Skinny guys with long hair. Long hair in men - many reasons

A guy with long hair is standing in line, and a grandmother comes up behind him and asks:

“Girl, are you the last one?” He answers her: “I’m not a girl.”

Grandmother responded: “You fool, I found something to brag about.”

Historically, it happened that in Slavic peoples for many centuries inseparable sign feminine beauty had long hair. “A braid is a maiden beauty”, “A red braid is a light brown braid”, etc.

How many children's tears were shed under this innocent poem?

“Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow, braid, to your toes,

All the hairs are in a row.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused.

Daughter, listen to your mother.”

And this time, short-haired boys were supposed to constantly pull this pigtail! "Injustice!" - decided soviet women, and everyone, as one, unanimously cut off their hair for the sake of the party and equality with men. Which, of course, was later bitterly regretted. And about equality, by the way, too.

Now there is a trend of a second invasion of short haircuts on the female part of the population. But that's why it's short women's haircuts- this is normal, even sexy, and men with long hair are already the end of the world?! Don't they want to change their appearance? We need to figure this out.

Perhaps we should start with the fact that Not all peoples of the world have long hair as an attribute only of a woman’s appearance.

Africans wore (and continue to wear) traditional braids and other intricate hairstyles for long hair, regardless of gender. . Long dreadlocks are nothing more than long unwashed and uncut hair, traditional "hairstyles" of the inhabitants of the North, West Africa and Jamaica, which made them popular throughout the world.

So the first people to wear long hair and dreadlocks as a form of it are performers of reggae, rap and hard rock music. But the reasons for this appearance are different. Reggae is an attribute of the hippie culture, which sang equality and happiness for all, and Bob Marley introduced the fashion for dreadlocks.

Rockers (and their biker fans) wear long hair to emphasize their brutality. Like, for example, the vocalist of the band “Korn” Jonathan Davis.

Or rapper Lil Wayne.

In general, musicians like creative individuals Long hair suits me very well. They emphasize their unusualness and originality, or something... For example, the singer Gotye looks exactly like this.

And here’s how singer and actor Jared Leto appeared before the public at the recent EMA concert in Amsterdam.

Actor Ashton Kutcher let his hair down for filming in the film about Steve Jobs.

Everyone remembers Brad Pitt with long hair

And Johnny Depa too

Well, join them for company Hugh Jackman

However, hair also gives a number of other representatives of creative professions the “necessary” ambience. To the same artists and designers. John Galliano is not only the owner of luxurious hair, but also a lover different experiments with them.

Karl Lagerfeld looks very organic with his ponytail of completely gray hair.

David Beckham also has something of an aristocrat. In any case, his long hair gave him that look.

Long hair also suits the actor who plays Loki in the film Thor, Tom Hiddleston. What a “sexy” scoundrel;)

But the main argument against men with hair is the assertion that such a man supposedly looks feminine. Hmm, looking at Chris Hemsworth, it’s hard to see any hint of femininity in his long hair. Or is it just me?...

And in the photo where he holds his little India, he is the very embodiment of fatherhood and the idea of ​​a “strong male shoulder,” isn’t it?

In general, if you look at the root, masculinity and long hair are not mutually exclusive concepts, but interrelated! Samurai are traditionally depicted with long, straight hair. Almost all heroes of past eras also have long hair.

I remember a series from childhood about Hercules - here he is, the ideal defender! And with him is his friend Iolaus - also not with the shortest hair. It never occurred to me then that there was something wrong with them ;)

And the myth about the biblical hero Samson? So there's a whole tragic story was connected with his long hair! “Kind” Delilah decided to “correct” her beloved man’s hairstyle by cutting off his “unmanly” hair. And thereby deprived him of his power. And he had to fight Goliath in the morning! This is what unreasonable imitation of fashion leads to;)

In general, it seems to me that men choose short haircuts not because they don't like long hair or are afraid of ridicule from friends, but simply because Representatives of the stronger sex are too lazy to bother with their hair. After all, long hair requires care.

Unwashed, slicked down and tied into a ponytail with a green elastic band - this is the case when a man takes on an ANTI-male look.

Sometimes actor Russell Brand is guilty of this...)

And personally, I don’t see anything wrong with long hair on men. The main thing is that they suit him and he keeps them in good condition. in the right form. What do you think, dear readers of the site?

29 May 2011, 20:53

“From time immemorial, in Rus' and in all countries of Europe, Asia and America, men wore long hair, and no one saw anything purely feminine in this. In Europe and Russia, this custom existed before the introduction of wigs into fashion. When wigs were introduced, then their own hair began to be cut short, because otherwise it was inconvenient to use wigs. And when, almost two centuries later, the harmful fashion for wigs, invented to please several influential bald heads, passed away, the no less harmful habit of cutting hair short remained, because it had taken poisonous roots too deeply. But people of art - poets, artists, musicians - and scientists, philosophers, mystics, consciously or unconsciously, waged a constant struggle on this issue against the false opinion of the majority, growing long hair in spite of their perverted taste and acquiring mustaches and beards. Long hair among men, with some exceptions at the time of fashion for them, it was often a sign by which one could recognize an aristocrat of spirit. The spiritual elite unaccountably loved this sign and valued it. Long hair was scolded not because it was bad in itself, but only because the habit of cutting short hair was too deeply rooted among the broad masses, and, as a result, everything opposite to this seemed ugly. Long hair is under constant attack due to the fact that those who now take it upon themselves to have it, as a rule, limit themselves to only one possession, without at all trying to express their nobility to a higher idea." And yet, why do men grow long hair Hair? Once upon a time there lived a man named Samson. He had unprecedented power. What did he tell his beloved, Delilah, his strength lay in his hair, as soon as she learned about it, she realized that. , having cut off Samson's hair, she would be able to control it. She told Samson's enemies about this, who cut off his hair while he was sleeping. After this, Samson's strength left him, and he could no longer resist. Many of us know the story of Samson and Delilah. There are songs about him. Some will say that this is a myth. Well, perhaps, however, myths do not come from the air. People have known about it for a long time. magical properties hair, so they grew it as long as possible. Hair was not cut off as it is today, as it was considered to be a kind of thread that connects a person with astral world. “There is power in hair” - people have always known this, only under the influence of technological progress they forgot ancient knowledge. "When I first met my husband, he had long hair tied in a ponytail. It was love at first sight. And that was his strength. Frankly, I always liked men with long hair. It’s a pity that today few people wear just that length." Meanwhile, if today society treats long men’s hair more or less calmly, then there were times when such length meant anti-patriotism; in the eyes of society, men with long hair could only be considered drug addicts. In 1960, many teenagers grew their hair long in protest against the Vietnam War. And then they were called nothing more than “hippies”, “freaks”, “drug addicts”, but no one thought of characterizing their nature as “artistic”, “sensitive”. Why must a man have short hair? Because it's customary? Maybe. But think about what could be more boring than following the general flow. Photos taken from

Many Russians believe that hair is only needed for beauty, but in fact this is a big mistake, since the length of the hair speaks volumes.

Oddly enough, they are just as good as those of women. Let's take a closer look. Are you aware that in Russia it is still not common for everyone to watch long-haired men? And for some, it’s completely unpleasant to see them, especially those who are over 40 years old. And the reason for this is simple: they spent most of their lives in Soviet times, and then men were completely forbidden to wear long hair. Unfortunately…

Did you know that in some countries the situation is different? In France, for example, in the Middle Ages, on the contrary, it was forbidden to cut your hair short, wearing long hair was considered mandatory for males. There is a similar example in Rus'. Please note that most writers, poets, musicians, tsars and other celebrities of those times did not have such short hair, and until the time of Peter I it was generally forbidden to cut your hair short in Rus'. Also pay attention to the Indians: they have long hair - as a symbol of courage and spirituality.

Previously, many considered it a sin to cut hair; there were various beliefs associated with hair, including the belief that it had strength (Samson’s strength was in his hair), good hair in men they were a sign of health and masculinity. In Russia, the fashion for cutting hair began with the First World War, when cut hair became a sign that a man had been to the front, where his hair was cut due to unsanitary conditions. And after the Second World War, it became generally a shame for a man not to serve in the army and not to participate in the war, hence the negative attitude towards long-haired men. There is another reason why the attitude towards men with hair in Russia is not as favorable as we would like. This is written at the very beginning of this article. In our country, please note, it is fashionable to look like a bandit, and bandits just like short haircuts. By the way, in countries South America who did not participate in these wars, the attitude towards long-haired men is absolutely adequate - no one in any way identifies the character and actions of a person with his hair.

And now the reasons

01. Long hair adds beauty and attractiveness. Everyone knows that beauty is also important to many men. For the sake of decency. For example, introduce yourself on television or perform on stage.

02. Hair length speaks about a person’s character, as well as tastes and interests. For example, I walk like this because I like it this way, this is my image, my lifestyle. This is how I attract people close to me. Think for yourself: communicating with like-minded people is much easier. There is even a proverb on the topic: “A bird is visible by its flight.” This is what they say about people who, through their deeds and their appearance, show others their nature.

03. Long hair is used as protection. In winter, for example, they protect your head from the cold, because they are able to retain heat, and in summer they protect you from sunstroke. They also protect the scalp from external influences environment, for example, from hail or from small sharp objects falling on the head. They also protect the head from wasps, bees, mosquitoes and other annoying insects. I was once attacked by a bee, and it got stuck in my hair, as if it were in a spider’s web! 🙂

04. You can wash such hair less often, since it takes much longer to get dirty than short hair. Washing them once every 2-3 days will be enough. But some people still have to wash them more often, depending on their hair type.

05. You don’t spend money on the hairdresser as often as those who like crew cuts do. Such haircuts are also sometimes called “prisoner-style” haircuts.

06. Long hair is much more pleasant to wear. At least it is for me. I feel more confident with them, although... it’s up to anyone...

07. As already described above, until the 20th century, almost all great people wore long hair, as it bestows intelligence and mental strength. Slaves, on the contrary, had their hair cut very short, or even shaved bald, so that they could not gain intelligence, thanks to which they could prevent the authorities from quietly carrying out their affairs.

08. Short-haired men all look the same, but with hair it is better to push aside individuality in order to stand out in some way. It is unreasonable to somehow put all people under the same brush, we are all different people. And short-haired men are like bandits who deliberately cut their hair short to make it harder to recognize them. And plus, bearers of hair, they at least look like people compared to those who every time...

09. I once noticed another benefit of wearing long hair on the head: thanks to it, you begin to slouch less, so that it does not interfere with the natural view of our eyes.

10. And finally, last reason, in which people can believe mainly spiritually developed personalities: hair is like antennas for communication with space. They give a person mental strength, which is needed, for example, for thinking and awareness. And the longer a person’s hair, the more power he receives. Hair really is a conductor of cosmic energy, and for this its length must be at least 7 cm. Long hair for our ancestors in Rus' is WISDOM!

It is also worth noting that each person is the master of his own life, so it is up to him personally to decide how to walk and what to wear. The main thing is that it does not harm other people. And if someone can’t handle such an appearance in men, then he has the right to simply not look at them. And if someone is afraid of this, then the emphasis should be on their fear. As they also say, strength lies in overcoming your fears, and not in the number of muscles on your body. And since nature has blessed us with hair, why deprive ourselves of it? I’m not saying, of course, that hair should be shoulder-length, or even lower... I, for example, love hair medium length, because I prefer the golden mean in everything.

And by the way... If you happen to lose your wealth, you never know, they forced you to cut your hair or cut it according to the principle, here is a guide that describes in detail how to speed up hair growth as quickly as possible, and in general how to care for it. I will also inform you that hair grows faster when it is fertilized. You don’t have to wash them for a long time, for that matter...

In general, I hope that this article was useful to you.

Good luck to you! Take care of yourself and your hair! 🙂

Search queries that found this page:

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Many Russians believe that hair is only needed for beauty, but in fact this is a big mistake, since the length of the hair speaks volumes.

Long hair for men, oddly enough, are just as good as those of women. Let's take a closer look. Are you aware that in Russia it is still not common for everyone to watch long-haired men? And for some, it’s completely unpleasant to see them, especially those who are over 40 years old. And the reason for this is simple: they spent most of their lives in Soviet times, and then men were completely forbidden to wear long hair. Unfortunately…

Did you know that in some countries the situation is different? In France, for example, in the Middle Ages, on the contrary, it was forbidden to cut your hair short; wearing long hair was considered mandatory for males. There is a similar example in Rus'. Please note that most writers, poets, musicians, kings and other celebrities of those times did not have such short hair, and until the time of Peter I, it was generally forbidden to cut your hair short in Rus'. Also pay attention to the Indians: they have long hair - as a symbol of courage and spirituality.

Previously, many considered it a sin to cut hair; there were various beliefs associated with hair, including the belief that it had strength (Samson’s strength was in his hair); good hair in men was a sign of health and masculinity. In Russia, the fashion for cutting hair began with the First World War, when cut hair became a sign that a man had been to the front, where his hair was cut due to unsanitary conditions. And after the Second World War, it became generally a shame for a man not to serve in the army and not to participate in the war, hence the negative attitude towards long-haired men. There is another reason why the attitude towards men with hair in Russia is not as favorable as we would like. This is written at the very beginning of this article. In our country, please note, it is fashionable to look like a bandit, and bandits just like short haircuts. By the way, in the countries of South America that did not participate in these wars, the attitude towards long-haired men is absolutely adequate - no one at all identifies a person’s character and actions with his hair.

And now the reasons:

01. Long hair adds beauty and attractiveness. Everyone knows that beauty is also important to many men. For the sake of decency. For example, introduce yourself on television or perform on stage.

02. Hair length speaks about a person’s character, as well as tastes and interests. For example, I walk like this because I like it this way, this is my image, my lifestyle. This is how I attract people close to me. Think for yourself: it’s much easier to communicate with like-minded people.

03. Long hair is used as protection. In winter, for example, they protect your head from the cold, because they are able to retain heat, and in summer they protect you from sunstroke. They also protect the scalp from external environmental influences, for example, from hail or from small sharp objects falling on the head. They also protect the head from wasps, bees, mosquitoes and other annoying insects. I was once attacked by a bee, and it got stuck in my hair, as if it were in a spider’s web!

04. You can wash such hair less often, since it takes much longer to get dirty than short hair. Washing them once every 2-3 days will be enough. But some people still have to wash them more often, depending on their hair type.

05. You don’t spend money on the hairdresser as often as those who like crew cuts do. Such haircuts are also sometimes called “prisoner-style” haircuts.

06. Long hair is much more pleasant to wear. At least it is for me. I feel more confident with them, although... it’s up to anyone...

07. As already described above, until the 20th century, almost all great people wore long hair, as it bestows intelligence and mental strength. Slaves, on the contrary, had their hair cut very short, or even shaved bald, so that they could not gain intelligence, thanks to which they could prevent the authorities from quietly carrying out their affairs.

08. Short-haired men all look the same, but with hair it is better to push aside individuality in order to stand out in some way. It is unreasonable to somehow put all people under the same brush, we are all different people. And short-haired men are like bandits who deliberately cut their hair short to make it harder to recognize them. And plus, bearers of hair, they at least look like people compared to those who every time...

09. I once noticed another benefit of wearing long hair on the head: thanks to it, you begin to slouch less, so that it does not interfere with the natural view of our eyes.

10. And finally, the last reason, which can be believed mainly by spiritually developed individuals: hair, it is like an antenna for communication with the cosmos. They give a person mental strength, which is needed, for example, for thinking and awareness. And the longer a person's hair, the more power he receives. Hair really is a conductor of cosmic energy, and for this its length must be at least 7 cm. Long hair for our ancestors in Rus' is WISDOM!