published, Ohm was offered a position as professor of physics at the newly organized Polytechnic School of Nuremberg. Six months later, he also became head of the mathematics department and served as inspector of teaching methods. In 1839, Ohm was appointed rector of the school in addition to all his existing duties. But, despite his heavy workload, Om does not give up his scientific work.

The scientist begins research in the field of acoustics. Ohm formulated the results of his acoustic research in the form of a law, which later became known as Ohm's acoustic law. The scientist concluded that any sound signal is a combination of a basic harmonic oscillation and several additional harmonics. Unfortunately, this Ohm's law shared the fate of his law for electrical circuits. Only in 1862, after Ohm’s compatriot Helmholtz confirmed Ohm’s results with more subtle experiments using resonators, were the merits of the Nuremberg professor recognized.

Continuation of scientific research was complicated by heavy teaching and administrative workload. On May 6, 1842, Ohm wrote a petition to the King of Bavaria to reduce the load. To the scientist’s surprise and joy, his request was quickly granted. Recognition of his work was still approaching, and those who stood at the head of the Ministry of Religions could not help but know this.

The Russian physicists Lenz and Jacobi were the first to recognize Ohm's law among foreign scientists. They also helped his international recognition. With the participation of Russian physicists, on May 5, 1842, the Royal Society of London awarded Ohm a gold medal and elected him a member. Ohm became only the second German scientist to receive this honor.

His American colleague J. Henry spoke very emotionally about the merits of the German scientist. “When I first read Ohm’s theory,” he wrote, “it seemed to me like lightning suddenly illuminating a room immersed in darkness.”

As often happens, the scientist’s homeland was the last country to recognize his achievements. In 1845 he was elected a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. In 1849, the scientist was invited to the University of Munich to the position of extraordinary professor. In the same year, by decree of King Maximilian II of Bavaria, he was appointed custodian of the state collection of physical and mathematical instruments, while simultaneously delivering lectures on physics and mathematics. In addition, at the same time he was appointed as a supervisor for the telegraph department at the physical and technical department of the Ministry of State Trade.

But, despite all the instructions, Om did not stop studying science during these years. He conceives a fundamental textbook on physics, but the scientist did not have time to complete this work. Of all his plans, he published only the first volume, “Contributions to Molecular Physics.”

In 1852, Om finally received the position of full professor, which he had dreamed of all his life. In 1853, he was one of the first to be awarded the newly established Order of Maximilian “for outstanding achievements in the field of science.” But the recognition came too late. The strength was already running low. His whole life was devoted to science and the confirmation of the discoveries he made.

Spiritual closeness connected Om with relatives, friends, and students. Among his students there are scientists, widely recognized mathematician Dirichlet, astronomer and mathematician E. Geis, etc. Many of Ohm's students followed in the footsteps of their teacher, devoting themselves to teaching.

He maintained the warmest relationship with his brother. Martin remained throughout his life his first adviser in personal affairs and the first scientific critic of his research. Until his death, Om helped his father, remembering the need in which he lived, and constantly expressed gratitude to him for the character traits that he cultivated in him. Om never created his own family; he could not share his affections and completely devoted his entire life to science.

Ohm died on July 6, 1854 at half past ten in the morning. He was buried in the old southern cemetery of the city of Munich.

Ohm's research brought to life new ideas, the development of which brought forward the doctrine of electricity. In 1881, at the electrical engineering congress in Paris, scientists unanimously approved the name of the resistance unit - 1 ohm. This fact is a tribute to the respect of colleagues, international recognition of the scientist’s merits.

(1787-1854) German physicist

Georg Simon Ohm was born in Erlangen into the family of a mechanic and craftsman. His father instilled in his sons a love of mathematics and physics from childhood. After graduating from high school, Georg entered the University of Erlangen in 1805, but studied there for only a year, and then from 1806 to 1809 he worked as a teacher in the Swiss city of Gottstadt. In 1811 he defended his doctoral dissertation, prepared independently. Georg Simon Ohm taught mathematics, then physics in various gymnasiums: from 1813 to 1817 - in Wamberg, from 1817 to 1828 - in Cologne. In the intervals between lessons, he was engaged in galvanic experiments, trying to find out how the action of a galvanic battery depends on the quality and type of metal from which the wire connecting its poles is made.

In 1826, Ohm experimentally discovered the fundamental law of an electrical circuit, connecting current strength, electromotive force and resistance. This law - Ohm's law - was formulated by him in his work “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct electricity.” In 1827, the scientist substantiated it theoretically for a section and for a complete chain. In his small laboratory in Cologne, he built a structure consisting of a bismuth rod soldered between two copper wires. Having lowered one of the junctions into boiling water and the other into finely chopped ice, Georg Ohm soon came to the conclusion that there was an analogy between the movement of electric current and water flow in an inclined channel. The greater the level difference in the channel and the freer the path, the stronger the water flow. The same thing happens with electric shock: the current strength will be greater, the greater the electromotive force the battery has and the less resistance to the current along its path. In the same year, Ohm introduced the concepts of “electromotive force”, “voltage drop” and “conductivity”.

Ohm's law for a long time did not find any application, although the quantitative relationships established in it between the parameters of the electrical circuit opened up wide opportunities in the study of electricity. Local physicists treated the results of the German scientist’s work favorably, but they were not known in any other country. In October 1831, Claude Servais Poullier, professor of applied physics at the Paris School of Arts and Crafts, reported to the French Academy that he had found a quantitative relationship between current, electromotive force and resistance, without mentioning Ohm's name. But then he was forced to admit that he had read the work of a German physicist on the galvanic circuit and agreed that this law was first formulated by Georg Simon Ohm. This scandalous story contributed to the fact that other French and then English physicists learned about Ohm’s work. The significance of Ohm's law became undeniable only after the outstanding Russian scientists Emilius Christianovich Lenz and Boris Semenovich Jacobi, German scientists Karl Friedrich Gauss, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff and some others used this law as the basis for their research.

Despite the discovery of the quantity law, Georg Ohm continued to remain a modest teacher. At the age of 44 (in 1833), he received a position as professor of physics at the Nuremberg Higher Polytechnic School, and in 1839 he became its rector. The Royal Society of London awarded him the Copley Medal in 1841. In 1849, the scientist was invited to the University of Munich to the position of extraordinary professor, and in 1852, when Ohm was 63 years old, he became a professor. All his life Georg Simon Ohm was a great worker, but he was haunted by failures.

Ohm's scientific interests also extended to acoustics, optics, and crystal optics. He came up with the idea of ​​a complex composition of sounds. In particular, in 1843 Ohm established that the simplest auditory sensations are caused only by harmonic vibrations. The ear is capable of decomposing complex sounds into sinusoidal components, and they are perceived as the main tone, and additional ones - overtones. This is Ohm's acoustic law. However, these works did not receive scientific recognition, and only eight years after his death his compatriot Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Helmholtz was able to prove the validity of Ohm's conclusions. Later, based on Ohm's acoustic law, Helmholtz developed the resonance theory of hearing. In 1842 Ohm was elected a member of the Royal Society of London.

At the end of the 40s, he decided to create a coherent theory molecular physics. Unfortunately, the scientist managed to write and publish only one volume of his work. On July 7, 1854, he died suddenly.

Twenty-seven years after Ohm's death, when a common unit of resistance was named after him, a monument was erected to his "dear compatriot" in Munich.