What to do when it’s very difficult. Changes in your personal life - and not for the better

Every person has moments in life when it seems that things will never be as bad as they are now. The husband is a dictator or the wife is a tyrant, the boss is a tyrant, the child is growing up as a dunce, the parents are sick, there is always not enough money and it is not clear how to break out of this vicious circle. It is common for everyone to become despondent and withdraw into themselves, but what to do when you feel bad at heart?

Don't become isolated

Turning off your phone in advance, buying a ton of alcohol and starting to feel sorry for yourself while listening to the appropriate mournful music is the worst thing you can do. Now, under no circumstances should you be left alone and mentally replay over and over again in your mind the situation that led to such disastrous consequences.

If you know how to fix it, act, and when this is impossible, stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming others. This way you will achieve nothing, but will only drive yourself deeper into depression.

On the contrary, you need to take your mind off negative thoughts, at least for a minute, forget about the problems that have piled up, and where else is it better to do this, if not in the company of friends?

  • invite them to your place, or even better, go somewhere - to a cafe, restaurant or club;
  • representatives of the fair sex, willy-nilly, will have to put themselves in order: do makeup, hairstyle and choose the appropriate outfit, whatever you want or not will lift their spirits;
  • if you have a need to speak out, it is better to go to some quiet place with appropriate music.

What songs are best to listen to for the soul? There's nothing better classical music, which calms and at the same time fills with energy, gives strength for new achievements.

The theme will include songs from films and cartoons, for example, "Ray of Golden Sun", “There is no peace for my soul”, “Wind of Change”, etc. If you decide to stay at home with friends, then download these tunes from the Internet and listen to your health. Or better yet, put on a movie.

What can you watch when you feel bad? Comedies, of course! Starting from Soviet and ending with Western masterpieces of cinema. But if you’re not in the mood to laugh and want to think about the meaning of life, then great options there will be a "Green Mile" "Knockin' on Heaven's Door", “This is what’s happening to me”, "When the Trees Were Big", "Lolita", and women can once again reconsider "Sex in big city» or "Bridget Jones's Diary".

When you are overcome by sadness, you can not only watch a movie in a pleasant company, but also read a book "antidepressant". From a series of masterpieces that can help to understand human relations and understand what the meaning of life is, it can be noted "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austen, many works by Paulo Coelho, “Chocolate” by Joan Harris.

By the way, a film of the same name was made based on this work, which can also be watched. Erich Maria Remarque wrote well, Somerset Maugham, Hemingway, Victor Hugo, what is his unsurpassed work “Les Miserables” and others. What can you read when you feel bad?

Depending on the current situation, you can choose the work of a psychologist. If you have problems in your personal life, you can take it into your hands "The Bitch's Handbook" or anything on the topic of relationships between men and women.

If your relationship with your parents is not going well, open the work of Anatoly Nekrasov "Mother's Love". You will learn a lot of new things that you didn’t know before or just guessed.

Sport is the best medicine

If hanging out at the club isn't your thing, try some sports. According to statistics, about 50% of women, after breaking up with their beloved man, lose weight, look better and take care of themselves. Therefore, feel free to use this chance to correct your figure. Take up swimming or fitness, and if you also want to get psychological release by throwing out anger, resentment and other negative emotions, go to the gym and hit a leather bag until you are exhausted.

Have a holiday

If you just can’t choose which movie is worth watching when you feel bad, it’s better
leave the walls of the house and go for a walk. Some people find peace in a forest, a park or a public garden, while others need something completely different - a shopping trip, a visit to a stylist or hairdresser. Treat yourself to something delicious at the bistro, after all, you deserve it. Most likely, the next day life will not seem as dull and joyless as before.

And if the situation has gone too far, then a radical change of situation will solve the problem.

Go to the village to visit your grandmother or just get out of town for the weekend, or even better, buy a ticket to hot countries.

Believing in yourself and your strengths is what matters

When thinking about what kind of music you should listen to when you feel bad, stop at life-affirming melodies. Learn to rejoice for yourself, because you need it like air. Tell yourself something like: “That’s enough, we cried a little and it will be done. It's time to shake things up and look at things with different eyes.".

But really, maybe not everything is as bad as it seems? You can change your job, there is a chance to restore your relationship with your other half, and mom or dad will always remain the closest people, even when a wall of misunderstanding arises between you.

They say that thoughts are material and what you think about will definitely happen. If you don’t want a bad outcome of events, start thinking positively, visualize how your life is changing for the better, believe in a happy future and it will definitely happen. The main thing is to walk towards him with calm confidence.

An excellent example of this technique is the world famous Louise Hay - she is truly a legend who has written more than 30 books of popular psychology and developed her own method of curing all diseases using not only affirmations, but also visualization, nutritional cleansing, reflexology and psychotherapy.

Whatever happy man no matter what, he will always be missing something. Some small trifle, because of which everything will lose its color and your soul will become lousy. What to do in this case and how to deal with it? In this article we will talk about what to do when you feel bad at heart for no apparent reason.

And cats scratch at my soul

Every person knows this expression. It is known not only theoretically, but also practically. Everything seems to be fine, it seems to be happy, but still I feel lousy at heart. Why?? Often a person is not able to answer this “why” because he himself does not understand it. But still there are reasons. Very often the reason is disagreement with this way of life, self-deception, lack of happy moments, fear in connection with sudden changes and much, much more. You can deal with this on your own, but if nothing works out, you need to contact a specialist. Don’t be afraid of going to doctors, they are people too, they also have emotions and they can help you. A psychoanalyst will not only help you figure out what the problem is, but also suggest a solution.

What to do when you feel bad?

There are many things and activities that can help you combat low mood and depression. But before you start, you must admit that you really feel bad. First of all, admit it to yourself, and only then, if you want, to someone else. Understanding your problem means half solving it. So, let's find out what to do when you feel bad at heart.

  • First, don't avoid people. On the contrary, communicate as much as possible with your family and friends, throw parties and receptions, go on picnics and visits, but just don’t be alone with your thoughts and don’t distance yourself from your acquaintances - this is very dangerous.
  • Secondly, get a pet. A dog is best, as it is a very active family member who will definitely not let you get bored. Of course, you can also have a cat, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Third, try something new. Go to a resort, try a new dish, update your wardrobe, go to a rock concert or a play at the theater. Basically, do something you've never done before, feel something you've never felt before. New emotions and experiences will help you forget about depression and relieve you from your daily routine.
  • Fourth, do charity work. You can’t even imagine what a joy it is to help other people. Even the smallest ones, but still help.
  • Fifth, play sports. Morning jogging and working out in the gym will not only lift your spirits, but also allow you to keep yourself in good shape. Besides this good opportunity make new acquaintances.
  • Sixth, make your dreams come true. Write a list of things you would like to do, but are unlikely to dare to do. Wrote?? Now fulfill it, because dreams should come true, and not remain dreams!


After reading this article, you already know what to do when you feel bad. The main thing is to really fight this and not give up, because your happiness is in your hands - remember this.

Many people in their lives face different problems, betrayal, humiliation and other negative situations that affect psychological state. As a result, this can lead to the development of other problems. That is why the topic “what to do if I feel very bad” has remained relevant for many years. Psychologists give effective recommendations that will help you cope with your emotional state and return to normal life.

To solve a problem, you first need to understand what exactly caused it. Each person may have his own story, for example, a loved one left him, problems appeared at work, a relative passed away, etc.

Tips on what to do if bad thoughts enter your head:

  1. Psychologists say that you should never be alone. Because it is at this moment that a person begins to delve into himself, analyze the situation, in general, immerse himself even more in problems.
  2. Don't push away loved ones who sincerely want to help. Connecting with friends and family will help you take your mind off your problems and cheer you up. Effective recommendation, which concerns what to do if you feel very bad - be sure to speak out and talk about your emotions and experiences. This needs to be done once and as emotionally as possible.
  3. To forget about the past and move forward, put new ones. Perhaps it's time to realize your cherished dream. For example, if you want to travel, you can start teaching foreign language, save money and look for a suitable tour. All this will help you distract yourself and understand that there is a lot of beauty and joy in life.
  4. Psychologists give one more useful advice, which helps you understand what to do when very Bad mood- listen to music. Only the compositions should be cheerful and energetic. Select songs from the playlist that are associated with joyful events.

Life is wonderful, but your soul still feels bad? Life has nothing to do with it

You probably thought that I would offer you to buy rose-colored glasses and through them see how much is life beautiful?

No, I won’t suggest either rose-colored glasses or blue lenses. It's not that simple.

Today, in a conversation with young people, one can easily come across the objection “we are not like that, life is like that.” Those who are older express the same thought somewhat differently: “you can go crazy from such a life.”

Well, pensioners usually blame the authorities (former or current). Some of them go even higher and blame Satan, while others blame God.

So, throwing everything into one “pan”, people wonder why the resulting product is not digested and my heart feels so bad like never before.

Find out the real reasons for your fear and help people root this out of their souls.

You don't have to associate closely with someone who undermines your self-confidence.

It is the nature of petty souls to deprive others of confidence. You, being a generous person, on the contrary, instill in people a sense of confidence and inner conviction.

It's all in the hat

More precisely, in your own. Scan your character to see if fierce laziness, bitter selfishness and paralyzing fear have sprouted there.

Let completely different qualities fill you and then on the soul it will be easy. After all life is beautiful!