Kinder series animals. Chocolate egg FERRERO Kinder surprise

Animal Planet

Description of the series Animal Planet 2015

In 2015, Ferrero broke all savings records with the release of a series Animal Planet, which is an unofficial translation of the name Animal Planet- channel on Discovery. For completely unknown reasons, toys already familiar to us, which were previously released simply under the license of Ferrero, this year suddenly became involved in the license of this channel. Well, everyone needs advertising, and, apparently, Animal Planet is no exception. Or maybe the Ferrero company decided to give new life old toys, using famous brand to attract attention. However, let’s leave the relationship between the companies and discuss the fact itself, or rather, the result of their cooperation.

A realistic and educational NATOONS section that talked about the environment, taste preferences, sizes, etc. of a wide variety of animals has always been popular with both children and collectors. These toys were never very rare in chocolate eggs, but they also disappeared from exchanges almost instantly, ending up on collectors’ shelves. It is under this heading that as many as 10 of the 15 toys in the Animal Planet series have already been released. Yes, yes, you read that right: 2/3 of the new main series consists of already familiar, slightly repainted toys! However, not all of them were even repainted. Only toys No. 1-No. 5 were new and seemed to immediately win the title the rarest in the series.

Of course, these beautiful animals have always been and will be in demand. And maybe even this series would have caused much more delight if not for one interesting fact: throughout the entire 2014-2015 season. Collectors and children found a variety of toys from the series of the year in chocolate eggs. Apparently, there were so many leftovers that as many as 7 out of 8 animals from the outdated series, which were obsessively found throughout the year, almost on par with the collection, ended up in the 2015 Animal Planet. That is, the Ferrero company not only secretly saved money on the sale of new toys for a whole year, replacing them with old leftovers, but also completely openly released these same leftovers as new items in the next season. Quite an offensive step from the point of view of collectors.

But well, at least five new toys have appeared. And they are in no way inferior to their predecessors from the year or. For their sake alone, it is worth collecting this new, although it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, but still a beautiful and high-quality series. Especially if you are a young collector and have not yet managed to collect the series in which toys No. 6-No. 15 appeared before.

Problem toys:

All toys consist of several parts, any of which can be lost.

Toy names and numbers

1 FS264 Lynx Lynx Lynx Eurasian lynx
2 FS265 Ursus arctos horribilis Grizzly (bear) Grizzly bear
3 FS287 Sciurus Vulagaris Squirrel Squirrel
4 FS266 Lepus europaeus Hare Hare
5 FS286 Sus Scrofa Boar Boar
6 FT002A Panthera tigris altaica Amur tiger Siberian tiger
7 TR002A Canis Lupus Wolf Gray wolf
8 TR003A Pagophilus Groenlandicus harp seal Harp seal
9 TR004A Alopex lagopus Arctic fox Arctic Fox
10 TR004B Vulpes vulpes Fox red fox
11 TR005 Ursus Maritimus Polar bear polar bear
12 TR006 Enhydra Lutris Sea otter (otter) Sea otter
13 TR007 Odobenus rosmarus Walrus Walrus
14 TR008A Rangifer tarandus Reindeer Reindeer
15 DC004A Panthera Pardus Leopard Leopard

Thanks for your helpMaxim Vitkovsky, Angelina Anisimova and users vava Moscow, Ryzhaya_besshazhaya, Bagira1174!

I saw it by chance on Disney channel an advertisement for Kinder from the Animal Planet series: beautiful wild animals and packaging familiar from childhood, but with a picturesque image of a wolf’s face. I immediately remembered my figurines from the 90s: cartoon characters from The Lion King, a Disney bunny with a bunny, a realistic kangaroo. They were made of quite high quality: rubberized heavy plastic, pleasant faces. There was also plenty of junk in Kinders back then, and the feeling of disappointment discouraged the desire to buy chocolate eggs. Having grown up, I remember, from the first money I earned, I bought a Kinder Surprise to pamper myself: of the 3 eggs, the only normal toy was a figurine of Jerry the mouse, and the others were a magnet with the image of a penguin from “Catch the Wave” and some other garbage.

And now, 7 years after that, the child in me woke up again: today I bought an egg with a leopard’s face for 55 rubles.

Having opened the shells, pieces of paper and three parts of a bear figurine fell out from inside.

On the back you can see a diagram of the assembly of the figurine, as well as the size, weight of living individuals, habitat and type of food.

The bear itself looks good, but my face is poorly painted.

The plastic is durable, but not rubberized.

I think dust will collect on the folds.

It seems to me that a non-separable monolithic figurine would look better, especially since it is motionless, although composite.

However, the assembly lines are located in good places.

I don’t even know if I’ll decide to buy another egg from this series (I like most of the little animals in the picture), but I don’t want to be disappointed if I come across some junk (the inscription “and other toys” on the packaging is confusing).

For children who are interested in naturalistic animal toys, I can recommend this series.

Update from 10/05/15. I bought several more kinders from this series. Got a deer. Incredibly glamorous varnish horns and empty pupils, stability is worse than that of a bear (on an uneven surface it tends to fall on its side). Otherwise it’s not bad, but it looks better in the photo than in reality, although I didn’t resort to Photoshop.

The boar is large compared to the deer and bear. This is not good, because children will think that the average boar is taller and larger than a deer, but this is not true. But if we consider it separately outside the collection, then there are no complaints. The eyes are drawn. The look is wild and ferocious.

Fur seal, like a deer, has holes instead of eyes. Consists of 2 parts.

Update from 11/01/15. I continue to buy eggs from the animal planet series, but the toys I come across are not serialized. Frankly rubbish - a spring.

An acrobat monkey (in my opinion, looks more like a tiger cub) when it turns over, it turns into a hare - it seems cute, but it looks more like a cartoon mutant. The pickup truck looks good from above, but in profile it is a real monstrosity, however, the rear wheels are rubberized and automatically rotate forward; if you pull it back first, it can quickly cover half a room on smooth floors. The puppy in the bag is covered with lint and can be placed on 4 paws - cute. But I’ll get rid of these toys: I’ll throw the spring in the trash, I’ll give the hare and puppy to my friend’s daughter, a pickup truck is great fun for the cat. I want to show off “another toy” that I won’t part with.

Volkswagen looks very nice from all sides. The egg was assembled, I did not try to take it apart. The doors don't open

the headlights are painted (in some places sloppily), the windows look like cheap plastic, and the rims on the wheels also look cheap if you look closely. But the car is still cool, the lines of the body, the protrusions of the mirrors, steering wheel, seats, freely rotating wheels, proportions - such models are rare among inexpensive toys. Now I want to collect all 4 types, especially convertibles, I even want retro!

Update from 11/03/15. Another disappointment: this junk should fly beautifully, but in reality it’s no better than a plastic lid.

I found a use for it: I separated it into two parts and attached orchid branches to a support. It's a pity that the color of the plastic is not green.

Update from 11/08/15. I bought more eggs. I came across a worthless lion whose sign rotates perfectly. Not bad, but I consider it garbage.

Next came the arctic fox and again the deer. The second deer has a better throat painted white and eyes marked black. The Arctic fox also has eyes in the form of black dots and a nose, which is drawn in black above the plastic outline:-S

The plastic from which the arctic fox's parts are made has a bluish tint of white, but it looks natural. The problem is with the size - they got an arctic fox bigger than a bear and taller than a deer.

I also bought one egg from the “Masha and the Bear” series. Cost 55 rubles. Got Misha. I really liked how it was made: a well-molded muzzle, clearly drawn eyes, a pleasant beige-cream color of the abdomen.

The only drawback is that the gap between the parts at the back is wide.

But overall a fairly high quality toy. I even like him more than the bear from the animal planet series.

Update from 11/17/15. We bought 2 more eggs from the animal planet series. In one there was a car from the same series as a pickup truck and a tiger (yay!).

I really wanted the tiger, so I will devote more attention to it. The figure looks very natural: flexible, with embossed fur near the cheeks, with protruding bones at the back, a skeleton that is not fat, but not emaciated. The elegance and grace of a feline are clearly visible from its prowling body position.

Looks great from the side. The view from above is a little frustrating due to the uneven paint applied on the scruff of the neck.

The muzzle is also painted with shortcomings: the brown color of the nose slightly protrudes upward beyond the relief of the plastic,

There are not enough stripes around the muzzle, in my opinion. In general, the expression of the muzzle, when viewed from the front, is predatory and stupid.

The collar is also painted white unevenly.

I would like the color of the plastic to be more saturated in red, otherwise it looks more like a striped lion in color. The sizes relative to the deer and bear are normal, but the arctic fox and wild boar are taller and bigger than a tiger, which is unnatural.

Review update from 12/19/15. Over the past few days I have bought several more kinders.

As you can see, it's mostly plastic junk. Of those in this photo, I only liked the blue dolphin and the transparent motorcycle - both were coolly made. In the photo there is no cat with a rotating head (I gave it to my niece right away) and a robot on the display of which you can draw (I took it apart and threw it away).

By the way, the cat is cute, but the eyes really look like alien creatures from cartoons and the head is too heavy - it easily outweighs the body and falls.

Perhaps it's time to sum up my hobby. In total I bought 25 eggs. On average I spent 1250 rubles (I took into account the average cost of 50 rubles, because I bought it at Pyaterochka for 55, at Ataka for 48, at Magnit for 53 in common days and for 42 on days of discounts on sweets). For that amount you can buy a real Barbie, a well-made figurine of an animal, or a medium-sized model of a car.

Update from 12/26/15. I couldn’t resist discounts on sweets and bought 6 more eggs (each cost 42 rubles). Of these, 3 had serial figures: a brown bear, a boar (I already had them) and a fox.

I wanted a fox, but it turned out that its figurine is identical to the figurine of an arctic fox. The only difference is the color of the plastic and the drawn eyes. The fox's ears and chest are whitened.

The rest contained two blue hares and a dog with a large rotating head.

Update from 01/31/16. I was tempted by discounts on sweets at Magnit and bought 2 eggs from the “Masha and the Bear” series (there was no animal planet at all), at a price of 44 rubles. In one there was a partner with a piece of wood (lying on it wild cat It is not firmly fixed, but for some reason there are recesses for the paws and torso on the surface of the plastic bark). She reminds me of a cartoon.

The second egg contained Mashenka in a school suit. Due to its heavy head, it is unstable: you can stand it up, but it falls with any slight touch. The triangle and stick look cheap. I really like Mashenka’s hair, the bows are well placed. But the bear from the same series is made of better quality.

Update from 02/06/16. I bought 2 more eggs. In one of them there was Misha dressed as a chef. It seemed to me that the quality of the plastic was a little worse than that of the moving figure from the second series.

The other egg contained a tractor with a bucket. Goes everywhere except glossy surfaces, the bucket moves perfectly. I even glued blue stickers, but if the windows were made of transparent plastic and not black, it would have looked great.

Assembly “Animals from all over the world” series “Tiere aus aller Welt FT001-008” (2013, Europe)

Series " Tiere aus aller Welt FT 001 - FT 008» ( Kinder NATOONS).

Name on "Animals from all over the world."

Year of release: 2013.

For several years in a row, the series opening new season toys in Kinder Surprise, become animal figures. I would like this to become a good tradition, because unlike a fairly large percentage of vague prefabricated toys like rag kites or paper airplanes, THESE figures deserve the money that parents pay to buy chocolate eggs and Have a good mood for your children. Take a look for yourself: " African animals" And " Polar animals"- the collections are not inferior to some of the “main” series.

In 2013, another group of 8 animal figures, similar to those mentioned above, appeared - “”. This name, invented by German collectors, should be literally and correctly translated as “ Animals from all over the world", but in the vastness of the Runet you can often find a shortened, albeit incorrect - " Australian animals", which appeared, apparently, thanks to the figures of a kangaroo, platypus and koala.

The toys are proportional and interesting, the inserts for them, like the previous two times, are educational. In addition to a schematic designation of the animal’s habitat, the instructions contain information about the size of the fauna representative relative to humans, weight and some other features, such as running speed (panther, ostrich), length of the animal (tiger) and height on its hind legs (panda), the number of teeth (crocodile), methods of “transporting” the young (kangaroo, koala) and their appearance (the platypus lays eggs).

But besides useful knowledge Gross errors were also found on the inserts! So, for example, on the insert for a kangaroo the animal’s jump height is indicated as 10 meters. This is wrong. The designers confused the height of the jump with its length. A kangaroo can jump to a height twice its height, that is, a maximum of three meters, while many cases have been recorded when the jump length of handsome marsupials exceeded 10 meters (maximum 13 m).

The toy is marked " FT008"looks and is signed like an African ostrich (" Struthio camelus" is its Latin name). The bird's habitat is listed on the insert as Australia, but African ostriches They are not found on the “green continent”. The second largest flightless goat-like bird, the Emu, lives there after the ostrich, but they look completely different.

But that's not all. But that's not all. The Latin name for the Australian crocodile is misspelled. The insert states " Crocodylus johsoni", when in fact you need to write " Crocodylus joh n soni", with the letter " n" The name of the koala is also misspelled: “ Phascolartos cinereus" instead of " Phascolar c tos cinereus».

That's it for a minute of zoology website finished. For this subject, we give the toy developers from Kinder Surprise a “bad” rating, but for the idea and the wonderful toys of the “ Tiere aus aller Welt FT001-008"say "Thank you!" There would be more such prefabricated series!

Returning to toys, let's pay attention to the figurine of a crocodile, which is marked " DC006A" We have already seen this in the series “ African animals“, but then the official toy from the series had a light belly and a darker back, and a one-color crocodile was an option. So, in 2013, the letter “ A", and the unofficial variety evolved into a full-fledged action figure (with a dark belly and back).

European neutral insert for the series " Tiere aus aller Welt FT001-008" 2013.

Insert for the toy " FT 008" 2013.