Which countries have nuclear power plants? The largest nuclear power plants in the world

At this stage, we need to determine the approximate tilt of the mirror of our satellite dish in a vertical plane.

You can, of course, not calculate this parameter. But knowing the correct tilt of the satellite dish will save a beginner, if the search for a signal is unsuccessful, from unnecessary assumptions." Is the antenna positioned correctly?? ". For example, if, when setting up, you deflect the antenna mirror quite strongly to the top (or to the bottom). After all, you will already have a visual idea of ​​how it should stand, and in any case, you will return satellite dish mirror to its original state, after which, continuing the search.

Although, of course, this will not eliminate manual configuration, it will still significantly facilitate the entire process. satellite dish settings(while also saving time).

Now let's calculate what slope the offset mirror will have satellite dish.

Satellite dish tilt - tilt angle calculation

Unfortunately, since satellite dish tilt, directly depends on its diameter and shape, in order to calculate this slope, alas... it is necessary to make calculations using special formulas.

I don't want to overload your head with already quite a lot of information. Therefore, here I will suggest three ways:

First way. Don't do any calculations now. When adjusting the vertical position of the antenna, first place it in a vertical position. Then, gradually lower the mirror down (or raise) until a signal from the satellite appears. In principle, this is what all experienced tuners do.

Second way. Pay attention to tilt angle of satellite dishes installed nearby, for example, on the same house, or on the balconies and roofs of neighboring buildings.

Third way. To do calculating the tilt angle of a satellite dish To do this, use any computer program.

To make it more clear, to determine the tilt of the antenna, I will use the same program “Satellite Antenna Alignment”.

To do this, launch this program and go to the “ Offset antenna».

Determining the tilt of a satellite dish.

In the satellite selection window, select the one for which the satellite dish will be configured. In this case, I chose the Express AM 22 satellite (Photo 2).

Photo 2. We select the satellite for which the satellite dish will be configured.

Let’s set the dimensions of your antenna mirror in the “Antenna width” and “Antenna height” cells.

We indicate the dimensions of the offset mirror of the satellite dish.

As soon as we enter the dimensions of the antenna, next to the image below, the numerical indicator “Antenna tilt required” will change its value. In my case it was 73.20°.

Satellite dish tilt.

Being at the antenna installation site, based on the fact that we will insert the initial position only visually, it is easier to measure the tilt of the satellite dish mirror not from the horizontal, as is done in the program, but from the vertical. To put it more in the right words, this will be the Declination angle - that is, the declination angle of the satellite dish mirror.

Satellite dish tilt, or declination angle.

Therefore, to make it more convenient for us, we will do some simple calculations. Since a right angle is 90° degrees:

That is, if we place the satellite dish strictly vertically, then from this position the antenna mirror must be tilted by 16.80 degrees.

In principle, since we will be setting up the satellite dish manually (without any “special tools”), we don’t need such precision. Therefore, take a sheet of paper, draw this angle, and just visually remember its slope.

It turns out... to start setting up a satellite dish for the Express AM 22 satellite, you must initially place it at 16.80° from the vertical position. These meanings naturally apply specifically to my case. Do the calculations for your option, and just remember these two parameters.

No matter what accurate data the Satellite Antenna Alignmen program gives us, we will not be able to take full advantage of this accuracy, since we seem to have nothing to bind to for measurement. After all, we will only have to imagine all the planes needed for counting, and this means that we will measure degrees only in our thoughts, with our internal “degree meter”. But all this is quite enough for our purposes.

And so, we know the coverage area of ​​the chain of satellites visible from the installation site of the satellite dish, and the vertical tilt of the antenna mirror is also known to us. In principle, we can begin preparing satellite equipment. But before that, let's digress a little. I would like to explain some points regarding the vertical adjustment of a satellite dish, which you may also encounter.

Satellite dish tilt - setting

(description of some points related to the vertical alignment of the satellite dish)

In the design of a satellite antenna, the suspension is designed in such a way that the antenna mirror can be equally raised or lowered to the same maximum angle

Satellite dish suspension with equal vertical rotation angle.

But in my practice, I have come across satellite antenna hangers, in the design of which the vertical rotation of the antenna itself was carried out as if tilted to one side. Therefore, with such a design, it is important to assemble it correctly, in accordance with your geographical location, or more precisely, depending on your latitude and the distance of the satellite.

Since I am at a latitude of 63°, the tilt of the satellite dish will be 16.80° from the vertical, and if you mount an antenna with a suspension with a priority tilt in one direction, then you need to place a U-shaped element as in Photo 2 (it shown by red arrow).

At the same time, the angle of travel of the satellite dish mirror just fits into the tilt of “16.80°” (Fig. 1). In this case, it feels as if the antenna itself is looking slightly toward the ground.

If my location would be closer to the equator, for example at 40 degrees northern latitude, then in this case, the satellite dish mirror will rise, and the angle of travel should be as in Fig. 2.

In this case, the U-shaped element must be positioned in reverse, as in Photo 3 (here I apologize, I simply turned this photo vertically).

The next point also concerns adjusting the tilt of the satellite dish, or rather, installing the gimbal with a slope in one direction, on a vertical support.

When using a satellite dish hanger with a priority slope in one direction, if your location is more distant from the equator, it must be installed on a mount, as in Photo 4 and Photo 5.

Satellite dish, the suspension of which is inclined in one direction

Installed satellite dish.

Since in this case, the satellite dish will have a certain angle of inclination towards the bottom. Therefore, the L-shaped suspension element, at one end of which the converter is fixed, needs to have some free space in the lower part of the structure, allowing this angle of inclination of the antenna to be changed.

To more clearly explain the essence of this problem, which you may also encounter, let’s try to mentally install the already configured satellite dish shown in Photo 4 on a vertical support (Photo 6 and Photo 7).

Homemade vertical satellite tower

Homemade vertical support for installing a satellite dish on a horizontal surface.

Comparing these two images (Photo 8), we will see that the corner of the L-shaped suspension element (Photo 9) rests on the wall of the vertical pipe, and the place where the suspension is fastened does not even reach this pipe.

Naturally, if we nevertheless secure this suspension, pulling it to the pipe itself, the angle of inclination of the satellite dish will change, thereby making further vertical adjustment impossible.

Of course, this option for installing such a suspension, shown on Photo 7, on a vertical support, is quite suitable for those whose antenna mirror will stand almost vertically, or higher. For others, when purchasing a satellite dish, you will have to take into account the problem described above.

Since the satellite antenna itself, as a rule, comes with its own standard suspension, it is better to purchase a support for it, depending on the coordinates of the place where this antenna will be installed.

Based on this, when purchasing a satellite dish and support, it is advisable to already know the tilt angle of the antenna for your area, or rather, the range of this tilt angle.

To find out the tilt range of the satellite dish, let's again use the Satellite Antenna Alignment program. As always, I will explain based on my own example.

Equipment for setting up a satellite dish

The satellite dish is in place, connectors are installed on the cable, and all preliminary settings have been made in the receiver. In order for us to be able to make further adjustments, it is necessary to have free access to the back of the already suspended satellite dish.

To position the satellite dish to the selected satellite, we will need the following equipment for setup:

  • 1. A small or portable TV that supports the outputs that are on your receiver.
  • 3. A piece of coaxial cable to connect the receiver to the converter, approximately 1.5...2 meters long, with connectors installed at both ends (this cable is used only during setup).

  • 4. Connecting cable (LF or HF) corresponding to the connection between the satellite receiver and TV.
  • 5. Wrenches and screwdrivers suitable for fastening the converter and satellite dish mounting.

If you don’t have a small portable TV, then, of course, there is no point in buying it specifically for setting up a satellite dish. To avoid unnecessary costs, you can purchase a relatively inexpensive device called "Sat Finder". It was created specifically for setting up satellite dishes at home. At the time of writing this page, the cost of such a device was in the range of 400...700 rubles, which is significantly cheaper compared to the cost of a portable TV. It, of course, has its advantages, and unfortunately, it also has its disadvantages. You can read about what kind of device this is and how to work with it. If this is your first time setting up a satellite dish, then I would still recommend that you use the option with a receiver and a portable TV. I think this will be easier and more reliable for you.

Based on the fact that I will explain the installation and configuration of a satellite dish using my own example, I will use the following equipment and tools:

Digital satellite receiver (in this case, an FTA receiver designed for viewing open channels is suitable for us).

Looking at the back panel, you can see that this receiver can be connected to a TV, like a high frequency, from the output of the HF modulator, and low, through audio-video connectors of the tulip type.

Portable TV. In principle, any small TV will do here. The main thing is that it supports the outputs that are present on your satellite receiver.
Looking at the back panel of this TV, you can see that it can also be connected via both a high-frequency input and a low-frequency audio-video input.

If you have a receiver with an HF modulator, then there is no need for low-frequency audio-video connectors, but in this case, the TV must support the UHF radio frequency range (although I do not rule out the possibility that the HF modulators of some receivers, or older model TVs, can only operate in the meter wave range, in the microwave range).
If you have a receiver without an RF modulator, then low-frequency audio-video connectors on the TV itself are required.

A piece of coaxial cable(for connection to the converter), approximately 1.5...2 meters long, and with “connector connectors” installed on this cable at both ends.

LF (low frequency) audio-video cable tulip type, for connecting to a TV via low-frequency output and input.

Radio frequency cable (RF), another name for high frequency cable (HF). For the option of connecting to a TV via a radio frequency antenna input (only if the receiver has an RF modulator).

Due to the presence of an audio-video input on the TV, I will not use this cable.

Wrenches and screwdrivers, for tightening the suspension fasteners and converter fastenings corresponding to your satellite dish kit.
Also, to tighten the connector connector on the satellite converter, you will need an 11-size open-end wrench.

And so, the equipment for setting up the satellite dish and the tool are prepared. Finally, we will need some network extender to bring it to the setting location (to an already installed satellite dish), mains voltage 220 volts. The extension cord must have two sockets for connecting a satellite receiver and a portable TV.

Also, to configure the satellite dish in the horizontal plane, we will need compass.

Connecting equipment for setting up a satellite dish

Now, you can move the tuning equipment and tools to the installation site of the satellite dish. The general diagram of equipment connection for subsequent configuration is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 General diagram of connecting equipment for setting up a satellite dish.

For convenience, I placed the satellite receiver with TV on a small chair (Photo 1). It is advisable to position the TV itself so that when setting up a satellite dish, you can adjust the direction of its mirror with your hands and look at the TV screen, almost simultaneously.

Photo 1 Connected equipment for setting up a satellite dish.

At the time when the photographs for this page were taken, it was the beginning of winter. Therefore, the temperature outside reached minus 7...10 degrees. In such conditions, it is not advisable to use electronic devices that are intended to be operated at room temperature. But this means that setting up the satellite dish will have to be postponed to a warmer time, which, of course, did not suit me. So I continued with this setup anyway, but... following some rules, and these are:

1. As soon as the equipment is outside, you must immediately supply power to it. This means that you need to not only turn it on to the network, but also take it out of standby mode (take it out of the “standby” mode by pressing the “Power” button, for example, on the remote control), that is, bring it into fully operational mode. This is necessary so that the radio elements of the equipment are heated due to their own thermal radiation. For optimal operation of the device, such heating is, of course, not enough, but this will not allow it to cool quickly enough.

2. If, in any case, the device was moved back into the heat, before turning it on, you must wait at least 30...40 minutes at room temperature. This also applies to taking it back outside if necessary.

3. It is not advisable to adjust the satellite dish at temperatures below 10..12 degrees.

4. Carry out adjustment work as quickly as possible.

5. If the satellite receiver begins to react poorly to any commands, freezes, or behaves in some other unusual way. Turn it off immediately and bring it into a warm room for 30...40 minutes. And only after that, continue any work with it.

Although, by and large, I would certainly not recommend operating the equipment in such extreme conditions for it. In any case, you will do this at your own responsibility, that is, at your own peril and risk.

When installing satellite equipment in the cold season, it is strongly recommended that all adjustments to electronic equipment that can be carried out without being near the satellite antenna structure (for example, preliminary setup of the receiver) should be carried out in a warm room, and only after that transferred to the the location where the satellite dish is installed and configured.

As for the satellite converter itself, it was initially designed by the manufacturer to operate in both normal and low conditions. temperature conditions(but I do not rule out that there are converter models designed to work in hot countries). The only thing I want to warn you is that if the satellite converter was moved back into the heat, before putting it back into the cold, it is also advisable to wait at least 30...40 minutes....

Now, let's connect the setup coaxial cable, with the connectors installed on it, to the receiver and converter (Photo 2 and Photo 3). Position it so that, if possible, it does not interfere with various manipulations with the satellite dish. When you screw the connector-connector, do it only by hand, since this cable is only a setup cable, then, when you connect the permanent one, tighten the connector with a wrench (usually an 11 wrench), but do not overdo it, even though it is metal, , quite fragile.

Connecting a cable to set up a satellite dish.

Coaxial cable connection

Connecting the coaxial cable to the receiver.

Connecting a coaxial cable to a satellite dish converter.

Connecting a satellite receiver to a TV

Connect the satellite receiver and portable TV (Photo 4). If your TV does not have a low-frequency input, then connect via. But as I already mentioned, for this the receiver must have an RF modulator. Also, in this case, you need to configure your TV to the radio signal coming from the receiver. The principle of setting up the TV itself will be the same as when receiving over-the-air programs, the only difference is that instead of an over-the-air antenna, you will connect the radio frequency cable coming from the satellite receiver.

Photo 4. Connecting the receiver to the TV.

Connecting the receiver to the TV to set up a satellite dish via a low-frequency tulip audio-video cable.

Connecting the receiver to the TV to set up a satellite dish via a coaxial high-frequency (radio frequency) cable.

Below on Photo 5, it is indicated which main connectors may be needed for connection.

Photo 5. Connectors for connecting a satellite dish and TV.

Connect the power plugs of the TV and satellite receiver to the extension cord, and also turn on both devices in full-on mode. If they are connected via an audio-video cable, then switch the TV to receive a video signal (A/V mode); if via an RF modulator, tune your portable TV to the modulator frequency (it is better to do this in advance, in a warm room). In general, ensure that the TV screen displays a stable image transmitted from the satellite receiver.

Setting up a satellite dish for a satellite

Press the button on the receiver Menu", and go to the submenu for editing transponders. Select the satellite of interest, and just in case, check the parameters of the desired transponder(s), which we entered earlier.

Also, if desired, here you can immediately edit the name of this satellite. It should be noted that usually in names you can enter only a certain number of letters, so if the word does not fit, you have to shorten it. I usually try to write the name of the satellite and its position in degrees. Since the number of letters is limited, I abbreviated the satellite “Express AM 22” 53°E as “Exp 22-53”. In principle, the function of renaming satellites is made only for convenience, and there is no special need for it (that is, the name of the satellite does not affect any important parameter). But, if in the future you plan to install a motor on a satellite dish, knowing the name and position of the satellite, it will be easier to navigate when choosing television and radio channels.

Your transponder editing menu may differ significantly from the option I propose, but the basic principle will remain unchanged.

Now let's take a look at the transponder editing menu in more detail, using receiver No. 1 as an example. Such a menu will be our main tool in subsequent setting up a satellite dish for a satellite(Photo 1).

On previous pages, to reduce page download time, I had to crop all the “menu” images, showing only those necessary on at the moment, plots. Now, let's look at it in full. In the image, I have highlighted two areas needed for subsequent setup of the satellite dish.

Photo 1. Menu for editing satellite transponders and signal indicator.

In the first section, there are parameters of one of the transponders of the selected satellite. Namely: frequency, symbol rate, and type of polarization. If necessary, we can adjust these parameters.

In the second section, an indicator of signal level and quality is displayed. This indicator usually has two indicators, calculated as a percentage (%). One indicates its level, may also be designated as - Strength, Level, L, etc. Other, displays quality of this signal may also be designated as - Quality, Q, etc. Based on this indicator of signal level and quality, we will “catch” the satellite we need.

Each satellite receiver, of course, has its own original interface that displays the appearance of such an indicator. But, in their principle, they are very similar. To make it easier for you to understand how this indicator will look in your receiver, let’s look at three of their options.

In receiver No. 1, the satellite signal indicator appears only when there is a signal at the receiver input that matches the transponder parameters, as evidenced by yellow stripes(Photo 2 and Photo 3). That is, it seems to have two states: there is no signal, or its presence, which is usually displayed as a percentage.

Receiver No. 2 has three satellite signal indicator states. The first state (Photo 4) shows the absence of a signal. The second (Photo 5) shows that this signal is there, but the parameters do not correspond to the selected transponder (possibly satellite dish already configured, but to a different satellite), in this state, the signal strength indicator turns red.

Well, the third state of the satellite signal indicator (Photo 6) shows the presence of this signal, while changing the length and color of the stripes of the indicator itself.

Photo 6 There is a signal.

The third type of indicator of the presence of a signal from a satellite, I took, at that time, from the well-known satellite receiver "DRE 4000" (or DRE 5000). Such a receiver allows you to view the program package of the Russian project, Tricolor-TV, which is broadcast in DRE Crypt encoding. With this satellite receiver, instead of stripes (as in previous versions), the signal is displayed in the form of dots (Photo 7 and Photo 8).

The greater the number of points of such an indicator, and, accordingly, the percentage value, the better the signal characteristics with of this satellite(from this transponder of this satellite).

Now, I hope you can figure out your indicator without any problems.

And so, the current transponder has been entered, you can move on to the mechanical part of setting up the satellite dish. In principle, judging by this, this is precisely why this entire section was created.

Satellite tuning

At this stage, let's remember what we did when we determined the horizontal direction to the selected satellite, and repeat these steps, but apply this to the satellite dish setup itself. That is, at this stage, we will first align the mirror of our satellite dish in a given direction (in the direction of the selected satellite).

Preliminary horizontal adjustment of the satellite dish

Taking the compass in hand, from the installation site of the satellite dish, we will determine again, based on the azimuth, the direction to the selected satellite (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Determining the azimuth of the direction to the satellite.

Let's set the compass sight in accordance with the azimuth of the selected satellite. Looking through this sight, we will find a landmark on the surface of the earth, which is located in the same direction as the satellite itself.

That is, the direction of the mirror plane of the satellite antenna of the landmark and the satellite will be on the same line.

Selecting a landmark- as a landmark, you can take a tree located on the ground, an electric pole, a house window, and so on... This landmark will be for us, like a beacon, in the direction of which we will initially align the plane of the satellite dish mirror along the horizon (Fig. .2).

Rice. 2. Aligning a satellite dish to a satellite using a landmark.

The presence of a landmark will make it much easier for you to search for a signal from a satellite, without allowing us to move the satellite antenna mirror in the wrong direction. It is more convenient to look at the landmark itself at the bottom of the antenna structure itself, along the L-shaped converter holder (as if aiming) .

Alas, no matter how hard we try, it is practically impossible to immediately install a satellite dish strictly in accordance with the azimuth (although in practice, this has happened). Therefore, our next task will be to expand the range of the expected location of the satellite.

Let's take this option as an example. There are two houses located not far from each other, and the landmark will be a tree standing almost between them (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Setting the direction of the satellite dish, choosing a landmark.

The picture shows, let's say, the ideal option. In practice, of course, all this can be completely different, but, for example, I think this option will be enough

Since we have determined only the approximate direction to the satellite, we cannot say that our landmark is located exactly on one vertical line with the satellite itself, then we will have to slightly expand the search range (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4.

That is, we need to minimally expand the search range, but at the same time, be sure that the satellite itself is precisely in this range, the limit of which will be the two extreme landmarks. In this case, our two extreme landmarks will be the edges of two houses adjacent to our tree.

Now, let's look at another option. Where the tree itself, in the direction of which the satellite we need hangs approximately, stands closer to one of the houses. Here, the range can be taken starting from the second from the edge of the window of one house, and the edge of the corner of another house (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Selecting the tuning range of the satellite dish to the satellite.

Satellite dish tilt angle

(pre-setting the initial tilt of the satellite dish)

We have decided on the horizontal search range. Now, let's look at the vertical initial position of the satellite dish, that is, its tilt.

I have already talked about how to determine the tilt of a satellite dish earlier.

According to the coordinates of my location, the tilt of the satellite dish will be 73.20° from the horizontal plane, or if measured by the declination angle, then 16.80° from the vertical plane (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

Since it is not possible to immediately establish the exact tilt of the satellite dish mirror (there is no place to get a reference point), we, in principle, do not need to know the exact data of this angle at all. I gave all the explanations and drawings so that you can roughly imagine what vertical position your satellite dish should be in. This will be useful if, for example, you tilted the antenna mirror too much (or raised it), then you immediately realized that the antenna should be moved back.

Now, we need to set the initial angle of inclination of the satellite dish mirror, from which we will begin the vertical adjustment. In my case, I will install the antenna mirror higher than the desired angle, about half (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Then, when setting up the satellite dish, I will lower its mirror in small steps until a signal appears. You may have a question: why did I initially raise the antenna, and when tuning, lower its mirror down, and not vice versa? The point here is that the satellite dish itself, under its own weight, tends to lower its mirror down. And if we gradually raise it rather than lower it, then due to the play in bolted connections, the antenna will move back a little, thereby making it difficult for us to adjust in the future.

Decide what vertical position your satellite dish will be in, and apply the above to your case.

If you don’t know what slope the mirror of your satellite dish will have, then you can put it in a vertical position, and also gradually lower the mirror (or if you live close enough to the equator, raise it) until a signal from the satellite appears. But this again will increase setup time.

Well, I think now it’s time to move directly to searching for a satellite, that is, to step-by-step adjustment of the horizontal and vertical position of our satellite dish...

Before you start setting up a satellite dish, that is, before searching for a signal from a satellite, check all cable connections. Don't forget to check that you have correctly connected the coaxial cable from the converter to the receiver. It should be connected to the connector with the inscription - IN(Photo 1), that is " entrance". In this case LNB IN- converter input (LNB - converter designation).

Photo 1. The cable must be connected to a connector with the initials - IN.

Attention! Since there is a difference voltage between the converter and the receiver (even when it is turned off), in order to avoid their failure, connect and disconnect the coaxial cable only when the receiver’s power is turned off (while touching the plug to the connector, a discharge spark may slip through).

Having connected all the cables, turn on the receiver, and then go to the menu where an indicator of the level and quality of the signal of the selected transponder is displayed. Since the satellite dish has not yet been configured, the indicator readings will be at zero (the indicators of some receivers may show a low signal level, that is, the level of the receiver or converter’s own noise).

The fasteners on the suspension device, that is, those fasteners that are responsible for the horizontal and vertical movement (Photos 2 and 3), should be slightly tightened. We will do this so that in the future, with little effort, we can move our satellite dish.

Satellite dish fasteners

Satellite dish mounting mounting bolts (option No. 1).

Satellite dish mounting mounting bolts (option No. 2).

Next, let's come to the design of the satellite antenna itself, and stand so that you can simultaneously move the antenna mirror and look at the TV screen. As I explained earlier, we need to observe the readings of the signal level and quality indicator, as in the example of receiver No. 1 (Photo 4 and Photo 5).

Preparing to set up a satellite dish

Before we begin setting up a satellite dish for a satellite, I think it would be useful to explain one more point regarding the input of existing transponders into the satellite receiver.

Satellite coverage map

Let's imagine such an example. The satellite receiver is correctly configured for the satellite antenna configuration (the correct parameters of the converter installed on the antenna are entered), and the parameters of the entered transponders of the selected satellite contain valid values. Further, when you try to tune a satellite dish to a signal from this satellite, no matter how you twist the mirror of this antenna, there was no signal. Why?

The point here is that any satellite also has such a parameter as the satellite signal coverage area, which I already mentioned earlier, that is, this signal can only cover a certain area earth's surface. And if we enter even valid transponders into the satellite receiver, then the signal from the selected satellite may simply not cover the area of ​​the earth’s surface where your particular settlement is located. Well, of course, there can be no talk of any signal reception from this satellite.

So, before setting up a satellite dish for the selected satellite, be sure to check not only whether the transponders are valid, but also check on the coverage map of the selected satellite whether your locality is included in this coverage area. That is, does the selected satellite cover your geographical coordinates.

Express AM 22 53.0°E satellite coverage map from the website www.unionsat.ru

Using the table, we find the diameter of the satellite antenna, which corresponds to the given power. It is equal to 0.95 meters. I took 1.1 meters, that is, a little with a margin.

At the next, quite important stage, we have to configure the satellite dish to the signal from the selected satellite. Therefore, a little about life...

Alas, no matter how much I would like to talk about it, but as practice has shown, it is at this stage of setting up a satellite dish, after several unsuccessful attempts, novice tuners lose all interest in the setup itself. Here, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking specifically about you.
But still, if this happens, do not despair under any circumstances, because even an experienced tuner can make the simplest mistake. Be sure to check all cable connections and the settings you entered into the satellite receiver. And of course, be sure to try again.
It happened, more than once, that I heard something like this: “...what am I...”, “it turns out there, all that happened...” and so on.
Remember, to set up a satellite dish, you do not need to have any “normal” abilities, or any special gift from nature. YOU can do all this YOURSELF!

Searching for a satellite signal

Now, as I explained earlier, the direction of the satellite dish mirror, horizontally, should be in one of the extreme positions of the range of intended landmarks, for example, in the left. In Fig. 1, in this direction, a red vertical line is drawn.

Rice. 1 Start searching for a satellite signal.

If you have not determined the horizontal range in which the desired satellite is located (for example, you have not found landmarks), deflect the satellite dish mirror based on compass readings, plus a small margin. For my case, this is the situation I indicated in Fig. 2. I indicated the initial horizontal position of the antenna with a green arrow. This example, of course, is suitable for my location, since in your case, the direction to the satellite may be different.

Rice. 2 Initial horizontal direction of the mirror satellite dish.

Vertically, as I explained earlier, before searching for a satellite signal, the satellite dish must be tilted, approximately half the angle of inclination to your area (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

If you also do not know the tilt of your antenna, then place it in a strictly vertical position (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Tilt the satellite dish before searching for a signal.

The general principle of this satellite dish setup is to scan a certain area of ​​the sky with the antenna mirror, although this sounds strange, but in fact, this is exactly the case. To be more precise, we need to scan that part of the sky in which we are absolutely sure that the desired satellite is located there.

We will begin the search for a satellite by rotating the satellite antenna mirror in a given search range in the horizontal plane, while starting the movement of this mirror from one landmark and ending with another. In Fig. 5, I indicated the edges of the search range with blue arrows.

Rice. 5

If you have not decided on the search range, then, guided by the compass readings, start a horizontal search for the signal from the satellite, from the position that I showed on the previous page (in Fig. 3) to approximately the same position (as if in a mirror image) , on the other hand (Fig. 6). This method is usually used by more experienced installers.

Rice. 6

But, be that as it may, in both cases, you must be sure that the satellite is located exactly in the search area. If you are not sure about this, then be sure to expand it.

Since our satellite antenna looks with the plane of its mirror towards the extreme position of the selected range, we begin to slowly rotate it around the support pipe, from right to left (Fig. 7). You can, on the contrary, start from the other edge of the search zone, as you wish.

Rice. 7 Let's begin to slowly rotate the satellite dish mirror around the support pipe.

Here, I want to clarify something important point, associated with this stage of setting up a satellite dish.

Each satellite receiver, when a signal appears at its input, has such a disadvantage as inertia, that is, it needs time to process the data stream from the satellite. Therefore, if you move the satellite dish mirror too quickly (!), the receiver will not have time to process it, and you will miss the desired point. Please take this into account when setting up your satellite dish at this stage.

Searching for a satellite signal (end)

Having reached the edge of the satellite signal search area, lower the satellite dish mirror by about one degree, and similarly move in the other direction. And again, we reached the edge, lowered the antenna mirror... etc. Do not forget, while doing these manipulations, to look at the signal level and quality indicator. Continue this way until the signal itself appears. I schematically depicted the trajectory of the satellite antenna mirror below in the figure (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 The procedure for searching for a satellite signal.

If, with such actions, you do not end up in the very center of the satellite signal flow (Fig. 9), then your satellite receiver will still show some level of this signal.

Rice. 9 The procedure for searching for a satellite signal, the possible location of a satellite.

Usually it goes like this. While the satellite dish mirror is moving, at some point, the receiver sharply shows the signal level, and this signal disappears again. In this case, move the antenna even more quietly, but in the opposite direction, until a stable satellite signal level appears.

If, after scanning the entire area, you still do not receive a satellite signal, then return the antenna to its original position and repeat the entire procedure again.

At this stage of setting up the satellite dish, it is very frequent mistakes there are:

  • The satellite dish mirror moves too quickly, and the receiver itself simply does not have time to process the signal from the satellite (that is, the data that this signal carries).
  • They lower the satellite dish mirror in too large steps. In this case, the proverb fits well here - “The slower you go, the further you will go.”

If, when searching for a satellite signal, you made several attempts, and still did not get a signal... Then below, I will list possible errors and malfunctions:

  1. The transponder entered in the receiver settings is not valid.
  2. The signal coming from the satellite you have chosen does not cover the coordinates of your locality. That is, the coverage map of the selected satellite has not been verified.
  3. The polarization of the satellite signal is incorrectly set in the receiver settings.
  4. There is no line of sight between the satellite and the satellite dish. For example, a neighbor's house or a tree next to your house may be an obstacle.
  5. The coaxial cable is not connected correctly to the receiver (to the wrong jack).
  6. A converter is installed on the satellite dish, which is not suitable for the frequency range or type of polarization.
  7. The diameter of the satellite dish is too small to receive a signal from this satellite.
  8. There is a short circuit in the connecting “connector-connector” of the coaxial cable (a hair of the cable braid gets onto the middle core).
  9. The search area is incorrectly selected (the wrong direction is selected).
  10. The converter, on its holder, stands crookedly (turned sideways around the axis of the “L-shaped” holder). In principle, in this position, reception is possible, but if the signal power from this transponder is weak enough (to be received by the diameter of your antenna), then it will be difficult to catch it. The position of the converter around the axis of the holder is quite critical for receiving a signal in horizontal and vertical polarization . A converter with circular polarization, in principle, does not need such an adjustment, and it will be enough to simply place it vertically.
  11. The satellite converter or receiver may be faulty.

In my experience, as well as the experience of my friends, a malfunction of a satellite receiver or converter is a very rare occurrence. There were cases when, for example, the converter produced a weak signal, or after rain it stopped working normally (defect in the seal of the housing). In principle, equipment malfunction is the last thing to think about. Be sure to check and double-check everything, and check and double-check everything again, and only then blame the equipment.

Further, I will assume that you received a signal from the selected satellite, and both level and quality appeared on the signal level and quality indicator. Below in the images, I have given photographs of indicators of satellite receivers with the presence of a signal, which I have already shown earlier.

Now, we need to more accurately adjust the satellite dish mirror to the maximum signal level. To do this, constantly watching the TV screen, that is, the signal level and quality indicator, tilt the mirror satellite dish right and left, up and down. At the same time, ensure that the indicator readings are as maximum as possible.

The procedure for tightening the bolts and nuts of the satellite antenna suspension

As soon as the signal level is at its maximum, we need to tighten the mounting screws. This must be done with caution, so as not to disrupt the previously carried out setting up a satellite dish. I have indicated the desired order of tightening the nuts and bolts in Photo 1 and Photo 2.

It is advisable to tighten the fasteners (nuts, bolts) that press the suspension itself to the support pipe simultaneously. Since it is practically impossible to do this at the same time, we do it this way. We tightened the first nut or bolt one half turn, then the second one, and so on.

In the first option (Photo 1), in more detail, the order of tightening the nuts is as follows - tighten one, or half a turn 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, then again 1 - 2 - 3 - 4... and so on until you press the suspension to support with sufficient rigidity. We tighten the bolts or screws with nuts for the vertical movement of the suspension (5) last (also one by one, half a turn).

In the second option (Photo 2), after tightening the fasteners of the suspension to the support, first screw in screw with nut 2 (which stops the vertical travel of the suspension) until it stops, and only then 3.

While tightening the nuts, constantly monitor the signal indicator; if the level drops a little, slowly unscrew the nut that was being turned at that time, and begin to tighten the other one in the same way. In general, ensure that when the gimbal is securely fastened, the signal level remains at the same maximum level as before tightening the nuts.

And so, setting up the satellite dish mirror to the desired satellite is complete!

Next, in order to squeeze the maximum signal level out of the diameter of our satellite dish, it’s time to start adjusting the position of the satellite converter...

Installing a satellite dish and setting up a satellite dish for 3 satellites
Amos 4.0W
Astra 4A 4.8E
Hot Bird 13.0E

Installing one antenna and configuring it to receive channels from three satellites at the same time is the optimal solution, saving money and space.

Allows you to receive more than 100 Russian and Ukrainian free channels, as well as Italian, Polish and other channels.

To install an antenna on 3 satellites we need:

1 satellite dish
3 converters (heads)
2 side mounts for converters (multifeds)
1 diseqc switch
1 satellite receiver

as well as wire, f-connectors, tools...

Diagram of the location of the converters (heads).

As you can see, the central head of the antenna is aimed at the Astra 4A satellite (formerly Sirius); it is attached directly to the antenna.

Assembling the antenna, connecting the cable to the converter and switch.

A short circuit in the cable may damage the receiver.

We attach two heads using multifeeds in an approximate position (as in the picture).

We attach the head that will receive Amos to the left of the center head(when viewed from the back of the antenna) at approximately 7 cm and slightly higher, then on the right is the head that will accept the Hot Bird it will be about 3 centimeters from the central head and slightly lower.

Diseqc switch.

We connect the cables from the heads to the diseqc switch. We write down which switch port (the ports are numbered) each satellite corresponds to. For example, we will connect a converter that receives a signal from the Amos satellite to the first port, Sirius to the third, Hot Bird to the fourth.

amos 1/4
sirius 3/4
hot bird 4/4

Receiver setup.

Now we need to configure the receiver according to our configuration. Since we could use a different number of heads and switches in the receiver settings, this data was not preset. We need to indicate that we are using one switch with four inputs; more precisely, we need to indicate to which switch inputs the heads are connected.

We go to the menu - press “MENU” on the remote control. Depending on the receiver model, there may be minor differences in the menu structure. We recommend using an already configured satellite receiver. Go to "MENU" - "INSTALLATION", select satellites one by one and set the parameter "DiSEqC

amos 1/4

sirius 3/4

hot bird 4/4

Signal search and antenna direction.

We configure the central head for the Astra 4A satellite.

When the antenna is installed, the cables are connected, the receiver is turned on - we turn the antenna and find satellite signals.
To make our task easier, we need to determine in advance the elevation angle of the satellite dish and the rotation angle.

On the website http://www.dishpointer.com/ you can find out the direction of the antenna and your geographic coordinates. You just need to enter the country, city, street, house and select the satellite of interest. Select 4.8E SIRIUS 4. We see the direction on the map, under the map you can find the coordinates of the area and the antenna elevation angle.

So first we need to set up the antenna for the satellite Astra 4A (formerly Sirius) - center head.
In the receiver menu, go to the Astra satellite or turn on one of the channels on the Astra satellite, for example “Rada” or “2+2”.

You should see two scales: the first shows the signal level, and the second its quality.

Antennas are adjusted on the lower “quality” scale. We slowly turn the antenna from right to left; if the signal cannot be found, we change the angle of inclination of the antenna a little and repeat the turns again. The signal level should be about 70. We secure the antenna tightly. Half the work is done!

We repeat the operation with the left head (Amos). We configure, for example, the “1+1” or “New Channel” channel. Now we are unable to move the antenna; we change the position of the head using multifeed mounts. We strive to ensure that the signal quality is greater than 70.

At the final stage, we set up the Hot Bird (right head). You can tune to the channels “1TVRUS”, “RTR”... The signal quality on this satellite can be adjusted to more than 70. When the adjustment with the mount has brought the maximum result, we rotate the converter around its axis and achieve the maximum signal from this satellite.

If you have any questions, write on the forum in the topic: Setting up an antenna for 3 Amos Astra HotBird satellites

We will be happy to try to help you.

Modern television broadcasting systems are developing at a rapid pace. Analog terrestrial television is being replaced by digital broadcasting. It provides excellent image quality, eliminating channel overlapping, picture distortion, the appearance of “snow” on the screen and other interference. Along with improving the quality of terrestrial television broadcasting, satellite television systems do not lose their relevance.

Do you need satellite TV?

Satellite television greatly expands the consumer's ability to watch television channels. It is the source of a huge variety of TV channels broadcast in almost all languages ​​of the world. However, many channels are available for free viewing.

Satellite television is relevant in areas where there is complex natural terrain, or in areas of dense high-rise buildings.

As is known, meter and decimeter waves of terrestrial television broadcasting are not able to bend around spatial barriers. They are reflected from any object and create additional television interference. Satellite TV makes it possible to receive a signal directly, excluding the impact of artificial and natural barriers.

Another advantage of satellite television is the ability to capture television broadcasting zones in regions where the distance between settlements is enormous and the organization of continuous coverage is impossible.

It is also important that even a non-professional can install a satellite dish on his own without calculations and special equipment.

Advantages of satellite television

Perhaps the most important advantage is the relatively low price for equipment, which will pay for itself in short term, thanks to the absence of subscription fees for watching TV channels.

The big advantage of satellite television is excellent video and audio quality, not inferior in characteristics to the best DVD.

How does satellite TV work?

In the direction of the southeast, south and southwest above the equator, at the same place relative to the Earth, satellites are located that receive the signal from the television broadcasting center.

The received signal is transmitted by satellites to Earth, covering large areas like the beam of an electric searchlight. In this case, the signal level itself decreases from the center to its edges.

It should be noted that the signal does not pass through natural and artificial barriers, such as walls, buildings, trees, etc. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a location to install the antenna.

The satellite signal is focused onto the convector using an antenna. After undergoing primary processing, it is transmitted to the receiver via an antenna cable. The receiver converts it to a television channel and then transmits it to the TV.

Antenna operating principle

A satellite dish is a round dish-shaped parabolic structure. She independently receives microwaves from satellites broadcasting signals from television communication sources.

The parabolic shape of the offset dish reflects the incoming signal to an antenna mounted in the center of the structure. An automatically adjustable horn feed is attached to the dish coordinator. This part is an amplifier of the received signal. Front convector heads carry out selection of radio waves from the focal point, with transmission to the downconversion block. The role of the horn is to convert radio waves and electromagnetic signals into electrical ones. Additionally, their spectrum is adjusted. The signal from the convector goes to the receiver, and then to the TV.

Types of plates

There are two types of satellite dishes:

  • offset;
  • direct focus.

The principle of installing offset dishes lies in their orientation below the satellite broadcast line. The signal is reflected by the plate and hits the converter at an angle.

The offset plates are mounted almost vertically, which eliminates accumulation atmospheric precipitation in design that can affect the quality of signal reception.

In direct-focus designs, a significant part of the mirror is covered by a convector. As the diagonal increases, this becomes almost unnoticeable.

Antenna installation location

If you plan to install satellite dishes yourself, then certain rules should be followed:

  • there should be no obstacles (trees, buildings, structures) in the path of signal reception;
  • The initial direction of the antenna is south.

Satellite TV set

The standard set of equipment consists of six items:

  • satellite dish. Serves to receive a signal from a specific satellite;
  • bracket. Necessary for attaching the plate to a building or support;
  • convector Converts the signal received by the dish and sends it to the receiver;
  • disek. Serves to connect two or more convectors;
  • connecting cable. Transmits a pre-processed signal to the receiver;
  • DVD tuner. It is used to convert the signals received by it into television signals.

Preparing to install satellite equipment

We determine the location of the cardinal points using a compass and select the optimal place to mount the antenna. Please note that placing the antenna on the roof of a multi-story building may provoke its theft, and permitting documents may be required for mounting on the facade. To prevent independent installation of satellite dishes from becoming a problem, these issues should be resolved in advance.

The satellite dish assembly itself is not something out of reach. The attached instructions describe in detail how to install the satellite dish yourself.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • assemble the plate according to the instructions;
  • assemble and secure the bracket taking into account natural loads and wall material;
  • secure the convectors in special holders with the connectors facing down to prevent moisture from getting inside;
  • connect the receiver and convectors with a cable using F-connectors. You must leave a meter of cable near the antenna;
  • securely fasten the cable to the holder arc;
  • seal the connectors with silicone or sealant;
  • fix the antenna on the bracket, leaving the possibility of moving vertically and horizontally.

Preparing the cable involves connecting it to the F connector. To do this job you will need a mounting knife and pliers.

Installation of F-connectors

To connect the connectors correctly, follow the following sequence:

The connection cable is ready. Now you can start setting up the antenna. Of all the work carried out, self-tuning of satellite dishes is the most labor-intensive and responsible.

Make sure the antenna is installed correctly and facing south.

Making settings on Sirius. Setting up satellite antennas yourself begins with setting the frequency 11766 and speed 27500 on the receiver. Select polarization “H”.

We see two bands on the receiver:

  • red – displays the connection of the dish and satellite signal;
  • yellow – shows the level of the received signal.

If the antenna is connected correctly, the signal level reaches 40%. In this case, the signal quality is zero.

We are approaching the culminating question of how to set up a satellite dish yourself. Set the initial position of the antenna all the way to the left and up.

Then carefully turn from left to right and control the level of signal quality. If it is absent, lower the plate 2-3 mm down and repeat the procedure in the opposite direction - from right to left until it stops. We carry out this algorithm until a yellow stripe appears.

We control the tilt of the plate using specially marked numbers on its fasteners.

At this stage It’s difficult to orient the plate yourself at altitude and simultaneously monitor the appearance of the signal on the receiver. Therefore, it is necessary to involve an assistant in the work.

If the yellow bar indicator is within 21%, we fix the position.

We carry out more precise adjustments

Lowering the antenna slightly, we make a slight turn to the left. If the signal quality has deteriorated, we return to the starting position. We make a turn to the right, as well as up and down.

When the signal reaches 40%, we proceed to setting up the convector. We rotate first clockwise and then counterclockwise and achieve a signal improvement of up to 65-70%.

Setting up side convectors

Once the main plate is set up, the side convectors are much easier to set up.

We configure on Amos. On the receiver we set the frequency to 10722, speed to 27500 and polarization “H”.

For Hotbird the frequency is 11034, the speed is 27500 and the polarization is “V”.

The setup procedure follows the example of Sirius.

By bending the side brackets from the upper left corner to the right and gradually lowering by 2-3 mm, we achieve the appearance of a signal.

To improve the signal quality, we rotate the converters around their axis. First rotate clockwise and then counterclockwise.

So we figured out how to set up a satellite dish yourself. With some experience and a work plan, this is not difficult to do.

After final antenna setup, carefully secure the cable and turn on the SCAN function on the tuner. The tuner will independently scan the TV channels available for viewing and display a list of them.

After this, you can start watching TV shows.

A satellite dish at home or in the country has already become commonplace, like an iron or an electric kettle. People are installing their own antenna for a good picture on their TV. The article and video will give you instructions for installation yourself.

Assembling the kit

When choosing a plate, the key is its diameter. For home reception in the southern regions, an antenna mirror with a diameter of 0.6 m is sufficient. northern regions for a stable signal, the diameter of the device increases to 1.2 m. A large mirror provides the signal best quality, but it is more difficult for them to “catch” a satellite than for small ones. A satellite dish only at first glance looks like a complex structure. You can assemble and install it yourself. Your plate kit should consist of the following parts:

Attention! Rely on a consultant or seller when choosing a receiver, converter, etc. He will suggest a model based on your needs and price. The entire set can also be purchased as a set.

Antenna installation

First of all, decide on the future location of the antenna. When planning, it is important to leave open space in the desired directions where the antenna will be turned, so that the signal path is not blocked by trees or buildings. There is no need to coordinate the installation of satellite equipment with any authorities. If we're talking about about the roof or load-bearing wall of a multi-storey building - inform the balance holder of the house about your intentions. Otherwise, conflicts may arise in the future.

During the assembly process you may need the following tool:

  • impact drill or hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • keys for 10 and 13;
  • "nippers";
  • screwdriver;

It is better to assemble the plate with all the “stuffing” at home and only then attach it to the wall. The instructions will most often clearly explain what is connected to what, and the tools will help you. After this, you can begin installation.

Antenna installation

The metal bracket on the wall must be fixed strictly vertically and held tightly. An anchor or a bolt - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is the safety and durability of the antenna. Otherwise, in windy weather the signal quality will decrease. After installation, you need to fine-tune the heads and connect them correctly to the DiseqC switch so that the settings in the tuner match the connection in the antenna. The disek will last longer if you cover it with a cut-off plastic bottle.

Antenna setup

To set up the antenna, you need to calculate the satellite azimuth and elevation angle. An ordinary compass and formula will help you calculate them. In order not to fool their heads, developers came up with smartphone applications, for example, Satfinder. An azimuth calculator can be easily found on the Internet along with a map of approximate satellite coordinates relative to your area. The search engine will also help you with the exact coordinates of your locality. All received water data must be entered into the formula, and the program will tell you about the azimuth and tilt angle of your antenna.

Vertical offset plates already have a curvature angle; its value can be found in the instructions. Fix the antenna firmly, but so that it can move with light force, and point it towards the satellite, taking into account the calculated data. A TV is required to tune the antenna. DiseqC is connected to the tuner (LNB IN input) by cable. Most often, this can be done using either a SCART connector or an RCA output (“tulip”). Communication with DiseqC must only be carried out with the power switched off.

Advice. Manually adjusting the antenna in relation to satellites is a delicate matter. It is inconvenient to raise the TV to a height, so adapt gadgets: a phone, car radio or tablet, which together with the tuner will provide a picture already on the roof.

After connecting to the network, the receiver should show no signal on the screen. To configure, you need to enter the receiver menu (usually the code is 0000) and find the satellite you need. You need to tune in to a strong satellite transponder: indicate the frequency, polarization, indicate the symbol rate, fec. A strong one is often the one from which several channels are broadcast. If after these manipulations the signal scales twitch to high levels, you have calculated correctly. Now you just need to slightly adjust the signal by rotating the antenna, no more than 10 mm in azimuth and angle.

Special programs will help you tune the antenna

If the quality leaves much to be desired, start searching manually. The sector for this is usually selected in this way: by elevation +/-10°, by azimuth +/-15°. It is necessary to rotate from the extreme corner, pausing for 2-3 seconds. after 4-5 mm. After successfully “capturing” all satellites, do not forget to isolate the connectors from external factors(for example, rubber) and carefully secure the cable along the way to the tuner.

How to install and configure a satellite dish: video

Satellite dish: photo