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The interesting and dexterous skill of performing card tricks is at its peak.

Today, anyone can master the tricks of spectacular stunts and learn how to give joy and excitement to the audience. However, not everyone wants this. Many people prefer not to delve into the secrets and mysteries of the operations being carried out, but simply want to enjoy the spectacular spectacle and be amazed at the talents of magicians. After all, any person, be it an adult or a child, wants to believe in miracles!

Let's look at some of the most incredible, but simple tricks with cards that surprise street magicians and ordinary home wizards from their circle of friends and relatives.

Main requirements for magicians

Even if the stuntman is just a beginner, nothing will work without mastering the basic techniques.

Therefore, first of all you need to work on the following points:

  • learn different types shuffling the deck, especially a false one. Many tricks, from the simplest to the most complex, are based precisely on the ability to quietly leave the deck unshuffled. Although outwardly everything looks as if the cards were carefully mixed;
  • master the technique of laying out cards in a fan, waterfall, dividing the deck into absolutely equal parts, counting in hands;
  • master the principles of figured false card withdrawals.

When these rules are brought to automatic execution, the magician can perform simple tricks easily and naturally, always achieving the desired effect. In addition, with such a base, you can safely move forward and begin to study the intricacies of more difficult tricks to perform.

You can view in detail the options for false shuffles for any tricks here:

Simple card tricks - amazing and mesmerizing

Let us give an example of several simple tricks that are very popular and with which many modern famous wizards began their magical careers.

Guessing several cards hidden different people. The basis is mathematical. The cards are laid out into exactly as many piles as the number of people volunteered to take part and wished for them. The important point of this trick is the sequence of decomposition into piles. Strictly clockwise and alternately. Take 4 cards from the top of the deck and ask the first person to remember any of them, then the next four with the involvement of the second person, and so on. As many people as there are, there will be as many stacks of the corresponding number of cards in it (for example, 3 people - you offer three cards each, and so on). The result of the trick is that when you turn over a card from the piles, exactly the one that was intended by the spectator appears on top.

A simple and beautiful trick with cards for beginning wizards, when a card chosen by the spectator is placed anywhere in the deck, and as a result ends up in an unfolded fan, upside down, face up, among all the others. Although the magician did practically nothing, he simply shook the deck in front of the audience.

More detailed description and a visual demonstration of the trick can be viewed here, and you can also learn it:

Since there are many ways to surprise and delight with tricks, we suggest looking through a number of amazing card tricks that are classified as simple. And for those who want to do them themselves, you can learn after watching them. You can do this using this link:

Be surprised, rejoice and admire the talents of others and do not forget that you too can become an excellent magician. All you need is desire, patience and training.

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

Tricks with cards and their secrets, of course, continue to attract all lovers of card magic. That's why I pay a lot of attention to this eternally popular topic - tricks with cards and their secrets, respectively.

In this short post I will give a short description of the trick and, of course, I have made videos on how it is performed. So get ready to add another trick to your collection.

So what is the essence of the trick?

You show the viewer four Aces and casually turn them over and place them face down on the deck. This is how the trick begins.

Now chat a little with the spectator and place these aces on the table separately from each other. In general, you end up with 4 Aces on the table, lying separately from each other.

Now you move your hands over the aces or snap your fingers and offer to open each of the piles.


You turn over the first one and reveal all the cards, but there is no ace!

Hmm..."What the hell is this?" - you think and turn over the next pile, but there is not a single Ace there either. The same pattern repeats when you turn over the third stack.

“Well, that’s not surprising!” - you declare - “Since all our aces have already gathered into one fourth pile!”

Here you turn over the fourth pile and it turns out that all 4 Aces are indeed already there.

The Secret of Focus

Well, the secret of the card trick is certainly not that complicated. It's all about a skillfully done break just before the start of the trick.

Namely, you take 3 “left” cards for a break and put Aces on them. After that, you take 7 cards (4 aces + 3 left) and show the aces by turning them over. When three were turned over, only one Ace remained, and under it were three left cards.

This is where you throw all these cards on top of the deck and it turns out that the top card is an Ace, then 3 left ones, and then again 3 aces. And having scattered them on the table, you thereby scatter one Ace and three left cards, and the spectator thinks that you are scattering all 4 Aces.

Continue to study tricks with cards and their secrets on the pages of my site and everything will be fine. I think you will like this trick because it is really good!

I advise you to learn:

In this article we will tell you and offer instructions on how to create interesting tricks. You can surprise your guests and friends with them.

Various tricks and manipulations of people’s consciousness are today considered to be one of the types of performing art. Illusionism dates back to the distant 17th century; the first mentions of magicians date back to this time. The ability to surprise people with the help of sleight of hand and various tricks makes it possible not only to earn money, but also to simply amuse people.

What are the simple and easy tricks, and how to do them?

Watching how cleverly magicians turn everything around into pure magic with completely simple hand movements, almost all of us begin to believe in miracles. However, in fact, most “miracles” are just sleight of hand and the ability to captivate the audience.

At first glance it may seem that we can repeat this ordinary people, we simply cannot do it, but by devoting a little time to this matter, you and I can be convinced of the opposite.

So, we present to your attention the simplest tricks.

  1. "Magic number". This trick doesn't even require sleight of hand, however, right moment will amuse your friends and defuse the situation. To perform this trick you need to do the following:
  • Ask the person to guess any number from 2 to 20.
  • The person must multiply the hidden number by 9.
  • Now ask to add two digits of the resulting number.
  • Then subtract 4 from the resulting number.
  • The result of all the above manipulations will be the same hidden number; ask you to remember it, but not to name it. Agree, finishing the trick this way would not be interesting.
  • So say you need to think a little. At this time, ask to guess the letter that will correspond to this number. Guided by simple rule, counting in order, for example, number 1 – letter A, number 2 – B, etc.
  • In our case, this is the letter D.
  • Then ask the viewer to guess a country using this letter.
  • After all this, voice the result. Most likely, the viewer will wish for Denmark, since the letter D is the most common option.

Let's look at an example:

  • Let's say a person thinks of the number 5
  • Multiply 5 by 9 and get 45
  • Now we add 4 and 5 and get 9
  • From 9 we subtract 4 and get 5
  • 5 was the number that was originally guessed
  1. Guessing the vegetable. This trick also depends not on sleight of hand and the ability to mislead the public, but on human psychology. But the simplest tricks are based on such “magic”:
  • So, you take 2 pieces of paper and write cucumber on the first, tomato on the second. Then put one piece of paper in your left pocket, and the second in your right, the main thing in this matter is not to confuse where each piece of paper is. Why these 2 vegetables? According to statistics, these vegetables are the most common and often called in our country. If you are in another country or want to impress foreigners, then this nuance must be taken into account. Because each person names the vegetable that they use most often.
  • Next, give each participant a piece of paper and a pen.
  • While you are doing all these manipulations, there is no point in telling guests what exactly they will need to do.
  • We distract people's attention. We ask them to count something, guess a riddle, that is, we distract their attention from the focus itself.
  • After all the steps, ask all guests to write any vegetable on a piece of paper without hesitation. It is a mandatory requirement to write immediately on command, without thinking.
  • Now ask one of the spectators to read out what he wrote, and take out a piece of paper with the corresponding vegetable.
  • Attribute your success to well-developed telepathic abilities, of course, while joking about it.
  • Of course, such a trick, like all others, has a certain chance of not working out. You need to be prepared for this, so think in advance what you will say and how to act if, instead of the well-known cucumber, someone writes to not everyone understandable word"Romanesco". By the way, the latter is a variety of cabbage.
  1. Magic beads. This is a very spectacular and interesting trick, however, to perform it correctly, it is necessary to show sleight of hand and attentiveness so that guests see magic, and not truly scattered beads:
  • So, for a successful trick, we need an assistant, a person from the audience or company, who will give his beads (necessarily with a clasp), fishing line, scissors, an empty glass, a sheet of paper for the trick.
  • The magic itself lies in the next moment. You take the beads and show the audience that they are intact. Next, take the beads and, distracting the audience, thread a fishing line through all the beads, next to the main thread. Tie the ends of the fishing line - all this, of course, should be invisible to the eyes of all guests.
  • You take the necklace by the fishing line and show it to the audience; it looks like an ordinary decoration, however, now you can safely cut the additional thread.
  • Now comes a very important moment, you must cut the fishing line and simulate the fall of the beads into the glass, gradually releasing them from your hands.
  • Well, it would seem that this is the end of the trick, but no.
  • You make a kind of little bag out of a piece of paper and put supposedly torn beads in it, then send the thread there.
  • A few magic words-spells, a couple of hand movements and you take out the jewelry intact and undamaged.
  • Then be sure to emphasize the piece of paper by straightening it, showing that it is without a secret.
  • As a container into which we will pour beads (supposedly torn decoration), it is better to take a glass glass, not too tall. Items such as a bag or plate, especially one that is not transparent, will not work and will make guests doubt your abilities.
  • The decoration needs to be held by the top edge of our additional thread, and we will cut the bottom edge. At the same time, keep the beads low above the container, otherwise guests will be able to see that the entire decoration has fallen, and not the beads individually, as it should be.
  • This trick is not at all difficult, but before showing it with someone else’s thing, it is better to hone the art on your own.

There are a huge number of other, no less interesting tricks, some of which will be discussed further.

How to learn to do tricks with cards: step-by-step instructions, secrets

These are perhaps one of the most common tricks that even novice illusionists can do. That is why now we will look at the most interesting of them.

  1. Tricks with 4 kings. A simple trick that even the most inexperienced fakir can perform. In this act, it is very important not just to show magic, but also to tell a story in a captivating way that, in addition to informing the audience, also distracts them.
  • So, the first thing you need to do is pull out all the kings from the deck, as well as any 3 more cards.
  • We fold the cards in our hands in such a way that only the kings can be seen by the guests. Additional cards must go to the kings.
  • Next, we begin to tell the story of a bank robbery. The point is that the kings want to rob a bank, and they want to enter the premises through the roof of the building.
  • At this stage, all 7 cards must be added to the rest of the deck. The back of the cards should be on top, exactly like the 3 additional cards. We say that the kings ended up on the roof.
  • Now you take the first card from the top (the spare one, but people will think it's a king because they don't know about the extra cards). At the same time, be careful and do not show anyone what kind of card it is. Say that this is one of the kings that will stand on the 1st floor and place the card somewhere at the bottom of the deck.
  • We send the second king (also a spare card) to the 2nd floor, to the middle of the deck.
  • The 3rd king (last spare card) will be on guard in the basement, place it in the middle of the deck.
  • The last king (really the king, the first in the deck) remains on the roof, show this card to the audience.
  • The king, who was observing everything on the roof, reports that the police are heading towards them and everyone must come to him immediately. Tap the deck 4 times, supposedly calling all the kings, and then reveal the last 4 cards
  • They should all be kings.
  • After this, invite anyone to see that the deck is not fake and that there are no more kings in it.
  • The most important thing in this trick is to quietly take 4 kings and 3 more cards, and then quietly fold a fan of cards.

  1. Here's another simple card guessing trick.
  • You hold a regular deck of cards in your hands and show it to the audience
  • Next, anyone must choose a card and put it on top of the deck, while you, of course, should not see the card
  • Now we remove the deck and place the lower part on top. During this manipulation we peep bottom card deck, it will be a guide for us
  • Then we lay out the deck of cards one by one, face up. The card we need will lie in front of the bottom card of the deck that we memorized
  • To prevent the trick from failing, do not rush into laying out the cards. In this case, even if there is some kind of hiccup, it will be attributed to the desired scenario

How to learn to do tricks with a coin: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Such tricks always delight guests and spectators. In order to show interesting performances with such elements, of course, you need to practice, since the point here lies solely in the dexterity of your hands and their placement.

  1. For the first trick we need any 2 cards from the deck, a small thin magnet, 2 absolutely identical coins, glue, a glass and scissors
  • First, let's prepare the props. The magnet must be thin, otherwise it will be visible and it will ruin the whole trick. You can buy it in craft stores or borrow it from any decorative magnet that we usually use on refrigerators.
  • Now take the card and glue a magnet onto its front side.
  • Then we carefully glue another card of the same type on top. We glue it so that visually the card is no different from others in the deck.
  • When all this is done, put the card in the deck so that the trick is more believable and the audience does not understand what its essence is. You will easily identify the card, since in your hands you will feel well that it is thicker than the others.
  • Next, in fact, you need to show the trick itself. But you should definitely initially check whether your coins are magnetic, since it happens that there is no such effect. In this case, a miracle will not happen and you will be exposed.

  • Everything is ready. Let's begin. We go out to the audience and explain that now you will show how a coin will literally leak through the card and fall into the glass.
  • Place a glass on the table, you have a deck of cards in your hands, the coins are neatly and discreetly hidden behind the container.
  • We shuffle the deck of cards, go through them to find the one we need, take it out and throw it on the table, right on one coin. Be careful, the card must “take” only one coin.
  • Next, without spinning the card or showing it to the audience, we place it on the glass.
  • Then we take the second coin, show it to the guests and sharply hit the glass with it. As a result, the coin, which is already in the glass on the magnet, will fall into the glass.
  • At this moment, with a deft movement of your hands, you must pick up the coin with which you knocked and remove it from people’s eyes.
  • Almost simultaneously with the previous action, you must show a glass covered with a card with a coin inside.
  • Be careful with the size of the magnet; take this fact into account when choosing a coin. A large coin requires a large magnet. The size of the magnet should be at least a couple of times larger than the size of the coin. In this case, you can casually throw the card on the table and be sure that the object will be magnetized. Otherwise, the miracle may not happen.

How to learn to do tricks with fingers: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with hands and fingers deserve special attention. Dexterity and speed of movement are always in first place here. It is appropriate to show such tricks at various children's events at home. You should refrain from them on the street and if spectators are standing too close to you.

  1. Severed finger. This trick is quite simple, however, all movements must be done quickly, clearly, without hesitation
  • Spectators should not be able to see the back of the hand when performing this trick.
  • Show your hands to the audience, twirl them
  • We show guests one hand with the thumb pointing up
  • Next, we place a second hand on this hand so that we can use it to grab the thumb of the first hand into a fist.
  • Make a fist with your index and middle fingers

  • Now we unclench our fist a little, quickly press the thumb to the palm, and place the thumb of the other hand in its place. In this case, his nail should be slightly visible between the index and middle fingers
  • After this, trying, making an effort, “tear off” your finger with a sharp movement, showing your hand, the thumb of which will be pressed to the palm
  • Now we return the finger to its place. Initially, we press our hands together and carefully but quickly straighten our thumb into a fist. Next, remove the fist and pull out the thumb of the second hand, which is shown between the middle and index fingers
  • That's it, the finger is in place, and the audience is delighted

At first glance, the trick may seem difficult, but in fact it is not, it just takes a little practice. And one more very important point, all the roughness should be hidden by the game of your face. Don’t be afraid to show emotions during a trick, scream when you “tear off” your finger and rejoice when it appears in place again. All these little things will force viewers to pay attention only to the necessary details.

How to learn to do paper tricks: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Paper tricks are exactly what a beginning illusionist needs. The props for such numbers are always available, and even a child can perform them.

  • We'll start with a comic number that will help you tune the audience into the right wave. There will be no magic or sleight of hand in the room. So, you give a piece of paper and a pencil to anyone and ask them to write any words or sentences there.
  • Next, ask to pass this piece of paper to any other person and promise that you will write the same thing on your piece of paper. Next, a couple of seconds of silence, you seem to be trying to guess the word and write “the same thing” on a piece of paper, then, having prepared the audience for the result, you show a piece of paper with the inscription, voice it, explaining that you fulfilled what you promised and wrote the same thing.

Now that the guests are in a joking mood, you can perform the following tricks. We will analyze the simplest and at the same time interesting of them:

  • We paint a masterpiece in front of the public. So, we need to take an easel, paints, brushes, a sheet of fairly thin paper, a reproduction of a painting, oil.
  • The essence of the trick is that you first wrap the picture in paper and attach it to an easel. Next, place a sheet of blank paper on it and start drawing.
  • The audience sees that you are taking paint with a brush, but in fact there should also be oil on the palette. Dip the brush into the oil, as if drawing, and begin to move it over the paper.
  • The paper will begin to become oily and the image of the painting will begin to appear.
  • In a matter of seconds you will draw a masterpiece right in front of all the spectators.
  • When doing a trick, don't forget about facial expressions and playing with the audience.

We recommend that you start with these simple tricks; they will help you learn how to behave in front of people and “play” in public. Only after you have learned how to skillfully show such illusions, move on to something more complex, where, for example, everything will depend on the dexterity of your hands and the ability to keep the audience in suspense.

How to learn to do vanishing tricks: step-by-step instructions, secrets

The most interesting tricks, according to many people, are disappearing tricks. After all, it is simply unrealistic to believe that an object that was just in front of you has disappeared, but we can even do this.

  1. Pencil disappearing trick. The key to your success is a fairly loose shirt with long sleeves.
  • We take the pencil in our hands and hold it by its edges on both sides with three fingers: thumb, index and middle
  • We only show the front side of our fingers to guests.
  • We begin to press on the pencil with our fingers right hand. So we move it slightly towards the wrist of the right limb
  • Next, we do a few simple manipulations with our hands, as if distracting the audience. For example, a couple of movements up and down
  • Next, we squeeze the fingers on our left hand so that the pencil rests completely on the wrist of our right hand.
  • Now it’s a matter of small things, quickly but carefully insert the pencil into the right sleeve
  • Then we show the audience that there is no pencil
  • You need to do the trick quickly, distracting the guests with your movements, facial expressions, etc.
  • There is no need to perform such a trick without practicing in advance, since such “magic” tends not to happen

Vanishing tricks
  1. Here's another completely simple coin disappearing trick.. We need a table covered with a tablecloth, a coin and, of course, spectators. The trick should be performed while sitting, and the guests should be located not at the side of the magician, but in front of him, at a sufficient distance (not immediately in front of the table).
  • So, we put the coin on the table. It is very important to place it not too far from the edge of the table. 10 cm will be enough
  • Next, we begin to intensively rub the coin into the table with our entire palm. In this case, each movement of your hand should push the coin closer to the edge until it finally lands on your lap
  • After this, using the same rubbing movements, we return the hand to the place where the coin was originally, and make a couple of movements only with the fingers, and not with the entire palm
  • We start saying a funny spell, words, and suddenly raise our hand
  • We are surprised to say that it worked.
  • During all these manipulations, you need to pick up the coin from your lap with your left hand in order to then “get” it from a completely unexpected place

How to learn to do tricks with a handkerchief: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with scarves are standard at all fakir performances, and for good reason. It is the tricks with such props that are done quite easily, however, they always make a special impression on the audience.

  1. So, we need a scarf, an assistant and basically nothing else, just sleight of hand and the ability to tie knots in a special way.
  • You can choose any viewer as an assistant
  • Next, take a scarf, it should be large enough and twist it so that you get a tourniquet
  • Now we take a twisted scarf and throw it over the person’s hand, doing it from the bottom up. That is, the fabric of the scarf will hold the hand from the underside
  • We must place the left end of the fabric in our left hand between the index and middle finger. Hold the right end arbitrarily
  • Next, we place the right end of the scarf between the ring and middle fingers. At this moment there is already an air loop on the viewer's hand
  • The right end, after placing it between the indicated fingers, should face to the side thumb and lie on the left end

  • Press your middle finger into your palm. At this time, big and middle fingers left hand holds the right end of the fabric
  • Take the left end of the scarf, thread it through the resulting loop and, continuing to hold the right end with your left hand, tighten the loop
  • Visually it will seem that one strong knot has been made on a person’s hand
  • Next, we wrap the right end of the scarf around the hand in the opposite direction, after which we tie one simple knot and at the end of this manipulation we sharply tighten the knots
  • At this moment, all spectators will see a miracle - the scarf, having passed through a person’s hand, will literally jump off it and tie itself into a knot in the hands of a skilled magician

The trick with the disappearance of a scarf and the appearance of a rose is also very popular, however, these tricks require special props, so we recommend that you initially hone your skills on the simplest trick presented above, and only then move on to something more complex.

How to learn to do magic tricks with an elastic band: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with an elastic band are a little less popular than others, however, for a beginning magician these tricks are considered the most suitable.

  1. We need to take a ring and cut rubber band:
  • So what do we do next? We stretch the elastic through the decoration, it is important to stretch it not the entire length, but only a couple of cm
  • The rest of the elastic will be hidden in our hand
  • Then we raise the hand that holds the elastic band without a ring, and shake it slightly
  • At this moment the decoration will fall down the other end
  • Now you should very carefully and gradually begin to release the edge of the elastic that is loose. The ring will rise up

During this trick, it is very important to take your time and do all movements very smoothly, otherwise the rubber band may jump out of your hands and the ring will simply fall to the floor.

How to learn to do tricks with a cigarette: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with cigarettes are very unusual tricks, however, to perform them we need a special prop - that same cigarette.

  1. So the first focus is disappearing cigarette in the nose. From the details we take a special non-real cigarette. As a rule, a rubber band is attached to the end of the cigarette on the filter side, with which you will get rid of it during the trick. The filter itself moves around the cigarette, which creates the effect that the cigarette is placed in the nose.
  • We take a cigarette, first under the jacket in the sleeve area, fasten the elastic band, creating tension
  • Next, we hold a cigarette in our hand and place it towards the edge of the nose, so that the viewer visually sees that the cigarette is right at the opening of the nose
  • We begin to move the prop filter upward, creating the impression that the cigarette is plunging into the nose
  • After this, we release the cigarette, the rubber band works, and the prop flies away unnoticed

  1. And one more no less fascinating trick with a special cigarette. The peculiarity of this cigarette is that it looks like a real one, but inside it is hollow and this can be seen from the filter side. Also included with the props is a tube - a kind of case for the same cigarette, when the cigarette gets there it is not visible due to the fact that its cavity is black, like the cavity of the case. With all this, get it ordinary person he won’t be able to do it without the help of a magician, and that’s basically what we need.
  • Well, the trick is a shrinking cigarette. To be more precise, we put a supposedly ordinary cigarette into the case, and take out a very small one
  • We put a smaller copy of it in the cavity of a large cigarette.
  • Use your finger to press down on the part where the cigarette might fall out. We show the audience that the cigarette is quite ordinary and place it in a case.
  • After this, close the case with a cap and say any magic words
  • Shake a small cigarette out of the case
  • The case can be given into the hands of guests and spectators, the cigarette is not visually visible in it and it will not be removed from there, even if you knock on the case

Showing tricks is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because it is not just hand movements, it is a whole action that must be accompanied by real magic.

  • Show tricks only after long training. Don't tempt fate. Practice at home in front of a mirror, so you will see everything that is happening as if from the outside
  • Always be prepared for something to go wrong. In this case, you need not to get confused, but quickly and quietly correct the error
  • If there is no opportunity to correct the mistake, you need to be able to quickly switch people’s attention to another object, focus, etc.
  • Hone not only your sleight of hand, but also your acting skills, because by performing magic tricks, you are literally playing the role of a wizard. Don't be afraid to be funny, pronounce your words clearly and with appropriate intonation
  • When performing tricks, take your time; there is no need to rush in this matter. You need to do quickly only those movements and manipulations that the viewer can notice if they were done differently
  • Before showing focus a large number people, show it to someone in your family and ask them to evaluate it objectively. Based on this, decide whether you have enough skills to demonstrate such an illusion
  • If you work with props, do not skimp on them, otherwise they will easily let you down at the wrong moment

Creating miracles and magic is not so difficult; for this you need to be patient and show all your imagination and dexterity. Training and your desire will definitely bring you positive results.

Video: How to show tricks - spectacular tricks and their secrets

If you want to surprise your friends, then card tricks are what you need. Almost everyone likes this kind of “magic”, although there is nothing magical about them. All you need to master several techniques is a little practice, a bit of artistry and sometimes special equipment. The most simple tricks You can literally learn in an evening.


For successful performance need to master basic mechanical actions (replacing one card with another, shuffling in in a certain order). The secret to most tricks is sleight of hand. Therefore, until you bring your actions to automaticity, do not demonstrate to the audience.

The second important aspect of a successful number is manipulation of the viewer's consciousness . Your goal is to distract the observer so that he does not concentrate on important details, to make him believe in a miracle. A real trick is a performance in which every little detail is important: your clothes, every look and every word must be prepared in advance. All transitions between actions must be clear and quick so that no one notices the catch.

IMPORTANT! 4 main tips for a magician:

  • Don't reveal the trick.
  • Don't show the trick to the audience twice in a row.
  • Do not show a “raw” number.
  • Give only a speech you have prepared in advance.

Simple tricks

If you haven't done magic tricks before, it's better to start with something simple. Watch the video and master these three techniques, and at your next meeting with friends you will have something to surprise them with.

Three cards

Trick "3 Cards Monte"

This trick is very popular both among illusionists and among ordinary scammers (you've probably seen people on the street offering to guess where the ace is for money). One of its names is3 Monte cards, learn It’s not difficult for him at all.

Essence: The presenter shuffles and lays out three cards face down (1 figured, two regular), and the spectator must guess where the Ace lies.

The secret may vary. Some people use pre-prepared gaff cards. For example, one of them may have a corner from the other (when the magician shows all three pieces, he holds them in a “fan” so that this is not visible). Experienced illusionists use only sleight of hand. There are dozens of variations of this trick.

Call a friend

Essence: you ask the spectator to choose a card and show it to everyone around him.Now we call a friend and pass the phone to the viewer. Let us clarify that the person’s name is Mikhail. And he really calls it right!

The trick is that all cards in the deck will receive given name. You and your assistant only need to remember this code. When you supposedly say a person's name, you are actually giving a hint.


This trick involves two people and a magician

Essence: guess two cards wished by two different people.

How to do it: collect all the red suits at the top of the deck and the black ones at the bottom. Have the first person remove any card from the top, remember it and put it down. The second one will need to do the opposite.

Then you quickly flip through the deck to see and remember the hidden ones (they will differ in color from the rest), mix them thoroughly, flip through them again and take them out.

Probably, not only children enjoy the performances of magicians and wizards who perform miracles before the eyes of the audience. And certainly, everyone remembers the first time they saw the miracle of movement, transformation or reincarnation. Of course, these are childhood memories. For example, one that even became part of the plot of a popular cartoon, when by pulling the edge of the rabbit-like ears peeking out of a hat, long ribbons appear.

I wanted to ask, where is the hare? Was there a “eared ear” - was the answer read in the eyes of the joyful magician?

Video training “Simple card tricks”

Such tricks need to be specially prepared. The simplest ones are with cards. The video tutorial perfectly presents the technique of one of them. The trick is called “teleport” and is exactly what is called simple card tricks. When performing them, manual dexterity and finger mobility are required.

All hand movements are performed at a calm pace, without rushing.

To complete this you will need a regular deck of cards.

The magician or wizard asks the spectator to choose any card.

  1. The viewer chooses, say, “three of diamonds.”
  2. Ask the spectator to look carefully at the card and remember it.
  3. Divide the deck into two piles.
  4. Place the selected card face up on one of the piles.
  5. With your other hand, holding the second deck of cards, you move in the direction of the first, as if trying to connect both parts of the deck into one.
  6. Using the fingers of the hand that holds the stack of cards along with the one chosen by the spectator, push away the bottom card of the top deck.
  7. With your little finger, hold the bottom-most card you just moved away from this top deck.
  8. Start turning over the top card of the bottom deck several times, i.e. the one chosen by the viewer.
  9. On the 3-4th turn, you place the bottom card of the top deck on top of the bottom deck, this is the card chosen by the spectator, but now it is second from the top of the bottom deck.
  10. You move the top card of the bottom deck, outwardly it looks like manipulating the card chosen by the spectator.
  11. The thumb of the hand that holds top part deck of cards, lift the second card from the top in the bottom deck, i.e. the one chosen by the viewer.
  12. You press this card to the bottom of the top deck and remove it from the deck: the card chosen by the spectator is moved to the bottom of the top of the deck.
  13. At the bottom of the deck, move the pushed card into the middle with your fingers.
  14. At this moment, in the second, top deck of cards, move away the bottom card, the “three of diamonds,” and drag it up this part of the deck.
  15. At the same time, remove the extended card from the bottom of the deck.
  16. You show the viewer a card that is on top of a deck of cards, which a few moves earlier had already found its place for viewing.

The video tutorial shows one of the simplest card tricks. Of course, there are others that are more complicated. They are also learnable. If you liked this trick and want to learn other tricks, I would like to make simple recommendations:

  • To ensure that your numbers attract attention, never tell anyone the secret of your trick;
  • each number must be carefully practiced in order to flawlessly perform key movements and not give yourself away during the performance;
  • Do not under any circumstances say what will happen in the next moment, this may prompt the viewer to look more closely at the exact place where the main action is taking place.

We wish all future magicians and wizards unpredictable performances and delightful looks from grateful spectators!