Presentation on the topic soil is the nurse. A generous and immeasurable nurse in love is our planet

  • Slide 2

    Guess the riddles

    • Underground is an ancient garden,
    • there its fruits lie. To get a heavy fruit, you need to make a long move. But when they take it out, they don’t eat it, they put it in the oven and make sure it burns to the ground, and doesn’t spare the heat for us.
    • They cover roads and streets in the village with it, and it is also found in cement; it itself is a fertilizer.
  • Slide 3

    Guess the riddles:

    • It was cooked for a long time in a blast furnace, and the scissors and keys turned out great.
    • If you meet one on the road, your feet will get stuck. And to make a bowl or vase, you will need it right away.
    • Children really need it, it’s on the paths in the yard, it’s at a construction site, on the beach, it’s even melted into glass.
  • Slide 4

    • Without it, we will not go by taxi or moped, the rocket will not rise. Guess what it is?
    • It is very durable and resilient, and is a reliable friend for builders: houses, steps, and pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable.
    • Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen. It blooms like a blue flower from a match.
  • Slide 5

    Which of the following minerals is the most durable?

    1. Clay
    2. Granite
  • Slide 6

    Questions about minerals

    1. The mines produce:
      • Coal
      • Sand
      • Oil
    2. Tankers transport:
      • Granite
      • Limestone
      • Oil
    3. Which of the following substances is not durable?
      • Iron Ore
      • Coal
  • Slide 7


    • Today in class we will talk in detail about the soils of our country. Let's try to answer the question: what are they?
    • What is soil?
    • What is soil made of?
    • What is humus?
    • What is the most important property of soil?
  • Slide 8

    • Who is the first to inhabit the soilless space?
    • The process of soil formation took millions of years. It continues to this day. Currently, the soil layer of the earth ranges from a few centimeters to 1 – 3 meters. 1 cm of soil is formed in approximately 300 years.
  • Slide 9

    Soil types

    • Depending on natural conditions were formed on the territory of our country different types soil The thicker the layer of humus in the soil, the blacker the soil, the more fertile it is.
    • In the north, light tundra soils stretch in a wide ribbon. They are thin, acidic, contain only 5% humus and lie at a shallow depth, since there is a layer of permafrost below. The top of the soil is covered with a layer of peat. These soils are unproductive.
  • Slide 10

    • To the south they are replaced by podzolic soils, which make up a third of the soil cover of Russian fields. They are formed from the forest floor of conifers and mixed forests with a sufficiently large amount of moisture.
    • The narrow transition zone consists of gray forest soils deciduous forests. Thanks to the large number of grasses, soils with podzolic and chernozem characteristics are formed here. Enough large number humus makes this soil highly fertile.
  • Slide 11

    • The famous Russian chernozem soils, the most valuable of all the soils in our country, extend from the southwest of the country to Altai. The thickness of the humus layer in these soils reaches 90 cm. Today, the chernozems are completely plowed.
    • What do you think: where can you find bog and meadow soils?
    • Bog soils contain a thick layer of peat, while meadow soils contain a thick layer of turf, formed by intertwining plant roots.
  • Slide 12


    1. Why is the earth called the nurse?
    2. What needs to be done to prevent the land from collapsing and losing its fertility?
    3. What can we do to protect the soil?
    • You cannot bury garbage in the ground.
    • If you had to bury waste in the ground, you must first remove top layer soil and then put it back in place.
    • Do not apply excessive amounts of fertilizer to the soil.
    • Do not pour solutions onto the ground.
  • View all slides

    Class: 4

    Presentation for the lesson

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    Textbook: A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around Us” Publisher: Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2012.

    Goals: introduce children to different types of soils and their composition, human environmental activities; promote a caring attitude towards the earth; promote the development of logical thinking, observation, and the ability to express one’s thoughts.

    Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, presentation.

    Didactic material: soil samples, minerals (oil, peat, coal), explanatory dictionaries (author S.I. Ozhegov), cards with riddles and symbols, textbooks and workbooks, map of natural areas.

    I. Motivation for educational activities.

    Hello guys! Are you ready for new discoveries?

    We are a good friendly class,

    Everything will work out for us!

    Then let's start working! Let's wish each other good luck!

    II. Checking homework.

    Today we have another meeting of the “Researchers” club. Let me introduce the participants of our meeting. Our class today is divided into groups (captains' presentation). Let's remember the rules for working in groups. (Repeat the rules).

    Task No. 1. Let's remember what minerals we talked about in the last lesson.

    (On the tables of each group there are envelopes with three riddles. At the teacher’s command, work begins. Time is given for discussion - 3 minutes.)

    Very durable and resilient
    A reliable friend for builders
    Houses, steps, pedestals
    They will become beautiful and noticeable (granite)(Slide 2).

    The kids really need it
    He's on the paths in the yard,
    He's at a construction site and on the beach,
    And it’s even melted in glass (sand).

    Flowing through the pipe
    The pies are baked by gas.

    He won't run without it
    No bus, no taxi,
    The rocket won't rise
    Guess what it is? (oil).

    No wonder she was stewing
    In a blast furnace
    Turned out great
    Scissors, keys... (iron ore).

    If you meet me on the road,
    Your feet will get stuck
    And make a bowl or vase,
    You'll need it right away (clay).

    They cover the roads with them
    Streets in villages (limestone).

    It brings warmth to homes,
    Helps melt steel
    Making paints and enamels
    It's black and shiny
    The assistant is real (corner).

    Grew up on swamp plants,
    Became fuel and fertilizer (peat).

    Now let's check it out. (Teachers read the riddles and name the answer, each team).

    Task No. 2. Now let's talk about some minerals in more detail. Each group must prepare a story about a mineral. But which ones you will learn about by opening these magic boxes (the Teacher invites the captains to choose one of the boxes that contain oil, peat, coal).

    Teams must determine what kind of mineral it is, name its main property, where it is used, and select a symbol from envelope No. 2. (Slide 3).

    Now let's start defending our projects. (Teams present, others can agree or add something).

    What do these minerals have in common?

    What other mineral has this same property?


    Like in spring, at an early hour (tilts)
    The seeds have sprouted for us (turns).
    We went out, reached for the sun (stretched),
    Turn around and smile!
    Hello sun! This is us! (we spread our arms to the sides)
    We just left the ground (walking).

    III. Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    There is a word lost in the title of the topic of our lesson, find it by solving the riddle. (Slide 4).

    They beat me, stab me, turn me over, cut me,
    But I endure everything and cry with kindness (earth).

    Today we have to find out why the land is called the “nurse” and whether it needs protection.

    So, what is the purpose of our lesson? (Students state the purpose of the lesson again.)

    IV. Discovery of “new knowledge”.

    Soil and its composition.

    How many of you know what the top layer of earth is called? (soil)

    Try now to find the meaning of the word “soil” in the dictionary. (Working with explanatory dictionaries, finding out the meaning of the word).

    Let's remember the composition of the soil? (Slide 5).

    Introduction to soil samples.

    The science of soils - soil science - was created by the Russian scientist - soil scientist Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev. More than 100 years ago, he proved that the main types of soils are located on the earth according to zonation. Each natural zone has its own soil type. He compiled the first soil maps of Russia, created scientific classification soil Now let's get to know different types soil

    The soils are not the same in different places in our country. Soil scientists distinguish 6 main types of soils. Let's look at sections of the main soil types (Slides 6,7).

    Tundra soils are common in the tundra, in the taiga and mixed forests– podzolic soils, in deciduous forests – gray forest soils, in the steppes – chernozem soils. Swamps are characterized by bog soils, while meadows are characterized by meadow soils. (Working with a map of natural areas).

    The most common soils in our country are podzolic, the most fertile are chernozems. (Examination of samples of podzolic and chernozem soils). These soils are rich in humus. The darker the soil, the more fertile it is. During the Second World War, the Nazis exported our black soil to Germany.

    Bog soils contain a layer of peat. And in meadow soils, a thick layer of turf formed by the intertwining roots of herbaceous plants is clearly visible.

    We met various types soils, but did not answer the question “Why is our land called the wet nurse?”

    Let's listen to the tale of the magic pantry (student's story) (Slide 8).

    I'll tell you a story about a magical pantry. If you put a handful of grain in it, you will get a hundred handfuls in return. If you hide a potato, you will get a lot out. It's under our feet. And it is called earth. Yes, only then is she kind and generous, when people are kind to her, and when they skillfully cultivate the land: plow, fertilize, water. And rightly so. How is it possible to take everything from the earth and give nothing in return? Yes, here any pantry will be empty in an instant. So it is with the magic pantry. Mother Earth has been feeding people for a long time. But people did not always realize what wealth it concealed. At a time when people did not yet know how to plow and sow, they took only what the earth itself stored for them: berries, mushrooms, juicy stems. Then people realized that they could specially bring grains from the fields with them and plant them near their homes. The first ears of bread have grown. First barley, then wheat, rye. This is how the land became kind and generous, giving people rich harvests.”

    Continue the saying: What goes around comes around... (Slide 9) How do you understand its meaning?

    So why is the earth called the nurse? (The earth feeds people, plants grow on it that people eat).

    But not only humans are fed by the earth, but also insects, birds, and animals.

    Soil protection (Slide 10).

    But she, our nurse, needs protection. After all, one centimeter of soil is formed in nature in 250-300 years! Therefore, our soil needs protection and careful attitude. But you will learn what you need to do for this by reading in the textbook on pages 32-34. (Checking what you read using conventional signs).

    Consider conventional signs V workbook and tell me what needs to be done to protect the soil.

    Drawing up a leaflet on soil protection (work in groups). Compare with the standard. (Slide 11).

    V. Reflection.

    The meeting of the “Researchers” club is coming to an end. Let's summarize our research work. Students' answers are based on the following principle:

    Today's lesson was interesting...

    It was a discovery for me...

    I can use my experience...

    Even in the old days, our ancestors called our land a wet nurse. They took it with them to distant countries as a talisman. They composed poems and songs about her. So let us also love, appreciate and take care of our nurse!

    The great Russian scientist V.V. Dokuchaev said that land is more valuable than pearls and gold. People can live without gold, but without land...? (Slide 12).

    Self-assessment of activities using the Knowledge Ladder, assessment of work by the teacher.

    VI. Homework. (Slide 13).

    Textbook p.31-34, work. notebook p.53 No. 2,3.

    Find proverbs and riddles about the earth (optional).

    We live on earth. " Man is taken from the earth, and fed by the earth.“This truth has been known for a long time.

    We call the earth “nurse” because it returns to us a hundredfold what is sown in good time. " Bow to Mother Earth, she will reward you a hundredfold!“—this wisdom has been proven over the centuries.

    « Mother Cheese Earth feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her warmth!" For all the bounties that the earth bestows upon man, the human race experiences filial feelings towards it.

    « There is nothing more sacred for a person in life than maternal feeling. The son of his native land - living and feeding on its bounty, the Russian people-plowman, breathing the same breath with nature, is filled with truly filial love and respect for the Mother-Raw-Earth».

    “And people all need food,
    You won't get it, of course.
    Without painstaking work.
    We must work on the ground,
    She is your nurse!”
    (Author of the verse: Iris Review )

    A person cannot live without food. It will just disappear. And the earth feeds man. But a seed thrown into the ground, without good supervision, without invested labor, and kind words will not give a good harvest. Man works on earth. Ordinary people plow, sow, harrow. Skills and experience are passed on from generation to generation. Each guard knows a lot of wisdom about cultivating the land. " The earth is a nurse, and even then it asks for food and drink" People have a lot of proverbs and sayings and rhymes about native land- nurse of people.

    “Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher.”

    “What goes around comes around.”

    “If he works well, the bread will be born.”

    “They don’t plow the land at a gallop.”

    « Goy, the ground is damp,
    Dear earth,
    Our dear mother!
    She gave birth to us all,
    Nourished, nourished
    And endowed with land;
    For the sake of us, your children,
    Gave me clean water
    And she gave birth to every grain»…

    So the conclusion suggests itself: “The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.”

    Soil types:






    There is water in the ground. This can also be verified experimentally.

    So, it has been historically proven that the earth feeds man. And the task of man is to preserve all its components and preserve the land-nurse not only for himself, but also for future generations. And this requires new knowledge about the capabilities of this part of our planet.

    The earth-nurse - this is how it has always been

    In times immemorial for humans, plants also appeared on it (as now): grass, trees, etc. The man quickly learned to use her gifts.

    The nursing land has no geographical boundaries; it is equally fertile for all people on Earth. But there is one obligatory condition: a person must take care of her.

    An example of this is an old Chinese fairy tale:

    Once upon a time there lived a peasant. And his name was Wang Siyu-qing. Everything was fine with him. There was always a rich harvest, which was enough not only to feed your family, but even to sell to other people.

    The time has come for the peasant to die, he called his sons and said to them: I cannot leave you either palaces or expensive horses as an inheritance. And I leave you untold wealth: a whole field of gold. You just need to carefully plow and dig it up. He said so and died.

    After the death of their father, the sons carefully and meticulously dug up the entire field three times, but they never found anything. Then they decided to sow this field with wheat.

    At the end of the season, the grateful land-nurse gave away a whole field of golden spikelets.

    Then the sons realized what kind of gold their father had bequeathed to them.

    Just digging and sowing is not enough to get a good result. Nowadays, agricultural scientists use knowledge about the composition and layers of the soil.

    For farming, a person uses the top fertile layer of the feeding ground, which is called soil.

    Soil types:






    The composition of the soil includes: sand, clay, water, humus, granite, salts. There is no need to prove that it contains sand, granite and clay - this is an obvious fact.

    In many works and stories of scientists, the earth is called a living organism. And this is indeed true.

    You can conduct a simple experiment: by lowering a lump of earth into a glass of water, each of us, without special devices, will see how bubbles appear. Does this mean the earth breathes? This confirms the fact that there is air in the ground.

    There is water in the ground.

    This can also be verified experimentally.

    To do this, a lump of earth needs to be placed in paper napkin and squeeze it in your hand. There will definitely be a wet spot.

    How to determine the presence of humus?

    It is necessary to heat a lump of earth and smoke will definitely come out of it. This indicates the presence of remains of dry leaves and grass.

    It is necessary to heat a few drops of water from a glass in which there was a lump of earth on the glass. After the droplets evaporate, it remains on the glass white coating– evidence of salt content.

    So, it has been historically proven that the earth feeds man.